MAY 28, 1981 30¢ P~R GOP'( Bertram Bernhardt Elected to ACLU Says Anti-Terror Squad Brandeis Board of Fellows
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R. I. Jewish Historical Association 11 130 Sessions Street Providence, RI 02906 Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 27 THURSDAY MAY 28, 1981 _30¢ P~R GOP'( Bertram Bernhardt Elected To ACLU Says Anti-Terror Squad Brandeis Board Of Fellows educational and public life who lend counsel May Violate First Amendment and support to University programs. by Linda A. Acciardo Chairman of the dinne r honoring an unmarked car and photographed Bernhardt is James Winoker, president of While Jewish and community leaders are protestors of the American involvement in El B. B. Greenberg of Provide nce. Serving as co praising the establishment of an anti-terrorist Salvador. "The fear is that we will be seeing chairme n are Bertram M. Brown of Paw undercove r police 'team formed by Mayor more of this undercover surveillance and tucke t and Norman N. Fain, Ernest Nathan, Vincent A. Cianci Jr., a controversy is brew many individuals, who support the team in Clark Simonds and Morton Smith, a ll of ing over the cdnstitutionality of the squad. vestigating the plans of Nazis, could find Providence. Rabbi Lesli e Y. Gutterman a nd The mayor formed the team in response to themselves on the other side of the fence be Brande is Fellows Benjamin Brie r, Stephe n complai nts_ of h a rassme nt, painting of ing investigated," he said. Hassenfeld, Ma tilda Irving and Samuel swastikas, defacing of gravestones in Jewish " The investigations should be conducted Ra paporte, Jr. have been named honorary cemeteries, the sending of hate mail to the same way as if there were no groups at chairpersons. All are Providence residents. Jewish people and the making of threatening all," Brown said. Since the work of the police A me mber of the Brande is President's phone ca lls to Jews or political radicals. team will be largely secret and undercover Council since 1959, Be rnhardt is one of the Earlier this spring, leaders of community opportunities for abuse of these intelligence earliest Brande is supporte rs in Rhod e Isla nd. groups throughout the state formed the powers become very tempting, be added. During the I 950s, he served as chairman of Rhode Island Coalition Against Bigotry to History shows what happens when police the board of the Brandeis Club of Rhode deal with those iss ues and, this month, are given power and investigate extremist Isla nd and helped to esta blish support fo r the Governor Carrahy signed into law a bill that groups, Brown said, "and end up in University in the state. would make it a fe lony, rather than a mis vestigating lawfully supported groups." Bernhardt, who is preside nt of Temple demeanor, to commit these and other acts of The Rev. Paul G. Gillespie, chairman of Beth El of Providence, has been active in the racial harassme nt. · th~ R_~ode Island Coalition Against Bigotry Bl ackstone Vall ey Chamber of Commerce, Although the American Civil Liberties , said, I do have positive feelings about the BERTRAM L. BERNHARDT which he serves as president; the Roger Union acknowl edges the Mayor' s good in tea m, but I think that with the legislation tentions, ACLU executive director Steven WALTHAM , Mass. - Be rtram L. Williams Lodge of B'nai B'rith; the Jewish we will have to be very careful that we don' t Brown says the group poses a threat to First Bernhardt of Provide nce, Rhode Island Community Center of Provide nce; the infringe on anyone's civil rights. As a civil Amendment rights. businessman a nd philanthropist, has been Jewish home for the Aged of Rhode Island; libertarian, that would always be a concern The ACLU obj'ects to the purpose of the elected to the Board of Fellows of Brandeis Rhode Island Public Expe nditure Council; of mine." Gillespie's reference to legislation undercover police team as stated by Mayor University. and the United Way. concerns the new law sponsored for Gov Bernhardt, a member of the investment For his many years of service to the com Cianci to " keep track of the Ku Klux Kla n, ernor Garrahy at the request of the coalition firm of Drexel Burnham Lambert, will Be in munity, he received the " Humanitarian neo-Nazi a11d other extremist groups in which now makes it a felony to deface Provide nce," Brown said. " It poses a threat ducted as a Fellow of the Unive rsity on June Award" from the American Jewish Commit property with anti-Semite or racial slurs. to the First Amendment rights of these and 24 at a 6 :30 p.m. dinner at the Ledgemont tee and the " Man of the Year Award" from Anything t h-,;t will help to lessen the inci~ other groups to meet," he added. Country Club. B' nai B' rith. dents of harassment, has got to bring about The conce rn expressed by the ACLU, rests Brandeis President Marver H. Bernstein A graduate of Boston University's College the results, we' re looking for, said Samuel with the approach of the investigative squad, will be principal speake r at the event, during of Business Administration, Bernhardt is a Shle vin, a national commissioner of the Anti the '" T e rrorist-Extre mist Suppression which a scholarship fund wi ll be established former vice preside nt of Teknor Apex Co. , a Defamation League of B' nai B' rith ex Team." in the name of Be rnhardt and his wife, business firm he was associated with fo r 33 ecutive director of the Providence Hebrew " It is inappropriate to seek out individual H elene. years. Vay School and memberof the R.I. Coalition membe rs because they are affiliated with a The new Brandeis Fellow joins a group of He and his wife, the former Helene Donig, Against Bigotry. Shlevin said he is pleased group,.. Brown said. The ACLU sees no nearl y 500 national leaders from business, are longtime residents of Providence. that not only the Governor's bill passed, bot proble m with the poli ce exercising their law that all these kinds of harassments are e nforcement role and investigating specific properly policed and that it is a full-time incidents such as the defacing property, police effor! Beth-El Sisterhood Installs Officers painting swastikas, making threatening Gillespie ·does notc.belie:,e the undercove~ phone calls or sending hate_ mail: police team " is the total solution. There ·is Brown protested the forma tion of the fear among citizens to report incidents of squad at a press conference he ld Tuesday on harassment, Gillespie said. Homosexuals and the steps of the Federal Courthouse. He said black persons rarely report harassment to the he chose that spot because of an incide nt police and complaints of anti-Semitic harass the re last April 15 when two unidentified ment are usually channeled through the police officers approached the courthouse in (Continued on pag~ 3) NEWLY INSTALLED OFFICERS of Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El for the coming year are (from left): Rachel Kaufman, .vice president; Dorothy Fishbein, vice president; Melba Meister, president and Patty Gordon, vice president. Sisterhood of T~mple Beth-El install ed Ei senstadt, Ze lda Fe ldma n a nd Ka yla Melba Meister of Pawtucket as pres ide nt at Flame r. Director l'o fill an unexpired term of its recent annual meeting. one year is Te rrie Feldma n. Forme r presi Other offi cers install ed by past president de nts on the executive board are Ph yllis Zara Ma tzner are: Dorothy Fishbe in , Pa tty Goldberg and Dorothea Snyder. Re tiring of Cordon. and Rachel Kaufman, vice presi fi cers on the executive board for one year in dents; Il ene Winegard , recording secretary; clude Anita Barwood , Ma rtha Finger a nd Ar Sandra Bass, corresponding secre ta ry; Lynn dean Botvin. Stepak, mailing secretary; Arl ene Zisserson, Nominating committee membe rs include: KIWANIS CLUB LEADERS from all six New England states assembled at New England ass istant mailing secretary; Martha Fowle r, Ardean Bolvin, chairman, Zelda Feldman, Medical Center (NEMC) In Boston recently and took part In a special series of "Trauma financial secretary; Lorna Schiffman, assis Andrea Finkel, Ph yllis Goldberg, Hazel Day" programs. The conference was hosted by the Kiwanis Foundation of New Eng tant fin ancial secre ta ry ; Sondra Price, Grossma n, Reva Lewis a nd Sondra Medwin. land, which Is spearheading development of a unique Regional Pediatric Trauma treasurer; a nd Ann Klein, assistant treasure r. Membe rs selected to position to the Institute, based at the Boston Floating Hospital, pediatric unit of NEMC. Participating Directo rs for 1981-84 include : Joan honorary board include Roslyn Applebaum, Klwanlans from Rhode Island were: (from left) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernstein of Paw Abrams, Miriam Berklehammer, Mildred Ardean Bolvin a nd Doris Sher. tucket, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodde of Riverside. 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1981 PHILIP GLANZMAN ROSE LEVIN Owner Of Wholesale Liquor Firm PROVIDENCE - Rose Levin, 84, a resi PROVIDENCE - Philip Glanzman, 87, dent member of the Jewish Home for the Obituaries of 93 Hartshorn Rd., president and founder Aged, 99 Hillside Ave., died Monday, May of Philip Glanzman and Co. , 48 Charl es St. , 25 at Miriam Hospital after a two-week until retiring in 1967, died Friday, May 22 illness. She was the widow of Abraham D. while at home. JOSEPH KESSLER Levin.