Students Receive Awards at Honor Day Exercises

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Students Receive Awards at Honor Day Exercises bThe Cpectall."" -luiclue "THE SOUTH'S LIVEST COLLEGE WEEKLY" Georgia School of Technology vol.. XV THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1926 NO. 24 ■ ■■■ STUDENTS •RECEIVE•••• ....INE■m..11■ AWARDS AT HONOR DAY EXERCISES ••311.■ NE W DORMITORY BOYD, BOGGS AND TO BE COMPLETED DUNKIN RECEIVE IN SEPTEMBER TAU BETA PI CUPS Work Being Rushed In Order To Be Occupied Joseph Eichberg, Commerce Incoming Freshmen Senior, Receives Delta By Sigma Pi Scholarship Key NAMED IN HONOR OF JUDGE S. P. GILBERT GOVERNOR HARRIS PRINCIPAL SPEAKER Plans Designed By Bush- Phi Kappa Phi, and Gold Brown and Stowell of "T"s Presented. Architectural Dept. School Honor Roll Read Work on the new dormitory to be Scholarship honors were bestowed located on Techwood Drive across upon men of all classes Tuesday from Grant Field and next to the morning in the Academic Chapel, Jules Brown Memorial Dormitory is when Tech observed its annual Honor progressing very rapidly and accord- Day. The Honorable Price Gilbert, ing to an announcement made the Justice of the Supreme Court of other day by those in charge of the Georgia, was the speaker of the oc- building, it will be completed some casion, and his address which covered Photo by Lane Bros. time near the middle of September. The New Dormitory located on Techwood Drive the history of scholarly achievement, It will be ready for occupancy by brought up high ideals in the minds the freshmen of the class of 1930. of his audience. The new dormitory will be named AUBURN SERIES Tau Beta Pi scholarship cups were in honor of Ex-Governor Nat E. Har- 400 ATTENDED INTER-FRATERNITY presented to S. W. Boyd, senior; Gil- ris, who is the oldest member of the STARTS TODAY bert Boggs, junior; and William T. Georgia Tech Board of Directors, and BANQUET SATURDAY EVENING Dunkin, sophomore, for high stand- has served in this capacity since the Plainsmen Expected To ings in the Engineering courses of organization of the school in 1888. It Bring Strongest Team their respective classes. is not known definitely just what ON ANSLEY ROOF DEBATING TEAM Jackets Have Played Joseph Eichberg, senior in the Com" form the name will take. This Season merce department, was honored with The plans for the building were UNDER DIRECTION MEETS UNIV. OF the Delta Sigma Pi scholarship key. drawn by Professors Bush-Brown and Bringing with them practically a Dean Seal, of the French Textile Stowell, of the Tech Architectural OF FRAT COUNCIL W. VA. TONIGHT new team, the Auburn Tigers invade School, awarded the scholarship medal of the Textile school to W. F. Car- Department. Grant Field this afternoon for the Majority of Members of All Will Be Held In "Y" Chapel first of a two-game series. While the micheal. Chapters on Campus At 8 o'Clock Tigers have almost a new team, they The following men were presented WORK BEGINS ON Present have a number of stars on their pitch- Phi Kappa Phi certificates by Mr. H. Debating will formally open at Tech ing staff who have been hurling air- H. Caldwell, Registrar: NEW BETA HOUSE tonight when Tech's forensix artists tight ball and Southern opponents Burke, C. E., Glover, J. B., Eich- DEAN SHEPARDSON meet with speakers from the Univer- have been finding the offerings of berg, J., Traylor, G. H., Wagener, F. PRINCIPAL SPEAKER sity of West Virginia on the subject, Prominent Members of the these flingers hard to hit. W., Edge, A. B., Hamilton, W. F., "Resolved, That Democracy as a politi- Fraternity Present For able Rustin, W. C., Jones, J. L., Anding, Program of Songs and cal ideal in the United States has been No pitching staff has yet been J. L., Powell, T. R., Moore, B. W., Corner Stone Laying Speeches Prove Highly a failure." The debate will take place to withstand the attack of the Jackets' bats and it is probable that the heavy Hamilton, C. W., Keene, J. A., Boyd, Entertaining To All in the "Y" chapel at 8 o'clock. Francis W. Shepperd, national hitters will have their strength tested S. W., Harris, H. C., Thomas, S. M., president of the Beta Theta Pi fra- Joe Eichberg will speak first for More than four hundred Georgia by the Plainsmen hurlers. Scarbrough, P. J., Wilkins, J. D., Lu- ternity, laid the cornerstone for the Tech on the negative side of the ques- Coach Clay has not decided who ter, J. G., Carmicheal, W. L. new chapter house which is to be built Tech fraternity men were present tion, and he will be followed by Doc at the Inter-Fra- will start on the mound for the Jack- Dr- Henry and Professors Fulmer, by the Tech chapter. The ceremony Saturday evening Watterson and Irvin Ingram. Mr. Folk took place on Saturday afternoon, ternity banquet held on the roof of of the English department has been ets, but one of the veterans, Conn or Simmons, Folk and Beardsley of the April 3. Among the prominent men the Ansley hotel. This was the larg- couching the team which has been (Continued on Page 7, Column 1) faculty were awarded certificates of est gathering of Tech fraternity men meeting in regular practices for sev- membership in Phi Kappa Phi. of the fraternity who were present ever held in the city and included in eral weeks. The following seniors were awarded Were: Fred L. Rand, N. C. Harrison, NOTICE certificates of membership in Tau its number a large representation This is Tech's third year in debat- Dr. Dunbar Roy, L. C. Hamlin, for- Beta Pi Honorary Engineering fra- from all the chapters on the campus. ing, and it promises to be better than All bids for the freshman cap mer district chief, and a large gather- ternity: True Tech spirit reigned through- the previous both in ability shown and contract must be in the hands of ing of prominent alumni from the Gilbert, H. T., Robeson, J. L., Bel- out in a very informal, enthusiastic in the number of debates handled. the Koseme Society on or before Tech chapter. linger, F., Riviere, J. A., Pitcher display by all, Ftudents and execu- Last year the team met in a dual de- May 10 as this is positively the The cost of the new Beta home will Boyd, S. W., Burke, C. E., Markert, tives. "Tech" in white and gold bate with Mercer University and was last date that bids will be received. be approximately $50,000 when com- Bivins, A. C., Wilkins, J. D., defeated both in Macon and Atlanta. P. M., pletely finished and furnished. Actual (Continued on Page 2, Column 5) Rumble, E. B., Stubbs, W. P. construction is expected to begin The pledges of Tau Beta Pi among Within a very short time and the house 6 the members of the junior class were finished and ready to be occupied in a announced as follows: few months. It is to consist of four Anderson, W. M., Pitts, L. W., Fin- stories, including the basement. The cher, H. D., Boggs, G. H., Kennedy, top floor is to be the sleeping quar- 0 i K. W., Sherffins, W. S., Hill, F. M., ters, the second floor the study rooms, McGraw, W. M., Kaestle, F. L., dressing rooms, baths, and etc. On Stephens, J. W., Gunn, A. W. the first floor will be the dining room 1 The following men were presented and the living rooms so arranged that Gold "T's" for high scholarship dur- a spacious ballroom may be made ing their first two and one-half years: from them, while in the basement will Anderson, W. M., Pitts, L. W., Mar- be the chapter meeting quarters, ini- shall, W. E., Boggs, G. H., Kennedy, tiation rooms, etc. W. K., Byrd, W. 0., Nicholl, J. F., The Betas are the first fraternity Chaille, J. H., Stalker, W. G., Phil- at Tech to build their own home, and lips, J. L., Edwards, P. M., Smith, thus establish a milestone on Tech's C. C., Rankin, V. 0., Gore, E. J. future fraternity row. Seal, G. M., McGraw, W. M., Dibble, C. H., Kaestle, F. L., Smith, J. L., SKULL AND KEY INITIATES Whittlesey, J. H., Bird, G. T., Young, "NUMBSKULLS" J. L., Gunn, A. W., Turner, A. D., Grant, M. B., Loyd, C. Y. Eleven new members were ushered The Honor Rolls were officially into the Skull & Key society at their read by Registrar H. H. Caldwell. initiation held April 3, following a _mot -watt' HONOR ROLL Seniors Week of campus activities on the part h. - i°rnS. M. of the "Numbskulls." The new mem- - - - Chemistry—Traylor , G. H., Robinson. J. s‘1744 Civil Engineering—Anding. J. L., Wagener. bers include Bob Horn, Buster !Tar- aft, ir.‘ F. M.. Pitcher. F.. Powell. T. K. tu, Tubby Shepherd, Archie Hunter, Co-Op—Hamilton, W. F., Hamilton, C. W.. Keene. J. A. Alfred Lawton, Ed Burns, Gene • Commerce—Eichbera. .1.. Loyd. C. Y.. Hi!- E. B.. White, Ilanget, Holland Lloyd, Buddy Hol- • 1 al'ildle Davis,c le nGce—.Wj: S teVerbbins j°. "sC. .A.. Oliver. W.H. land, Pat Bates and George Sprick. Photo by Lane Bros. IrGe.Cj.n:e7 S Annotu Electrical Engineering—Boyd, S. W.. Burke. ►cement of the annual Skull PROMINENT MEN _ATTEND CORNER STONE LAYING C. E.. Thomas. S. M., Paullin. C. S.. Harris, 4 ley dance which is to be held this new Beta chapter H. C..• Traber. J. P. the Beta Theta Pi fraternity laying the corner stone for the (Continued on Page 8, Column 1) Wring will be made in the near Dean Shepardson, president of streets.
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