Sout H Cot Sw Old Ram Blers' Group
Sout h Cot sw old Ram bler s’ Group New sletter February 201 1 Published each year in February, June and October. We look forward to hearing from you with stories, opinions, photos, poetry, art, funny tales, cartoons, appeals, you name it. Please contact the Editor, Mike Garner, by 7 May 2011 CHAIRMAN’S UPDATE BEFORE... ince I last sat at my computer tapping out a Chairman’s report for the Group Newsletter back in October there have Sbeen a number of developments. At the Group AGM, which was held at Rodborough Tabernacle, Ron Dowdeswell became Vice Chairman, replacing John Corry. Next year the meeting will be held at the same venue but on a Saturday. We are planning a walk beforehand with a guest speaker after the meeting. The Area AGM followed at the beginning of December. The business side of the meeting saw me appointed Area Chairman and it was followed by two very interesting speakers, James Blockley, National Trails Officer of the Cotswold Way and Richard Holmes of Cirencester Group who demonstrated his footpaths database. The coming year as you know will see a push for new members. There are a number of initiatives to watch out for including an arrangement for March whereby first year’s subs ...... ANDAND AFTERAFTER !!!! from any new member joining by the leaflet Direct Debit is paid to the Group for them to use for Ramblers charitable objectives locally. (P le a s e m a k e s u re th e c o d e o n th e b o tto m rig h t o f th e D ire c t D e b it fo rm is a lte re d to R 11G 3P).
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