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WHITTLESEY, FAITH RYAN: Files, 1983-1985

Office of Public Liaison: Assistant to the President for Public Liaison. Director of the ] U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, 1981-1983; 1985-1988

Ambassador Whittlesey’s collection contains the work product of her immediate predecessor as Director of the Office of Public Liaison, Elizabeth Hanford Dole.

Biographical Note

Faith Ryan Whittlesey (born 1939) is a former Republican politician and senior staff member. Whittlesey served twice as the U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland for President , for a total of nearly five years as Ambassador. She was also an Assistant to the President for Public Liaison and directed this large office in the White House. The Office of Public Liaison’s primary purpose is to “sell” the President’s agenda to interest and opinion groups and to offer them a line of communication into the White House. She is best known for working with evangelical, Catholic, and other conservative Christian groups who opposed legalized abortion. Whittlesey also organized the White House Central American Outreach Group at the direction of Chief of Staff to provide information about Reagan's anti- communist policies in the region.

Whittlesey was born Faith Ryan in 1939 in Jersey City, New Jersey to Martin Roy Ryan of Maybrook, New York, and Amy Jerusha (Covell) of Pope's Mills, New York. She grew up in Williamsville, New York, and graduated with honors from Williamsville Central High School in 1956. In 1955 she was selected to participate in the American Field Service program to Flensburg, Germany. In 1958 she participated in the Experiment in International Living program to Austria. She earned a full-tuition scholarship to attend Wells College in Aurora, New York, where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa and cum laude in 1960 with a BA in history. She also earned a full-tuition scholarship to the law school at the University of Pennsylvania and a Ford Foundation grant to attend a program at The Hague Academy of International Law in The Netherlands. Whittlesey is also an accomplished classical pianist and former piano teacher. She

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Whittlesey - 2 has one sibling, Thomas Martin Ryan, who graduated Yale College magna cum laude in 1963, received an MA from the University of Michigan and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

In 1963 she married Roger Weaver Whittlesey of Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania, a graduate of the William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia and Bowdoin College in Maine. Roger Whittlesey was an advertising executive from an illustrious family. They had 3 children and 10 grandchildren. Roger Whittlesey committed suicide in March 1974

Because her father was a "Roman Catholic in the Irish tradition" it has been incorrectly assumed that Whittlesey grew up as a Catholic, when in fact her mother's family did not approve of her father's Catholicism. "[S]o he left the Catholic Church," Whittlesey explained in her Memoirs. "He attended the Methodist Church with my mother and brother, Tom, and me. I was thus raised as a Methodist. As a family we went to the Williamsville, New York, Methodist Church every Sunday. I went to regular Sunday school and sang in the choirs." Her husband's family was Presbyterian. Whittlesey converted to Roman Catholicism in 2000 in Staten Island, New York, having been greatly influenced as a result of her Reagan administration association with John Cardinal O'Connor of New York. She was baptized and confirmed by Father Michael Reilly, principal of St. Joseph's By-the-Sea High School in Staten Island, New York.

After her first employment as a substitute teacher in 1963 and 1964, Whittlesey held a variety of governmental positions: Special Assistant Attorney General in Pennsylvania assigned to the Pennsylvania Banking Code Revision Project (1964–65), law clerk for Federal District Court Judge Francis L. Van Dusen, E.D.P.A. (1965), a Special Assistant Attorney General assigned to the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (1967–70), Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (1970–1972). In 1972 she was elected as a Representative in the Pennsylvania Legislature representing the 166th Legislative District in Delaware Country. In 1974 she was reelected to the Legislature. In 1975 she was elected to the Delaware County Board of Commissioners, now known as the Delaware County Council and reelected in 1979. She served alternately as Chairman and Vice Chairman. She lost the 1978 Republican primary for Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania.

While serving in the Delaware County government, Whittlesey briefly held her first job in the private sector, taking a part-time job as the token Republican at the law firm Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen LLP in Philadelphia. After leaving Switzerland, Whittlesey joined the New York- based law firm of Myerson & Kuhn until its 1990 bankruptcy filing. In 1998 she started her own consulting firm, Maybrook Associates. She has also served on several corporate boards over the years, including the U.S. Advisory Board for Nestle. Since 1989 she has been a board member of Schindler Elevator Corporation USA, headquartered in Morristown, New Jersey. Since 1992 she has served as a board member of Valassis Communications, Inc., headquartered in Livonia, Michigan.

She was admitted to the bar of Pennsylvania in 1964 and remains in non-resident active status.

During the 1980s, Whittlesey was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to several posts, including one on the White House senior staff. Firstly, she served as Ambassador to

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Switzerland from1981-1983, and again after serving in the White House, 1985-1988. In her first term as Swiss Ambassador she initiated negotiations in an acrimonious dispute between the U.S. and Switzerland that later led to the signing of a "Memorandum of Understanding on Insider Trading," the first major changing of the strict tradition of Swiss banking secrecy. She was a particularly active Ambassador and traveled often around Switzerland explaining and advocating Reagan's policies and developing contacts with Swiss opinion leaders.

Whittlesey resumed her duties representing the U.S. in Bern for a second term in 1985. She was the first to greet President Reagan as he stepped off the plane in Geneva for his meeting with Gorbachev in November, 1985. After Democrats took control of the Senate in 1986, allegations were made about Ambassador Whittlesey’s misuse of some funds at the embassy. After investigations, she was completely exonerated. Whatever the partisan or personal motives of the accusations, Whittlesey resigned in 1988 after the uncomfortable situation of the past few years. Widely regarded by political admirers and detractors alike as a most effective U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, shortly after her return to New York City she was asked to assume the Presidency of the American Swiss Foundation by its board.

Whittlesey had been an early Reagan supporter and active Republican throughout Reagan’s two tries at the Republican Presidential nomination. She was elected an alternate delegate from Pennsylvania to the 1976 Republican National Convention and as a delegate in 1980 and 1984. As an elected delegate at the 1980 Republican National Convention in Detroit, Whittlesey co- chaired with Congressman Jack Kemp the Subcommittee for Foreign Policy and Defense of the Platform Committee and delivered Reagan's defense plank to the Convention. Regarded as a "conviction conservative," Whittlesey strongly identified with Reagan's core agenda, which she described as "support for the peaceful defeat of the Soviet Union without commitment of U.S. troops in combat, defense of life, opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment with its hidden agenda of tax-funded abortion and same-sex marriage, decentralized government, lower taxes and reduced government regulation of the private sector, school prayer, defeat of Marxism- Leninism in its various permutations and manifestations, individual Second Amendment rights, the establishment of official diplomatic recognition of the Vatican, and support for tuition tax credits for parochial schooling."

Because of this strong belief in Reagan core values, she was asked to be the Assistant to the President for Public Liaison and Director of that Office. This office serves as a line of communication both into and out of the White House for interest, advocacy and opinion leaders and groups. Whittlesey replaced who left the White House to become Secretary of Transportation.

Her tenure was marked by initiatives to improve the access of conservative Christian believers to the American political process and national policymaking. She was considered their most "aggressive ally" in the White House. In 1985, she sent the anti-abortion film The Silent Scream, which was a documentary of an ultrasound abortion at three months produced in 1984 by anti- abortion activist and former NARAL founder Dr. Bernard Nathanson, to every member of Congress and arranged for a screening at the White House at which Dr. Nathanson presented the film.

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Whittlesey also developed active White House outreach to "Reagan Democrats."

At the direction of White House Chief of Staff, James Baker, Whittlesey also spent a good deal of time organizing communication of information about Reagan's overall policies in Central America and, in particular, the anticommunist “” in . In 1983 she established the White House Outreach Working Group on Central America to garner increased private sector understanding of Reagan's policies, including working with, among many other individuals and groups, the American Security Council Foundation, to produce anti-Sandinista propaganda (what she would call "truth-telling") films, and the Council for National Policy to produce materials that revealed the Marxist-Leninist orientation of the Sandanista movement. Among those groups that participated in the Outreach Group effort was the AFL-CIO because "the Sandinistas were against free labor unions."

Despite its effectiveness, Whittlesey says the Outreach Group was shut down in 1985 when Donald Regan took over as Chief of Staff and the White House "started the brown bag operation with Ollie North. What we were doing was completely open and above board. It was an honest effort to change minds and hearts and to provide a forum for truth telling". According to Whittlesey, "the Washington establishment, especially Democratic but also most of the Republican, was opposed to, wanted to downplay, or gave the silent treatment to Reagan's Central American anti-communist policies."

Later, when asked about Iran-Contra she said: "I had no knowledge of the Iran-Contras connection. I had no involvement in it, nor was I asked to be a part of it." The final House report on Iran-Contra concluded that Whittlesey unsuccessfully attempted to help obtain a U.S. passport for a fake Saudi prince who claimed to have knowledge of the locations of hostages being held in Lebanon. Whittlesey has repeatedly and emphatically denied this charge, for which she maintains no proof was produced, as a politically motivated attempt to discredit her White House Outreach Group initiative, which had been "a legitimate and in every respect legal attempt to communicate Reagan's anti-communist policy in Central America."

During her tenure at Public Liaison, Whittlesey clashed with some other members of the Reagan White House staff whom she regarded as "largely Washington permanent government party functionaries not very committed to advocating the President's policies in a serious or consistent way." She believed she was carrying a torch as a “true Reaganite.” This was a common complaint from staff members in the first Reagan administration pitting the “Reaganites” against the more practical politicians on the senior staff, in particular, Reagan's Chief of Staff James A. Baker III and his deputy

During this conflict, Pennsylvania Senator and others urged her to take a federal judgeship on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Whittlesey declined the nomination. A judicial appointment would have effectively removed her from the public policy and political arena, which she did not wish. She had taken the job of Public Liaison because of "a profound sense of obligation to the grassroots voters who had elected Reagan believing him to be a man of deep principle and traditional faith." Infighting in the White House continued, however.

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After completing her second tour as United States Ambassador to Switzerland, and her time serving President Reagan, Whittlesey was named as Chairman and President of the American Swiss Foundation in New York. For 19 years, Whittlesey served as President and Chairman of the Board of the American Swiss Foundation; beginning in February 2008, she became Chairman Emeritus For more than two decades, she worked "to protect and strengthen the friendship between the United States and Switzerland," which in 2010 was the largest direct foreign investor in the U.S. Whittlesey conceived of and established a bipartisan young leaders' program that for 22 years has brought together young opinion leaders and professionals from Switzerland and the United States for an intensive, week-long conference in Switzerland. Participants meet senior public and private sector officials, engage in discussions on issues of the day, and build friendships. There are now over 900 alumni of this program.

Whittlesey's diplomatic career resumed very briefly in 2001 when she was named by President George W. Bush to be an At-Large Member of the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects. She continued in this position as needed throughout the Bush Presidency. A strong supporter of the Second Amendment, she has been quoted as saying about the treaty: "This document by the U.N. freezes the last coup. It favors established governments, while taking away rights from individuals. It does not recognize any value higher than peace, such as liberty."

In addition to serving on corporate boards, Whittlesey has continued her involvement with political and religious groups. She was a member of the Board of Directors (and former Chairman for 3 years) of Christian Freedom International, an organization dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians around the world. She is a member of the Council of American Ambassadors and also a member of the Board of Advisers of the Reagan Alumni Association. She also served as a member—and for 6 years as Chairman—of the Board of the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC 2012, she joined the Board of the Rockford Institute in Rockford, Illinois, and, in 2013, the Advisory Board of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity in Washington, D.C. She is a longtime member of the University Club of Washington, D.C., and for several years has served on the Newsmax International Advisory Board.

Whittlesey has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors over the past 50 years. In 2012 she was given a Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Coincident with the Award presentation on October 4, 2012, a new study of her life and career, Backwards in High Heels: Faith Whittlesey, Reagan's Madam Ambassador in Switzerland and the White House, by Professor Thomas Carty of Springfield College (Massachusetts) was published.

Before a standing room only crowd at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC on October 5, President Ronald Reagan’s Ambassador to Switzerland, Faith Whittlesey, offered up some sage advice on lessons learned from a lifetime career in public service, “Listen carefully, read widely, listen to diverse opinions, and be somewhat humble about yourself and our country.”

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This collection consists of nine series: SERIES I: Chronological file; SERIES II: Memoranda; SERIES III: Subject File; SERIES IV: Personnel; SERIES V: Faith Whittlesey Schedules; SERIES VI: Presidential Scheduling Proposals; SERIES VII: Speeches and Articles – Reference Material; SERIES VIII: Trips and Events; and SERIES IX: State Dinner 1983.

SERIES I: CHRONOLOGICAL FILE (8.4 l.ft., Boxes 1-20)

This series consists of correspondence, newsletters, publications, newspaper articles, agendas, schedule proposals, and talking points regarding topics such as Faith Whittlesey's work as Director of the Office of Public Liaison; messages of congratulations on behalf of Ms. Whittlesey's ambassadorship to Switzerland announced in 1985; unsolicited resumes, letters of recommendations, and job/internship requests; requests for information on policies of the Administration; requests for Presidential or staff photo ops, meetings, tours, messages, and/or appearances; expressions of gratitude to and from Ms. Whittlesey regarding gifts, appearances at events, and participation in White House briefings; general expressions of support for the Administration; copies of the White House Digest on Central America; and speeches given at various events and White House Working Group meetings. This series also contains correspondence and reports on issues of the day including: the Equal Rights Amendment, Tuition Tax Credit, the Voluntary School Prayer Amendment, Central America, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-122, Farm Credit Bill veto, Cargo Preference Act, infanticide regulation, and the United Nations Decade for Women World Conference 1985. The files are arranged chronologically.

SERIES II: MEMORANDA (5 l. ft., Boxes 20-32)

This series consists mostly of White House and Office of Public Liaison memoranda, but also includes press releases, newsletters, speeches, agendas, talking points, papers, schedule proposals, newspaper articles, and correspondence regarding Office of Public Liaison briefings on Central America; Presidential speeches and addresses; Executive orders; staffing issues/changes, staff points of contact, and staff briefings and meetings; recommendations for Presidential signing ceremonies, gift presentations, State Dinner invitations, and Presidential meetings and messages; requests for interviews with Faith Whittlesey; approval for writings sent in by Faith Whittlesey to newspapers and magazines; the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) debate; scheduled Presidential activities; requests for meetings, photo ops, staff appearances, and group tours; requests for birthday and anniversary greetings; political analyses; Presidential policy issues; the White House Digest; the 50 States Project; resumes and job inquiries; expressions of congratulations and appreciation; and issues of the day such as the Tuition Tax Credit, Voluntary School Prayer Amendment, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-122, child pornography, Farm Credit Bill veto, Cargo Preference Act, MX Peacekeeper Missiles, infanticide regulation, and the United Nation Decade for Women World Conference 1985 in Nairobi, Kenya. The files are arranged chronologically.



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SERIES I: CORRESPONDENCE Box 1 Chron File (03/01/1983-03/09/1983) Chron File (03/10/1983-03/11/1983) Chron File (03/12/1983-03/17/1983) Chron File (03/18/1983-03/24/1983) Chron File (03/25/1983-03/29/1983) Chron File (03/30/1983-04/05/1983) Chron File (04/06/1983-04/08/1983) Chron File (04/09/1983-04/21/1983) Chron File (04/22/1983-04/30/1983) Chron File (05/01/1983-05/05/1983) Chron File (05/06/1983-05/17/1983) Chron File (05/18/1983-05/22/1983) Chron File (05/23/1983-05/24/1983) Chron File (05/25/1983)

Box 2 Chron File (05/26/1983-05/31/1983) Chron File (06/01/1983-06/13/1983) Chron File (06/14/1983-06/20/1983) Chron File (06/21/1983-06/29/1983) Chron File (06/30/1983-07/07/1983) Chron File (07/08/1983-07/17/1983) Chron File (07/18/1983) Chron File (07/19/1983) Chron File (07/20/1983-07/24/1983) Chron File (07/25/1983-07/27/1983) Chron File (07/28/1983-07/31/1983) Chron File (08/01/1983) Chron File (08/02/1983-08/08/1983) Chron File (08/09/1983-08/16/1983) Chron File (08/17/1983-08/18/1983) Chron File (08/19/1983-08/22/1983)

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Box 3 Chron File (08/23/1983-08/28/1983) Chron File (08/29/1983-08/31/1983) Chron File (09/01/1983-09/07/1983) Chron File (09/08/1983-09/15/1983) Chron File (09/16/1983-09/26/1983) Chron File (09/27/1983-09/30/1983) Chron File (10/01/1983-10/07/1983) Chron File (10/08/1983-10/12/1983) Chron File (10/13/1983-10/20/1983) Chron File (10/21/1983-10/25/1983) Chron File (10/26/1983-10/31/1983) Chron File (11/01/1983-11/04/1983) Chron File (11/05/1983-11/10/1983) Chron File (11/11/1983-11/16/1983)

Box 4 Chron File (11/17/1983-11/21/1983) Chron File (11/22/1983-11/28/1983) Chron File (11/29/1983) Chron File (11/30/1983-12/05/1983) Chron File (12/06/1983-12/07/1983) Chron File (12/08/1983-12/09/1983) Chron File (12/10/1983-12/13/1983) Chron File (12/14/1983) Chron File (12/15/1983) Chron File (12/16/1983-12/18/1983) Chron File (12/19/1983) Chron File (12/20/1983) Chron File (12/21/1983-12/31/1983) Chron File (01/01/1984-01/05/1984) Chron File (01/06/1984) Chron File (01/07/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (01/08/1984-01/09/1984) Chron File (01/10/1984) Chron File (01/11/1984) Chron File (01/12/1984)

Box 5 Chron File (01/13/1984-01/15/1984 Chron File (01/16/1984-01/17/1984) Chron File (01/18/1984-01/19/1984) Chron File (01/20/1984-01/23/1984) Chron File (01/24/1984) Chron File (01/25/1984)

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Chron File (01/26/1984 Chron File (01/27/1984-01/30/1984) Chron File (01/31/1984) Chron File (02/01/1984) Chron File (02/02/1984-02/03/1984) Chron File (02/04/1984-02/06/1984) Chron File (02/07/1984) Chron File (02/08/1984-02/12/1984) Chron File (02/13/1984/02/14/1984) Chron File (02/15/1984) Chron File (02/16/1984) Chron File (02/17/1984-02/20/1984) Chron File (02/21/1984-02/22/1984) Chron File (02/23/1984)

Box 6 Chron File (02/24/1984-02/26/1984) Chron File (02/27/1984) Chron File (02/28/1984) Chron File (03/01/1984) Chron File (03/02/1984) Chron File (03/03/1984-03/06/1984) Chron File (03/07/1984) (1)-(3) Chron File (03/08/1984-03/11/1984) Chron File (03/12/1984) Chron File (03/13/1984-03/14/1984) Chron File (03/15/1984-03/18/1984) Chron File (03/19/1984-03/20/1984) Chron File (03/21/1984) Chron File (03/22/1984) Chron File (03/23/1984-03/29/1984) Chron File (03/30/1984-03/31/1984) (1)-(3)

Box 7 Chron File (04/01/1984-04/02/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (04/03/1984) Chron File (04/04/1984-04/05/1984) Chron File (04/06/1984-04/09/1984) Chron File (04/10/1984) Chron File (04/11/1984-04/15/1984) Chron File (04/16/1984) Chron File (04/17/1984) Chron File (04/18/1984-04/19/1984) Chron File (04/20/1984-04/22/1984) Chron File (04/23/1984) Chron File (04/24/1984-04/26/1984)

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Chron File (04/27/1984-04/30/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (05/01/1984-05/02/1984) Chron File (05/03/1984-05/04/1984) Chron File (05/05/1984-05/08/1984) Chron File (05/09/1984)

Box 8 Chron File (05/10/1984-05/13/1984) Chron File (05/14/1984) Chron File (05/15/1984) Chron File (05/16/1984) Chron File (05/17/1984-05/20/1984) Chron File (05/21/1984) Chron File (05/22/1984) Chron File (05/23/1984-05/24/1984) Chron File (05/25/1984-05/28/1984) Chron File (05/29/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (05/30/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (05/31/1984) Chron File (06/01/1984-06/03/1984) Chron File (06/04/1984) Chron File (06/05/1984-06/06/1984) Chron File (06/07/1984-06/10/1984) Chron File (06/11/1984) (1)

Box 9 Chron File (06/11/1984) (2) Chron File (06/12/1984-06/13/1984) Chron File (06/14/1984) Chron File (06/15/1984) (1)(2) Chron File June 1984 (1)-(4) Chron File (07/01/1984-07/02/1984) Chron File (07/03/1984-07/05/1984) Chron File (07/06/1984-07/08/1984) Chron File (07/09/1984) Chron File (07/10/1984) Chron File (07/11/1984) Chron File (07/12/1984) Chron File (07/13/1984-07/16/1984) Chron File (07/17/1984)

Box 10 Chron File (07/18/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (07/19/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (07/20/1984) Chron File (07/21/1984-07/24/1984)

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Chron File (07/25/1984) Chron File (07/26/1984) Chron File (07/27/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (07/28/1984-07/31/1984) Chron File (08/01/1984) Chron File (08/02/1984-08/05/1984) Chron File (08/06/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (08/07/1984) Chron File (08/08/1984-08/10/1984) Chron File (08/11/1984-08/13/1984) Chron File (08/14/1984) (1)(2)

Box 11 Chron File (08/15/1984) Chron File (08/16/1984-08/19/1984) Chron File (08/20/1984-08/26/1984) Chron File (08/27/1984-08/29/1984) Chron File (08/30/1984-08/31/1984) Chron File (09/01/1984-09/05/1984) Chron File (09/06/1984) (1)-(3) Chron File (09/07/1984-09/10/1984) Chron File (09/11/1984) Chron File (09/12/1984) Chron File (09/13/1984-09/16/1984) Chron File (09/17/1984-09/18/1984) Chron File (09/19/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (09/20/1984-09/23/1984) Chron File (09/24/1984) Chron File (09/25/1984) Chron File (09/26/1984-09/27/1984)

Box 12 Chron File (09/28/1984-09/30/1984) Chron File (10/01/1984) Chron File (10/02/1984) Chron File (10/03/1984-10/04/1984) Chron File (10/05/1984-10/09/1984) Chron File (10/10/1984) Chron File (10/11/1984) Chron File (10/12/1984-10/14/1984) Chron File (10/15/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (10/16/1984-10/17/1984) Chron File (10/18/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (10/19/1984-10/21/1984) Chron File (10/22/1984) Chron File (10/23/1984-10/25/1984)

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Chron File (10/26/1984-10/28/1984) Chron File (10/29/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (10/30/1984) Chron File (10/31/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (11/01/194) Chron File (11/02/1984-11/04/1984)

Box 13 Chron File (11/05/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (11/06/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (11/07/1984) Chron File (11/08/1984-11/12/1984) Chron File (11/13/1984) Chron File (11/14/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (11/15/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (11/16/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (11/17/1984-11/19/1984) Chron File (11/20/1984-11/25/1984) Chron File (11/26/1984-11/27/1984) Chron File (11/28/1984-11/30/1984) Chron File (12/01/1984-12/02/1984) (Empty) Chron File (12/03/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (12/04/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (12/05/1984)

Box 14 Chron File (12/06/1984) Chron File (12/07/1984-12/09/1984) Chron File (12/10/1984) Chron File (12/11/1984) Chron File (12/12/1984) (1)(2) Chron File (12/13/1984-12/16/1984) Chron File (12/17/1984) Chron File (12/18/1984) Chron File (12/19/1984-12/20/1984) Chron File (12/21/1984-12/31/1984) Chron File (01/01/1985) (Empty) Chron File (01/02/1985) (1)(2) Chron File (01/03/1985) (1)-(3) Chron File (01/04/1985-01/07/1985) Chron File (01/08/1985-01/09/1985) Chron File (01/10/1985) (1)(2)

Box 15 Chron File (01/11/1985-01/13/1985) Chron File (01/14/1985)

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Chron File (01/15/1985) Chron File (01/16/1985) Chron File (01/17/1985-01/20/1985) Chron File (01/21/1985-01/22/1985) Chron File (01/23/1985) Chron File (01/24/1985) Chron File (01/25/1985-01/27/1985) Chron File (01/28/1985) Chron File (01/29/1985) Chron File (01/30/1985) Chron File (01/31/1985) Chron File (02/01/1985) Chron File (02/02/1985-02/03/1985) Chron File (02/04/1985) Chron File (02/05/1985) (1)(2) Chron File (02/06/1985) Chron File (02/07/1985)

Box 16 Chron File (02/08/1985) Chron File (02/09/1985-02/10/1985) Chron File (02/11/1985) Chron File (02/12/1985-02/13/1985) Chron File (02/14/1985) (1)(2) Chron File (02/15/1985-02/18/1985) Chron File (02/19/1985) Chron File (02/20/1985) Chron File (02/21/1985-02/24/1985) Chron File (02/25/1985) Chron File (02/26/1985) (1)(2) Chron File (02/27/1985-02/28/1985) Chron File (03/01/1985-03/03/1985) Chron File (03/04/1985-03/05/1985) Chron File (03/06/1985-03/07/1985) Chron File (03/08/1985-03/10/1985) Chron File (03/11/1985) Chron File (03/12/1985) Chron File (03/13/1985-03/14/1985) Chron File (03/15/1985-03/17/1985)

Box 17 Chron File (03/18/1985) (1)(2) Chron File (03/19/1985) Chron File (03/20/1985) (1)(2) Chron File (03/21/1985) Chron File (03/22/1985-03/24/1985)

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Chron File (03/25/1985) (1)-(3) Chron File (03/26/1985-03/27/1985) Chron File (03/28/1985) Chron File (03/29/1985-03/31/1985) Chron File (04/01/1985-04/02/1985) Chron File (04/03/1985) Chron File (04/04/1985) Chron File (04/05/1985) Chron File (04/06/1985-04/19/1985) [Correspondence September 1983-December 1983] (1)(2)

Box 18 [Correspondence September 1983-December 1983] (3)-(5) [Correspondence] FRW 1983 FRW 1983 Pennsylvania (1)-(6) Pennsylvania 1984 (1)-(9)

Box 19 Pennsylvania 1984 (10)-(12 (Pennsylvania Friends) Recommendation Letters 1984 FRW – Swiss Friends 1984 (1)-(5) Switzerland February 1985 Thank You Letters (1)-(6) [Congratulatory Letters re: Swiss Ambassadorial Appointment] (1)(2) FRW – Nice Letter File (1)(2)

Box 20 FRW – Nice Letter File (3)

SERIES II: MEMORANDA Box 20, Continued Office of Public Liaison (OPL) Staff Memos 03/01/1983-03/16/1983 OPL Staff Memos 03/17/1983-03/21/1983 OPL Staff Memos 03/22/1983-03/24/1983 OPL Staff Memos 03/25/1983-03/28/1983 OPL Staff Memos 03/29/1983-04/19/1983 OPL Staff Memos 04/20/1983-05/31/1983 OPL Staff Memos 06/01/1983-06/09/1983 OPL Staff Memos 06/10/1983-06/23/1983 OPL Staff Memos 06/24/1983-06/30/1983 OPL Staff Memos 07/01/1983-07/21/1983 OPL Staff Memos 07/22/1983-07/30/1983 OPL Staff Memos 08/01/1983-08/07/1983 OPL Staff Memos 08/08/1983-08/10/1983 OPL Staff Memos 08/11/1983-08/17/1983 OPL Staff Memos 08/18/1983-08/24/1983

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 15

OPL Staff Memos 08/25/1983-08/30/1983 OPL Staff Memos 08/31/1983) OPL Staff Memos 09/01/1983-09/07/1983 OPL Staff Memos 09/08/1983-09/13/1983 OPL Staff Memos 09/14/1983-09/20/1983

Box 21 OPL Staff Memos 09/21/1983-09/26/1983 OPL Staff Memos 09/27/1983-09/30/1983 OPL Staff Memos 10/01/1983-10/05/1983 OPL Staff Memos 10/06/1983-10/11/1983 OPL Staff Memos 10/12/1983-10/16/1983 OPL Staff Memos 10/17/1983-10/24/1983 OPL Staff Memos 10/25/1983-10/27/1983 OPL Staff Memos 10/28/1983-10/31/1983 OPL Staff Memos 11/01/1983-11/09/1983 OPL Staff Memos 11/10/1983-11/15/1983 OPL Staff Memos 11/16/1983-11/21/1983 OPL Staff Memos 11/22/1983-11/30/1983 OPL Staff Memos 12/01/1983-12/12/1983 OPL Staff Memos 12/13/1983-12/14/1983 OPL Staff Memos 12/15/1983-12/19/1983 OPL Staff Memos 12/20/1983-12/31/1983 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 01/25/1984-02/07/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 02/08/1984-02/14/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 02/15/1984-02/26/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 02/27/1984-02/29/1984

Box 22 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 03/01/1984-03/08-1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 03/09/1984-03/13/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 03/14/1984-03/19/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 03/20/1984-03/28/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 03/29/1984-04/02/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 04/03/1984-04/05/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 04/06/1984-04/10/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 04/11/1984-04/16/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 04/17/1984-04/22/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 04/23/1984-04/24/1984 Whittlesey Chronological Memorandums 04/25/1984-04/30/1984 FRW Memo 05/01/1984-05/03/1984 FRW Memo 05/04/1984-05/09/1984 FRW Memo 05/10/1984-05/23/1984 FRW Memo 05/24/1984-05/31/1984 FRW Memo 06/01/1984-06/11/1984 FRW Memo 06/12/1984-06/18/1984

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

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FRW Memo 06/19/1984-06/21/1984 FRW Memo 06/22/1984-06/30/1984

Box 23 FRW Memo 07/01/1984-07/09/1984 FRW Memo 07/10/1984-07/16/1984 FRW Memo 07/17/1984-07/22/1984 FRW Memo 07/23/1984-07/24/1984 FRW Memo 07/25/1984 FRW Memo 07/26/1984-07/31/1984 FRW Memo 08/01/1984-08/08/1984 FRW Memo 08/09/1984-08/14/1984 FRW Memo 08/15/1984-08/16/1984 FRW Memo 08/17/1984-08/31/1984 FRW Memo 09/01/1984-09/09/1984 FRW Memo 09/10/1984-09/12/1984 FRW Memo 09/13/1984-09/17/1984 FRW Memo 09/18/1984-09/20/1984 FRW Memo 09/21/1984-09/30/1984 FRW Memo 10/01/1984-10/07/1984 FRW Memo 10/08/1984-10/14/1984 FRW Memo 10/15/1984-10/18/1984 FRW Memo 10/19/1984-10/25/1984

Box 24 FRW Memo 10/26/1984-10/31/1984 FRW Memo 11/01/1984-11/12/1984 FRW Memo 11/13/1984-11/18/1984 FRW Memo 11/19/1984-11/26/1984 FRW Memo 11/27/1984-11/30/1984 FRW Memo 12/01/1984-12/04/1984 (1)(2) FRW Memo 12/05/1984-12/09/1984 FRW Memo 12/10/1984-12/12/1984 FRW Memo 12/13/1984-12/18/1984 FRW Memo 12/19/1984-12/31/1984 FRW Memo 01/01/1985-01/07/1985 FRW Memo 01/08/1985-01/10/1985 FRW Memo 01/11/1985-01/13/1985 FRW Memo 01/14/1985-01/15/1985 FRW Memo 01/16/1985-01/21/1985 FRW Memo 01/22/1985 FRW Memo 01/23/1985-01/24/1985 FRW Memo 01/25/1985-01/27/1985 FRW Memo 01/28/1985

Box 25

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Whittlesey - 17

FRW Memo 01/29/1985 FRW Memo 01/30/1985-01/31/1985 FRW Memo (January 1985) FRW Memo 02/01/1985-02/03/1985 FRW Memo 02/04/1985 FRW Memo 02/05/1985 (1)(2) FRW Memo 02/06/1985 FRW Memo 02/07/1985 FRW Memo 02/08/1985-02/10/1985 FRW Memo 02/11/1985 (1)(2) FRW Memo 02/12/1985 FRW Memo 02/13/1985 FRW Memo 02/14/1985 (1)(2) FRW Memo 02/15/1985-02/18/1985 FRW Memo 02/19/1985 (1)(2) FRW Memo 02/20/1985-02/21/1985 FRW Memo 02/22/1985-02/24/1985 FRW Memo 02/25/1985-02/26/1985 FRW Memo 02/27/1985

Box 26 FRW Memo 02/28/1985 FRW Memo (February 1985) FRW Memo 03/01/1985-03/04/1985 FRW Memo 03/05/1985 FRW Memo 03/06/1985 FRW Memo 03/07/1985-03/08/1985 FRW Memo 03/09/1985-03/11/1985 FRW Memo 03/12/1985-03/14/1985 FRW Memo 03/15/1985 (1)(2) FRW Memo 03/16/1985-03/18/1985 FRW Memo 03/19/1985 FRW Memo 03/20/1985 FRW Memo 03/21/1985-03/25/1985 FRW Memo 03/26/1985-03/27/1985 FRW Memo 03/28/1985-03/31/1985 FRW Memo 04/01/1985-04/02/1985 FRW Memo 04/03/1985-04/07/1985 FRW Memo 04/08/1985-04/10/1985

Box 27 [Staff] Bradley, Mel [Staff] Breger, Marshall (1)-(3) [Staff] Buckalew, Judi (1)(2) [Staff] Donatelli, Frank (1)(2) [Staff] Foley, Todd

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 18

[Staff] Holladay, Doug (1)-(4) [Staff] Jacobi, Mary Jo (1)-(4) [Staff] Kojelis, Linas (1)-(4)

Box 28 [Staff] Kojelis, Linas (5) [Staff] Meloy, Mary Ann [Staff] Morrison, Trudi (1)-(3) [Staff] Paschall, Eliza (1)-(4) [Staff] Peterson, Eileen [Staff] Reilly, Bob (1)-(8) [Staff] Riggs, Doug (1)-(3)

Box 29 [Staff] Riggs, Doug (4) [Staff] Sundseth, Carolyn (1)-(3) [Staff] Villalpando, Cathi (1)(2) Baker, James A. (FRW Memos) 1983 (1)(2) 1984 Baker, James A. Memoranda (1)-(6) Recommendations: Herrington, John (1)-(7)

Box 30 [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 02/18/1983-02/23/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 02/24/1983-02/27/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 02/28/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/01/1983-03/06/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/07/1983-03/10/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/11/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/12/1983-03/16/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/17/1983-03/21/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/22/1983-03/24/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/25/1983-03/27/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/28/1983-03/29/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 03/30/1983-03/31/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 04/01/1983-04/05/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 04/06/1983-04/10/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 04/11/1983-04/21/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 04/22/1983-04/26/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 04/27/1983-04/30/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/01/1983-05/05/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/06/1983-05/13/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/14/1983-05/16/1983]

Box 31 [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/17/1983-05/19/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/20/1983] (1)-(3)

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[Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/21/1983-05/25/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/26/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 05/27/1983-05/31/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/01/1983-06/07/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/08/1983-06/13/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/14/1983-06/15/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/16/1983-06/19/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/20/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/21/1983-06/23/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/24/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/25/1983-06/28/1983] [Public Liaison Staffing Memos-F. Whittlesey 06/29/1983-06/30/1983] OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (09/30/1983-10/09/1983) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (10/10/1983-10/16/1983) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (10/17/1983-10/27/1983) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (10/28/1983-11/20/1983)

Box 32 OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (11/21/1983-11/30/1983) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (12/01/1983-01/16/1984) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (01/17/1984-01/22/1984) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (01/23/1984-01/27/1984) OPL Staffing Memos and Proclamations (01/28/1984-01/31/1984)

SERIES III: SUBJECT FILE Box 32, continued A-122, [OMB Circular] (1)(2) A-122/A-76 Acid Rain Affirmative Action AIDS American Council of Youth- Young Political Leaders Archbishop Iakovos [Armenian Issue] Biographies FRW – Biographies (1)(2) FRW - Biographies (Originals) Black Strategy (1)-(4)

Box 33 Budget 1983 (1)-(3) Builders Business - CEO Listing (1)(2) Business Community Business Liaison Discussion Group (1)(2) Business Talking Points (1)(2)

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 20

Catholics Central America: Briefing Book Democracy, Peace & Development Initiative (1)-(3) Central America: Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador [CISPES] [Central America – Classified Memos, Cables] Central America: Correspondence (12/02/1983-03/31/1984) Central America: Correspondence (04/01/1984-04/30/1984) Central America: Correspondence (05/01/1984-05/14/1984) Central America: Correspondence (05/15/1984-06/30/1984) Central America: Correspondence (07/01/1984-07/31/1984)

Box 34 Central America: Correspondence (08/01/1984-09/30/1984) Central America: Correspondence (10/01/1984-12/31/1984) Central America: Correspondence/Favorable Central America-Established Working Groups [Central America General Classified] I [Central America General Classified] II (1)-(3) [Central America General Classified] III (1)-(4) Central America General Correspondence Central America Jews Central America: Materials (1)-(7) Central America: Notes Central America: Nuggets

Box 35 Central America OP-ED- FRW Central America Outreach Working Group/Memos (1)-(4) Central America: Outside Support (1)(2) Central America: Outreach Meeting Members (1)(2) Central America: PLO Activities (1)(2) Central America: Printed Articles/Clippings (1)-(5) Central America: Refugees Central America: Remarks, Speeches, Statements (1)-(5)

Box 36 Central America: Remarks, Speeches, Statements (6)(7) Central America: Responses from Ambassadors Central America: Speech File (1)-(6) Central America: Statistics (1)(2) Central America: Strategy Central America-Working Groups Agendas (1)-(3)

Box 12F Child Support Chief of Missions

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 21

Christian Community Churches Churches-Vatican Cities in Schools, Inc. Citizens for America Civil Rights (Title IX) Comparable Worth Comparable Worth Offensive 1984-1985 Conservatives Conservatives Council of American Ambassadors County Board of Elections Crazies Credit Suisse Bulletin Spring 1984 Cuba Cuba and Central America (Envelope) (1)-(5) Deaver, M. Defense booklets Defense Correspondence (1)-(3) Defense-Soviet Military Power Delaware County Annual Report 1982 and1984 Disabled Disinformation Donatelli, Frank Economic Education Education--Nebraska School Crisis Environment Environmental Equal Access Ethnic Community Ethnics (1)(2) Evangelicals Events: Information F16 Faithamerica Fair Trade Family Violence

Box 13F 52% Solution Foreign Relations Committee Hearing 04/01/1985 [Re: Whittlesey Nomination] Freeze Gay Rights Government Research Corporation Gramm-Latta FRW (1)(2)

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 22

Grenada Grey Market Steel/Insurance Gulf and Caribbean foundation Gun Control Gun Groups Handicapped Health Care Senator Jesse Helms Hispanic (1)-(3) Information Invitations, FRW, 1984 Jepsen Statement Jewish- Lubavitch (1)(2) Kooks - I Kooks - II Labor Labor Community McFarlane, Robert Names National Security Council (1)(2) [NSDD 113 Mobile Communications in White House Staff Cars] Natural Gas Negative Press (1)-(3) Nicaraguan Refugee Relief Fund North Atlantic Treaty Organization OPL (Office of Public Liaison) Accomplishments (1)(2) [OPL (Office of Public Liaison) Guidelines for Reporting of Activities] OPL (Office of Public Liaison) Meeting Reports June 1983-July 1983 (1)-(5) OPL/OPD (Office of Public Liaison/Office of Policy Development) Areas of Specialization (1)(2) OPL (Office of Public Liaison) Senior Staff Commendation Letters OPL (Office of Public Liaison) – Staff (1)-(4) OPL (Office of Public Liaison) Staff: Recommendations Personnel

Box 14F Partnerships in Education Pennsylvania Political Activity Political Polls Politics (Envelope) President Reagan Religion/Politics Republican National Convention 1984 Official Guide Resumes Rolodex (See Object Box #1) School Prayer (1)-(5)

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Whittlesey - 23

School Prayer Amendment (1)-(3) Scrapbook Material Senate and House Action Senate Republican Policy Committee (Envelope) Senior Staff Minutes of Meetings Ship Builders Small Business Speakers Bureau (1)(2) Specialty Steel Staff Meetings I Staff Meetings II (1)(2) Star War File [Survey re: 1984 Elections] Swiss Names Title IX (1)(2) Tobacco Trade Tuition Tax Credits - I Tuition Tax Credits - II U.S.-Japan Institute Veterans FRW- Washington Post Op-Ed (Prayer) 03/11/1984 FRW – Washington Post Article 03/20/1984 FRW Washington Post Article 09/27/1984 (Piano Playing) White House Conference on Children & Youth (1)(2) White House Senior Staff Note-Book (Binder) White House Digests Master File (1)(2) White House Digests – Memos White House Digests - Status of White House State Dinner Lists 1984 Faith Ryan Whittlesey – File Wine Equity Bill

Box 15F Women (1)-(3) Women - I (Envelope) Women - II Women – Abortion Women – Appointments Women Clippings Miscellaneous Women / Comparable Worth (Envelope) Women Correspondence Women Defense Women – Economic Equity Act Women ERA and Eagle Forum Women Feminist

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 24

[Women] Fifty States Project Women – Gender Gap Articles Women Insurance/Pensions Women Issue Alerts Women Jackie McGregor Women Miscellaneous Information Women National Political Caucus Women - Notes Women Press Women – Publications, Memos, Reports Women Reagan Record Women Report Impact of the Budget Women Title 9 Women – Women Press Package Outstanding Women Year of the Bible Youth

SERIES IV: PERSONNEL. Box 15AF Applicants (Morton B.) (For Blackwell Position) Applicants Valery Altimus Beth Barnes Morton Blackwell Mel Bradley (Marshall J. Breger) Judy Buckalew Will Cattan Jack L. Courtemarche Richard Dingman H. Eugene Douglas Dolf Dorge Matthew Todd Foley Marguerite Fry Michael Gale Jo Anne Hansen Doug Holladay Mary Jo Jacobi Maureen Kiely Mark Klugmann Edward Lynch Teresa Lukach Maureen McEwen Jean McKee Jean McNew

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 25

Susy Lacy Mary Ann Meloy Joan Moreli Trudi Morrison Eliza Paschall (1)(2) Robert R. Reilly Suzanne Respess Douglas Riggs John Rousselot Rosa Sanjuan Shortley, Mary (Maiselle) Sims. Pat Candace Strother Carolyn Sundseth Carolyn Sundseth Joyce Thomann Ventsam, Linda Kay Catalina Villalpando (Cathy) Whittlesey, Faith Ryan (Resumes and Correspondence with Applicants- Faith Whittlesey)

SERIES V: FAITH WHITTLESEY SCHEDULES Box 16F Daily Schedule March 1983-December 1983 (1)-(5) 1985 [Daily Schedule January 1984-March 1985] (1)-(12) [Daily Schedule October 1984-May 1985 with Supporting Documents] (1)-(9) [Daily Schedule October 1984-May 1985 with Supporting Documents]: Friday 01/18/1985

SERIES VI: PRESIDENTIAL SCHEDULING PROPOSALS. Box 16F (Continued) Accept [Scheduling Recommendations February 1983-May 1983] Scheduling Regrets 03/01/1983 [February 1983-April 1983] Briefing Papers [FRW March 1983-November 1983] Approved Scheduling Activities (Presidential) [March 1983-November 1983] (1 )(2) [Scheduling Proposals] [April 1983-September 1983] (1)(2) No Action - Schedule Proposals May 1983-08/31/1983 Unfavorable Scheduling Recommendations [June 1983-June 1984] (1)(2) Public Liaison Scheduling Proposals Pending No Action [June 1983-December 1983, January 1984-March 1984](1)(2)

Box 17F Rejected Schedule Proposals [June 1983–December 1983; January 1984-March 1984] (1)-(6) Favorable Scheduling Recommendations [July 1983 - May 1984] (1)(2) [Long Range Scheduling - November 1983]

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[Pending Schedule Proposals and Recent Regretted Schedule Proposals-FRW] [November 1983] FRW, OPL Events, Approved and Not [1984] FRW, Scheduling Memos [May 1984 – February 1985] Scheduled Proposals to the First Lady & Vice President [out card]

SERIES VII: SPEECHES AND ARTICLES - REFERENCE MATERIAL Box 17F (Continued) FRW Articles 1983-1984 [FRW Articles] Reserve Officers Association Article 07/13/1984 FRW: Letters to the Editor 04/14/1983 Faith Whittlesey; Basic Speech Speeches – Speech Material 1983 Speech Material 1983 Speech Material (Envelope) Speech Material October 1984 (Envelope)

Box 18F Speech Material Chapman (Envelope) FRW: Speech Material (1)-(5) Speech Cards (Speech) Economy (Envelope) Articles (other than FRW) Atlantic Alliance and U.S. Global Strategy [Central American Briefing Material] (White House Packet) (1)(2) Clippings (Envelope) (1)-(3) Clippings (FRW) (Faith Ryan Whittlesey) 1984 (Envelope) Clippings – June 1984-July 1984 (Envelope) [Clippings – Nicaragua 1985] Economic Outlooks and Speeches by Richard Rahn Economic Progress Charts 06/16/1983 Education Speech Material Fairness II Briefing Book Feldstein (Envelope) Foreign Relations Speech Material Freeman Digest July 1984 Gamble, Doug Hidden Censors, The" by Tim LaHaye Horowitz (Envelope) 1983 Human Events Issue Information [Viewgraphs from Presentation on National Security] (Envelope) (See oversize Box #1)

Box 19F “Philadelphia" Magazine September 1984

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 27

Press Press File Press Packets (Envelope) Reading FRW October 1984 (Envelope) FRW Talking Points Talking Points on Budget Deficit and Special Analyses FY 1986 Washington Dossier April 1984 White House Digest 06/01/1983 - Nicaragua’s Sandinistas White House Digest 07/06/1983 - Soviet/ Cuban Threat White House Digest 07/13/1983 - May and June Nicaragua White House Digest 07/20/1983 - PLO in Central America White House Digest 08/10/1983 - Human Rights in Cuba. White House Digest 08/24/1983 - Nicaraguan Repression of Labor White House Digest 11/18/1983 - President Reagan on Peace, Arms Control and Deterrence White House Digest 02/29/1984 - Persecution of Christian Groups in Nicaragua White House Digest 04/04/1984 - Caribbean Sea Lanes White House Digest 04/25/1984 - Miskito Indians Women Speech Material [06/01/1984]

SERIES VIII: TRIPS AND EVENTS Box 19F (Continued) Travel 11/04/1983 Pennsylvania Chamber Commerce 11/19/1983 Union League February 1984 – Miami, Florida Teamster Dinner 04/05/1984 Academic Bank of Heritage Foundation Chicago 04/05/1984 Academic Bank of the Heritage Foundation Chicago, Illinois 04/29/1984 Penn State Address 04/29/1984 Penn State Honors Convocation 05/12/1984 Rosemont Address 05/16/1984 Seminar on Pornography Washington, D.C. 05/21/1984 Child Pornography Signing Ceremony Invited 06/16/1984 American Retail Foundation 05/18/1984 Williamsburg, VA National Council on Policy 05/21/1984 Child Pornography Signing Ceremony Invited Guests 05/25/1984 New York Trip 06/02/1984 Wells Alumnae Award

Box 20F 06/18/1984 New York Trip 06/25/1984 Zurich, Switzerland July 1984 Seattle, Washington July 1984 Seattle, Washington: FRW Seattle 07/04/1984 Independence Hall Speech Philadelphia, PA 07/04/1984 Nationwide Bell Ringing Ceremony PA Society of Sons of the Revolution

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 28

Philadelphia, PA 07/27/1984 Iowa Trip 07/27/1984 Americas Society Briefing 08/10/1984-08/13/1984 Republican Convention/Dallas 08/17/1984-08/18/1984 Dallas, Texas National Council for Policy (1)(2) 08/17/1984-08/18/1984 Council for a National Policy FRW(on Board 1984) 08/27/1984 Vienna, Austria 09/03/1984 Keynote 20th Biannual Conference of the International Bar Association Vienna, Austria 09/10/1984-09/21/1984 Politician in Residence Wells 09/14/1984 Concerned Women for America Shoreham Hotel – Washington, DC 09/15/1984 (Philadelphia, PA) - Good Citizenship Award in Recognition of Service in Government 09/15/1984 Acceptance of Good Citizenship Award (Women for Greater Philadelphia) Philadelphia, PA 10/11/1984 Pottsville 10/29/1984-10/30/1984 Pennsylvania/North Carolina 10/22/1984-10/26/1984: New York, Williamsport, PA, Princeton, NJ 11/03/1984--Miami Florida VIVA 11/03/1984 VIVA’ 84 Women’s Seminar Luncheon Miami, Florida 11/09/1984--GSA Region 3 Luncheon Philadelphia, PA 11/12/1984--Philadelphia Jolles Party 11/16/1984-11/18/1984: Council For National Policy: Palm Beach, FL (1)(2) 11/26/1984--Keynote Philanthropy Monthly 8th Annual Conference New York 11/26/1984 Keynote Address to the Opening Session of the 8th Annual Policy Conference of the Philanthropy 11/29/1984-Swiss-Amer. Friendship Award NY, NY; Dec 2-Ottawa, Canada 12/08/1984 Center for the Study of The Presidency St. Louis, Missouri 12/08/84 Center for the Study of the Presidency "Radical Feminism in Retreat: A Closer Look at the ’84 Vote" 12/14/1984--Morgan Stanley CEO Luncheon New York Council for National Policy Remarks on Central America 1985 01/31/1985 DAR Speech

Box 21F DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Speech – 1985 on Central America (1)(2) 01/31/1985 American Security Council Foundation 02/11/1985 Dartmouth College 02/12/1985 National Strategy Information Center Defense Forum 02/12/1985 National Strategy Information Center 02/14/1985 Roundtable Meeting with Hispanic Leaders (1)-(3) 02/23/1985 International Conference on Latin America San Jose, Costa Rica 02/23/1985 Remarks before the International Conference on Latin America Costa Rica 03/01/1985 Lincoln Day Dinner: Tampa, FL

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.

Whittlesey - 29

03/06/1985-03/07/1985 American Foreign Policy Council Palm Beach, Florida 03/27/1985 Committee for Responsible Youth Politics Roast FRW 03/28/1985 John Shad Party University Club, New York, NY

SERIES IX: STATE DINNER 1983 Box 21F (Continued) Lists & Names Submitted Lists not in Proper Form Notes [Prospective Invitees to State Dinners] (1)(2) [Prospective Invitees to State Dinners-FRW] Social Office Lists State Dinner Lists [empty] State Dinners Support Papers for China Dinner

March 1, 2021. Bolded folders are available for use TODAY. No need to FOIA.