China Nuclear Chronology
China Nuclear Chronology 2011-2010 | 2009-2008 | 2007-2005 | 2004-2002 | 2001 | 2000-1999 | 1998-1997 | 1996-1995 1994-1992 | 1991-1990 | 1989-1985 | 1984-1980 | 1979-1970 | 1969-1960 | 1959-1945 Last update: July 2011 2011-2010 14 June 2011 China completes nuclear inspections of all 13 currently operating power reactors. According to Li Ganjie, Vice- Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, safety evaluations of the 28 reactors under construction should be completed by October. Six weeks earlier, China declared its military nuclear facilities safe. Li emphasizes that the lessons from "Japan's Fukushima nuclear crisis are profound," and that China is working on a comprehensive and effective nuclear safety plan. Li confirms that China still plans to construct more than 100 reactors by 2020. On the other hand, "[China] needs to control the pace of [the nuclear energy] development," according to Zheng Yuhui, director of the research center of the China Nuclear Energy Association. The Chinese Academy of Sciences scholars add that China should maintain a relatively stable policy for nuclear power development and further strengthen nuclear safety. —中华人民共和国中央人民政府 [The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China], "环境保护部副部长会见美国能源部核能助理部长 [Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection Met the United States Department of Energy's Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy]," 14 June 2011,; "After Inspections, China Moves Ahead with Nuclear Plans," The New York Times, 17 June 2011; "China Suspends New Nuclear Plant Approvals," China Daily (Edition in English), 15 June 2011,; "China May Resume Giving Approvals to New Nuclear Plants-Official," BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, 25 June 2011; "Experts: China Should Keep Nuclear Power Policy Stable," People's Daily (Edition in English), 25 May 2011; "Chinese Military Nuke Facilities Declared Safe," Global Security Newswire, 1 April 2011,
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