The Texas Star Newsletter for the Texican Rangers A Publication of the Texican Rangers An Authentic Cowboy Action Shooting Club That Treasures & Respects the Cowboy Tradition SASS Affiliated PO Box 782261 October 2017 San Antonio, TX 78278-2261 Officers Words from the President President Crazy Clyde 830-634-3414
[email protected] Vice President Colorado Horseshoe Howdy from Crazy Clyde 719-231-6190 Well fellow Texican Rangers, another
[email protected] season has flown by. Our last shoot on October 14th, hosted 51 members and five Secretary guests on a Chamber of Commerce day Tombstone Mary with clear skies and mild temperatures. I 210-262-7464 told the guests that this weather was pretty
[email protected] typical here at the Stieler Ranch. We passed an amendment to our Treasurer bylaws that allows newly elected officers, General Burleson those elected during Shindig in September, 210-912-7908 full voting privileges in any and all matters
[email protected] concerning Comancheria Days in April. Such amendment may be attached in Range Master ARTICLE 6: CONDUCT OF CLUB OPERATIONS, as XVIII, as found on A.D. Texaz page 5. 210-862-7464 I have made many close friends during
[email protected] my membership with the Texicans and am sad to see our season come to an end. Communications Therefore, I propose we have an informal, Dutch Van Horn no dress code, shoot at our place on 210-823-6058 Saturday, November 11th, starting at
[email protected] 11:00 a.m. We live at 415 Red Bird Loop, Drive up Red Bird Loop to 415 in Center Point, Texas, (open gate has a “circle B”).