December 1952 Without Additional Funds
I DEC 5 1952 Austin, Texas, December 9 and 6, 1992 Meeting No. 526 The Boar@ of Regents of The University of Texas met in regular session in the Regents' Room of The University of Texas, at ~:40 p.m., December 5, 19~2, with the following present: Regents Woodward (Chalrm~n), Warren (Vice-Chairmen), Darden, Oates, Rockwell, Sealy, Swenson, Tobin, and Voyles; Chancellor Hart, Vice-Chancellor for Business and Finance Sim- mons, Assistant to the Chancellor Granberry; Acting PresidentDolley; Dr. Clark; Dr. Olson; Dr. Leake; Dr. Aagaard; Dr. Pullen; Consulting Archltect Lemmon; Mr. Jack G. Taylor, Business Manager, Main Ualversity; Director of News and Ynformation Service Keys; and Secretary Stewart. SOUTEWESTEI~ MEDICAL SCHOOL GRANT OF $IO0,000 FROM SOUTHWESTEI~MEDICAL FOUNDATION.--Chalr- man Woodward reported to the Board that he had received a ccmmunicatlon from Dr. E. H Cary, President of Southwestern Medical Foundation, in which Dr. Cary stated that the Foundation had made an underwriti~ graut in the amount of $1OO,OO0 to the Southwestern Medical School, in order that contract awards could be made to the low bld~ers on the Basic Science Building which is to be constructed at the Southwestern Medical School. The Board, ups% motion by Mr. Darden, seconded by Mr. Swenson, accepted the grant and requested that Chairman Woodward express the thanks and appre- ciation of the Board for this grant. BUILDING C0~[[TTEE MATTERS.-- BIDS RECEIVED ON BASIC SCI~CEBUiLDI~D, SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL SCH00L.--Vice-Chancellor for Business and Finance Simmons reported to the Board that, in accordance with authorization given by the Board of Regemts, bids had been publicly opened, read and tabulated December 3, 1952, 2 p.m., for the Basic Science Building, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas.
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