151 OCT t.' 4 1953 + ' , * ,+ i +?, "+| I + I , , ., , ' % +" +, '+ ' " i i , i+ Austin, Texas, October 2~, 1953 No. Meeting 535 + , +, Oo, ! '. !~ ,, ,+ , • ','+ The Board of Regents of The University of Texas met in regular session in the Regents' Room of The University of Texas at i0:00 a.m., October 2~, 1953, with the following present: Regents Sealy (Chairman), ~i i ' ' , / . "+ Warren (Vice-Chairman), Jeffers, Sates, Sorrell, Tobin, Voyles, and Wood- '+ • ! ward; Chancellor Hart; Assistant to the Chancellor Granberry; Comptroller + /, , , i ' ' . ' ' ' '+ " ,, Sparenberg; Endowment Officer Taylor; President Wilson; President Elkins; . "/ ,,- , + :r. Blocker; Consulting Architect Lemmon; and Secretary Stewart. Mr. ,r ' '+°' i Lockwood was unable to attend the meeting. • '' • / • ', ' '+ '+ ;2i : . i ! UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD AUTHORIZED TO SECURE MONEY TO PUR- CHASE THOMAS GILCRE~E COLLECTlON.-~Chairman Sealy introduced to the Board Mr. Lester Whipple of San Antonio, Attorney for the Gilcrease Foundation, who reported to the Board that Mr. Thomas Gilcrease would sell the Thomas Gilcrease Collection to The University of Texas for $2,200,000. Mr. Sealy +, reported that it was the unanimous feeling of the Board that this collection ',@+ ,I + was one of the ~st outstanding and remarkable collections of its kind in the world, and that the Board was most enthusiastic to acquire this collec- tion for the University. Mr. Sealy explained to Mr. Whipple that the University did not have the funds to purchase the Collection at this time, and that the only way in which it could be purchased was through contribu- tions from the people of Texas. Mr. Sealy further stated that the Director °, %.. of the University Development Board, Mr. Hulon Black, and the members of the University Development Board had been authorized to help secure this money, and that the members of the Board of Regents would assist them in ',° any way possible. He also stated that if the money could be secured to purchase this Collection, that Mr. Gilcrease be informed that these col- lections would be adequately housed, and maintained by The University of Texas. Mr. Sealy th,nked Mr. Whipple for appearing before the Board and again assured him that the University wanted the collection and would sup- -' ° +ii port every effort of the University Development Board to the fullest extent in securing the money from the people of Texas to purchase the Gilcrease Collection. AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE TEIPS FOR MEMBERS OF BOARD OF J REGENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS TO VISIT T~OMAS GILCRF~E COLLECTION, TULSA, 0KLAHOMA.--Upon motion by Judge Woodward, seconded by Mrs. Tobin, , . "/~ the Board authorized payment of expenses of the members of the Board of Regents and Administrative Officials of The University of Texas, who had already made trips, and who would make trips in the future, to visit the Thomas Gilcrease Collection in Tulsa, Oklahoma. These trips were m~de, end will be made, in connection with the acquisition of this Collection. ELECTION OF MR. JAMES L. SHEPHERD~ JR., AS DIRECTOR OF ~3READOR ROYALTY CORl~ION.--Chancellor Hart recommended that the Board of Regents elect Mr. James L. Shepherd, Jr., of Houston, Texas, as Director of the Toreador Royalty Corporation to fill the vacancy left by the death of Mr. Brady Cole. Upon motion by Mr. Voyles, seconded by Mr. Jeffers, the Board approved the recommendation. • '" '°t VICE-CHAIRMAN DAVID M. WARREN, DELEGATE TO MEETING OF ASSOCIATION 0F GOVERNING BOARDS .--Upon motion by Mr. Voyles, seconded by Mr. Sorrell, the Board elected Vice-Chairman David M. Warren as its official delegate ,4 to the meeting of the Association of Governing Board~ of State Universities and Allied Institutions to be held in Gainesville and Miami, Florida, on o November 30 through December 5, 1953. EXCEPTION TO MODIFIED SERVICE RULE IN CASE OF MR. JAMES L. LEWIS .-- I Chancellor Hart presented with his approval a recornnendation by President Wilson that, in the case of M~r. J~s L. Lewis, Building Crew Foreman, Janitorial and Building Operation Service in the Physical Plant, the Board of Regents waive the requirement of the Rules and Regulations of the Board • ; .+ ; = ] of Regents for the Government of The Univers'ity of Texas which s--tat-'~sthat a member Of-t-he staff, in order to become eiigible for modified service, must join the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Upon motion by Mr. Voyles, seconded by Mr. Sorrell, the Board approved the recommendation. • o , e • ' /Jl • j, • , . , , . t. 2' " ~' "['t ' "~ -1- B'# , 152 OCT 1953 ¶I ' I ¸• :•, JOZ~T MEETING OF REGENTS' EXECUTI'~ CO~TTEE AND A CO~%~EE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF A. AND M. COLLEGE SYSTEM--Chancellor Hart reported that he had received a letter from Chancellor Harrington of Texas Agricul- tural and Mechanical College System, in which he stated that a committee had been appointed from the Board of Directors of A. and M. College System for the Joint sponsorship of a constitutional amendment authorizing broader ) investments of the Permanent University Fund. Chairman Sealy designat~o ,' '.:, the Re6ents' Executive Committee to work with the Committee of the Board r~ I of Directors of A. and M. College System, and it was agree~ that plans should be made for Joint meetings of the two committees on mutually aKreeable date~ ESTABLISHMENT OFGEOLOGYFOUNDATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OFGEOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS.--Chancellor Hart presented with his approval a recommendation by President Wilson that the Board approve the establishment ,, ,". ,' : of a Geology Foundation for the Department of Geology at The University of Texas, as follows:l. WHEREAS, there exists a clear and specific need for means to finance the program of the Department of Geology of The University ~, l~ ~ of Texas in addition to the regular budgetary provisions, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of interested persons to set up facilities to encourage and assist in such financing, IT IS NOW RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of The University ° , . of Texas approve the establishment of, and hereby establishes, the Geology Foundatlon of the Department of Geology of The University of Texas. AND FURTHERMORE, that the f~urpose of the said Foundation shall be to foster and to promote the growth, progress and develop- ment of geological education, research and graduate study at The . "i.~ ' University of Texas under circumstances acceptable to the Board of Regents subject to provisions hereinafter set out. I. The funds of the Foundation shall be devoted solely to the furtherance in and through the Geology Foundation of basic J • .¶ • geological education, research and graduate study at The University of Texas and in other educational and research institutions and . ii • in field work and travel as it promotes development of ~ re- search program of the Department of Geology, and shall not be~d for the ordinary operating expenses of the Department. i. L ~i 2. A donation to the Foundation maybe made for a specific purpose and may be given the name of the donor or other designation specified by the donor; e.g., The Richard Doe Fund to the Geology Foundation; or maybe given as undesignated fumds which shall be used in accordance with provision~ hereinafter set out. 3. ~ The Board of Regents shall hold, manage, control, sell, exchange, lease, convey, mor~Eage or dispose of in any m~,~er and for any consideration and on any terms, the s~id gifts, fuad~, I or property in their discretion, and shall from time to time Day ..t rim out of the income, or if the income be insufficient, out of the principal, all expenses of trust and all expenditures incurred in furthering the purposes of the trust. !. ' ' • •i 4. Neither any donation to the Geology Foundation nor any •/.I fund or property arising therefrom in whatever form it may take shall ever be any part of the Permanent University Fund nor shall p the Legislature have power to be in anywise authorized to ch-nge the purposes thereof or to divert such donation, fund or property from those designated purposes. , • • j • • ' ~ 2Y.,'~ -2- 1 J'e 153 ..... .? :! OCT '..~4 1953 ,• • • -,-,, 5. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Geology Foundation which shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be chosen from the staff of the Bureau of Economic Geology and •, o. :,, j , ; the remainder from the permanent professorial staff of the Depart- ment of Geology. The members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the President of the University. The Executive Committee shall elect from among its members a chairman. It shall be the duty of the • . , .' ',..,,i • ,. :, Executive Committee to make all recon~nendations to the President • •, . • t. of the University for the allocation and expenditure of funds available from and throt~h the Foundation. Money maybe allocated by the Executive Committee: for graduate and post-doctoral study at suitable educational and research institutions here and abroad; to purchase research supplies and equipment, the equipment becoming the property of the Department of Geology; for librax7 services and purchases; for field studies here and abroad; to supplement salaries; for pro-doctoral and post-doctoral research appointments; and to travel in this country and abroad, with official permission, in ,~ bP the development of science. The Executive Committee shall set up its own rules of procedure to be used in determining the recommenda- tions to be made to the President and in its collateral activities. B q 6. As in the case of all other University funds, authorization for expenditure of all funds from the Foundation shall he vested in the Board of Regents, and recommendations for such expenditures shall be made to the Board of Regents by the President and to the President by the Executive Committee as hereinbefore constituted.
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