Meeting 535 + , +, Oo, ! '
151 OCT t.' 4 1953 + ' , * ,+ i +?, "+| I + I , , ., , ' % +" +, '+ ' " i i , i+ Austin, Texas, October 2~, 1953 No. Meeting 535 + , +, Oo, ! '. !~ ,, ,+ , • ','+ The Board of Regents of The University of Texas met in regular session in the Regents' Room of The University of Texas at i0:00 a.m., October 2~, 1953, with the following present: Regents Sealy (Chairman), ~i i ' ' , / . "+ Warren (Vice-Chairman), Jeffers, Sates, Sorrell, Tobin, Voyles, and Wood- '+ • ! ward; Chancellor Hart; Assistant to the Chancellor Granberry; Comptroller + /, , , i ' ' . ' ' ' '+ " ,, Sparenberg; Endowment Officer Taylor; President Wilson; President Elkins; . "/ ,,- , + :r. Blocker; Consulting Architect Lemmon; and Secretary Stewart. Mr. ,r ' '+°' i Lockwood was unable to attend the meeting. • '' • / • ', ' '+ '+ ;2i : . i ! UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD AUTHORIZED TO SECURE MONEY TO PUR- CHASE THOMAS GILCRE~E COLLECTlON.-~Chairman Sealy introduced to the Board Mr. Lester Whipple of San Antonio, Attorney for the Gilcrease Foundation, who reported to the Board that Mr. Thomas Gilcrease would sell the Thomas Gilcrease Collection to The University of Texas for $2,200,000. Mr. Sealy +, reported that it was the unanimous feeling of the Board that this collection ',@+ ,I + was one of the ~st outstanding and remarkable collections of its kind in the world, and that the Board was most enthusiastic to acquire this collec- tion for the University. Mr. Sealy explained to Mr. Whipple that the University did not have the funds to purchase the Collection at this time, and that the only way in which it could be purchased was through contribu- tions from the people of Texas. Mr. Sealy further stated that the Director °, %.. of the University Development Board, Mr.
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