Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice – Minutes PO Box 65 General Meeting – Monday 13 August 2018, 7.00pm Huskisson NSW 2540 Chair: Garry Kelson Tel: 4441 5034
[email protected] Apologies: Evan Christen, Clr.John Levett, Paul Sutton NSW Govt. Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code – Shoalhaven Deferral: Council has been Attendance: 14 granted a 12-month deferral until July 2019 to allow Council to consider the implications for Previous Minutes Shoalhaven. Minutes of 18 June 2018 moved/confirmed (Mark Wareham/Jan Bruck) SCC Notice of Council Meeting 14 August re Draft Medium Density Amendment. Report on Draft Treasurer’s Report Medium Density Amendment to Shoalhaven Geoff Barlow provided a statement. Development Control Plan – Post Exhibition Opening Balance: $2296.86; less $39.00 to Consideration and Finalisation will be considered at Huskisson Community Centre this meeting. Closing Balance: $2257.86 Report moved/accepted (Leslie Lockwood/Eddie BBQ & Shelter Installation: Email from Craig Smith) Horgan, Contracts Officer, SCC: Nothing will be installed at Husky Beach. Preferred location near Correspondence carpark at Moona Creek Reserve. Voyager Park Stage 2: SCC construction works to upgrade park facilities scheduled to commence SCC Maintenance Requests: Council seeking input early July 2018. Expected to take 4 months and cost from residents on issues that can be addressed $800,000. Updates available via SCC website: whilst work crews are in our area. Garry Kelson has offered to be the point of contact for HWCV. icleType/CategoryView/categoryld/15 Contact Garry on 0458 002 874 or
[email protected] Request from meeting Council Meetings Webcast: Shoalhaven City that pot holes in Keppel Street between Hawke & Council is streaming live video and audio of Currambene be fixed.