HYBRID EVENTS: FUTURE REPORT VOK DAMS.Consulting GmbH Corporate Live-Communication VOK DAMS Institute for Live-Marketing Platzhoffstraße 24 42115 Wuppertal Germany Phone: +49 202 38 907-402 Fax: +49 202 38 907-499
[email protected] WHITEPAPER www.vokdams-consulting.de HYBRID EVENTS: FUTURE REPORT “The beST WAY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE IS TO CREATE IT.” WILLY BRANDT (FORMER GERMAN CHANCELLor) 2 HYBRID EVENTS: FUTURE REPORT CONTENT _ABSTRACt 4 _ PART 1: WHY THINK OF TOMORROW? 5 _NEXT STOP: THE FUTURE! 6 _EVENT MARKETING BETWEEN Two GENERATIONS. 7 _ PART 2: EVENT CONCEPTS 3.0 12 _ LET THE GAMES BEGIN! GAMIFICATION 13 AND ALTERNATE REALITY _COLLABORATION 3.0: SMART NETwoRks 16 foR MORE INTERACTION AND TEAmwoRK. _ PART 3: ALL OPTIONS, NO MUSTS. 20 NEW TECHNologIES UNDER SCRUTINY. _NUMBER 5 IS ALIVE! – ROBOTICS AND VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS. 21 _BRAND EXPERIENCE PLUS: EVENT MARKETING AND 25 THE THIRD DIMENSION. _How DOES COMMUNICATION AFFECT PEOPLe – 27 AND WHY? FUTURE EFFICIENCY MEASUREMENT IN COMMUNICATION. _ PART 4: “WHAT’s nexT?” – 32 THE TOP THEMES OF THE FUTURE IN A NUTSHELL. _CONTACt 35 3 HYBRID EVENTS: FUTURE REPORT ABSTRACT This Hybrid Events: Future Report How information and knowledge is wants to question and to explain in passed on at events will also change what way current developments and massively in future. Infotainment – trends influence and form the requi- merging information and entertain- rements of and demands on marke- ment – will be even more strongly ting events and how they will affect shaped by collaboration and team- event design in future. work. The concept of smart networks explains how participants and orga- The youth of today are the event nizers alike are able to benefit from participants of tomorrow.