Children's Mental Health: Is Poverty the Diagnosis?
Telephone-based interpretation in October 2016; 58: 8 family physician offices in BC Pages 433–488 Electronic wound monitoring after breast cancer surgery Chikungunya: A disease risk for Canadians traveling in the tropics Children’s mental health: Is poverty the diagnosis? October 2016 Volume 58 • Number 8 contents Pages 433–488 A R T I C L E S 442 A pilot study of telephone-based interpretation in family physician offices in British Columbia Patricia Gabriel, MD, Adaora Ezeaputa, MD, Cristina Liciu, MD, Sarah Grant, MD, Sarah Grant, MD, Emma Preston, MD Established 1959 448 Electronic wound monitoring after ambulatory breast cancer surgery: Improving patient care and satisfaction using a smart phone app Hamish Hwang, MD 454 Children’s mental health: Is poverty the diagnosis? Ivana Jakovljevic, MD, Ashley P. Miller, MDCM, Barbara Fitzgerald, MD 461 Chikungunya: A disease risk for Canadians traveling in the tropics Derryck H. Smith, MD, John P. Wade, MD ON THE COVER: Children living in poverty have higher O P I N I O N S rates of mortality, hospital- ization, asthma, obesity, and Editorials psychiatric conditions. Phy- 436 sicians can give them a Not an all-access pass, David R. Richardson, MD (436) hand up by screening for Anonymity, Anne I. Clarke, MD (437) poverty and making treat- ment recommendations that address the family’s lack of 438 Personal View income and resources. Arti- I wash my hands of this: A plea for emotional hygiene cle begins on page 454. Justine Spencer, MD 439 President’s Comment Opioid prescribing: The profession and the patients we serve and support Alan Ruddiman, MBBCh, Dip PEMP, FRRMS 486 Back Page Proust Questionnaire: David Patrick, MD ECO-AUDIT: Environmental benefits of using recycled paper D E P A R T M E N T S Using recycled paper made with post- consumer waste and bleached without the use of chlorine or chlorine compounds results in 440 BC Centre for Disease Control measurable environmental benefits.
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