TEACH earn Thorough Education Achieved in a Caring Home I Number 12 January 1998 submissions made to this review g Education Legislation panel came from home educating t5 individuals and organisations (1 1 Amendment Bill a Concern as far as 1 ascertain). That I ~emesentsa hi& level of mlitical This Bill, if passed into law, will child and the learning envimn- involvement ihea you consider have an impact on the future of ment (our private homes) be in- home educated children make up home education in New Zealand. spected as part of the review pro- barely 1% of the school-aged pop- As many readers as possible must cess to ensure they are safe and ulation. In italics below is the make submissions on this Bill to secure. This seemed to be outside fllmmary comments of the panel the Science and Education Select the parameters of the Act which regdg home education (from Committee who are at present re- simply says that the child must be Austin Panel's report "Achieving viewing it. Relevant pahs of this "taught at least as regularly and Excellence": Bill and the Education Act plus well as in a registered school". commentary were included in the ~tro"~submissions were made by "Stop Press" of the TEACH Bul- The ERO itself was the subject of home schoolers that the current letin, Number 11 of November a Government review between restriction on access to private 1997 (if you would like more July and October 1997, by an in- homes should be retained. This copies, free of charge, please con- dependent panel of experts headed has the disadvantage ofprevent- tact the editor, or just photocopy by the Hon. Margaret Austin, a ing reviewers from observing the them yourself). CHomeS & past Labour MP. Their report was educational programme being TEACH members will be receiv- just recently published. It is en- provided unless access is volun- ing copies of a Government book- couraging to note that 4% of the (Continued on page 2) let on how to make a submission. Please share this information amund. Maharey to Invade Homes

To help with the submission, there Steve Maharey, Labonr's social statistical information on the situ- follows some background to this welfare spokesperson, is drafting ation of children, parricularly Amendment Bill: a bill to enshrine children's rights those belonging to the most vul- in line with the United Nations nerable groups. Current informa- In Januaty of 1997 the Rl. Hon. Convention on the Rights of the tion is woefully inadequate." Brian DoMelly, Minister in Child. Mr Maharey said New Charge of the ERO, issued a state- Zealand's laws had come under Mr Maharey will present his bill ment that the Government would criticism from the United Nations for Caucus appmval, and it will re-institute the raiews which had for not conforming with the Con- then be placed in the ballot for been stopped by the previous Min- vention. "Children's issues have members' bills. ister of Education, the Rl. Hon. been ignored for too long. My Lockwood Smith, in 1994 because member's bill will do something Mr Maharey offers untested ideol- he could no longer justify the ex- this Government for reasons of its ogy: he equates spanking with pense. The re-institution of re- own, has refused to do and that is violence, saying physical force is views of home educators was one enshrine children's rights in law used against children as punish- of the items the NZ First Party in line with the UN Convention." ment, when virtually all of us par- took into the coalition talks with ents know we must consistently National in order to form a Gw- An example of an area where the use physical force to ensure their ernment. The Coalition Govern- Government has breached the very survival around open hs, ment was formed, and when the Convention is the current Crimes busy mads, swimming pools, etc. budget came out on 26 June 1997, Act. "Section 59 authorises the The most vulnerable groups? it contained the provision of use of physical force against chil- Home educated children, of $1.4M specifically for the review dren as punishment within the course, who are kept away fiom of all home educators over the family. It is abhorrent that gov- the watchful eyes and probing next three years. One thing that ernment legislation actually con- classroom "discussions" of school concerned this writer was Mr dones violence. My bill will alio teachers and other public servants. DoMelly'S insistence that the require the Government to collect TEACH Bulletin Page 1 January 1998 (Conannedfrom pose I) as well as submit to a review as teered by parents. It can also well as sign a statutory declaration mean that there is no access to the twice a year in addition to the student which is more serious. extensive information supplied in While the Panel accepts the prohi- our initial exemption applications. bition on entry without coiisent to Is this a problem? Some home private dwellirtgs, tl~evim was educators will have problems with formed that, iw the interests of the every bit of it, others will have no student, entry should not be de- problems will1 any of it. That's nied without valid reason. A re- just the way home educators are viewer is, however, entitled under and probably always will be. s,327(b)(ii)and (d) and (e) to meet with, inspect the work of; and So what next? The ERO has make copies of any work docu- prepared a very helpful protocol ments of a student. The Panel when approaching a home educat- believes that the Minishy should ing family. First they send out a continue to require home school- letter requesting a review at a ers to provide documented evi- specified date and time...the place dence of curriculum provision is your home. If you are unhappy through their annual written re- with any of those, yon can negoti- ports on specified areas of howl- ate something different. Please edge. note the ERO acknowledges that the review DOES NOT have to The panel also made two recom- take place in your home, although mendations to the Government re- that is their clear preference garding the review process of (This writer has reservations home educators. They appear be- about allowing ERO officers into low with the Government's re- our homes and thus setting a sponses (dated 4/12/97): precedent for future years.) There is a postage-paid reply card en- Recommendation 42: That home closed for your convenience. Also schooling caregivers be reviewed enclosed is a brochure explaining on an ongoing basis and continue the ERO code of conduct. There lo be required lo provide a written is a list of questions they will ask annual report to the Minisby of you as parents. There is a list of Educalion as the exempting au- questions they want to ask the thority. children, only in your presence, of Government Reswnse: Endorse course. This is all very helpful, reviewing homeschooling on an and allows us to be perf* pre- on-going basis. However, the pared. They will want to see your need for a written annual report is current exemption certificate and being discussed by ERO and the the original exemption application Ministry of Education. fom, now called an "infonnation statement". This is to be used as a Recommendation 43: That the basis for the review ....to see that Education Review Office prepare you are doing as you said to the pmtoools for the audit of home MOE you would bc doing. This schooling providers, including ac- seems to be using it in the fashion cess to the learner and the leam- of a de facto school charter Be- ing environment, where care- ware. Fortunately the MOE and givers are willing to give access the ERO both realise that parents and make them available to those will change what they do due to included in the review each year. the developing understanding of Government Rmnse: ERO has the nature of the educational task. developed protocols for home- As long as you can explain clearly schooling reviews and has begun what you do, and demonstrate that training reviewers in Ule~n. COIU- you cover a reasonable range of tnunication with ho~neschooling subjects, you should be OK. pmviders is underway. What if you decide you do not As you can see, we may yet be want to be reviewed at all by the required to submit written reports' (Conhnued on page 3)

TEACH Bulletin January 1998 (Continuedfrompage 2) February. (You need to send 20 subcommittee, Jill, Jane, Chris, ERO. Simply tell that to the ERO. copies.) One of the problems to be Mike and Lennie. Their response will be to recom- overcome is that those on the com- mend to the MOE that your ex- mittee are not likely to know much We still managed to get plenty of emption certificate be revoked. about home education as it really talking done in between our busy That's not being mean, that is is, but probably have all kinds of programme schedule. The meet- simply doing their job. So before inaccurate preconceptions. Part of ing with Tony Cross of the ERO it comes to that I would suggest the job of lobbying government is on Friday evening proved very that you contact the MOE, explain educating MPs about home educa- necessary and very fruitful; it es- that you do not want to deal with tion. Perhaps you or your support tablished the beginnings of an un- the ERO, and that you would like group would lie to meet with derstanding between ERO to deal directly with the MOE your MP or one of the Select Com- Wellington and us. The Saturday instead. It is the MOE which mittee members. The Select Com- morning chat with Barbara Smith must be "satisfied" you are teach- mittee members are: was great. Very informal and ing as regularly and well, not the everyone got a lot said. I wasn't at ERO.... The MOE uses the audit- chairman: Craig Smith's afternoon session ing skills of the ERO to help them Tony Steele, National, Hamilton for fathers and their role in home- become satisfied. How you then East; schooling, but a good number of deal with the MOE is up to your Assistant Chair. fathers attended. Saturday ability to negotiate with them. Belinda Vernon, National, Maun- evening was curriculum night. gakiekie; On those occasions there never The current Education Act euu- Gerry Brownlee, National, Uam; seems enough time to browse and merates the powers held by the Neil Kirton, NZ First, list; there always seems to be another ERO. Margaret Austin and Steve Jill White, Labour, list; new book to discover. Sunday Maharey (Labour MP for Palm Janet Mackey, Labour, Mahia; morning saw a talking session Nth who helped draft the present , Labour, Hun with Craig and Barbara about legislation) both insist that the South, home schooling teenagers. I'm ERO already has these powers Steve Maharey, Labour, Palm Nth, already looking forward to the with home educators now ....but Donna Awatere Huata, ACT, list next camp...weU wodthe effort. these powers only kick into place Liz Gordon, Alliance, list. once we let them into our homes. So why the need of this amend- Write your submission now! Trading ment? (I've asked Steve Maharey to clarify that for us.) Canterbury Home Post Educators' Camp For Sale: This proposed Education Legisla- by Lennie Harrison Arithmetic 5. tion Amendment makes sure these ~eacher~e~ powers apply to home educatom The annual camp (28-30 Novem- Language B, Teacher Key by stating so and re-enumerating ber) was a great success. It was Grammar & Composition 11 the powers. (One power, the auto- held at Hibburt Park which is All new. matic power of entry, is specifi- right next to Spencer Park, so we contact: cally denied in this amendment could make use of Spencer Park's Dick Vlaanderen bill.) It looks to this writer like recreation facilities, including 20 George Hemng PI., setting in place legislation that minigolf. The surroundings at Glen Eden, Auckland, will in fact change our homes into Hibburt Park are wonderful, lots ph (09) 818-4456 de facto schooling institutions, of walking tracks and the beach then becoming subject to a vast and no sandflies! Wanted: array of other bureaucratic regula- Artes Latinae by Waldo Sweet tions, such as health and safety We had good weather and the Gamesfor Learning by Peggy issues, national wriculum, etc. children got on really well to- KaYe The power of entry could also gether. They were busy outside You Can Teach Your Child Suc become dtyin future simply by with the giant balls hired from the cessfully by Dr Ruth striking out the line that currently Kiwisport people, ,volleyball, Beechick prohibits it. This could be done in cricket, swimming, etc. Family Maths by Jean Kerr Sten- the future.... or now, before the bill mark et al is passed into law. A big thank you goes to Mike Writing with Results by JoAnne Limmer who was in charge of Moore Submissions need to be in to organising the kitchen and meal- Phonic Readers the Science and Education Se- making. The meals were =pert, contact: lect Committee, Parliament and pleasantly relaxed affairs, Andrew & Christine Smith Buildings, Wellington, by 27 which helped create a lovely hdi: fax: (09) 5354061 day feeling. And thanks to the ' . email: [email protected] TEACH Bulletin January 1998 Home Educators' Infomercials TEACH Leadership Forum Nelson Area Home Wellington Home Schooling Thursday 5 February 1998, Schoolers' Annual Camp Association's General Bethany Park, Kaiteriteri Information Pack CEomeS National Family 27 February to 1 March 1998 Loaded with information on fill- Conference Speaker: ing in an exemption application, 6-7 February 1998, Freyberg High resources, support activities and School, Pal~nerslonNorth. Doug Duncan Nelson Baptist Minister whose more. $10. Write to WHSA, cl- Guest s~eakers: home schooled children are now 24 Stephen St., Upper Hntt. Tonv Cross. ERO. Wellheton: -, adnlts ~onia~watere ~uata, ACT MF Children's programme; swim- Manawatu Home Educators' and home schooling mum; ming, canoeing, beach, water- Starting Out Pack Duncan Lenoox, teacher at Hast. slide, etc.; family concert. Tips on answering exemption ap- ings Christian School. Contact: C Costs plications, organising your day, & B Smith, 4 Tawa St., Palmer. Adults ...... $43 sample newsletters and more. $8. ston North, phlfax (06) 357-4399. Under 14 years $35 Write to: MHE, PO Box 4133, Pmeramme Includes: ..... Under 6 years ..... $25 Palmerston North. Teaching Music Under 3 years ..... Free Catherine Duxfield, PN Family (2 X Adults + Canterbnry Home Educators' Catherine Sandbrook, PN 2Xover3s= $136+$10for "Getting Started in Unit Studies each extra child over three. Home Schooling" Christina Coward, Wlg Contact: Many good tips and contacts for SPELD those just starting out. $3. Write Geoff & Rosalie Shearer Sharon Hrnphries, PN to Jill Hanna, 17 Rathlin St., Red- Leigh Rd., R.D. 1, Wakefield, Deschooling, Remotivation wad, Christchurch. Christine Whetton. Akl ph. (03) 541-921 1 Creative Learning Activities He described this as a Dot Brown, Chch Education Ministry "particularly disturbing finding". Helpful Hints Wrong on Reading Delwy~lMcAlister, .IO~M The MOE's emphasis on teaching (From Campus Father's Role children to read by using context News, Issi~e26,28 July 1997.) Ian Brown, Chch is wrong, a recent international Occupational Therapy reading conference at the Massey Drug Education Sarah Holland, PN University College of Education Time Tabling was told. in Schools Catherine Meld,PN Schools in high cannabis growing Phonics Massey University's Professor Bill regions in New Zealand will be Grace Green, PN Turner, in releasing results from the first to benefit from drug edu- ADD & ADHD a three-year study he conducted cation programmes from the be- Sha~ynWylie, Wsnganui with Professor James Chapman, ginning of the new school year WEing Teenages with a Purpose also of Massey University, said Minister of Education, Wyatt Barbara Smith, PN that children taught by a spelling- Creech, announced today. Children's Literature to-sound method were doing bet- Jenny Barkley, Amberle ter two and tluee years later. "There is no quick fix to teaching Junior Maths young people about Ll~e risks 01 Duncan Lennox, Hastint "Our f111dings do not support the drug overuse. Research shows that Mother's Role Ministry-supported view that be- the most effective drug education Megan McLeay, F'N Home Business, Home Ed, Home .... ginning reading instruction programmes are those which are David Waldmn, Raetihi should focus on teaching children part of ongoing health education CVs, Job Applications, Interviews to use sentence context s the pri- programmes in schools, where the Brent McAlister, Tokoroa mary strategy for identifying unfa- school and the wider copunity Dead Boring Club (Creative Writiq miliar words in text," Professor is 'on the case' continually," Mr Jenny Barkley, Amberley Tunmer told about I50 delegates Creech said. Plus more! at the July 17-18 conference. (Press Release: New Zealand Government, 15 January 1998.) National Competitive Sports wi He said their research also re- Just another reason why thinldng awards and non-competitive game crafts and sports for children. vealed "highly inflated" assess- parents do not send their parents ments by Reading Recovery teach- to school...... the children will be Time is short. ers of the reading levels of chil- educated in the drug scene Register now! dren completing their pd- whether they need it or not. wammes. TEACH Bulletin Page 4 January 1998