PROJECT PROJECT FIGURES/DATA/FACTS REPAMOBIL 1 SUSTAINABILITY LABEL 4 PROJECT PARTNERS FOR EASY-TO-REPAIR PRODUCTS Project 1 FORSCHUNGSFORUM RepaMobil, Graz 2007 1/2008 ■ This project aimed to mitigate exi- Graz University of Technology participa- bile receiving point. The optimum ■ The experience of repair technicians Project Coordinator: Matthias Neitsch sting market barriers in the field of hou- ted in the project. Five service providers variant for service providers also tells us that electrical and electronic Arge Abfallvermeidung, Ressourcenscho- nung und nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH, sehold-related product-service systems – of the repair network Graz contributed consists in a mobile service point appliances are increasingly designed in Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft- especially repair services – by means of experience from practice. In addition to with their own vehicle and Repa - such a way that repair becomes more mbH / Institut für Nachhaltige Techniken new organizational structures. The crea- a social repair shop, participants inclu- Mobil staff. This model should be and more difficult. The sustainability und Systeme – JOINTS tion of service points at locations with ded small enterprises working in the combined with the virtual variant. label aims to motivate manufacturers Photo: die umweltberatung Project 2 high customer frequency is to bring fields of electronics, EDP, and bicycle to reverse this trend and have their Wiederverwendbarkeit von Elekro(nik)- repair services closer to the customer. repair. The analysis has shown that a durable and easy-to-repair products Altgeräten, Wien 2007 number of positive effects may be certified. At the same time, targeted Project Coordinator: DI Markus Spitzbart An online survey among participating expected for all actors participating marketing and PR campaigns are to Verband Wiener Volksbildung / Beschäfti- gungsinitiativen Demontage- und Recyc- large enterprises served to ascertain the in the RepaMobil project: enhance consumers’ demand for repair- ling-Zentrum D.R.Z und Reparatur- und Photo: R.U.S.Z Award of the sustainability label: demand for the new services and to friendly products. Servicezentrum R.U.S.Z, Institut für Abfall- washing machine Eudora 2007 conduct a feasibility study. The INES For the staff of large enterprises, wirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur (Improving New Services) tool helped to advantages such as easier availabi- The sustainability label, which has been Wien

evaluate the sustainability effects of the lity of repair and other services, the developed jointly by the Austrian Stan- Products with the sustainability label Project 3 concept as compared to the status quo. avoidance of additional travel, and dards Institute and “die umweltbera- comply with all requirements of the Semimanuelle Demontage von Elektro(nik)- Based on these findings the project the improvement of workplace tung” in cooperation with partners Austrian Electrical and Electronic Appli- Kleingeräten, Wien 2007 team developed implementation con- quality were in the foreground. from the repair sector, will be affixed ances Decree enacted in 2005 (in accor- Project Coordinator: DI Markus Spitzbart cepts for pilot projects at the various Providers of repair services expect directly to the product; it will offer dance with the EU Directive). KERP Kompetenzzentrum Elektronik & Umwelt, Verband Wiener Volksbildung / locations. The results have shown that an increase in incoming orders and consumers reliable support in their Beschäftigungsinitiative Demontage- und the conditions for the realization of thus more economic stability, decision for a new appliance. Two Manufacturers who want the sustaina- -Zentrum D.R.Z , Institut für Abfall- The basis for this approach is the crea- pilot projects are favorable. The staff of strengthening of existing and the guidelines available at the Austrian bility label for one of their products, wirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur tion of local/regional networks of small participating enterprises reported a creation of new networks as well as Standards Institute give detailed criteria submit a series produced appliance or a Wien, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und and medium service suppliers in various considerable demand for repair and an improvement of competitiveness. for the award of the label and for the prototype for testing. The list of testers Fertigungstechnik,TU-Braunschweig trades who jointly offer their services service points. training of testers who will evaluate is available at the Austrian Standards Project 4 and ensure an effective processing of The benefit for the region consists the appliances and clear them for certi- Institute. If the appliance complies with Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für gut reparierbare orders. The greatest demand for repair services in the creation of new jobs and the fication. Important prerequisites for a the requirements, the manufacturer Produkte , Wien 2007 Project Coordinator: DI Sabine Seidl, exists in the fields of audio and video safeguarding of existing jobs in the repair-friendly product include the applies for certification with the Stan- Georg Pirkner The practical approach will be to create systems, bicycles and shoes as well as service sector. availability of spare parts, easy dis- dards Institute. The appliance will then „die umweltberatung“ Wien, Verband mobile or stationary service points in EDP equipment and small electrical assembly, and simple access to design be entered in a list of products confor- Wiener Volksbildung major centers and other locations with a appliances. Also, the promotion of the repair documents for repair technicians. ming to standards. high customer frequency (shopping service sector constitutes an essen- INFORMATION malls, train stations, universities, etc.) Necessary prerequisites for the accep- tial contribution to preven- The result of the evaluation will be In June 2007, the project team presen- PUBLICATIONS that accept orders for repair jobs and tance of repair services people stated tion and the conservation of resour- shown on the label by the quality levels ted the first certified appliances (e.g. other household-related services, which included low costs, convenience, binding ces and thus to sustainable “Excellent”, “Very good” or “Good”. the washing machine “Eudora titan”). The final reports have been published in subsequently will be referred to mem- cost estimates and advice from expert development. Products that do not attain the level the bmvit series “Reports on Energy and Environment Research”. bers of a regional network. After repair personnel. “Good” will not get the label. Project 1: 25/2007 Project 2: 24/2007 SUSTAINABLE REPAIR SERVICES the products can be claimed at the ser- Rough cost estimates have been Project 3: 22/2008* Project 4: 21/2008* vice point. The benefit for potential Various models have been analyzed with made for all models developed * These reports will be available from customers consists in an improved avai- a view to implementation variants: within the project. At present, FORSCHUNGSFORUM in the Internet: June 2008. lability of repair services as well in the ■ Stationary receiving / service points at researchers are developing concepts Order form and download: avoidance of “burdensome” errands. In the various locations of enterprises for the practical implementation at http://www NEW AUSTRIAN CONCEPTS WITHIN THE addition, it may be expected that such ■ Mobile receiving points with special individual locations. in German and English forms of organization, in the long run, vehicles, roll-on roll off containers or You will find a complete list of all publications of the series PROJEKTFABRIK “FACTORY OF TOMORROW” SUBPROGRAM will ensure optimization of costs for trailers “Reports of Energy and Environmental Research” by the bmvit with Währinger Straße 121/3, 1180 , service providers and thus an improved ■ Problem box: Only mediation of servi- order form on the HOMEPAGE: , [email protected] price-performance ratio for customers. ces, inquiries in writing will be for- warded on certain days by a person The project has been implemented by ■ Virtual receiving point: Only media- the working group for waste avoidance, tion of services via Internet, inquiries FORSCHUNGSFORUM provides information on selected projects within a bmvit program focusing on “Sustainable Development”. Published by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, and Technology (bmvit), Division for Energy and Environment Technologies; Director: Dipl.Ing. M. Paula; Renngasse 5, A-1010 Vienna. conservation of resources and sustaina- via e-mail are forwarded and proces- Cover photo and illustrations: R.U.S.Z. Reparatur- und Servicezentrum, D.R.Z. Demontage- und Recyclingzentrum Wien, Markus Spitzbart, KERP Kompetenzzentrum ble development in Graz. Large enterpri- sed by hotline staff Elektronik & Umwelt GmbH, Projektfabrik. Editors: Projektfabrik, A-1180 Vienna, Währinger Straße 121/3. Layout: Wolfgang Bledl. ses and institutions such as Magna Steyr Printed by: AV+Astoria Druckzentrum GmbH, A-1030 Vienna, Faradaygasse 6. P.b.b. Erscheinungsort Wien, AG & Co KG, Joanneum Research, the Enterprises favor a weekly depositing 3 FORSCHUNGSFORUM is published at least four times a year and is available for free from: Verlagspostamt A-1010 Wien. Karl Franzens University of Graz, and the and pick-up service by means of a mo- Projektfabrik, 1180 Vienna, Währinger Straße 121/3, [email protected] Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology TOPIC PROJECTS PROJECT SUSTAINABLE CONCEPTS FOR REPAIRS AND SERVICES REUSABILITY OF WASTE ELECTRICAL Another emphasis of the project was ■ Large household appliances: has to be assessed with caution as 2 on the development of a market analy- A great number of still operational the requisite input for repair often AND ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES sis and a marketing concept. While the equipment is lost because transporta- exceeds the proceeds from resale. demand for second-hand appliances tion is rather cumbersome. The solution

online, for federal provinces or indivi- Various projects implemented within the D.R.Z. Ersatzteillager, Photo: Projektfabrik Some appliances that are suitable for An important aspect of the reusability does exist, it varies substantially depen- could be a take-back system and pick- ■ Small household appliances: dual regions). Furthermore, the business “Factory of Tomorrow” subprogram reuse are repaired in partner enterpri- of equipment refers not only to good ding on the type of equipment. up service combined with an extended While in this area a relative large field of “repair” has in recent years been focused on new strategies and measures ses of the Viennese REPA-Net. One of functioning but also to an acceptable shop structure. number of reusable appliances have established and firmly embedded by a aiming to make sustainable approaches the objectives of the project was to optical appearance of appliances. A key A combination of workshop, Internet, been identified, marketing of these number of social enterprises. This later such as repair services more marketable ascertain the potential of reusable point concerns collecting logistics and D.R.Z. Trash-Design, Photo: Projektfabrik and shop sales promises to bring the ■ IT and telecommunications products was possible only via flea entailed the creation of regional repair thus creating the basis for a broader appliances by means of analyses in the the avoidance of damage during collec- best sales record. Marketing via already equipment: markets. In 1999, the Austrian Federal Ministry networks, which mainly consist of small diffusion of these services. field of collection, selection, and repair tion and transportation. existing structures should therefore be There is great demand in Austria and of Transport, Innovation and Techno- enterprises in the repair services sector, as well as by market research. Subse- continued and the shop concept should Eastern Europe and marketing pros- logy (bmvit) launched the “Sustaina- such as RepaMobil PROJECT quently, researchers investigated judi- Surveys have shown that 60% of small be extended. pects via the Internet are promising. ble Development” research and tech- Removal of market barriers for house- ■ This research project focused on cial and organizational issues and ela- household appliances, IT, telecommuni- nology program aiming to effectively 1 In spite of these initiatives potential hold-related product-service systems, in fundamental work for the reuse of borated proposals aiming to make cations as well as audio and video Overall, the results of the investigati- ■ Audio and video systems: support the restructuring process users of repair services find themselves particular by means of repair service waste electrical and electronic applian- better use of existing potentials in the equipment are not damaged, however, ons have shown the following potenti- Actually, there are a great number of towards a sustainable economy still confronted with numerous barriers points at locations with a major custo- ces. Investigations have been conducted field of reusable appliances. This was only 20% of larger household equip- als for the reuse and marketing (sepa- reusable systems in this group. How- through research. Various research to use these services. Apart from an mer frequency. in two social enterprises in cooperation also to serve as a best practice example ment are in working order. rately by type of equipment): ever, the reuse potential in this field and development projects as well as often unattractive price-performance with the Institute of Waste Manage- of how reuse, which has a high priority demonstration and diffusion measu- ratio the requisite input of gathering Wiederverwendbarkeit von PROJECT ment of the University of Natural in the guidelines on used electronic Analyses have shown that, depending res, which will give new impetus to information, time, long travels, and Elektro(nik)-Altgeräten Resources and Applied Life Sciences, equipment, can be put into practice. on the type of equipment, 10% to 25% innovation in Austria’s economy have 2 transportation are reasons for consu- (Reusability of waste electrical and Vienna. Participating businesses inclu- of appliances are potentially suitable since been supported within the scope mers to rather buy a new product. It is electronic appliances) ded D.R.Z. (Disassembly and Recycling Strategies towards effective reuse for reuse if all criteria concerning opti- of a number of subprograms. essential to overcome these market Creating the prerequisites for reuse- Center) in the field of collection / selec- cycles: cal appearance, technical condition, barriers by the creation of intelligent cycles for waste electrical and electronic tion and R.U.S.Z (Repair and Service ■ Optimization of collection systems and demand are taken into account. PROJECT The “Factory of Tomorrow” subpro- 3 concepts and to offer new solutions for appliances Center) in the field of repair and and selection processes SEMI-MANUAL DISASSEMBLY OF ELECTRICAL gram aims to encourage trend-setting improved networking between services marketing. ■ Retrieval of usable spare parts from A key issue in the subsequent logistic AND ELECTRONIC SMALL APPLIANCES pilot projects in the field of sustaina- on offer and potential users. In addition Semimanuelle Demontage von damaged appliances and organizational processes concerns PROJECT D.R.Z. Selektion, Photo: Projektfabrik ble technology development. Model to measures prolonging the service life Elektro(nik)-Kleingeräten The starting point for the realization of ■ Optimization of repair processes selection in the enterprises. A work- examples include sustainable techno- 3 ■ ■ In Austria, the implementation of the mization of the various processes, which of appliances, separate recovery of of appliances such as repair-friendly (Semi-manual disassembly of electrical this project was a cooperation between Development of functional tests and shop addressed the development of logies and innovative manufacturing design and the promotion of the repair and electronic small appliances) the Viennese waste management mobile measuring units selection criteria in order to optimize WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic were then evaluated and tested in a hazardous materials), and the trans- processes, the use of renewable raw sector new strategies for the reuse of Optimization of the technology of ma- agency MA 48 and D.R.Z. focusing on Equipment) Directive aiming to reduce pilot plant. Here, it was also important portation of incoming and outgoing materials or future-oriented products the growing amount of electronic waste to take into account the social work material. For the original and seven discarded products and product compo- nual disassembly of small electrical and the disassembly of used electrical and Concept– Reuse Cycle for Waste Appliances and services with a consistent focus on nents are essential. electronic appliances in social enterprises electronic appliances. Within this coo- has had a positive effect on the business aspect. further scenarios, researchers simula- the usefulness of the product. The peration, appliances are collected and sector dealing with recycling and the ted a disassembly operation of six Austrian Research Promotion Agency repaired equipment MARKETING reuse of such appliances. However, stiff First, researchers analyzed the input of months and compared parameters This requires the creation of cycles, in Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für gut PROJECT sorted at three garbage collection with warranty (FFG) is managing the “Factory of which used products are collected sepa- reparierbare Produkte points and delivered to D.R.Z. who competition in the appliances reuse appliances and determined the average such as the throughput of appliances, high-quality 4 Source: Markus Spitzbart, KERP sector also had the effect that cost re- material composition for 18 types of costs of disassembly, and proceeds Tomorrow” subprogram. rately and sorted after disposal and then (Sustainability label for easy-to- remove hazardous materials and pre- second-hand appliances either repaired and sold for reuse in repair products) pare remaining material for recycling. ductions increasingly become more im- appliance. In addition, they ascertained from sales. The simulations also took repair electronic portant factors than quality and occupa- key data such as duration of disassembly, account of other parameters that second hand stores or disassembled; still Definition of criteria for a sustainability Part of the appliances is suitable for REPAIR services CONSUMER waste COLLECTION ■ Repair jobs and other services for day- functioning components can be used as label for appliances with repair-friendly reuse. Also, appliances suitable for tional safety. Manual disassembly optimum degree of disassembly, costs of reflected workers’ performance, their enterprises have to find new approaches disassembly, and possible proceeds from ability to learn as well as the consi- to-day requirements of private house- spare parts for new products. In some design – marketing and public relations reuse are sorted out at the garbage repair-worthy waste electrical and waste electrical and spare parts appliances electronical equipment electronical equipment holds – such as renting services, mainten- cases, social enterprises offer such servi- campaigns among manufacturers and collection points already and sold at the and aim to integrate mechanical techno- material fractions. These data formed derable personnel turnover. logies in order to stay competitive. the basis for subsequent simulations. ance of household appliances, laundry ces, in particular for electrical appliances consumers – training of testers and MA 48 flea market – however without APPLIANCE SELECTION SPARE-PARTS RECOVERY services etc. – contribute substantially to and electronic products. However, in this award of the sustainability label. functional tests or repair. An important measure to improve D.R.Z. The aim of a project coordinated by the The investigated scenarios for process efficiency and to optimize costs con- a longer service life of products and thus field too, new solutions for efficient recycling of incineration, to the conservation of resources as well organization and marketing will be At D.R.Z. information technology and materials material fractions residual, dangerous treatment of KERP (Center of Excellence Electronics & optimization differed from the original sists in presorting. The scenarios in waste hazardous waste as to waste prevention. In addition, such required in order to make better use of telecommunications equipment is sor- Environment) was to improve the dis- situation on account of various layouts which individual workers always labor-intensive and sustainable services existing potentials. ted and selected, disassembled, assem- assembling technology for electrical and (disassembly line versus individual disas- disassembled only a certain type of create considerable value added as well bled again and sold via e-bay and the ■ Analysis of legal and organizational the selection of reusable equipment. electronic small appliances concerning sembly working places). Other differen- appliance attained the best overall as regional jobs. D.R.Z. shop, respectively. Members of issues These criteria refer to remaining service efficiency, quality and flexible adapta- ces concerned the arrangement of wor- evaluations. This approach resulted in the “Trash-Design” department create ■ Evaluation of the market potential, life, efficiency of the product, and ex- tion to changing conditions in order to king places as well as the assignment of more efficient working processes and At present, the market for repair services artistic objects (e.g. standing tables site analysis and development of a pense for repair as well as to safety improve the competitiveness of social individual process steps to different improvements in the training of in Austria is still rather poorly develo- from old washing machine drums) shop concept standards. This process requires above enterprises. working places (e.g. presorting the input workers. Overall, the project has ped. It is usually small and micro enter- using components from disassembled Researchers analyzed collecting systems all a communicative person who, on shown that the potential for opti- prises that offer such services. Public appliances. In addition, there is a spare and processing methods from the de- account of expert-technical know-how Characterization of the input of applian- mization in manual disassembly has authorities support the repair sector and parts store where still functioning com- posit of equipment to disassembly or and knowledge of customer behavior, ces as well as disassembly simulations not yet been fully exhausted. publish “Repair Guides” (printed or D.R.Z. Trash-Design, Photo: Projektfabrik ponents are collected and offered for reuse. This permitted to investigate is able to provide advice for repair were used to identify methods of opti- sale. input streams and unused potentials. departments. PROJECT PROJECT

PROJECT PROJECT FIGURES/DATA/FACTS REPAMOBIL 1 SUSTAINABILITY LABEL 4 PROJECT PARTNERS FOR EASY-TO-REPAIR PRODUCTS Project 1 FORSCHUNGSFORUM RepaMobil, Graz 2007 1/2008 ■ This project aimed to mitigate exi- Graz University of Technology participa- bile receiving point. The optimum ■ The experience of repair technicians Project Coordinator: Matthias Neitsch sting market barriers in the field of hou- ted in the project. Five service providers variant for service providers also tells us that electrical and electronic Arge Abfallvermeidung, Ressourcenscho- nung und nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH, sehold-related product-service systems – of the repair network Graz contributed consists in a mobile service point appliances are increasingly designed in Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft- especially repair services – by means of experience from practice. In addition to with their own vehicle and Repa - such a way that repair becomes more mbH / Institut für Nachhaltige Techniken new organizational structures. The crea- a social repair shop, participants inclu- Mobil staff. This model should be and more difficult. The sustainability und Systeme – JOINTS tion of service points at locations with ded small enterprises working in the combined with the virtual variant. label aims to motivate manufacturers Photo: die umweltberatung Project 2 high customer frequency is to bring fields of electronics, EDP, and bicycle to reverse this trend and have their Wiederverwendbarkeit von Elekro(nik)- repair services closer to the customer. repair. The analysis has shown that a durable and easy-to-repair products Altgeräten, Wien 2007 number of positive effects may be certified. At the same time, targeted Project Coordinator: DI Markus Spitzbart An online survey among participating expected for all actors participating marketing and PR campaigns are to Verband Wiener Volksbildung / Beschäfti- gungsinitiativen Demontage- und Recyc- large enterprises served to ascertain the in the RepaMobil project: enhance consumers’ demand for repair- ling-Zentrum D.R.Z und Reparatur- und Photo: R.U.S.Z Award of the sustainability label: demand for the new services and to friendly products. Servicezentrum R.U.S.Z, Institut für Abfall- washing machine Eudora 2007 conduct a feasibility study. The INES For the staff of large enterprises, wirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur (Improving New Services) tool helped to advantages such as easier availabi- The sustainability label, which has been Wien

evaluate the sustainability effects of the lity of repair and other services, the developed jointly by the Austrian Stan- Products with the sustainability label Project 3 concept as compared to the status quo. avoidance of additional travel, and dards Institute and “die umweltbera- comply with all requirements of the Semimanuelle Demontage von Elektro(nik)- Based on these findings the project the improvement of workplace tung” in cooperation with partners Austrian Electrical and Electronic Appli- Kleingeräten, Wien 2007 team developed implementation con- quality were in the foreground. from the repair sector, will be affixed ances Decree enacted in 2005 (in accor- Project Coordinator: DI Markus Spitzbart cepts for pilot projects at the various Providers of repair services expect directly to the product; it will offer dance with the EU Directive). KERP Kompetenzzentrum Elektronik & Umwelt, Verband Wiener Volksbildung / locations. The results have shown that an increase in incoming orders and consumers reliable support in their Beschäftigungsinitiative Demontage- und the conditions for the realization of thus more economic stability, decision for a new appliance. Two Manufacturers who want the sustaina- Recycling-Zentrum D.R.Z , Institut für Abfall- The basis for this approach is the crea- pilot projects are favorable. The staff of strengthening of existing and the guidelines available at the Austrian bility label for one of their products, wirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur tion of local/regional networks of small participating enterprises reported a creation of new networks as well as Standards Institute give detailed criteria submit a series produced appliance or a Wien, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und and medium service suppliers in various considerable demand for repair and an improvement of competitiveness. for the award of the label and for the prototype for testing. The list of testers Fertigungstechnik,TU-Braunschweig trades who jointly offer their services service points. training of testers who will evaluate is available at the Austrian Standards Project 4 and ensure an effective processing of The benefit for the region consists the appliances and clear them for certi- Institute. If the appliance complies with Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für gut reparierbare orders. The greatest demand for repair services in the creation of new jobs and the fication. Important prerequisites for a the requirements, the manufacturer Produkte , Wien 2007 Project Coordinator: DI Sabine Seidl, exists in the fields of audio and video safeguarding of existing jobs in the repair-friendly product include the applies for certification with the Stan- Georg Pirkner The practical approach will be to create systems, bicycles and shoes as well as service sector. availability of spare parts, easy dis- dards Institute. The appliance will then „die umweltberatung“ Wien, Verband mobile or stationary service points in EDP equipment and small electrical assembly, and simple access to design be entered in a list of products confor- Wiener Volksbildung major centers and other locations with a appliances. Also, the promotion of the repair documents for repair technicians. ming to standards. high customer frequency (shopping service sector constitutes an essen- INFORMATION malls, train stations, universities, etc.) Necessary prerequisites for the accep- tial contribution to waste preven- The result of the evaluation will be In June 2007, the project team presen- PUBLICATIONS that accept orders for repair jobs and tance of repair services people stated tion and the conservation of resour- shown on the label by the quality levels ted the first certified appliances (e.g. other household-related services, which included low costs, convenience, binding ces and thus to sustainable “Excellent”, “Very good” or “Good”. the washing machine “Eudora titan”). The final reports have been published in subsequently will be referred to mem- cost estimates and advice from expert development. Products that do not attain the level the bmvit series “Reports on Energy and Environment Research”. bers of a regional network. After repair personnel. “Good” will not get the label. Project 1: 25/2007 Project 2: 24/2007 SUSTAINABLE REPAIR SERVICES the products can be claimed at the ser- Rough cost estimates have been Project 3: 22/2008* Project 4: 21/2008* vice point. The benefit for potential Various models have been analyzed with made for all models developed * These reports will be available from customers consists in an improved avai- a view to implementation variants: within the project. At present, FORSCHUNGSFORUM in the Internet: June 2008. lability of repair services as well in the ■ Stationary receiving / service points at researchers are developing concepts Order form and download: avoidance of “burdensome” errands. In the various locations of enterprises for the practical implementation at http://www NEW AUSTRIAN CONCEPTS WITHIN THE addition, it may be expected that such ■ Mobile receiving points with special individual locations. in German and English forms of organization, in the long run, vehicles, roll-on roll off containers or You will find a complete list of all publications of the series PROJEKTFABRIK “FACTORY OF TOMORROW” SUBPROGRAM will ensure optimization of costs for trailers “Reports of Energy and Environmental Research” by the bmvit with Währinger Straße 121/3, 1180 Vienna, service providers and thus an improved ■ Problem box: Only mediation of servi- order form on the HOMEPAGE: Austria, [email protected] price-performance ratio for customers. ces, inquiries in writing will be for- warded on certain days by a person The project has been implemented by ■ Virtual receiving point: Only media- the working group for waste avoidance, tion of services via Internet, inquiries FORSCHUNGSFORUM provides information on selected projects within a bmvit program focusing on “Sustainable Development”. Published by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), Division for Energy and Environment Technologies; Director: Dipl.Ing. M. Paula; Renngasse 5, A-1010 Vienna. conservation of resources and sustaina- via e-mail are forwarded and proces- Cover photo and illustrations: R.U.S.Z. Reparatur- und Servicezentrum, D.R.Z. Demontage- und Recyclingzentrum Wien, Markus Spitzbart, KERP Kompetenzzentrum ble development in Graz. Large enterpri- sed by hotline staff Elektronik & Umwelt GmbH, Projektfabrik. Editors: Projektfabrik, A-1180 Vienna, Währinger Straße 121/3. Layout: Wolfgang Bledl. ses and institutions such as Magna Steyr Printed by: AV+Astoria Druckzentrum GmbH, A-1030 Vienna, Faradaygasse 6. P.b.b. Erscheinungsort Wien, AG & Co KG, Joanneum Research, the Enterprises favor a weekly depositing 3 FORSCHUNGSFORUM is published at least four times a year and is available for free from: Verlagspostamt A-1010 Wien. Karl Franzens University of Graz, and the and pick-up service by means of a mo- Projektfabrik, 1180 Vienna, Währinger Straße 121/3, [email protected] Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology TOPIC PROJECTS PROJECT SUSTAINABLE CONCEPTS FOR REPAIRS AND SERVICES REUSABILITY OF WASTE ELECTRICAL Another emphasis of the project was ■ Large household appliances: has to be assessed with caution as 2 on the development of a market analy- A great number of still operational the requisite input for repair often AND ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES sis and a marketing concept. While the equipment is lost because transporta- exceeds the proceeds from resale. demand for second-hand appliances tion is rather cumbersome. The solution

online, for federal provinces or indivi- Various projects implemented within the D.R.Z. Ersatzteillager, Photo: Projektfabrik Some appliances that are suitable for An important aspect of the reusability does exist, it varies substantially depen- could be a take-back system and pick- ■ Small household appliances: dual regions). Furthermore, the business “Factory of Tomorrow” subprogram reuse are repaired in partner enterpri- of equipment refers not only to good ding on the type of equipment. up service combined with an extended While in this area a relative large field of “repair” has in recent years been focused on new strategies and measures ses of the Viennese REPA-Net. One of functioning but also to an acceptable shop structure. number of reusable appliances have established and firmly embedded by a aiming to make sustainable approaches the objectives of the project was to optical appearance of appliances. A key A combination of workshop, Internet, been identified, marketing of these number of social enterprises. This later such as repair services more marketable ascertain the potential of reusable point concerns collecting logistics and D.R.Z. Trash-Design, Photo: Projektfabrik and shop sales promises to bring the ■ IT and telecommunications products was possible only via flea entailed the creation of regional repair thus creating the basis for a broader appliances by means of analyses in the the avoidance of damage during collec- best sales record. Marketing via already equipment: markets. In 1999, the Austrian Federal Ministry networks, which mainly consist of small diffusion of these services. field of collection, selection, and repair tion and transportation. existing structures should therefore be There is great demand in Austria and of Transport, Innovation and Techno- enterprises in the repair services sector, as well as by market research. Subse- continued and the shop concept should Eastern Europe and marketing pros- logy (bmvit) launched the “Sustaina- such as RepaMobil PROJECT quently, researchers investigated judi- Surveys have shown that 60% of small be extended. pects via the Internet are promising. ble Development” research and tech- Removal of market barriers for house- ■ This research project focused on cial and organizational issues and ela- household appliances, IT, telecommuni- nology program aiming to effectively 1 In spite of these initiatives potential hold-related product-service systems, in fundamental work for the reuse of borated proposals aiming to make cations as well as audio and video Overall, the results of the investigati- ■ Audio and video systems: support the restructuring process users of repair services find themselves particular by means of repair service waste electrical and electronic applian- better use of existing potentials in the equipment are not damaged, however, ons have shown the following potenti- Actually, there are a great number of towards a sustainable economy still confronted with numerous barriers points at locations with a major custo- ces. Investigations have been conducted field of reusable appliances. This was only 20% of larger household equip- als for the reuse and marketing (sepa- reusable systems in this group. How- through research. Various research to use these services. Apart from an mer frequency. in two social enterprises in cooperation also to serve as a best practice example ment are in working order. rately by type of equipment): ever, the reuse potential in this field and development projects as well as often unattractive price-performance with the Institute of Waste Manage- of how reuse, which has a high priority demonstration and diffusion measu- ratio the requisite input of gathering Wiederverwendbarkeit von PROJECT ment of the University of Natural in the guidelines on used electronic Analyses have shown that, depending res, which will give new impetus to information, time, long travels, and Elektro(nik)-Altgeräten Resources and Applied Life Sciences, equipment, can be put into practice. on the type of equipment, 10% to 25% innovation in Austria’s economy have 2 transportation are reasons for consu- (Reusability of waste electrical and Vienna. Participating businesses inclu- of appliances are potentially suitable since been supported within the scope mers to rather buy a new product. It is electronic appliances) ded D.R.Z. (Disassembly and Recycling Strategies towards effective reuse for reuse if all criteria concerning opti- of a number of subprograms. essential to overcome these market Creating the prerequisites for reuse- Center) in the field of collection / selec- cycles: cal appearance, technical condition, barriers by the creation of intelligent cycles for waste electrical and electronic tion and R.U.S.Z (Repair and Service ■ Optimization of collection systems and demand are taken into account. PROJECT The “Factory of Tomorrow” subpro- 3 concepts and to offer new solutions for appliances Center) in the field of repair and and selection processes SEMI-MANUAL DISASSEMBLY OF ELECTRICAL gram aims to encourage trend-setting improved networking between services marketing. ■ Retrieval of usable spare parts from A key issue in the subsequent logistic AND ELECTRONIC SMALL APPLIANCES pilot projects in the field of sustaina- on offer and potential users. In addition Semimanuelle Demontage von damaged appliances and organizational processes concerns PROJECT D.R.Z. Selektion, Photo: Projektfabrik ble technology development. Model to measures prolonging the service life Elektro(nik)-Kleingeräten The starting point for the realization of ■ Optimization of repair processes selection in the enterprises. A work- examples include sustainable techno- 3 ■ ■ In Austria, the implementation of the mization of the various processes, which of appliances, separate recovery of of appliances such as repair-friendly (Semi-manual disassembly of electrical this project was a cooperation between Development of functional tests and shop addressed the development of logies and innovative manufacturing design and the promotion of the repair and electronic small appliances) the Viennese waste management mobile measuring units selection criteria in order to optimize WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic were then evaluated and tested in a hazardous materials), and the trans- processes, the use of renewable raw sector new strategies for the reuse of Optimization of the technology of ma- agency MA 48 and D.R.Z. focusing on Equipment) Directive aiming to reduce pilot plant. Here, it was also important portation of incoming and outgoing materials or future-oriented products the growing amount of electronic waste to take into account the social work material. For the original and seven discarded products and product compo- nual disassembly of small electrical and the disassembly of used electrical and Concept– Reuse Cycle for Waste Appliances and services with a consistent focus on nents are essential. electronic appliances in social enterprises electronic appliances. Within this coo- has had a positive effect on the business aspect. further scenarios, researchers simula- the usefulness of the product. The peration, appliances are collected and sector dealing with recycling and the ted a disassembly operation of six Austrian Research Promotion Agency repaired equipment MARKETING reuse of such appliances. However, stiff First, researchers analyzed the input of months and compared parameters This requires the creation of cycles, in Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für gut PROJECT sorted at three garbage collection with warranty (FFG) is managing the “Factory of which used products are collected sepa- reparierbare Produkte points and delivered to D.R.Z. who competition in the appliances reuse appliances and determined the average such as the throughput of appliances, high-quality 4 Source: Markus Spitzbart, KERP sector also had the effect that cost re- material composition for 18 types of costs of disassembly, and proceeds Tomorrow” subprogram. rately and sorted after disposal and then (Sustainability label for easy-to- remove hazardous materials and pre- second-hand appliances either repaired and sold for reuse in repair products) pare remaining material for recycling. ductions increasingly become more im- appliance. In addition, they ascertained from sales. The simulations also took repair electronic portant factors than quality and occupa- key data such as duration of disassembly, account of other parameters that second hand stores or disassembled; still Definition of criteria for a sustainability Part of the appliances is suitable for REPAIR services CONSUMER waste COLLECTION ■ Repair jobs and other services for day- functioning components can be used as label for appliances with repair-friendly reuse. Also, appliances suitable for tional safety. Manual disassembly optimum degree of disassembly, costs of reflected workers’ performance, their enterprises have to find new approaches disassembly, and possible proceeds from ability to learn as well as the consi- to-day requirements of private house- spare parts for new products. In some design – marketing and public relations reuse are sorted out at the garbage repair-worthy waste electrical and waste electrical and spare parts appliances electronical equipment electronical equipment holds – such as renting services, mainten- cases, social enterprises offer such servi- campaigns among manufacturers and collection points already and sold at the and aim to integrate mechanical techno- material fractions. These data formed derable personnel turnover. logies in order to stay competitive. the basis for subsequent simulations. ance of household appliances, laundry ces, in particular for electrical appliances consumers – training of testers and MA 48 flea market – however without APPLIANCE SELECTION SPARE-PARTS RECOVERY services etc. – contribute substantially to and electronic products. However, in this award of the sustainability label. functional tests or repair. An important measure to improve D.R.Z. The aim of a project coordinated by the The investigated scenarios for process efficiency and to optimize costs con- a longer service life of products and thus field too, new solutions for efficient recycling of incineration, to the conservation of resources as well organization and marketing will be At D.R.Z. information technology and materials material fractions residual, dangerous treatment of KERP (Center of Excellence Electronics & optimization differed from the original sists in presorting. The scenarios in waste hazardous waste as to waste prevention. In addition, such required in order to make better use of telecommunications equipment is sor- Environment) was to improve the dis- situation on account of various layouts which individual workers always labor-intensive and sustainable services existing potentials. ted and selected, disassembled, assem- assembling technology for electrical and (disassembly line versus individual disas- disassembled only a certain type of create considerable value added as well bled again and sold via e-bay and the ■ Analysis of legal and organizational the selection of reusable equipment. electronic small appliances concerning sembly working places). Other differen- appliance attained the best overall as regional jobs. D.R.Z. shop, respectively. Members of issues These criteria refer to remaining service efficiency, quality and flexible adapta- ces concerned the arrangement of wor- evaluations. This approach resulted in the “Trash-Design” department create ■ Evaluation of the market potential, life, efficiency of the product, and ex- tion to changing conditions in order to king places as well as the assignment of more efficient working processes and At present, the market for repair services artistic objects (e.g. standing tables site analysis and development of a pense for repair as well as to safety improve the competitiveness of social individual process steps to different improvements in the training of in Austria is still rather poorly develo- from old washing machine drums) shop concept standards. This process requires above enterprises. working places (e.g. presorting the input workers. Overall, the project has ped. It is usually small and micro enter- using components from disassembled Researchers analyzed collecting systems all a communicative person who, on shown that the potential for opti- prises that offer such services. Public appliances. In addition, there is a spare and processing methods from the de- account of expert-technical know-how Characterization of the input of applian- mization in manual disassembly has authorities support the repair sector and parts store where still functioning com- posit of equipment to disassembly or and knowledge of customer behavior, ces as well as disassembly simulations not yet been fully exhausted. publish “Repair Guides” (printed or D.R.Z. Trash-Design, Photo: Projektfabrik ponents are collected and offered for reuse. This permitted to investigate is able to provide advice for repair were used to identify methods of opti- sale. input streams and unused potentials. departments. TOPIC PROJECTS PROJECT SUSTAINABLE CONCEPTS FOR REPAIRS AND SERVICES REUSABILITY OF WASTE ELECTRICAL Another emphasis of the project was ■ Large household appliances: has to be assessed with caution as 2 on the development of a market analy- A great number of still operational the requisite input for repair often AND ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES sis and a marketing concept. While the equipment is lost because transporta- exceeds the proceeds from resale. demand for second-hand appliances tion is rather cumbersome. The solution

online, for federal provinces or indivi- Various projects implemented within the D.R.Z. Ersatzteillager, Photo: Projektfabrik Some appliances that are suitable for An important aspect of the reusability does exist, it varies substantially depen- could be a take-back system and pick- ■ Small household appliances: dual regions). Furthermore, the business “Factory of Tomorrow” subprogram reuse are repaired in partner enterpri- of equipment refers not only to good ding on the type of equipment. up service combined with an extended While in this area a relative large field of “repair” has in recent years been focused on new strategies and measures ses of the Viennese REPA-Net. One of functioning but also to an acceptable shop structure. number of reusable appliances have established and firmly embedded by a aiming to make sustainable approaches the objectives of the project was to optical appearance of appliances. A key A combination of workshop, Internet, been identified, marketing of these number of social enterprises. This later such as repair services more marketable ascertain the potential of reusable point concerns collecting logistics and D.R.Z. Trash-Design, Photo: Projektfabrik and shop sales promises to bring the ■ IT and telecommunications products was possible only via flea entailed the creation of regional repair thus creating the basis for a broader appliances by means of analyses in the the avoidance of damage during collec- best sales record. Marketing via already equipment: markets. In 1999, the Austrian Federal Ministry networks, which mainly consist of small diffusion of these services. field of collection, selection, and repair tion and transportation. existing structures should therefore be There is great demand in Austria and of Transport, Innovation and Techno- enterprises in the repair services sector, as well as by market research. Subse- continued and the shop concept should Eastern Europe and marketing pros- logy (bmvit) launched the “Sustaina- such as RepaMobil PROJECT quently, researchers investigated judi- Surveys have shown that 60% of small be extended. pects via the Internet are promising. ble Development” research and tech- Removal of market barriers for house- ■ This research project focused on cial and organizational issues and ela- household appliances, IT, telecommuni- nology program aiming to effectively 1 In spite of these initiatives potential hold-related product-service systems, in fundamental work for the reuse of borated proposals aiming to make cations as well as audio and video Overall, the results of the investigati- ■ Audio and video systems: support the restructuring process users of repair services find themselves particular by means of repair service waste electrical and electronic applian- better use of existing potentials in the equipment are not damaged, however, ons have shown the following potenti- Actually, there are a great number of towards a sustainable economy still confronted with numerous barriers points at locations with a major custo- ces. Investigations have been conducted field of reusable appliances. This was only 20% of larger household equip- als for the reuse and marketing (sepa- reusable systems in this group. How- through research. Various research to use these services. Apart from an mer frequency. in two social enterprises in cooperation also to serve as a best practice example ment are in working order. rately by type of equipment): ever, the reuse potential in this field and development projects as well as often unattractive price-performance with the Institute of Waste Manage- of how reuse, which has a high priority demonstration and diffusion measu- ratio the requisite input of gathering Wiederverwendbarkeit von PROJECT ment of the University of Natural in the guidelines on used electronic Analyses have shown that, depending res, which will give new impetus to information, time, long travels, and Elektro(nik)-Altgeräten Resources and Applied Life Sciences, equipment, can be put into practice. on the type of equipment, 10% to 25% innovation in Austria’s economy have 2 transportation are reasons for consu- (Reusability of waste electrical and Vienna. Participating businesses inclu- of appliances are potentially suitable since been supported within the scope mers to rather buy a new product. It is electronic appliances) ded D.R.Z. (Disassembly and Recycling Strategies towards effective reuse for reuse if all criteria concerning opti- of a number of subprograms. essential to overcome these market Creating the prerequisites for reuse- Center) in the field of collection / selec- cycles: cal appearance, technical condition, barriers by the creation of intelligent cycles for waste electrical and electronic tion and R.U.S.Z (Repair and Service ■ Optimization of collection systems and demand are taken into account. PROJECT The “Factory of Tomorrow” subpro- 3 concepts and to offer new solutions for appliances Center) in the field of repair and and selection processes SEMI-MANUAL DISASSEMBLY OF ELECTRICAL gram aims to encourage trend-setting improved networking between services marketing. ■ Retrieval of usable spare parts from A key issue in the subsequent logistic AND ELECTRONIC SMALL APPLIANCES pilot projects in the field of sustaina- on offer and potential users. In addition Semimanuelle Demontage von damaged appliances and organizational processes concerns PROJECT D.R.Z. Selektion, Photo: Projektfabrik ble technology development. Model to measures prolonging the service life Elektro(nik)-Kleingeräten The starting point for the realization of ■ Optimization of repair processes selection in the enterprises. A work- examples include sustainable techno- 3 ■ ■ In Austria, the implementation of the mization of the various processes, which of appliances, separate recovery of of appliances such as repair-friendly (Semi-manual disassembly of electrical this project was a cooperation between Development of functional tests and shop addressed the development of logies and innovative manufacturing design and the promotion of the repair and electronic small appliances) the Viennese waste management mobile measuring units selection criteria in order to optimize WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic were then evaluated and tested in a hazardous materials), and the trans- processes, the use of renewable raw sector new strategies for the reuse of Optimization of the technology of ma- agency MA 48 and D.R.Z. focusing on Equipment) Directive aiming to reduce pilot plant. Here, it was also important portation of incoming and outgoing materials or future-oriented products the growing amount of electronic waste to take into account the social work material. For the original and seven discarded products and product compo- nual disassembly of small electrical and the disassembly of used electrical and Concept– Reuse Cycle for Waste Appliances and services with a consistent focus on nents are essential. electronic appliances in social enterprises electronic appliances. Within this coo- has had a positive effect on the business aspect. further scenarios, researchers simula- the usefulness of the product. The peration, appliances are collected and sector dealing with recycling and the ted a disassembly operation of six Austrian Research Promotion Agency repaired equipment MARKETING reuse of such appliances. However, stiff First, researchers analyzed the input of months and compared parameters This requires the creation of cycles, in Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für gut PROJECT sorted at three garbage collection with warranty (FFG) is managing the “Factory of which used products are collected sepa- reparierbare Produkte points and delivered to D.R.Z. who competition in the appliances reuse appliances and determined the average such as the throughput of appliances, high-quality 4 Source: Markus Spitzbart, KERP sector also had the effect that cost re- material composition for 18 types of costs of disassembly, and proceeds Tomorrow” subprogram. rately and sorted after disposal and then (Sustainability label for easy-to- remove hazardous materials and pre- second-hand appliances either repaired and sold for reuse in repair products) pare remaining material for recycling. ductions increasingly become more im- appliance. In addition, they ascertained from sales. The simulations also took repair electronic portant factors than quality and occupa- key data such as duration of disassembly, account of other parameters that second hand stores or disassembled; still Definition of criteria for a sustainability Part of the appliances is suitable for REPAIR services CONSUMER waste COLLECTION ■ Repair jobs and other services for day- functioning components can be used as label for appliances with repair-friendly reuse. Also, appliances suitable for tional safety. Manual disassembly optimum degree of disassembly, costs of reflected workers’ performance, their enterprises have to find new approaches disassembly, and possible proceeds from ability to learn as well as the consi- to-day requirements of private house- spare parts for new products. In some design – marketing and public relations reuse are sorted out at the garbage repair-worthy waste electrical and waste electrical and spare parts appliances electronical equipment electronical equipment holds – such as renting services, mainten- cases, social enterprises offer such servi- campaigns among manufacturers and collection points already and sold at the and aim to integrate mechanical techno- material fractions. These data formed derable personnel turnover. logies in order to stay competitive. the basis for subsequent simulations. ance of household appliances, laundry ces, in particular for electrical appliances consumers – training of testers and MA 48 flea market – however without APPLIANCE SELECTION SPARE-PARTS RECOVERY services etc. – contribute substantially to and electronic products. However, in this award of the sustainability label. functional tests or repair. An important measure to improve D.R.Z. The aim of a project coordinated by the The investigated scenarios for process efficiency and to optimize costs con- a longer service life of products and thus field too, new solutions for efficient recycling of incineration, to the conservation of resources as well organization and marketing will be At D.R.Z. information technology and materials material fractions residual, dangerous treatment of KERP (Center of Excellence Electronics & optimization differed from the original sists in presorting. The scenarios in waste hazardous waste as to waste prevention. In addition, such required in order to make better use of telecommunications equipment is sor- Environment) was to improve the dis- situation on account of various layouts which individual workers always labor-intensive and sustainable services existing potentials. ted and selected, disassembled, assem- assembling technology for electrical and (disassembly line versus individual disas- disassembled only a certain type of create considerable value added as well bled again and sold via e-bay and the ■ Analysis of legal and organizational the selection of reusable equipment. electronic small appliances concerning sembly working places). Other differen- appliance attained the best overall as regional jobs. D.R.Z. shop, respectively. Members of issues These criteria refer to remaining service efficiency, quality and flexible adapta- ces concerned the arrangement of wor- evaluations. This approach resulted in the “Trash-Design” department create ■ Evaluation of the market potential, life, efficiency of the product, and ex- tion to changing conditions in order to king places as well as the assignment of more efficient working processes and At present, the market for repair services artistic objects (e.g. standing tables site analysis and development of a pense for repair as well as to safety improve the competitiveness of social individual process steps to different improvements in the training of in Austria is still rather poorly develo- from old washing machine drums) shop concept standards. This process requires above enterprises. working places (e.g. presorting the input workers. Overall, the project has ped. It is usually small and micro enter- using components from disassembled Researchers analyzed collecting systems all a communicative person who, on shown that the potential for opti- prises that offer such services. Public appliances. In addition, there is a spare and processing methods from the de- account of expert-technical know-how Characterization of the input of applian- mization in manual disassembly has authorities support the repair sector and parts store where still functioning com- posit of equipment to disassembly or and knowledge of customer behavior, ces as well as disassembly simulations not yet been fully exhausted. publish “Repair Guides” (printed or D.R.Z. Trash-Design, Photo: Projektfabrik ponents are collected and offered for reuse. This permitted to investigate is able to provide advice for repair were used to identify methods of opti- sale. input streams and unused potentials. departments. PROJECT PROJECT

PROJECT PROJECT FIGURES/DATA/FACTS REPAMOBIL 1 SUSTAINABILITY LABEL 4 PROJECT PARTNERS FOR EASY-TO-REPAIR PRODUCTS Project 1 FORSCHUNGSFORUM RepaMobil, Graz 2007 1/2008 ■ This project aimed to mitigate exi- Graz University of Technology participa- bile receiving point. The optimum ■ The experience of repair technicians Project Coordinator: Matthias Neitsch sting market barriers in the field of hou- ted in the project. Five service providers variant for service providers also tells us that electrical and electronic Arge Abfallvermeidung, Ressourcenscho- nung und nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH, sehold-related product-service systems – of the repair network Graz contributed consists in a mobile service point appliances are increasingly designed in Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft- especially repair services – by means of experience from practice. In addition to with their own vehicle and Repa - such a way that repair becomes more mbH / Institut für Nachhaltige Techniken new organizational structures. The crea- a social repair shop, participants inclu- Mobil staff. This model should be and more difficult. The sustainability und Systeme – JOINTS tion of service points at locations with ded small enterprises working in the combined with the virtual variant. label aims to motivate manufacturers Photo: die umweltberatung Project 2 high customer frequency is to bring fields of electronics, EDP, and bicycle to reverse this trend and have their Wiederverwendbarkeit von Elekro(nik)- repair services closer to the customer. repair. The analysis has shown that a durable and easy-to-repair products Altgeräten, Wien 2007 number of positive effects may be certified. At the same time, targeted Project Coordinator: DI Markus Spitzbart An online survey among participating expected for all actors participating marketing and PR campaigns are to Verband Wiener Volksbildung / Beschäfti- gungsinitiativen Demontage- und Recyc- large enterprises served to ascertain the in the RepaMobil project: enhance consumers’ demand for repair- ling-Zentrum D.R.Z und Reparatur- und Photo: R.U.S.Z Award of the sustainability label: demand for the new services and to friendly products. Servicezentrum R.U.S.Z, Institut für Abfall- washing machine Eudora 2007 conduct a feasibility study. The INES For the staff of large enterprises, wirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur (Improving New Services) tool helped to advantages such as easier availabi- The sustainability label, which has been Wien

evaluate the sustainability effects of the lity of repair and other services, the developed jointly by the Austrian Stan- Products with the sustainability label Project 3 concept as compared to the status quo. avoidance of additional travel, and dards Institute and “die umweltbera- comply with all requirements of the Semimanuelle Demontage von Elektro(nik)- Based on these findings the project the improvement of workplace tung” in cooperation with partners Austrian Electrical and Electronic Appli- Kleingeräten, Wien 2007 team developed implementation con- quality were in the foreground. from the repair sector, will be affixed ances Decree enacted in 2005 (in accor- Project Coordinator: DI Markus Spitzbart cepts for pilot projects at the various Providers of repair services expect directly to the product; it will offer dance with the EU Directive). KERP Kompetenzzentrum Elektronik & Umwelt, Verband Wiener Volksbildung / locations. The results have shown that an increase in incoming orders and consumers reliable support in their Beschäftigungsinitiative Demontage- und the conditions for the realization of thus more economic stability, decision for a new appliance. Two Manufacturers who want the sustaina- Recycling-Zentrum D.R.Z , Institut für Abfall- The basis for this approach is the crea- pilot projects are favorable. The staff of strengthening of existing and the guidelines available at the Austrian bility label for one of their products, wirtschaft, Universität für Bodenkultur tion of local/regional networks of small participating enterprises reported a creation of new networks as well as Standards Institute give detailed criteria submit a series produced appliance or a Wien, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und and medium service suppliers in various considerable demand for repair and an improvement of competitiveness. for the award of the label and for the prototype for testing. The list of testers Fertigungstechnik,TU-Braunschweig trades who jointly offer their services service points. training of testers who will evaluate is available at the Austrian Standards Project 4 and ensure an effective processing of The benefit for the region consists the appliances and clear them for certi- Institute. If the appliance complies with Nachhaltigkeitssiegel für gut reparierbare orders. The greatest demand for repair services in the creation of new jobs and the fication. Important prerequisites for a the requirements, the manufacturer Produkte , Wien 2007 Project Coordinator: DI Sabine Seidl, exists in the fields of audio and video safeguarding of existing jobs in the repair-friendly product include the applies for certification with the Stan- Georg Pirkner The practical approach will be to create systems, bicycles and shoes as well as service sector. availability of spare parts, easy dis- dards Institute. The appliance will then „die umweltberatung“ Wien, Verband mobile or stationary service points in EDP equipment and small electrical assembly, and simple access to design be entered in a list of products confor- Wiener Volksbildung major centers and other locations with a appliances. Also, the promotion of the repair documents for repair technicians. ming to standards. high customer frequency (shopping service sector constitutes an essen- INFORMATION malls, train stations, universities, etc.) Necessary prerequisites for the accep- tial contribution to waste preven- The result of the evaluation will be In June 2007, the project team presen- PUBLICATIONS that accept orders for repair jobs and tance of repair services people stated tion and the conservation of resour- shown on the label by the quality levels ted the first certified appliances (e.g. other household-related services, which included low costs, convenience, binding ces and thus to sustainable “Excellent”, “Very good” or “Good”. the washing machine “Eudora titan”). The final reports have been published in subsequently will be referred to mem- cost estimates and advice from expert development. Products that do not attain the level the bmvit series “Reports on Energy and Environment Research”. bers of a regional network. After repair personnel. “Good” will not get the label. Project 1: 25/2007 Project 2: 24/2007 SUSTAINABLE REPAIR SERVICES the products can be claimed at the ser- Rough cost estimates have been Project 3: 22/2008* Project 4: 21/2008* vice point. The benefit for potential Various models have been analyzed with made for all models developed * These reports will be available from customers consists in an improved avai- a view to implementation variants: within the project. At present, FORSCHUNGSFORUM in the Internet: June 2008. lability of repair services as well in the ■ Stationary receiving / service points at researchers are developing concepts Order form and download: avoidance of “burdensome” errands. In the various locations of enterprises for the practical implementation at http://www NEW AUSTRIAN CONCEPTS WITHIN THE addition, it may be expected that such ■ Mobile receiving points with special individual locations. in German and English forms of organization, in the long run, vehicles, roll-on roll off containers or You will find a complete list of all publications of the series PROJEKTFABRIK “FACTORY OF TOMORROW” SUBPROGRAM will ensure optimization of costs for trailers “Reports of Energy and Environmental Research” by the bmvit with Währinger Straße 121/3, 1180 Vienna, service providers and thus an improved ■ Problem box: Only mediation of servi- order form on the HOMEPAGE: Austria, [email protected] price-performance ratio for customers. ces, inquiries in writing will be for- warded on certain days by a person The project has been implemented by ■ Virtual receiving point: Only media- the working group for waste avoidance, tion of services via Internet, inquiries FORSCHUNGSFORUM provides information on selected projects within a bmvit program focusing on “Sustainable Development”. Published by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), Division for Energy and Environment Technologies; Director: Dipl.Ing. M. Paula; Renngasse 5, A-1010 Vienna. conservation of resources and sustaina- via e-mail are forwarded and proces- Cover photo and illustrations: R.U.S.Z. Reparatur- und Servicezentrum, D.R.Z. Demontage- und Recyclingzentrum Wien, Markus Spitzbart, KERP Kompetenzzentrum ble development in Graz. Large enterpri- sed by hotline staff Elektronik & Umwelt GmbH, Projektfabrik. Editors: Projektfabrik, A-1180 Vienna, Währinger Straße 121/3. Layout: Wolfgang Bledl. ses and institutions such as Magna Steyr Printed by: AV+Astoria Druckzentrum GmbH, A-1030 Vienna, Faradaygasse 6. P.b.b. Erscheinungsort Wien, AG & Co KG, Joanneum Research, the Enterprises favor a weekly depositing 3 FORSCHUNGSFORUM is published at least four times a year and is available for free from: Verlagspostamt A-1010 Wien. Karl Franzens University of Graz, and the and pick-up service by means of a mo- Projektfabrik, 1180 Vienna, Währinger Straße 121/3, [email protected] Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology