INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LADAKH STUDIES LADAKH STUDIES 29 February 2013 ISSN 1356-3491 THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LADAKH STUDIES Patron: Tashi Rabgias President: John Bray, 2001, 5-2-15 Oe, Kumamoto-shi, 862-0971, Japan
[email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Secretary: Sonam Wangchok Kharzong Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation, P.O.Box 105, Leh, Ladakh 194101, J&K, India. Tel: (+91) 941 92 180 13
[email protected] Editor: Kim Gutschow Hollander Hall Center for Modern Indian Studies 85 Mission Park Drive Goettingen University Williams College Waldweg 26 Williamstown, MA 01267 USA & D-37073 Germany
[email protected] Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Gareth Wall, 5 Hillside View, New Mills, High Peak, SK22 3DF
[email protected], UK Mobile/Cell: 00447855506661 (Jan-May) Indian Mobile/Cell 00918981318210 (May-Dec) ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Monisha Ahmed Blaise Humbert-Droz Mona Bhan Gulzar Hussein Munshi Sophie Day Tashi Ldawa Mohammed Deen Darokhan Tashi Morup Kaneez Fathima Thupstan Norboo Bettina Zeisler LADAKH Subcommittee (LSC) Chair: Ladakh Liaison Officer & Treasurer (Ladakh): Mohammed Raza Abbasi 112-Abbassi Enclave Changchik Kargil (Ladakh) Jammu and Kashmir State PC:194103. Email:
[email protected] Mobile/Cell: 91 9419176599 For the last four decades, Ladakh (made up of Leh and Kargil districts) has been readily accessible for academic study. It has become the focus of scholarship in many disciplines including the fields of anthropology, sociology, art history, Buddhist studies, history, geography, environmental studies, ecology, medicine, agricultural studies, development studies, and so forth. After the first international colloquium was organised at Konstanz in 1981, there have been biannual colloquia in many European countries and in Ladakh.