
By narutofan1313

Submitted: April 3, 2007 Updated: June 4, 2011

What actually happens around the Inuyasha set.

Provided by Fanart Central.

Chapter 1 - The beginning 2 Chapter 2 - chapter2 3 Chapter 3 - OMG?!?!?! 4 1 - The beginning

Disclaimer:I do not own the character Inuyasha or any other character besides my own OC,Michi. ** mean actions ex:*plummets into ground* and () mean thoughts ex:(i hate her) Names will be shoter ex:Sesshomaru=Sesh or Inuyasha=Inu

Narrator:We find our group walking down a trail,(oh crap, I just farted)and Kagome's in a bad mood.(MAN THAT STINKS!!! AND I'M IN A SECLUDED BOOTH!I CAN'T BREATH!!!!)*clawing at door* he ok? Narrator:I...farted...and...I...can't...breath!!! Director:Ignore him.Keep the scene going. Narrator:HELP...ME!!! Backup Narrator:and she doesn't want to be messed with. Inu:What is wrong with you Kagome?Why are you being a-!!! Miroku:*covering Inu's mouth with hand*Kids are watching this or reading whatever. Inu:mmppphhhhh!!!!!!! Kagome:SIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Inu:*plummets into ground*Why'd you do that?!? Kagome:Because you were about to call me a-!!! Sango:*covering Kagomes mouth*What Miroku said. Shippo:Oh boy Kirara,there they go again. Kirara:(yea) Kikyo:What's up? Kagome:Where the hell did you come from?!?! Kikyo:Why do I need to explain everything to you?! Kagome Cause your a dog!!! Miroku:Sango!!! Sango:Sorry,I couldn't reach her in time! Inu:*Watching Kagome and Kikyo get into a catfight*(yea rip off her shirt!) Miroku:*sits next to Inu* Sango:*trys to stop Kagome and Kikyo buts gets herself into the fight*KYA! Shippo:*walks over*what are you two looking at? Miroku:*covers Shippo's eyes*This isn't for kids. Shippo:HEY!!GETYOURHANDOFFME!GETYOURHANDOFME! Inu:*punches Shippo in the head* Shippo:TT_TT you didn't have to hit me in the head... Kirara:(that's what u get.) Shippo:ah...shut up... To be continued...

Authors note:so what do u think?If i did anything wrong tell me. 2 - chapter2

Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha.

Unknown:AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*falls onto Inu's head* Inu:What the hell?!?!?!? Unknown:clutching to Inu's head*AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Inu:*trying to pull it off*GET OFF!!!!*finally pulls off and throws at tree* Unknown:uh....oohhhh...@@*passes out* Kikyo/Kagome/Sango:*Kikyo has Kagome's arm pinned down,Kagome is pulling Kikyo's hair and Sango is pushing both of their faces apart**all of them at the same time*What was that?!? Inu:I don't know,but that little bastard tried to attack my head!! hurt the poor creature!*runs over and picks it up*he's knocked out!hey you ok? Unknown:uuuhhhh....huh?!WHERE AM I?!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Kagome:it's ok.hey shippo he looks like you. Shippo:really? Kagome:yea but he's much fluffier then u. Shippo:*looks away*hmph! Kagome: '_ _ i did'nt mean to offend u srry Unknown:um who are u guys? Inu:we should be asking YOU that! Unknown:well i'm- Kikyo:*see's unknown*OH FLUFFY!!!!!!*runs over and snatchs from Kagome and starts to hug him like crazy*FLUFFY!!!FLUFFY!!!FLUFFY!!! Unknown:*being somthered by chest*can't---breath! Miroku:Kikyo stop trying to kill him with your chest! Kagome:YEA!!*takes unknown back*so what was your name? Unknown:*coughs* name is MICHI!!!!!!!!

To Be Continued

Authors Note:so tell me what u think.Srry if its not as funny as it should be.This chapter was supposed to introduce my character. 3 - OMG?!?!?!

Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha. *********************************************************************************************************** Unknown:Ahem....I am Michi!! Inu:Michi?What kind of dumbass name is that? Michi:hey you take that back!!!My father gave me this name!!!Inuyasha is a dumbass name!!! Inu:WHAT DID YOU SAY PIPSQUEAK!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? Michi:I said that Inuyasha is a dumbass name!!!! Inu:Why you little!!!!!!!!*starts chasing Michi* Michi:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kikyo:Inuyasha dont hurt fluffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kagome:Yea Inuyasha!! so SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inu:*plummets into ground*owww...HE STARTED IT!!!!!! Michi:No i didnt!!!! Kagome:Inuyasha stop lying!!!!SIT!!SIT!!SIT!!SIT!!SIT!!SIT!!SIT!!SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inu:*in the middle of a huge crator*OWWW... Shippo:oooooooooh... that had to hurt but he deserved it =) Inu:*from the bottom of the crator*WINDSCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*goes straight towards shippo* Shippo:*jumps out of way but windscar chops fluff of tail off*WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Kagome:SIT!!! Naraku:*pops out of nowhere*Hi ^^ All except for Naraku(even the directors and stuff r saying this):OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kikyo:Dont scare us like that Kakashi-sensei!! Director:uhhh...wrong show Kikyo.... Kikyo:ohh *nervous laughter*hee hee..... Naraku:*handing Michi peace of the sacred jewel*Take this and kill Inuyasha Michi:what is i-owowowowowowowowow*Naraku puts jewel in Michi's head* Kagome:NO MICHI DONT TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Naraku:Too late ha ha ha... *poofs away* Kikyo:CYA Kakashi-sensei!!! Director:Wrong show again Kikyo... Kikyo:oops hee hee... Michi:*100 times bigger then normal*wow whats this power?oh well DIE INUYASHA!!!!!!!! ********************************************************************************************************* ohhhhh cliffie lol plz comment

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