
By kagura122

Submitted: January 12, 2011 Updated: January 16, 2011

Hi my name is Chiky? I have trained to interview the inuyasha cast so check out me um legally tourting them into awnser to the questions we all got Time for interviews and awnsers I''m going to find out all the truths even though i know them already

Provided by Fanart Central.

Chapter 0 - Introductions 2 Chapter 1 - interview one 6 Chapter 2 - Interview Two 15 Chapter 3 - Party one 26 Chapter 4 - inetview three 32 Chapter 5 - interview four 37 0 - Introductions

Chiky?: Hello everyone my name is Chiky? I have trained for Three years going over everything Inuyasha, collecting the true story befriending the few cast memebers I can, sorting out how to lure all cast memebers to interviews, And now finally I am ready to interview everyone of course after i do the overly uneeded prologue of who is to be interviewed and how i look so you guys know what i look like anyone thats going to appear so ya lets get on with it Kagura introductions

Kagura: *huffs* make me Inuyasha or Kagome is better for this Chiky? even though they Don't know who you are

Chiky?: *does puppy dog eyes folds hands in front of chest* please Kagura we can do it together you can start by explain how were going to introduce everyone

Kagura: *rolls eyes sighing nodding slightly* we will use pictures from the to introduce the Inuyasha cast along with a few words on us since some of us will be wearing different attire then shown in photo's we will also tell you if that is the case go for it Chiky?

Chiky?: First up is Kagome She looks pretty much the same as she always does only her normal school uniform is now a kimono and her hair still let lose but it has grown ever so slightly she now has her arrow carrier on her back her bow swung onto her shoulder Your turn Kagura

Inuyasha is basicly the same as he is in the anime although he is a little more composed then in the anime and slightly better at fighting with with his claws and fangs you turn again Chiky?

Chiky?: *smiles happily wondering why Kagura is copperating with her* Third up is another from Kagura:Inuyasha's *rolls gang eyes my thinking personal no favorite duh* Second from the up Inu is Inuyashagang Shippo he is basicly the same as in the anime although he imitates Inuyasha slightly more Kagura I think everyone already knows the whole Inu Gang is eventually gonna pop up so why don't we get to ourselves and people they might not expect everyone knows Koga fallows Kagome and Ayame fallows Koga so get to Naraku his creations And the other gang besides Kikyo who will eventually come to Ok Kagura

Kagura: *rolls eyes thinking you talk to fast to much* ok Next is Sesshomaru and Rin the little toad guy ok one thing about this picture the cresent moon on Sesshomarus forehead in dark navy blue not light purple now adays rin has her side pony tail held up by a ribon of the same color while her checkered kimono is white and navy blue and Sesshomarus kimono is white and blue its kind of laughable all the blue

Chiky?: Oh there laughable are they well now for my next introduction You Kagura does not count Ok where should I start with the differences between Kagura now and Kagura when this was taken Well her hair is tied up with a ribon navy blue in color like Rins the balls on her feathers are light blue her earrings are now navy blue with light blue feathers dangling from the end the first layer of her kimono is now white not jade the second layer is a light sky blue color while the outer most layer has a light cotten blue base slightly darker then the middle layer it is printed with several colors of blue from light to navy in the shapes of stars and moons the sash keeping her kimono together is now navy blue but her fan is still the same *oh crap she's going to kill me*

Kagura: *blushing and angry* That wasn't funny Chiky? you know I did that cause i was fracking sick of wearing what Naraku gave me and those are mainly the only colors My new lord has *I am going to kill you Chiky?* so don't make it seem like something its not

Chiky?: refrain from asking question Kagura just do the next introduction

Kagura: happily ok guys I am now going to Introduce you to my dear friend here Chiky? remeber the party a few weeks ago when i got you drunk *snickers time for pay back* normally Chiky? is a little more modest while the shoulder and neck line of her normal kimono to the one i got her in for the party are the same her normal one goes down to a few inches past her knee's and is the same orange brown color as her ears and tail orange brownish strings going up to were her kimono stops a tie of the same color keeping it in place did i mention she was drunk when i took this *snickers*

Chiky?: *WHY YOU* Kagura should we introduce are fellow party friends yet since some of them were there and will make appearances *so we get the spotlight off of us so we quit fighting like this its annoying*

Kagura: Actually I think we should get on with the interviewing stuff and introduce your gang as they enter the picture which we know they will do we not you better not be thinking of using black mail to get honest awnsers

Chiky?: *rubs back of neck* well actually i got tons of pictures I'm not sure flick off for the time being while i refrain from asking kagura about this 'new lord' of hers but as soon as i start questioning her its going to be the first fracking question out of my mouth

Kagura: well see ya i need to go get a weapon for his ward I've started training with her she's completely defenseless right now but she'll progress quick enough i hope 1 - interview one


Of Course Chiky? Almost Every other line as always Inuyasha who had no idea why he is here Kagome who knows perfectly well what a interview is

Shippo who is just tagging along then the others as well but inuyasha kagome will be the main one's interviewed also kagura might show her head if she isn't to busy doing what ever she has to do for this 'new lord' of hers

Inuyasha: feh what are we doing here

Shippo: i think kagome said something about a interview

Kagome: we are here for a interview

Chiky?: Correct

Kagome: who are you

Chiky?: Chiky? The fox demoness that is going to be interviewing the whole inuyasha cast eventually Inuyasha: hey shippo isnt she one of your breed

Shippo: slightly there are two different kinds of foxs and then a kind that falls in the middle from her aura she falls in the middle meaning she's both a animal and magic praticer well trained to

Kagome: so you said you were going to interview the whole cast how are you going to interview narakus side

Chiky?: i should be asking the questions but i do have my ways now first question for my fellow fox demon Shippo

Shippo: sure whats the question

Chiky?: do you see your new friends as a new family?

Shippo: well you know foxs need role models to latch to until we can clearly think for ourselves my parents did not live long enough for me to do that but now i have Inuyasha Kagome Sango Miroku Kirara

Chiky?: very well awnsered now one for Kagome is it hard going back and forth between fedeal japan and the modern era

Kagome: well ya its like i got two different families you know i couldnt picture my life if the well closed although i could handle life with out Naraku and his creations

Chiky?: i have a question for sango do you think Kagura will protect Kohaku

Sango: i can only hope she will i mean no one knows what she is doing where she is or how she is no ones seen her for months

Chiky?: i hope she reappears soon *um i saw her yesterday and her new lord has clearly seen her with in the past few months as well as naraku and she is protecting kohaku* i have some baby pictures may i show them and ask some questions based on them

Miroku: baby pictures?

Chiky?: Kagome can you as the modern fedeal leason tell them what baby pictures are

Kagome: sure baby pictures are pictures taken when you are a baby they are offend embarssing and the person in the picture offend thinks of burning them but in the end they are memories of things we can not remember ourselves and she will show them

Chiky?: i have baby pictures on everyone but i will only use yours for now ready role the film


Chiky?: thats it for now i have more but they are related to others as well so i have to wait to show them they are not related to this interview crap out of time so sorry join in for interview two maybe I'll have someone else on set next *whispers so the others dont hear* maybe kagura will come back while there still here and maybe her new lord will be around i hope hes treating her right *stops whispering and coughs slightly* anyways thanks for your time kagome sango miroku shippo inuyasha there are rooms up stairs if you want to stay the night although i have a habit of throwing parties *hopefully kagura does not return during one or at the after math if they join in she'd kill me* so it might be a little noisy but i promise everyone will be well behaved 2 - Interview Two

Chiky?: Hello and welcome to the next interview Look who decided to make an appearnce before the others wake up

Kagura: Hey Chiky? and you know I am leaving when they wake up dont tell them I was here please it would be doing me a huge favor

Chiky?: No problem girl I can tell you really need your pressence hidden I am not going to ask about it nor your new lord but I will ask if i can get some interview in

Kagura: I do have a little spare time on my hands go ahead and shoot *crosses legs sitting on counter*

Chiky?: well first thing you hungry I got plenty of food

Kagura: ya as long as it is not an attempt to do something funny

Chiky?: how does junk food sound *grabs two bags of chips and tosses one to Kagura*

Kagura: I swear you and your junk food oh well at leasts its something *opens chip bag*

Chiky?: So how are things between you and Naraku?

Kagura: He's still a bastard I'm still a toy but I started playing good slave girl so I get hurt allot less Kanna really knows what she's doing

Chiky?: You talk with Kanna

Kagura: No matter how much she listens to Naraku Kanna is still my sister

Chiky?: Do you talk with Hakudoshi

Kagura: He and Akago are still my little brothers no matter how much I hate Akago I know because of this I myself can not take out the brat so easily but that does not mean he isnt dying I wonder if the first part is how Sango feels about Kohaku

Chiky?: Speaking of him how is Kohaku doing and how do you see him

Kagura: Kohaku is fine He took to playing good slave boy and I guess I kind of see him like a brother I mean he's been around since I entered Narakus service so we know each other fairly well

Chiky?: Well I guess your leaving now because there waking up see you later Kagura *waves*

Kagura: ya see you later Chiky? *grabs feather taking off* Chiky?: Good Morning Kagome Sango Inuyasha Shippo Miroku Kikyo

Kikyo: why you conned me into this I do not know

Shippo: since when where you here Kikyo

Kikyo: got in last night on Chiky?s request so is this thing going to start or not

Chiky?: ok picture time to start with i will do minimal inuyasha picutres this time and lower baby pictures since inuyasha got enough last time

Inuyasha: 'feh' heck ya i got enough they were all fracking of me

Chiky?: well roll todays film



[url= ][/url ]

[url=] m/kagomes_world/9334-chibi_inuyasha_nakama.jpg[/url]

Chiky?: Well that was todays main picture film click on the links of the ones you can not see Anyone got any questions before i go off on something

Inuyasha: why is kaguras scent around was she here

Chiky?: no I would be interviewing her if she had been here but i think she's busy with something

Inuyasha: no dout playing suck up to naraku the witch *growls clentching fists* Kagome: Inuyasha calm down we cant attack her next time we see her right off the bat

Inuyasha: why not thats all she does anymore she tricked everyone kagome

Chiky?: sorry our time is cut short tommorrow i shall shed more light on the event causing everyone in this group to hate kagura after all her i hate naraku words and if i can get permission from her i will show a few pictures

Kagome: *blinks* you have pictures of Kagura

Chiky?: yep some of course if i show she'll kill me things will get clear soon hey you guys want to party with me tonight you have to get drunk though its kind of a rule to hang with my gang so you wanna

Kagome: um drunk honestly

Inuyasha: demons dont rememeber much when we get drunk

Chiky?: i hang with a whole group of other demoness and demons

Sango: sure i mean shippo cant get drunk but i mean kagome is legally old enough to drink as am i miroku inuyasha and kikyo so do we get introduced to your friends

Chiky?: yep on a film run although a few one or two are left out on request or nessecity

Kikyo: then see you tonight 3 - Party one

Chiky?: ok hello everyone

Kagome: hey you going to introduce us to the others before they get here

Chiky?: yep Inuyasha press the green button to run the film

Inuyasha: sure *presses button thinking I've wanted to do this* run the film

Chiky?: Hey my line Run the film This is Raven dispite her appearance she is not a dog or a fox demon but rather a tiger wolf demoness hybrid

this is Moonlight i actually think she might be in some way related to You and sesshomaru inuyasha i mean silver hair golden eyes shes part dog demoness part cat demoness this is moss she is a good girl but she is a pure cat demoness so she can act sluttly so you better not take advantage of her miroku she is the only amune to the must be drunk rule besides a few who would kill me if i got them drunk we dont get her drunk cause of her party kinky nature

This is forest she is a life demoness normally gentle just dont make her made and be careful when she's drunk she can flirt dont act on it and you'll be fine but she can become unperdicbale but she isnt like moss so we let her get tipsy this is aqua and no she is not a mermaid she is a fish demoness she can have legs but she spends most of her time in the ocean so she uses her tail most of the time

this is cotton she is a rabbit demoness and if anyone trys treating her like a slutty rabbit she will rip heads off especially when drunk

Chiky?: thats it for my group of friends everyone get a drink they'll grab them as they come

Kagome: ok you sure this is safe Chiky? like no ones going to attack us during this

Raven: *grabs drink* nope i took care of that theres a barrier around the whole place that will only allow are crew through

Chiky?: well good to see you made it you seen moonlight auqa forest or cotton

Cotton: *Slaps miroku when he gropes her before grabbing drink* right here Chiky? and i brought my guatiar did you guys bring your stuff hey wheres kagu

Chiky?: *covers cottons mouth* she isnt here and yes we have our stuff do not say her name please its a favor *cotton nodds* Kikyo: who are you guys hidding

Raven: *tunes gautiar swinging legs over counter* no one trust me guys hey who wants to play a song

Forest:*grabs a drink* but the band cant play with just the seven of us it has to be eight remeber

Chiky?: no its only seven remeber *glares we'll make due*

Moonlight: i got my drums and moss has her insturments

Chiky?: you guys know my chemical romance

Kagome: Yes

Chiky?: fork the micrphone forest *snatches micrphone hopping it wont just be the seven for the whol party*

Kagome: wait dont you need parental persmision to do my chemical romance they are kind of graphic

Moonlight: Nah i think we should do na na na *hits drums with her tail*

Kagome: sure *starts dancing* everyone dance they play

Inuyasha: Go girls *is completely drunk like everyone but Chiky? and those who arent there*

Chiky?: ready *holds mircphone to mouth* Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Forest: *starts dancing wondering why there doing this with onyl seven*

Chiky?: Drugs gimme Drugs Gimmie Drugs I dont need it But i'll sell what you got take the cash and I'll keep it Eight legs to the wall hit the gas kill em all and we crawl and we crawl and we crawl *spins around laughing singing

Cotton: *plays her guatiar before fixing head set* You be my detonator *smiles letting eyes close contuining to strum jumping up and down ears flapping*

Raven: *fixes head set before laughing* Love gimme love i dont need it but i'll take what i want from your heart and i'll keep it In a bag In A Big Put An x on the floor Gimmie more Gimmie more Gimmie more

Miroku: *gropes cotton only to get kicked on his @$$ into the wall*

Cotton: Shut up and sing it with me Na Na Na Na Na To mall security Na Na Na Na Na Na to every enemy Na Na Na Na Na Na were on your property Na Na Na Na Na standing in V formation Na Na Na Na Na lets blow an artery Na Na Na Na eat plasitc surgery Na Na Na Na Na keep your aplogy Give us more denation Chiky?: *feels wind pick up knows every is drunk and this is all safe* HEY kagu get your lazy @$$ in here and take your posiiton *tosses second head mircphone

Kagura: aww you missed me *catches micrphone landing next to Chiky?* Let me tell you bout the sad man shut up and let me see your jazz hands rememeber when you were a madman thought you was batman hit the party with a gas can

Chiky?: *smirking leaning towards kagura shouting at the same time as her* kiss me you animal

Raven: NA Na NA Na Na *this next part is towards naraku dont frack it up kagura*

Kagura: *smirks this is what everyone thinks of Naraku this is going to be funny* Na NA NA you run you company Na Na NA NA Na frack like a kenndy Na Na na Na Na i think we'd rather be burning your information

Raven: Na NA NA lets blow a artery NA NA Na eat plastic sureory Na Na Na keep your apology give us more denation

Cotton: Right here Right now all the way in battry city the litle children raise there opened filthy palms *laughs falling over onto Kagura causing a domano effect*

Chiky?: so what you doing here Kagura i thought you were busy

Kagura: come on i am never to busy to goof off with you fools

Chiky?: um i knocked the others out sorry

Kagura: its fine they'll wake

Chiky?: can i share some of your pictures tomorrow please

Kagura: sighs ask me when i wake in the morning I'm going to the room you so kindly lend me Naraku had his fun

Chiky?: Oh sorry i didnt know are you still hurt

Kagura: just a shoulder wound this time i dont think i'll be able to properly handle my fan for a few days but its all good

Chiky?: well i'm signing off and treating it Kagura

Kagura: fine I'll be up in my room its late and we partied everyone out 4 - inetview three

Chiky?: Kagura you awake already *jeez she got the most drunk after we put the others in bed and she aint even got a hang over while i got a horrible one*

Kagura: *yawns crossing legs tipping back hooking feet on the counter pulling the curtains on the oppiste side of the counter opened tapping moss and moonlight who are sleeping together cuddled* Ya hey guys wake up Its morning

Cotton: *ears perk up eyes open* Wow your really here i thought i might have ben dreaming i was so drunk

Kagura: sorry i wasn't here right away *stands on counter poking forests wing* wake up forest

Chiky?: Wow you did it for me so you sticking around this morning *opens pepsi*

Kagura: *turns around* no only till the others start waking none of you can tell them i was here tell them they were dreaming ok

Cotton: sure

Chiky?: i was wondering if i could show the film i have on you today

Kagura: sure I'll be back for band pratice at 8:00 so have things wrapped up by then and the others sound asleep ok

Chiky?: ok see you Kagura *hugs kagura* good luck on what ever the frack your doing

Kagura: bye see you later *takes off*

Cotton and others: the band will be back at 8:00 to see you later

Chiky?: wake up guys kagome: so whats today

Chiky?: i was going to show picutres and awnser what i can about Narakus group i want insight so the film can be cut off this time

Inuyasha: you mean on what Kagura did she attacked us after we helped her

Chiky?: you dont need to tell me I'll just roll the pictures then ask questions Chiky?: wait i dont think pictures are nessary can you guys just forget the side she showed you for months

Inuyasha: she double crossed naraku then us she cant keep her goals straight

Kagome: we dont know that he could be controling her

Chiky?: *takes a breath* I'll ask her

Inuyasha: how *blinks*

Chiky?: Figure out who her new lord is oh speaking of Lords i conned Sesshomaru into coming tomorrow finally

Kikyo: your playing with heated flames do you got anything on him

Chiky?: plenty on him inuyasha and everyone else plus i found this mystery film this morning *where kagura had been dancing around she might have dropped it*

Sango: i could have sworn Kagura arrived out of no where last night and started singing with you guys got drunk with everyone and passed out on the couch

Miroku Kagome Kikyo Inuyasha Shippo: ya your right she was here

Chiky?: you guys get delusion when your drunk she was never here now its eight time for bed *ushers everyone up stairs slamming hall way door racing down the stairs feeling the wind pick up*

Kagura: are they asleep *hope so*

Chiky?: they will be but its ok

Cotton: ready to fool around

Moonlight: i got my drums

Moss: why do i have to do the metal clanking things

Kagura: cause your the only one who looks right doing it and I'm not doing it

Moss: sore loser

Kagura: just say when to start what are we doing this time *crosses legs sitting on counter*

Chiky?: I wanna do my chemical romance DEAD

Kagura: Ok I'm sick of you sending naraku messages through having us play

Chiky?: you cant deny it pisses him off

Kagura: ok start playing

Cotton Moss Moonlight: OK


Inuyasha: I SWEAR I'M GOIN NUTS I HEAR KAGURA'S VOICE i think there having another party down there Shippo: i could go check it out or kirara could

Sango: both of you go and tell us what you find out sick of that fox girl lying to us i swear just like inuyasha i can hear kaguras voice

*down stairs*

Kagura: one two three *flicks on stage lights*

Moss: *hits tail against metal part of Moonlights drums*

Moonlight: *hits tail against drums*

Cotton: *strums guatiar*

Kagura: And if your heart stops beating I'll be here wondering did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life *i smell two foxs*

Chiky?: And if you get to heaven I'll be here waiting, babe Did you get what you deserve? The end, and if your life won't wait Then your heart can't take this

Kagura: *smirks spinning around grabbing Shippo and Kirara*

Shippo: *spine shudders starts struggling*

Kirara: *mewls tilting head at Kaguras happy expression*

Kagura: *shouts* Have you heard the news that you're dead? No one ever had much nice to say I think they never liked you anyway *i knew they sent spies

Chiky?:Oh take me from the hospital bed Wouldn't it be grand? It ain't exactly what you planned. And wouldn't it be great If we were dead? Ohh dead. *they sent spies good going kagura you just busted yourself i could have gotten them drunk for you*

Kagura: *smirks evilly* why Dont you two join this fun little pratice Chiky? is sending it to naraku qoute why she is having me do certain lines you cans ing right shippo i heard you do it before *grabs head set putting it on shippo placing Kirara on drums

Kirara: *mewls happily running around on the drums*

Shippo: *gulps* what are you going to do to us afterwards

Kagura: if you keep your mouth shut nothing *spins around*

Shippo: *smiles jumping onto Kaguras shoulder*

Kagura:Tongue-tied and oh so squeamish You never fell in love Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your life *whispers next line to Shippo*

SHippo: *smirks nodding* And if you get to heaven I'll be here waiting, babe Did you get what you deserve?

Chiky?: that was fun but you have to get going kagura you took time out of what ever mission your on and i have to think of questions to ask Sesshomaru for tomorrow

Kagura: *smirks exteremly evilly* ask him if he has any secret alliances anyone new working for him use this film after he awnsers but after i get here as well

Chiky?: your coming back early tomorrow

Shippo: Your not going to hurt anyone right

Kagura: no but tomorrow will explain my past actions see you later good night i still have my mission 5 - interview four

Chiky?: well good morning everyone *glances at shippo*

Shippo: good morning Chiky? i found this under my pillow *takes out feather with see you soon burned onto it*

Kagome: hey didnt kagura used to do that whens he couldnt reach us dritectly

Sesshomaru: *leans back against wall rin is running circles around jaken*

Inuyasha: hey jackass

Sesshomaru: *growls hand going to sword*

Chiky?: ok thats the first question why do you two always fight and i got babay pictures roll the film

Sesshomaru: *eyes widen* you cant i burned them for both me and Inuyasha sake

Inuyasha: well she gets things somehow

Chiky?: Lets roll the film *hehe*

[url=]htt p://[/url] [url=]h ttp://[/url] [url=]http://fc[/url] [url= g][/ url] [url=]http://qu[/url] [url=]http:/ /[/url] [url=]htt p://[/url] [url=] 5909531_fecb57ff69.jpg[/url]

Sesshomaru: *blinks this demoness is nuts*

Inuyasha: WHAT THE THOSE MEAN NOTHING Chiky?: course they do ok first question for Sesshomaru do you have any secret alliances

Sesshomaru: *death glares* Why and what gave you that idea

Chiky?: I dunno Kagura stopped by last night told me to play this after asking you that so roll the stupid film

[url=]http://fc05.deviantart .net/fs39/f/2008/329/8/0/sesshomaru_by_cottondragon.jpg[/url] [url= ][/url ] [url=]http://f[/url] [url=] /13/5/29/het_pairings/1268518382824_f.jpg[/url] [url=]http://f[/url] [url=]http://media.animevice .com/uploads/0/2262/129061-kagura_setu1_super.jpg[/url]


Chiky?: seems like a allaince to me

Inuyasha: WHAT the how old are those

Sesshomaru: *remains silent glancing at the sky when the wind picks up*

Kagura: Oh I'm a little late Oh ya i got the sword although I dont know what good this piece of junk is *unseaths a sword from sack on back shaking the sword around*

Sesshomaru: your also not doing it right *walks over grabbing Kaguras wrist guiding her hand*

Kagura: Oh i guess it is good for something then oh hey you guys are still here *looks at inuyasha and kikyo groups*

Inuyasha: whats going on

Kagura: what does it look like

Shippo: i get it now you had to get yourself to a spot were naraku couldnt cast suspicion onto you your his second in command now arent you

Kagura: yep got hakudoshi and kannas favor to Sesshomaru: besides the fact your sticking around after naraku is taken out

Kagura: I know I'm going to love his face when he tells me to do something you tell me not to and i listen to you instead

Sesshomaru: it will be rather funny

Kagura: yep it will sorry about the attack with killing intent thing guys

kagome: its alright you did what you had to now were extra close to taking naraku down

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