Bibliografie Deze bibliografie heeft vooral betrekking op de vroeg-renaissance. Publicaties in de Italiaanse taal zijn i.h.a. buiten beschouwing gelaten. Alberti, L.B., On painting. New York, 1991. Alberti, L.B., On painting and on sculpture. London, 1972. Antal, F., Florentine painting and its social background. Cambridge, Mass., 1986. Baldini, U., Masaccio. Florence, 1990. Baldini, U. & O. Casazza, La Cappella Brancacci. Milan, 1990. Baldini, U. & O. Casazza, The Crucifix by Cimabue, Milan, 1983. Baron, H., The crisis of the early Italian renaissance. Princeton, NJ, 1966. Basile, G., Giotto. La Capella degli Scrovegni. Florence, 1992. Baskovits, M., ‘Giotto born again’. Beitrage zu den Quellen Masaccios, in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 29, 1966, p. 51-66. Baxandall, M., Giotto and the orators. Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of pictorial composition. 1350-1450. Oxford, 1971. Baxandall, M., Painting and experience in fifteenth-century Italy. Oxford, 1972. Beck, J.H., ‘Masaccio’s early career as a sculptor’, in: Art Bulletin 1971, p. 177-195. Beck, J.H., ‘Fatti di Masaccio …’, in: Essays in archeology and the humanities in memoriam Otto J. Brendel. Mainz, 1976, p. 211-214. Beck, J.H., Masaccio. The documents. New York, 1978. Beck, J.H., ‘Masaccio’s Madonnas’, in: Masaccio 1422/1989: atti del convegno del 22 april 1989. Pieve di San Pietro a Cascia, Regello, Florence, 1990, p. 48-53. Beck, J.H., Italiaanse renaissanceschilderkunst. Keulen, 1999. Bellosi, L., Giotto. Firenze, 1981. Bennett, B.A. & D.G. Wilkins, Donatello. Oxford, 1984. Berenson, B., ‘A new Masaccio’, in: Art in America 1930, p. 45-53.
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