18-04-2011 4shared.com - free file sharing and stora… FREE FILE
[email protected] My Account Sign Out SHARI NG Premium FAQ Quick Tour English Frequently Asked Questions General Questions • Where are my files stored? • Why do I need to sign up? • How long are my files stored for? • How can I change the Publisher name in my account? • How can I change a password for my account? • What should I do if I forgot a password? • How can I subscribe to a Premium account? • Is my data secure? Managing Files & Folders • What files can I upload and store with your service? • Is there any limit to the number of files and their size that may be uploaded per user? • Are there any bandwidth limitations for traffic I can use? • How can I create a folder? • Can I upload several files at once? • How can I arrange and manage my files? • How can I rename a file or a folder? • How can I change the description of a file? • How can I delete a subfolder? • How can I move files from one folder to another one? • What is WebDav? How can I use a WebDAV client to connect to my account? • How can I create a photo album? • How can I stream video and audio files? Sharing Files & Folders • How do I share my files with other users? Can I share my files with non-registered users? • How can I share a folder? • How can I prevent users from changing files in the shared folder? • How to set a password for a shared folder • Can you tell me how to set a subdomain for a folder? • How can I share a folder which stores both public and private files? • Can I invite someone to