2401, rue Coursol Montreal, Quebec, H3J 1C8 Tel.: 514-846-1543 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.aml-lma.org NEWSLETTER - VOLUME VII - No. I - September 2005 Jumping Through Hoops By Mona Greenbaum – Coordinator, Lesbian Mothers Association of Quebec Things have become a lot easier for lesbians who want to start a family. Back in 1998 when the Lesbian Mothers Association first started up, there were no laws that supported or recognized our families. There was also very little social recognition. For those who wanted to get pregnant through fertility clinics things were even tougher. Many women called me with horror stories about the infamous “Dr M.” who many of us saw because he was the only doctor doing inseminations for lesbians. Although a few of us did succeed in getting pregnant with his somewhat questionable techniques (he once kept a thawed sperm sample of ours under fluorescent lighting for 45 minutes while he slipped out to run an errand), the large majority left frustrated and still not pregnant. Then we discovered a few doctors who would order sperm for us and let us do the inseminations at home (this is now illegal). Because of this and the large fees associated with shipping sperm from various parts of the continent, my partner and I started up our own “household” sperm bank. No, we didn’t screen donors or put up ads to recruit handsome and educated men, but we did rent two large liquid nitrogen tanks and helped a bunch of families by storing their sperm (which they could order in bigger shipments and so save on shipping fees and hassles with Canada Customs).