8 Week Date Application No. Date of Meeting Report No. 24.06.09
8 week date Application No. Date of meeting Report No. 24.06.09 GR/2009/0238 29.07.09 The Former Northfleet Cement Works, The Shore, Northfleet, Kent Outline application for a mixed development and comprising up to 510 homes, up to 46,000 sq m employment floorspace (B1/B2/B8), mixed use neighbourhood centre comprising up to 850 sq m of retail/cafe/takeaway (A1/A2/A3/A5) and D1 community centre, up to 500 sq m A3/A4 food and drink uses, public open space, fastrack link, street and footpath network, access improvements to Grove Road/The Creek and The Shore/Crete Hall Road, supporting services and infrastructure, ground re-grading, other minor works and development ancillary to main proposals together with associated car parking and landscaping for the development. Lafarge Cement UK Recommendation: This is an interim report for information of the Board and not for decision at this stage. The Board are asked to consider and endorse the key issues that are identified in the report and to suggest any other issues that they consider should be appraised by the applicants. 1. Site Description The application site covers an area of 30.97ha. The application site is located on land within the former Northfleet Cement Works in the west section of what is known as Northfleet Embankment. The site is bounded by the River Thames to the north, dissected by the B2175 Northfleet High Street and bordered by the North Kent Railway Line to the south. To the east lies Kimberly Clarke tissue paper mill and the west are Robin’s Creek and existing industrial areas.
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