Public Document Pack Regulatory Board Members of the Regulatory Board of Gravesham Borough Council are summoned to attend a meeting to be held at the Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent on Wednesday, 8 December 2010 at 7.00 pm when the business specified in the following agenda is proposed to be transacted. S Kilkie Assistant Director (Communities) Agenda Part A Items likely to be considered in Public 1. Apologies for absence 2. To sign the Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 1 - 14) 3. To declare any interests members may have in the items contained on this agenda. When declaring an interest, members should state what their interest is. 4. To consider whether any items in Part A of the Agenda should be considered in private or the items in Part B (if any) in Public 5. Planning applications for determination by the Board The plans and originals of all representations are available for inspection in during normal office hours and in the committee room for a period of one hour before commencement of the meeting. a) GR/2010/0077 - Land north of Longfield Road and west of Evenden (Pages 15 - 32) Road, Meopham, Kent - report herewith. b) GR/2010/0490 & GR/2010/0700 - Wellington House, Wrotham (Pages 33 - 40) Road, Meopham, Kent - report herewith. Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend Kent DA12 1AU c) GR/2010/0828 - Land at Ebbsfleet bounded by A2, Southfleet (Pages 41 - Road, Springhead Road, North Kent Rail, Northfleet, Kent - report 114) herewith. d) GR/2010/0166 - Land formerly known as Dykes Pit, between 245 (Pages 115 - and 247 Dover Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent - report 120) herewith. e) GR/2010/0837 - Westcourt Inn, St Hilda's Way, Gravesend, Kent - (Pages 121 - report herewith. 122) f) GR/2010/0898 - Sainsbury’s Store, Wingfield Bank, Springhead (Pages 123 - Road, Northfleet, Kent - report herewith. 268) g) GR/2010/0333 - Lancaster House, Gravesend Road, Higham, (Pages 269 - Rochester, Kent - report herewith. 280) h) GR/2010/0245 - Shorne Grazing Paddocks, Pear Tree Lane, (Pages 281 - Shorne, Gravesend, Kent - report herewith. 288) 6. Minutes of meeting Monday, 8 November 2010 of Hackney Carriage Sub- (Pages 289 - Committee 290) 7. Planning applications determined under delegated powers by the Director (Business) A copy of the schedule has been placed in the democracy web library and also in the Members’ room. http://www.gravesham.gov.uk/democracy/ecCatDisplay.aspx?sch=doc&c at=13346&path=480,12911 8. Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. 9. Exclusion To move, if required, that pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from any items included in Part B of the agenda because it is likely in view of the nature of business to be transacted that if members of the public are present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Part B Items likely to be considered in Private 10. Enforcement - report herewith. (Pages 291 - 310) Members Cllr Harold Craske (Chairman) Cllr Robin Theobald (Vice-Chairman) Councillors: John Burden Jane Cribbon Leslie Hills Susan Howes Kenneth Jones Alex Moore Richard Smith Michael Wenban Substitutes: Ronald Bowman Conrad Broadley Lee Croxton Bronwen McGarrity Patricia Oakeshott Derek Sales This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 2 Regulatory Board Wednesday, 10 November 2010 7.00pm Present: Cllr Harold Craske (Chairman) Cllr Robin Theobald (Vice-Chairman) Cllrs: John Burden Jane Cribbon Leslie Hills Susan Howes Kenneth Jones Alex Moore Richard Smith Michael Wenban Note: Cllrs Colin Caller, William Dyke, Glen Handley, Patricia Oakeshott, Makhan Singh and Michael Snelling were also in attendance Martin Goodman Corporate Lawyer Clive Gilbert Service Manager (Development Control) Peter Price Principal Planner Michael Jessop Senior Planning Officer Richard Hart Senior Planning Officer Allan Glasson Senior Environmental Health Officer Martin Rayner Highways Engineer (Kent County Council) Rob Bright Senior Engineer (Development) Sharon Donald Housing Strategy Development Manager Carlie Plowman Committee & Scrutiny Assistant 63. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2010 were signed by the Chairman. 64. Declarations of Interest Cllrs Harold Craske, Robin Theobald, John Burden, Jane Cribbon, Leslie Hills, Susan Howes, Kenneth Jones, Alex Moore, Richard Smith and Michael Wenban declared a non-prejudicial interest in application GR/2010/0077 - Land north of Longfield Road and west of Evenden Road, Meopham, Kent as they know two of the directors of the SJP Group. Cllr Robin Theobald declared a non-prejudicial interest in application GR/2010/0077 – Land north of Longfield Road and west of Evenden Road, Meopham, Kent as he is a Member of the Dickens Country Protection Society who have made a representation on this application. 1 Page 2 Regulatory Board 10.11.2010 65. GR/2010/0077 - Land north of Longfield Road and west of Evenden Road, Meopham, Kent Further to Minute 58 (6.10.2010), the Board considered outline application GR/2010/0077 for the erection of a complex of 53 sheltered/extra care housing units with ancillary facilities. Members expressed concern regarding site area, scale, highway safety mitigation measures, evidence of need, affordability, and the impact on the green belt. Resolved that application GR/2010/0077 be DEFERRED. Note: (1) Cllr Patricia Oakeshott spoke with leave of the Chairman on this item. 66. GR/2010/0490 & GR/2010/0700 - Wellington House, Wrotham Road, Meopham, Kent Further to Minute 60 (6.10.2010) and the site inspection held on 6 November 2010 the Board considered (1) application GR/2010/0490 for minor material amendment to planning permission reference number GR/2004/272 for erection of attached single storey replacement building, to allow alterations to the footprint, height of ridge and eaves, front door window on front elevation and two windows in rear elevation, two dormer windows and one rooflight in rear roof slope and the material used on the front, side and rear elevations and (2) application GR/2010/0700 for erection of an attached single storey replacement building with two dormer windows in both front and rear roof slopes and vehicular access through to three car parking spaces at the rear, to provide a self contained two bedroom dwelling. Members expressed concern regarding the clarity of the plans. Resolved that applications (1) GR/2010/0490 and (2) GR/2010/0700 be DEFERRED. Note: (1) Objector Doug Powell, Meopham Parish Councillor, addressed the Board. 67. GR/2010/0757 - 84 Darnley Road, Gravesend, Kent The Board considered application GR/2010/0757 for the formation of vehicular access and laying out of new hardstanding in front garden and reconstruction of front boundary wall with railings. Resolved that application GR/2010/0757 be REFUSED on the ground that the proposed development would introduce a front parking area and boundary wall arrangement that would not respect a historically significant boundary and would detract from the character and appearance of the Darnley Road Conservation Area. The proposal would not make a positive contribution to the conservation area and as such, it is contrary to Policies TC0, TC1 and TC3 of the Gravesham Local Plan First Review and Policies BE1, BE2, BE4 and BE12 of the Gravesham Local Plan 2nd Review (Deposit Version) and to the advice contained in the Darnley Road Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Note: (1) Alan Penfold, agent for the applicant, addressed the Board. (2) Cllr Makhan Singh spoke with leave of the Chairman on this item. 2 Page 3 Regulatory Board 10.11.2010 68. GR/2010/0906 - Side garden of 26 Meadow Road, Gravesend, Kent The Board considered application GR/2010/0906 for the erection of an attached two storey, three bedroom dwelling with front and rear dormer windows. Resolved that application GR/2010/0906 be REFUSED on the following grounds:- (1) the proposal would result in the loss of garden land resulting in the loss of greenery on the site with limited physical separation from dwellings opposite in Meadow Road. As such the development is contrary to policies TC0, TC1, H2 and TC10 of the Gravesham Local Plan First Review 1994 and policies BE1, BE12 and H3 of the Gravesham Local Plan Second Review Deposit Version 2000; (2) the development is substandard in terms of parking provision and will result in the loss of existing parking provision for the existing dwelling without an adequate or practical replacement and will therefore result in an increase in parking on-street in a narrow cul-de-sac where there is already heavy on-street parking occurring and close to the entrance to a secondary school with the potential to result in obstruction to other road users to the detriment of highway safety. As such the proposal is contrary to policies T5 and P3 of the Gravesham Local Plan First Review 1994 and policies T12, T16 and T19 of the Local Plan Second Review Deposit Version 2000. Note: (1) Greg Bunce, agent for the applicant, addressed the Board. (2) Objectors Nicholas Redman and Terry Jones addressed the Board. (3) Cllr William Dyke spoke with leave of the Chairman on this item. 69. GR/2010/0696 - Land at Ebbsfleet bounded by A2, Southfleet Road, Springhead Road, North Kent Rail, Northfleet, Kent The Board considered outline application GR/2010/0696 for reserved matters application pursuant to condition A1 of outline planning permission reference number GR/1996/0035 for the siting, design, external appearance, means of access and landscaping for a multi- functional community centre and place of worship at Springhead Park to meet the requirements of condition G14(a) and condition G17(a).
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