July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24188 RESOLVED That the Design
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July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24188 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered a proposal for the temporary removal of Red Square (ca. 1972) by Theodoros Stamos from the second floor lobby, Bronx Family-Criminal Court, 215 East 161 st Street, Bronx, submitted by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, the Criminal Justice Coordinator and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, represented by exhibits 3935-AD, AE, AF & AG of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary and final approval with the understanding that (1) after the conservator is able to more closely examine Red Square, a revised conservation proposal will be submitted for review before any work begins; (2) conservation proposals with tiered options will be requested from the conservator for the five remaining tapestries and two banners within the building; (3) the location of each artwork will be reconsidered holistically, so that they will be viewed as a collection; (4) signage for each artwork will be submitted for review; and (5) all of the agencies will coordinate to address all of the items noted above. Final approval is conditioned upon commencement of work before July 18, 2013. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011 Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24189 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the installation of louvers and an HVAC unit, Queens Borough Hall, 120-55 Queens Boulevard, Queens, submitted by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, represented by exhibits 129- BF, BG, BH & Bl of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary and final approval. Final approval is conditioned upon commencement of work before July 18, 2013 and submission of a minimum of three (3) 8" x 10" color archival-quality photographs of the completed project. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18,2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24190 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the installation of a canopy, Signature Theatre Company, 480 West 42nd Street, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of Cultural Affairs, represented by exhibits 7039-A, B & C of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary approval with the understanding that (1) the designer will better integrate the individual elements, either by incorporating (instead of applying) the LCD screens into the columns, if possible, and/or linking the Signature Theatre graphics to the canopy; and (2) the name included was a placeholder only, and once a donor has been identified, the revised layout will be submitted for review. Preliminary approval is conditioned upon submission of this project for final review and approval before July 18, 2013. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24191 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered a proposal for the installation of Inhale/Exhale and Independent Lines by Monika Goetz, 122 Community Center, 150 First Avenue, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of Cultural Affairs' Percent for Art Program and the Department of Design and Construction, represented by exhibits 5312-U, V & W of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary approval with the understanding that (1) within seven months, the artist will have a pre-construction meeting with the installer to determine whether the paving can be installed first with the artwork installed after in a saw-cut channel; and (2) a proposal for the confirmed installation method will be submitted for review before work begins. Preliminary approval is conditioned upon commencement of work before July 18, 2013 and submission of this project for final review and approval. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24192 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the reconstruction of Astor Place and Cooper Square, East Fourth Street to East Ninth Street between Lafayette Street and Third Avenue, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of Design and Construction, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Parks & Recreation, represented by exhibits 603-U, V & AB of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary approval with the understanding that (1) various installation approaches for the lettering will be explored to ensure that it does not fail due to freeze-thaw; (2) the scope of work for the conservation, and if necessary the temporary relocation for construction, of Alamo (1967) by Tony Rosenthal and Peter Cooper(1894) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens will be submitted for review; and (3) of the two potential locations for future food kiosks, the one on the subway triangle is acceptable, but the one in Alamo plaza is not, as it blocks views, and consequently revised drawings of the relocated kiosk, perhaps at the southwest corner of the plaza aligned with the trees, will be submitted for committee review. Preliminary approval is conditioned upon submission of this project for final review and approval before July 18, 2013. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24193 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the reconstruction of a parking lot for Flushing Town Hall, 34-56 Linden Place, Queens, submitted by the Department of Design and Construction and the Department of Cultural Affairs, represented by exhibits 5432-Q, R & S of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous final approval. Final approval is conditioned upon commencement of work before July 18, 2013 and submission of a minimum of three (3) 8" x 1 0" color archival-quality photographs of the completed project. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24194 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the construction of Knickerbocker Plaza, Knickerbocker Avenue, Greene Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, submitted by the Department of Design and Construction and the Department of Transportation, represented by exhibits 6338-H, I, J & K of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary approval with the understanding that a sign that explains the historical significance of the street and neighborhood names will submitted for committee review. Preliminary approval is conditioned upon submission of this project for final review and approval before July 18, 2013. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24198 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the installation of streetscape improvements, Phase I, Diamond District, West 4Jlh Street between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of Transportation, represented by exhibits 5882-T, U & V of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous final approval with the understanding that (1) the hanging baskets will not be placed on the pedestrian poles; (2) a City 24/7 touch screen will be installed in the existing telephone booth, instead of free-standing information kiosks, and (3) eliminating/consolidating the numerous plastic newsboxes, telephone kiosks and bollards on the street, which add to the visual clutter, will be explored. The Commission recommends that the 47th Street Business Improvement District develop a branding program to distinguish the block-long Diamond District, and suggests that the BID look at the design proposed for Restaurant Row, another distinctive single-block district. Final approval is conditioned upon commencement of work before July 18, 2013 and submission of a minimum of three (3) 8" x 10" color archival-quality photographs of the completed project. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24199 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the replacement of a newsstand with a prototypical newsstand with a digital display, southeast corner of Seventh 1 Avenue and West 34 h Street, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Department of Transportation, represented by exhibits 4826-G & H of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same unanimous preliminary and final approval. Final approval is conditioned upon commencement of work before July 18, 2013 and submission of a minimum of three (3) 8" x 1 0" color archival-quality photographs of the completed project. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Design Commission at its meeting on July 18, 2011. Jackie Snyder Executive Director July 18, 2011 CERTIFICATE 24200 RESOLVED That the Design Commission, having considered designs for the replacement of a newsstand with a prototypical newsstand with a digital display, southwest corner of Seventh 1 Avenue and West 34 h Street, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Department of Transportation, represented by exhibits 4470-1