Boston College Law School Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School Boston College Law School Faculty Papers 1-1-2010 Setting It Straight: A Thirtieth Anniversary Gathering in Memory of the Little eT nnessee River and its Valley Zygmunt J.B. Plater Boston College Law School,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Environmental Law Commons, and the Land Use Planning Commons Recommended Citation Zygmunt J.B. Plater, Setting It Straight: A Thirtieth Anniversary Gathering…in Memory of the Little Tennessee River and its Valley. Newton, MA: Z. Plater, 2010. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in Boston College Law School Faculty Papers by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. SSSeeettttttiiinnnggg IIIttt SSStttrrraaaiiiggghhhttt::: aaa TTThhhiiirrrtttiiieeettthhh AAAnnnnnniiivvveeerrrsssaaarrryyy GGGaaattthhheeerrriiinnnggg ......... iiinnn MMMeeemmmooorrryyy ooofff ttthhheee LLLiiittttttllleee TTTeeennnnnneeesssssseeeeee RRRiiivvveeerrr aaannnddd IIItttsss VVVaaalllllleeeyyy Created: 200,000,000 BC — eliminated by TVA: November 29, 1979 R.I.P. AAA RRReeeuuunnniiiooonnn ooofff TTTeeelllllliiicccooo DDDaaammm RRReeesssiiisssttteeerrrss::: fffaaarrrmmmeeerrrsss &&& lllaaannndddooowwwnnneeerrrsss,,, ssspppooorrrtttsssmmmeeennn,,, ttthhheee EEEaaasssttteeerrrnnn BBBaaannnddd ooofff CCChhheeerrroookkkeeeeeesss,,, &&& cccooonnnssseeerrrvvvaaatttiiiooonnniiissstttsss Vonore Community Center, Vonore, Tennessee, November 14, 2009 The Little Tennessee River: A Time-Line 200,000,000 BC — God raises up the Great Smoky Mountains, and the Little T starts flowing westward down out of the mountains. 8000 BC — archaic settlements arise in the meadows along the Little T in the rolling countryside West of the mountains. 1000-1400 AD — Early proto-Cherokee Pisgah culture; villages are scattered along the Little T.