Volume 39, Issue 31 (The Hornet, 1923
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Wagner Wins ASB Presidency Runoff Set For ... :. IBk B %S" .i: '.':23 Ma^yM aii y 23 aa: ndndi 2^424A Bob Wagner was elected as Bob Wagner has been at FJC president of the Associated Stu- three semesters. He is an ac- dent Body for the year 1961-62. counting major and is presently Elected as vice-president, by pri- serving as Associated Student 7e O6ecial Pacication a FterUton uaif Llegeo mary ballot was Jerry Vanover. Body Treasurer. Terry Wills is the new treasuer. Vol. XXXIX Fullerton, California, Friday, May 19, 1961 No. 31 A run-off will be held between There will be a run-off for ASB Kathy Clark and Linda Cosgriff secretary between Betty Eakin for the office of Associated Wo- 'Le Jazz' and Linda Lyles. men Students President. Others Outstanding elected to AWS posts were Sandi Schneider, first vice-pres- ident; Linda Smith, second vice- 25 Men Will FJC Art Show president; Ruthie Copeland, sec- retary; and Libby Bogan, treas- Continues Thru urer. Elected to the position of As- Be Honored sociated Men Students President Fullerton Junior College's As- Thursday, June 1 was Ron Mankin, John Lindsay, sociated Men Students President vice-president Mike Harris, sec- The sixth art show of the year George Bugeren has released the retary; and Tony Dalessi, trea- is now on display in the home names of the 25 Mu Omnic'ron Del- surer. Raoul Robles and Paul economics building on the Fuller- ta, Men of Distinction winners. Samson were voted as sophomore ton Junior College campus. This is Top 25 representatives. These men are John Cooper, so- the second year the art shows have Sophomore Class officers for cial science; Warren Deacon; jour- been in the home economics build- next year will include Jim "Pine- nalism; John Esser, life science; ing. apple" C oe n, president; Ken Robert Fick, business administra- Most of the works have been se- James, vice-president; o r m a tion; Michael Forbes, technical lected from the day students. Each Dickerhoof, secretary; Linde John- education; George Francisco, stu- instructor was responsible for a stine, treasurer. dent government; John Flowers, certain area of work. There are Run-off and finals will be held scholastic; Leonard Guinn, athlet- ,seven classes involved which are Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24 ics (basketball); David Gibbs, ath- freehand drawing, design and co- 1 p.m. letics (football); Dennis Jarrett, lor, ceramics, commercial art, in- and 25, 9 a.m. to down humanities; Andrew Klein, Life troduction to crafts, painting and Posters must be taken hours after science; Charles Kinn, math and exploring art. within forty-eight suffer physical science; LeRoy Neal, ah- Some of the works have won election or winners may letics (track); Richard Larouch, awards in other art shows. They suspension. Individual service to the college; have been in competition with Don Robertson, Associated Stu- Dick Odle, drama; David Parsley, work done outside FJC. dent Body Commissioner of Elect- math and physical science; Rich- Posters which went out and an ions, was quoted as saying, "This ard PIachy, math and physical aution sign were designed by Mrs. was the largest turnout of voters science; Keith Porter, student gov- SWINGS OUT-Teddy Buckner, ncted jazz musican, parades through Virginia Taylor, an art student at in the history of ASB elections." ernment; Don Robertson, individ- Fullerton High School Auditorium as he plays for students earlier this FJC. The students put in many All ASB officers will be install- ual service to the college; Steve .year, is scheduled to imake his second appearance of the year at FJC hours of work to set up the art ed June 1 at the Annual Awards Sutphin, business administration; Thursday, May 25. show. Assembly in the Fullerton Audit- Phillip Snyder, service club activ- This is the last art show of the orium. At this time all the Com- ities; George Burgaren, service year. Painting and other works mission will be installed. club activities; Jerome Vanover, will be scld at an auction if the life science; Gary Wiederman, mu- Teddy Buckner Will Appear students wish them to be sold. This sic; and Donald Wheeler, technical auction is to be held at 11 a.m. ASB Helps Pay education. on June 6 in room 1002 in the Bainquet At Next FJC Assembly home economics building. The pub- These men will be honcred at lic is invited to this auction. For Scoreboard the Men of Distinction banquet Back again for a lively assembly Mrs. Mary Hodgdon was in Fullerton High School's Wednesday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. of jazz and popular music will be charge of freehand drawing, Mrs. Senior Class Gift, a new in the Student Center. Musical Hosts Teddy Buckner, for next Thurs- Lois Maroney, painting, design and scoreboard for the high Selection of the .winners was ,day: assembly in the auditorium. color; Miss Eileen Gilmore, free school stadium, will be joint- made from 10 catorgories which Assembly time, 11 a.m. will br- hand drawing and design and co- ly paid for by its student are considered to include every Variety of Acts ing the interested jazz fans and lor Mr. Dennison Herring, cera- body and that of Fullerton phase of the college program. This year's annual Spring Mus- also the "just plain" music lovers mics, introduction to craft, com- Junior College. ical "Show Time '61" will be to view Buckner's program of mercial art, and exploring art. The College will donate presented May 26 and 27 in the "jumping and whaling" jazz. $900 to help pay for the Song and Yell Fullerton Auditorium. C u r t a i n Buckner has been considered as scoreboard because the two time is 8 p.m. "the most popular entertainer here Send Transcripts schools share the stadium "Music a la Carte" will feature at FJC," stated Keith Porter, ASB Students intending to transfer during gridiron season. Leaders Chosen selections from Westside Story Vice-President who is in charge of to four year colleges must make The scoreboard will add Chosen Wednesday from approx- and Carrousel. all Fullerton's assemblies. He is a written request out at the Rec- extra .luster to the stadium imately 60 try-out contestants for A skit entitled "The Telephone" considered thus because of the ords Office to have their tran- already made brilliant by the song leaders and e 11 leaders will feature Darlene Wilson and large crowds he attracts. scripts sent to the college of their addition of new floodlights were Song Leaders Trudy Hale, Jack Beckwith. Teddy Buckner has been appear- choice. last fall. FJC; Judy Hoeppner, FJC; Gerene The overture will be played by ing here for the. past four years Headrick, FJC; Mary Anne Bea- th Fullerton Junior College Band. making five such performances to cock, FJC; Valerie Kahn, La Ha- "Song of Democracy" will be done the delight of FJC's students, past bra High School; and Jacque by the chorus and orchestra. and present. Knights, JCC, Garagemen Cothran, La Habra High School. A Capella Choir will sing, as This will be his second perfor- Alternates chosen for the year opening numbers, "Ave Maria," mance during the school. year of 1961-62 are Kay Banasky, FJC; "My Soul Doth Magnify The 1960-1961. Sponsor Car Safety Check and Christy Etmund, FJC. Lord," "Go Love Rose," and "Ad- Students are urged to see this the slogan New yell leaders for the coming vent Motet." show as Buckner has never failed "Join the circle of safety and check your car!" This is Automobile In- year are: Marcia McComber, FJC; The orchestra featuring Rudy to entertain at his fullest with his for the National Safety Week, sponsored by the Com- Kirk Buchanen, Anaheim High; Pena will play a solileoquy from very talented band and arrange- dustries Saftey Committee, the Fullerton Junior Chamber of Karen Jenkins, Fullerton Union Carrousel. ments. merce, the Rotary Club, and local garages. High School; and Sandy Logsdon, A dance number will be pre- This year a new co-sponsor has been added, this sponsor is the FJC. sented by Robin Randall while Fullerton Hornet Knights Men Service Club. The Knights will work Alternates include Andrea Te- the drama group will act out the Announcements with the Fullerton Police Force, under the supervision of Captain ter, FJC; and Connie Jaster, FJC. play "Officer Krupke." Davis, and local garagemen. Their duty will be to help safety check Refreshments were served after "June Is Bustin' Out All Over" In the Bookstore all cars during the period of May 22-27 .from 1 to 6 p.m. The try-outs for those who competed will be played by the orchestra Sophomore C 1 ass Announce- location of the check point is across the street from Amergie Park in the contests. and chorus. The chorous and dan- ments can be picked up now in the in Fullerton. This is the first time that a club from any college has Schools such as Buena Park cers will also present "Ching-a- Student Bookstore. been listed as co-sponsors in this area. High School, Fullerton Union High Ring." "All sophomores who have or- The Junior Chamber -wishes to stress the fact that only two out School, Orange High School, Brea Tickets may be purchased from dered announcements and have of three cars and trucks are saftey checked. In states where this High School, La Habra High members of the Commission, music paid for them are urged to pick is required half the cars examined need repair. School, Anaheim High School, and department, service clubs, at them up at the bookstore as soon The purpose of this check is to alert the people to the faulty Fullerton Junior College were rep- downtown music stores, or at the as possible," according to Mr.