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Ihr MNIARITIAME OFFICE IN SZ('ZE'('lN Plac Blatorego 4, 70-207 Szczecini SZCZECIN - SWINOUJSCIE P01R1TAUTHORITY J.S.Co. Ulica Bvtornska 7, 72-603 Sic/Zccill Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESMENT ILIPORT FOR MODERNIZATION AND DEVELOI'MENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE OF: 1. SEA WATER WAY - INLAND) SECTIO\ (SWINO.JSCIIE- SZCZECIN LAIGOON) 2. PORTMAREAOFX KAT1OW'ICKI I'lPEN'ISl,.\ AND GIABOW!SKI IS lAND E-300 Public Disclosure Authorized VOL. 2 Public Disclosure Authorized - ~ ~- ~ .. ~~~ ~~ lia-,nsl S 7142 Szzc ,4 A xV~~~ORKlED0111 BY+ DEINOFFICE 31N,11MOR t.o ( ZEI-x'(;RtICIIII'IJRF4N i\CI)M E........\).2NlSZCZL I1 %(/1,.N - w zi~~~~~~~~lica .iuiIosika 8, 71-424 Sz7czeci,i """"'""_ l)IWSlGN OFFI4CE4BPBMsN ,,BsIMOR1" L,td.(:o). Public Disclosure Authorized Iilica.aaglilloitka 67 / OS, 70-382 Siczecill SZCZECIN, December 1999 I PROGRAMME OF MODERNISATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE SZCZECIN - SWINOUJCIE PORT INFRASTRUCTURE -ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT- 1. SEA WNATERW"AY- INLAND PART (SWINOUJSCIE - THE SZCZECIN LAGOON) 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT INFRASTRUCTURE ON THIE KATOWICKI PENINSULA AND OSTROW GRABOWSKI ISLAND 1. SUMMARY A safe Szczecin - Swinoujscie sea waterway - as regards navigation - is an inseparable element that enables operation of the port in Szczecin. Keeping of the sea waterway passing through the north passage, The Szczecin Lagoon, the lower Odra River up to Szczecin in operational and navigational conditions requires constant maintenance of the hydraulic engineering structures - and - with increasing tonnage (linear and volume overall dimensions) of the vessels making the port of Szczecin, changing structure and magnitude of stevedoring - quick modemisation of the most important elements of the Szczecin - Swinoujgcie Port Complex. The elements that should be modernised and developed as first are indicated on Fig. 1 - the sea waterway on the inland stretch as well as development of the port infrastructure in the areas of the Katowicki Peninsula and the island of Ostr6w Grabowski. The needs in both scopes are greater, however, for the Report on Environmental Assessment only those that fulfil the specified economic, social, social engineering and environmental requirements - expressed as developmental forecasts in the regional plan of spatial development - have been chosen. 2. MODERNISA TION CONDITIONS 2.1. Strategic conditions of tfie investment The port infrastructure modemisation programme (north passage of the waterway through Mielinski and Piastowski Canals and the port zones on the Katowicki Peninsula and the island of Ostr6w Grabowski) is an increase of the operational efficiency of the main Polish ports - the Ports of Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin - Swinouj§cie Port Complex. The modemisation -2 - consists in creation of technical conditions for the authentic competition of ports in winning over users, shipowners,carriers, etc. both form private and state sectors. In relation to the above, legal opportunitiesfor safe operation of the port are to be created through realisation of two infrastructure elements of the Szczecin - §winouj§cie port: 1. Modernisation of the sea waterway in its north passage through the Mielinski Canal and Piastowski Canal, and mouth to the I" Fairway Gate in the Szczecin Lagoon. 2. Modernisation of the port zones on the Katowicki Peninsula and the island of Ostrow Grabowski with carrying out of the indispensable warehouse - storage areas, quays, basins as well as access roads (land transport) linked to the network of international (S-3), national and regional roads. The projects composing the package entitled "Modemisation of the elements of the Szczecin - §winouj§cie port infrastructure" are inseparable, as the port of Szczecin cannot operate normally without efficient and navigationally safe waterway that connects the port with the Baltic Sea. The proposed project anticipates modernisation and development of the port infrastructure in the zones of both Katowicki Peninsula and the island of Ostr6w Grabowski, which makes sense only when there are investors having properly equipped port quays, warehouse areas, manoeuvring yards and patent connections of the port - as the transport junction - road connections (railway and motor) with the network of land roads of international importance. Those investments are therefore of strategic importance for the international users (Czech Republic, Germany and countries of the former USSR), Polish users as well as for the West Pomeranian Region. Therefore the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Poland - that treats those investment actions of the Maritime Office in Szczecin and the Szczecin - Swinoujgcie Port Authority JSC as the key actions for the present and the future bulk shipping that passes through the port - is the guarantee for the loan from the World Bank. 2.1.1. Environmental strategic context of the investment Poland - with its long coastline - uses it to the best of its ability -among other things- for the purposes of economic and ecological sea transport - which is extremely important with the strong competition on the sea transport market both all over the world an in the EU. This is an alternative transport offer for increasing number of bulk commodities in relation to the land -3 - motor transport that strongly influences the natural land environment (phytocenosis, zoocenosis), the landscape virtues and safety of residents. Transport of such significant amount of bulk commodities with sea - going vessels, trains of inland and sea barges significantly reduces the environmental hazard both in the land and the water. Catastrophes and failures cannot be excluded, of course, in the port areas or the waterway - but they are under better and more efficient supervision of well-organised special services of the Maritime Office - the institution acting for the order of the Szczecin - Swinoujgcie Port Authority, and the Environmental Inspectorate. serving constant regional and state monitoring as well as special services capable of removal of the results of those catastrophes in the administered areas with established status of legal and administrative responsibility. 2.2. Operational conditions of the Szczecin - Swinoujscie Port Complex JSC The Szczecin - Swinoujscie Port Complex (one of the two port centres in Poland) is situated over the Baltic Sea, in the estuary of the Odra River, one of the two main rivers in Poland. Except the Odra River -which is the inland navigation lane connected with the system of the German waterways - Szczecin has got convenient connections of railway and motor traffic both with the domestic hinterland and foreign hinterland, and in this - the Szczecin - Berlin motorway. The port of Szczecin is connected with the Baltic Sea by the Szczecin - Swinoujscie waterwEay. The waterway allows for sailing of vessels with the following maximum parameters: length of 160 metres with draught of 9.15 metres or length of 206 metres and draught of 8.15 metres - which corresponds with fully loaded vessel of 15,000 - 16,000 DWT of carrying capacity or partly loaded vessel of 20,000 - 25,000 DWT of carrying capacity. The traffic systems of that area are as follows: - sea waterway from the north through the West Odra and MieleniskiDitch; - inland waterway from the south (West Odra and Regalica rivers) with access canals within Miedzyodrze; - railway connections from the south with system of series of 'stub' railway sidings, without possibility of circumferential traffic; - access road connections within the east - west system with the network of internal roads; -4 - - the Szczecin - Swinoujscie port serves mainly the Polish foreign trade. The service of the Polishtrade turnover makes more than 90 % of the port turnover. The west part of Poland is a natural hinterland of the port in the country. There are also places of dispatch and receipt from the central and east regions, however, the east region tends mainly to the ports of Gdansk and Gdynia. The Szczecin - Swinoujgcie Port also partly serves the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary as well as the east Lands of Germany. Most of the transit stevedoring (outside Poland) varies from 1 to 1.5 million tonnes per year. The last two years have showed stabilisation of the magnitude of stevedoring with exception of general cargo. The decrease in general cargo stevedoring can be mainly attributed to the lack of specialised port potential for servicing of containers. The present stevedoring capacity of the Szczecin - gwinoujgcie Port Authority JSC at the port of Szczecin exceeds 17 million tonnes per year (Fig. 2). However, those are mainly the capacities in the group of commodities such as coal and ore that show decreasing tendencies (table 3z). Stevedoring of general cargo has got the lowest reserves of stevedoring capacity and storage capacity. Stevedoringof bulk cargo in containersis the especiallyhandicapped group. Therefore the modernisation of the technological potential of the port - and in particular in the scope of general cargo with the new stevedoring technologies - is at present a crucial task for the Szczecind Swinoujgcie poll Authority JSC. The elaborated forecasts accordingly confirm that stevedoring in Szczecin until the year of 2010 will reach 15 - 16 million tonnes and. will be specified by: * strengthening of the growing tendency of general cargo stevedoring that will make the main subject of the Polish barter as the result of restructuring of the industry and its adjustment to the international division of labour. The ro-ro stevedoring of general