i •on

st Paterson

Fair Lawn



1 Hawthorne

Lodi ,

Little Falls

Mou:dtain View

NorEi Haledon



Pompton Lakes

Pro.specf Park




We•f Paterson


VOL. XXXI, No. 4:8 .1, WHITE and SHAUGER, A Good Name to Remember for FURNITURE I! Living Room - Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND' CARPETS A SPECIAL'n' Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the .Public 435 STRAIGI•T STI•ET (Corner 20th' Ave•) PA•I,I•ON, N.J. ß"The Place with the Clock" -- MUlberry 4-qSM Headqus,rters for En•ged Couples - L THE IDEAL PLACETO' DINE AND WINE



TOP-HAT TALENT- Frankie Vaughan, British variety artist whose top hat and cane have become a familiar trade mark with --audiences here and abroad, will be a guest star on the NBC-TV I. PARRILLO - Network colorcast of the Dinah Shore program on Sunday, ...... Dec. 20. Vaughan is a top TV, recording, music hall and film --..:- favorite in England, and also has won applause for his American night club and TV performances. TheMan from'Equitable-asksii'.

Youwant your child to ha've a better placein the sun, don't you?

OFCOURSE YOU DO. But like someparents you •g- me,"there's still plenty oœ thne." Then, before you knowit, they'reall grownup and need your help to givethem that important start toward a proœession, L careeror business,or in settingup a home.Make surenow that your "helpinghand"' will be there whenit is needed.Equitable offers you a varietyoœ policiesfor youryoungster at low rates.For more information call...



HI NOTE-- LeonardBernstein, music director of the New York GI 5-3342 GI .4-9891 "Philharmonic, gets acquainted with members of.England's cele- brated St. Paul's .Cathedral Boys' Choir in Stationer's Hall, Lon- don, during rehearsal for the full-hour "Christmas Startime" ß colorcast presentation of "the greatest music possible in .keep- Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace of mind ing With Christmas" on the NBC-TV Network Tuesday, Dec. 22. The program also stars Contralto Marian Anderson and the

Schola. _ Cantorum witk Joseph N. Welch as host. ' (:: , , .,- -


, . Dickens' "Oliver. Twist" Is Deci4..special

. \

Published Weekly by


170-172 Butler Street .Paterson, N.J.

LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor

Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Po•t Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act o.f March 3, 1879.


DECEMBER 5, 1959-- VOL. XXXI, No. 48

Single Copy 10 Oeuts $5.00 a Year by Mail

CONTENTS "Oliver Twist," Charles Dickens' celebrated story about a small boy who becomes involved with a gang of thieves in 19th century London, will be the CBS Television Network's Du Pont "Show Of the Month" 'presentation, Friday, Dec. 4. Above, g• se (Inga Swen- i•JFEATU R E S son) comforts Oliver (Frederick Clark) after tt:e lad has been rescued from the clutches of the evil Fagin, leader of the thieves. Eric Portman co-stars as Fagin, Robert Morley portrays Mr. Brownlow, and John McGiver plays Mr. Bumble. Other leading roles in the 90-minute special are played by Nancy Wickwire, Chronicle of the Week •l'o_mClanc.y and J_ohn-Co.licgs.

Short Story 14

American History 15 Host "Wizard of Oz "Color SpeCial


Social World 7

Editorials 8

Editor Speaks 8 CompleteTelevision _11-12-13


Children as well as grown-Upsentered the Yuletide spirit this past week when Santa majesticallymade his entrancein prac- tically every town you can think of, especiallywhere there RedSkelton will behost with his daughter Valentina, 11, of the are young ones. Our cover picture portrays santa with his sled CBS Television Nctwork's Christmastime color special, "The Wizard of Oz," the two-hour motion picture starrinr, Jud) Gar- and reindeerswaving and giving heedto be good,particularly land, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack ilaley, Billle to the children, from now until Christmas eve. Burke and blargaret ilamilton, Sunday, Dec. 13. Skelton and his daughter will introduce various 'chapters' of the entertainment m_asterpiece,base_d on L. Frank _Baum's_c..e.leb. rated_boo..k.. . The cHRONIcLE Pag•Three ß . \

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.•-:..o oß. • .• • • ..:_.:• .:-.:_•:.::;, ' " • "':':i' ....?..:.; ======::::::::..... :_+' ...... • - •.• •... • •...... -:.:.-...-... .-- .-.:. ß ... .. :.:. .. :...... ß ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ': •...•. • ß ß ß • ..._.:ß ß ß ß . o-':i.'-'.::•:-i:{:i'::::.::'::':iii:::::-:":::'::':i::'..i'.:-:i::::?:'::::::: ======...... :--:-...... ß...... ======...... ::: --:.:..:..:.,:..:..:..:..:...... :':.:...::..:...: •:.:::- ...... ß... -.-..-<.-...->-...-...... :...... -...... • • .:-'.:-?•.:::::..:::,.-:... .:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ß . : . :.: :: '...• ßT'• • •. ":"'::'• ..:-" ... • .•.,- :.•%• •, . ,•.-.•...... • .._•. . :...... :.:.:.:..... •...... '•'>:'-... ,•. . .,•G.•- . :ß•, .. . , .•.. ..•. . . ' . •'.• .... ' •,. -..... -,•.•.-;•.. -•. .•...: .. .•. . <•, • - .... • .- '•-.'• . • ...... •'• '"'•,.•.... •.•,•.•.-.• •,,• - , . • ...... , Theonce proud battleship, U.S. S. Arizona, as •he looked prior to Pear 1 Harbor Day, December 7, 1•41, when at 7:55a.m. she was hit aerial torpedoamidships and by sevenbombs from $apaneseraiders as she rode anchor. More than 100,00.0tourists annually visit the ba•4e •h'ip in Pearl Harbor'• water•. ( U. $. Navy photo courtesy Our Navy Magazine. ß -PearlHarbor Film Shown To Help Finance Arizona Monu.ment 'ByMIKE BATELLI clearbv the Bureau of Budgetand in 1956 sailorsand airmen. the Pacific-War Memorial Commissio:• OrganizatiOns, be they' fraternal, v•.t .... The sight of an aged couple placing a agreed a pu•blic subscription campaign, •.ns, civic, religious, social' or any other t'-'-"e, wreath at the foot of the flagpole above the rather than appropriated funds should be are urged to call on Pete to show his movx•s, rusted deck of the U.S. S. Arizona, resting sought. and contribute to the completion of the mem- in the murky waters of Pearl Harbor, has in- Pete's Hawaii and Pearl Harbor feature orial. ß• spired a resident to take an active part in includes among its 2,100 feet views of the Pete may be reached by calling hir• at the campaign to erect a permanent monu- Pacific Punch Bowl, the military cemetery HAwthorne 7-1334 any time after 6 •.. m. ment on the ship's hull. where are buried 17,000 American soldiers, daily. , Peter Cravello of 137 Cedar Avenue, a 59- year-old U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and a 16-minimeter home movies enthusi- ast, wants to show movies he filmed in color on his eight-week tour of Hawaii and Pearl

Harbor to as many organizations as possible .. -- for a contribution. "The contribution," Pete said, "will be made to the U.S. S. Arizona Memorial Fund." Goal for the Pearl Harbor based memorial has been set at $1,000,000. Pete said to date approximately $150,000 has b•.en collected. Pete, a.ctive in veteran affairs and pro- grams since his separation from the Armed :.-:,-:::,:::::-:::...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Forces, said the sight of the aged couple stepping from a U.S. Navy launch onto the walk .which leads to the flagpole, carrying the wreath they were to place in memory of their boy who gaye-his life on December 7, 1941, "was the most awe-inspiring and spine.-ß chilling sight I will ever see." He said grown men "sobbed unashamed" as they looked upon the scene. • , -...... ======Pete and his wife, Catherine visited the ß.battered battleship last May 15, on a special sight-seeing launch. provided by the Navy.

A navy yeoman-pointed out the significant .. and historic highlights, telling the story of the ship and plans for erecting the memor- ial. Pete's camera clicked away and now he

ß .

speaks with pride of the highlights of his ß

ß .. movies at Pearl Harbor. . The nationwide campaign to preserve the ship, on which 1,102 men died, and to erect ,e - "ß , 3:3::% j the permanent memorial is .sponsored by the ',• :::2:: ' Pacific War Memorial Commission. Pete, in his-des:ire to learn all there is to know about the U.S. S• Arizona, said he . , -. .<.•. --.-. .. ß learned a bill .was introduced in ,Congress in 1950 to authorize the erection of an U.S. S. Peter Cravello of 137' Cedai• 'Avenue,"I-Yawthorne,•look•at' the U.S. 'S. •rizona as she Arizona Memorial Shrine, but it was not appears in photo from the files of the U• S. Navy. Page Four '"The C]T]•O•rI•L]• P'Ssai½Cou"nty Planners Europe Is Negotiating' Population Predicfio,n Free-TradingBlocs One of the outstanding features T.a•t •eek a convention was of the recently issued Passaic signed in Stockholm -by' Britain, County' Planning Board report on Sweden,Norway, Denmark, Aus- "Revised Population Estimates" tria, Switzerland and Portugal. 'which has just been mailed to These nations agreed to organize planning agencies throughout the the "European Free Trade Asso-

. collx!.ty, state, nation and abroad, ciation," popularly known as the is a tab:e comparing the antici.pa- "Outer S?ven". The seven na- "ted.year by year growth of each tions are. to eliminate trade bar- -oft!•'e county's sixteen municipal- riers toward each other on a ities from 1950 to 1970. gradual basis. They aim at full free trade by 1970. Moving spirit ,These figures are as follows: in organizing the. group was Bri-

. 1950 1970 tain, which saw its position .en- •:':Paterson...... 139,692154,284 dangered by another preferential P,,•$S•.i½ 57,814 61,173 trading block, the "Inner Six", !i:•;C!i•øn...... 66,928 94,736 also called the "Common Mar- !?111H•l•'don 6,258 7,81.7 ket." The latter group consists of ..•a_wt.. horne 15,160 18,673 France, West Germany, Italy, •.bSpect Park __ 5,257 6,102 Be-gium, the Netherlands and Lu- /.•ittleFalls 6,718 10,964 xembourg. They too aim at mu- •N0rthHaledon __ 3,836 6,034 tual free trade ,by 1970, along •0mpton Lakes _ 5,264 8,977 with economic integration and ef- :,.T•0•waBorough 6,124 11,265 fective. standardization of pro- ?Vi/yne. 12,738 31,241 duction cost factors, including ..•ffe'•tPaterson __ 3,659 9,144 wages and social benefits. British leaders have said no in- {!oomingdale 3,315 5,418 . :- 'inSwood 1,915 4,326 ter-bloc rivalry is intended. The -Wanaque 4,061 6,529 hope is that in view of their pa- 'W..•es•t Milford 4,042 9,455 rallel aims, the two organizations can eventially join in one big ??Thereport states that .the.co.un- free market. tf-s' total population is expected Exporters of U.S. goods have td...increase from 343,321 to 446,- :.. shown concern over the implica- CHRISTMAS CRYSTALS-- Don Herbert, NBC-TV's Mr.-Wiz_ard - 13.E in 1970. tions. As the .nations in the two shcws how sugar, salt and other household materials can be -•9/•//unicipalfactors used in the blocs lower tariffs "within the made into crystals and used as Christmas tree ornaments;'Her-' 4.•;.•:y upon which the report 'i, as club," U.S. goods, against which bert has explaine.d and demonstrated the formation of .crystale the tariffs still will •be operative, in experiments on his "Watch Mr. Wizard" telecast on the--NBCß ba•.edincluded developableland TV Network Saturdays. av•!able for resffiential purposes, will be at a competitive disadvan- eu'i•ent zoning, the ,po•ibility of tage.. In 1958, the nations in the ".'•ffing in order to permit a two blocs took 25 per cent of all more intensive use of land, red• goods exported by the U.S. vO.o.•pmentand a renewal of fu- t(•'"•'•development, it was pointed ':•t .,•,by Robe• Paul Lippman, .c•g•rmanof the County Planning Professor Predicts $80 Billion Consumer Credit

..-.. "Guesfs Thomas G. Gies, Associate Pro- Dec. 17"Big Party fessor of Finance at the Universi- ty of Michigan, predicts that' in ifersonAppointed To the next twenty years the volume .,':'visory Post of consumer credit will rise to at :)/•:i,?'•.' Raymond Peterson, chair- least $80 billion. It now is in the n..•an of the. Board of the First Na- vicinity of $50 billion, of which $37.5 billion is installment credit. --"•::analBank of Passaic County, has again been appointed to serve Prof. Gies says the sharp .rise. in consumer Credit will come about as 'a member of the Government ;darrowinSCommittee of the Am- due. to a boost in population and aridan Bankers Association. It is number of households, the. trend ... a•i•0ne-yearappointment and was toward earlier marriages, an in- crease in multi-car families and .!i.•adeby the presidentof the as- '•."ci'ation, John W. Remington. tile persistent upward movement in personal income throughout .•.'etersonhas served continuously the nailart. .':in the committee .since 1948. •'}'The GovernmentBorrowing Committee is composedof about •.:11.twentybankers from various sec- This one is hard ,to swallow, but -'.•0nsof the country. It acts in an it ran in a reputable. Providence newspaper. In granting a tire-di- BennyGoodman and PeggyLee are two of the guest -•dx•isorycapacity ,tothe Seereta- Big Party," Thursday,. Dec. 17, on the CBS Television .l•T-ef/w:.0rk. .t"r of the Treasury. The commit- vorce decree to a local resident, Among the other stars who will appear with them ;t'• • meetsfrequently in Washing- the court insisted that .the-wom- minute special are Sir John ,Gielgud, Carol chamii"ng•;_:i':L!Yn•l t?0n to study-fiscaland monetary an permit. her husband-to come Ha•mpton,Gene_Kru_pa a_nd Alan King; .... '-':" .:-

' .•ffairs with gave .rnment.officials. 'home once a week to take a bath. .. ! Christmasat the Circus"Hosts, Dec. 10

A woman complained to. a friend thatthe w•11s of hernew apartment wereso ffiin that the neighbors on either'Side could hear everything she aaid.

. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... -.;i:i:•:i:i:•:!:•:i:i:i..:.:.)i:i??.i:i:i•!:i:i:•::i:!:•::i:•::i:i:!:!:i:i:•:i:i ,

"Oh, I think you could eliminate that trouble," the 'othez replied. "Just hang some tapestriesover your .;, walls." The woman considered the sugges-

tion briefly. then shook her head. ß "No, that wouldn't do," she replied. Jam s Arne,.,, (right), the popular "" star, and Dennis "Then we couldn't heaz what they MRS. OgRIE DU BOlS Weaver (left). his sldckick in the xseekly eries, will be hosts of "hristm-•s at the Circus" featuring the famed Ringling Brothers, Miss Anne Thompson, daugl•, Barnum & Bailey Circus. Thursday, Dec. 10. on the CBS Tele- A mother germ said to the baby ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomi3- vision Nctx•ork. The colorful hour-long special spotlighting the celebrated performers, animal acts -•nd huge menagerie from germ,"Don't put titat in your fiaouth son, and Orrie Du Bols of L.or•g "The Greatext Show on Earth," will originate in M•ami, Fla. until I' clean it off . . . it's loaded Island, exchanged wedding vows with penicillinl" in .St. Agnes R. C. Church at a Nuptial Mass. A reception was held at the North Haledon F.ire House. •,.'-

ßACROSS 11. Record.(abr.) ?-. ::.";i:::::::i:::::: 1. Worthlessacrap 16.Spins 4. Fondle 20. Was deficient ?. Taste 22. Rapture 12. Equality 24. Beardof grain Answer to A famous comic, who has since gone 13. Mal• drink 25. Pedaldign on the wagon, watcheda newspaper- 14. Scrutinize 27. Follower 15. Everlaatir. 29. Hawaiiangarlar Cross Word man drink several glassesof plain 17.Pertaining to 30. ilighmountain water. Eoli$ 31. Spotted 18.Set over again 88.Compound ether Puzzle "You're an odd bird," he exclaimed, 19. ,SouthAmerican 35. ½'hurchhofiday animal 36. Paused "drinking nothing but chasers." 2•.'.Affirm 38. Rtgionin Italy on Page 15 28. Mountainin 40. Concerning Armenia 41. Give out The old-fashioned girl who used to 26. 8onga 42. To•n in France 28. Townin Nigeria 44. ,%cure say."This is sosudden," n6s• has a 29. Foldsover 46. Mineralspring 82. Inquire 47. Urus granddaught.etwho says,"Well, it's S3. Slave 49. Againat about time" :?::'- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-..:./•.:::.::::.:======• Co•sHigh• priestin 8?. SoughAmerican plant S9. Keep back 4S. Foundatio• 45. Feel 46. Begin 48. Female movie star 50. Heart b•at . '9 51. Enemy õ9•. Negative word Z7 55. Affection 54. Finish 65.Golf mound DOW31 35 MRS. GABRIEL PEgZEL¾'•, I. Musical drama 2. Grades 3 36 3. Lo•k of hair MissMarion Farah and ,Gabfidel 4. Small storage US' Perzelywere unitedin marriage room in St. Mary"s R. C. ,Church •[ ReiateHigheat note 4,• •, '/,. Sharppointed P•sai.cat a doublering ce•- weapon$ mony. The bride is the daug•J.•.r •, Odor ß

9:. The pole.atat. $$ . of Mr. and Mrs. Nayef Back•, 10. $apaneae .. . "Can't he just take lessons? her husband is the son of doeshe haveto practice?!' and Mrs. John Perzely ..... --7--- ß




Mem•bers of the Ski .Club' of the YWCA will .view. a motion picture on ',Mountain Magic" on December 10 at th• Benjamin Franklin Ju- nior High School.The film was made by ski photographerJohn Jay.

"Puert0..Rico USA." is the subject of the lecture of the Audubon screen tour series given by the. Radcliffe Club of New Jersey on cem:ber9.. It-will be presentedat the HillsideSchool 'in Montclair.

Lecturer will be Fran William Ha]]. ß ..

Rehearsals for the CYO Minstrel of St. Bonaventure's parish :•re well under way for the 1959 Minstrel Show' to be held this week- •nd in the Parish Hall. Eighty teenagerswill participatein the show ß hich will :beheld on December-4,5 and 6.

Adults and children of the YWCA will participate in the Hanging of the Greens at $ p.m. on Decem'bet 11. lVIembers and their families .. are welcome.

A. coffee party, the first in the series of the March of Dimes .•-undraising campaign, will be .held in the West Room of the Alexan- MRS. KIEK •'ILSON MRS. S. MA.I•ORANO .• Hotel on Saturday between 2 and 4 .p.m. Mrs. Charles Brino is St. Paul's Lutheran Church Marriage vows were' exchanged County Coffee Party chairman and she has announced that Mrs. Ella was the setting for the wedding between Cynthia Snaguski o.f 'M..aeTomevi will be the honored guest. Wawne and Salvatore Martorano ceremony of Miss Lois Berg- mann to Kirk Wilson of Allen- of Garfield in St. Mary's Assump- tion R. C. Church in Passaic. A .•:. Nathan A.cktermann, baritone, will make his debut in New York dale. A. reception for 150 guests o• Saturday evening in the production of "Rigolet. to". He will sing the was held at the Swiss Chalet in reception followed at Natoli's lead role. Restaurant. The bride is the Ramsey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snaguski, and the groom is the :'-• -! UT PEOPLE YOU KNOW m son of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore - Miss Carol Matano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Matano Martorano. of:'.t3 Wayne Avenue, was given a surprise .bridal shower by mem- of her ,bridal party. Miss Matano will .become the bride of John 'enners of Redwood• Avenue, on Lions Head Lake, N.J.

,'. The wedding of Miss Susan Wester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wester of Monttclair Avenue, to William E. Bertsch, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bertsch of 125 Haledon Avenue, was solemn- ized recently at a nuptial Mass in St. Bonaventure's 1%.C. Churchß

.:::The 51st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Hollan- der of Alois Place, was celebrated recently at a Thanksgiving dinner given at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Levy, of'. 61 East 23rd Street. The couple have four children and nine grandchildren.

An open house party will be held at the home of James Wesdyke of 140North Fifth Street,on the occasionof their twenty-fifthwed- ding anniversary.

• On an eight day stay at Acapulo, Mexico, are Mr. and Mrs. Saul S,pivak of 243Eighth Avenue.


ß MITS. JOH DE BLOCK CRESC'IONE Mrs. Harriet Stewart and Joh• . FUL OIL. PHOTO STUDIO De Block exchanged marriage ß CO. MRS. SAMUEL TURNER I vows recently at Central Reform- .. ed church. A reception followed At an afternoonceremo. ny ..Miss ' Weddings--- Port. tits at the Brownstone House. The Sandra KucharSki became the Healing Sysfems Conune•elal bride of Samuel 'Turner. The bride is the daughter of Mrs... F. Insfailed Full line Of Tuxedos for Hire Wentink and the late Mr. Went- bride is the daughter/'of Mr.' and 4-8050 .•edon, N.J. 52 •et StY, 'l•terson N.J. ink. The groom is the son of Mr. Mrs. Max-Kucharski•A•reeep. tion and Mrs. Leonard De Block. was held at Citro's in Wayne

•le •ONIcLE Page Seven


, ' E--Di'I:TORIALSi i Ii '-fi I1[ I


.Many conscientious senators and representatives in : ½ONT•E!qTC0!.R.D COVER Congressand-state legislatures who have in the past voted 25•ILES •

for..rneasuresthey deemedfair tO labor,now find them, DIFFICULT

selves-in_. an embarrassingposition. -._ .'_:.Laborleaders had labeled them "friends of labor",' not'-just'fair minded representative s of the .people, and Un•or•..'memberswere-urged to vote for them. In other Wo__•;:they_were put in the positionof beingunion domin- • .• •

•. sincethe last Sessionof Congresswhen many of the "f'•iends •o•;.•. labor" voted for legislation to control-racket-' eeri.'ng-.wi'•'"i{•nthe unions, to protectthe publicand union me_m..be..rsalike, many labor bosses turned on them. Be- ca{•se':of'their' votes,.terms such as "treasonto la:bor", "g•tless•'wpnders"and "shift in loyalty'"were hurledat th•m•-.- ..

Instead. of being "gutless wonders", the representa- rives of all the people in standing up for a measure to GENIUS •ELE•AT•.. A• A 6•_AT•rATE•AAAN, • help correct abuses which the Senate Rackets Committee broughtto light, showedthey had backbone as well as • 6 ••, •D • •ENSIVE •EC•ICS• •C• •CHIT•TURE, •W • guts, and that they are not the tools of any group.. •E•T• HE •51GNED HIS • ',"

Unions go too far when they abuse public representa- HALLS O• •E ENIFE• • •R•INI& tives .for doing their best to serve-all the people instead of taking orders to serve a special group. Only by indepen- dent voters and public officials, can representative govern- ment •urvive.

THE'RAILROAD STORY The "The Railroad Story" is a booklet prepared by the Association of American Railroads for the information Editer Speaks of junior andsenior high school students, and is available to teachers .in quantity for use in their classes. It's a story that-'young America should know. I just heard one Of those hifalutin' panel shows on the radiosKt 'This story, as the booklet says" . . . is, in a large w.,as One of those affairs. where t,wo learne.d college professors. ta/k sense, the story of America- its history and its people. •bi)ut .things they don't know anything about, because there A,,•.E It ig'a. story o,f achievement and progress that brought subjects in this world about whi,ch even the most erudite person abou-L.._thegreatest transportation system in..the world." know. s NOTHING. ,s6'me220•000 miles of railroadline link'-t•he towns and :They.were discussing culture and civilization. The ideawas, /o citi-•:.S_of this vast country.Another 117,000miles are in find an answer to the. question how history ir• 100 or 200 or .1,00•. Fears,from now will evaluate 1959.Fortunately, they didn't say 1960, yariis'::•{ndsidings. Over this track run nearly40,000 pas- because, after all, 1960 is only a month away. These fellows were senger•_carsand over two million freight cars, hauled by perfectly wiIling to talk about centuries.hence, since nobodywould more than 32,000locomotives. The magnitudeof the job ba'.able .to check' them on it.. I doubt that any of us will be alive in: done by the railroads staggers the imagination . For 2060. every man, woman and .child in the the rail- Well, the professors,talkecl about our "highly developedcivili• roadsperform the equivalentof transportingone ton of tion." They mentioned r•dio and television, electric lights and deep freight a distance of about 10 miles each day. This in- freezers;,and all. the, other great discoveriesand inventions by whic.h we have "mastered nature." / cludes "much of the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the fuel we burn, and the furnishings of our homes. Theywer e sittingin a warmstudio in NewYork City and "The Railroad Story" also reveals that progress doubtwhether they'had ever spenta real winter in the country. was thinking of the floods and hurricane destructionswe had i• throughscience and research is neverending in thisgreat .New Jersey and how, almost in a flash, CIVILIZATION suddenly

industry. The goal is to ever do the j(•b more efficiently disappear•tand we-were'back just a'bout where our forefathers .wer• . and _moreeconomically. 100 years ago• .. . 'Thiscountry could not live withoutits railroads.And The only'•differencewas that we ,werereally .worse-off.than ou•- - that:j:Swhytheeconomic •health ofthe railroad industry ancestors:who-wereprepar. ed" for and adjust,' to hardships,while w•e -iS.ii.-'m_ .•..•ant:.to us .all. " •'•... txventi•th,Cen.tury,folkshave,.become soft aria spoiled. .,, . . ..-: . _ .- -- .. ;:- ß o. j Th• CHltO•CW•!• Farmers Alerted To Their Social Security Rights Farm-City Week, a nationwide observance calling attention to the common goals and common needs of rural and city people, by .4 coincidence also marks the 'be• ginning of social security disabili- ty protection for farmers. It has already been earned by most city workers. Beginning October 1, 1959, the farmer who has a severe, long- term disability and cannot do any substantial activity may qualify for monthly social secur- ity benefits for himself and his dependents, if he is 50 years of age or older. If he is under 50, he may qualify to have his social security record frozen to protect his own and his family's future benefit rights. The first month in which dis- abled farmers can get payments will be April 1960. For many far- meds who have been covered by social security only since the be- ginning of 1955, October I is the END LADIES, END MEN and INTERLOCUTORS of the St. Bon's CY'O minstrel being earliest date on which they can presented this week-end at the parish hall on Ramsey Street. Seated, left to right: Virginia meet the work requirements in Masseri, Margaret Mary Palladino, Patricia Ledford, and interlocutor Rosemary Gnidzie. the social security disability pro- Standing: Charles DiPillo, John MacKenzie, Frank Byrnes and interlocutor Robert Wall. v}.sions. To be eligible for pay- ments or to have his social secur- ity record frozen, a disabled worker must have worked at le; .st five out of the ten years 'be- f9.•'e his disability began. For fa.vmers, who first became cov- er• d by social security on Janu- ary 1, 1955, October is the earliest tirc e they can meet the work re- quirements for disability protec- tion,,. Paterson social security mana- ger, Fioresi, said disabled work- ers, and particularly disabled f-ar- mers should get in touch with their social security offices now to get more information about t.• :.se disability provisions. The se-cial security district office in 1•,•terson is located at 245 Mar- k• t Street.

Drivers icenses Still !Eng Revked iDuringthe weekending No- Vember20 another144 New Jer- sey residents had their drivers llcenses revoked under the 60-70 speed revocation program. Be- -'des these 290 out of state dri- ß'ers had their licenses revoked. •'Since the first of the year 7,047 New Jersey drivers and 16,552 OUt of state drivers had their dri- vng privileges revoked under the MATT lVIEI• ,and CHARI,F,Y DEPREKER; were named the most valuable players of their

I, rogram. . :. respective teams. Matt representing Central and Charley hails from Eastside. The awards , Eventually New Jersey will were made at the 20th annual dinner for the local teams given by the. 25-Year Club of .Cen- teachall its driversto staywith- tral and Eastside. and the Central C ,Club and Eastside E Club at the Brownstone 'House. in the speedlimits, and maybewe The MVP's each received a replica of the Charles Mosca Memorial Trophy. In th'e photo will set a pattern for the other are, left to right' Jack Stroud, New York .Giants lineman; Armondo $pagnola, Eastside co- states to cut down our road aeci- captain;Art Jocher,Eastside coach; DePreker; Nate Ti'permas,president of. the 25-'year d"•nts. Possibly-our insurance Club: Mele; Aubrey Lewis,. Central coach; Larry Beckish, Central tackle ..andJoseph Man- rates may come.down a bit too. ley, former principalof Central,who was toastmaster.The affair was 'attended',by300. ...

Page Nine Masaryk Posfage Sfamp tional affairs. The ties between Thomas Mas- Planned For Spring aryk and the American people Postmaster General Arthur E. were especially strong. Masaryk Summerfield announced recently married an American girl and that the sixth of the "Champions took her family name, Garrigue, of Liberty" postage stamps will as his middle name. His visit to honor Thomas G. Masaryk, who the United States in the summer was the founder and first presi- of 1918 further heightened the Lots of folks who are Mowed 3r. Hinch saysthat girls are dent of Czechoslovakia. The unity of Ameri -cans of Czech and •p-arebusted. betterto marrythen anybody. stamps will be issued in two de- Slovak origin in support of the nominations; the 4-cent stamp for cause of Czechoslovak Independ- It's the pad'tin'In the expense Every time a politicianopens accountsthat keepsome fellers his mouthhe putshis featsin first class domestic postage, and ence fromsleepin'. it. the 8-cent for the first class in- ternational .mail. [ .- Doe Hentonhas nearlyrun In thebattle of thebulge you .outof patience;someone should just can'tindulge. The Masaryk "Champion of do /•im a fever. * ß ß Liberty" stamps will-be placed on ß , ß If you do use force you end sale in Washington on March 7, I•- ',i,.', .':"i•) ß l•ope, all the dummiesain't up in remorse. 1960, coinciding with the 110th •ettin' on ventriloquists laps. * ß ß , , , A fool and his money have a

ß anniversary of Masaryk's birth. ß Todayshuman race sure •ets lot of fun. whileit lasts. Masaryk, of Czech and Slovak a fast pace. * * * ß ß ß ... , , ß Wonder why some folks bor- parentage,rose from humbleori- •,.• Sourdispositions are madeby row troublewhen they kin git gin to become a respected profes- bitter words. it for free? sor of philosophy at Charles Uni- , ', . ß ß ß ß ß Sometimeslovers lane lead, One thing we do need is bet- versity in Prague,and a repre- to a rocky road. ter mouth traps. sentative of his people in the Au- ' t, t, t, --RE• CHARLEY OILANT strian parliament while the Czech and Slovak lands were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During World War I, with the backing of dedicated leaders who remained in Prague, and the as- sistance in Paris of Eduard Be- The7'•hrili That Come• Once in a LiJ•time A WEB•'FER Ci.•f•IC nes, a Czech, and Milan Stefan- ick, a Slovak, and other fighters for freedom, Masaryk led the movement for an independent Czechoslovakia. His efforts in un- iting Czechs and Slovaks abroad, in mustering military units of his countrymen, in arousing world- wide public opinion, and in get- ting diplomatic support were crownedwith success onOctober 28, 1918, when the Czechoslovak National Committee in Prague is- sued and made effective a declar- . ation of Czechoslovak independ- ence. - Masaryk became the first presi- ß dent of the new republic. Under his presidency (1918-1935) the . Czechoslovak Repu,blic, though beset by many internal and ex- .. ternal difficulties, became a no- '"' table example of a modern demo- WAYBACK WHEN '- Singer cratic state, .pursuing social pro- Jane Morgan, dressed as Lil- lian Russell,will bring back gress through democratic meth- a touch of the past on Perry ods and played a conservative Corno's colorcast show Wed. role as a small nation in interna- nesday, Dec. 16 on NBC-TV. ßTHOSE WERE THE DAYS ByART BEEMAN

- I WE •AKE • RELATIVE6WILL •' WONDERFUL• •.?•se ' i' ,, : ...'• ALE••• .

- •. PageTen 9-,le 2:30 • 10:30 2--Have Gun Will. Travel S•Mystery Is My Business 2--Whars My Line? •Five Fingers I r•Mark Saber 7--World of Talent II ,--Soldiers of, Fortune 13--Movie 9--Movie 10:0Q I1:00 2--Gunsmoke 3:00 2--Sun. News Special 7•Jubilee USA S--Movie 4•News i I'-Champ. Wrestling 7•pen Hearing 7--Movie 10-30 9--Movie I I--Mama 2-,Markham I I--Inner Sanctum 1'3--triovie 4--If Could Be You 13--Irk)vie 7--Sea Hunt II:IS 9•Bowling 3.:30 2•Movle I i--Movl-e 2 '•ldovie 7:00 .12:4)0 9--Drama !:15 2--News 2--Love of-'Li•e 3:00 13---Playof the Week 7•ChampionshlpBridge 2--•t•, Late Show 11:04) 9•Movie 4--Today 4•Truth or Consequences2--Mii.l•onaire 2--News 13--Movle 8:00 7--RestlessC•un, 4•YoungDr.Maione 4•Sat. Night News 2--News i3•Carfoons S•So This.Is-Hollywood S--Movie 4:00 7--LittleRascals 12:30 7--BeatThe Cloak 7--Movie 7•Paul Winchell DECEMBER 7 8:30 2--SearchFor Tomorrow 9--StrangeStories 13--Movie I I---Movie '5---SandyBecker 4•lt_Could Be You I I--HollywoodMovietime II:IS 5:30 7--Timefor Fun' 5--Cartoons 3:.30 2--Movie 4:30 2--EarlyShow 9:00 7--LoveThat Bob 2--TheVerdict Is Yours 4•Movie Four 2--N. Y. Forum 4•Movie 4 2--PeoplesChoice 12:45 4•FromThese Roots I 1:30 4•Goif Championship 7--My Friend Flicka 4•Hi Mom 2--TheGuiding Light •Doorway to Destiny 5•M.ovie I:0O 7--Who Do You Trust 7--BrokenArrow 9--Movle 7--Beulah 2--News 9--Movie 9--Nightmare 9--Movle I I--ThreeStooges 1:25 I0:00 4•Dr. Joyce Brothers 13.--Curtain Time I I--Whistler 13•J. FredMuggs 2--Red Rowe S•Cartoons 4:00 2--Late, Late Show 4•Dough Re Mi 7--Music Bingo 2--BrighterDay S:OO 6:00 S•M.ovie 13--Movie 4--Houseon HighSt. 2•o nq ues • 5•Cartoo ns 7--MemoryLane 1:30 7--AmericanBandstand 5•SheriockHolmes 7--LittleRascals 2--As The World Turin I I--Amos & Andy DECEMBER 6 I I•Ca-f. Grief I I--Popeye_ 10:30 4--Dial 4 13--Robln Hood 8:0• I-3--Movie 13--Club13 2--Onthe Go 7--RayMilland 4:15 2--Susie :' I1:00 9--Drama 2--The SecretStorm 4--Educ. Film 5:30 6:30 7•Carfoons 2--G. E. Coil.Bowl 4--News,Gabe Pressman 2--1 LoveLucy I I--C•rowingin Spanish 4:30 4•ThePrice Is Right 2:00 2--TheEdge of Night 4--Che•Huntley 5--Sandy7--NewsreelsBecker 7--Romanceof Life 2--Fo• Betteror Worse 4--Split Personality 9:00 5•r. District Attorney 13--DingOong School 4•QueenFor A Day S--Mr.District Attorney 2--Peoples Choice 7--LoneRanger I I--Superman 7--Day In Court I I--Abbofi" & Costello 4•Educ. Film I I--FastGuns 13--HenryMorgan - I 1:30 9--Movie 13--Junior Town 5--Wonderama 13--1rio.vie 6:45 '/2--Decemb.e:Bride 13--Movie 5:00 ' .4'-'Concentration 2:30 2--Life of Riley 9:30 6:00 4--Huntley,Brinkley •Romper Room 2--HouseParty 4•Movle 2--Way To •o 2--SmallWorld 7--JohnDaly 7--1 MarriedJoan 4--Thin Man 9--Kingof Adventure 4---Sun. Spec. 4--MeetThe Press 7:00 13--PhysicalCulture 7--Galo Storm I I,--Bozo the Clown 7--Focus 5--Sun.Playhouse 2--News 13--Topic 7--Baseball 4--ShofqunSlade 9--Bowling 5•CharlieChan I I--Casey Jones ' : SATU DAY I--Bow:ing'sI:0OBest 2--Movie 5:30 I0:00 7--Rescue 2--News 5--Mystery 2--Lamp Unto My Feet 13--Movie 9--TerryloonCircus , DECEMBER5 4--Documentary 9--Movie 7--Faith For Today I I--News 13--Movie 7:00 5--Movie 6:00 2--20th Century6:30 13--HighwayPatrol 4---Modern Farmer I I--Notre Dame Football 7--West Poln•' 8:00 9--Champ. Bowling 10:30 I I--BraveStallion 7:15 2--Look Up And Live 13-•Newsbeaf 2--News 2•--Capt.Kangaroo 1:30 I I--Jeff's Collie I I--News 4--Andy'sGang 2--EyeOn N.Y. 13--ClayPole 4--Direct Li'ne 7:00 7--CartoonFestival 4--Basketball -6:30 7--This Is the Answer 2--Lassie 7:30 9:00 7--Movie 5•Cartoons 4--Riverboat 2--President'sTrip 2'---Capt.Jet 9--Movle 4--Golf II:0g 7--Colt45 4--RichardDiamond 5--Jus';'For Fun 2:00 7--AnnieOaldey 2--UN in Action 9--Terryloons 5--JManHun'• 4•Searchlight 9:30 2--Movie I I--SergeantPreston 7--Men of Annapolis 13--BetweenI I--Whirlybirds The Lines 7•Ch/eyenne ß I I--Movle 7:00 7:30 9--1doyle 4•-RoyRogers 13--Moyle 2--BoldVenture I I--it's A Great Life 10:00 5--JudgeRoy Bean ! i :30 2--Dennls the Menace 2--Heckle& Jeclde 2:30 7•U. S. BorderPatrol •. Mr. Wizard •Hall of Fame 13--Newsbeat 4--HowdyDoody 2--Movie 9--TerrytoonCircus 7--Ann,ie Oakley 5•Mefro.Probe 8':00 •Movie 7--Hawkeye I I--SteveDonovan 7--Maverick 2--Texan 7•OswaidRabbit 9--Movie 13--BishopSheen 12:00 9•Movie 4•President'sTHp 10:30 I I--Movie I I--Victory Af Sea 2--MightyMouse 7:30 7•.1ohn Hopkins 13•RoblnHOod I I--Intern.Detective 9•Oral Roberl• 8:00 13--Playof theWeek 4---Ruffand Ready 3:09 2--PerryMason 13--Amer. Legend 8:30 5--LearnTo Draw 2--Movie 4•Bon•nza 2--EdSull;van 2--FatherKnows Best 13•-Cow-boyG Men 7--HarborCommand 5•Waterfronf 12:30 9--Movie 7--Dick Clark 13--LadiesI I--Wresfllnq of the Press 4--WellsFargo II :00 I I--Movie 9--Movie 2--Face The Nation 8:30 5•DivorceHearing 2--1 Love.Lucy 3:30 I I--Bootsand Saddle 4--Youth Forum 5•Sailorof Fortune 7--BourbonSt. Beat 4•Fury 7--Movie 13--Newsbeat 9--The E•angel' Hour 7--Lawman !l--Kingdomof theSea 7--C•reatCHIdersleeve 13--Movie Adveture 8:00 I I--W, onders of the World 13--Max Lerner 9.'00 9--Playtlme 13--Boy. Meyner 2--Danny Thomas 13--PuppetHotel 4:00 .K--BigBeat 9:00 4----Special 2--Comedy 7--HighRoad I:00 2--BE Theatre •Movie . I I-.30 4--BarFour I I--Football 2--Movie 4--ChevyShow 9--ScienceFiction Theatre 2--L.o.neRanger 5•Mysfery 13--JaiAlai 7--Rebel I I--Silen:' Service 4•Circus Boy 7--Moyle 8:30 4•Open Mind 9--Moyle 5•Movle 7--MagicEye I I--Movle 2--WesternMovie I I--Meet McC•rraw 9:30 7•Co11. News Conf. 13--NewHorizons 4•Man andthe Challenge 13--Alex In Wonderland 2--Ann Satherne 9---Christian Science 12:00 4:30 7--Leaveit To Beaver I I--Contlnenfal Mina. 9:30 4•Alcoa Theatre 2--SkyKing 4•Dial 4 I1--1 SearchFor Adv. 13--Moyle 2--Alfred Hitchcock 7--Adv. in Paradise 4--TrueStory 5•Movie 7--Alas.kens 9•Crusad er 7--Soupy'Sales 9•Mov|e 9:00 1:30 9--M0v;e 13--Movie 2---Mr.Lucky 4•Religlous Prog. 11--26 Men I I--Thi.• Man Dawson 4--Deputy 7--Movle I 0:00 I 0.00 I I--GuyLombardo $:0• S--RollerDerby 9--Movle 4---Loretta Young 2--Hennessey 12:30 2--Life of Riley 7--LawrenceWalk Show 13--Moyle - 5•Hy Gardener 5--Walter Winchell 2--My Little Margie 4•Movle 9--Movie 2:00 9--Movie 9--Strange Stories 4-?DefectiveStory 7•AII Star Golf I I--City Detective 4--Pro Basketball I I--Divorce Court ' I I--Drama , 7-•Basketball I I--Movie .• . 13--DanceParty '7' Moyle 13---Open End 13--Full. Coverage ,

. ß The .... Page Eleven 10:30 10:30 10t•0 2•June Allyson 4--Mike Hamme: 2--Armstrong Theatre 5•African Patrol 7--Dr. Tom Dooley 4•Thls Is Your Life 7--Man With A Camera 9•Movle 7--Box4ng 9--;Milllon Dollar Movie I I--Pro Football I I--Decoy ::: .....-:.:.--..-;.'..•:-':..: ,.:-'.'-..:.... I I--San Francisco Beat 13mMike Wallace 13--Full Coverage ß c.:.? 10:30 13--MikeWallaceI I:00 I I I:00 ß .:f•??:: 4•Wichita Town ,:. :.•.s.•: 2--The Late News 2--The Late News 9•Movie 4--J. M. McCaffrey 4--J. M. McCaffrey I I--Sea Hun:' ....:. -'- :::.:•..:,.. ...-...... 5•lvlovie 5•Movie .....::. -. 13--Mike Wallace '.'.-':i::''•.4<':.. ':. ->.,'..., .- ":...A:.. ' :: 7---News 7--News ß':-*:--*.-:': .....'.'::i./:•:•a; .....::':' " 13--Dance Party 13--Dance Party Ii :00 ß I1:15 2--The Late News .. :: "•: :ii::•.: "',::i:. .... ,:':::'-• 2--The Late Show II :15 .4•John McCaffrey .::.-.-.,.?.:.' ...... %::?.-- . .-:... 4•Jack Parr 2--Movie 5•Movie .. ß:.::...... ß .: i.'.-:'.-":.:::.:.-".-':-".... ::"...q ...... ::: 7--Variety 4---Jal:kParr 7--News ß .: . I I--Soorts and Weather 7--Everything Goes I I--News ß ...-...... -... ':'.:..::. ! :3S I I--Movie 13--Dance Party :;:...... ß.:..::...... 2--The Late, Late Show ß ::. .-.-,.... .,:.::.- -:: I:15 !1:15 ß&..:: ...... :'• ...... - . 2--Late, Late Show 2--Late Show 4---Jack Parr :::::::::::::::::::::::::: .- TUESDAY 7--Everything Goes ":'?...... :::. : :;' I I•Movle •i•:•:::.'.-':...... '":' ' ' WEDNESDAY . DECEMBER 8 12:45 JUNE ALLYSON... is hostess WALTERCRONKITE... h•st and occasional star of the new 5:30 2--Late, Late Show of "The Twentieth Century/•i' dramatic', '.'The the weekly documentary ser•s 2--The Early Show DECEMBER9 Dupont Show With June Ally- 4•Movle Four on the CBS Television Net- son," on the CBS Television work. '". 7--Rin Tin Tin 5:30 THURSDAY Network. 9•Movle 2--The Early Show ! I--Three Stooges 4•Movie 4 13•J. Fred Nuggs 7--My Friend Flicka DECEMBER 10 6:00 9--Movie S--Nuts and Bugs I I--Three Stooges $:30 :i•?'"':: ß . ...;.....--..---...:::. :. 7--Little Rascals 13--J. Fred Muggs 2--M,ovie ß::.:!- .: I I--Popeye 4•Movie 4 t3--Club .I 3 6:00 7--Rocky an dhis Friends f:.:. .m"-::' ::• , 6:30 •Cartoons 9--Movie ii:'" ...... ":'"*:': ß *-.':' ::::. 4•News 7--Little Rascals I I--Three Stooges .....::"..... -"..-:' ...... -.:'...,. :!:'i:::' J•r'--':'._•? •Sancl y Becker I I--Popeye 13--.J. Fred, Mugcjs ' .'-::-' . .-'-. ...::• .'-.'.• :- >-•:....}::,9...,. 7--Newsreel -13•Club 13 I I--Ou;ck"-.'Draw McGraw 6:00 13--Henry-Morgan 6:30 5•Nuts and Bugs :.,.:.'?, ..ii::::':ii \. "'-":...... ' ' 7--Little Rascals ß :.:..>.. i•:>>.: :i".: -.".:> .,:'- ' -.;-: ...... 6.'-45 4--News ' ::."ß. e::':,•,. . • :i.. "'":"::':'-. <:'".• .:.:. 5•artoons .: .:..:• .,. I I--Popeye :':.-'-:..,,• -- g: -•::::----.:- 2--World News 4--News .. ':•..."-;-...... -:.':'. :i'i'" I;.:::'.•"'....:*':-'::. "-::':.:•i:':'.: .-::::.:'ß 4•Phil Silvers 6:45 5---Cartoons ß ... ..:./½:.. :.... •..•.o :'- ß ...... ß $::• . . ,:•:•.: $.•.•-.. •: -': . .. -:::'•.;...-:..,,..'... 5•Scoflend' 'Yard 4•News 7--Newsreels •.,.<: ! -.:r ,}--'.•;-:-.•;, 7--U nl.onPac;fic /--News I I--Huckleberry Hound f ,;., .... --',.!:...... ,,•:.•.,-:!.. 9mTerrytown Circus 13--Henry Morgan ß...... ß :::::: .;-::.•':ia:-•..::a•i.-.:s..:.:.z.•.'..a•:.-:.%:....:.<.::::::..-..::..<..,:.<.::,;...:;::•.:::-'•.: .....'-.:.-..-...... ::.'• :.-.:::.:..======.. i I--Kevin -Kennedy 7:00 : ':':'}t•"::"'"'•--"-':...... '"'....'•i:-:ß :':::::'•:: '-"--•:? ' 13--Highway.Patrol 2--World News 6:45 ..::t:•i:::.--'•.'". ;...'-'...::P:..'"'::::. ::%'..:'.:.-<.:;-'i,., - ": -7:1S 4--Death Valley Days 4•News :'•':'::':':":'i:'.-..:'*':::::'::--..{:•.•,i:::•...: ' 2--News .... $•Adv. of Jim Bowie 7--News I I•John'Tillman 7--U. S. Border Patrol 7:00 PHIL SILVERS . . . stars in SlD 'CAESAR & AUDRE 2--News MEADOWS... will be seen i 7:30 9--Tarrytown Circus several special programs this -2:--GrandJury I I--News •Warn-ing season on the CBS Telc-.?ision several special 'programs dur, 4•Laramie _ 13--H'ighway Patrol 5•Sheriff of Cochise Network. ing the upcoming season on tl- CBS' Television Network. . ' •Big Story... 7--Tugboat Annie 7--Sugarfoot 7:1S 9•Cartoons . 9--Movie 2•News I I--Kevln Kennedy I I--Fligh+-- I I--John Tillman--News 13•Highway Patrol 13--Newsbeat 8:00-- 7:30 7:15 2--News •- . ::: -' : . 2--Dennis O'Keefe 2--Lineup ß' .. ::.•..-..X•,' -' ' 5•Sherlock-Holmes 4•Christmas Spec. I I--News ,.•: .. '":•:.....•. ß .<•..... -...... : ß-.?. I I--•Publlc Defender 5•Mr. District Afternay :-'-;-:-'>.. . • :-:..•..•' ..-:> "•-'c.:.-..:.: 13--Pla_yo{._•be Week 7•Court of LastResort 7:30 : ' "ß . .:::¾'-:::.-.i'i:. :':::: ...... •::• :".. ..:-' '.,:x--.- ?<><""' ' ' ' :::' ß "-': 8:30 9roMevie 2---•hristmas at the Circus i' ' ' ": ' ': 2--Doble Gillis I I--Air Power 4--Plainsman "V.'?,•...,.•-. : " .-.'•: S•Whife Hunter •: ': :. ..'.:.??,::,.....:-'.•-,/. 4•FibberMcGee & Molly 13--Newsbeat 9•Movle 5•Cify Assignment ß .. . 7--Life of-Wyaff Earp 8:00 Storm I I--Whirpool 5•Medic Are There ß ..:.-::*-*•:....-...:.,<:-::: ....,:..:...:.: ..... 13--Newsbeat ß:.<... ': ".:,. ß .:.::.:. 9:00 7•Charley Weaver 2--TightroPe I I--Mr. Adams & Eve ...'-,:::..:.:,.,:::'"'::•:- :;:.': ß 13--Play of the Week 8:00 4•Startime-:. 4•Bat Masterson ß .:..... >'•' \' -.'•e.. , '.•." ': ...... ß - .S--Wrestling 8:30 " '.'-..". •Li.:•.•':.... " 7•Rifleman 5•Byllne ß ..:: - : 7•Donna Reed 9--Baseball 2--Men Into Space ..:::. . ,.---:: I I--Meet McGraw ß I I;•Col. Flack 4•Pr;ce Is Right . S--Movie 13•Play of the Week ':i:. :- - 9:30 7•Ozzie & Harriet :•:':....

2--Red Skelfon 8:30 . linde 3 : ß 4•Ford Startlme 9:00 4•Staccato ,ichard oone departs frod•-':: ß his Pahdin role to star as a 7•Phi[ip Marlowe 2--The Milllena;re 5•Doug FairbanksTheatre .., I I--Deadline ... Union officer in "The Tunnel,',.:. 4•Perry Como 7•Real McCoys ..an original 90-minute drama .... 7--Hawa;;an Eye I I--Navy Log CHARLES.C 0 LLI N GW O.OD' of the Civil War, to be pre-' I 0:00 9--Movie 2•Harry Belafante ß.. host-of "Person to Person". sented on the CBS Television '": 2-- 11--26 Men and :'Conquest," weekly 'pr0: Net ork's " .... - .7•Alcoa Presents 9:30 9:00 grams on the CBS Television-. 'Thursday, Dec. :10. David Sha I I--State Trooper 2---I've Got A Secret 2•Playhouse 90 Network. ; ,.- ß is author og the. teleplay. I I•Calif0rnlans 4--Bachelor Father ,13--Full. .Coverage . '/:)ageTwelve -Tl-.oCHEONI '(•., 5•Prof. Wrestling I I--Three Stooges 4• .... Y--Pat Boone 13--J. Fred Muggs 5--Racket Squad 9--Movie 7--Man From Black Hawk i I--This Man Dawson 6:00 I I--Panic

5--Cartoons < ß?:.. :•:..:. ß: ... '.-.:...:: .... 9:30 7--LiHle Rascals 9:00 4--Ernie Ford I I--Popeye 2--Desilu Playhouse •,:'.....:.- -::•!..%-?]-- •...... 'i:•:½:.:' .. .. ?--Untouchhables 13--Club 13 5---Theatre 5 ':•/...::•..::'':: .-.--•-..:.'•'..•.!i:•¾'.. :. I I--Love Story 9--Movle .<. ..:::-.:....>.. .is. 7--77 Sunset Strip ...... :.:i:i•..::.:..::'" .- .'"' 6:30 I 0:00 I I--Man From the West !' •; "...... ;:: .-..:;:;.."::.'.:-":.,;::•'•.. 4---News F .,•'.'-.. ß:'-' ß ß •-i'":":' -.;'.-.:%:.... "' 4---Groucho Marx I • ,<,½-:?:.'...... :.:•,..!::!-:>..:...... ,,,, I I--Trackdown 5•Carfoons 9:30 1 7--NeWsreels ß .- ...... ?.'..:!.'.:•j,•.•-:" ..•... 13•Full Coverage 4•M Squad I I--Sky King I I--It's A Great Life "•:"'"':"-•;;•7,-"' ./ ..... :• 10:30 ' 3--Henry Morgan 4--President'r. Trip ..... :,. ß "•'•' ' "r ' 7--Take A Look 6:45 10:00 . <:...•:•. - •:.•... " ." ".4.,½ .:: 9'Moyle 4--News 2--Twilight Zone I-I--Shotgun Slade 7---News ;4-•Boxing :-::i"::.':!:.....•;.•.:'<' ":' •.:". ', -'.:.'•f :.. •,.-,...."' .. 13--Mike Wallace 5--Not For Hire 7--DeteCtives !:;::::i';i.--;:'"'"'-.- :-:':-:%..• ....• ...... 7:00 .:.- .-!?' ....,...... ,-• .... '...... -':'-"::::'4•-. .,.;,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.• ßs..-'.- . • I1:00 I I--Hiram Holiday 2--World News ß.:.... i' •,..:'• :'::'•::•. .'•• .... :: ":: 2--The Late News ::'- I ?.•-!.•: •-•"-" 4•J. M. McCaffrey 4--Lockup 10:30 Led Three Lives !D•AYN ' 111CKMAN... stan '.il:::•. •'l&• ' 5--Movle 2•erson to Person 7--U. S. Marshal 'of the new weekly CBS Televi-! -:. . • - ... •.• .... 7--News 5--Officlal Detective 'sion Nctwork comedy. "Th• •. ?'ii.. ':' I I--News 9--Terrytoon Circus 7--B!ack Saddle :Many Loves of Dobie Gillis." ..-.:..:..:!.... x

.. I I--Kevln Kennedy .. ; 3--Dance Party 9--Movle ß . . .. . 1.3--Highway Patrol •i •.•""?.'' I I--Giant Club .. ß .. ß•.-- ß..•:<; -i:•i'.'.y.' :-';•:::: 11:15 13--Mike Wallace 2--The Late Show 7:!5 .-' ;2' ß 4• 2--News I1:00 "::....:'."'• ... . . 7--Varlefy Show f I--News 2--The News ß •. .: ß...... :,.<:-.:..:•;,•::?;•:.-'..:';' ":.; ::•:::i"':' <.. '.::'-:-:'.'.'..•!: :?.<.::..-.' .! --.-.. 7:30 4----John M. McCaffrey !-: ":' - 3.;-:: .•2.-.:.:.,::i>-'.'.':: . 2--Rawhide 5--Moyle ß 1:05 :: .:. "".::"' ::<'•: i 2--Late, Late Show 4--People Are Funny 7--News 5--Cannon Ball 9--Movle ..': • ...... : ...... • ' ...... '.:? '" . - 2:iii! -'.:x.,'.::> .'.' .- ' 7--Wait Disney I I--News ..: .-...... : ..• 9--Movle 13--Dance Parb/ • . .:'.-. . . FRIDAY I I--The Honeymooners I : '-' • 13--Newsbeat I -;• :..• ß.i.o .... ::•.!' ::•..!-'-',< ß'•i•:ß .. .,! •'•:::• ':•"'"•;•.":"-" ::::•':,•" DECEMBER II 8:00 11:15 '.' -. ".-.;.•.•.:i::'.-.•:•,,'•:..•L'-. •...... 4--Trou hieshooters 2--Movie ,•' ß...-?-: ::L..' .... '.--!• :.."...:•':i•.:,. 5:30 4•Jack Paar .. .-'-. •'. ,"..:•... !:•'".i•...:.•.•:•: ..... F•Nigh+ Court . %-!:.•i:i..•...... :.-.....'•?...'.::.:? ' '-TheEarly Show I I--San Francisco Beat 7--Varlefy Show q:'%•i. "-<:L..•:-L:. Movie :• .., .. .- ...... ß':::--:i'::i.?'"--'-'• ':':-•*.:".•;--.'.:.::. 13--Play of the Week I I--Sports ..: '%•.-< • ß...- Rin Tin Tin 8:30 •'>" .•:::::.."":'•".... 9---Movle 2--Hotel De Paree 1:15 -. . "%: '-.•;i..... : :;-::-•:ii•-::.: 2--The Late, Late Show • 3•-- . . : k.•.:. -...... "::•-.•' .. '-..- ... .. '-. .- : ...... ß • . >- .... . -:::•-,%;.?:. z•, • • ...... •..•.. .. ':.¾.•."

•:•:k:•,%•;•:•. :••'• •'': .. .• NOTHINGBUT THE TRUTH byRuss Arnold -•ALPH •DWA•D•-- Re-crea•ing- the life stories of personalities :with especial h,ma, i,tetest ßbackgrou,ds• Ralph Edwards ....4,1'-"; •'•:Y•:::•-"...... • ' 'turns on Wednesday nigh•s wi•h , ;•r'• • I '7"-•½;'?•"•-•'•-•-••..... ,:• . ' • new season of '"•is !s You• DINAH SHORE A star o• the Life" programs on NB0-TV...... •BC-TV Network, appearing in t ' "- 'Dinah :Shore Chevy Show" color- I •-' '-•' '•- "•'•;:•4:•' '...... -'"' S"•' :asts is presented every Sunday THAN •O•EN • , •vening with kisses l•or all Amer- ca. This is her ninth year with ',he same program. Dinah pre- ß. 4 ;ents songs, guests and charm. • • '...... :•/ • ß i ' .

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into nothingness, and I was looking out into with Mr. Proctor, who took quite a lot of th• the dusk of a certain soft September even- bank's money along..People had a lot • ing back in my home town... hard names for Velma, but I thought, well, There ! was, eleven years old, running a if you are golden .haired and cheerful, with shortcut through the deserted school eyes .the color of the gentians in our yard, grounds so as not to be late for supper, how could you prevent men from falling i when ! came upon a man and a girl blended love with you? Mr. Proctor gave himself •' in the shelter of a wall. His lips were pressed after eight months, but the money was a,. against her throat, and ! still remembered gone and so was Velma. I was four yea' the way her eyes were open. Not closed in older-when he finished his term in prist rapture the •vay they should have. been, ,but and came back to his family, but I could open in triumph, and v•hat ! know to be cal- helpremembering Velma wi-th affection, I• culation. cause a childhoodideal never dies. The scuffling of my shoes betrayed me, I clung to the "lucky" dollar throu/, and the next instant •hey had sprung apart years of .school exams and football matcl- or rather, th man had shoved the girl away, and it really seemed to work for me. I and ! saw that it was Velma Swenson. She. onto it while I was 'being interviewed f•.•' stood her ground, her large eyes and white the first job I ever held. I grew up almos• teeth .bold in the gloom, and she took me in as pretty as Velma. I was holding it in m• from .my flapping saddle shoes to my rub- hand the night I_was elected Miss Narragan- bet-banded pigtails. The man kept his face sett County, which won me a .trip to Holly: slanted away from me, but ,he looked very wood, and up to the moment, I'd been in- much like Mr. Proctor, who paid out money clined to credit it for the matter of Eddie at the bank- Mr. Proctor, with a nice wife Regal. and two little boys. He was breathing as if The ,Hidalgo was beginning to come bac]• Before I went into the lunch room, I look- it hurt. into focus, and I realized that the. flabby ed in my purse to see ,how the eating money "Just a kid," laughed Velma. "She's no- waitress had been pushing dishes at me. was, and under the thin roll of bills was my body." "Some trance you've had, girlie," she said; lucky piece, mocking at me. A •big silve.r dol- "Let's get o.ut of here," urged the man. bringing the ice cream. "A man on your lar that ! kept polished up so it would al- "Wait," said Velma. She rummaged in her mind, eh ?" ways be bright and shining. But it wasn't hand,bag, then held out a glinting silver dol- "Pleasedon't talk to me,"Iasked her. working, any more than ! was, which was lar. "For luck, honey. You and ! have a se- don't mean to .be rude, but ! want to think. l! why ! was telescoping my lunch and supper cret, haven't we?" ß "Go ahead girlie," she said indi'fferentl•, at four-thirty, like other •Hollywood extras. ! nodded, only half understanding her. "Maybe you've a man? Wel]• get a{• Of course, ! could have wrangled a swell. - Velma Swenson had been my ideal for at other. You've got to have an angle on men dinner out of Eddie Regal, a handy fellow to least a year. I had watched and worshipped if you want to get anywhere. Go ahead and know at the Galaxy studio, as Eddie had her ever since she had come over from Wor- think." declared that he would go down the line for cester to work at the-big drug store on the But I was through thinking. To be honest, me, but ! wasn't sure that ! cared about Square. The way she walked and laughed, I'd had half a mind to settle for Eddie, but having him give up his wife for me. I the way she flirted wth the men at her that was .before I drifted into the Hidalg.q wanted to think about it all alone, so when cigar counter, all seemed perfection to me. and back into that September of tweiv• I found myself in front of something new I wanted to be like Velma in every way. ! Years ago. I kept seeing Mr. Proctor's beaten called the Hidalgo Lunch, ! went in. It was adored her. But Velma didn't know. ! was on figure after he came home, and I kept see- invitingly empty, so I settled down in a rear ing Velma. Now I knew that with Eddie booth and gave my order to a flabby Yet there she was beside me curving and Regal kissing me, my eyes would stay open, waitress who was rested enough to be pleas- beautiful in the dim light, smelling of violets too. We!!, if pictures didn't want me, I could ant. and warrot flesh and being friendly! I would always get a job clefking. All of a sudden In fact, e•,erything within the Hidalgo have taken anything from her Just to be I felt wonderful. seemed to be at rest in the late afternoon noticed, even a slap. ! could see that she "Anything else before I figure your lull. I took a long, appreciative look at the wasn't afraid, like Mr. Proctor. I wasn't go- check?"a.•ked the waitress. homely scene, and then I noticed that it w,,.• ing to tattle about her. She sensed that, and I looked at her with pity. Here I waS, growing dark be}end the plate glass win- I thrilled at the touch of her hand pressing young and almost beautiful, and ;behind her dew. And as I looked I felt myself trembling, the dollar into mine. brash makeu.p ! saw that she was .bitter and and a sense of shock took possession of me. "Thank you," I breathed and, feeling so defiant. I gave her my very best smile. Eddie Regal suddenly ceased to .be Impor- romantic .that I wanted to cry, I ran the rest "Only this," I said. And just before I hur- tant. And as I watched the purple shadows of the way home.. ried to the cashier's degk, ! reached out and oq the •pane, the cozy. lunch room dissolved It was ten days later that Velma left town handed Velma back .her lucky dollar.

Page Fourteen

ß SHin-wood •7738

Residence FAir Lawn 64)666


....Home- for Funerals WASHINGTON'S FAEEWEI• Raising hi•. glass, Washington, TO HI8 OFFICER8 in a half-choked voice, said, "With a heart full o• love and 267•9 Park Avenue In Fraunce'a 'Tavern, which a• ;'Mzdison still stands In the lower part of gratitude I now take leave of you. in . a I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperou• Paterson, New Jersey deeply emotional scene took place on December 4, 1783. At noon of as your former ones have been glorious and honorable." that day General George Wash- By the time each man had ington said farewell to a group of his officers who had served with drunk his wine, Washington's him .through the stormy eight tears were blinding him In a faltering voice he said, "I cannot years 'of the Revolutionary War. ]h•nquet & F•oili•o• Nine days before, on the 25th come to each of you to take my of November. the last of the leave. but shall be obliged to you if each will come and take me by British troops had sailed down the hand." General Knox. his the bay and the American army had entered New York. General Chief of Artillery, was _. nearest and he came first Washington Washington took up his quarters at Fraunce's Tavern until such shook his hand then sud•denly putting his arms around Knox, time as the army which had won and weeping he kissed him on America's independence would be the forehead. dizbanded. Now, at noon of the 4th of December. the officers as- •,Vhen the last weeping officer had been embraced General sembled in the long room of Washington walked out of the Fraunce's Tavern to say farewell to their Commander-in.Chief be. room By the door he turned to raise his arm in a !as! silent fare- fore he !eftß/or his home in well to all and went oul of the Mount Vernon tavern be!ween the ranks of a Shortly after the clock struck guard of honor Down the street the hour Washington silently en- he marched, his officers behind tered the room where his offi- him at a distance, through files cers had gathered. Sadnew lay of soldiers and crowds of people tightly over the heart of every Cannon boomed church bells man present Washln•,ton was MANZELLA'S rang. and ,he crowds cheered as choking with an emotion that the tall general. with the mus- Full Of X'• - Can't B• Writ•.? PINK ELEPHANT even his strong will could not cles of his face set tightly. strode suppresx to the barge a! Whitehall Ferry Italian-American Cuisine A light repast of Good things As the barge moved away to eat had been laid out in the Washington bared his gray head Lobster A room and Washington could think and raised his arm again in a !,Amlwrt 5-310' of nothing better to do at the mo- last silen! gesture of farewell. :. Spee' ment than to try to eat some of The sad and weary warrior chief the refreshments, but he couldn't ß 466 PASSAIC AVENUE was off to his home. his great go through with it. tle regained mission accomplished America .ßGRego• 3-9479 LODI, N.J. enough composure to fill a glass was now a free and independent with wine. All the gentlemen republic. present did the same. This helped Rugs arpets ,inoleum, all of them to get a grip on them- ieds ' dding %FN '1' '% ; INDS JOHNG. KOTRANll I.' It.M! T, '

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ß Page Fifteen


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