WEEK'S MPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE SUNDAY N RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTaRIA MAGAZINE i •on st Paterson Fair Lawn Garfield Ha;•don 1 Hawthorne Lodi , Little Falls Mou:dtain View NorEi Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes Pro.specf Park Sincjac Tofowa Wuyne We•f Paterson DECEMBER 5, 1959 SANTA IN TOWN AGAIN VOL. XXXI, No. 4:8 .1, WHITE and SHAUGER, A Good Name to Remember for FURNITURE I! Living Room - Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND' CARPETS A SPECIAL'n' Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the .Public 435 STRAIGI•T STI•ET (Corner 20th' Ave•) PA•I,I•ON, N.J. ß"The Place with the Clock" -- MUlberry 4-qSM Headqus,rters for En•ged Couples - L THE IDEAL PLACETO' DINE AND WINE . KITCHEH -•. • ß SEAFOOD BROILEDLOBSTER FROGS' I,EGS - DFT SHELL CRAB• - BLUEFISH - RAINBOW TROUT - HALIBUT- SALMON - SHRIMPS- SCALLOPS- YSTERS• CLAM - COD FISH - SWORDFISH - DAILYDINNERS/• TOP-HAT TALENT- Frankie Vaughan, British variety artist whose top hat and cane have become a familiar trade mark with --audiences here and abroad, will be a guest star on the NBC-TV I. PARRILLO - Network colorcast of the Dinah Shore program on Sunday, ...... Dec. 20. Vaughan is a top TV, recording, music hall and film --..:- favorite in England, and also has won applause for his American night club and TV performances. TheMan from'Equitable-asksii'. Youwant your child to ha've a better placein the sun, don't you? OFCOURSE YOU DO. But like someparents you •g- me,"there's still plenty oœ thne." Then, before you knowit, they'reall grownup and need your help to givethem that important start toward a proœession, L careeror business,or in settingup a home.Make surenow that your "helpinghand"' will be there whenit is needed.Equitable offers you a varietyoœ policiesfor youryoungster at low rates.For more information call... !. PARRILLO. • '- 200 EAST IMDGEWO(•D AVENUE - EIDGEWOOD, N. J. HI NOTE-- LeonardBernstein, music director of the New York GI 5-3342 GI .4-9891 "Philharmonic, gets acquainted with members of.England's cele- brated St. Paul's .Cathedral Boys' Choir in Stationer's Hall, Lon- don, during rehearsal for the full-hour "Christmas Startime" ß colorcast presentation of "the greatest music possible in .keep- Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace of mind ing With Christmas" on the NBC-TV Network Tuesday, Dec. 22. The program also stars Contralto Marian Anderson and the Schola. _ Cantorum witk Joseph N. Welch as host. ' (:: , , .,- - Page"Two• , . Dickens' "Oliver. Twist" Is Deci4..special . \ Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMPANY 170-172 Butler Street .Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Po•t Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act o.f March 3, 1879. ß DECEMBER 5, 1959-- VOL. XXXI, No. 48 Single Copy 10 Oeuts $5.00 a Year by Mail CONTENTS "Oliver Twist," Charles Dickens' celebrated story about a small boy who becomes involved with a gang of thieves in 19th century London, will be the CBS Television Network's Du Pont "Show Of the Month" 'presentation, Friday, Dec. 4. Above, g• se (Inga Swen- i•JFEATU R E S son) comforts Oliver (Frederick Clark) after tt:e lad has been rescued from the clutches of the evil Fagin, leader of the thieves. Eric Portman co-stars as Fagin, Robert Morley portrays Mr. Brownlow, and John McGiver plays Mr. Bumble. Other leading roles in the 90-minute special are played by Nancy Wickwire, Chronicle of the Week •l'o_mClanc.y and J_ohn-Co.licgs. Short Story 14 American History 15 Host "Wizard of Oz "Color SpeCial DEPARTMENTS Social World 7 Editorials 8 Editor Speaks 8 CompleteTelevision _11-12-13 COVER P I CTt:J 'E. Children as well as grown-Upsentered the Yuletide spirit this past week when Santa majesticallymade his entrancein prac- tically every town you can think of, especiallywhere there RedSkelton will behost with his daughter Valentina, 11, of the are young ones. Our cover picture portrays santa with his sled CBS Television Nctwork's Christmastime color special, "The Wizard of Oz," the two-hour motion picture starrinr, Jud) Gar- and reindeerswaving and giving heedto be good,particularly land, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack ilaley, Billle to the children, from now until Christmas eve. Burke and blargaret ilamilton, Sunday, Dec. 13. Skelton and his daughter will introduce various 'chapters' of the entertainment m_asterpiece,base_d on L. Frank _Baum's_c..e.leb. rated_boo..k.. 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