
Et of Paterson fc:,r Lawn



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MAY 18, 1958

VOL. XXX, No. 20 .Wee.napNamed Democratic Club of Bo:ard Chairman North Haledon Card Party Friday of Elks CP Center At the regular meeting of the John C. Wagner of Paterson North Haledon Democratic Club, Lodge No. 60, B. P.O. Elks was President John Cochrane an- elected chairman of the Board nounced the. appointment of the of Trustees of the Passaic Coun- following committee to .handle ar- rangements for the spring, card party which will be held Friday GOODWIN - MAZZOTTA'S evening, May 23, at Werner's Grove.Chairlady, Mrs. Peter De ITALIAN - AMERICAN •UISINE Marco;co-chairlady, Mrs. Gary FinestIn Food•nd Liquor Haryford,Zysling; assistedMrs. Elyseby Kaminsky, Mrs.Don 435RIVER DRIVE EASTPATERSON Mrs.Betty Kushner, Mrs. William SW 6-9777

Shambura and Mrs. Sophie Ge- [][]•[][][][]x-.ß •..•. zxz.•[]•[]•2•••[].••[]•2•2•••• meinhardt. ß ß

... Thepublic isinvited and tallies

ß membermaybe. procuredor by callingfrom Johnany clubCo- LA NEYE OIL COMPANY shane. at HAwthorne 7-6445. thirdvicechairman; AnthonyP. •E MarinøøfPate'rsøn LødgeNø'60' • T / ••••/•.• O • Milton R. Richmond, represent- ingthe Mothers Group, secretary. The center, at 1481 Main Ave- JOHN C. WEGNER nue,Clifton, issponsored bythe fourElk Lodges in PassaicCoun- ty Elks Cerebral Palsy Treat- ment Center. He succeeds Dr. ty. ,• M ARMORY4-8950 Frank Bridge, Jr. Others elected pediatric care, dental treatment, were: Denis A. G. Lyons of Pas- Itprovides diagnosticservice; saic LOdge No. 387, B. P. O. Elks, speech,physical occupational and lirst vice chairman; Michael Ku- chologicalphysicaltherapy testing asand well counseling aspsy- lik, Clifton Lodge No. 1569, B. P. O. Elks, second vice chairman; drentothe of 15.5the cerebralcounty. palsiedThe centerchil- William James of Pompton Lakes Lodge No. 1895, B. P.O. Elks, sprovidesc h o o 1 ch ai 1dNursery r en. Classfor pre-

•i• . ON SALEAT ;•] TOTOWA Rte. 46 FAIR LAWN Rte. 4 •l• 0 ß

•l•i .... ' Men.- Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. • ,• - ß . Open Sunday9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. •t• ß ß ß ß ß .tlt• llt• llt• tlt•

•t• •lt•" Rag' $2000 ' lift • • -.--• OutdoorSteel' . .,• Play Gym $ 95

""[lt• "8 Play" [lt• •lt•


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Published Weekly by


170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, New Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 '¾iNCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor

Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1928, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879.

MAY 18, 1958 -- VOL. XXX, No. 20


Single Copy 10 Cents ••..... $5.00 a Year By M•il

11 LED N APPEARANCE Marilyn Anderson, soprano, and Richard Boyajian, tenor, in a scene from ".Cavalleria CONTENI'S Rusticanna", presented by the Triggiani Opera Workshop at Haledon's Cedar Cliff Methodist Church spring concert. The show offered Friday also featured the church's Cherub Choir, Shapel Choir and Senior C'hoir. FEATURES

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Strictly Suburban ...... ß .•,,• o' • ,.•. -- American History 15


. ß - - :•::••:•:•••••••••:•:•••••;•••:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•••••••••:•:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.•.:.::i::!::!:;!i!?:{iii::i:?:!::{{f:ili::i::i::!i':.•::i;:•i::.'if:•?!?;:/:•.•' -"e. Social World __ 7 INSPEC!TCITY HOSPITALEQUIPMENT -- Auctioneers,city offi- cials and bidders assembled outside City Hospital for inspection of .. Editorials _ 8 more than 2,000 items in the institution, which were auctioned.

Editor Speaks ......

Let's Talk Politics ......

ComicIcrc Television .11-12-13

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•;4•:.•Eil•n H.oolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoolan, 67 •.,.-,• • ,•.. ::: ...... telair•Avenue, Paterson, Was selected as the chief execu- • •?:::.:•... • ß •i•on ß ' "' of the C•ty of Paterson during Youth Week. Mayoralty SITE OF GOD'S HOUSE The Very •ev. Msgr. •dward 5. Seu]]y, ;•retary, Fr• Ardis,assisted the youthfulmayor in planning pastor of Holy Cross Church, Mountain View, addresses the, throng day's activities. The "Mayor" is the first of her sex to which turned out for the Field Mass at Packanack Lake. The Mass was celebrated in lieu of groundbreaking ceremonies at the site of J"•!dthe office in thi•y years. She is president ofthe Senior the new church and school of the Mission of the Immaculate Heort :T..,•• at BenedictineAcademy,Paterson. of Mary. :


. Cartaro Feted

By Fidel,:ans .. PATERSON A farewell din- ner and testimonial was given for Joseph Carrara by members of the Fidelians and their guests re- .-.-...... -...... cently at Citro's in Wayne. Car- rara is the club president who left for army service to. which he had been called.

Second Ward ::::.:'::::::::i::::::'.:::::::!: . . GOP to Install :::-:-:-' . :.:.======.-:: ======: ...... -...... PATERSON- Installation of ...... -:-:.:.:. , .:':::::::::::: -.....:::.:.: ... ::. new officers of the Second Ward .-.-.... .: :.:.:.:.:.:... Republican County Committee RECE, IYES CHECK- The Most Rev. James A. McNulty, Bishop of Paterson, receives will be held on May 24 at the Red check from John M. Nolan, KSG, marking the Bishop's fifth anniversary. The dinner was Bar, Totowa and Wayne Aves. preceded by a testimonial concert. Left to right: Miss Licia Albanese of the Metropoli. Helen Dalby is chairman of the tan Opera; Richard J. O'Brien; Nolan; James Farrar of the Metropolitan Opera; Bishop dinner and G. Moe Di 'Gangi, city McNulty; Robert Hopkins; Mrs. Alfio Latteri; Walter Hatchek, pianist; and Eugene Conley leader ,will act as installing offi- of the Metropolitan Opera. cer.

United Vetera,ns Hold Auditions PATERSON Auditions for the United Veterans Musical Comedy will be held Monday night at the Paterson YMCA. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Charles "Tramp" McNally, di- rector, has announced several op- enings for adult singers and ac- tors. The auditions will give each performer an opportunity to read lines and sing. McNally, former star of Broad- way, Hollywood and the legiti- A mate stage, has directed many successful shows in the Metro- politan area. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ,,, • ...... ::::ii::•::::::::::::::. ======...... :: COM_•Ai•T• MAR•S 5•)t,h ANNIVERSARY Marking Morrison Machine .Company 50th Mr. and Mrs. G. Popp anniversary at a dinner last week at Alexander Hamilton Hotel are, left to right: Mrs. John E. Bailey; Mrs. John C. Morrison; John C. Morrison, secretary and treasurer; James Mark 3Sth Anniversary L. Morrison, president and founder; Edwin J. MacEwan, Chamber of .Commerce; Mrs. PROSPECT PARK Mr. and Donald White; and the Rev. John E. Bailey, pastor emeritus of All Saints 'Church, Glen Mrs. George L. Popp of 118 Rock. Haledon Avenue, are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. The couple were feted at a fam- ily dinner given by their daugh- ters. The celebrants have been bor- ough residents since their mar- riage. Mr. Popp, an organizer of the Prospect Park Memorial Post 240, American Legion, has been prominent in Legion affairs hav- ing been cited by National head- quarters for his years of service work. He is employed as a New Jersey State Motor Vehicle Ex- aminer. Mrs. Popp, the former :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... :: +: •: Ida De Boer, is a life-long bor- ¾. ough resident. .::::::::::2:::::: Mr. and Mrs. Popp's daughters are Mrs. George E. (Georgia) Schoen. of North Haledon; Mrs. .-....:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Albert J. (Evelyn) David and :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mrs. John L. (Joan) Burrows of i-- Hawthorne. They have seven .grandchildren, James, Kenneth, FINAL INSTRUCTIONS -- James Ba.rresi, instructor, gives final •ns•rucuons to West Pat- and Joyce David; Cynthia and Ro- erson elementary school students in a band concert rehearsal. The concert was presented nald Schoener; Thomas and Jac- in School No. 4 last week. Shown, left to right, are Barresi, Marion Mongiardo, Hans Del- quelyn Burrows. lith and Bruno Mongirdo.




.. in the tank and any repairs made film was made during the. tele- so that the ambulance is again cast, which has been used for "ready to roll". A record of each demonstration purposes to other call, with time, place, name of squads throughout the country. patient, ailment, what equipment Once a year the corps has a was used, the mileage taken and beefsteak dinner, during January names of members who respond- when new officers are installed. ed, is perpetually kept. The. mayors and th,eir wives of Suppose a call comes in from the three boroughs are invited Tri-BoroughNorth Haledon. The chief of the guests. Each association member corps calls headquarters to get pays for his own and his guests the ambulance rolling, with a dinners. No donated money is Notebook Haledon team. Then he calls a used for anything but the' actual North Haledon member of the maintenance of the ambulance squad to mee• the "rig" at the service. • ' scene of the call In this way; The three boroughs can be time is saved and perhaps a life. equally proud of these forty pe0- This same efficiency is applied to ple who make up our Ambulance ,,; Going over the scrapbook of ._ . neighbor suffered a heart attack. other areas of the three boroughs. Association. They are people ded- some of the members of the After his remo.val to the hospital Calls for assistance are the rea- icated to service for and to their Haledon. Emergency Ambulance by the ambulance, it was discov- son for the Ambulance Unit's ex- neighbors with no rewards other' Association, I found many exam- ered he hadn't known about the istence. But to keep the unit in than the knowledge and satisfac- ples of service rendered by the fire, though it had been blamed readiness, with supplies available, tion of a job well done. When. squad:•--Here, in this second ar- for his seizure. Oh, yes, the boys equipment repaired and replaced, the ambulance association has its ticle about this tri-borough ser- were found unharmed, as they and personnel completely trained anniversary oelebration this year', vice, I thought I'd t_e!]-'of.a few, had executed the well known Ar- is a small business in itself. I hope that the residents of all omitting--{he..names• of course. my maneuver of "Lighten'a The .entire corps takes special three boroughs will cooperate to The}e was the time a driver shuck outa here", when the fire courses in first aid and refresher make it a happy time for all. from_out/Of •_t_own.__hada head-on started. The "clubhouse" was courses on any new methods When the fund drive is held for ..•.collision with another car on Bel- ruined and so were a few mo- evolved. If any new equipment is the Ambulance Association this mont Avenue in North Haledon. thers' nerves that day. acquired they must be lrained in year, offer to .help. Off, er to help After arguing between them- Anolher time neighbors noted its use. solocit funds if you can, but :. R.egular meetings are held once above all be sure your contribu- a month, on the first Monday. Re- tion is made promptly. cords and reports are kept up t,o Many of us have been fortun- date and special activities plan- ate. so far, and may not have ned, such as the. 25th anniversary needed the services rendered by celebration scheduled for Satur- this organization. However, isn't day ,September 20, or the follow- it comforting to know that these ing Saturday, the 27th if it should friends of ours stand ready to rain. give aid and assistance should A fund drive is held once a that need arrive. Help k,eep this year, usually in the fall. These service available through your support. ß ...... contributions are the only monies received by the corps from year to year. No remuneration. is ever given ,or received by any mem- CERAMICS & GIFTS bers of the association. They' are selvesand the police, both drivers an aged man hadfit been seen volunteers in the true sense of by JUNE received a summons,and ]eft the about his cabin in. North Haledon. the word. Wedding, Graduation, Shower scene..A half mile further on, the About seven years ago the Police were _summoned and they Gifts and Novelties. out of town driver rammed into a found him semi-conscious and Haledon Emergency Ambulance parked ca¾ so hard that his wife suffering from infected legs and Association was signally honored 212 Belmont Ave. H•ledon, was injured. The ambulance took burns on his hands. A ,quick trip when it was chosen to appear on her to the hospital where she 'had to the hospital brought eventual CBS, 'Channel 2, to demonstrate three stitches. •aken in her knee recovery. an emergency rescue squad in ac- Imagine what she had to say to An exploding oil stove caused a tion. Henry Poh], safety service LA 3-2682 Maurice F. Metzler her husband if he ever knocked fire in a brooder coop, killing 400 director of the Paterson ,Chapter', women drivers ? young turkeys. The. ambulance at American Red Cross made the ar- METZLER - Many times the ambulance has the scene in case of fire injuries, rangements for the TV appear- AMBULANCE SER¾1½E had to help firemen who suffer had to take one. of the firemen to ance. The members of the corps burns, or smoke poisoning during the. hospital under' oxygen after who appeared were Maurice "'Everythingfor the the. course of a fire. Sometimes he suffered a heart attack. Metzler, Harol.d Hamilton, Grace Hospitalized P•tien.t" •'eople try to fight brush fires, or Of course numerous automo- Groppi and Lillian Brown, along Male and Female Attendants small house fires before they bile and bicycle accidents dot the with Walter Metzler and Mabel Transportation Anywhere sound the alarm;' and get burned pages of the scrapbook. Each Fiorina, both aged 8 at the time. SERVICE and RENTALS th, emselves/- with a major' or minor' job for They demonstrated in first aid, 406 Morrissee Avenue There.'.•i•ealso many calls due the volunteer corpsmen. to do. artificial respiration and emer- •.-:'œ H•ledon, N.J. to falls, Causing concussion, abra- When a call has been answered gency treatment of .burns, frac- %-.-.sfo,nsor fractions. and assistance rendered, the team tures and gunshot wounds. A •::!One'time a group of boys. ,had a on the "rig" returns 'to head- •:•.-. ,• . . ;,:• clubhouse shack. It caught hre quarters. No matter what time of •;•..•/:•--nd burned furiously as it was day or night, the. team, then has ?•?:•madeof wood, covered with tar to put clean linen on the stretch- •?paperand oil cloth. The ambu- ers, replace oxygen if some was Arfisfs Wifh Flowers •.•:i:•!•.t'ancewas called while-frantic mo- used on the call, and replenish Wedding Estinmtes Cheerfully Given- By Appointment •:•:.'.-•herssearched for their boys.As first aid supplies.. They also have. ARmory 4.7400 "•';•"t•firemen put out the f}re, a to make sure there's enough gas


. •_I•fe's DarkestMoment A WEBSTER CLASSIC

Hopes for the Hawthorne Junior High School appear to be get- ting dimmer and dimmer.

Haledon's Fiftieth Anniversary Committee is doing yeoman work in preparing for the biggest event in the borough's colorful history. What was written here last week intended to arouse a lethargic public which, up to now, doesn't seem to appreciate the time and effort being expended by a small group to see that Haledon gets its deserved place in the sun.

Among those who deserve great credit for the progress made in the preparation for Haledon's celebration is Borough Clerk Dan Ramella who has devoted countless hours of his own time to get the detail work done. The average citizen apparently takes it for granted and is willing for someone else to do the work. We sincerely hope that when it comes credit time that Promella is recognized as one of the sparkplugs of the entire program.

Councilman Felix Libertl is hard at work preparing his cam- paign for the Totowa Borough mayoralty.

West Paterson officials are very happy about the soon-to-arrive 100,000 square feet of merehandizing space in a spanking new build- ...'.-•.:-:-..•.:.---•...... ",::. '. !i.-:.."i!i::iiii!iBi!!i!!.-:.8'.."::::::::i•!E:;-:- "•.-' •- _.•,:.::•...... -:...... ' *-•'. ß ". !•:: ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::'::P:.": ' : ..... '" i ' -- ing on Route 46 between Browertown Road and McBride Avenue. ". ' -:"-'• ....:::-" ' :'-.-':•:•!;;-"--- It will be one of the largest discount houses in the area...... :.:-.....:..-•.,• .. . !ß .:': ,"i .:-i•ß ß.•.:.•.• "•'• •; i'' '" .....'.... Clifton Democratic lead, er Richard DeMareo and Freeholder Alex •-: ...... ::.....::: ß ..::..-• .-. ::. Komar can be justifiably proud of the results of the eouneilmanie ?!i .1•:-s?i:•'.'-'•'--•- :i:: ' ,- elections. Two of the backed candidates, Stanley Zweir and Sam Mo.nchak came out tops. ,•!: .... :,,• ,. ß . ..:.:; : '* ...... , A record turnout is expected at the friendship dinner for Mayor !::.:..,,.• ...-:.. --,,.:: .... • L. i. Joseph F. Ryan of Totowa Borough on June 8 at Donohue's. The '{.i!!!!•i:...... ß..... i• '%'•"e' -•...x:.!...•.,.x.•, -,, :i .. mayor, Democratic candidate for freeholder, will be lauded person- •'ß •:. :• ",.,..,- . --,,....:.. .. ally by Governor Meyner and Harrison Williams. '!iiiii; .. . - 1: -.x-: ... .iii::.... ' ..... i;'• ' ...... ½. - •...... !--...... ";;...... :..- -."-•.•.•c' .....•::. •),.'-.....'..:....,:. --.' -'...• ß -. '. :'". .-.•.>•.•..- ::-. ß : -:" ß .-.. •:'.. -- (-'....:•'* -. •:::... :. '•• "• ,•• . • •:. •.>'' .:..•":::: .-.'i•". ..' .'.....'..... ß., .• ".,. •'. ..¾•-.. ,-•:.:.:.;.•:....'•:i!i}.• !ii:•:.?...... "'

•.. ,. ,:'•• ' ' . '.:2...':•:':' ß• !l ....':• .?•.•...... ---- . , ".. c'. ß " ß • .. .x ;.•;::-::. .;..½.!- ; • . ß . '%"""ß , e.'..;?:•' ,,, -.i.:::....., ' 4.• ß. .. -•, -'/ ! i.! ß*- -.•.%•*.*4-4-'. ,. •,.:.-.:.:. ':-;.,.-!::,..... ß. •.-'%.."•:'.-• i•-;...... :. t .i "'.. ß . . '"' •/,-•"•.-•,•-,• .--,--/,4s,•;•--;:•:... :. MEN OF "NOAH'S ARK"-- Jack Webb (left) directs Vic Rodman lhil wondering little •ellow meets "Air o•er" eye to eye--- (seated)and Paul Burke in a dramaticepisode of a "Noah'sArk" and in a sense he symbolic.es mankind's wondering look into program.The colorfilm series,previously presented on NBC-TV, the •uture. "Air Power," the •eries which depiet• the history and will be repeatedstarting Sunday, June 1. Webbproduced, wrote and development of flight and its impact on the goth century, will be directedthe dramasbased on the experiencesof two veterinarians re-broadcast on Sundays over the CB$ Television Network begin- .• Dr. Sam Rinehart (Rodman)and Dr. Noah McCann(Burke). ning. May 18. THOSEWERE THE DAYS By ART BEEMAN



"""• ", •-'• ,S'....

PaGE SIX The CHRONICLE ...- __ ß Mrs. Alvin Kranko.wer was elected president of the Junior La- dies.Auxiliary of the Barnett Memorial Hospital at a recent meeting. The'new Slate of officers elected were presented and installed by Mrs. Ernest Weiner, nominations committee chairman. The. group also made plans for a .dance to be given June 7 in ...... -...... ,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Fellerman Hall. This is. the highlight program of the year. Tickets :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: may be purchased from Mrs. Arthur Mah.ler and Mrs. Harry Razen. A reward luncheon will also be held ,on June 11 at the 'Steak Pit Res- taurant. .

ß The Westmount ,Country ,Club will be the scene of the annual Pa- ß .:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:-:-:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.: . "?,trolmen'sBenevolent Ball to be.held on Wednesdayevening, May 28.

...... ,* •-...... 'Traffic officer, William Kaplan is general chairman. ._..-.-...... The annual dinner dance. of the North Jersey Photo Finishers :.:.:.:.:.: ß .. ------:..-_?_ . MRS. JOSEPH MUGNO •" Association will be held on Saturday, May 24, at the steak Pit in Pa- MRS. GENNARO ESPOSITO ramus. Lee Selbiger is chairman Our Ladies of Victories R. C. Miss Marilyn Basile, daughter :Reservations are .being made for the pilgrimage to the shrines Church was the setting for the of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Basile ' of Canada sponsored by the St. Anne's Society of St. Michael's R. C. wedding of Miss Jo Ann Bevac- of 0-22 Whitehall Street,' Fair ';:/.•Church. Ms.gr. Carlo Cianci is pastor-ofthe churchwho announced qua of 329 East 25th Street, and Lawn was married to Gennaro :;., that an air conditioned bus will leave. the. church on Thursday morn- Joseph Mugno, 320 Sixth Avenue. ing, June. 26 and will return on Sunday, June 29. Esposito, son of Mr. and Mrs. Es- .-2-. The. bride is the daughter of Mr. posito of 39 Bryne St., Hacken- ß'•'- The Fair Lawn branch of the Valley Hospital Women's Auxiliary and Mrs. William Bevacqua and sack, in St. Anne's R. 'C'. Church. • will hold their annual luncheon on May 20 at I p.m. at the Mark, the groom is the son of Mrs. T. ' Route 17. A reception for 250 guests was ß . . Cusimano and Mr. L. Mugno. Fa- he!d at the. Robin Hood Inn. The --The Ladies Auxiliary of St. Joseph's Hospital will hold their Father Meyer officiated the dou . couple are honeymooning in Flo- b]e ring ceremony. A reception ,. annual card party on May 23 in the Alexander Hamilton Hotel. Mrs. rida and New Orleans. was held at the Victory Hall. '".':JOSep. h E. Mort is generalchairman. øOT YOUINOW... : .• Amongarea residents returning from-spring vacations are Miss Mae seymourof 727East 26th Street, and Miss Henrietta Barton, of

' . 934 East 22rid Street, home from a trip to, •Bermuda. Miss Marie.Samson of 42 WashingtonPlace, Totowa Borough, ......

:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: •nd'"Miss.Sarah Mac'Caulley of 400 Broadway, returned from a tour :-:.:-:.:-:.:.:. ::::::::::::::::::::: -of"".Sp"•inand Germany...... :::::::::::::::::::::::

ß Home 'from a-visit to Nassau are Mrs. Dorothy' Lawson of 58 'Third' Avenue., Hawthorne, and Mrs. Ruth Pittenger of •15-11 Plaza ..!!!ii•;!ii!!ii!ii!!i!!!ii!iiiii;iiiii!i!!i!::.. ======ßR0•d, Fair Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vaccaro of East Paterson and formerly of this ..city, have announced the birth of their second son, Michael Jr., born.May 4. The. infant joins a brother, Anthony, four. :!:i:!::.i:!:i:•:•:i:i:i:•:!:i:i:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:•:!:i:i:!:i:!:i:i:!3i:i:i:i:i:i:i:}:i%!:!8i:i:E:!:!:i:i:!:i:i:E:i:i:i:i:!8i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i::.:i:K: M'r. and Mrs. Anthony Swan, of 32 Sherman Avenue, are cele- brating their 35th wedding anniversary. The couple have four chil- d.ren and one grandchild. Mr. Swan was employed by the SUM for 29 years.

Missjanet Abramo.witz,daughter of Mr. andMrs. Jack Abramo- :::'.:•:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:.:•:.:•:•:•:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•:.:.:.:.:•:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•:•:•:......

55::•:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':':::::::5:-'::5::.': WitZ, 309 East 35th Street, was guest of honor at a bridal luncheon .:i:!.)i:!.]:!:i:i:]:i:i:!:i:•:i:•:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:}:•:i:i:i:i:!:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:!:}:i:i:i:!:•:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:•:]:y .-':':i:.::•::'::'-']:!:} Sl,•.weron Saturdayheld at the AlexanderHamilton Hotel. The affair was. given by her aunts, Mrs Harry Yolken and Mrs. David Cohn. MRS. C. SFE.RRAZZA, JR. M•s Abramowitz will become.the bride of Lester Cohn of Syracuse on June 25. The wedding of Miss Margaret MRS. ANTHONY T. SPE.RANZA Another bridal shower was held for Miss Mary Lou Petricone, Walsh and .Charles Sferrazza, Jr., was solemnized recently in St. daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Petricon.e, 196 East 26th Street. The Miss Judith Bachor of South Brendaifs R. C. ,Church in Clif- party'was given by her fiance's mother, Mrs. Ida Oates, 417 Graham Bend, II1.,' was married to An- ton. The-Rev. Frank Ro.dimer of- Avenue. The couple:will be married on June.7 in St. Joseph'sR. C. thony Thomas Speranza, son of ficiated the Nuptial Mass. A. re- Church. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.peranza .of ception was held at the Round- Mrs. Milton Anderson was installed as president of the Wyckoff 206 Seventh St., at a Nuptial ers in Wayne. The couple. will Woman's Club recently' at a candlelight ceremony held at the Mark Mass. at the Sacred Heart Catho- make their home at 159 Trenton restaurant. lic Church on the Campus of the Avenue upon their return from University of Notre. Dame. A. re- trip to Canada. ception was held in the home of the bride's parents. THE FLOWERLAND LAmbert 5-9623 SHOPPE CRESClONE Flowers by ¾i•CE•T •URO, Jr. PHOTO STUDIO GUERNSEYCREST 525 MARKET STREET Crescione Tuxedos Inc. ICE CREAM (Opposite the. General Hospital) Weddings- Portraits- Commercial 134- 19th Ave., P•terso.n, N.J. A Full Line of Tuxedos for Hire Paterson SH 2-1854 New Jersey SHerwood2-4620 52 MARKET ST., PATERSON I, N. J. We Specializein FancyForms and Cakes. •

PAeE SEVEN -, EDI-TORIALS ß • •.• TheHi h And-'•Low .•.•

We're Parr of "Armed Forces" .•- e. ,• With the reams of material written, spoken and pictured about missiles,anti-missile missiles, and sat- ellites, we're apt to forget about... men. But this week, May 17, we celebrate Armed Forces Day. Our Armed Forces are men. Men who must learn the use of these new and terrible methods of war. Men who have families to pr.ovide for,. and go home to.. Men who must decide whether to make the "Armed Forces" a career, or just a time to. be served for their country. Recently some reforms were established in Air Force pay scales to keep.trained personnelwhere we need them... on the ready line should hostilities start. This is a step.in the right direction, and more inclusivesteps should be taken throughout all of the Armed Forces.

If inter-continental ballistic missiles can make war possibleon our o..wnland, in our own cities, then WE, are all members of the Armed Forces. We can do our part by sharingin our preparednessprograms;

learning about civil defense and doing our part to. U IlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIBlIIBIIIBBIIIIILIII.IIIIIIIIIIL make it workable.

We can learn to discriminate against defeatist l I propaganda that pictures the United States as a deca- l I .... •: dent nation of ill-manned 'boors,who. cannot even edu- nl ? I I cate. their children properly. "I I Editor Speaks ßI I ..... VINCENT S. PARRILLO


We can take a positive attitude toward the. re- I-/'-ivm-iRlm m m m m m m m m mmmmqmmmmmmm mmmm mmm•mmimmmmmmmmmm cession.Pull in our belts, hike up. our pants and do the. best we can, (taking time out to Write.your con- In his latest annual report, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the gressman so he knows the true conditions of his con- Federal Bureau of Investigation shows the range of responsibility of stituents). the FBI has been widened still farther by Congressional legislation. In the past year, for instance legislaton gave. the Bureau new While we pay tribute.on this specialday to. those or extended jurisdiction in cases of kidnapping; the interstate trans- who serve in our Armed Forces, let's line up to be: portation of sto•e.n property; thefts from banking-type institutions and malicious damage to aircraft or motor vehicles moving in in- counted in this civilian Armed Force.. Our "arms" terst.ate or foreign commerce. can consist of faith in God and our Country, love of Also, the FB,I has the extremely important and delicate duty of our fellow men, and determination to win out over protecting the civil rights and privileges of the people of this coun- every stumbling block. _ try. This is a field where misinformation and controversy are apt to be rife. For a number of years the FBI held a series of civil rights schools for police. organizations, and special agents of the 'Bureau have made hundredsof lectures on the subject.'IVne .magnitude of the,.jo,b is indicated by the fact that in fiscal 1957 1,289 preliminary investigations of civil rights allegations were-investigated. An increasingly important area of FBI responsibility is in the A Modern Parable field of domestic intelligence. The purpose. is to protect the internal security of the united States and to combat espionage, sabotage, subversive activities and related threats. And here Mr. Hoover's re- While reading all the gloomy forecasts on the port has some significant things to say about the Communist Party, present recession.we were reminded of a modern par- USA. Despite certain setbacks, he say's that" a hard core consisti•4• a'ble we saw in the Washington, Iowa, Journal. It was of thousands of .dedicated Marxists in this country has clung to its about a troubled old king who summoned his wisest un-American ideals and emerged into what it interprets as an at- counselors and instructed them to prepare a simple mosphere. conducive to regrowth and attainment of its goals." The Party's leaders, for the most part, have long-established records of text on economic principles, which the people.would conspiring to teach and advocate the overthrow of the government understand. The wise men came back in a year with by force. and violence. it is dominated by directive from the Soviet 67 volumes, profusely illustrated with graphs and Union. And the members "... have become experts at seeking refuge charts. But a venerable old patriarch came. forward behind-the very rights and privileges which they would. destroy." In with .his appraisal... eight words: "There ain't no addition, the. Party has successfully devised various "front" groups which are used to dupe loyal citizens into supporting and promoting such thing as a free lunch." campaigns which will serve its ends in one. way or another.

FAG,E EIG. HT TheC H RON IcLE-;:'.•::!!!i '?:..-:

. .. : Haledon Lions Name Delegates et's /a/k. HALE. DON -- Albert ,Caporossi, , • -•l1-[F•TI -' , : -[' president of the Lions ,Club; Kryn Bosland and Frank 'Yannucci have been named delegates to the State Convention of Lions Inter- national. Alternates are Anthony Barnish, Andrew Foran and Leo Wallerius. The convention will be held at Chalfo:nte-Haddon Hall from Thursday, June 5 through Sun- day, June 8. Three new members accepted into the club are Dominic Cava- The opinlonsexpressed in •hls •lumn •re exclusively•hose of •he writer liere, Jack Pickup and J. Reitstoa. ßnd. •o not necessarilyreflect the policy•nd opinionof The Chronicle. COLONIAL SERVICE ß he air oi myster• which surrounds the n•inff oi five assistants ALBERT L. BARBERO to P•osecutoF John •evos is e•pected to be cleaFed this weekend with GENERAL AUTO •EPAIRS HA, LEDO'N- Albert L. Bar- the •ol]owing line-up. •ic.haFd Sc•man and William AzaF Sinclair Gas/• Accessories :'{•son;JoSeph •aFrison o• West•ateFson, •dward Wolakof Cli•tonand hero, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert •omas Chiehi oi •assaie. P. Barhero of 411 Roe Street, 308 Chamberlain Ave, Paterson Haledon, will be commissioned a tkR 4-9606 -- Melvin Spicer •. ••?::;• •::?::• remainJohn asBergin an assistantoi •assaie deputyis slatedattached to second lieutenant in the U.S. Air . ....•.•?.•?.•?• to the Attorney General'soffice. Force .after receiving his B.S. de- gree from the U.S. Naval Acad- "•::•?•... iate oi Joseph DonateIll is s•11 un- known. However, since his unexpected emy in Annapolis, Md., on June 4. Chris' Big n' Little Shop

...... _ defeat for a Clifton councilmanic post, VVEARI•G APPAREL .-...

..::::::: Democratic leaders are reviewing possi- ..:.:.:...... Prospect Park Youth COSTUME JEWELRY ß :;::::::!iiibilities.

..:....: ...... The tide of the Clifton election has Wins Rutgers AWard ..... ::-. ::.: •43-345 Belmont Avenue, Paterson caused some concern among Demo PI•OSPE.CT PA.l%K Samuel leaders who frankly expected a Dona- J. Petrecca, son of Mr. and Mrs. ß :...... •::-•:;½!ii!i?•ii:iii:iiii!ii!!iiiiiiiii?;-•}?iii iiii;iiiii•telli-Seheideman victory. It proves that Samuel Petrecca, of 119 North NEW CEDAR CLIFF 15th Street, has been awarded a :_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:_:.:.::i?:;<•?i< when citizens are aroused and ßalerted ...... _.. RESTAURANT, INC. .:J::ili iiito certain conditionsand situations,or- four year scholarship to Rutgers Fable D'Hote and A La Carte University. The award winner ...... : :.:.:.:iiiiiiiiiii::!i•i!:11iii/iiiiii!ii :.:.:.:... :.::: :.:.:.:. ganization or no organization, they will Hall for Banquets and for graduated from Prospect Park ..'' ...... •*:•:ii;i:iiii•iiiiii:iiiiii!i-.-...... - vote to protect their best interests. Ne- All Occasions Public School an dis a senior at ...... -:< vertheless, the results of the balloting 276 Belmont Ave. I•aledon ;i•?::•?? cannot be considereda harbinger of St. Joseph's High School in Pat- Phones:MU 4-9658•SH 2.8818 iiiiii::iii!i things to come since it would take an erson.

-...... -

...... !iii peelally whentoanalyze all of themel..on run without THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE RlCffARD SCItlFFM•N party designation. An ill conceived rumor, untrue and Withoutany basisin fact, injuredDonateIll and Seheideman. The despicabletrick maintainedthat bothcandidates had' promised Frank .' . ...])•: ß - • • Shershinan importantmunicipal post in exchangefor his support. In the first place,the recordsshow that bothmen stumped vigorously TCHE ":: t_ against Shershin's return to the state senate. Their efforts were "'""'"""E.KOOI) •'' i, i• largely 'responsiblefor his defeat. It would seem unlikely, even to SPECIALTY' I " the most naive, that Shershin could expect to curry any favor with either DonateIll or Seheideman. But the strength and acceptance of Freeholder Alex Komar was BROILED LOBSTER -• .- D^IL¾ Ti:OUT - I-!^LIBUT - •^LMON - SHRIMPS- $C^LLOF'•- inanifestin the electionof StanleyZweir andSam Monehakwho top- OYSTERS - CL^M - •OD FI.•tt - $•O!tD FISH - I)^IL, Y DINNi•IiS ped the entire field. Komar, a staunchorganization Democrat, is a 168 BE•I.MONT AYG. (Cor. Burh4ns),HALEDON - - - LAmbert 5-9885 hard working,.gifted man with ability to make friends and influence votes. His efforts will roll up an impressive Democratic score in the Novemberelections. GOP leadersare futily andfeebly attempting to curb his popularity. Among the major problemsthe Democratswill have to face prior WHITE and SHAUGER,Inc. to the General Election is the overcoming of adverse sentiment to

the one and one-half percent corporatetax passedby the legislature. AGOOD NAM .w,forTO REMEM'BER Despiteall tensionsand discouraging news about the recession,law- makers of both parties are concerned about the home front voters. FURNITURE Governor Meyner's deletion of two Passaic County Democratic leadersfrom his list of nomineesto various postsis difficult to under- Living Room Bed Room Dining Room stand.In the first instance,Joseph V. McGuire merits re-appointment. RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY The secondinstance is that of JosephBrumale, Democraticcandidate for congress,who was slated to replace Harry Sehoenon the North --QUALITY and LOW PRICE JerseyDistrict Water 'SupplyCommission'. Brumale would be giving -- 39 Years Serving the Public--- up his post in Paterson'slegal departmentto.accept another post 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7880 PATERSON, N.J. 240 MARKET ST. (Carroll Plaras Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977 o.. •... _ . ':Whichwould offer him hardly more than a-better opportunity to ex- ._ .•. •:..i;!i./i•'pandcontacts. ß

-CHgONICL[ PAGE NINE Haledon Summer LittleLeague 'Season Optimists Prepare. For Garbage Collection Opens In Hawthorne 'Line of Dimes'Campaig n HAWTHORNE--Borough Com- PATEltON • The annual Op- Schedule Announced missioner John G. Rozema threw timist Club "Line Of Dimes" drive HAI•EDON -- 'Borough Clerk out the first ball to open the 1958 will begin Thursday, May 22. The Dan Ramella announced the twice Little League baseball season at "Line of Dimes" project is an an- weekly summer garbage collec- the Pump House Field on Goffle nual event, where funds are rais- tion schedule. Road. James Farrell• league pre- ed for th,e Optimist 'Club program Monday and Thursday: that sident, presided over the field de- with the young boys of Paterson. For IDEAL Service district presently serviced on dication ceremonies which prece- The drive will be ½onducte.d along Call Mondays; that district (east of ded the All-Star game. Main Street with a tape extend- Belmont Avenue) presently ser- ing along the street. IDEAL viced on Thursdays, and Zabris- kie, Harris, Kossut.h, Mangold Three O.L.O.L Graduates WINE & LIQUOR and Church Streets. . Serve on "City Boards" LA. 5-0566 Tuesday and Friday: that dis- During Y.outh Week "City. Ad- triet.presently serviced on Tues- • ,.•: .i FE^TURI• ^ .. .- ministration" was served by 3 day; that district (west of Bel- graduates of Our Lady of WIDE VARIETY OF mont Avenue) presently' serviced Lourdes Grammar School Class on Thursday. of 1954. IMPORTED and Wednesday and Saturday: ß .....:...:-.; ;':::'•:...... -:;.-.... August De Blieck of St. John's .. ::.:.:.:.::.:x- -' '.: DOMESTIC WINES those districts serviced on Wed- 0:•.•!•!•:'::•:•?:.•.:'::j;•"'a•.""::•.•?:. High School as City Treasurer. nesdays and Fridays. ß•..,:.¾,...... •{::• ...... John De Meyers of Don Bosco PromptDelivery Service ß:i::•!i•i::::g•::i:-i•!:•iiii?:ii::::.?:.-•:' ...... "- %.,'% '• .• • ß"i: ß:'•!::'•!:!.?::i ,. ' ::':'% •:"'• ': Technical School as Chief of Po- 234 Vreeland Ave. ii!::f.•..:x..•, • .... . " "?-:"• lice. ß.+:.:...: :.x Central High Concert i..;'.'..'.'-.:.-.:.:-.:vk:'•, -g. •". <. ' ..•. " Vincent Notorgiacorno of Pat- Paterson, N.J. ß•:::•::i•:?'::"' :' .,. The second annual spring --- ... !11:.-:..!!:::.i!i•(:i.;,' .....•- , -...: :-.':.,' erson Technical and Vocational concert of the Music Department ?'.i-!:,!:'•.,•.' . ..-.¾:,..,•,• x•?,•..f. .%' 'Y High School as Street Commis- of Central High School will be ;:/a,.:-•)ii•- ,,.-:-...... ,., sio.ner. presented in Manley Hall on Fri- .." ...:...... •:"*-.• ....-,?";'ii. Smart Motorists day, May 23, at eight o'clock. Rush to... The Central Band, Mixed Cho- " .- •, ' .,;..•. rus, Girls' .Glee Club and Central ß i Choir will participate. •' . >,:%.• -: Nicholas Witte, who accom- }' .•, .•.,. ..:.•' '• panies the mixed chorus will also ß ' - be a piano soloist. ByLEE BR(AN? / '*-I The concert is presented under SOUTHERN SONGBIRD-- T h ß THE GOOD OLE' U.S.A. the auspices of the Paterson pride of Possum Walk, North While commenting on the interna- Board of Education; Miss Kather- Carolina, Betty Johnson adds her songs to the fun on N BC-TV's tional political mud-slinging these ine M. O'Connor, music supervi- "The Jack PaRr.Show." Betty ap- past months,a friend of ours back so.r; Jerome B. Siegal, director o.f pears on the Monday-through-Fri- [rom occupation duty in Germany PATERSON vocal music. •v telecasts every other week. thought this storywould give us pause CITIES SERVICE to be a bit happier we're in the States Tires - Tubes - Batteries despite the victor. Accessories. ' THEMISSUS •"---•' ' ' --- Ignition specialists- 111arket St. - Railroad Ave. ACROSS 24. Mongrel AR 4-9668 Paterson, N.J. 1. Deprivation 25. Compasspoint Answer to G. Likely 27. Hindu cymbals OPEN 24 HOURS $. Westernstate 28. Sick 12. Girls'name '29. Born Cross Word 14.18. EmployNostril i•'. DeityClothed 15, River duck 86. Malt drink -' 16. Transgression 87..Father Puzzle 17. Slender 41. Railroadstation 18. Scholar 42. Pitcher FAMOUS 20. Unwantedplants 48. Flower 21. Click beetle .44. Pokerstake on Page 15. 22.Pedal digit 46.Military assisga• 23. Highcard 47. Golf mounds 26. Apportioning 48. A direction 31. Sol õ0. Peer Gynta' __. Runaway (SI.) mother Zodiacsign 51. Morningmoistm In common use 8B. Guided "Sam stopped looking at television '•9.. Highest note a•s ago,but he still'loves to turn o.• 40;" Cushion ß


40.. Rub out ß the commercials." ß .. ß 45. Form an idea 49. Custom J ß 50. Fruit drink Hours' 8 to 6 • •osed Mondays õ$. Italian cortununity &l. Dry, as'wine Joseph'sHair Cuffing 56. Hollow grass 57.. Female sheep Shop TASTY CRUST BREAD 58. THal 26 Struyk Avenue, Prospect Park .•%,• -. CAKES & PASTRY '•'"' DOWN 'ME 4-2386 l. Allows

. Europeanlivegenus Ask At Your Grocer's, 4; Dinnercourse MUlberry 4-7900 5. Continent or Super Market 6. Greek letter 7. A number Wm. Alexander & Son 8. Hidden MOVING Serving 11. Dress edges New Furniture Delivery New York and New Jersey 19. Neither 20. Cour• Service 22. Clock ?aterson South Amboy 28. Viper 139 Governor St. l•aterson,


.. 7--Lawrence Well• Show 2:30 10:30 I I•Bowling 2--M.ovle 2--What's My Line? 13•Movle 4--Comment 4•Feaf. Fi',m 9:30 7--R'oller Derby 7--Movie 2•Have Gun Will Travel 9•J•e Palooka 11•20fh Century Fox O ß 13•Oral Roberts 13•Movle 4•Turnlno Point I 0:00 3:00 I 1:00 2• 4--Amer. Forum 2--Sun. News Special 5--Movie 4--News WCBS-TV--2 WRCA-TV--4 WABD--5 4•Ted Mack 9--Movle 13--Wrestling WABC•TV--7 WOR-TV--9 WPIX--11 7•Billy Graham 13--All Star M.ovle 13--Big Match ! 1:15 WATV--13 10:30 3:30 2•The Late Show 2•Sea Hunt 4•Mental Health 1:45 ,•heseTV Morning and Afternoon Programs Are Repeated 4--Your Hit Parade 13•lfaly,Today &Yesfdy. 2•The Late, Late Show 5•Errol Flynn 4:00 Monday Through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 9•Bowllng 2•Time for Books II :00 4--Outlook 2•The Late News 7•Dangerous Assgn't •, 7:00 4--Truth or Consequences 9--Matinee Movie 4-•Sat. Niqhf News 13•M.ovie 2--Sfu 'Erw;n 5•Romper Room I I--Movle 5•Wanfed 4•Tdday 7•Film Drama 3:00 6:30 MAY 19 11:!5 2--Face the Nation 8:00 ! 2:00 2--The Biq Pavoff 4•Mafinee Theatre 2--The Late Show 2•Love o• Life 7•PaulWinchell 5:30 2•apfain Kangaroo 5•T.V. Read. Digest 4--Movie Four 9•Movle • 7--Tinker'sWorkshop 4•T1c Tac Dough 7•Amerlcan Bandstand 13•GermanVariety 2•The EarlyShow 8:30 12:30 4--Movie 4 7•Time For Fun 3:30 5:00 S--Sandy Becker 12:30 2•The Verdict Is Yours 4--Movle 2--GreatChallenge 7--MickeyMouse Club •7---T|nkertoons-Cartoons 2•Search for Tomorrow 5•Bi..go At Home 1:30 5--Waterfront I I--Abbott&Costello ß: ,- 9:00 4•lt CouldBe You 7•Do You TrustYour Life 2•The Late, Late Show 7•Texas Rangers 6:00 - -2•.._.S•Jsle 5--Sheldon at N•>on 4:00 5:30 5"•'Cartøøns ß? 4..-Hi M.on' 7•Memor¾ Lane 2•Brlghfer Day 4•Saber of London 7•Liffle Rascals 12:45 4•Queen For A Day 5--Mr. DistricfAttorney 9•Roy Rogers i .."'1" 9:0 7--AmerlcanBandstand •, SUNDAY 7•Lone Rantier I I•Popeyethe SailorMar •"'L:2--•yLittle Margie 2--TheGuiding Light 9--TedSteele 13•C•rni'•alHispane 13•RichardWillis "' 7--Movie--Drama .. !:00 I I--Firs•Show MAY18 6:00 6:30 2--News 13--Junlor Frolics 2•Air Power 5•LooneyTunes ' 10:00 4•Tex & Jinx 4:15 8:00 "12-"•ari'y Moore 4--Meet The Press 7•The Falcon ':4-•O.RE MI 5--Showcase 2--TheSecret Storm 2--AgricultureUSA 5--ClfyAssignment I I--Amos& Andy •5--4vlovle !:30 4:30 4•Sunday Schedule 7•Annle Oakley 13•Science 10:30 2--As The WorldTurns 2•The Edcleof Night 7--CartoonFes'tival 9•CorlissArcher L:45 2--HowDo' You Rate 5•Movie 5•Mr. District Attorney 9:00 13•N. J. Legis. Rapt. 4•News '-4--Treasure•' Hunt 7•The AfternoonShow 5:00 2•The Big Picture 6:30 7:00 -" ' I I1:00 2:00 2•1 LedThree Lives 5•Herb S'•eldon 4--JewishAppeal 2•News•Robf.Trout '• 2--ArthurlGOdfrey 2•Beaf the Clock 4--Blondle •:30 5--Frontier •Hlghwa¾ Patrol '•r-ThePdce' is. Right 9•lf's Fun to Travel 5•Herb Sheldon 2--The Way To •o 7--Hawkeye 5--BengalLancers '•ql--TheI•iving Blackboard 2:30 7•Superman 5--WendDrama 13--Gov.Meyner 7--Sports 2•Arf Linkletter 9---Ted Steele 10:03 9•Terryfoon C;irc•Js .•2---Doffo!11:30 4--KittyFoyle 13--Jocko'sR'•ckef Ship 2--LampUnto My Feet 7:00 I I--News I 5--Magic Clown 2•Lassie 7:! 5 4•My FriendFlicka 7•Western 5•Lilli Palmer, 2•News 10:30 5•Feat. Thea. 13•Foreign Cotrasp. 7•You AskedFor It 7•JohnDaly - News SATURDAY 9•Movie 6:00 2•LookUp And Live 9--CartoonTime I I•New YorkNews 5•Learn To Draw 13•Jungle 7:30 !:00 2•Movie I ! :00 .. -MAY17 2--LoneRanger a--M.ovie 2--EyeOn NewYork 7:30 2•Robln Hood ,L--HomeGardener 7•Rin TinTin 7•Focus 2•JackBenny 4•ThePrice Is Right .. 7:00 7--Movie 9--FlashGordon ! 1:30 4--N,oWarning 5--Countof MonteCrlsfo 9•Gene Autry I I•Brave Eagle 5--MickeyRoDney 7--WrittenWord I I•lndustryon Parade 13•Movie 2--Camera3 7--Maverick 9--Milli.onDollar Movie 4•Briefing Session 9•Headline I I•Gre'• Ghost - 8:C3 •4--Moder nFarmer 13•Movie 1:30 6:30 5•Wing&Pet Center I I•Guy Lombardo 8:00 2'•Htckory,Dickory Dock 5•Looney Tunes 7•This Is The Life 13•Evangel Hour 2•Burns & Allen 4--Sheriland 2--RightNow 7--AnnieOak'.ey 12:00 8:00 4•The Restless Gun -..7--Carfoqn Festival 4•MarbleChamp;onshlp .9•Movie 2•OurMiss Brooks 2•Ed Sullivan '5•Mr. District Attorney 19:00 2:00 I I•Sheena 4•Declslonfor Research4•Sfeve Allen 7•Campalgn Roundup 2•CongresslonalCloseup 13•Counferpolnf 2•l. aurel& Hardy 4•Movie 5--N. Y. Times 5•Uncommon Valor I I•Clfy Defective 4-?-•hildren:sThea. 5•Feaf. Thea. 7:00 7•RellgiousShow __ 9•Eddle Cantor 8:30 9:30 9--Baseball 2--DonAmeche 9•Oral Roberts I1•1 Searchfor Adv. 2•Ta•enfScout $•Children's Hour 12:30 2•4•apfain Kangaroo 13•OralRoberts 8:30 4•WellsFarg.o 10:00 2:30 7•ForelgnLegionalre 2•Movie 2•Wild Bill Hickok 5•Sher!ockHolmes 5•ConfidenflalFile 4--Howdy Doody 7--Movle 9--RockyJones 4--OpenMind 5--Mov|a I I--Sky King 5--BetweenThe Li0es 7•Adv.at ScoffIsland 7•B,oldI I•San JourneyFrancisc.o Beat 7--M.ovie 13--Cur'fainCall 13--Movle 7--FaithForToday 9•FavorifeStory 13•Movie 3:00 7:30 9•CchrisfianScience I I•Kinqdom of the Sea 10:30 9:00 9:00 2•Mighfy Mouse 2--LateMatinee 2--PerryMason I I•Hallsof Ivy 2•G-E Theatre 2•Danny Thomas 13•!fa'ianFeature 4--PeopleAre Funny I:00 4•Dinah Shore 4•Twenfy•-One 4--Ruff and Reddy 4:00 7--DickClark 2--Pic.For Sun P.M. I I:00 5•TV Read. Digest S•Racket Squad 5--Movle 9--Mi!lionDollar Movie 4•Mr. Wizard 7•Sid Caesar 7•Voice of Firestone 2---Heckel & Jackie 7--Movle I I--Tomahawk 5•Mr. andMrs. North 9•Parls Precinct 9•Harbor Command 4:30 8:00 7•Youth On The March I I• I I•Man Behind.the Badge 11:30 2•Stu Erwin 4---PerryComo 9•Baseball 13•M.ovie 9:30 ::2--Saturday Playhouse 9•Baseball $•Crusade in Pacific I I--Baseball 9:30 13•Sports 7•Oountry Music Jubilee 13•Movle 2--AlfredHitchcock 2--D-ecemberBride 4--Andy's Gang 5•ErrolFlynn 4•AlcoaTheatre 5•Top Secret $:00 I I•Abboft & Costello 1:30 7--DamonRunyon Thea. 5•Tomorrow'sChirrups 7--Johns-Hopkins 2•Susie 8:30 4•Cathollc Hour I•Dick Powell I I•lnnerSanctum 4--Subi. is Jazz 2--Top Dollar 5--Movie 9•AD World 7•TopTunes- Walk •2_.•Jimmy 12:00Dean I I•Mov|e 5•Mr. & Mrs. North 7•Mayor's Conf. I 0:00 9•SclenceFiction ß"!•.4--True Story 13•Movie I I•Amos & Andy I I•Sporfs 2•(•uiz Proqram I'0:00 "S--New Horizons. 5:30 13•La PreguntaMusical 13•PressConf. 4--Loretta Young , 2•Sfudio One 7--Tl•eBontempis 2•Horse Rase 9:0C 2:00 5--Warner Bros. Premiere 4•Suspicl.on '9---Anlmal.. Kingdom 4--Askthe Camera 2•Oh Susanna 4--CitizensSearchlight __ 7•Mike Wallace- 5•Prof. Boxing ß'" :., .•: . 12:30 5--Movie 4•Polly Bergen 7•Dean Pike ..... 9•Movle 9•Movle I I•Sfudio 57 13•Newsreel ;;•' )'•'/•/:. •,tective.•.-• .... Story. . 7•JungleJim 5•Movie 13•ForeignCorres. PAGE ELEVEN

:-;..',•:•:',:,'.• , -. / •-,--•...... I I--Publlc Defender 7--West Point 9--0. Henry Playhouse__ 10:30 9--Movie I I--Highway Patrol Rocket Experts 7--Men of ,Annapolis 13--Counterpoint 10:03 I I--Dr. Hudson 10:30 4•This Is Your Life I I:00 2--Pres. Eisenhower 5--Medic .'".'•.•::'. •,. - '.'.i.... ': <: '"...' ":'•' f :?"'-:'•' ..7.'.::' '.:.... "" . ' ....-½- 4•The Vise 2--The Late News 7--Boxing ' • ß '..• ' ':"., ":...... :•...... ":.' .,..'..? - .':'.:.'i:-•.s:Ji?:'.'::... :::•:-:::':!:':?• 5--Racket Squad 9--Movie 4--.I.M. McCaffrey 7--26 Men 11--20th Century Fox 5--Night Beat I I--Gourmet Club 10:30 ß :7: ...... '."...... '.•'.•'' ....'' :':"... '...... ;.:•::•!i:i!i•?.'.-•.ii::•.•::;.:.-...... •... "':: 7--Shock Thea. 13--Movie I I--News I I:00 2--U. S. Steel Hour 11:15 4--Code Three 2--The Late News ß '- '.'-- . .•. ß :?-..•::.::::.•:?•.!:::':?-:.•:i::':!-•:. :' .*.....- ..:... ½..:..;:- ß :-' • ...... ' •'.•.•:•2:'-'"'•'•' . '".,• i- 2--The Late Show S--Sheriff of Coehlse ß .•: • .. :.:.-.-.-•..:.•::::.:.:.:.: ...•.•:.:.... ;...... - . ß . •..-. ..:.:...:.:...... :..•, • -. . . 4--Jack Paar 4--J. M. McCatfrey 13--Western ß " . . .!." !•4>.:i:i:?::•:::?:?•S".:'".:.: ' . ." ß • . '•.• .':"--< ?:•:?'i:i:-":'• ..- •..ß • 7--Sh'ock Theatre .' .' :-:.: .... '..: ; ...... : 7--Movle I I:00 I I--Sports 5--Night Beat I I--News 2--The Late News • ..: ..:...-...... ::.:.--, ...... ,•,,.,-..... :-: ....•. . •:'-.•%,,.:•:•' ....- •.::. . . • ..:•:%ø-.ß . .'. . •.:•.-- '• ,' I 1:30 4--J.ohn McCaffrey ß"-':-:---- ß .. .-.-::'.:'>.: ß ....."ß 11:15 ß .:- ' . ":'•-' '...<':.::iL•.ii.'-- :' ß...-...... ,..½"'• ß .- ..... ,•e•.-. ß.....-..•:• :..:... ß ...½ • .....ß .'-' •... 9--Movie 5--Niqhf Beat .: \ • .-• .... :. -:...... :::.:...... ,.-:. •. • . •...•....• • 2--Movie 7--Shock Theatre •. "- • -•L ..... " "' ... :•'• •. ' :" ...... :...... •...-.-..::•...... ß ...... :. •.• ..x•.•¾...-.-.:: . . 12'40 4--Jack Parr I I--News k!.::'': \.,ß , . ß?"....• .;" ' ': ...... ß.-:. ....'-...... < ..:...... ß &..-.:.:.•...... ::...:::,-...... -:•:..,, ...... ;:.ß x- 2--The Late, Late Show I I--Sports 11:!5 .....' " ..-;?'•::.?'½'--"•L../-- -':-"---".•:•" ::.":"•! 12:,30 5--Mr. and Mrs. North 2--The Late Show 4--Jack Pear I:10 •',.:• ;';:?-,;.'•.;•½•:"":...•,.,•;.•'.=;. .:.• ...':...,:-:::: ="?'::.•,.. ..• I I--Sports Time •. ;: -;'!.- .-: ..:..::.::•(•.•i.....½ ":'. ": .'.'.-o-. TUESDAY -.... !' ..-..•:.::ß ,. ....:.- ,."i'; ":'-.•.'..'...x;z. :'-.:i •½..:•::::::•::}::.:-' - . .•.:. 2--Late, Late Show - ' ' ß.... ':: - /' •' t • ß ..-:::::". ,-z.. ,. -': . ..•,• ß : -: ....ß ..: :•:-:. • .-:-.-.... '-'--'-'- 12:50 ••,.... •,..x,.- ".' . . :¾-•-:•. < - ...... ß :.::.-:- :::E" ':" •' .•.i..• :•' :: ß ..:": ..:!:.:.!:';.i•::" :- .•'•.-..x..'" ' MAY 20 2•The Late, Late Show ß --,::-.,,,,..-.....::.:.•?:> •: •:::.:•- .: ;.--• ..;:;....?.•.•?::-•-,,,,,' 5:30 : ::-.."-..':'-,,' .t==.-:i':'=" .';:.-:i•i:;::.'.• .- ::= i..:i,½::::.•:•, .... ß...... •:!:::::!'..:.iii•" ...%...'-•. ;Z--The E•rly Show WEDNESDAY i:.•-:'.'.'=-:-••. ß. i":/'•-i?-:"'-,•:.... '..i•,,:•;. :.-:'.:::;•:::•i:: :•::,f:: • ..... :" ...... !::'•:, ,':'. % ' •--Movle Four •'!'-•;'•'&:•.?..•.-:,. -"' ,,. ..ß •:"'•?...... ' ..':-.i '...'" :....:::•! ' >'.,:.- ß . ' -:-:-'.!•. ' •.-,• •,::...> .. :.:-'.. '"'..-. ' :-.---'.. ; - . ... .•-'..:.•:..'-::•'>: <..:•:¾"' .• . '*' . ß ' :•' '. -.'" , I' ':" ." ß.::::::::'-.::::::::.:::.::.• ß•-:.. .. • ... ..-"-' 7--Mickey Mouse Club MAY 21 I I--,'.bbott & Costello THURSDAY ß • .:.:-:.:...... :. . .:::::: .. . ß .. 5:30 ß . • :-. ...'.-. . • - --:-..::.- ... :.< +.' :.."...... 6:00 ß ...... : . •..• . . .. :... 2--The Early Show ...:•'"' .-:-'-.... .•,• 'vi•L '...... ß:..::::::•:....::...... ?:::.. :.:.::...:'...-'.: ß ...., .-.. -'-' $*%.•-4.- ß -i.ßßß ß ' ....".:•.•. ::i:i:ii-""i...... ß...•. -. . 5--Cartoons 4--Mov•e 4 MAY 22 ...... , ...-.-.. v.;-:-'":':::"::i•'?-:::.. :..-.-.:-.:.:.:4.- ,,- • •.:•. .. ' ' '. '" •.-.: 7--Lifile Rascals ß v..,,½:::::::;::.-.-.- ..• ..:::::::'-.::.:::::.-.. . : -• ½.:"',', ß • ... 7--Mickey Mouse Club ;7:::.:-'.'-"-:::'•:•:.?..E.'=•ii:.-".-'.•:-. '...... =>4::. '.. :: "' .",,-,•:'• . -. 9--Movie 5:30 ..:.....<.. -!:•::..::::.....•-.•. .: - , ...... -'.•.- I I--Abbott & Costello ß.. •,•,.:-,c.... :.:;•:. '-.•',' ....-.".---"• : ß.' ...... ' .-: .' :" 4.-.-'.'-':' '.... ' I I--Popeye 2--Movie 6:00 :.: .-:::-'-:...... • ß ... v ...... 'ß '" 6:30 4--Movie 4 5--Bugs gunny .: .. :.. 5•Looney I unes 7--Little Rascals 7•Mickey MouSe'Club ... I I--Abbott & Costello 7--DangerousAssignment 9--Roy Rogers •gt. Ernie Bilko (Phil Silvers) with his buddi , !lensha• I I--Amos & Andy I I--Popeye 6:00 (Allan Melvin, left) and Rocco (!larvc) L'mbeck, right), pre- 13--Heritage 13--Richard Willis 5--Car;-oons pares to shoot off ß rocket alongside the window o th color. el'.• 6:45 bedroom in a scheme to s"tre the officer into taking 't wtcation. 6:30 7--Terry Tell Time The •cen½ is from tl•e May 23 prescntation of the Phil Silvers 4---News 5--Lo.onev Tunes 9--Roy Rogers 7:00 Show, "You'll Nevcr Get Rich" over the CBS Televiston Netxxork. 7--Beulah I I--Popeye the Sailor Sponsors: 'rocter& G•tmble Co. nd R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. 2--World News I I--Amos & Andy 13--Richard Willis 4•Jackie Gleason 13--D•scovery 6:30 5•Judge Roy Bean 6:45 5--Looney Tunes 7--Sports 4--News 9--Terryfro.on Circus 7--Damon RunyonThee. I I--Arrros & Andy • I--Kevin Kennedy 7:00 13--Heritage 13--Bowllng 2--World News 6:45 7:15 4--Death Valley Days 2--News 5--Sword of Freedom 4•News ?•ohn Daly--News 7--SForts 7:00 I I•ohn Tillman 9--Terrytoon Circus 2--7 o'clock Rapt. 7:30 I I--Kevin Kennedy 4--Boots and Saddle 7:15 2--Name That Tune S--Range Rider 4•Treasure Hunt 2--News 7--Sports 9--Cartoons S--Waterfront 7•1ohn Daily--News 7--Cheyenne I I--John Tillman--News 7:15 Post Time USA 7:30 Z--News I I--Western 2--1 Love Lucy 7--John Daly 8:03 4--Wagon Train I I--News 2--Mr. Adams and Eve 5--City Assignment 7:30 4•George Gobel 7--Disneyland 2--Sqt. Preston 5--Sherlock Holmes 9--Post Time USA 4--Tic Tac Dough 9--Baseball I I--Bishop Sheen 5--White Hun:er 13--Wrestling 13--Movie 7--Circus Boy 8:30 8:00 9--Post Time US,A I I--Wkir!vbirds 2--Drama 2•Leave If To Beaver 5--City Assignment 5--Mr. LisfrictAttorney 13--Eye Witness 7--Life of Wyaff Earp I I--Life With Father 8:00 11--Sportscholar 2--Richard Diamond 8:30 13--Movie 4•Groucho Mary 9:00 2--The Big Record 5--Ray Milland Show 4--Fafhe: Knows Bed 7--Zorro 2--To Tell the Truth 5--Hy Gardener I I--Fast Guns 4--McGraw 7--Tombstone.Territory 5--Movie I I--Mama 8:•0 7--Broken Arrow 13--Movie I I--Baseball 2--Climax 9:00 13--Sports O Phone 4--Dragnet 2--The Millionaire 9:30 5--Douqlas Fairbanks 4•Kraft Theatre 7--Real McCoys 2--Red Skelfon 5---Movie I I--Frontier Dr. 'l--Pres. Eisenhower 7--Ozzie & Harriet 13--All Star Movie 7--Pa'nfom;ne •u|z I I--Badge 714 9:00 9•Favorite Story 9:30 'l--The People's Choice I I--Bowling Time 2--I've Got A Secret 5•rof. Wrestlina I 0:00 4--Kraft Thee. 7--Pat Boone 2--$64,000 (•)uesti•n $--TV Read, Digest 9--Nightmare 4--Calif:ornians T--Scotland Yard I I--Publlc Defender



ß I I--abbott & Costello ..- I' 9:30 9:00 '1't.tlt•!!. !¾i .,\ ' 2--P!ayhouse90 GARDEN'"'"'"' SH 2-8880 ' /4--Ernie Ford 6:00 2•Phil Silvers 204 MARKET ST.. PATERSON ' '9--DatelineEurope 5•Buqs Bunny 4•M Squad 7--Little Rascals 5•Medlc :i.'/7"-Navy'Log HELD OVER :; I I--Adventure 9•R0y Rogers 7•Frank Sinatra •Popeye the S•ilor Man 13•Baseball I0:00 13•Richard Wilis WILLIAM The 4•Rosemary Clooney 6:30 9:30 7•P•nel Show 5•Looney Tunes 2--Sch!itz Playhouse 9--Movie 7•Bvl:.ne 4•Thin Man I I--The Whistler ! I•Am.os & Andy 5•Biq Sto•y Hot 13--Curtain Call 13•Discovery 7•Patricia Munsel 6:45 9•Baseball $uenmer 10:30 CINEMASCOPE 4•News I 0:0• COLOR by DE LUXE 4•Jane Wyman 7:00 7•--Falcon 2•Lineup I I--Captured 2•World News 4•Boxing 4•SJlen'tService 5•C=reenwichVii. Party 5--Sai!orof Fortune 7•Comedy Playhouse ! I:00 7•Soorts 9•Movie 5- I- 58 2--The Late News 9•Cartoons 13•AII S•,' Movie "IIow Can You Think O• Love-- When All You I I•Kev/n Kennedy 4•J. M. McCaffrey HaveOn Your Mind !s Women" 5•Nighf Beat 13•Make Up A Story 10:30 7•Shock Theatre 7:15 2•Person to Person I I•News 5•Officlal Defective z•News 7•HarborCommand i--John Dalv- News ,j• I I :!5 I I--News - John Tillman REGALSCOPEA • "•F.•-t • . II :00 PICTUREß .'•,•, . ' ' '• " •'•'•'2--TheLate Show ß-- •f .•: -- •. •:• ß . • , • ... •:30 2•The LateNews •.. ß •.. •:•4,--JackPear ARegal idms, Inc Pr•ucl,•. Releasedby20lb Cenlury-E0z =•'•}/I';-Spørts' Time 2--Gerald McBoing 4•John M. McCaffre¾ 4--Truthor Consequences5•NJ•ht Beat :2- !1:30 5•O.S.S. Adv. 7--Shock Theatre ' 9•'Headline l--Adv. of Rin Tin Tin 9•Movie 9--Past Time USA I I•News 'r/ 1:05 11--Movie , ,."-J2•Le•,Late Show 13--Movie I ! :J5 8:00 2.--The Late Show 4•Jack Pear CO. 2•Trackdown I I•Sports 4•Wesfern 5--Star and Story 11:30 Heating Systems 7•im Bo•ie 9•Bos•onBlackie Installed 9•Baseball I I•Movle I I--Drama AE 4-8050 l•ledo.n, N.J.

., 8:30 !2:00 ....•- 5:30 5•Mr & Mrs. North ; 2•Zane Grey •" 2--The Early Show •The Life of Riley 1:15 EEADINGS AND ADVICE -• .,4---Movie 4 5•Rackef Squad 7•.Mickey Mouse Club 7•l-lawkeye 2•The Late, Late Show NICHOLAS DELUC.CIA, JE. by

._ MRS. KATHEEN Nicholas De.Lueeia, Jr., of Pat- will help in all problems of life erson, prominent in civic and fra- Answer all questions. ternal circles, was feted Satur- Private card and palm reading. by Arnold day night by the Passaic-Bergen- 'NOTHINGBUT THE TRUTH Morris Counties Funeral Direc- Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tel. LAm•rt 3-2643 tors' Association at the Swiss Ta- 15 Church .St., cot. V•n Houten vern. DeLuccia, immediate past P,•terson, N.J. ARE' THE president of the organization, was lauded for his service and "out- No appointment necessary. standing contributions."

Banquet • Wedding F•cilities Legion Post Seeks Uniforms PROSPECT PARK-- The Color Guard of Prospect Park Memor- ial Post 240, American Legion, is in need of uniforms. Rienk R. Kay, color sergeant, has request- ed Legionnaires who may have uniforms which no longer fit them, to donate the uniforms to the post. Distribution will then be made to members who, desire. to participate in various post functions which require the Le- gion uniform. MANZELLA'S The post has prepared a pro- PINK ELEPHANT gram which includes several par- Italian-American Cuisine ades. Kay said the color guard of the "Wooden Shoes" post endeav- LOBSTER ors to have 20 to 25 men in full unifo.rms for the parades. SPECIAL•Y Uniform donations may be 466 PASSAIC AVE. made. to Kay who may be reached • 3-9479 LODI, N.J. at ARmory 4-5044.



JAN'S heart gave a leap when she saw "Look. This isn't fair, barging in on you him sitting there. in the dimly lighted hall this way, without warning. Let's go out outside her door. He was sitting on his to dinner." She shook her head. "This will be much , kitbag and there was a weariness in the . ..:,. nicer. I find it pretty lonely here m have droop of his shoulders and his uniform . showed the weariness of war. For a mo- for a long time. It's nice to have a man to ment there, as she reached the. stairhead, cook for. Dave was the last onere" ,, -.. she had thought it was Dave Cotter, that She hurried out to the kitchen and soon some miracle had sent him back to her; there was the good smell of lambchops . ':':• •.,.• then cold reason told her that Dave would cookin.g, of coffee making. He came and never come again. stood in the doorway, watching her in si- t,-• And this man he. stood up smartly lence for a while. enough when he saw her was taller She smiled at him, her pale face flush- than Dave and darker and older and there ed, the red hair wispy around the small, ,...... _ •,•• was none of the light of youthful illusion proud head. She had a white apron with a in his eyes. Oh, well, she. thought maybe gay red parrot embroidered on it for a , %': •, it hadgone from Dave's eyes too before pocket, over her black business frock, and death"MissfoundPellew?" him. The voice was oddly she"Are was youslim homeand young for good andvery sweet. softenough.and musical, andthe smile was warm "Yes."Where's I'm homegetting ? out.I'm going home." "Yes,I'm JanicePelle.w, I suppose you ';Montana.I have a smallranch -- all -- Heyou're nodded.a friend"His of best Davefriend, Cotter's". I like to to"And myself."I bet you carrysomeone's pic- think. My name is Tim Ryder. I'm just ture." home.I- I don'tknow anybody here and "Noone's". He shook his head slowly. youup if everI got to.the Big Town.So thecowhands. I distrust sentiment and--" frayedhereanywayI am-aroundI often athebit promised edges.war-worn, I alwaysDave beat-u•)I'dW•ntedlook and eternal"So"I "Cynic!" liveyou thereand don't undyingJanwith believe lookedan oldin" true athousekeeper him love, sharply. in love and toJan'ssee theblue girleyes Dave held loved his sofor much." a long mo- '_'Doyou?" -- there,"ment."Ishethought said slowly. itwas "ItDave gave sittingme a perSheon .didn'tthe table. answer.and satQuickly down shewith puthim sup- in start.""You lovedhim a lot." theand softhappycandlelight. time and Andevenit Davewas Cotter's agood "I"Well,loved hehim justa aboutlot." adored you -- al- santghost ghost.thathovered nearthem,was aplea- waysdied withcarded this inyour his picture hand. I withthought him. you'dHe cleared When upit the was dishes,finished Jan andlit thethey firehad in like to have it." the small fireplace and they sat across Janlooked down at •he tiny goldlocket from eachother and talkedof Dave. he held out to her. Mechanically her hand Rather, Tim talked of Dave, of what a reached out and took it and small fingers swell fellow he'd been, of the fun they'd curled it around it. had, the dangers they'.d shared. Jan lis- "Won't you come in, Mr. Ryder?" She tened, in her eyes a fara-way look, a fumbled for her key and opened the door. "I can scare up some supper for us and she really heard half of what he was say- and •/ou can tell me all about Dave--" dreaminglooksothat he wondered if He walked behind her into her apart- ing.Then it was time for him to go. They ment, his bigness dwarfing the delicate stood,facing each other, in front of the pieces of furniture Jan had acquired dur- fire and Jan moved close to him, her face ing her years with Colonial Antiques. She upturned expectantly, almost eagerly. motioned to him to sit in the biggest easy Tim looked bewildered, shy, almost chair after she had turned on the lights, frightened; then his big arms reached out and found her own favorite place on the and possessed her, crushing her to him window seat. with hurtingpower, his lips at first gen- She liked the strong brown hand that tie then burning on her mouth. held the light for her cigarette.. liked They were breathless when he released the lean line of the jaw that the match her and stepped back. "Love eternal and threw into relief as he lit his own. undying,"he saidbitterly. "You see how "You're lovelier even than the picture it is?" And loyaltyto my bestfriend. Dave had of you the one he carried around in the leather case. I have it here you wanted that, didn't you?" in my kit bag. I'll get it for you after- Why,you'veforgotten him already. You wardsre" "You're kind. I- it doesn't matter now She"Yes."Itwasawhisper."Iwantedit.moved backward and got the loc- I thought--" lovedit." "No, I suppose the locket's enough. You'll always treasure that, I know. He hitketAngrily, aand table held leghe it struckand out sprungtoithim. from open.her Timhand. bentIt thought so much of it. He would never let it out of his sight. I wondered if maybe it shouldn't have been buried with him--" "Youmanaged .toopen it anyway,'he "It should have," said Jan. "Yes- I He looked at the picture and his breath think that 'probablywould have been bet- ter." She still held the locket in her hand. that's not you, Jan. Thai---" Now she put it down on a tabouret beside her and stood up. minecame"No, either.outTim. in It's Ia notalwaysquick I. And gasp. knewthe "Whymwhylocket'sthere wasnot "I'll go find us something to eat," she said. "What you would like, I dare say, if besomeonelove eternalelse, butandI undying."still believe there can you're anything like Dave, you'll find in that cabinet beside you the ice cubes to her,all the •var-wearinesswas gone are_in the kitchen refrigerator--" fromHe hislooked eyes.at her and then, as.he went

-. The CHRONICL• PAGE FOURTEEN L055 APT UTAH ELLA uSE NARE •1l-•!lerwood 2-7735 I'E_A L S I H 5L ! M SAVANT NEED S :!- Res.FAirlawn 6-0666 $•I'1/,•91•l• OF and more colonists. The whole DOR TOE JAMESTOWN colony would have perished in The first tiny seecIfrom which the meantime but for the cour- ACE RAT I OH I H G •iIi•-:'JAMESS.SCULLION our nation grew was planted on age and ability of John Smith. SUN LAM LEO May 13, 1607. Oft that day the He managed to get food from " * andSON 105 "gentlemen adventurers" of the Indians and he forced the PREvAIlLED LED the London Company went idlers among the survivors to ELA PAD Homefor Funerals ashore on the James River, in work. On one of his exp!orin• F_.R ASE I DEATE the fair land of Virginia, to be- trips he •as captured by the In- 267,269Park Avenue gin the settlement of Jamestown, dians and veal from death, ac- NON ADE P! ER at Madison named after their king, James cording to legend, by Pocahon- ESTE SE.C ODES L in whose honor they had al- tas, daughter of the Indian REED F_HE TEST PATERSON,NEW JERSEY so named the river. chief. Five months earlier, in De- In the fall of 1609, when John cember of 1606, they had left Smith returned to Ea-gland, After the Show... England on their three shi,ps, the Jamestown had grown to 500 set- Susan Con•tant, 1.00 tons, under tiers. But during the following FRED W. GARDNER Paterson's Favorite Captain Newport, the Goodspeed, winter famine almost wiped out 40 tons, under Captain Gosnold, the colony. It was "starving bx • Civil Engineer& Night Spot and the Discovery, 20 tons, un- ti•ne." The Indians were now un- I•,'"'.'• Surveyor der Captain Radcliffe. They sail- friendly and gave no food. The ed under a charter i.ssued by suffering was frightful. Men ate I -"•'½• 1455MAIN AVE. King James to plant a colony in roots, bugs, snakes, old shoe I CLIFTON,N.J. that :part of America known as leather, and there was even I • \ GRegory 3-1234 Virginia. some hideous cannibalism. By The voyage was long and the spring of 1610 only 60 were dreary. lasting all 'winter. It was left alive out of the 500. springwhen the shipsfinally ar- Sadly the survivors decided to rived in Chesapea'ke. Bay. From abandon Virginia. Early in June SANITARY the shore the weary voyagers they gathered together their were greeted by the zingin• of fe:v posset•sions,and to the dole- CONSTRUCTION birds and the fragrance of flow- ful roll of drums they left their ers. The expedition moved up cabins to sail away in the four COMPANY the broad James River some little vessels left to them, hop- thirty miles and •noored the ing to reach England. At the Since 1915 ,.... THE CLUB PATIO mouth of the James River next . ships to trees of 'a low "island" '•'.-11 Park Ave., Paterson, N.J. that was. really -a marshy pen- morning they met Lord Dela- ^. CERVINO, Pres|denf in.sula whose narrow neck was ware's three ships coming up the under water at high tide. The bay with a year's supply of food 2 RockawayAvenue men went ashore and began to and several hundred more colon- West Paterson buil. c• a fort. ists. Happily the Jamestown sur- There were only a few 1-abor- vivors turned back and reoccu- I0 Mc•ee's Alley ers and craftsmen.-among them. pied the settlement. Jamestown Paterson the rest of them were "gentle- and the colony of Virginia were men" out for adventure .and the now saved, and from then on, hope of finding precious metals.. despite hardships, political bic- Amor• the few men of worth kering, Indian wars, it grew. and were Wingate, first president of finally ,prospered with tobacco as the governing council, G0snold, its main crop. sailor and pupil ot Walter Ral- Here in 1619' was begun the eigh, and John Smith. first government of the people A tort, a church, some cabi.m in America through the House enclosed in nl palisade were ,built. ,urgesses.In the same year the But the colony was in bad shape irst Negro slaves were landed from the start. During the first here to begin the institution o! seven months deaths. from dis- slavery. And withal, what the ea.se and hunger reduced the set- founders of little Jamestown JOHN G. KOTRAN fiers from 105 to 32. Captain planted became not only Virginia of Washington, Jeffer- Funeral Service m•,•l Newport h.adsailed back to Eng- land with the three ship•, prom- son, and Madison, but also the ising to return as soon as pos- Cradle of the United States Ftme.r?l liDme sible America. 458 RIVER 'ST. SH. 2-4019 It was Janua.r• of 1608 before n i he returned with food zuvvlies -I PeterF. CuonoJeweler an Enraver --- SUBSCRIBE NOW I I I Authorized P.B.A. Jeweler end Encjrever Life MembershipC•rds - Rings - Pins - W•llets 204 A MARF,ET STREET EAST PATERSON, N.J. SW 7-6151 ß ß

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