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West Paterson ß,:.:• '•'• ....... ß..... 5:?", .,•' ::'• :';• .... 5:' .... .....,.•.g ..... •.'•......?:•.." • •-.-•.•:::• .,:'•.:........ •.:'; ....... ?½'½'.•.........ß...... .. .•,•':•••• •'"..-.: " ?ii•{.:•:•::!•:i::::•..'"½•'•)• •5:•'.).. :' .........:-i•'!::Si':::'-:?•'; •::::5"':":'•.'.;..:..:ZS:.:.=":'•'•.•;•.•.:i•'•?•... •.::-:•!• •.•::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::: -'"•' . ...... ......:.::.........: •............ '" ß .....- .. YOUTH TAKES OVER MAY 18, 1958 VOL. XXX, No. 20 .Wee.napNamed Democratic Club of Bo:ard Chairman North Haledon Card Party Friday of Elks CP Center At the regular meeting of the John C. Wagner of Paterson North Haledon Democratic Club, Lodge No. 60, B. P.O. Elks was President John Cochrane an- elected chairman of the Board nounced the. appointment of the of Trustees of the Passaic Coun- following committee to .handle ar- rangements for the spring, card party which will be held Friday GOODWIN - MAZZOTTA'S evening, May 23, at Werner's Grove.Chairlady, Mrs. Peter De ITALIAN - AMERICAN •UISINE Marco;co-chairlady, Mrs. Gary FinestIn Food•nd Liquor Haryford,Zysling; assistedMrs. Elyseby Kaminsky, Mrs.Don 435RIVER DRIVE EASTPATERSON Mrs.Betty Kushner, Mrs. William SW 6-9777 Shambura and Mrs. Sophie Ge- [][]•[][][][]x-.ß •..•. zxz.•[]•[]•2•••[].••[]•2•2•••• meinhardt. ß ß ... Thepublic isinvited and tallies ß membermaybe. procuredor by callingfrom Johnany clubCo- LA NEYE OIL COMPANY shane. at HAwthorne 7-6445. thirdvicechairman; AnthonyP. •E MarinøøfPate'rsøn LødgeNø'60' • T / ••••/•.• O • Milton R. Richmond, represent- ingthe Mothers Group, secretary. The center, at 1481 Main Ave- JOHN C. WEGNER nue,Clifton, issponsored bythe fourElk Lodges in PassaicCoun- ty Elks Cerebral Palsy Treat- ment Center. He succeeds Dr. ty. ,• M ARMORY4-8950 Frank Bridge, Jr. Others elected pediatric care, dental treatment, were: Denis A. G. Lyons of Pas- Itprovides diagnosticservice; saic LOdge No. 387, B. P. O. Elks, speech,physical occupational and lirst vice chairman; Michael Ku- chologicalphysicaltherapy testing asand well counseling aspsy- lik, Clifton Lodge No. 1569, B. P. O. Elks, second vice chairman; drentothe of 15.5the cerebralcounty. palsiedThe centerchil- William James of Pompton Lakes Lodge No. 1895, B. P.O. Elks, sprovidesc h o o 1 ch ai 1dNursery r en. Classfor pre- •i• . ON SALEAT ;•] TOTOWA Rte. 46 FAIR LAWN Rte. 4 •l• 0 ß •l•i .... ' Men.- Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. • ,• - ß . Open Sunday9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. •t• ß ß ß ß ß .tlt• llt• llt• tlt• •t• •lt•" Rag' $2000 ' lift • • -.--• OutdoorSteel' . .,• Play Gym $ 95 ""[lt• "8 Play" [lt• •lt• ß PAGE TWO The CHRONICLE:_ .. ß .. .... .. ..... ß . ß . .. Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMP• 170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, New Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 '¾iNCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1928, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. MAY 18, 1958 -- VOL. XXX, No. 20 _ Single Copy 10 Cents ••..... $5.00 a Year By M•il 11 LED N APPEARANCE Marilyn Anderson, soprano, and Richard Boyajian, tenor, in a scene from ".Cavalleria CONTENI'S Rusticanna", presented by the Triggiani Opera Workshop at Haledon's Cedar Cliff Methodist Church spring concert. The show offered Friday also featured the church's Cherub Choir, Shapel Choir and Senior C'hoir. FEATURES ======================:•:•:::•:::::::•:::•:::•::•::::::•:•::•:•:::::::::i:•:i:::•:::::ii•iii•iiiiii•i{ii•ii•i•i•i{•iii!iii•i•iii!i!•iiii!:•:•{i:!:!:!:i;•i!:`•:i:::••. ß . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---'.-. '•. Chronicle of the Week ß ß .. , ..,..,.•..•:;.,..,. , ..... .•]. ß .... - , .. - .•. -. •.. -•.. .. ß Fran Molendyke's Tri-Boro Notebook .. ß • --... ß , '..• :' ..• Strictly Suburban ...................... ß .•,,• o' • ,.•. -- American History 15 DEPARTMENTS . ß - - :•::••:•:•••••••••:•:•••••;•••:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•••••••••:•:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.•.:.::i::!::!:;!i!?:{iii::i:?:!::{{f:ili::i::i::!i':.•::i;:•i::.'if:•?!?;:/:•.•' -"e. Social World __ 7 INSPEC!TCITY HOSPITALEQUIPMENT -- Auctioneers,city offi- cials and bidders assembled outside City Hospital for inspection of .. Editorials _ 8 more than 2,000 items in the institution, which were auctioned. Editor Speaks .................. Let's Talk Politics ............................... ComicIcrc Television .11-12-13 :".-. :ii:• 4:.:{' :: :!:{' '.3!::-i:.:i:i ' * ::".":'¾{.t :.•:iii'.•:ii: !::i.:?:--::i::i:...."i:•:. ..'.::ii::::•i!: .i::i!:?'•ii!•!::: !:!::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================== ß C'OVER PICTURE- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,o e-. " .• ,,,.*u• * .. ,.*y.,•.,, ' •;4•:.•Eil•n H.oolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoolan, 67 •.,.-,• • ,•.. ::: ........ telair•Avenue, Paterson, Was selected as the chief execu- • •?:::.:•... • ß •i•on ß ' "' of the C•ty of Paterson during Youth Week. Mayoralty SITE OF GOD'S HOUSE The Very •ev. Msgr. •dward 5. Seu]]y, ;•retary, Fr• Ardis,assisted the youthfulmayor in planning pastor of Holy Cross Church, Mountain View, addresses the, throng day's activities. The "Mayor" is the first of her sex to which turned out for the Field Mass at Packanack Lake. The Mass was celebrated in lieu of groundbreaking ceremonies at the site of J"•!dthe office in thi•y years. She is president ofthe Senior the new church and school of the Mission of the Immaculate Heort :T..,•• at BenedictineAcademy,Paterson. of Mary. : PAGE THRE• . Cartaro Feted By Fidel,:ans .. PATERSON A farewell din- ner and testimonial was given for Joseph Carrara by members of the Fidelians and their guests re- .-.-...........-....... cently at Citro's in Wayne. Car- rara is the club president who left for army service to. which he had been called. Second Ward ::::.:'::::::::i::::::'.:::::::!: . GOP to Install :::-:-:-' . :.:.============================== .-:: =============================: .......-................. PATERSON- Installation of .................. ...... .... .. -:-:.:.:. , .:':::::::::::: -.....:::.:.: ... ::. new officers of the Second Ward .-.-.... .: :.:.:.:.:.:... Republican County Committee RECE, IYES CHECK- The Most Rev. James A. McNulty, Bishop of Paterson, receives will be held on May 24 at the Red check from John M. Nolan, KSG, marking the Bishop's fifth anniversary. The dinner was Bar, Totowa and Wayne Aves. preceded by a testimonial concert. Left to right: Miss Licia Albanese of the Metropoli. Helen Dalby is chairman of the tan Opera; Richard J. O'Brien; Nolan; James Farrar of the Metropolitan Opera; Bishop dinner and G. Moe Di 'Gangi, city McNulty; Robert Hopkins; Mrs. Alfio Latteri; Walter Hatchek, pianist; and Eugene Conley leader ,will act as installing offi- of the Metropolitan Opera. cer. United Vetera,ns Hold Auditions PATERSON Auditions for the United Veterans Musical Comedy will be held Monday night at the Paterson YMCA. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Charles "Tramp" McNally, di- rector, has announced several op- enings for adult singers and ac- tors. The auditions will give each performer an opportunity to read lines and sing. McNally, former star of Broad- way, Hollywood and the legiti- A mate stage, has directed
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