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10-4-1974 The iH lltop 10-4-1974 Hilltop Staff

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··our 1~ the 1 11c : 111~ ,,f litlcr;11i1111 . ;111 i11~1ru111..-111 ,,f cl 11 r ific:1t ic111 . i11f11r111 :1t 1• 111 . cdu..::11i1111 ;111ll 11111l11lii;111,111 .··

Kwa me Nkrumah •

The People's Paper •

HOWARD UllVEllllTY I WAllllll~OI , DC OCTOBf R 4, 1974 VOLUME 57/5 _ISSUE 6 Careen Week Howa•-d Co-ed Mt1rdered; ly Shibi. F~man Members of RNA Appeal Cases HolllOP SI.if! writer ·r11 e Offil·c of Career Planning FoundStahhedin Slowe· Hall- and Pla ce n1c11t brought lloward ay Dc111etrioua Powen Un1\·crs11y students together for The body of a Gr•duale Tht district police have pro­ the confrontation Bro. orfo8&l By Kadallah Kahfrc FBI-police atla..:k and that their first annl1al Carl!ers student 111 Fine Arts was duced. two suspects in t he case HllttOP Stall Writer pre-trial publio.:ity affected !heir Quddas, RNA Interior Minister. 1.: x1ll<•r.ation Weck . which was and is prompt ing lhe Ho ward found in roo111 ~33 Slowe Two historic cases will be previous trial . rcteivi:d 22 years for posscssio11 held lasl ~tonday September co111 111unit y to ,be o n the look Hall 11: 30 a111 ~l onday as argued this month in Southern The up-con1ing Oct. 16 case of an at1to111atic rifle. He i:. ~ _lrd thru, 1: riday Septc111ber out for : Robe.rt· •· Bob'' Jo nes courts and pcrltaps in Black before the U.S. fifth Cir..:uit prc:scntl)' serving a separJte life .!7th. an appare11t Ho r 11i~idc aka Lawrence Brosehart, 28 . communities .across t l1 e country; Court of Appeals will hav e "'ider se nt e n ce for 1nurdt!r 1n 1•rogr a 111 ( ·oordinator and victi111. New York native. 6'~··. 190 lbs .• Both cases arc appeals by ranging consequences. Parch111an t>rison . 1\ ssistant llireo.: lo r of the Career Charlotte E. Ridgeway. ~~. a 111eJi11m brow n, and short bush. citizens of the Republic of New In their briefs ' ltc RNA· ! I President l1na r1 Abuba~ari 1•1annin!! and t•tactn1enl Office, 11.t niilive. was fol1nd He is wanted 'for first degree Afrika(RNA) . Both .appeal) argued that as elc..:t5d officials of Ob:tdalc. 44.: Vice l)rcs1 dcnt C.rl·gory IJ. llayes. referred to under the bed in lier single murder by the District Police. evolved from a dawn attack by a separate though subjugated llakin1a Ana. ~q. Jnd Bro. 1\ dd1s (·arecrs Weck. as ~· a tool to dwelling with n1ultiple stab . Thi: other suspect is wanted FBI 3gents and police in August state. the U.S . constitution and Ababa received 17-ycar tl·r111s Jfc."Ll!>l' )ll1dcnt ..:uriosily about wounds in the neck. . The vict i111 for questioning, he is James 1971 on the governrncnt international la\lo' nrotect tl1enl tor ..:on~p 1r1n g lo pos:.~·~s J th.: JOI' world as well as a means ac ...-ording to police reports had Johnson. '27, 5·7··. stocky build. from prosecut1011 in tile U.S. se111t-auto111Jt1c. r1lll' . In atld11iun. been dead sin..::t· Thursday nigt11 ruff dar k. brown skin, and dirty residence o f the RNA in of p1 l;1ar1ng the111 for Career • Jackson, ~1i ssiss ippi . Their briefs arc based on tl1c Bro. An.a rc ce1,.l'tl J l1l c ~c 111c.· n ... e ll;J\ .. the last tin1e she was seen alive. All of our residents have keys to appearance. If you have any in· A police lieutenant died, ··an Amistad Case: ~ 18411 . tl1c "'h1 c l1 he 1s ·110 \lo, 111g Bro . .I lie w1..'C\s· at1ivitics inclttded Gil111er Hayes. M.e s id.ent the 1nain door, and all residents formation on their.: two suspects FBI agent and policeman were Indian Vs. the State ol Ababa 1:-. .J l)o :it t>a1lh111a11 wti rksbops u11der to pics of Conselor. discovered the body must be signed in and only a few contact either the District Police wounded, and 11 New Africans Georgia Case (18311 anJ a law :.crv111g l>wO ..:on~· urr ~·n1 !en }car ··c·Jrecr'i Ol1tlook for lloward .after bc:ing a11p roached b)' J schools in the area require or Bill Norwood of the Howard were arrested as a result of the passc:d 1n Oct. 1972 wllil·l1 tcr111 !> to r a~ult U111Vl'r)i ty GrJ(luates 1975 close friend of the victi111 . students to sign in guests.·· University Security. . . protects officials of foreign ( ·hu111ain1;arl A!>k.•d1 . c.llJrgl"d August 16 raid . The police ltJ7lJ : ••t'arel·rs 1n Education and According to I he Washington It 's not a lull proof system Miss Ridgeway was a student governments 1n the United w1tl1 consp1ral·) re..:c1\ell tl1 c arrived at the Lewis St. residence Altcrna tiVC i> to Teaching'': Post , Dr. L1.·roy Reddick s.aid but with the cooperation of tlie of Howard since August, a Fisk States even when those.• n1ax1111u111 fi,·e years. S 15.000 1n ·· < ' ar~·crs Miss Ridge"'a}·.dicd of 111ul1 iplc of the RNA at ti :JO a. n1 . to 1n thl' (;overn1nent and st udents it will provide some University graduate in Art; she govt.'r11mcnts arc not recognized property 1s 11eedcd to sc..:11rc ht~ I he l'r ofe)s1o nal and stab wounds in the neck . lie is present a fugitive warrant and checks and balances 1n it's also studied at Carroll College by America. ·rhc RNA also release fro111 Milan Prison 11ntil opened fire on the house after \d1111nistrativc Career also co nducting tests as to security.·· and the University of Wisconsin seventy-five se..:onds of bull-J1orn argued that the trial was full of the appeals arc ..:xha usted. I xa111inat1on l>a ce··: and ''Job wl1ethcr she was sexually before transfer in g h e r e, warning, according to resi dent s judi cial erro rs a11d thal ll1e ' U.S. The w1fl' of 1l1c I itlc !'> Kclc va11..:e lo a College 111 olested by ht.'r assailant . ·rhe Howard University according to the Post. Miss 1 of Jackson. plotted the assassinatio11 of New Vicc-l rt.'S 1dc nt. ·ra1nu Sa11J 25 . ~l ;.;o r : 1,1.•1111 cai;l1 session being Slo we llall originally was an Special Potic ~ a11d the District Ridgeway was described her Af,ter a11 exi.:hange of fire, the Afrikan official s. and Njcri 21 (Bro. Quaddtl!'> • dir~·l· l c d i>Y J staff 111c111ber of all wo111c n 's dor1n 1.1n1il Police arc working together in an frien~-s as a ''q u iet nic~ seven perso11s 1n the l1ouse In a lett er lb Attor11cy .wife) sc 11tcnccd lo ll1rec y..::j r!'>. 1 '1 c {'arecr l11an ning and Scptl·111bcr of 1QtJ8. 11 was then extensive investigation of the individual who was generally General Willia[ l'rcsident arc frc..:- unller bonds. Siiilcr l'la ..:l·111cnl ()fli..:l'. reverted into a n all 1nal c case. wi;ll liked by everyone." shie lded tl1e111selv cs from • • tear-gas and fire in a tunnel Obadalc: I st ated ll1at ··an Quaddus, pregnant dl1ri11g llll' Stl1dc11t turnout and resident . In Augl1St Slowe.· under the building. They were unlawful ..:ons111racy to abridc raid. • gave b1rtl1 to a ~011 t!t1ri11g 111volve111cnt was viewed by tile s tarted a ("o-cdu~· atio11al later arrested, along with RNA the rigl1ts of myself and olhcr 1l1c pre-trial l1l·ar111g!'>. ~ tall a) Sul·..:c'°s.fu l . The progran1 wl11c.· h l1ousc.•s provisional President l111ar1 ..:·itizens of the RNA was 1:iftec11 year old al tl1c ti111c "or~~l1ops were dcs1g11ctl lo undergrad. grad 111ale students Obadale l and three otl1ers wl10 init ia1i:-d by ~1r . Nixon. then o f t/1c raid. Kar1111 ~jJ1xllt1t:l1 "·as 11 rov1tle infor111alion concerni11g and grad women on tl1c ~11d ;ind had spent tl1e night at the !'resident of the United States • . 1101 tried in tlte fedcr;a\ cot1rt ..:.1rl·cr 1°KlS..'1h1l1t1cs for both .1rd floors. ~tcr1dia1 1 lli\I located Republic's off1l·e st• vcral blocks . . and till' l1 cads of 1 l1e U.S. hcl·at1sc of hisJL1vt·11ill' ~talU!> II .,; g:rJdllJlc Jilli 11ndi: rgrJtlualc 0 11 I Ut 11 and l: t10.:l1d i!> t l1t.' o nl y away. in t clligcncl' agcn ...':lcs 1n July \lo"a!> llO\lo' l"V..:"r conv1..:tl'd ol ~ I lid l· 111:.. o lhcr dor111 w.1th .a Last Sept. a nt:arly all while I lJ70 and c111hod1ed 111 1hc 111urdl·r 1n a !> IJll' trail a111.I I!> (}lll.:11 lltl U!>I..' l1e ld all da y C" o-\.'d u..:JI 1oniil pro gr a 111 . (one Black n1an ) jury 1n Biloxi, so-..:al lcd ·1·tuston Plan" . wl11..:l1 s.:. rv111g a l1lc senteri..:c. l· r1liJ) 111 lhl: l ·Jrccr l'IJnn1ng So111c st ud l·nls i11 Slowe Mi ss. sentenced J>re sidcnt ide ntified 1he RN A al> <1 grot111 llrotl1c.·rs Ta"'";ib Nl.ru111ah . .11111 l11;1l·1.·111t·11t corlftrc11cc roo111. blJ111c the lackadaisical attit11dc ~·J _ Spade dc ~tat1 \tau. ::•1. Jnll Cllll Ctl til e.· ( ·arccr!'> \\' ec.•k Robert Jones Obadale and six 01h ers up to I :! targcled for 1llegal U .S to wards sc..:urity in tl1e IJor1 11 as James Jo hnson years for ···consJJirai;y and a..:t1vity ." Si). 1\1 :. ha Sali111 ::7 were arrcsll"Li Jct1v111c.·:. . SluLli.'nts Wl"rc an aspect i11 Miss Kidgewa)•'s • assault .'' Vicc- l>reside nt llcki1na None of til e.' KNA ci t1 1cns 1n at !Ill· offi..:c. 1\ f(l·r sl·veral wcl·k:. cn..:oura~ed t ~ ..:Ollll' and rncct dcatl1. ··p1..'011 le walk in and oul Ana and three RNA workers Ilic !1ou~ on the 111orning of the al Pa1 cl1111an. tl1 cy \l.Crc.• tl1 c :. tJff 111e111hcrs and i11quirl' of thi~ dor111 al will al111os1 . ·· one have bcgl111 scrv1 11g_ state atta..:k werc wanted for an y 111d1l"tcd hy tl1e fl' dl·r.11 abu11t s1>ec1t1 ..: ..:a rl'cr Jlrcfcrenccs f e111 ale SI uden I said , ·1·11 ere ·s no Two Men Sought ..:r1111e. Sylce, the ft1git ivc tor guvcrn111e11t alo11g "' 1111 se ntcn..:l'S of life, for n1urder. 111 .addittun tu a..:411iring furthl"r lla:rt1..:ular 111anner that o ne can T tol • d istric t p o lice M • ...... 1n 1968 the Kepublic of New V.'hom the warra111 was intendl'ill 1)1 I1 I 1i!~ . uoc:;n .t . .. Ho.,,.,,. f or ,qUMttoftl"t, ... II community to .,. on tft• 10011 o wt Jo"ftl91'1, 27, a•7 ••, ltOO )' .._..., lllbunt. was thl' first Ilia c~ A u111vcrsit y spokeswo1nan objective of 111aking Mississippi According to testi111ony by (' arccr l)Jy. l1cld (1 n tor: R o~ t ''Bo• '' Jon•, •ltH '"" .,,II: brown tkln, and tltrt)' Lawr •nce Ao•flart, JI, Now and fOur otl1er deep South states 1; 111 i11for111"''f ·r1101nas Spells. ti e wo111a11 l1ired ll~ an .o\111cr1ca11 WeJlll''illJy . O<.: tol1er ~ . was a rcact l" d o·n tl1e ac..:l1sation saying, a ...... a.... . If )IOU N • • an)' York n•tl••, t':Z'' , 110 ltt., lnhlrtnatlon on ttt.. t wo 1u"'90t1 an independent Black nation infor111ed the that Syl"·c, i11 t c rn:.it1 onal .1i rl1n c:s as ···rhc University has 24 hour FBI lollo\~ -11p lo ( 'ari:crl> I-xplor<1 lior1 mH lum bfown and •"ort '"'"· oontaot ettMt ttta Dtltrlot Potk:• thru a vote of the people. A wanted for murder!Jlg a fill111g stl·wa rdess de ~tau 1'.f ;111 1s tl1 e \\l o.:l' I.. . VJr1ot1 o; l1rr11s \lo'l'rl· 1nvitcJ desk coverage . e111 c rgency He itl - nted fo r first ..., •• Of' .... Norwo•CI of tM Ho-'d murd... c.,_,,. II)' ttol• Dlttrlct u111.. 11ty Security. provisional government was tl1en station atlcndanl 111 W1sco11s1n. so 11 of 11 r1 1c w111111r1g I• > ~c1 1tl ..:01111Ja11y rc11resc ntat1ves phones and . ..:on l in uous I ele..:ted for the territory whi i.:h Ls had planned to go to Miss1ss1p 111 novcl1 s l · I JOl" t~·ss ,\1a rgarcl Ill 111lor111 s tudcr1t s abo11t survcila11cc hy sc..: urity guards. twice the size of Israel. 1\ll to work w1ll1 tl1e RNA . l .hc 1 ~ 01 , W:.ilk cr. Ho1 l1 have.· hi.' l'tt t'.l1arged !> lll'<"iltc JOb avJ11'Jb1l111cs 1n 1l1c1r Africa ns born in ttlc U.S. arc ho w ev ...'T. allowed Syles and wilh possc~ion of .in ;1llrgl·d I 1cld:.. inviled to declare New Afrikah Spells to travl" I unl1a1n1X'rc.·J stolc11 Ar111)' 45. 1\1 1110~1 citizenship. fro111 \Visconsin to Jackson. t~ rcl' 011 b.ail . Hru . ObJdJ!c.· I!> ..:u1 1111J111l..., 11:1rl!c.1pJlCd i11 the -Ampy Named Acting Chait·11~an At . on Tuesday Oct. on a nat1on-w1dc tour. li e.· s1"10l..e 11r ogrJ111. Jll v1s 1n ~ intcrcslcd 8, the RNA 11 will seek to It "'as tl1cn . Bro. Obadalc at f"c.•dcral ( 'it) l ·olleg:l' 0 11 :.I llllcnl' ol positions reverse the conviction of Bro. co11ti11t1ed in his lc,tcr. lhat tl1 c frtda)' . Sept . ~7 . ISec a 11 1I 11l'Cl'S.."JT) 11ual1fil.'.!ilions for Ana and tl1e others serving life M ississipp1 1; 81 requcslcd a acl-0 111pJny1ng sto ry.) 'l'\CL•lfll' tOb). Of Zoology Dept. sentences. l "hey will attc1npt to fugitive warrant and usi ng t~ or additional infur111a11on 111 ..:- ( "arl·er l:xplora11on • convince tl1e Justices of the Sylcc·s presence ~s a pretext 011 the Repu~1 ..: ol Nl·v.• A frikJ l'rugr .J 111 1~ 1l1c I 1r~I ul a nu 111bcr By Omo otuxbala University ._ After rece1v1ng his colleagues, Ampy's excellent Mississippi Supre1nc ( 'curt, that staged lhc surprise dawn ra1d-11n or on the KN ,\ -11 and tl1c1r o l a1.·t1\'1l1c) 11lannl•d h) the BS degree in Biology at Virginia career as a good professor, • t hey were si 111 ply defc 11ding his hon1c. l1 1,....:u111ing a11reals. co11ta ..:1 : 1> .(). OfllCl' ol C"arcc.·r l'lan111ng and rhc trJg1c dcatlt of tl1c Late State C;ollegc in 1958. Ampy did administrator and a man with a tl1en1selves against an illegal Nevertheless, as a rest1lt of Box 465 Jackson. ~liss . J 1J205. l>l,;1 cc111cnt for tl11s year Or. Cl1arles Brown, the for1ncr graduate work at Oregon State' well definite a tt i tud e, ,· 11a1r111an q,f Zoology U ni ve r s it y n1cllowed · superceeded them all. "dc.·part111cnt at ll owartl co nsi derable moving from In 1968-1971, Ampy took University. elevated l)r. l~ runklin nil1ilis111 to a sense that he was another appointrnent to serve at • Human Ecology ,School Holds lnauguratiqn !\111p)' ta l1is present pos1 1io 11 as an at o111 of h11manity and that · an [N I H · Post Doc t oral w c were all estranged fron1 t l1c A~ti11g l "hair111a11 llf Zoolog)' Fellowship at the 1University of­ l)c.·11arl 111en I . so r11ething. funda111entally· ou" California, Davis, California. Rowan Moderates l)r. A11111)··s rcputalio 11 as a that ..:o uld be recovered only by In 1971, Ampy began his Meade Speaks On Ecology good ad111inislr<1lor l1as been n1u1ual effort . After his M.S. in anolher teaching career as a C-11: 111.·tics he decided to further his profeSiOr of Zoolcigy at Howard By Carolyn Barnett widely proclain1cd by the entire Symposium 111cn1hl·rs of the facul1y and rdcar..:11 in Genetics in I 960, he University, he bagan. work on Hiiitop St.iff Writer By Valeria Rmli students and 1l1c departn1cnt. i:n rolled for his J>h .D. which he the improvement of the entire • l'hc 111ajor figu1e i11 !he facul ty ohtaincd within a limited s..:ope department . Since Ampy •• '[he problem of the next ~5 ·rhe talks J d 111 ..: U111tcd ··1:cology lor bla..:l..s has o.:u111c 1l1c nl'Cd 1or .1dl·11 ua cc Lia )' depar1111en\ al ll oward ofti111c. resun1ed tht post of acting years is not the proble111 of Nations \\' a rid Population to n1l".Jn s1111ply- thc t111cst lor ..:arc 11rowa111). Uni\·ers1ty is probably l· ra11kl1n 1\11111) ·s international fame char irman of Zoology Jlroducing n1ore and rn orc and Confer1.•ncc resulted in a great 'i 11rvival .'. !>.lid c·art Ro"an. Ilic fa..::1 ll1al 4.:! '1 of all A111py a. !>l:llolar and creat11·e evolved in 1962 when he was department, several changes have n1ore !lungs, but the problent of diversity of ideas bct"·een l 'h1rd 1ul1011ally synJ1calCll ..:olu1nnist lll:Oplc 111 J;.ii l arc hla..:k thinker whose work over four selected to a -tca..:hing jo~ at ~curred, tangible product of filting life on this planet to what Wo rld countrit•s and tl1 e a11d co111111ent.ator. till' n1.·cd f1Jr inl i..'llc..:tual years al lloward Univcrsily have Bcruit in Lebanon. Iii" six 'Year effo rts and his personal wi:. have,•· anthropologist J)r. i ndu s tr ia li1.ed nat1011s . 11.t r . I< u wan 111oderJI c(I J rc:.OllTl'C!> lll:i11g: Olk.'ncd to all con tribut ed significantly to te;.,ching al the American Margaret Mead told an audie nce industrialized natio ns tried to s)l111pos111111 last Thursd.1y on ~ 111> l.'.an U!M.' I ht•111 . Tl'gardlcss of hla..:k .>\ 111c ri..:a's de!lpcralcly U11ivi:rsity 1n Lebanon was a (Cu11tinued o n page 5) attending the inauguration for push birtl1;;ontrol as a 111ctl1od r:il·e. Sl"\ . IQ. or c..:o.no1111c his t o ri c al o ne , among his '"()l1alit y ol Life : ISSlll~ of Our needed education in ra ce • al of achieving ont• of their 111ajor • • t lie Sc l1ool of Ecology ·1·i111.._-s·- as rart of 1he 01lc11i 11 g .. 1at t1:. . relations. Sin..:e lt)71 A111py h~s 1 •l oward University on goals. whi..::h is zero-population l" l"rL'J11on1cs of llowarll ( ·arl Kc1 "·a11 l1:1s bt.'co111c well bl"c11 the Acting ( 'l1air111an of growth. 1- l owcve~ . tl1 ird world Wednesday , Septe111bl!r ~5 . lJniversi ly's nl'\\ S..:11001 ul k110\lo' ll a!> lxilh a iuurnali!>l and a Zoology f)cpart 111 enl . Dr. Mead e1nphasised the fa ct countri"''S -.:ailed for refor111 i11 llun1an 1-l·ology. !!OVl'r 1111 1e11 t otficia I . After Tiil' !>C..:ond son of the five that we must deal with things as e..:onon1i..: ordc.•r bl!'..:at1sc Afrikar1 . Tl1c p.arti1:i11ant!> o n 1l1e pa11L·I Sl'Vl'ral yea r ~ a~ U 11L·w.s11.a11c r ..- l1ildren of ~1r . & ~1r s . l'rcslon Sout~rn Blacks they are and not wait for new Lat in 1\ 111cri1.:an and J\sia11 i11..: ludl·d : l>r ll i ld tLI' c.·o rrcs1>0 11d c.· 111 . Ill~ was a1lpointefi A111p y was born 0 11 J11nl' 2:: 11d. o.:ountri1.-s would have to alter technology and 111orc new P oi ndexter . 1•rofL':.!'>or of ()l'JllllY i\S)i,la11t Sl.'..:rctury of llJJH 1n Dinwiddie.·. Virginia . sciences lo solve the 1>roble111s of their lifcstyll'S anll ..:11lt11res a) ( ' 01 1111111 nit y llcalth t•rac.·1i.:e . Slall· . 11.111 10.:d tu tl•c.', U.S. A11111y·s 11arents wcrl' fJr fr otn the world. St1c also explained W\•IJ . llov.•ard ' University . IJr. I flic L l cll·~ ,;111 0 1 1 to tt1c United being ricl1 or J)OOr. hotll ere Seek New Nation that using natural reso uro.:es Dr. · ~lead in rl.'fo.:.re11l·1.· to lhe 1: 111 s. Src.·c1al Assi.stJnt l <.1 ll1e Nat1on) . and ap1>ointed religiol1s. of profound Chr1stia11 we. already have sucl1 as c.·onferencc. ob:.crvcd tl1at tl1c.> l::xcl·11ti\1.' V1..:c l1r..-sidl·t11 for Jlllll.l:.sador lo 1:inland during faith . but faith witl1011l \lo'Ork I!> By Hodari Ali United Slal\'S has cffl"ct on the 0 biological pesticides as OJlrosed l·lcotlll1 S.:rvio.:e:. of tl1c A111cr1l.'all 110 good . so thl' ) tl1c l\l·11nl·d~ ,\d1 11 1ni~ trat1 o n . lie H il ltop Staff Wrllef to chemical pesti..:ides is n1ainJy poor as t/1e ··whole rest of 1l1e ~1c.'ll1..:al Associa1io11 : l)r. a l... o 'cr\·.:d a~ l)irt.•..:101 of lhe ~· o rk l•d-- A111p)• 's 11101t1er at a political issue. wOrld will l-Ontinue l<.1 v.·anl · 1 RN A ..:o nferencc on Black. Bl·11etta Washington. Spt! o.:i.11 U.S. lnlor111a11on 1\gc11..: )' dl1ring l10111c. l1is fattier at 111a11y thi11 gs ··\\ e arc 'i lrl1ggling to huild an what we (Allll"l;il·a ns) l1avc.· ·· survival to be held next week in l "he noted so..:iologist and ;\ s~i!> l anl tu till' i\ ssi~ tJnt 111~· J(1l1 11 "L.l11 A1l111i11i:.tra11on . (kinds of jo!Jsl. Iii:-. parenls 1tllle11cr1de11l 'il.'lf-relianl Bl;ack. .anthropologis l llll'll asked. 111 tile fin.ale of hc.·r !> pec..:h . SL·l· rc.•tary f<.1r :O-totllJ>OWl·r . II\· I!> 1•rl·:o.1.· 11tf) J ")'11d1..:aled 1.alight the111 10 work tor a livi11)!. n,;11ion in A1 11 c.·rio.:a . ·· President . ''To determine what people ''How do we alter our. lifestyle llr. ~1ead expounded on ho "'· 1)1.'llafl 111cnt of L,;11hl r. a11d l)r. L·olu11111i!>I . J roving cdilo r of A111py received hi s l 111ari A . Ohadele told an hun1an et·ology is ac.·tt1ally a tJsk havJ a right to the land," to conserve 111orc energy and ( ·Jc111111 o nt \' 0111rcss . l'rOll'.,!>OT ···r11c.· Kc:.idcr ·s l)i~·~t ." and a l·le 111cn1a ry cd11 ca1io·n fru1n J11die11..:c 1 : r id.a~· riigl11 at Federal Obadcle explained, ''according , produce 111ore l1l1111anity~ to Jll1 t political :icts into 111otion 111 1: Ju ..:a t io 11 . (;l'llr~l· rl'~t1lar ~· ur11111c11 1at or for the l)inw1ddic ·pt1hli..: scl1oul and l "1ty ( "ollcge. • 10 international law there are speaking in refercnl.'.e to Ilic lalks that v.'ould lk· l'fl'cl·11vl' in tl·r111s \\'a!>t1i11g1on U n i \' t~ r,11} . r.tdio a rid 1t:i l·\1~un st.J tio.n) of tltcn ....· ent 10 l)1nwidllic 1luhl1c Ob11d ..· le 1' l1n·sldcnt of tl1c three criteria I) who has lived· which took place recen1ly at tl1e of resol1r ..: l' :1111d eo.:on<.1 11 11l' l:al·l1 pa11L·l1~t s11ol..e on .1 l'o:.l· 1".1·11 ... 'wcel.. B.roaJ.:a:.l ing l1igh sc l1 ool 111 ~' l1i..:h he Rl·p lihlic ot New :\frida of l'rl'nJIJI \IL'll tJI Sl'Ve 11teen. Iii!> hr1llanl J\.'adc1111l· ....·.:ki11~ l tl set up a scraratc and 3) who has fo ught to stay loindl·Xtl'f. 11eriorn1:111L·c.•, in l1 igl1 ltCl1ool . nal1011 i11 till' fi\'C states ol the ··Q11alit) <.11 L1f.: i11 1h~· l· l1t11r,· of c.·ar11.. ·J h i r11 a tl1ll tuit1<.1n f)e ..:p S11uth , where Bla .:k thcre. Black. people in t he South have fulfilled t hese criteria, tl1 l· Nat1011 ." f)r . 1: 11i ). ·· \\'\l11Ll'll Sl: l1ol:irshi11 tu ( 'oll ..· ge . Y.'liilc.• 111 Jlco11lc. Ill' ..:ontends. J1avc a Tit<' i11!1t•1·<·111 t·<11111·"tlic·ti1111 rl1t11 J11l .\ which is why we have a claim to 1111d W1lrk ."' llr. \V ; 1sl1ir1~t<.111 . Jll . jol1111ali,111. l ll' llal ..r~ . .111d tl1c 11 .c· . Blat·k Asse·r11bly , FrU.11 /r.:. R ubi11 !1·011 . tll<' c111/1 · 111011 tu /11 · c·11:1rlc•l fl' Rillgt'\\ " ; 1 ~ .· Fri· The five states the RNA is l111 >v rta11t 11oi11 1s l 1 r o 11 ~]1 t 01 11 h:1ske1l1.1ll . Ill· re ..· l•i ,. l·ll 111any ··1::1rot lll'r l1 11a r i." as he was 1U1111<'d 111<1::11 1·a/11a/J/t' /'/":1·t·1· i11 /1111/1 seeking to liberate arc Louisiana, ,al lltl' S} 1111xisi11111 \\! ere: tl:t\ . Ol·t11IK.'I' -'· 112: 15 ll·a(l 111g .l \l.' Jrd ~ f(ll' his l~!lcd. i:xpla in ed lhc goals of the /eag11 t'S. 011d a .'il/C('l 'S.Sji1 / \t'illft' I. M isaissippi, Alabam a, Georgia lhl· l11i.Jnl ~ l o r1a l1t~ <.1l1ts lJ1llling 1lc1!1 ..·. 111011 <.1t th ..· R'.'I .\ ...ougl1 1 lo ..· al support for /eagtrt' .~ 111a11age1-, ti·us 110111t •c/ 1li<' 11 .111. Ill l r:I .:\idridgc and South Carol in a. The M.atL•-Bi:fo rl' rea..:hin!,! Olll' )1'ar ,~· t1uu l tl1l' JI R~ .:\ cititens currl'ntly first Black 111a11agc•r. S<•e S11u1·1s Republic of New Afrika was of age o ut of I()()() l•la..:I.. tll' ..t l t ..· nJ,·d V1r~11 1 ...i S1atc 1 : 1..:in~ l" UStly 1r1a ls in Mississippi, page 9. lurit1111 . 1 born in 1968 as a resull of a inflnls J1t•il co1111lareJ ro ~O ll t11 c·11 llt•gc irl 1 154. ll lil tic l:itl'r J illi :.11111ou11 ..::ell an upcornmg ol I ()(){l white infanls. 1 rJ nsicrrl·d lo OrL· ~o n StJ1 ,· (l 'C111t inued C1 n page JJ •

I • •

Page.2 The Hilltop October 4, 197• .

endar Eye On Africa • Ir Ats A Elipo •' ..,.. Weight Room Tutors Needed ___ Minieter Jam the apvthiCd Republic of South s.u1•1 favorite charity. WEST Open Bible Study KNOW THYSELF.... Block ii Afrika. He has been in South AFRIKA what Black does. Tutor a Black Afrika for only l 0 months. · GHANA : The BOvernment of •' • As f>art o f the new expanded 1.:hild. Come by the fourth Muhammad Malawi wu the only Afrikan Bul1aria . is to establish a • intrar11ural pro gra111 , llowarctl You 111ay nevtr ·have doubted Street CeRter. 1611 FoW"th St. country had diplomati livestock and a poultry farm in • ' relations with the Voster rqime. suitable areas of·Ghana. • studcnls can now use the weight tht· existl'nce o ~ God, but you NW : or call 462-9392, or • 270-4249. or 829-0840. ' • CENTRAL AFRICA GUINEA·BISSAU: President • training roo111 o n tl1c West side can't say that you really know Speab • of tl1e ~fain Ph ysical Education 1-lim either. That ls why you need GABON : Amba11ador C. Louis Cabral hu said that his • • Building ~f o nda y s - thru - Fridays to come to Bible Study. You Boupana, Gabon's fint diplomat country will have monopoly of • Miss Howard • f r o nt 6 : 30 t o 9 : 00 . may have gone to .church all to China, recently prnented his trade and expart and control the • The most relcvanl 1roup of SOUTH AFRIKA ' The distribution of foodstuffs to • W c igh t · tra i n i ng has many your life and might even be 1974 5 credentials to Vice President • black students (_lft Howard's credentials committee or the Un1 Pi·Wu . EAST AFRIKA consumers . • bcncf1ts. not the least of which religious, but do you have a In the best interl-st of • is tha t it 's tl1c quickest and working relationship with God'? campus. The Unit-.n of Student United Na1ion1 General KENYA : Few United States NIGERIA : Six NiprilN, • Howard University, The Queen's Fc,.lowcrs o( The Honorable Aaembly. lasl week. rej«ted ex~led educaled in roreian univenities • lcast·t 1r11c dcn1anding way of Bi ble Study is about bringing Coronation Committ~ has busineumen have been • Elijlh Muhlmmad. once aaain this racist country '1 credentials . have '1olunteered *'> participate • keeping o ne's hody at tl1e peak the message of the Bible to you willinaly decided that a Queen from Kenya. Their expulsion as always. arc aclivcl)'I cn1a1ed Thil was the fint time that the in the National Youth Service ' of 11 1uscular to ne and rnental and breading it down, for you to rrom each of the se~nteen resulted rrom alleaed corrupt in seekina •10 uplifl the hearts nine·nalion committee has voted Corps. A total of 3,000 cor1ccntra1ion . I f yo u ' re understand. It sin1ply tells and Schools shall be selected to run dealinp with members of Jomo and minds of students al for rejection. Afrikan niemben sraduates have reported for this interested i 11 stayi ng in sl1a pc. s h o w s y o u that a for Mi!iS lloward 1974·5 on Kenyetla.'s ruling council. 1 Howard University. Recent viz Senegal, Tanzania supported year's National Youth Service co n t ac t l arker J o nes at perso nal-infinite God exists and October 19. 1974 at Cr•n1ton TANZANIA : Prcsiden.t Julius even1s al HclWard have aaain by Russia, China and the CorPI scheme. l{A .l-1227 or Roosevelt Adams, we 1:11n kno w ltim. God has laid Auditoriun1. Nyrerere and PRmier Fidel dcm{lftttrated 1ha1 some1hin1 Philippines voted for rCjection The aovemment, here, is to ( 'oordi nalo r of :ntrari1urals at d o wn a heavlY rncssage in The following rules huve been Caslro of Cuba have issued a MUST BE DONE ft"ll' the mere wh.ile the 'United Slates. Btlgium ea11blilh a Niaerian National (136- 7000. pro positionotl lcrrns, iind we ure selected' to be carried out in 1t joint communique accusina sake 11f survival. to unite black and Costa1 Rica voted for South shrimp company. The responsible for t.ihecking iL o ut , strict and professional n1anner: South Afri_ka and Rhodesia of petlplc and i•s1ill l1we. hc1pe Afrika. Venezuela ubstained. co-operation asreement with dctern1ining it 'J validity und I . Ea l· h school will be a id ing racist reaclionarles in ' and understandina deep intt1 the Those who voted for Co"tinental Sea Foods of . I necessit y, und for act ing one rcquired to elcl:t Miss I-toward in ·Mozambique and Anaola. marrtlW elf the bt-.nes of black rtjcction .stressed thal ii was in America was sianed by Dr. way o r tl1c o ther in response. whalCVl'r voting r11unner tl1ey s<.'e The world Bank has &iven Busirie.~s Quee11. peclple. T(lcht~ as we take a compliance of the asse1nbly "s Adetoro, Commissioner for l 'i1e who le 111 cssagc o f 1l1e Bible 11ro 1icr. SIS million to help irnpro'1e the serillUS l0t1k al the world in Industries. The aovernment will is lo reveal the Messiah. lie is to Deadline fo r subn\itting country's asriculture. 11.11 SS Sl'/l (JOL <) t.' BUSI NESS/ which we live and 1hc directiol of IJt1si r1css will he n1ust c11nclude that there is but represent the people of the .government, General Aman will provide 35 %. . thal 's with a ii,l1aranll'c. But llcadline for notifying tl1 e 11rci.l' r1tcd l·riday. <>ctobcr . 4 11ne man wflt1 is unifying. country. llowever . pro per Andom has stepped down as the CAMEROON ' The World li h e rat io n is no ! auto n1at il' c·o r o nation ( ' o n1mittee of fror11 1 1 A~1 10 12 noon 1n t l1c feedina. clclthin&. sheltering, reJ'lresentation rnusl consist o f c.ountry"s armed forces Chief of Bank has Jiven $6.5 million to hccausc {;od isn•t going to fo r ..: ..· winner · 0 ..:1. 10th lll1 ..,1 r1c i.' Sl· l1 ool L ou n ge . cduca1in1. employing. and menibers of the libcrati9n Staff.' The new Chief of Staff is help develop agriculture in this LlS into ii aga inst o ur will. lte has 11cadli!ll' fo r e lectio n • arc Audre)' greatesl leader. teacher and The Soul h Afrikan security remains Chairman of the 11a\'l' 'tt, to la ll y and radi ..: all y. 8t l1 at S p.111 ., this will he Funds are needed to secure \ nLlcr)>l)i1 . l\atil)' llarn 111ond, guide black man has ever forces , rcccnlly atl ~ cked. the "l'he cv1Je1l..:l' of Iha! libcralio n gro1111ds fo r d is<1ualifi\·al10 11 . the Provisional Military Council: he the services of two doctors to 1\rtr.1 l\11ot1,, .1r1d ~l a l lil' \Vrake Ko k-a . rt.'t:ently appointed a ci\'ilian bci11g initiat ed o n this sidl' o f the ~ . Sc l1 ools rnust provide a work in the liberated areas of c:c>C>I> LlJ( ' h'. 1 the organizing Sl'eret°ll ry of lhe grave. and 011 tile o lhL·r sid <.' of 111 in 111 1<1111 o f S30 for support of· than the MESSENGER OF ..:ouncil represen1ing trade Angola. For further information, banned Black J'coJ'lle · s till' grav•· (-;t•d 1>ro 111isc-s u ~ that tl1c winner of Miss lloward ALLAH. THI! HONORABLE unions, students, furmers etc. to contact : Convention. " "'wil l Live fo re VL"r 111ore . Jesus UnivL·rsily. a banner of blue and ELIJAH MUHAMMAD. Th;s drotft a new constitution. Chief U. S. Rep, Movement ANGOLA : Repo rts here ' Il ic l ·t1 r1st. clai111cs 10 be this. whil e with Ilic sc hool's nan1e Sunday, Ocrobc-r 6, 1974. at 1 NORTH AFRIKA for Total Independence of • v,,,,,rti11.~ indicate that Afrikan, guerrillars . f\t c:.s ial1 . tl1is Liberalor. llt• appearing o n the l1anncr. anti an p.rn . in Crumptflrt Autfitorium. EGYPT : President Anwar Ang~la (UNITA), Box 16, recently ur11bushl'd a ~ upply unit \'erifi<.' d llis l'la i111 wilh llis Life, aw;1rdls) for their they Yca 1 t1 , and llis seC fi1. Hciward University haVf a tlnce Hepzi as the new Premier; Sadat 479·4980 ' village of Fazcndoa Tj:>bi ; elevtn Il l' ll 1ll t o1J .i t . will b e Rt:sl1rrcclio r1 fro f11 till' d c.iJ. No _l. ·1·11e J)eans rro111 all of till' in a lifetin1e chance tc~ sec and ·held the post for 18 mori.ths. Join the Organizations of Portuguese soldiers Were killed. ' .111rrl·ciJt•·J i t yolJ will publisl1 o l l1l' r rl·vu lt1l ionary leader has S..:hools arc asked lo sub111il one hear Br-oth~r tK a man 1hat The United States has Afrikan Students. Tel. 636-6920 • MALA WI : Ambassudor A. D. till' toll11v.• 1r1~ a11r1011nce 11 1\.'nl : <.'Ver clai r11lxl this, le! alo ne 111a kc general <111eslion for !he flight of walked with Gilli. talked with e,onlributed SI 0 million in US or come to room 281 , Office of 11 l1 a p1,cn. llut J l'st1s ( ' l1r1 sl G1wJ , anti studied under G(KI . t-'unsai has been rec;;rlled from hcl~ Egyptian pounds to Mrs. Studenl Life. VI I l: RANS Coronatio n in a scaled e nvelope ' If }Oll 111.!l'll ... pulll· d ii off. i11 tl1c real world. in to : l\tauri..:e Will1a111s addrl"SS Minister Jani Muhammad. l. /\ jlJl'l·lltlll' JO h {VA h i~ l u r y . :tl)()V\' Yes. lhcrc arc many, many \11Jrl...-i.t L1d y J 11tx-:- i i sound Ji k..: to 111u..: l1 of RULl;S and KJ:.G ULATIONS pr1ihlcms Ctlnfrltnting the black a good 1l1i11g'! II is! And 1t man an lt1Je 1 11~ . s 10 1111c .. I living in ignora nce answer. whi.t has 1he ANSWER ,_ .., Evt·ning go ~ns i11 good Studies has launched a Public cern, in1;luding legal. Stlcio ­ ;il'l0 111 111 ... O NL LIVING GOil this is the qucstic•n. The {'011,ulr tl1 e l>ca11 ul Vctcran-. '1 taste arc to he wo r11 Ille night o f Pt1licy , Fellt1 ..· s Pr1l&ram ft1r ll1gical . ecc)nomic and pt)litical. Pres.en ts 1\lf;11r,, !{111 . 2 1 I . 1\ dr11111. l l l ~g . of tl1c univcr!> L' and c..·11RIST l ·oro nalio n Hi-"'1)rahle Elijah Muhammad hlack sch.liars and f11r t11her Dr. McGuire and Dr. Mclrris. Jl · ~ US lllS S<)N. ( ' )1 l·ck o ul a (111 l';.i11111u!'> rtg.lit aw.1y . 3 . She m usi. bl· in goo(I has 1he ANSWER. and his prtlfcss111nals. wht1 dcm11ns1ra1e' 1hus. hec(1me charter members I ll;J Ill.. YOLl ll1hlt· St 11l';1 11 , \ el<.'ran:. Affa irs 7 :30 p .111. l)r ~ "' ll;.i 11.... i11 till' exceedi11g I 00 words. understand. This Sundoiy. Oc­ A1ncrica. ISSUeS. 1ic1n , Wom~N . It ~'(: St t1de nt J udil·1ary IJ\Ul' K Ill ltiher fl . 1974 at 2 p '. nl . in '' Pnrlraits of '' 5 . All c:t ndidalcs n1us1 The pr11gra1n . ann11u11ced In announcing 1he beginning ~1 e ridiaf1 llalf .. Crampt(lfl Audit1iriun1 Clttne. will be presenled in the En· 11art1 cipall' 1n lhl' prod11 ..: lion 111day hy J11int Center President tif 1he Fellows prt1gram, Jt1int • • ll L·ll1t1nt· llall. see. hear a11d judge f<1r YOUR ­ vir1lnn1en1al Theatre opposi1e ' 11\1111hcr, Oct. 19111 . Eddie N. Willia111s . will he ad - Center President Eddie.:. SELF. Brif1g a friend a l11ng . Marlin Luther King Library a1 f1 . ('11nd1d.i1cs 111us1 alll' nd ;ill 111inisterct.I hy the Center in Willia1ns 11bserved: ''(This is) a 916 G. Street. Nor1hwes1, Qc. · Ho1necoming wo rksho ps and rehearsals. I c11,1per11ti•1n with Ht1ward Uni­ sianificanl step t11ward applying tl1her 3, 4 , and 5 at 7:30 p .m . Picas.: respo nd by Se11t . I M, versity and 1he Mctrt1pl1li1an the creative energy Llf black and October 6 at S:OO p.m. All U.G.S.A. Funds l packet :. arc avo11 1lu bl <.' a nd 111 uy be Herringt11n J . Bryce. the J,1in1 11f minl1rity views durin& !he up•1n numer11us writings of and 1111 l'11 1 r:111l' '-' 111t tl l 'hl' 111ckcd Ull in r111 . 1H .l ''/\ ~ Roo111 IO S L0t:kl' ll;ill Center's Jircct11r 11f research. early stages 11f pc1licy devel1·1p ·· hy women. This kaleidoscope ll o111l·co1t1111g l1arutl ,• arl' :-l' •' l i () n ( ' l10~ lfall . t) nl y ·Thanks! The yc1u11g sch11lars selected ment. prtKlucti11n r11llows the develop· .1 \' .111.1 11[,· l't1111ai.:t R11 lx•r1 ,·0111 plctl'd appl J,·atl(l fl S wall he l111porti.11t Busineis 111 inuugura1e 1hc Puhlic Ptilicy ·· we can n11 ltinger aff11rd 11 1 111en1 of Black female conscious­ llag.111'. 1X.I ( '1>e1I... ll alt ·or ,· all rcv1 cwl'tl 11)' 1t1 c l;xlernal r\ffa1n. \\ c t Ill' l7 u:- h1 <1 11 Show Fcllc1ws Pr111ra111 arc R11hert G. plo11y catch-up. tt1 n1erely reacl ttl ness in America from slavery 1(1 f,;(1-(1 1J1 11t IXI -~ t '11 r111111t ll'l' ( ' l1 111 1111ttc..: fo r tltlllll.'..:O llllll& DCSP McGuire. Ill. a n1en1hcr ~1f the pc1licies afttr they have been the present. All material. writ· 1:1 1r f1 1rl lll"r 1nforn1a110 11 , l 1J74 wo ulcl like lo lha·nk all f11.1li1ic11I science facul1y at researched. discussed and in1 · ten and musical, has been l·o nta..:t . 1 llOS l" wh o pa r l tl' IPlllcd in l' hc I).( '. Si;irvival llrt>Je..:t is H11ward U niversit y in ple111en1ed --all with11ut siani· 1athered by the casl, five talen· J a 11 J as11"1r . c· 11 a 1r 111 an 01l1 nom 1l' a l well· bcing o f pr11fe1111r c1f pt1li1ical science al us thal with11u111ur tin1ely input. the pr<"1uc1i11n represents their v" Va S! :t1l' l v,1! l1;1ll µanll' 0 11 1{ 00111 1X.l ··.~ ·• SCl'I ion l 'k 'Yc1\1 and Congrat11lalio ns to ;ill Afrikan s in A111cril· a . S..1uthcrn lllin11is University in ii is the public in1eres1 which 11riainal wtirk . S:11 . 11,·1. 5 . llall ( u .c; .s .A. offi ..:el the ~foJcl s . Rc..:ogni1111g 1l1c i1nror&.ncl' o f Carht1nll1liZ<1tio n 11( tl1e citizens in Dr. Bryce said the fell11ws are 1he tlPC ·vcar residenc" oeri1•d . ''Or. B.S. Black'', and ''Amen 11 .c·. w11l1 the 8bc ~ Vote Tutorial Program Cor'ner·· to his credil in 1hc past. ( 'ualitto n and have worKed with ''P11r1rai1s of Woman'' is a I Il l' ...Ulll hcrn ..:a n1 paigns over I he Nutrition and Dietary S.rvlie timely manifestation, whose 'Cll OOL Kl 1\ L l'l {( J< : R A~ I JX~lry and song 1enderize the co111111111111cn1 will be ..:o nlinuous WE ARE PROFESSIONAL HERBALISTS urgency of its mess.age 10 touch 1hro 11ghu ut llll' Soltlh. I lie S.::l1ot1I o t l3L1 si nl·Ss WE 00 ASTROLOGICAL CHARTING AND every mentality and conscious­ ·1-his year the IJ.C. Survival St11Jcnt ( '11t111cil·.,. ·1·u1orial ness. We hope 10 see you al cur­ Projl'CI l101>l'S lo take between DIETARY PRESCRIPTIONS l'rogr.1111 111 .1 ) 11<.' i11 0 p ... ra1 1o n 11}' tain lime. 1 100 to I SO ..:ollc-ge students.and \\ <.'tlrl c:.tlay, o .. ·tob.·r 11. "fl1 is )'t'ar ( (1// 11.'i j i11· till Uf'f'fJil/(11/l' lll ..: 0111111u1111y org11ni 4ers 10 !Il e ( 'otin-=il i~ taki 11 g 1 1;.ii 11 s tak i 1 1~ . lnf11rmation is available ·at ·Missis sippi. Al5 ba111i1.1 South h.18-55 1/Q or 760 l'flor l !> t o r11a kl' stlfl' tl1 a1 727 - ~168 . Monday through c·arolina. <;l'Of!,!ia . Tenn~t· and l lllSllll' .~!> ~ llllll'll\ S ;.ire )!l't \111g ! Ill' Friday between th:e hours of \\1 a~h111gt o n •. ll.( ·. As regJslration lllJ\lllllllll fl' \ \lf ll Oil lil <.' ir 9 :00 to 5 :00. • will hl' l.'.l1l si:J . 111 o s1 of the ,ll'!IVity fl'l''> ~ \\I._, :lfl' 'try{11g tO 1010 VERMONT ST . al·livitit..'S anLI wo rk will l·entcr • t111t:raJ•· 1Ill ' cffc•tiv.·11.. ·ss Of ::a ll ~ta\\.' ti Jro 1111d ·co111111unil y ~ 10li1i~I OLJ!' 11rO)!f:JlllS i r 1.: l L1t l i 11 ~ tile Victor Brya111 l' du ..: al io n 1 and 1· ,· o tcr BLUE JEANS I t11ur1.1l . 1\ 1111l1c;.itio 11' ar ..· 11ow I 11 1o hi l 1L.ali o 11 .1v;i1[;1 l1!<.' Jll till' S..: 11001 OI Tlie Great Debate li1 1.-.1 r1 l'S:- L1tlr;.iry a11 d till' ~lt1 l· h o f tile woik and DIANNA'S Stt1 (ll•11t ( '()l111 1.·i l ()ffiL·l·. If yo11 f<.'Sca r"' ll 1,,,_· 111 g Ctt ndul'. tcU is witl1 lll'l'J t1.·l11 or \\' ts l1 to t11t or. o t lll'r 01·ga 111 itJnal hod i\>s 1J1a1 • 11ll'a, ..· till o ut . till' 11c.·c. ll'ildl'fS "111 ";l)l t'f\ h;111J. the issuesi ill\" •l\'l'd 111 1 h ~· 11 ;1\'l' f;t..:l·J e ach ••thl·r t• 1ge1he r c·1}lJOcil OflJL'l'. 1· 11 ... lll·adlint' for 1·11.:- ( '1l1lJ,.'Tl'":-1o nJI HIJt'L'. l 'a l1c11s: r11 ;1j.1r s1uJe 11t g.1• \ ('flltlll.' n l cr 1si11o s11hr11i111 11t! .1 1' 1 1t 1 ~· a 1 i o 1 1 for111~ to i11 ;1 puhlil· f,•ru111 . aftl'f \A (' ~' k 11o •• I V cJ l l'r I dulal1011 l'rcv<.' ..:t of SilCcialiLitlg ill OPEN 1his \'l' :tr. the C1111 k H ;111 l·h;1r gcs. Ct 1u n t l' r ~ l· h ; 1 r g.l' i. . .111 J I ll!Ur JS l : r11 l .1~· . ()l'IOhl'T -l. :\tla1llJ. (; l'O r ~1a . Joinl l ( 'l•nt l.' r Rr•1thl.'rh,1,1J "i ~ I pr <.' ~111 ··THF West"t11 11 am - 9 pn1 T -Th Jos ..·11 11 llo"ard l1as h ~· ... 11 a;,: ..:us;111• •1l!> fli11ging fr,•111 ht •1h lo r l'l•li1 1..:al SI L1 d1l'!'> : ;ind Th<.' GR E AT D E lir\ ifF · Tl1l' H USA ­ ..: ar11rs 1S.1111e 11f v.h1..:h :11)­ 11a r11cd f)1r ..·ctor o f t l1 c l'rogra1i1. BIJ l'l \ '11ll' c ·~~l11 1o n 110111 of Cu~i1le II a1n·ll 111nf·S D .C . Pr• •j<.' ..: t C'• •111 r,1\'c rS) .. p..·arcll 111 Tl-IE Hll-1-T<>P I ·ti c is i11tro .. lt1cir11:! tl1 l' U."i<.' of \\1 .1 s l1 1 f 1~ 1 u 1 1 : l> . l-. ·r11e 011 \\1c\llll'Stl :1 )'. <> ..:: 111,lil' r 9 :11 • survl'}'S a1lll 1n1.. · r11;1\ ~ t a n c la r d s l'sSt.·11 - 111ul11l 11.111 011 1:. 11• 1.1\.. l· 1lfa ce FAIR PRICES - M :( ) () p 111 . i11 thl' (-,,,,k f-f otll 1i;1ll)' s.•ug.h1 I•• 111:.1i1u111111al11l' 111c;1:-Llfl'llll'lll~ Ill llfJl'f lo l t l~Ll r l' Jl l' I W<.'l' ll (l c t u l1l' r ~ I ~ ;11•rl ' . J_1• u r1gl'. 1-tUSt'f Pri: sider11 \ 'il·­ thi: D Pr11Jl'..:I . ;111d 111 :1kc 11 16 diff.,w1t cuts 1Ill' s11l:ccss of r Iii: 11roµra1 11. 1·11 l· c·. '1 0 \'1•111 lte1 ' ' \II L·J11 ..· t'rnc-d 111<.'<.!S ll r'-'ll ll'll\S \\'ill 11<.' Tlll i( till' t11r lir) ;1111 ·\\ ifl lll'h;1t<.' I) (­ :1..: ..:1•u111 ;1hll· t•1 s1uJe111 g1 >\'L' r11 - ! LOCATIONS •• .., ••, •• 21 . 42 11cr,1•11' .i rl' a:-ll'tl 111 ' ' ' 1!1 IJ)' lhi: o n goi n g evalt1a tio11 of till' Pr1•ject. Dir l·~· 1 ,1 r ~l ; 1"u . 1111 till' 111<.'nf . ll11 lhl· ••lhl·r l1 ;1r1d . .... - 11 .( ', S11r\ 1\.1I l'roJ~· L· 1 o f11 ..· .:. 111 ..,._.. 29 . 31 prograr11 tt1at it 11 1a}' bc asfl'l>Sl'll currl' tll s1;1tus ;111J fu1ure ,,f 111 ... Pr••jc..:t s11t•K\·s111c11 l1 ;t\l' Ct •llll' ll ­ . E 1 . . . J I c·f)l_) I.. llall 0 11 11 (1\\ard', l'.:11111111 :. 2M~7 Ge

• October 4, 1974 The Hilltop Pip3 On The Questiofi Of Liberation • - . -Jurists Lecture On petty-bourgeoisie, who must be ol Medicine-· - By Hodari Ali Thieu was their brotbeT wbile he . I - fought with the ume fervour as c ollaborated with U . S . The lectures are beins held in . torney. • Neo-colonialism has replaced we fight Portupl~ and South­ imperialism a1ainst the ,, A series of 1\.elvc 1L turct., another liUcceqful yeilr for thk ROl"lm I 008 of the Collqe of October 30, J 97' - Malprac;­ rormal colonialism as the arm or Arrica, the ''front men'' for Vietnamese people. ·fcalwina prominent juril;s and course,·· he adds. Medicine, every Wednesdly 1t tice - defendant's view; Denver imperialist plunder in Arrica. NATO in AfriClll . I Similarly we must register physicians concerned w~h lepl The Honorable Williarn 4 p .m. The schedule for fucure Graham. Etq., practicina at1or- ·rhe era of constitutional solidarity with the con1rades medicine. is beina offere~ al the Tho111pson. judge, Superior lec1urei is 11 follows: ney. independence did not smash Could Brothe"f and Sisters fighting apinlt black puppets. It who espouse Pan Africanism Colle1~ of Medicincl cvery Court of the Dilitrict of Oct,lber 2. 197' - Informed November 6, 197' - Lepl imperialism in Africa. The ii not enough to ''broaden the support armed stfugle for the Wednesday as a require ent for Columbiil spoke. September 18, consent; Profeuor Mary Wyatt. medicine and medicine; H1rold 1nulti-national corporations have buc of support for Liberation on ··An i11troduction to kpl liquidation of imperialist­ Knior m..:dica.I studenls nd ror Htlwar.d University School or Hirsh, M.D . intensified their exploitation of Movements i.e. thOlie recognized medicine.'' The sci:ond lecture imposed agents Vllho fetter the the benefit of the fac ty ;and law. the raw materials and the labour by the spineless 0 .A.U. and on ''The language of law·· was November 13, 1974 - The true realisation of the Unity and students of the Univeisit Ocl•lher 9. 197' - Vicarious power of Africans. fiahtin& apinst white rule. We physician 11 a witneu; Charle1- Freedom of all African people? ' given on Sept. :!5 by another D. liahility: Professor Oliver must let this congress also serve ''Thil • the fourth y ar we C. Superior Court Judge. the M1:1r1e, Howard University Epps, M .D . Some Arrican leaders operate In independent African states the strugles of the muses of are offering this course. l ~hich , llonorablc Luke Moore. SchO(ll of Law. ND¥ember 20, 1974 - lepl 1 as agents for these multi-national ··the comrades haft resorted to oppressed Africans in so called we Mlieve, ii one of th~ 111ost Both le~lurt-s hilve introduced Octtlber 16. I 974 - Physi­ medic:inc and the p1ycbiatri11; corporations. In their quest to armed struaale . Very few A fr i can states. There is no comprehensive offered jn the 111edi~ o -legal c on c ept ! cian-patient relationship ; Atxc• Gullaitte. M.D. keep Arrica safe fo r imperialist Comrades outside these ''states'' difrerencc between oppression country,'' says Dr. Lmwood prepilralory to a better Hlmorablc Harry Ale under. Dectmbtr 4. 1974 - Ltpl plunder and rape, they brutally meted out by a black man :tnd kno w of these struufes. The Rayford. auistant profe9!ilOI" of understanding of some problc1n judse. Supe-riOI" Court District m~dic:ine and the ob1tetri- o ppress the w o rkers and conspiracy of silence by even oppress.ion meted out by a white 1ur1tTy. who is , organizing the art•as a ssoi.:ialed · with the 1lf Ctllumbia. cian/1ynecoloai1t. • peasants. ' All over Africa the progressive A r ri ic an leaden man. Oppression everywhere lccl ures . ··sone uth Africa. flclro it . wi1l1 Bro1l1et l111ari support (from Blacks outside the Obadele and three or the otbe:n of lhc workers and pea£ants Significantly theit1 leaders are hi.:i.:0111i11g its first 11r1..'Si(lent in K NA and liberal whites), foreian intensifies daily . Jn so1nc parts invited to the Congress in the arrested were not even at · ine . ' ~tari.:11 . I '1 70 . support (via the U.N .. Afrik.a, of t/1c continent the level of name o f pro tctcol , while scene of the shootin1. ~ ·1· 11 c J is t i n~u is l1 c J - l oo k i ng and 1ht- Caribbean), and inherent struggle has reached the point o f 1.: omrades fron1 the l:itrean A D.C. Coalilion to Support .. autl1or ol ··w ar i11 A111crit.:a '' and 111ililary viability (an army). a rr11 c d i:o nfro ntation against Liberation 17 ront were nol . the RNA 11 was formed Friday ·· 1 ~· o und a ti o n s of tile jj(ai.: k Bro ther ln1;ari, who is black lackeys.. Meanwhile the so These stark fa i.:ts cry out t·o r ni1ht, which included such • Natio n.'' Ol1adclc ass'"·rt cd tl1a1 i.: urrently free on bond, ;ilso called Ji.:ad..: rs sit at tl1e OA U in some clarity in the definition of orpnization1 as the Commiuion • wi tlt 11 artial ll!J..:k 111i gra1io n SPQ ke in dt·pth about the lcpl sl1amdcss con1.: crt "''ith kno wn Pan Africanlsn1 . Dot...-s it ntean for Racial J ustic:e, AU Souls ba ~ k to till' So ull1 . tile ··New 1.:ascs fili.:ing the '"RNA -11 ," as it 111urdcrers. that we are brothers with those Church, and the D.C. Black 1\frika n s·· ~O lll•I •·asily ga in r esult or an ..\u1ust , 1971 Assembly. Edell Lydia of the Africans who ki~I our people. We nun1 1:.-ril·al su pcriori t y. Jlre-dawn attai.:k by Missisaippi ·r11 c Congress stands accused n1u st differentiate between CRJ pve 737-."!600 as a number I-l e .1.\so di "i..: USSl' d the poli ce on an RNA residence in of unprinci pled silence o n the rhc t o r it.: of anti-imperialisn1 a¥ail

• The flower orange bit- . ters: stir in symboli~s ~ • ANDG the last day of the A~ec QUl'-llUITL a tall gloss weel1, representing the over ice; fill with club soda; . . ' ultimate in true beauty and garnish with lime shell. · pleasure. The drinl1: 2 oz TO AGOOD THING. Montezuma Tequila: Y, oz Tequila Straight. Water sym­ boli~s the 9th day of the A~ec P.E. BRISEBOIS. DSTRICT MANAGER Triple Sec; juice Y, lime; pinch of 1110 New York Ave., N.W., Wmhington, DC. 20005 salt: stir in shaker over ice; rub rim weel~ . representing simple Phone 638·2014 . of cocl1toil gloss with lime peel ond and uncomplicated plea­ Us mear1s Greyi1ol11 1d. an d a lot of your fellow students ' spin in salt; strain shal1er into cocl1tail gloss .• sure. The drink: Pour l ~ who are already on to a· good th ing . You leave wl1en you I like. Travel cornfo rtably . A rrive refreshed and on t ime oz of Montezuma Gold You'll save money. too. over the increased air Tequila·Pineopple Liqueur. The Jrd Tequila in shot gloss. Put salt on bock fare s. Sl1a1e t!1e ride With us on w eekends day of the A~ec weel1 is symbolized of thumb: hold o wedge of lime between thumb Anyt1rne . Go Greyl1ound by a house. representing hospitality and l st finger: licl1 salt. drinl1 Tequila, bite into lime ,Ne¥11 York S13.40 3:00 P.M. 7:20 P.M. and at-home entertaining. The drinl1: in one flowing motion. Pittsburgh $15.70 ...... 7:00 P.M. 11::11 P.M. Richmond s 5.60 S10.65 5:30 P.M. 7 : ~ P.M. fill a jar half way with chunl1s of ripe pineapple: Montezuma Tequila. In White. In Gold. Philld91phi• s 7.86 $1,.95 5:30 P.M. 1 : ~5 P.M. pour Monte~mo Tequila to the brim: odd l tea­ Mode in the tradition of the finest ancient tequilas. ....rrt.burg s 6.56 112.45 5 :30 P.M. 1 :115 P.M. spoon sugar (op­ For odditionol Tequila Arts recipes, write: tional): cop jar and Monte~ma Tequila Arts, Oorton [lronds, 200 South GREYHOUND SERVICE place in refrigerator Michigon Ave .. Ch icago. Illinois 60604. And may ONE- ROUND- YOU CAN YOU Tonotiuh* smile upon you. · TO WAY TRIP LEAVE ARRIVE for 24 hours: drain Blan i.. 1u .... 0 00 00 00 OOOPti.'. U OOPt..I off liquid and serve Bla nk\ OVl. 1' 0 00 00 00 ooort..· OOO Pf-.1 . as on after-dinner 81J r'k!C 'A I' 0 00 00 00 OOOP t..' 0001~ i\ '. Blanktowr\ 0 00 0000 000f'i\1 000P.f\ ~ liqueur. Bl.J11 ktowr 0 00 0000 OOOPf'..· .\) 00 p t..~ IDB As o:: ~ oui age1 1 about add11 1or\al, dcp~11u1C' s ,. 1 ,: 1,, ·,11


"" .. GD GREYHIUID • ...... ~ Tcrr:•1vh .=..: ,e.: 1od .of 1he s ... ""' - <0 1c;74 oJ P· ,_ , . teaullo !3a··c D. •• '"· !...,po·· Cc '.e.·. ·f ~•f\ ·~e.·1 Yo'I\

• • Page 4 The Hilllop Oc;IOber 4, 1974 ' Bye To All That • The People's Paper ly Altllji Doda U-il The Office ,,.. lnaerutillltal 74 / 7~ ·· and ''Dlicun1cnt'ary Ke · ''Ntl, n11. I am """ accep1in1 ''Well, 1hat'1 all ri&hl ." Sl..Wnt Services. ,iften referred quiremen1s f1lf Adn1issi1111 ltl the any eXCYSCS. CtltnC Ill lhink o( it. ''Hey! Tell you what? I'm sure Editor ...... •.....· ...... Jawanza Solotnon Mclnlyte to as lhe Office tlf 1he AdvilOf" ttl Uni1ed Sta1cs·· AFTER he is there's a party lomorrOWj ni&hl . 1lad you called. Who know. lntcrnattonal Scwdcnls. i1 a very already 1111 campus'! One W•1uld• Managing Editor .....•.•...... · . • .. ·..•...... • F111nkie R11d Y1:1U don't have anythina a11in11 Thil could be lhe 11art of a busy JlCCCh 111a.i1ir ·. Studenl Association deplores I hat one day, somehow , • a cr1tH secti1111 11f 1he ftlfcign ''Nit, l' n1 n111 ." thC wanton and brutal murder of mysteriously, Blacks would slop By Demetri9u studcn11 we have in (lUr mids1 . Powers ·· wi1h th;tl v11icc . 11ne w11uld Sister Charlotte Ridgeway of committing autocide (homicide) yt•U find y1lur1elf asking the hel y11u arc. Rul )"••U arc in lhe \Ve shol1ld all feel responsible ror the dcat,1 of Charlol t~ Ridgway. anothl'r l1nfortt111at~ Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The on each othei. But such same old questi1H1 : "' Pray. -.·hat Sch11l1I 11f C•1111111u11i.:ati11ns . i11dividual wl10 joi11s the death list · )f hopefuls who ...:am-: lter-: i11 sear...:h of· a11 l.'du...:atio11 . perpetrators of this grim deed cherished hopes have .been • • precisely is all the hus1lc and aren't }'11 u·.•·· J\.-sc=rve no less than t.he .full deferred once again. Where is the So111e Stude1its about the campus place the blarn~ 011 Sect1rity as a i.:r11cial as1>ect in Miss buMle in 1hat 1ffice in aid 1lf?'" ··Ncl , I tt n1 i11 Lihcral Arts:· n1casurc of lhe.lash. Such crude love'? Ridg\vay's (featl1. Sccllrity sl1ould be a cOn...:cr11 for cvcryooc on ...:at11pl1s and it i:an't be Of what lfCill UllC has the 1tffice ·· Wha1 ·s th;11 · 1l;111ll' ,,f y11ur and vulgar behavior threatens to Although some subscribe to l1ca1)cd 011 011e orga11ization or person. Wl1cn WI.' violate laws tl1at are d\.'signcd to protect been su far 111 lnternati1"1al Slu ­ again·.r · wh;.1rt every lhrusl our people the worldview that one's den11·1 Hands up any f11reign ltS tllc n we arc guilty of tl1c unfortunate circu111stani.:cs tl1at follow . Addressi11g eai;h 01t1l'r ''La_ur;1 J1 1. L;1ur:1 J11 011ug · 111ake to advance. Where is the departure is scheduled before st..dcnt whi.1 has 1his 1iffice tl• las:· as brotl1cr or sister is mt.-rely empty ·rhetoric t1nlcss Wl' ap1>ly ot1r -. vall1es to real life love? one e'nters this world, others thank f1lr anythin1 - this ·· Ant,! y11u ;1rc i11 lkthu11c · ~ ·· sitl1alio11s. \\ll1en a brother or a sister is absent l'or a l'ew days or odd ...:011ditio11s prevail. Again, around the timi 111c y11u 111us1 undergraduate student, new to is actually Truth. We leave that i.:0 11cc r11cd c11ougl1 to act. I appeal to all of yot1 ... w~ 111l1st 111ust work i11 a joint ct.fort 1tffice BEFORE hi10 arrival in he :1 very " prclty girl." lloward or not. both were of the determination for God or Allah the United Sta1es anJ n••I AF­ ··Th:111k )•IU lly thl' way . \Vi l li Sl:L"·L1rity for sat·c living quarters. Brotlll.'rs a11d Sist'"·rs ll't LIS 1101 11ot be so brutally bosom o( l"loward. Both were .or the wind. But we certainly TER . This. h11wcvcr . is n111 111 "·h;11 ·s }'11ur 11 \ll'll 11:1111c ag:1in ·.r · loved by •toWard. Incidents, hope that this most unfortunate rc 111 iridccl agai11 ! liilY 1ha1 ltk: 11fficc sht1uld n•lf ,,f_ ·· Alh:1ji 0 ;1d;1 Us111an .'' such as these which oc1.:ur in the tragedy serves to inspire us to fer guidance anJ a!>sistancc 1•1 ·· Arc )'<• U fr•lfll J;1111ai..::1".''" dormitories strikes at our lender try harder. To prevail over f11rcign studcnts already 11n ·· N111 quill' Lis1 c 11 . "''c·vc vilals . They indicate how ourselves. To a1.:tualize. 1 campus. The p11int is that the nC\'Cr llll'I . hil\'l' \llC ·. •• i:xposcd we really are to the real Let us commit ourselves from pr1'5pCctive H11Ward University ·· w ... 11 . I J1•1l ·1 1hink s••. Wha t world. Howard is no dreamy lhis day forward to survival 0 The Never Ending Struggle Freshntan in Uganda. East dti )'11U l111.1k likl' .''' paradise anoa1 on platinum motions. Let us 1.:0111e home to Africa. ftir cx.an1ple . oc.eds m11re ··T;1ll . ha11ds11111c . deep set clouds; it 's down here on the history. Let us rally around help fr1tnl 1his 1iffice than the cycs ;111J all 1h:11 . P•1rJ1111 n1 y ground. ourselves and burn out the· By Hodari Ali Jamai1.:;i11 St'f>tk•nlL!fe 1)1'" scni11r ·· On the same ground lhat the blights. Let us exercise negative wht1 has been at H1w.·ard f11r at ·· S..11111.' r111llic!> I)' !"'· rest of Amerii.;-a walks, and with instincts. Let us . . . begin. • • The current struggle of the students in the School rcll)" girl . Wl1 y d1111·1 )'11u involvement at radio station WHUR. is another example 11f the neccss11y for Blat;:k l'CllplC t11 studcnl 110 1.:ampus sm:h J1icu- sh.ill> up i11 fr•lfll ,,f 1hc Qu;1J agiiate to achieve their just goa,ls. I 111ents and pa111ph1cts las ·· ~el ­ 11111111rr•'"' r11.1rnir1g. l_ikl• I 'll hf The issue is clear. WHUR was initiated in 1972 as a C(•mmercial broadcasting station with t.:11n1e New S1udents:· - c11111c t•1 Oa11crcJ ''' 111ect }'••u ." a major purpose to serve as a broadcast, trJining labn1munications. That ideal, 10 tl1is very dayl is still j1lintl}' agreed upo1t by the Howard ad· Letters Fro ministration, the WHUR management, and of' course. the l("" IY students. But then comes the lntroduciion To===== I I I J I ptlint of departure. A Brother In Pri8on Thorough and 1>bjective research at WHUR and the Feocra! C.1n1municati(ms C1lfltmiHi<"1 by a c<1n1mittee of students revealed that the iSta1ion has !•o iled r11 adequately implimenl 1his • Sophomore Class 111111111 p<)licy. and thus far provide a vehicle for sys.tematic student invl1lvement. The resultant By Bruce Oouglaa l>car Sir. proposal for systematic involvement was then presented last week tt• statitlfl manager John P. Well 1ha't is it , see what you Soph . Class Officers: din:tlc panel disi:ussi11ns 11r ~ty fL1ll nan1e is Eugenc:­ can do wi\h it, O.K. I'd like to Sin1pkins, with a request for a written response. President, Luther lirown 11: filn1s·! The ..:lass 1thvi11usly hl' · Jcnkins , born 6 / 21 / 5.l in hear fro1n yo\i in t l1 e immediate Wednesday night Mr. Simpkins responded to a large body ol the t,;1lmmunications itudents lievc i11 uni1 y. ·· Prcscn1ly we are Vice Pres., Anaela Phillips: Noi"folk . Va. I'm now an inmate fulure, it'll help brighten my both orally and in written form. Though he reiterated in a fan1iliar way WHUR's commit­ lr)·ing 111 slrl"11gthen 1hc re· at Sun1 11ter: Correctional days up, and let me assure wit!1 Treawrer, Charmayne Kir· ment to aid the students, and offered what amounted Ill be little m1we than piecemeal. he la1i•10ship "ith •'Ur Frcshn1an lnstitulion, localed in Bushwell, your help I'll be going at it real land; Secretary. Christina hr111hcrs :1nJ sii.1crs. This is 11ne signiticantly failed to speak to the issue t>f the prtlpling the students. and Rudy McCullum: and yc:1r ." ·This s1:11~111 ... n1 h)' 1he hcing another Black i~ America Ano1her seeming!~ divergent call was issued that night for the students to w<1rk primarily prcsiJc111 . 1_u1l1cr lir•1i,i,•11 . illuS· • Public Relatitlns ~ Bruce 11 ... ing victin1ized by for change within the comm,ttees set up by IThe Schtxll's administrati1.m. But the question tr;11es 1111t.: 1•f th.: dc1crr11i11a1i'1lnS An1cricanis1n, and being .in my OtlU&lass. arises, wt1uld the n1omentum for change be ' this advanced if the students had c1mtinued t{l ,,f 1hc ,,ffi.;crs. I•• achieve prl'Scnl conditions. I consider Respectfully yours, UNll"V. Hy j11i11i11g "'t.: applit>d in y1•u arc acquainteJ wilh it . The .:l:1ss is prep•1rcJ ''' lo1u11ch 1hc in wl1ich I love and underslanJ. I an organized and intelligent mar.nger. is neqessary for tht' uchievem'ent of any goal or just class is 1.:1•mplc1e 1K1ly if ii ser­ Jcvclllfl111Cnt 11f ii~ 1 ~ 111g - range also take real pride in my work, What Is It ves y••u . H1tW hel>I can the class g11al tpc11Ji11g cl;1ss v111c). a ('UUse. I and sincere!)' hope it means a lot kr1t1w y••ur tastes"! The; firl>I class 1:•1n1"plcll' fil111 o.11:u111c111ary 110 The students apparently realize alSt.1 that em{lf.i11nal t)Ulburs1s like ··They dtlin' us wr'-lft&'' . to 01h ....+s. I would like to saiy al All About nw:c1in1 is scheduled f11r· Ckl. H11'4;1rJ Totda)'. B) f11rn1ing a rhis t111tc that this letter is in are not sufficienl. for they have decided tb Ctlnlinue the!r eff()rts in an analytical and I01h at 7 :()() p.nt . in Rn1 . 105 1a10k f11r.:c 11 1 full)' Jcvel•lj) lhe '"-"Orlcern wilh my work and By Mawu deliberate manner. Witi· this process in mtKion, it is likely that me.tningful s1udcn1 in· L1ickc Hall. Rcf1tre l1tSsing 111c idea -.·e ..::111 aggrcg11tc inpul. yours. "'hcthcr or no t you'll be V(llvement at WHUR will soon becQme real. anc..I nt>I simply an ideal. aside and saying ''Why shi1ulJ I This il> 11111)' ptlSS ihlc if "·c he ar ahle lo hclp n1e in my field. Often at a university one a11cnd a .n1cetin1"!'' ask )'11ul'k!lt. frt1111 )'•'U. Thl· !>C iJcas arl' hu l• stops and ponders • What is this queMi1in : ·· why sht1uld }"1•u 1he hcginni11g . The c11J 11f an l'leasc excuse• all n1i-.1akes, I it all about? Be it white or he hearJ·_,•. Ideas are ~irn in the iJca c11111l"S i11 i111plcn1cntinx . do 'n ' t profess to be an n1inds ,,,- ntcn. They t:an bcc••1t1c Y11u 10ht1u!J i.:• •111e 111 kntiw 1hc inlellectual. instead a poet, I Black the value, worth and realily 1K1ly when they are ell ­ l_catlership l'1•111p1111en1 11f 1hc hope. (Smile). · 1 would like for the relevance of institutions UGSA Now!======changcJ. Ap.a1hy Jcv11urs nlan}' .;l:1ss. - 111y poetry to be recognized ,of' higher learning has always ideas 1hat :tre w1llhty ,,( c11n - Our 1ot•1nJi11g c11111111it1ecs arc: I hrougl1out An1cric . I would been questioned. In these 10idcra1itlll . 1 Pr·,1gr :1111 c·11r11111itll'C ('hn1 . like l,t,> becon1l' a •· poet'' and I defiance of the 8o.;r.1d of recent decades the aggress· By Robert Hapns and fun1.:tions. of !he t.:0111pon1.1nl The i:lass .... it" ·77 prcscn1ly is Gc11rgc c.11111vl·r - this .:1 1n1111il · realize wilhoul the needed help , 9rgan1za11ons,. . I 1•.c . '-•r.t,..... J wte Truslel'S n1andate to rc~v1.lualc liveness of the questions and 1t1c (lJ7 .l co11s1i111tion, the titll11Wing · the Aggr1..-gati11n f11r tel' i!i l'h:1rgcJ wi1l1 1t1c dcvcl11p - and publicity,· 1·11 never succeed. ' Chairman of Public Relation~ S1udcnt Assoi.:ialion and lhc (' onstitution fvalualion Pr1igrcss Platf11rnt Lth.ic.:livcs. 111e111 a11J i111pl.:r11cr11 :1ti•111 11f ·1·hal 's whcrc I hope you'll be itheir contents have brought Undcrg~a1uatc Student Thit 110ly reOc1.:1s 1hc 1lf.ficicr"s i: l:1si. rr1igr a mullipli.:il y of cl1ei.:i.;.s rc'"·cntly Jlas.~d C'onstilulion and ice i~ ..:h:1rgcll "i1h addressing 1ho&1 di• rcflcc1 ingenuity. In 1his by which a ~iety o r com· 111ca11s of i111pul could he a Olnd halant.:l."S. Thc i:xc..:ulivt· · all its \trogr~ivc cha~gcs . It bi ils.:lf 111 1hc gric\'ltni.;-e 11f !he kind of an idea of what my work munit"y 1rains and prepares s11h st;.1ntial 111l·ch;.1nism for offii:e is rcstr;iincd so111cwhat rcall~'"· at1ng v1rtually v.·a)' -.·c 1.:an achieve n1any 1t111rc ..:lass ;111J pursuing 1hcir reso.1\u ­ is lik"·- And hy the way, if you stlldl'nts to voi.:l' tl1l·ir oi)inions fro111 .:onslilutional abuse. ··cv'-'r}·thinl,!·· i.c. jlt"lWCr anJ g11als. C11111111110 1ihki:1ives ;arc ti•lll . "·an lake this one poem and its youth to meet the future adv11t:a1cJ. alway10 hy' c111111111tn and 111anifestalions. SI uJcnl i111put h;.1s hl'cn n1onc)' ha'"·lii. 1nlo thc '-'XCl'. Ulivc Puhli.: M. clati1111 s ( '11111111i11ee . n1akl' n1c fa nlous, please do. on behalf of that community, • lca"4..-rli. Y11U Jcscrve ingcnuil)' Now you'll probably 1.:onsidcr S tudent Govcrn111i:nt at n1axi111iZL'd and tl1c ..:hannl•ls of hran.:h of govern1t1enl . Ct1111 . \ ':111.:l>S rcprl"SCnl;alivc p11pul11u~ 1111 l 'l:tt.!> ac1ivities :1s "·0 11.:crn with the place I'm in dc111J Utive 1tassed hy tll'-' 80;.1rJ ol · rr11~1."· ~·s s11ll111i1 ourS&.·lvcs and 011r 111 onc) il:tr t•1 Pr11jl"cl Av. ~ rc11l'S!> . 11 11i..:": l l1crL' " :1!! i.•1t:ial1zin1 . "' illl lhl' Slipttl.tlillll tl1;.1t to .1 sinp:I'-' ort?ani1a11on on a "ill he hr1.adcr anU n11•rc i11 !> li.IL' J~ . "inl' . "-••111.:11 . ad111inis­ Jusl flluybl' the Black communi1ies are brani.:11. 0 In 1973, following• a lll:W i111pr0Vfllll'llt be 111adc on jtl1c 11niVl'rsil)' \\•iJ..- ll·v,,:I \\"illl till' ~p1l1 . The Y.''.;11 is 111 1 _ cs1ahli~h a tro1l••r~ . c h\.'L"Sl'h fr11t11 U(iSA !lt'urcl1 1Jj a t111norrr v.·c apreal 111 )'11ur &sires. Wh11 hanJ. \\ c·d :1prreciatc pleasing -.11ulJ )'••U like t•' hear·' \\',1uld y1•u "hile }"'U gr••• a1' .. l11t4 ;1rd · Jutt f.laybe .1 (ontinucd on pag~ 5) • executive branch and diversified the results of t11i:ii .:on1111Utcl' 's bad-tl1c f.1"·1 lililical C(lVerage in the 1hink of Nillon without thinkin1 former Rhodes Schol1r, mem. 'both the administrators and apathetic, lhe community The fourth 11nnual Bla ck agaimt the bitter winds of coun1ry ... and ils ct1verage is l,f. 11f Herbloi;k." So true, IO true. her of Pres. Kennedy"s Council the trustees o f "Black' frustrated and disillusioned, Caucus Dinner, in honor of benign neglect . She taught us to len n1l1re 1horou1h and colorful The Post is owned by Kather­ of Economic: Advisers ( 196 J . universities. As they make ''AmcriCl:ln Black 'Womanhood stick together, 1aught us to love the faculty dishearted and 1han 1ha1 of the Times.·· ine Meyer Graham. who re­ 62), ind former Director of the with special tribute to Mrs. one another.'' the choice. history should without leadership lhe Any11ne whl' has been al ce ived an Honorary Doctor of Bureau of the a.adsct ( 1962- Ht1-.·ard llr in the D .C. me1ro1 - Humane Letters dearce at 65 ), Governmental Sludies is Medgar Evers, Mrs. Martin Maynard spoke of Bla i.:k provide sufficient insight to Black universities' rel:Cvance Amcri1.:a in - a l.:risis situal1on. puli1an area f(1r a peri.:id tlftinle Howard"s aradua1ion in May ably headed by Gilbert Yale Luther King, Jr., Mrs. Malcolm . render 1 he best possible solu· fades from si"ght an.d threa· X, and Mrs. Whitney M. Young. "'When An1eri1.:a catches a cold, kn11ws th::1t Cr11usc's asserti11n is 1974. and it was the Post who . Sleiner who hat 1 compe1cnt 11ons. M1lSt 'Black" insti­ tening conditit1ns reoccur. a basic jt1urnalis1ic 1ruism. and gave its FM radio 1tation, Jr. was a beautiful lribulc lo all Black Ameri ca ca 1 i.: h e~ 111ff consittins or -Judi1h H . tutil1ns llf higher learning Black people. pneun1onia." lie cited st1i.:h this P'1litic::1l Cllmn1cn1at11r WTOP-FM . to HlNard. which Parris. Hush Hec:lo. Slcphen wc1uW tln ly a1ncnd his sta1cn1cn1 subsequen1ly became WHUR· Barbara Jordan, a newcomer statisti1.:s as Bla.:ks having Jn pretend fl) be n1iddle llf the Howard Universi1y l 974 · Heu, J1mcs Sundquill, David hy dccl;1ring that the New YcJrk FM . The Post alst1 owns1 News· T . Sl1nlcy. Rich1rd P. Nlthan, to Congress. rei.:cive several une1nploy111ent and high school rl'r the sys1en1s between an institutio n, its c:1ns. ''pec1ple ,,f Crn in llUbli 1.: ''<·ul11rf111 ·· p11litii.:;1I i.:11ver11gc . leaves 1111.1 mui;h 111 be desired. it names in American politic1. and the111 . ;111d dcgr11 de I-hem . As i1s faculty and student body, 1 husbands' deatl1s. hospital , 60 JlCrccnt have never Rc111er11ber '' ll11rrica11e w1,uld he Wl•rthwhile if you de­ we allO have a black. Guell a dircc1 resul1 llf their (1wn and its charlercn. responsibility I 10 lht1 Black A111erica11 p11litical landscape ,nind'" ll1 listen 111 the Post· nett, who i1 an AJR . Profeubr of If you 1nake less than SJOOO 1 resource, i\1 s. J ordan said. i.tnd ·· ncgr11i dnc ss··. these f11r 11early MOO k all-news radi11 .sta­ Poli•ics and Public Affairs at a year )'our chances of being peoples of this country and ··1-hesc (fot1r) wo1nl'n arl.' rore tt1ker!>; Ct1111pr1l1t1isc their Wasl1i,1l(t11 . is 111ust re:tding The prt'sti11ious and lll'nrrabll' day, Oct. 9, 1974. al 12 noon in for a free so~ i c l y . Adt.lre ~si n g unit y 11nd grot p illentity tl1 a1 bo tl1 Black nicn a11d Bl a~ k cduca1i1111~11 i11stitutin 's f11r 11n ~11 11l· v.·h1 1de sires a11 i11sit.le Br111.1 ki11gs lnstituti(1n . locate~ al th~ _Auditorium, the Brookings 111adc the c ivil rigl1t s a s111 ry 11 f h11w Wa1crga1c was 1775 M11ssachusetts Ave., N.W., Women'1 Caucus will be pre· wo n1en . she sai d. '" let the ra iJis t nlOVl'IJlent .•• 1hc issue l1f relevance. Once Tapes con1bined . More systen1 out of 011r l>l·droo111 s. ·· n1et ic ul 11 usl y un c11vcrcd. The is ··a private nt.1n -profi1 or1an­ sen1in1 Dr. E11ellc Ramey. Pro­ again. the qucsti11n ·· What is illegal. bias. asinine arbi· and lcl us 11ull togelher si de by Abo ut contribulions. Prty. ·· ti11n in economics, government, MCdical School. Her topic will rnusicianship, wriling and war~ with a bu1.:k l·t of wal er. do11"t ''h11 use· nigger''. successfully ttpinions and actions of the Because -.e as A.fr1• -An1eri ­ foreign p11licy , and the social be: ''Sr.c Hormonrs a_nd Lradtr· can11 have hce11 1tver1l y and sciences generally. Its principal sltip. '' in thl' ( 'cntl.'r for Sot.:ia'I Ch11n ge : ask who he is o~ wl1crl' he gol it. scr vi11g tl1e systc111 . · and university comn1unity and Mrs. Sh11b.tlz for her writing. Just" 111ake sure ii isn ·1 gasol1nl'.'. c11\'Crtl y vic1in1iicd by 1hc p11- purp11sc is tc1 brina knowled&e Brookinas· 1tudies which may ' perpe1uati11g the cflnfusit1n the Black community than organi7.ation work and child care Jac kson called for Bla cl. litical sys1en1 . we 11-.·c ii t1l 11ur­ t11 hear ne the future . D:1viJ S. Rr11d er (v.•h11111 l refer accepted t h e 11ward ;as ;a four ho norl'es, ''It do1h :tppl·ar 111 ;1s ·· 1·11t' Dt'u11 (Jf Pulitical cc1nference of economists. muse bf: movin& on down the trustees were un:1blc t(l l'lUr distribulion t1f the ' .;;h.allcngc and for lhc ••ot_h.._.r th:tl the power of lhl' natio 11 lr111r11ul ist.f ' '). Ge11rge F. Will . staled: ·· ... 1he Br<>0 kin1s ln1titu- · hi&hway1 or my~ lire . I am Steve_n wealth and educati("in is non­ 0 women wh o don·1 have doth move in Won1anl1ood ." relt1tc 111 1hcir students. their J11seph Krafl . Evans & N11vak. 1i11n - an independent think· R. Jones, and '/11nrr Visions'' 1s Cllr11n1uniti es. and were men existent and intenlionally so. Clayt1111 Fri1i.:hcy . Peter Milius. tafrk of Libtrul rrputution that a ''fr1ament of my fleece'' 1hat I " 'ith11ut ;1 fric 11d . a far11ily or The failure l(l re·all(x:ale Willi:1111 R:1sphcrry. Marquis was )"tJ feared by the Nixon leave upon the hedaes of life Chi lds. Jules Wi1 c.1vc r , Jack White Hi1use thal administr~ - and 1he mind. a purJ)llSC . Hisll1ry shc1wS "-lUr financial prit1rit ies will Oops place n1,1re weighl tin the thal "trustees' 11 r vrr take the s uppt1r1ing Black. CLlm· ' Cf,rtt1·1.1r)· t 1J 1' 11r t"OJ'';,,,, '''' la.'it_11 1£'t'k 's .f"rfrJ llf /10.f!.t' . tll(' weight . H e 11 ce. 1hc colt1red A'f<1J· ,,,,,,.t/ /J/a, ·k 111 i n atcd <.111d qui c kly deliberalely restric1 entire dra111ati~· 1 . .\ "l ·l111/a1·. a11tl atl1/t•t e. Pa11/ R1J/Jt'\·1,11 . rcpl1.1ccd . ;11 " '3)'S by ant11 her segments ,.,1· t>Ur C(1n1n1unity JJft'.'it'l l lt'tl t/11 ·11 tll<' C"licy t1f • Univcrsi ly .will be eslablished. pl!ienomena and the interest of Sr11·ie t t.'111ba.\".'i)". By the fa ll of 1972, Dr.· the instructor teachin& the ··whi1e-" '11rshippcr'' . This divide. ct1nfuse and prt1hibit. Lll\'Olvc111c11t ... l1 :1vc fort.: ct.I lhl' A111py was elc1.:ted Geneticist by subject and the overall ., t· This ··free and (lpen exper· whole llc1 \art111c111 lo r e~·:Uld ,lf, is cc1nta1t1i na· l lu l i~ _il'S 111 . a~ ~cast _three d elegations to investigate many intellectual orpniz.ations. s1gn1t1..:an t t.1rrri'l·ns1onS. rh\.-Se ling the very m{Jral and Arnl'ri..:itn priority in Africa, held In 1956 he wu elected fellow of 1n .:luJe. when various effort 1n Lagos. Nigeria . . Durin& this Vr\ho 's Who in Ameri~an humanistic Afrikao fiber hcca r1 1e fu n1.:lfa .:e1I llC111anding co nferl· 111.:e the oontribution Univerlity and Colleps, member nttlSt 11f us are blessed tc1 J ~· i:isi o 11s lro r11 stud_l'nl.11 and rnaJl' by An1py 1oward the of the Lebaaene Deleption to facL1l 1y un l1ow to con tin ue have. In addi1it1n, the avail · degree of rel:1tionship belween W:orld Poultry Conference in at1 a ~ kir 1g vario us unlavorable ability tlf t)Ur inslructiUraged to practice a11y ­ Aaociation Honos Society, Beta ex periences . k11owll'dgc , bla 1.:k A111eric11n . My point in Klpp11 Chi, National Institute of thing) has alnt<"ISt t'aded un­ a.:l1i1.•\•e111cnt anJ progress -.·ere writing this profile on Dr. Aml'Y Science, Genetic Society of der a guise <1f ··acaden1ic ex­ 11rov1t.ll.'d for fl1rtl1cr analysis of is 10 \.'Onvey to the Howard America, Siam• XI ,American cellence··. It is ;1 ctild, hard .:1.· r1ain 111 ajor ellu c11tional • ~SU\.'S 1.·o mmunily that Dr. Am·py is Association for Advancement of 111 Zuolog) l)er1:.trtn1ent . fo r quali fied for the job he is act in&; fact 1hat ntay never be faced Science and the American ~·\a 111pl l.' nl'w .:011rses we re no need to look for somebody Association of University by the n1ajgy experience h11s :1 great impact on bachelor, whci bu not found his De1larl 111l'nl bet.:;a111c hel ler to like the inc,1rrectncss tif the progress of the Zoolol)' choice in muriaae. At 30, he bu cvJ!uatl' and 1.: lassify policies IJepart111c nt and it has moved their knowledge. underslan· one of the best informed black. "''ilil·h l1aJ i1l'l'n for111u lal l·d as thl' dl•11ar tn1ent n1ore effeclively men in the world in his ... ding. and analysis is the hroad gu1Jelines. ra ther ll1a11 as fro n1 definition of a problem to profession. ,,1l·1.:ifi 1.· opcra ti11g 11rot.:ellt1res. seritlUS betrayal of the ht1pes irnplt"1ncntation of action under by 1\ 111JlY l1as narrc1"•ed lht• gap :tnd aspir:1ti11ns 11f the B\:1ck the leadership of Dr . Antpy, We Omo Oluabala uf rclatio 1 1~ !1i 1l l>cl"''c.;;11 Sl llCll.'n l ' Clln1n1u11i ties. When c11 nfr, 1n ­ now h11vc confidence in the :111d 1111.· fJt.:tilt y. If 1\ r111l)" i:. tcd " 'ilh these 1ruths :111d Zoology Depart men! than ..l/\110111ll'tl 10 1t1c ll1!! ,·ha1r111 an hl·fore in executing our ac The Univenity Counseling s ugges ti 11 n s 1·11r p 11s 1t1vc ot l 1hl l1.>g}·. l11s go;il ((l 1111 11rOVl' adc111ic progra111i , and just as Service is now accepting devc.lt1p111cri1 (regardless b)' 1111.• st.111,IJrt.I 01 1 1 1~1r11.: 11 o n in 1r111>0r1an1 . a clea r pi.cture of applications from indiViduals " "h1 1n1 . s1udc11 ts. faculty 11 r !Ill' Z 1 11.1l og~ lll·11arl111l.'nl "'-"Ould v.·h11t re111ains to be done in our l1l· l·arr1,, ,1 011 l. Il l' d1.·.: 1d ed lo biolo gical goal . As I have interested in serving as Director c 11n1111u11i 1y) the se r11 1u s of lhe Hotline Services. The \lljl j'I} •"Oll!!oUlli r1g ~1.· rvicel!o to aid prl·v iously i ndicat~d it, is now inadcqu <.tC)' 11f" the present Hotline is · a one year old ' in 1111prov1nl,! all J1111e 11 .,1o ns of i.: lcar 10 us 1h11I we hid to adopt .,.:i·:.dn1i11istra1iun a11d 1rustees. / oo log} .: 0 11r'~'l!o .1n1.I 10 he poli1.: il's whi.:h conduelly univenity project desisned to provide help for individuals with ""'~•' surface. Once :.1gain. the r1cr1.·r1JllJVl' \\'li1.·11 111.'ee:.sary o n rl·.:ognizcd a vast ranae of 0 1· . 'l1,·l1 10111\·.,, a'> ,ra nll:irt.1 ~ of 111sti1u t1 onal quality. in order to in immediate need to discuss v· cl1ld. unrca 1st1c ttl,n · respi.1n- personal concerns or to obtain tea .;;l11nl! l'~ l l l'r1 er1cl·:. in 1!1e llevelop the first course Zoology Si\·eness . the inahilit)' 111 information related to drugs, llc11ar1n1l'11l . :ilso to i111prove "'t1il·l1 hJ~ been creatin& a great relate t11 studcn~s . faculty. llr tJ 1."t1l 1t el!o 11lanni11g a11d 111;atcrial alcohol, abortion, or other 1.lis ser\'i.;;e to 1nany Zoolo&Y matters. ct1mn1uni1ics. Once again ,Jc \ l.' lo111111.·11t i11 tht• lahoratory. 111ajors and n1inors, Interested upperclassmen or n1en " 'ith,1u.t t"ricnds. CllOl· If th: 1n ,· l·~ arl' ~ivl' n to this Acl1ieven1en1s and know1ed&e graduale students 1hould contact 1>l'l il1.•<;s . t irl· l 1.· s~ lxi ct1 ... lor. to Jl:ain by students from any n1unities llr purp1lse - o b· H. Johnson at the University IL1 llill J1i s 11 1i.,:-.io11 ii will 1.·rl'ate biologictr.I subjl.'CI depehds upon su.le1c and undesired in Counseling Service or call 11 1~· spe1.·l1l1111 o l in1>li 111tio n we <1uanlifications, at 1111 levels and chanaing tin1es . by Blacks 636-6870. llO\t.'.1rd studl•nls. Wi.' aim lo o n an underst1tndin1 of the ----- ttlday. hy whites tc1nttlrrl1"'. serve 11ncl a Wl.'11 prestigious mechanistic bases of observed

• • ' • • • October 4, 1974 • • ree irit /Music /People

A Cultural Experience With ••• Collie Directs .Award where i'm coming from Winning Childrens' Theatre By Roger S: Gllss • By Roaer S. Glau

Singing and dancing Sit back and1reflect upon your past and the experiences Education of the went l1and 1n hand that in totality make you what you are today. Isn't tht.;re some c hildren has often been ,Tl1ursday night as ll1e realOll to believe that }·ou are here now for a purpt)SC . Or are .Arthur Hall Afro-A1nerica11 ignored by many in our you juit here to fit in with the established n1l1ld wiih nl) in- attempt to survive. But Dance Ensemble lit· up 1entions llf questioning or doubting the s1atus qul1~ wl1cn viewed from an . 'cra1nto11 Audiroriu111 . But can alt this be real? I know. that it is"'' accident t.hat overall perspective they The Arthur Hall you have been granted this given tin1e and space. What really c ould be our most 'Afro-A1nerica11 Dance matters is how long. 1hat's right, HOW LONG y,•ill it take i 111portant link with the : 1 ~ n sc 111 blc fro111 Philadelphia you to return to Yllllr Source! When y,•ill we Slllp being the fltlllrC. -was se lected as the cultural meat-eating. 111ake -up wearing shad1lwS that Y.'e are ltxlay. One grou J) tl1at does evc11t duri11g tlte school of L0tlk within and fif!d that effulgent tlan1e ,1f life still glc,w­ i.:0 11...:e11trate its efforts on l-lt1111a11 r::cology's two day ing. dimly. but nonetheless still gl11Y.·ing. listen t11 Min­ till.' cl1ildrc11 is tl1e Howard enrichn1ent activities. ~lall l s nie .... 0<1oh/1/1 1he .\'"'eet cleliglit to si11g witl1 <1ll 111 y 111igl11 to U11ivcrsity Cl1ildren's :c1a11ccs. cl1lture and 111t1sic spark 1J1e ;,,,,er' Jig/11 of " 10,1der b11r,1i,1g hrigJ11 ... a~1d believe 1 · 11~atre which according to ·J>rovidcd a \Vidc culttaral n1e ... wt1rds. W''rds, and 11111re w11rds ~ l 'n1 tired 11t· using wt1rds. its dirt'etor. Kelsey E. Collie 1)lcast'd \vitl1 tl1c respo11scs field of cntcrtai11ment 1·or l'n1 just g1,nna lt1y hack <111d check it Al_L 11ut :111d t:.tkc it is ''tt'achi11g positive Black l1e: ltas bden r ~ce ivi 11g fro111 all \Vito were tl1crc . ALL in . valltl.'s J11d i111agcs'' to tltq~ tlte Sc t1o ols \vi1crc tl1ey l1ave Tl1c stage l1 cld 111usical ... arc ytlil.I lis1e11ing'! wl10 \\• ill so111eday per1·o r111ed . . i11 stru1nc11ts of all ki11ds; - deti:r111ine tl1e direction of l)uri11 g tl1c st1n1mer tl1e t"ro111 drun1 s i11 various . hu1nanity. the ch.ildrcn. theatre held a \vorkshop for sl1apcs and sizes to gords. 1... tt':.1cl1i.; r . l1istorian an tl1i: ~I.I~\.' ,1, :1 111 \\ l1i1.·l1 1..· igl1 t 111all's 1)aircll l ) c~111. 11 layt'tl by c. · 1~r \.'1li.: \.' 1·ro11t tl1e cl1ildrc11 's 'fhcatrc e l1a ir111a11 \Vil.I..'. an d ability a11d. cast• witl1 wl1 i1.: l1 0 IV i t h t 11 e 'Black s11ak 1..· . 11 1.' I'' :1, , ...· 1·} Oil Jilli 1..·'1..'t ll(1..•J l\.'a llS Jilli J ;1r111011. :1l so :1. 11\.'\\'1.:"0111 t• r to J1<1S Jlrl.'SCllt~J l"Ollr ai.:i.:ordi 11 g to Kt' lsey still eat: ll 111ovi.: was c~ecuted 1\ w;1rc11css' 111 ovi:111l.'11t 01' bl·li 1..' \';Jlll1.· :ttlll 111.• .llltli1..·111.·1,.• .11.: r1..· l).1ti1..'!>o. ···r ii:.·J..l.' ri'" \va:-. J t ltl..' d~11art111c 11 1. \Vl 1c11 !11:.· 1)£0(luctio11s witl1 a 1·i1·111 one sta11ds ot1t i11!1is1ni11d . l1i:ld tl1c at1dic11i.:e 's strai11 1.•t.I to "'1..'.1.' i11 ll11..• \11111 last 11:11..· ~·ll ll:11J(\.' o l' trib ~1 1 tl1 l.' sixtil.!s. 131a1..·k -1-l1t'at 1·1.· t'i 11cls Olli tl 11..· llCW 0 to bl':gin tl1is \veck i11 local ''J)cvclo11i11g a f\.1astcrs attc11tio11 l111til tit~ c11d 01· took 0 11 a 11 1..' \\ 1 f L1111.:"ti o 11 a11ll lil!ll t. Ii i~ 1.:"Uor~111Jt1011 '' ''' \\01111..'ll 111 J JlOSSl...'~'1..'d .;; tat 1..• roo1 11111 :1t c is a 111a lt'. Rl1t.l1 s. scl1ools. Tl1ey recently were 11r qg r:.1 111 111 1::llL1catio11a\ tl1c danl..'.'.c . 1·11is dance was bl.'1..·a111c a val11ablt' 1111..•a11 s 01· 1·1..:111ark:1llf1.· \ 1!:11 ...· ll:1111.:"1,.'r. 11J~ 111g l10111ag ...• to Tickt'ri 111:.i)'l.'.° {I b,· (~t·o1 · 1 · r y 1)rcsi: 11tt' d \Vitl1 tl1c Zeta Phi 1' 11 1..·atrt' w it t1 (" !1ildre11·s JJcrfor111cd l1 y botl1 111c11 and \Villi )11.'~tll \\' l . JJl~ Jilli .1:1J..l1..• I.:' o 11111l lt 11i 1.: a ti' l' 1..'llt11..·a I ion Jilli J'>ki11g l'ur gout.I \. \.'\\111~111. a 11 itl.'.'l t flll.:'tO r i11 l ~ ta ~ \Vi11ifrt•d J>rizc at the Tl1catri.: as tl1c basis.'' is i11 \V01111..'11 altl1ot1gl1 it dc11ict L·f1,.' . ll\.'<~ Ill \.' 1,.'ll\L rt l (lft lllll'' \I.ii ...·, gatl1i:r ...·d i11 111 ...· tl \.' jlJrt1111..•11t . llU\\'ev..: r. a111111al co11vc11tion of tl1c t l1e \VOrk i11 gs aci.:o rdi11g to tl1 c roll.' 01· \varriors fro 111 ll}Sl\.'111 bll11.-'S.. 1 ~ · 1)t' 01· tl1t'J trii.:a l 11rofcs~i u1\:il (.1<.,l 1..' 11111::-11..·1.111 tl1c atre along witl1 its value tl1e 11 ecll 1·or 111ore Black sk irts at· heads a11d ankle ;,i11ll l1l' Jt1lil.11 I 1..l.' 111 l' l o tl 1~ . (\\l1itit'S). o r :.1t t1..•111 1lti11 g to 11rollt11.:"tio11 . 111~111~· (\ll\.'Stio11s l.J to tl1e cl1ildrcn j)rovides. ''a scri11t ,vri ti..:rs in tilt' art·a ot· Jilli /1i '\ tori:i11 . gr1 t..1 1 lro:11 • l1ells. Tl1e fc111alcs in Kc11ti ~(111g. ll.1111.:"1..' a11J 1.:olor '' \.' r\.' Jis11ro\ 1..' <111J i11 :"!10 111 \.' 1..· a31,.' ~ r ...·111a i11 to lie :111''''t:ft'll. •-: o r (~•1111 bi:.1 . · 11i.'.'I (lllll'' \\t'fl..' tr\.' 111cnoli l · ~ 1111..· 11t't'tl 1·o r itl~ l JllL'.t'. Oll L' \\'Olll1l'CS 110\V 1..·las ... i l.:'~ 11 '1.)1 1 !-!~ t. >f tilt: the students'" as noted by ( ' l1il (l rl.!11 a11d dra111a 1>rese11ti11g tl1~ir dat1gl1tcrs 1111,.'(l''i. ,,,..,\.'11 l l 1o·al 1 n~g \V1 t l1 t l11..~ di ... I \,l :1r) ll ...·i.:k 1·1..·\.'\ :1. ii. 1 < 11 1tlik~1 1~111..'.'I Urotl11..·r Collie. s t t1llt' 11t s arc gct ti11g a tr1l1t' 11, , 1 for initiatio11 rites or S)'St l.' 111 ( \\ l1iti l.'~ ) . Sclt..10111 roo11 1r11Jl 1..' \\OLllll i:o11tribLlt l.'. Kcls..:y wl10 l1ails t'ro111 cl1an 1.·1..· to e 11joy l'ai.:h o tl1er . ri..· t·L'rfl'll to t.. 1..·~ t1::_11r\.''> 11 1 I 11 ..:- \rt l1 L1 r 11 ;.11 l \\J~ lll \.' i.:-a~1..· tl1al t!Jt' c elcbrat~o11 at· tl1c.·ir t o !11..·r 1ll'L'll 1· or Mia111i. Fla. ca111e to lite a 11 tl t 11 e t.: 1·1·cct of t l1i..: tlic l 1..· ~lai t l~ ~ t ori ...·'\ \\l1 1t·i1 1, \1·1:1 - \ 1~1\.'r'.~~· '1 . 11.:111 ...:1..· MJt-;1lll\I li lal.:'k "I l1\.'a t1·L'. daugl1t c r s passi11 g into 11 :"!Ii.: 11·- 1·11 11t' i1 1111 \.'ll l ..' c·c rta i 11I y IJra111a · . l ll'li..:t11!1l1.. fi..:1..1..l\i..:ll J \Vt.II ~ )t1 rtr ;1\:1I 1l1t• b ro t llt'f'> a11d wo111anhooll. T11c (1<1111.:"c was \ Is. J :.i .. : k~o11 llill 11 o t k 11 0\\' l:'.: 11glisl1 (lc11t .. and is now 11rod11 cc so 111 e 1·ar-reacl1ing AlilJji fJ ;ti K,c) 11 t 1.· \'. :J '\ J 1.l..:-::. ...·1·\1..· tl ::.t:111lli11g tJ\';111011 .· ~ i !>o tl'f "< ll l·ali 11g •1111ong 1 tilled witl1 solos 01· grJc<.·. o r ... Ill' \\10lll ll lla\' L' '>ll0 \\ Cd t c u 1.:" l1i11 g · play\vrigl1t. to r\.'St1lts. Aci.:01·(Ji11g to Kelsey t 11t• 111 ~·lvi.::. a~ l111111a11 bt.·i 11 gs 11 ...· r at1lli1..·11...:l.' . ()r ii. sl1e i.:oi11Ci(le witl1 !tis \VOrk 011 tlte)'' rc ''still e.XJ)Cfitne11t ­ \vitl1 c111ot :..>113 J illi 11el'ds t..111..'\\ s l11..· \\'J' llyi11g al l tl1t:' Cl1ildre11's 1l1i:atrc. Of i11 g'0 bt1t it d ~ l - i1,I it ~ l y looks I-o r t llt' 1 115'.'l\L'~ Ullll Oil(' • ' alo11g. ,,·l1i1..·l1 \va.;; 11cvl.'r stt1lle11ts \Vito pcrfor111 t'or tikt: tllC)' k110\v wliat t/1e y'rt:' a11otl 1\.'r. i11::.t1..'a{I 01· tx·i11g ' r1.·all)' 111 .JJc 1.:'l ...·a r \\•l1ctl1..:r t 11\.' tl1eatrc Kelsey saiJ. tloi11g a11J ,vJ1crc cl1 cy·rc <11..' Jl l' lllll'll l ll ll Oll till.' 0 ~111..· 1.. 11~'' or 1101. ~ llt' o l g.o tl1roL1gl1 k110 \vi11 g Circt1s. l"lrl.'St: lltl )1 • till.' llO\V:.U'li Ke lsey was particl1larly t 11:1 l ll,,,.·:1tl1 IS ~O i.:IOSI.'.'. U r1 i\' 1,.'r~i1 y IJ\.'1lart1111..•11t ot· • • 0 ' l)r:ll lJ;t 1:-. t!l\l ll!,! L I ~ t \il.' Music 11/Ql '/ll' )(011 J)il/l/- { Acl /1111 //t'I·, ll 't·// //)11/ OJ)llOl"llltlit y to \.'\ llL'fll.'lll'.l' l11 ~ t 1..'all. ~111..· Jj)l)\.'Jfl.'ll to bi.: (]'/1i11 J...i11g .'l /1111/f 1/1(: l .1 /f( ( '/1111·/11i11 l~ it /'.!, ~'\ l 't ll ") trltl.' l~IJ t.' k -1·11 1..•:.i tr1..·. wi t l1 it's r1otl1i11~ 111or ...· tl1a11 :.i 0 Weather Report .1ft1.1·ht' lt c'r .\' /...i11 11 ·t1:0. 11 '1li.l!l11 111, 1/ l1c·1 ltt1i1· f,,1~!.!­ 1·ir s t 11rotll11..·tiu11 o l' tl1 l.' 'str:i11gc l1 ro:1ll • a~ ~ 1 1c .'vas ~1..·aso i1 ''( ;ooll ~igJ1t \1 af}' ri:1·c.· rr1..'d to S1,.'\'l.'r: 1I ti1111..>s fl11t sl1e 11 ·(1:0. !1t't1111i/11/ 1(1 ~ lit '· By Samuel R. Wilkins Zawi1111I on pia110 a11'd lil.'t.:k ." \\1 rit1 1..· 11 J illi llir1..'1.:" t \.'cl tl1rot1gl10111 111 1..· JJlay : 111or~ ilfa1·bt• /t('I" f (l/ l \\'ll :fl/ .{ \f/"(J/l f:. j///(/ /1r ,. ,, ,,. ti 1111/t' (IJI' Tl1i.:re is so1netl1i11g abot1t Wuy 11 c Sl1ortcr 011 so11ra110 SlflltJT<' fu1· :o.·011tl'. L1y T . <~ - ( 'ooi11..· 1·_ <. "l.1.1ir111:111 111 i\1..•<.I ltJl. ;.i111..I co11l"1..1scd tl1e Kcnncdy Cc11ter tl1at s;.ix. z ~ 1 wi 1 111I also played 11 111 / 1111 c/c•r_1;/rit1ll of. Jilt! i11-; tr111.:"tor 111 till.' tl1:.111 a11y1l1111g i.; ls\.' . Good tt'11d s to 111akt' an audic11 1.:"e elect ri c J>iano J11d 0~· 11Jrti11 l.' i1t 0 1· l) r.1 11a. l'vr l1l-r tl1at :.Ill.' llJll (;i:offry 11a1'hl' /1e1· , ·/tJ il1 t•s 11 ·c•rc•11't111.1.:,111 111· tr1 c ,,. :1 '''''.!. 1 sil still anilit y 01· 1ftl.l"h<' _l 'Ull \\'('' "l'll 0l flifl {(/ ,,, T t' ti\lt'/11 I 1 st1 1.:" l1 as Bill Witl1crs. Herbie p l.'rc1..1ssio11 11lus a tl1y c:.1\ I to 1·t111 c ti o11 as a /J11t f \\'ll l '. tllltf / "111 Jl./"!11 f/l_I! l'l'1·1·11/,1 /11 1· 1/11 lla11coek. CJ1ii.:k Corea, and syntl1csizcr \Viii have a lot . 1 i\1ary ll ...· ..: k . 11la} l! tl b\ \VllOl1..•. 1 \Veathcr Report. the plac~ · of po\vcr arl li dri, e. Tht' re 1 K:1r1..• 11 J : 1 1.:" k ~o 11 . :.t 1 · r 1..·~ l11 11a11 <111 • 1 ·.~ I / i1, scc111 s to be loose11i11g up in are a i.:011p lc 01· ot!1cr groL1ps 111 till.' l )r~ 1 r11 a l)t·1);1 rt111 1..·11r. · · (; ood Nigh t ~1 ary - sp ite of itself. At the i11to ;.i si111ilar t y1)c o f l1ard ll1..•1.:"itl\.' S t o lak ...· 011 a 11 :11.:"k ., !1Js lo t:. 01· 11o t 1..·11 tiul \VcJtlll' r Report concert l1rivi11g . l1i gl1 e11t~ rg y roo111111 a t l' 111 1101)1..·s o l \)L it Ill it· ... 1)rl'Sl.'.' lll st:ll 1..' IS S•1tt1rd<1y ." I i.:augl1t tl1e 1nat1 i11stru111 c11t.1 l · r11l1s ic. bt1t Jll t:\' iat,i11 1:! so1111..· ol t l11..· 11otl1i11g 111or ...· tl1a11 ;.i good 11cxt to 111c act11ally patti11g wliat sets \V .i{. above tl1e ill 1..·a. \\'itl1 a11o tl1 \.' r \\'l.'t'k to 1· i 11 <1111..· i a I ll tlrll !)O rl tltlit y tO ;.i 11 ywl1crc els\.' tl1..: people Tl1i s is J grOU J) tl1at gc !s :.1..·l1uol a11ll 11 1ai 11t<1111 grO\\' . it 111i~l1t tt1r11 011 t to \vo11ltl l1avc been danei11g in i11to an i11 tc11St: groove j 11st • 1 l1a11·- ,,J)' , 1 ~'L'\.'11t li\ i11 µ Ix· a goo(l 1'l:1y. t 11 1..· Jisli:s. screan1i11g, Jik i: everyo11e l'iSl', bt1 t tl1en sl1ot1 li11 g. a11tl 111uybe even ·tilt' i11 ti: 11sity ~ tart s 10 c li1nb. 1Jrui11 1:1111c ·ti11 11 s ,,,, ,,,,., ,,, ( <1111/!/"('lfl•lll l.:.tilllitlg. ))t'C3llSC til C. ir u111il tlJt' 1!11.'.':itcr scc111s to I ({I ll ·1 1i111/ . . s111all . a 11 d 011e C.XJlCC.IS tile (lllfi/ ///\' lllillll 111 11si1.:" \Vas si111pl y aweso111e .

1/ll_1· 0 ... 1 .~ 11igl11 111r11s ;,11u I I 1·111i1 1-::l1 ·'' I ,,.l,,., 11 Ill/\ / ( ''11/I'('(/ if ·, 1//1("\/ A\v l.'s o111 1..· tloe s not c\.' ili11 g to ri:.\.' at any tliii1 k 1/1i11g1; /il ltl lll/// ( 111i11t1I L'. SI0\\1 ly. you are J 1Jj. all tit <' I llltll tllll l <111/1 · tilt' // · 111..·t·t'ssJ r ily 111ca11 loud. 1/101 gr1 /Jc•J(i rc• (11 1.1· t 't)ll.'<1 ·i1111 _,., ,<'"'} 111 11 · /1/ /1/111 J.. f /1 1' /ll/{/1 Jil.tcd to yo11r li1nit, tl1 en ///(/\" / 1·t'.\I t l1 ol1g l1 tl1 \.'y 1..·a11 get loud 111.11 u,/, 11· 11 r/1 tl1cy lit't yot1 J littl1..· fu.rtl1c r. j11st tu J'1<1t• /l 111 1111 · 11 '( '•//" l ' /1/°(//// like 11o tl1i11g )'Oll have ever i1110 1111 ' ,,,;,,,, ,, , / 111it:l1111•·1·<1· r• ·11( !1 :ind .sl1t.IJe11 ly · t11c \\1 l1olc 1///(/ ,.l''t/i: l j////t'l' /l('(/l t l1 eard lll'fOrL' . Tl1c tcr111 can aittl jvi11 1/11 1 · 1~/ // l ccially A11d sn b.1· c/a.1· ,, f 11 111/ ( 'f ll //f~ l·1 • l11 ' /l .. i1•// ' t•11joyt'd tile bass player. and l1ad st1rcly gotte11 over the • 11 ( 1·111 11 · i11fi11if(' 111i111! / ve1Jt11re 0111 ,,,,,,,,,, J../t •1/ tl1 c writer 1..'Spccially disappoi11t111ent o f si11ger 0 10 }ind 1/1e 1r111/1 , ) 11 , ,,,,,,, /11/t, 11· t'11jO)'ed a11 c11cl1anti11g but Mi1111i c Ri1)1Jer ton's tliat \v/1en de11ied t'l/1 //t'"'''' br i L' 1· duet between the ca11cellatio11 . at lc;ist l'or tl1e /eaves me \Vit/1 /11 /ii1cl tilt' 1111o; 11 ·c·1· co-1..:Jders ot· the band. Joe time be i11g.


•' \ ' October 4, 1974 The Hilltop P.p7 ' • • • ith

is a group of six young musicians, all . Blackbyrd music can only be d.Ufied by what their name full·time students at Howard University in Washington, D.C. implies - black. They're diaM1 lian the Ukes of James B1own, They are quite young and they come from all over the Aretha .Franklin and Otis Reddl111 - llld John Coltrane, urbanized East Coast - Detroit, Buffalo, Washi111ton, D.C., Charlie Parker and Wes Montpnery. They are preoenting a and Baltimore. They all love music and intend to spend their new form of American mllli<: - there's a solid rock-blues lives n1aking it. base, tempered with knowleclieable expiessions. They Tiielllackbynlsarein the unique position of being able to build on the basic beat (whlcb has IJOt to be rock and roll); · study something and tum around and do it! Although· they're they are solid and very real (,.b); and they're intelliFnt, all intelligent college kids and geared towards geting a depee, spacey and stimulatina (Jazz). 'Ibey cro• the lines created by tl\ey •re products of black American streets. They've been critics and record companies. The Bleckbyrds feel very around. The Blackbyrds have a classically ideal situation stronaty that black American artists today are not bound by goi11g for them - they can study about music from Monday any one musical tradition. They purpooefully encompass all through Friday, and they can go out on weekends and types of music - African, American, Eat~m. holidays and make music for paying audiences. Their As students at Howard Univenity, one of America's experience is tw~fold: they get both the theory. of l?"PUlar leading black universities, The Blackbyrds are being exposed black American music, and the practical application of the to some of the best mnPco( minds in the industry. They're theory. They are the epitome of idealism tempered with working with top names in the popular (read that economic) beautiful reality - and they're all very high from the THE BLACK IYRDS and artistic worlds. The Blackbyrds are benefitina from their expcr1cncc. classics they heard their grand-parents pick out - the gospel close association with, and tutelaac. from, the supenlars or The Blackbyrds have more than steady gigs and that started every day in church. As adolescents, most of TI1e the industry, ransjng from :(former head of the stimu,lating classes going for them - they've got the entire Blackbyrds were dr.twn towards it more sophisticated black Jazz Studies program at Howard) to Roberta Flack and B. B. black American musical experience to work with. The music - jazz. But not before they laid down some very solid King, to Mandrill and the Guess Who. They've worked with Blackbyrds were primarily drawn into music via tl1e blues - r&b roots. • these people; each new experienericlcs likes artists the Black Byrds are considered s L1 c l1 as (;ral1a111 Centr:tl a jazz group even tltey don't Statio11. Barry Whitl'. Ja111t..-s play jazz per say. Brown. S1cvie Wortdcr and Ptayi11g as the 11erct1ssionist - Aretl1a Frankli11 . llis idea of tl1e group adds somewhat •r• about what Jazz really is quite • 01· a contlict to busy When you hear that practice does a musician rise. different 1·ro111 wl1at otl1crs schedule because he is also a smokin' horn piercing through The brother is a hard thi11k . ··w11at C\'Cf n1akr'S you fl1ll time student at Howard. the sound of the Blackbyrds, workef who enjoys perforn1ing • Of ..:ourse lits teachers

' •

Page 8 October 4, 1974


• I . eekend At RFK S.C. State .Slips By ' Morgan Left In The Mud

Blue Machine " I ; B)'. J o l111 T e 111plelt)O and 'Grc~ M.1.l s~1

·1-hc pr \.'\111ulJol~ h1gl1 -1lt1"l'r\.'J Sc .ttt.' c ·,,11..-g(' I r1•1, 1r1 ....11 l'l't ..· r, l\1)1111 W1ng -T 11f!e11-.\.' " · 1 ~ hl'lll hurg ••II S.1 1 u~J . 1 ~ . 11rc g.1111<.' 111 [tl 121) ).ITJ !<> !1>1,11 1•lfl'n\<; \l \l1ll' l••r111.1111•11'uggl·,1~111. 1 1 th ..· I) ( t'>c111g ~l1ut 11ut h) t\.·11- •\ C' r1\ ,1l t1',1lll I~ ll tl 111.•!tl'r Ill.Ill ,Ill \'\t.'ll S.1utl1 C.1r••l1r1.1 St,1tl' l:1lJ;t l- r1 O.:h1llll' ltl \\Ill It' llll!J L•> llt1.·,t 11 ! ll:I) • till' 19 7.a t..llll Jl.l fg11 011.1r11·rh.1.: J.. ~I LJ..1· H.11 1J.. '. JJ ,11 1ng Jl11lll\.'tl "ULL\.'.,.,L\ t.' :!I) ,, 1111 l1;1J ht.·\.'11 lc:1ll1r1g till" .:1 11- 1-' . 17-() .L11J -' I ~II lll' lt.·.11' 1•11 ll· fl'll\.'l' Ill p.t,,111):!. Ill[ tl!l l> lll~ I f<11.1n t<.', 1 111~ ••I I IJ 7 I 19~ .:! 12 ,,1 .\2 ,1l'fll"I,, .i 1lur1r1g .1 lit'll ·;lllli 19 7'. f1.''fk'\.' ll\\.'I~ . tilt.• 111 • 11111111!\.' tlurr~ '>II'' 1111..· 1JJ111g IJ L~1•11 l I 1' ll·rt .1Lr1 ,, , l\1,1111, 1111,vc tr.•111 1l1l·1r ~''' 1 1 2tl l't1.:1•u111..:r gr..:.11 1!1tt1.: ult\ ht.• • [1! 111\.' "i(' "il,l! l' 19 \\llll )ii t11rt.' t.• \ t1'111\111g iii ..· I r1 1 1 . ~ 1 1 \('.;1 1n1\\ Ia ll l 'Wss1 l· of th!! year to thll ground despite their lack ,. ,,,,,,,,:11 I 1••1.111 I J' 11• l1•ur l.i1'1!11 \l1J... t•. l.i ; 111 ~' !!t11.'" ll, l l ~ lt1 11:1-.., ,, j1i1 .. trt1 11 ).! i1l411.·f..11I ).! l1.1rll1) h\.'tto.:r . \\1tl1 tl1 ..·1r ••111~ ()Ii t 11 rnt!d oul to lw lttlll' 111orc: than pl success ratht!r than risk an l•lll \t.'L Ul l\t.' lll" l(',11' \111,l' \4211 'L1•rl' i..:••r111ng 1•11 ,1 19 \,1rll i..:1r.- · llt1r111µ. ll11\\ ;1r1!" t1 11 ,t1l·t·t·-. ... 111l l:1\ l · 111i11ttl (' llri't' ,,\iii ...... a 111ud f1ght a s tht.• GrJr11bling l'asy t ouchdo wn by Grambling's 21 ~~ 2.\' t.ll' t..lll'll h\ 'Pll t l"llll '-l i..:C",1rtll~ r 1g.l'rs pusll l'd and slt1sht!d its I a I cot ed .1,t "'''-'k 111..1~101; li cith \!Jllll'. ~ .. ,,. 'lljl\.'!l'l~ '1' on a ILtcral sear,;h and d estroy f!. Jlll\.'.) flllLr lflllLJl IJll 111tl·l1t'.J I'} l.1v.r l·11~l' < r.1~1,1r1I r t1nn1ng gatnc first . ran into 111ission. \.'O llil'fl'n i;t.• gJll\l'\ Jilli l\\t} in 1!1t• l1r,1 ~J111 ..· J11J R l·~111Jl1I p!..-n t y trouble fro 11 1 Coai.:h llut aga111, 1t1c ·r igers brought nor1-.:or1lt•rc11.:1· g.i i11\.'" I Ill' l31ul ' llu1111)· \\,1}' 1n 111,· 'l· .. u11J I cldil' R obinso n 's n1t!an 'rigcrs. fhc Bc;us were st in..:d agai11 out tl1 ..: 1r ga1111...'-br..:aking weapon. \1J i..:l1 1r1l' Ol)l•11l·d th1) l11gl1I~ gJrlll' llr1.111 \\ .1lla..:..: J11,l I lv. 0t.11I ' Jnd :igain !ts Gran1bling's t1ug\.' On third and ..:lcvl'n, ( "omeaux .:or111x· t 1t 1Vt' ~Clll'~ Utl J \Cf~ \OUT ll t1l.1 11tl il J ll ~c1111\ dJ~' \~1tl 11l1l· l a\.' kl..:. ;\ll- 1\ 111 ..: r i..::a11 ..:andiJat c c I tide d a couylt• of ~i organ llO l l' Jg..11n )t (, co rg.l't o wn \lJI llrlJ ll llt ll\lj 111 l"l' IU11'1 tt>r Gary '' Big llunds'' J ohnson lirlc11ia11 and nailed the streaking l )1llV\.' (~1ty , a .:0 11fer..:n \:c til l• (jJ~ . J'llll!I V.l'(t.' (Ll'· lirt.'JJ..LTl~ rl'pcat eJly brokt> tl1rougl1 th..: llw1gl11 Sca l..:s fo r the g::in1e's 1111."111 l"-'r. f•> 1,1~Lng •)- "i fllll' .1 11J l'l\\Ut>ll IJ11[.,1llll llr•l\l' • ~lorgan [Lill' t o nail the us11a11y fin:il ~o u c l1d o wn . ·• I Il l' II l !. l}J!l o.:lt1 l1 ~1ii11'I~ 111 J ..:tlllpll' tl l Lll,ll .1n.:..: 1 \Ill\ !JI• ~ "'· 1ft ~t orga11 ha..:ks fo r losses. fl.1orga11 . 'Cl'1111ngly out o f lhc ll11lr1 I lOllll' to J•l..i~ . b.1 .. ..:\1.tll In Ill tilt' ~Jllll• ll o l)by l·la111111ond, ~ t org<1n·s gar11u at ttiat po1nl. was given a lllL~ g.1 111c Ill\.' ll'Jtll lo1Jkl'tl l1h.I! .1 ltll'\t' l\lt) \I ll) J~'JLll'I (, \\ .s l::ir run111ng back . wa~ l1cld t o ray of l1 ope wl1en o ne o.f their l1t111..:l1 UI l'C>.''·\\<.'l' l1•JgUl'f\ \1,·r~· 1,·r\ 11111••) 1.1111 1,1•,.111,1· \"1r1ually no yards (Or th..: g;1111e . dcf..:11s1vl' ba..:ks pi\.'kcd off an lll JkLll £ l.'J" fOT J11l'l >.'rTOI J.,1111.,;, ( , \\ ll'll 1111· ..i1111l1·rl·11 .. l· It 1· 11 ..• rl'a ~on : tl1.:: Hears o ffensive ..: rra11t Co111caux pass and r::i l:ed (iJr,1n • .1 l11gl1!} r ... g...r1lrJ ll ll\\ JI J '' J!ll•llf ju "Ill lill" 1J]j 1111..: ..:o uld no t 111at i.: l1 llJl w1t l1 I l1 l' (10 yarlltl1 till'~ h.1J ltl >il'l t·jt f ' \\ "111• 111a1 t1111o utl1 tro nl four of tu be caugl1t fro111 behind ut the J;. ..iltll' bLll Ill' v. J~ tut.ti]) ti (; rJ 111!1l1ng.. ('onSl' C!Ut.'ll t ly , ·11gcrs I 0 yard li ncv 111\.'l!l'<..tJ\l' I \l'n tl1uugh t h ..· till'~ 1l1tl \ ,1v. I II\.'~ Jrl' 111 J I 1111,1 11,,n t11 ,lu 1l~l'1r tl11n~ \lorga11·s backs v.•cr..: for1.·.: J to /\f!er four s hot s ::ii t he Tiger 1 ~111\.' \lal.l11n<: \lllll'd IJ\ l' r11n ' Lil I " ' t:a l 111uJ all llJ) ~ li ne. \to rg::in was ready to be till' l'Jf]L t.'r l)Jfl ol tlll' g.1111l' . tilt' r~·\t !!J11ll' 1... ..i~'Jlll'I ( ,,·1•r~,; \\ J,t\111p.t1111 JI till' 11111,._· I ,.,1 Johnson Praises Howard Atl1letic I or tlll'IT t ro ublt· . ~ ! or)!.an bur1t.~J . But, again , the Tige rs \\JI ~ ~ g1v..:11 t111 !1~ (,,1r,1n. l·11 Jcd till' da y w1tl1 onl}' 50 (u 111h lcd on Lnside lh ei t 1111· 111 l'rJ till· l"rror'> .1 rill. \!Lill' 1... ~ uo I' Ill ) .1.rd) Jn J ll llCllOlllt!TlJI 44 tv.ent y·yard lir1l'. but ~!or gan 1111.un~1, 1 1•11 t l11tt1ng. l'tla hlt·J Depart111ent ,,,,,,,,, I \ J.rr1l·.) fa1ll'd to scor..: as t l1 c last seconds I •l'.' fl \ RtJI !Je ll!<> I 1 , ..... I 0< l)l'l.1,\atl' S1Jt 1.· t1J,l'l1,1ll i..:l1 J t.!1111 ~ Look at Pro Baseball fl1!ll >\> ') Vvtot J11!1tl I !,! 11tl I II< \\JI •• ,!fl ,1 l!Clll lll tl) *l"l .1 1.'0ll!lll' Il l . JJ,I \1•1 I Lill !ll.JIL1' g.11tll-"l> w1tll• !Ill' II l !1.11 ! llt1h. \\ 11.11 .tll!'l'.11,•.J ,,, ,,,.• • l•.ill " • tll!l"~ If !'ti\ 1 11 I l\l ll'!I IL \ I. By Ke11 Swil"t lu10.:l1 ll L,11t on J O.:l.:l'lll\.'1! till' l11tl """•'l'kl'llll ul 'll'••r1 ... l1l· I•' J! 11 I\ .1.~.111 .... ·11 !lol!!OI) S ta!1 Wf•lt:• , lc..:I , 11 11 \l.l'rl' pt1ss1hle . shi1ulO ti1 11IJ)' l >l·la v.~rl' Lil J ll 1)\\.llll, \\llll till' llllll[lJll ,1, Iii r.l111Jl1 r h111n 11~· 111 the W 11 rld Ser ies 11on-..:onft.• rl.'t\1."l' llJll) or rJtlll'I t1.· .11 11' 1,1,~ (11 S1)\Lll1 ( Jft>lltlJ l\ ,1, ..ill ll' •.. 1\1 11 l> 11tshurgh wLtl1 its str11n g hitting 11rJ <.'l ll.'l' t!Ot1!1(l·l1l'.itlt.·r \\ l11 ~l1 \ tJtl', ( > (1. tl11~1l1 11,11 ,,l. .,,1 11.111 I{) the 11 11 1..: )'11 u see 1l11 s :1r - 1IL''~ 11111.111n nl t tJI l tilt: :1r1d sur11risc p11 c hir1g . sh,1uld . tL1r11l'J out tu 11l· .1 i;r1.:J t ll.l~ 1111 Jlt,·1 Jll. 1111· l1J,1t!1.1lt "'''"1'111\11 11..: lc , 1111•~t 1•1 wpa1 • ~ Lil rt will I' r I J\1 •n wi1l1 1"11 g:1r11l'S le ft '' ' play l\O\\'J fd !1J~l'i1J[ l -.rt1r1JI J.!.1t11t·., 11.1111 c,,·11rct· '''I h.tvc .1lr..::1dy \hl'C ll d co.: 1dCll ''r11 t 11 U L ..ii II '\ J\111111;1.111 l lll\ofl .. 11~ .11111 till" up•1n . But f11 r tl1e r.cc11 rd ;ind f11 r ag;11n:.t l:1s1 plac e" C h1 c agc1, ta k e I "o lll't.ildl'd .t1Jll11IJ\ t.'I' f111 11\!1.r .,,,,,,_ I I /l11"JI II l tl· 11r11:. ll'.11J1 \\till 1t' ILr't 1h1•.)\.' v.1t h,1ut TV. r ;1d111 a 11d 1t . St L11 u1 i. ;1l i.l1 has S\1111..: fine l l 1111.ild S111Ltl1 1 1 IJ~l·tl Ill tilt.• :ire 1n a 11e f1•r first pl;1ce '>'ith ,.>!Jiii'[ (, •If \! .t l '' L1J 11 I' J llllh ll' lll.'Jd .:r Jlld l fL,l ll .i~ l'J 1111·1 P1t tshurgh h u t thC)' ha11c l'>'t> l ·tlL \ >.'1 "11} 'i .. ll .t)t:hJJI I) fi 11:1lly Cn trea l learn . Fo r lhL.) ( 'tlJl'il ll111to1l '\ ]1nl'tlp ~l!l'Tlll'J IU 1•(\l'fJll u ,I ~ I J11 J 1l11l'l' Ju11l1ll'' 111a1 .. 11,.,. S1x 1eams s1ill feel 1he)' have rcas1Jn and the fact tha1 P itts­ 1100~1 tl1c 111orJlt.• .111 •1 'Jl1r1l 01 l1r111~1n~ 1'1 r Ir 1 \\ ' n ~ I> ( I\ .I l1•Utl•Jt) ll J ' lll"l'O ,llj!iltl'J. \ht: burgh ·s gatnes are at hon1e . I ll O\\Jl ll "J' \IO.:ltlr!Oll\ 11nl} • a c hance 111 reach 1he W f1 rld tit\.' c11t1r..: ll'.1t11 Jiil' 111uc:= ( 1fJllli1l11t •I~ '11111.1\ I "n 11 ,· ,J~ ... 1!1.11 t.Jl1l>l'r ·>I 111<' lt.1tilhJll 1l1Jt hJd oni..: ..· 1h1 .. t1r11l· < 11J l'il li11l1 Scr1l'S. gi,·e the nod to Pittsburgh-. N o ;\1a ..:111 n c 11our1tl\·,1 l >cl J \\lir~· St . I !1 t.· h.:~n ,1 Ill I' l•l'c·n 11l.1~ 1.'ll il1'rl' h.ill J lu! tu du J 11l1n,u11·, t..:nn1' lt'Jr11 1ilJ}1·,t J' • llalt1 11111 r c ;ind N e v.· Y 11 rk n1attcr ,,.,.he) y,·i ns. both teanls l 0- l 1r1 t hl' 1ir ~l g.a 111e lnd tr..111,11 •11 111 11\.' ,,.r.. ••11r1l·I ,1.1!t "1tl1 11 I Ill' rlll'll!J ill~ UI lh\.' Ll lhl·~ \\<"Tl· °'l'J\olJn1•J t.Ull1·~1JI\' have 111ade the An1cr Lcan East have h;1d a fine seaso11 . JJ"IJ•rox1r1iatl'I)' I Ill' ... .i1 11c /\O.:OTt: in K 1,l1.11t.I '\1ll'l111 .. a r first p lace 111 Wei.I: L11s Angeles and Cincin ­ ..:al[l'(l \1\.'t.::! ll~l· o 1 t\Jrh.11l's~ ll'lTllJ\ ll"lll~ II. t'r11u~!11 111 11~ T• ,,. 'JI l I I "' .1· ,l . 1! 'l.J~' 111.i! ... 1J1~1..:,,,1~ till'' 11.1\l' tu till· tlllt \l.111,J111g l"l.1~ l" r' .111,t t l1l·1r • • the p ;1s1 1111, nth has given the r1 at1 have really been at each IL.I' .,1 Ill JI •I \+:.J Ill. 'llo..ll .,1., t J1~· 11~tlll' u11t 11111\ t.1 ),!l'l tl1usc ,,1,1,I •-. J..,..,1,1.111! ... 1•th11r ·s nl'c k the past 111<1n1h . ( ,1s I lie r..:,L1lt.-. ot tll..:~l' gJ111l'~ Jr•· 11t.·r!1ir1r1J1lll' JgJ 111... 1 (;~ I l111t, 11,·1lj1[l' \Ill( dllll Cl'( llll'l)l \ t) A111crican League , the ri n ly ex ­ '' 11 r llll 11'" Kl•,J,k111 lit.11 ,1.1 ... 11n1Jll]ll'Tltlg '11111•1~ I " An~elc.:~ whic h h'as led fu r mcis~ \Jfg.l·ly dtll' co 111,· J)!g.T•''l>l\(' l1 1'1Jl1,,· ll t111,1r 1I /l'.Jllll' ll1.1t 01lll'I!•· 'l'\llt .. ~.111 b\.' citc111ent this )'c ar . Usually it ~Jll "' 11 •ti 111,11 ~·.1111,·, .Ill .,,Jl1\ t11111n)! i:\hllll[l'J b~ tllt.J ll.l 1 l 111\l·1,1t~ \1,1, \\ltl1t1t1t J 1,· 11n1' ~ v. :1s u11J..:rst1111d at th"e beginn ing <1f ! he seas11 n 1s h;1nging in there J lit I \ ' \ JI :•l·111··I\' ..ill' 11,1111)! 1t1'1 ·'' , \lllllll' Jrl~I tl'\\Jrdirtg hall~·J ul 1 J111I, tl1l' 0111,1.1nd1 111; [L'J 111 l.i'I ~ l'.11 1 that Oakland and Ba lt111111 rt• fr11 111 a ~tr•1 ng push h)• Cinc1n - lUI'·~· ' 11 I 11,·11 I> illlf'•'I JI,. (It 1.. 111,,· tll• 111 .1 101 Jt.!111 11 11l'rfor111.LTl l'<.'S o t l)or1.1ld S1n11l1 "111 at the end play f1 1r the 11 \ Jl\ \l'llll'f\1 1hrtt'I 1\J' 111 1 Y ,1 rk has gi\en Balt1r1111rc H 11 u)t<1n 11\•cr the paSt v.. e ekend 11rl·?-l' l111} Tl lll Oil till' '']UJJ lrl·,111 11 ..1 11 J11J .1 ll' " 1111rr ..: .. ,1,L· ,, \ \ I< II' fl 111..: I l••\I I! al[ \,'Jiii<.'\ Ill kl t\ ~ c " 0.:( 11. l'-'•l !1l'\"J li'l' ol !!fJll1·~ S11~ .. 1· 1111 ... 0 .1lt the) uant One 11111re ""1n with games \IJ)~-lllJ,, \\ llO l.11..k llllll"l!l' .. !UJI 11 ... l.LollU'll. \\11,tl 1.-.11!\ 111·l·dl ll .... ll•''\ 111 (1! 11~·1 J \ ~·on 1 '." 11111 Jn ..·:. 1 "' 1t1.ill l 1111>1,·1 ..· !l'l1·\,,, 111 l'\l''''lil <' <'\l'l"ll\·n.-l' l111t 111 .rh.r 111' lllf 11 Jl\l'I I I 1 r 11 ' " hot Ji W\.' fl' Jl[I ' tl1,· \..II 111 'I• 'I.I'' , .ill l"\~<:I 11 ti •\'JJ\ )ll'{llLUn J~ lll' I (11-.Cl f!,!l' J , •._,.,l. 111111. J l11g!1I~ 1 ..·).'...11J,·J '''-LI 111/lf! l ,, . I ' ' v.1th. ll:1l1 1111 .1 r1.· pla}·111g the bc ~ t v."tt) CL11c1nr1a11 11n the 0 1her \laso11 l lnL\l·r ... Lt~ l)o11Jl1I S1111tl1 l fl'\lll 1l Jll !lJ,j Jtl ,Jllt,\.lllllllll! lll till' 111 ,,, ,1,\1 l••ll IJ,\ 1.11 ll Ill.,. t. •1ti..1ll Jilt! 11.1 ... .,l 1111.11111.111~ \\l'J" II ' hJ!<>l'h:1l l ,,f their ~l'as11 11 They· hand 111ust "'·in b11th 11f their rc ­ .111J J c1l111 t •tll' .. tll lll \\ l'l l' 11\)I in 1IJ) J' ,11,I 111, 1 1·.111)111.111..·~ 111"1 J TllJ! .\ ' lo. l 11. t tl1c:1 'I >rt Jll It: 111,t J' 1.•11111l.1t1•111 ,,111. I llu 11 (;l• Ot!-'\' \ 1 .1 ~11 t.rJ} l'l' ll l ir~J1 1t. \ l.111r 1,·1.· \ l .i~'· .,11""1.11,\1r1Jl 1•11 ' I I I , I I • \, ti I \l."ll i lllll' '>\I tll.111 11.111 tL1111! IJ'! \l"Jt llll"Jrll ,,,.,, • g.11111."s. plus thl') h;1ve 11nly tv. 11 the D11dgcrs l11Sl' their rc111ain ­ J l'll'Jl l' d till' llO\\'JT ll bJ\l'b.Jt\ j l'r~)111>.' \\ 1ll11~~ llJ !ll. \\L,l\l".11 \ ~'Jill 111.1,,·.. •i'' .11i,I 'I . r1.1l"f'••ll .. l1J,r1 t l1J1! !Ill" ll'!llllJl l\111 u t g J 111 l'~ left - "11h last pl:1ce L11g _g :1111l' :> . St1 1hey still arc i r1 it t l• a1 11 7-0 . 111 1111 ~ )!Jr11L· . tl1 1· 1,·a111 \r11 l111 11} .• J111I l< .1111u11 l tlll1 l'l.i,, Ill 1111 I t I .l.\I \\ 11.11 l'11l'l1 111'1 ·rt tl11.•t1 The Oritilcs hut thl'1r \.' h:1nccs ;ire . very Sl't:r1\l'J llf\' li a11J 1,·l!· \\l'JI} I ,,,. l )"J11.1r1 1·1111 ,111 .11 1 1• t li~·r 111,·111111·1 Jl ,•\1 ,!1•!\l'I .1 1 l 1 '''I~ ,1,, 11.11,.1 J\1.1. 111 111· ,1, 1•.111111,·111 .1 .. II 11.t~ 11('\.'J " 111 ••111\' 1111e f1 1r a Ill' . Nev.• ~h • tk y . \;.!.t.'lo.. o r ~\ L1fL (' ll' lil llt.:lt.'/lSl\' t.' t•IJ) . ll~ 1!11· \1·.1111 "j..j 1111Jl'I<' lu 111..i h. t.· I ! 11 •I l•.111 11.1, I' 'I! .J ,1,·.1,I !i.1(! Ill ' " Y,1 r k 11• 1 ~ 11~ ..,... ,,rk c ut i• Ut f11r L 1111 k111g ;1heaJ t~ J the W 11 rlJ hitting. rL1n11111g. ,.,;o r11J!! .11111 t ill' 11r .. 1 111J1,l1 , 11111 Ill' ,J11•t1lll j'l•l 1111 \\ \ . I 1.11'" 1!1, jl ( 11l.I .111,I It• 1111t1l l..1,1 tl1l· r11 "f hts rc1)1•fll'r fee ls the J•'h " S..:r ~l'~ I p ic k 0:1klanJ :1gai11st , 0\1 \.'TJ\J t 1.' Jlll )lllfll WJ~ a "d.if,J..\I Ll" .. ,·1• 11\l'tll~ ll l J.t1,1 r1 lll 111,• t.l1ll,ll1l .ii l.11 llll' I ll l l ,!~.ill l1 I> !'''II Jl1 ,,,,, •• ,1 ti .11.1 11,,·11 11._,1 t1.1IJ ~!1J11 .. \·, t••1 111 1111111!:! !Ill' 1111• Tl' \\ Ill 1111i:\.' 11g:1i11 face Oak ­ 1l1i~ ye ar h :1vc c1• 11s1stcntl~ l lo ward p1t ..: l1 cr 1n l hJt ~llll' . 11• •· ... l' 111.11~ ll'' 1!11· ll 1 ...... 1 tl.,ll[ \l' ltll Jll ,.,I 1•1\, fl< I J 11 '\ IJ<)\\ !J '11.11 111•11111 .. !1111 c t11' \ l".11 Jll" llll'Jl l.111ll f11 r t h ~· D i,,is11111 Title . I f Jll•t)'l· J g1J<1! In lllt' S11li1•n11I L~a&Ut' n111s preser11 ... The Cha n1pion ­ s1 Lpport fro111 th..: o ther r11l·r11bcrs llJ"lt:nl'd . tlll'T l' "111 !1 ..· lu t' ut ( lll\"[1111 l ,111 tr~111~ 1•!.1\ 11~ ll1 "'' 'l<'J!l\ .... 11,·\·d t llJ\ ,·\t rJ 1111.. 11 l ru111 tlic1r • •:11,1: S1 L1 ,u1 s and Pittsburgh I sh11? i1f Baseba ll f11 r 1974 . o f lhe tearn. LO l!l lll'lll 1on ll l·.11 Ulfil I .. 1 !1 1l1.1t ... J\ 11!.' lilJt 11 , \\.JfJ l ·, The Hilltop' • ' October 4, 1974 Page 9 for the t econl ' Hooters Go To Clemson--_- greg IDOMO • Howard Drops By Colin McLean American a11J i.:a pta1n M11.:h:1el An'thony Marlin and Sunday The H11¥1·ard Uni\·crsity MlC ­ Bain (4 ). ''B111h 11ur def~nsc 1111d lzcubigic had one . ..:er 1ea11t will c111npe1~ in the each , ~ ~... 11ffense have perf(1rn1ed satisf;1c. first a1111ual Cle111St1n 111urna ­ 111rily . The defJnsc has hccn Spring Garden College, the Frank Robimon w1s na1ned the first Blal'k 111anager in baseball From 3rd to 6th n1e111 at Clen1s11n. S11uth tackling hard :and h;1s n111ved 11 nly tea111 1<1 score on the I . (majors) ynlerday by the ("lcvclan,i 111anage1ne~t . Big F~ank ' C:1r11li:na. 111day . rhe ball quite V.'ell with 11ur 111id ­ Oi~· 1n. g<11 1lne of i1s goals by recenlly ' picked up by the A111eri-.:an League Indians fro111 the Enteri11g the 111urnan1cnl wi1h field players Keith Tu1J11ch and virtue (1f a penally. The other California An1Cls two and half "-'(eks ago will continue lo se~ve as a -' ·O rcc.1rd. the Bis11n . will Michael Bain: , tw1' were the result 11f a pre­ the teamli designated hitter as well as mentor. next season R':1b1nson n1ect nati•1n:1lly ranked St1u1h ··1·m · alSt1 quile s:11isfied· Yl"ith car1itius Ris11n defense which left WASlllNGTON, D.C. - Oespile a wee}; where eight of the top the only man ever to win the Most Valwble Player a ..· ard 1n both fl11rid.a 111day and ClemS<1n ils area unguarded while preoc­ ten faced each other, four of the top five teams n1aintained trfeir the American and Nation1I lea1ue will reap about (180) thousand 1he effectiveness 11f iiur 11ffensc Univcrsi1y (N11 2 in the c11un ­ cupied with lrying 10 11pportune ratinis in this week's Mutual Black Network black college football dollars for his dual role . . . Hry! Robinson should gel t wicc his with regards 111 1heir in~isivc tr)') 1•n Su11day. at 1hcir 111any scoring chances. poll. ' salary , seeing that hc has two jobs to deal with as rlayer & 111a~agcr . sh111s the gl1al . H11v.ever . the ·rop ranked ..\lcorn m'ilnaged to eke out a 14· 12 victory over He;id C't•ach Lin..:.111'1 Phillips prl1blcn1 uf 11rganizing 1he 1ca111 George Forman orl:bined he1vyweighl charnp rc 'itarled his pre A f11rn1cr manager tif !he North Carolina Central and maintained its hold on first place for the refers It• 1he Cle111St1n t•1urna · int11 u1ilizing the bes1 1can1v.•c1rk title bout workoutli tod.J.y in kinshsa .. . Forrnan suffl·rl•tl a ~y~· li.11 Nigerian Nati1•nal soccer learn. second straight week . Coach Marino Casem's· Braves received six of n1L·n1 as 1he Bi!t<1n "s ··acid 1e~ .-­ stra1egy they can p11ssibl)' two weeks a10 over his righl eye by his sparring partner prior to his Mr. Sh11la Rhcrdcs, atlorncy, . the thirteen firlll place voles from the P.futual Bla ck Network's board ··1f "° ~ get hy 1his 1here will he c1tecute has n(1I )'Cl hec11 billion dollar title bout, forcing a the . . . l1yoff. ~leanw!1ile rhe . .. 11cw tt1 Philadelphia to see of black college coaches. . . ··Peoples Chan1p'' Muhammed Ali stressed thal he doesn t wan1 "'' st11pp1ng us. n1astcred . hul all 11f that v.·ill The 8iSt1n . ranked in f'l11ward Universi1y·s several South Carolina Stat(', who knocked rugged Howard Un1vers1ty anything to cheat him from securing the crown back . ll_t.·y! ' ' ou n1a1urc with 1in1e :ind c11r11pc- fro1n the top five with a 6-0 win last !Friday nigh! , dung to a Sl!cond 1he na1i1111 h)' 1hc lnl'-'rcol. 11.'giatt' · 1i1i11n ."" c11ncludes Phillips. Nigerian players perform. After 1hink the ..:ut that For111an got recently "-'as rough. whl'n ..\It lays Ille . St1c.::er 1\1hle1ic Ass.•c1;1ti1•n . h;1s 1he game he n1ade favorable place tie with Tennessee State of Nashville. The Tennessee Tigers barrage of blows to Formans skull the ref "-'ill swear he used a ra1: or Las1 Saturday lhi; Bis11n had a J>llSted \'ic111rics ,,\Cr T11wSt1n re1narks ab11u1 the perfi:1rmance disposed of fifth place Texas Southern 34-6. . . 1f it goes p1st six rounds. , field day agains1 Spring G;1rden State C11\lege (H -01. Cleveland 11f H11ward "s ccnler-half, Ber'­ Virginia Union of Richmond , an easy 18-0 ~inner over. W1nslon A Gl1osl writer attemplcd to Spook two of SI . lolle)' s s1.1r C11llegc al Philadclphi;1. Per111 - Salcn1 n1oved up a nolch to third p lace for the first time lhts season. State Univl.'rsil)' t2 -0J. Aldcr­ rr:1 r11 Beckett pl1yers Lou BroCk and Rake Mcllnde rcl'.enlly, thl' Cardinals arc l~ ell sylvania. It ro1i11 J.d thr11ugll1 1u1 Jackson St3te's 25-6 win previously eighth r<1nkcd Mississippi s.1n -Br11:1dJus C11lli:ge (4 -01 ~ ver for first w/Pittsburgb for the National Lc;iguc.• Easr racl.'. ~IL· hr1d c :as the Ris1 1r1 1c:1r11 p.•sicd its The liis1111 v.·ill en1er 1he :111d Sqri11g Gard,_.n C,1\lege j J 1, Valley was good enougt~ 10 give _ t~e111 a fourt~ plac_e bcrf:!is WL't'k . fl't.:eived the original 'and Bro..:k I he COJlY or le lier {lal<'tl Se1'1 . I ~111 . !M!a!>t•n"s high . The sc.1rcrs v.•crl' C l1111'1sl1n t11urnari1enr with ten ."\I l " h~· 1.::,1• 1• '· ...... 11 11rl y ·I while Cran1bling College of Louisiana leaped into f1f1h plac . hy a· writer who I hclievl' l1as lost toucl1 w/rl-alil)'. llll' 11111ll..:111 111.-tl Richard Davy v.·ith f11ur ;1r1rJ g:1111es left 1111 their schedule in­ ·r11c Eddie Robinson-coached Tigers beat ~1organ Sta· c ( 'ollegt• ~ - · .. •~ a11ll :11111"-"C(! three. man !Mlid his blunt note, Iha! he has a brain lumor. ha ~ Iii-= !r!V11l")' 0 11 LinC11ln Peddie \\'ilh lhrcL' . clulling n<1ti11nally ranked Davis 14-0 itl the rain and mud at Washington, () .C' . - _l - ~i11g 1h_,_. M:1•rc f11r the Pittsburgh SO th'ousand ""'orlh and that lie would travel any~l1erL' lo Michael Bo1i11. Kci1h Tull11ch :1r1d Elki 11 s ° C11 l\ege whiC'h lfoward University dropped fro1n 1h1rd lo sixt h pla.:c 1n the U1!t< 111 · arc R1..:hard Dav)' (fl). put both outfielders lighls oul with a ··roscoe .. gun ~ hot lrun1 -tl1c and Kcnnc1h llll1digwl' sh•tr ..: J dcl~atcd the111 last year. and the standings, while Kentucky State n1ovcd frotn nintl1 to sevcnlh. Lin..:1 1ln Pt.'dtlic {~, I . :tntl All -- bleachers ... ps, the.• lasl shot would he ·u~d on h1111s...·lf "-'I tilt.: t"'1 ,•;1c h . v.·hilc P;1ul Pri11glc. U11ivcrsi1y 11 f Akr11n . Coach Kudy liubba.rds Fl orida A&~1 R·attlcrs JUn1ped frorn revenue from the bet going lo h1i. fa111ily . Exira sc..:urity rre..:aut1o ns eleventh 10 cighlh "place on the strength o f their ::!M-19 win over t1;1ve been made on the ballplayers sini.:c> .. North Carolina A&T ... Texas Southern is ranked ninth. and I ··or. J .'" opcr.1.ted for ahout twc111 y 111in111 ei;;; 1t11'i '4'1.' L'kcnd al tht: ----Sease Honored---- . Norfolk State, a 27-7 vii.:tor over Elizabeth Ci t)'~ held dO"-'n the Cap1t;il Centre Juli11s l· n •1ng scored as 111any poinls as 1111· AB .<\_ I 1ll1t1an R. S1•a .. 1·, 1l1c llo ward tenth spot. Mississ ippi Vallt!Y droppcd fro111 eighth to eleventh. ..:han1pion NV NETS downed the ( "cnlral l)1v1sion l"l1a11_1Jh IX Un1\'er:.1I) lll'ad 1.:0 J~· t11ng veteran "fl1re1• l1usloads of adr11ir1•r:. 1"he beloved Sease family. Thi! new faces this week in 1he ~futual Hla..:k Nelwork's lop 15 Bullets ioi-48, in OV('rt1n1e . . . I 9 thousand 35 ), l"lf.'cta to rs w11nci.scd wh o '>l~ fa iling /1ealth forced hi111 1ni.:r..:a:!>ed the gllL'~I IQta..I 10 Jll 1dl'nlified in the accon1panying poll I arc l ' uskegee, a 34-22 vi clor over J ohnson('. Smith, Jth; Clark l>ol.1ors ''J and K'' Larry Kenon perforrn their s11rgiQI movt·s and 10 rL'S l!:!n t ilOSiJ1on in ..:xcl.'ss of· 500. Ov.-rwhl'l111c1I by l1 anl1u..:1 as ''We College a surprising winner over Fisk. 14th. Belhunc-<'ookman 2 1-20 snatches ... the ,N V Kn1cks seemed as though lhl'Y Just soored a 1t1id -1\ugus1 . 11173, hcrl' 111 lhe S(l0 nla 11eo11s 0 11tpo uring. 1111· l"hrcc ··--i ncl11ding ~1 rs. Eleanor and Fort Valley finished in a 15th pJa.::~ 11e . Cookmln routed Morris faully hcairl transplanl as 1he 76ers of rtlilly M'rvcd Ilic for1ner NBA th.- l'rl's.ldl.'nl1al roo111 of th;;­ r.-1ir1•d ~· 0al· l 1 :.a l i11 J e"•et l Sease and their son. Brov.·n Jl)-0, and 1 ~ ort Valley v.·as idle la)tl wl!ek . C hamps their seoor:d pre season los..'i 11 S-MK . . S1atlcr-lliltor1 llo tcl on SalL1rda) h1·wildl.'r111c111 as Walt .- r l'ril'l' . l "ill111an , Jr.-was presented and Rubin ("ollins for111cr Maryland fa'ilern Shor.- 11rc111ll'r guard nii!lll and wilnes§ed lhe ( ' l1arl<'s SliID;l'r:.. Rl'V. (;.-orgl' rirais..·d hy William Ranson1. The returned 10 hi'i east !.'.oust surroundings la'il ·1·11t1r-.ciJ y nighl X 111n JI i1eau1if)•111!! ll11JIL' 11 f l1i s illusltoL1s Spells, Sil;is ( "rafl . Ja 111es \V . ho 11 orcc brought 1!1e evening to TEAM VOTES WIN / LOSS POINTS the C'apit;il Ccn,Jre. when lhl! \\11..:J..,-\\'alto 11 l "ra1lbla1:er <.:01111xa11) ~·I 1..'f'onnon. l "J1co dor1· C' !1:1111 bl.' rs. a -i losl' witl1 brief response­ 1 ~5 - yl.'ar 1.: ar1•cr a' an u111·x..:e lled a ' invaded the Bullets home fort . r11en1or . t 1· .i~· t 1l'I' . 1.:0 11fi liant and (' arlton ' l· 11gli s l1 , W1 l111.- r tl1a11king all of the guests. ''from . I . Al co r11 State 6 3f-O IK4 The DC Redskins :!> llowed lra..:es of thl'1r (tni.:c 1101cn1 al l a<·J.. 1t1i:. 11 11111l1l 1• r l•f yo11n·g hlack Sojour11er. t-.1rs. ( ' hr1sliric ( "Jarl.; . tl1c[ l"10llo111 of 1ny l1eart , for the 2. ·1·11:: · rcnne ~ce Stall' 2 .'.\ - I I 56 WL't!k ;11 · RFK. whuJJjltng lhc un..:harged llenvcr 8to1Jl"OS . . .lO-.l 1\ llll'rll"Jl1' 1: rcd Madisor1 an'I /)1Jl11,:l ;1ss fi nest l1ot1r of a lifetin1e.'' · r11 ~ Sol1 th ( ." Arol1na Stal e ' 3f I S<} Charley Taylor ca111e oul of l1ii. bag will1 twt) SL"UTL'S . !Jill y Kil r11l"f \\lith l· r111 c 1.-L"lr'i , u P(1rlcr--sl1.;.·..:L·ssor 10 S..:a'il" as 11r11c.rous pla(fUes, trophies 3. Virg1r11a Union I I 5 11 01111 s t:if r o ff1 ..:1a l Wi\l.l\L ll ow;1rd ill' ad footl1all : 111~ a11 11111brclla laden with large 4 . Jai: ksu n S l:a ic go1-an ar111 mailed lo hi111 . and f)uane "fl10 lo uiid ' ' da y ligl~t 'ie rviiig a s coal·h- l1.-:1pe 1 tlll"lJ" wor ts l1110 11 I ~~ 91 .. e ve n though his hoy rl VallC)' Stale 1-0 hall ... lhan h.1nc•r a c11n1ract ¥1i1h · ' th(' ADA C;mques11d••rs f11r !¥111 Otl1crs rc-.:ei v1ng .i\lbany STatl.' , f)clawarc Slate. Nor1/1 111•1re years as headc11ach ( 'Arolina ('cntral. l·" isk. Knoxville. ("hl')' ne)' S1 li 1e and Nori h " Rig Will h11lds prac11call) Carolina A&T. every NBA rec11rd ... excep1 f,,r I Tying his sneakers. n1alcing Football Stats . ' prac11cc 11n 1in1e •••••• TB! BOWARD UlliftRSlTY (2-1~) llSOtl iTD' ···~·of S.turclay, Se•t· 'ar 27. 1974/ 11 P.M.

RUSHING < •TT YDS LOMG AYO I PUIT l!!T!Jl!IS NO YDS . UllC A'C .JAICS IREAKPI!ID l 41 226 24 5.5 I G~OOit! llltLll 4 31 26 9.5 DAYm JONES l 12 54 9 4.j 0 HEllWC •DeaM 1 4 4 4.0 OM&IH GIPSOM 3 9 SI 11 5:6 0 SHIUILL ~U 1 0 0 o.o CAIL DA.TIS 3 11 49 19 4.4 0 ' DllllTL H.lDGES 2 l 42 23 14.0 0 IC ICICC!l mt1915 lf9G AYC llAimY ..,... l 6 41 ))t 6,8 l llO - MA1CO ll>RCAll 3 13 32 ' 2.4 0 PIAICD JC>IC• 2 41 22 20.s IUDOLPB BAIIZT 1 2 Z0 17 10.0 0 DONALD um•s 1 Z0 20 zO.o MlfkMt TAPP 2 2 -2 -1.0 0 DAIDLL DAI.LET 1 2 -l -1.5 0 IOIAU> PORTER • 3 8 -26 8 -1.2 1 m YDI LG9C AYG MICHAEL B.An:S l 5 -35 •1'.0 0 DAKlM HAlSHALL 3 15 46 8 3.0 0 DAUYL llmc:&S 17 5'4 47 34.9 DOMAU> IAIUfES J . 12 10 4 0,9 0

Total a 3 141 505 l3t 3.5 3 ll!!JQPrJtaS ' ' • PASSDfG ATT CHP ~ GREGORY ltn'UR 2 2 2 1.0 1WK MASON 1 49 49t 49.0 MICHAEL ~S 61 29 47.5 4 340 tlAYW.ID COltl.IY 1 ' 0 0 DONALD POmR o.o 5 5 100.0 0 64 1 I DDll SPIAINlf 1 38 38. 11.0 DAlltt'L BRIDGES 1 0 o.o 0 0 lo RICOVl9p Plltl11S G Total• 61 34 50, 7 4 404 J KIVIM ClNIDCHAM l 2 RICIIVING NO YDS LONG G AVG TD GUNN DAVIS I 1 1 1 JAICS IBAIC7DU> 7 88 31 3 12 .,5 1 ' TllJKAS PAYNI 4 33 l 2 •-2 1 SACJ'PD m_ PASSll ., G JDS AYC MAaco tl>.RGAN 4 37 12 . 3 9~2 JULIUS GARBLE 3 51 > 19 ] 17.0 I ~ JAICS McDOtx'-Al.O J 2 15 5.0 k&MH&IH GIPSON J 55 . 26 2 18.3 0 QYDf Ci.DIC8AN 1 1 4 •• Q!Rlli b W.IREN l o 20 12 1 6.7 0 Cl.Ell ll'l'IS 1 1 6 6.0 HAURICZ CODY 2 18 10 1 9.0 0 •HJAMDf KADIS 1 1 5 5.0 CRIOOIT lltn'LER 2 15 10 0 1.5 0 CAIL DA•IS 2 35 19 v 17 .5 0 DAllJ!f tlAKSKALL l 11 11 1 11.0, 1 TACK11S. ASfllTS S, TOI''' f DOlfAI.D BARNES 1 20 20 1 ZO.O 10 HAIVIY UlfKS l 6 6 1 6.0 ~ 1111.JAKIM HAUIS 2G 22 Jl DAYID JONES l 15 15 1 15 .o r KIVD a.DICIWI 3 16 13' ~ To Hayward Corley, one of Howard's MOIY!LL PULUI 2 14 11 25 Total• 34 404 31 star defensive backs, timing is the name 3 11.. r !DOD SflARltJI J 16 6 22 Ct&Jnf DAVIS J 10 of the game. His sense of timing resulted SOJRDIG 11 RUM PP.SS PAT FG JltCP ' Pris RAYWA.ID COUIY 3 ' ' 16 in six interceptions for the Bisons last llAUtlCI PlllSILt:Y 1 10 •] lJ JNES llll!:AKPDLD 6 ' season. • 0 0 0 12 UtllllAID Mlllll.. l 10 ] 13 JULIUS GAMBLE: 0 0 6 0 i3 KtKI HOU.DICliDlml. 2 1 10 Fall is the time most Howard students NAU MA.SOlf O 0 0' 0 6 6 HAIK "'SOR J s s 10 are out looking for new fashion ideas. RilftY IWIKS 6 0 0 0 0 6 G•GOllT lt.Pl'U:I l 2 ' IDDD SPIAIHAM 0 0 0 0 6 6 JUAN IU ..S l 4 ] Hayward checked but March's unique ...... HAltS1WJ. 0 ' ' 6 0 0 0 6 JNSS Kc:DOUCAU> 3 J 3 6 fashions early to step ahead with his fall l)(lfAJ.D 6 ' roma 0 0 0 0 6 PAUL aALL J 6 Tiil'Wi PAYW! 0 2 look. Here he is seen in a Demian leather 6 0 0 0 6 llOl*IY Gt.urr 3 •2 4 6 ..."" .... 2 J 2 jacket, donegal tweed topcoat, rabbithair Total• 18 18 6 12 61 P• St'Oll 9f1TH J 2 2 4' topcoat, European dress slacks. and a ' JNSS HllfT!R 3 2 2 4 OPPONENTS .nik-nik shirt.

JULDJS CAKIU: 0 'lllltih ...... (1 aplee9) March is always ahead of the game Ptr.c. Da a •••••••••··· 49 23 ....,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 23 with their fashions for the man who 10 SQORipG: ...... 6 1 0 0 13 ....I.a& • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19 HOIMm 23 10 14 14 11 wants to show his individuality 1n cloth hultia• • • • • • • • • • . • . . 7 6' 1ng. • •eblaa Ac.ti it• •••• , • , 141 117 • Yard• t,;at..d ···~···•· 616 JO] Tar4a Loat •••••••••• :. 111 ., JO- 0 Morrta lrow 10/19 aw.Va.State •t Tar.. •·•htna • • • • • • S05 216 31· 7 ...... , • 10/26 1.c. AMr !Mc) ...... Attempt• ••••••• •1 44 O· 6 S. c. State 11/ 2 •' J t• c c leted • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34 13 10/ s a Y•. ltata 11/ ' ...... It. Open Sundays Iatareepted by ·······~ 5 4 10/12 Dal. lt•t• 11} ' •• c. Oll•t 3211 M St . N.W. •t Yar4e h ..liaa ••• •.. 424 111 Total Yar4e (pe•a 6 nm) 929 Washington. O.C ,,, lreakft.14 wa 18AC leek ef 'tak l t/14 333 2110 hr c : lated. h••• so.1 Jt.t ,...... ,...... ,,_ ,,. 27- 2S7 Yarde Per .._t •••••• JSe6 33.1 . I '

' ' P•ge 10 The Hilltop Ootober 4, 1974

._I__ P_erry....:;, _ ___JJ or so mies west to Indianapolis, After the long drive the jroup had to set up the equipment and then ••cook" on the audience for • ' over two hours, This may sound unreal but· the brother was still Wh•t do you think of Ho"¥rd'1 •- la1t Friday breathing when he related these evenin1f facts to jne, After a weekend • like that how could anyone attend classes seriously, Still he ' practices hours everyday, Yoo have to. to keep fingers as quick • and accurate as Barney's are. Whip out your copy of the

' Blackbyrd album and distinguish Barney's guitar playing. This isn't easy-the entire group sounds like one finely tuned instrument. No one ts bullshitting throughout the ,,····"····· hllc •' lllillr•lla: -hlli•-k .... ., ...... album, but listen anyway, The " Oiwppoinrmenl, bu! I'm w11h 1he BISONS illl the Blackbyrds are good and Will( " . 0.1rlenf' Coc•field - SeniOf - L.A. Barney';s not in the group " You win ~on1e - . y1>u IO'ff' .,1 11T11• tu '~ 1011111 11l1•' 1r· give tht' tt>.in1 your .. u 11por1 _. lht•)''I! ''' 't•rl 11 111 u1 1 because he happened to be there c_o m 1ng g.t me~ Es1lt'c 1.tlly .i r,111r1d tt (1 111••111r11 1r1 K'' when the group started, Do you '• ' ) know how many guitar players there are running around this ' school? , Claiming no strong influence from any guitarist. Barney docs maintain much independence in his playing. Duke Ellington No. 1 musician, one can understand his love of jazz. Eventually Barney would like to perform and record more ••jazz'' type music, but the music business being as ' · l•me~ lrddina - Junior - f'sychot09y I 11-. 10•11. ·1! 1, , rt10• ~ .1 1 1 1 1 • ,,, , ., lh•· r• 1l1 •1 o1rld irt ttn it is. tl1ere may be a del(ly until ''11.1 1 I t11•,1 rtl ti ''•'' (i1 •1111''' ' '1K .\ II I 1 • 11 r1 •.ill} ' " Y 1S someone decides he can make 1-..lfl' 1111 f ·\ 11 11 .1 1111 11 ·,1 11 1 lr t 1111 t t 11 • 111t.,ldkl•' " tl1em son1e money. • DOMtte Emor,. · Senior - LA. ' " Of 1·uu1st• I wa .. very cl1 Si1ppo1nted, bur I h.ive by frH lohnson • Communic.ations 110 1nc•n ~ 111., r fi11lh i11 the learn. I t.ilked with• few Jacobs " I w•s \Orry 111 \ l'I' r hf' ll 1 ~ 1 1 t 1 1 • 1 ., 111'1' lllll r 1 11 r h1r1~ learn m1•r11bt•1' o n S.i1urdo1y aftl'rnoon, /hey I C)() las .1 ~ f<1rever .ind n11 0111· liv;'' !(Jft '\ t '! \\',:, ,.Kt •! t(I Wl're d1-.a1>s>c1trltt•d , M m r o f !hem fell rhP \l11ve lor 1ierfec 111Jn IJu \ 1ht' r'• ,, ,11 .1!v.av' l;i.· 11111,., spirituality that seems to be w.in11•d !hi;• w1r1 . bul 11 01 enough. A lo~ s •lw;ays when Wt' l•ll \hf1rt A l th 1~ 1101111 d trll'' 'lfi!li 111 g1 vr' d tt•,.111 1n o1P 1r1 \ p1rd l 1on dnd enrhusi•sm to -embedded in his character \l11•ng1h wo uld Ix• ar1 1111111<•\('(I tullj,,, IH 't!(•lri1 w in l'1n ~ ur1 • 11lt• 8111 Blut' M•c h1ne wilt come b.J k 111ight be reflected in the .inc.-." • • ' lh1., weekend " c dedication he gives to ·his music . He spends hours

• practici11g. Four years ago, not long before he met the great ' Donald Byrd, he and some other '; stl1dents would spend l1ours practicing until times like two and three in the Dantes n1orning at · the Fine Arts Buildin2. Hau Pericles by no 1neans pllts tL'Cl1nic1ues used at studios on airs. As a matter of t'act he join tlte 1loward U11ivcrsity with tnulti- track recording. cannot tolerate this in other The musicians are able 'to use people. Under his calm shell Stage Ba11d wl1icl1 was t1eaded by l)onald Byrd at tl1c ti111e . son1etin1L..S up to 32 tracks he c I( presses his forceful wl1en tl1ey cut a record. tl1ouql1ts in a warm and During tl1is period Jazz Talking. about his n1usical comfortable tone of voice. ~iL1sician l)o11ald llyrd 11oticcd backgrol111d and sorne of tlte His styJist moustacl1c gives tl1e talc11t i11 l·lall a11d asked no indication of his desire for l1in1 to 11Jay a11 c11gage111cnt at people who have influenced sin1ple things. •• 1 like sincere Cardoza Migh School wltich lti111 Bro. Barnes ran off names wo1nan who are straight ' wer1t well and 111orc or less led like Coltrane, Henderson, forward, open1ninded and can to the forn1ing of· tl1c group Parker and otl1er superb think for themselves" he using otl1er talented stLtdents saxophonists. He talked about denotes. He says that he likes fro111 Howard also. Tl1c group the beal1 ty ol' old jazz and the earthy won1en and reacts worked and reltcarsi:cl a11d tl1e ta 1c n t displayed by these strongly against Black women prodL1ct of tl1cir work . . . musicians. We rapped about being involved in Women's Lib "'Th< lllackbyrds." tt1e presc11 l trends and tl1e ' move1nents . ''The B-lack According to .. laJI lie 's bc"·11 secrningly ertdless versatility of music. womain l1as really been cxposecl to 1ttl1sii.: every si11cc Music 1·or rnl1sicians is tlteir liberated si nce slavery." he l1is early . 1.'llildhood. llis ex Plains. 111otl1er was a graduate ot· lifestyle and Allan is no cxceptio11 . His knowledge of .Music is a part of Park like f-loward University bci11g a tlte art rl·llccts ltis love for tlte wo1nan is part of man. He's 111usi..: 111.Uor, a11d l1is fatltcr J>rol·ession. been ipto music since he was a wl10 wa.'i bor11 in D.C'. a11d Bro . Barnes 1s one cl1ild . . Later t>n playing for raised in l)ctroit partici1>ated dances and cabarets when he i11 so111c ba11d work also. The Blackbyrd wl10 digs flying is was a teenager. At the age of Blackbyrd :ne:nbcr hi:nsclf high, he presently taking nyi11g lessons and someday 23 this l1andso111e young artist ad111ils lo 11layi11g a nl1111 bl:r ot· . •· . pretty well knows where he 111strt1n1c11L'\: start111 g at a11 he'll be able to fly the group wants to go. His positive early age by ··11tl!S.'ii11g witl1 tl1e to gigs. I am Sllri: that there will be attitude toward life will 1>ia110 a little·· and tl1cn mori: good n1usic from the probably take him a long way . n1ovi11g to tl1c <• stri11g gl1itar l1orn 01· Allan Barnes and look A man of botl1 beauty and a11d at tl1c <1gc 01· 14 gctti11g a for the Black byrds to soon talent. Perhaps the 'words l1ass g11itar : II\.' al~o 11lays 111uSic ,1 simplicity and solitud~ (fflllllS. . . c o111e flyi11g into Cramton Auditoril1n1. best dCscribes hi111 ... Pericles. Brotl1cr 11~111 l1<1s 1111iqL1c ki11d ot· personality. lx'i11g 1norc or li:ss easy goi11g: a11J itkalistic bL1t at tl1c sa111c ti111c . sl1owi11g a SJlcci