Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-4-1974 The iH lltop 10-4-1974 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-4-1974" (1974). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 117. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/117 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -- ··our 111cl.li:1 1~ the 1 11c : 111~ ,,f litlcr;11i1111 . ;111 i11~1ru111..-111 ,,f cl 11 r ific:1t ic111 . i11f11r111 :1t 1• 111 . cdu..::11i1111 ;111ll 11111l11lii;111,111 .·· Kwa me Nkrumah • The People's Paper • HOWARD UllVEllllTY I WAllllll~OI , DC OCTOBf R 4, 1974 VOLUME 57/5 _ISSUE 6 Careen Week Howa•-d Co-ed Mt1rdered; ly Shibi. F~man Members of RNA Appeal Cases HolllOP SI.if! writer ·r11 e Offil·c of Career Planning FoundStahhedin Slowe· Hall- and Pla ce n1c11t brought lloward ay Dc111etrioua Powen Un1\·crs11y students together for The body of a Gr•duale Tht district police have pro­ the confrontation Bro. orfo8&l By Kadallah Kahfrc FBI-police atla..:k and that their first annl1al Carl!ers student 111 Fine Arts was duced. two suspects in t he case HllttOP Stall Writer pre-trial publio.:ity affected !heir Quddas, RNA Interior Minister. 1.: x1ll<•r.ation Weck . which was and is prompt ing lhe Ho ward found in roo111 ~33 Slowe Two historic cases will be previous trial . rcteivi:d 22 years for posscssio11 held lasl ~tonday September co111 111unit y to ,be o n the look Hall 11: 30 a111 ~l onday as argued this month in Southern The up-con1ing Oct. 16 case of an at1to111atic rifle. He i:. ~ _lrd thru, 1: riday Septc111ber out for : Robe.rt· •· Bob'' Jo nes courts and pcrltaps in Black before the U.S. fifth Cir..:uit prc:scntl)' serving a separJte life .!7th. an appare11t Ho r 11i~idc aka Lawrence Brosehart, 28 . communities .across t l1 e country; Court of Appeals will hav e "'ider se nt e n ce for 1nurdt!r 1n 1•rogr a 111 ( ·oordinator and victi111. New York native. 6'~··. 190 lbs .• Both cases arc appeals by ranging consequences. Parch111an t>rison . 1\ ssistant llireo.: lo r of the Career Charlotte E. Ridgeway. ~~. a 111eJi11m brow n, and short bush. citizens of the Republic of New In their briefs ' ltc RNA· ! I President l1na r1 Abuba~ari 1•1annin!! and t•tactn1enl Office, 11.t ilwauk.ee niilive. was fol1nd He is wanted 'for first degree Afrika(RNA) . Both .appeal) argued that as elc..:t5d officials of Ob:tdalc. 44.: Vice l)rcs1 dcnt C.rl·gory IJ. llayes. referred to under the bed in lier single murder by the District Police. evolved from a dawn attack by a separate though subjugated llakin1a Ana. ~q. Jnd Bro. 1\ dd1s (·arecrs Weck. as ~· a tool to dwelling with n1ultiple stab . Thi: other suspect is wanted FBI 3gents and police in August state. the U.S . constitution and Ababa received 17-ycar tl·r111s Jfc."Ll!>l' )ll1dcnt ..:uriosily about wounds in the neck. The vict i111 for questioning, he is James 1971 on the governrncnt international la\lo' nrotect tl1enl tor ..:on~p 1r1n g lo pos:.~·~s J th.: JOI' world as well as a means ac ...-ording to police reports had Johnson. '27, 5·7··. stocky build. from prosecut1011 in tile U.S. se111t-auto111Jt1c. r1lll' . In atld11iun. been dead sin..::t· Thursday nigt11 ruff dar k. brown skin, and dirty residence o f the RNA in of p1 l;1ar1ng the111 for Career • Jackson, ~1i ssiss ippi . Their briefs arc based on tl1c Bro. An.a rc ce1,.l'tl J l1l c ~c 111c.· n ... e ll;J\ .. the last tin1e she was seen alive. All of our residents have keys to appearance. If you have any in· A police lieutenant died, ··an Amistad Case: ~ 18411 . tl1c "'h1 c l1 he 1s ·110 \lo ...cr, 111g Bro . .I lie w1..'C\s· at1ivitics inclttded Gil111er Hayes. M.e s id.ent the 1nain door, and all residents formation on their.: two suspects FBI agent and policeman were Chc:rok.ee Indian Vs. the State ol Ababa 1:-. .J l)o :it t>a1lh111a11 wti rksbops u11der to pics of Conselor. discovered the body must be signed in and only a few contact either the District Police wounded, and 11 New Africans Georgia Case (18311 anJ a law :.crv111g l>wO ..:on~· urr ~·n1 !en }car ··c·Jrecr'i Ol1tlook for lloward .after bc:ing a11p roached b)' J schools in the area require or Bill Norwood of the Howard were arrested as a result of the passc:d 1n Oct. 1972 wllil·l1 tcr111 !> to r a~ult U111Vl'r)i ty GrJ(luates 1975 close friend of the victi111 . students to sign in guests.·· University Security. protects officials of foreign ( ·hu111ain1;arl A!>k.•d1 . c.llJrgl"d August 16 raid . The police ltJ7lJ : ••t'arel·rs 1n Education and According to I he Washington It 's not a lull proof system Miss Ridgeway was a student governments 1n the United w1tl1 consp1ral·) re..:c1\ell tl1 c arrived at the Lewis St. residence Altcrna tiVC i> to Teaching'': Post , Dr. L1.·roy Reddick s.aid but with the cooperation of tlie of Howard since August, a Fisk States even when those.• n1ax1111u111 fi,·e years. S 15.000 1n ·· < ' ar~·crs Miss Ridge"'a}·.dicd of 111ul1 iplc of the RNA at ti :JO a. n1 . to 1n thl' (;overn1nent and st udents it will provide some University graduate in Art; she govt.'r11mcnts arc not recognized property 1s 11eedcd to sc..:11rc ht~ I he l'r ofe)s1o nal and stab wounds in the neck . lie is present a fugitive warrant and checks and balances 1n it's also studied at Carroll College by America. ·rhc RNA also release fro111 Milan Prison 11ntil opened fire on the house after \d1111nistrativc Career also co nducting tests as to security.·· and the University of Wisconsin seventy-five se..:onds of bull-J1orn argued that the trial was full of the appeals arc ..:xha usted. I xa111inat1on l>a ce··: and ''Job wl1ethcr she was sexually before transfer in g h e r e, warning, according to resi dent s judi cial erro rs a11d thal ll1e ' U.S. The w1fl' of 1l1c I itlc !'> Kclc va11..:e lo a College 111 olested by ht.'r assailant . ·rhe Howard University according to the Post. Miss 1 of Jackson. plotted the assassinatio11 of New Vicc-l rt.'S 1dc nt. ·ra1nu Sa11J 25 . ~l ;.;o r : 1,1.•1111 cai;l1 session being Slo we llall originally was an Special Potic ~ a11d the District Ridgeway was described her Af,ter a11 exi.:hange of fire, the Afrikan official s. and Njcri 21 (Bro. Quaddtl!'> • dir~·l· l c d i>Y J staff 111c111ber of all wo111c n 's dor1n 1.1n1il Police arc working together in an frien~-s as a ''q u iet nic~ seven perso11s 1n the l1ouse In a lett er lb Attor11cy .wife) sc 11tcnccd lo ll1rec y..::j r!'>. 1 '1 c {'arecr l11an ning and Scptl·111bcr of 1QtJ8. 11 was then extensive investigation of the individual who was generally General Willia[ Sax.be l'rcsident arc frc..:- unller bonds. Siiilcr l'la ..:l·111cnl ()fli..:l'. reverted into a n all 1nal c case. wi;ll liked by everyone." shie lded tl1e111selv cs from • • tear-gas and fire in a tunnel Obadalc: I st ated ll1at ··an Quaddus, pregnant dl1ri11g llll' Stl1dc11t turnout and resident . In Augl1St Slowe.· under the building. They were unlawful ..:ons111racy to abridc raid. • gave b1rtl1 to a ~011 t!t1ri11g 111volve111cnt was viewed by tile s tarted a ("o-cdu~· atio11al later arrested, along with RNA the rigl1ts of myself and olhcr 1l1c pre-trial l1l·ar111g!'>. ~ tall a) Sul·..:c'°s.fu l . The progran1 wl11c.· h l1ousc.•s provisional President l111ar1 ..:·itizens of the RNA was 1:iftec11 year old al tl1c ti111c "or~~l1ops were dcs1g11ctl lo undergrad. grad 111ale students Obadale l and three otl1ers wl10 init ia1i:-d by ~1r . Nixon. then o f t/1c raid. Kar1111 ~jJ1xllt1t:l1 "·as 11 rov1tle infor111alion concerni11g and grad women on tl1c ~11d ;ind had spent tl1e night at the !'resident of the United States • . 1101 tried in tlte fedcr;a\ cot1rt ..:.1rl·cr 1°KlS..'1h1l1t1cs for both .1rd floors. ~tcr1dia1 1 lli\I located Republic's off1l·e st• vcral blocks . and till' l1 cads of 1 l1e U.S. hcl·at1sc of hisJL1vt·11ill' ~talU!> II .,; g:rJdllJlc Jilli 11ndi: rgrJtlualc 0 11 I Ut 11 and l: t10.:l1d i!> t l1t.' o nl y away. in t clligcncl' agcn ...':lcs 1n July \lo"a!> llO\lo' l"V..:"r conv1..:tl'd ol ~ I lid l· 111:.. o lhcr dor111 w.1th .a Last Sept. a nt:arly all while I lJ70 and c111hod1ed 111 1hc 111urdl·r 1n a !> IJll' trail a111.I I!> (}lll.:11 lltl U!>I..' l1e ld all da y C" o-\.'d u..:JI 1oniil pro gr a 111 . (one Black n1an ) jury 1n Biloxi, so-..:al lcd ·1·tuston Plan" .
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