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Simon Grabowsky,*a Alessandro Genoni*bc and Hans-Beat Burgi*de Cite this: Chem. Sci.,2017,8,4159 ¨

Approximate wavefunctions can be improved by constraining them to reproduce observations derived from diffraction and scattering experiments. Conversely, charge density models, incorporating -density distributions, atomic positions and atomic motion, can be improved by supplementing diffraction Received 16th December 2016 experiments with quantum chemically calculated, tailor-made electron densities (form factors). In both Accepted 3rd March 2017 cases quantum and diffraction/scattering experiments are combined into a single, integrated DOI: 10.1039/c6sc05504d tool. The development of quantum crystallographic research is reviewed. Some results obtained by quantum crystallography illustrate the potential and limitations of this field.

1. Introduction today's organic, inorganic and . These tools are usually employed separately. Diffraction and scattering Quantum chemistry methods and structure determina- experiments provide structures at the atomic scale, while the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. tion are highly developed research tools, indispensable in techniques of quantum chemistry provide wavefunctions and

aUniversitat¨ Bremen, Fachbereich 2 – Biologie/Chemie, Institut fur¨ Anorganische eUniversitat¨ Zurich,¨ Institut fur¨ Chemie, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich,¨ Chemie und Kristallographie, Leobener Str. NW2, 28359 Bremen, Germany. Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] † Dedicated to Prof. Louis J. Massa on the occasion of his 75th birthday and to bCNRS, Laboratoire SRSMC, UMR 7565, Vandoeuvre-l`es-Nancy, F-54506, France Prof. Dylan Jayatilaka on the occasion of his 50th birthday in recognition of their cUniversit´e de Lorraine, Laboratoire SRSMC, UMR 7565, Vandoeuvre-l`es-Nancy, F- pioneering contributions to the eld of X-ray quantum crystallography. 54506, France. E-mail: [email protected]

This article is licensed under a dUniversitat¨ Bern, Departement fur¨ Chemie und Biochemie, Freiestr. 3, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected] Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. Simon Grabowsky studied Alessandro Genoni has been chemistry at Free University of CNRS Researcher at the Labo- Berlin and received his doctoral ratory “Structure and degree from the same institution of Complex Molecular Systems” in 2010 before he went to the (SRSMC) of the University of University of Western Australia Lorraine (France) since 2011. (UWA) in Perth for a post- Aer earning his PhD in Chem- doctoral stay. He became Assis- ical Sciences from the University tant Professor at UWA in early of Milan (Italy) in 2006 (Maur- 2014, but le later in the same izio Sironi's group), he worked year in order to take on an as post-doctoral fellow in the Emmy Noether fellowship of the group of Kenneth M. Merz Jr at German Research Foundation the Project of (DFG) which allows him to be head of a research group at the the University of Florida (USA) and in the group of Giorgio University of Bremen, Germany. In 2015 he received the title Colombo at the ICRM Institute of the Italian CNR (Milan, Italy). “Professor” from the University of Bremen for the duration of the His current research mainly focuses on the extension of Jayatila- fellowship. His group's major interests lie in the principles of ka's X-ray constrained wavefunction tting approach and in the chemical bonding in inorganic molecular chemistry related to development of novel quantum chemistry-based approaches to method development in physical chemistry. The group applies rene charge densities of . spectroscopic, crystallographic and theoretical methods of struc- ture determination and advances them, especially quantum crystallography.

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Fig. 1 Quantum crystallography, first aspect: crystallographic data are Fig. 2 Quantum crystallography, second aspect: quantum chemical integrated into quantum chemical calculations to enhance the infor- calculations are integrated into crystal structure determination to mation content of the wavefunction. The resulting, so-called “exper- improve the dynamic charge density, i.e. the thermally smeared imental wavefunction” represents an improved approximation to the electron and nuclear densities. true wavefunction.

obtained from diffraction experiments by combining them in properties derived from them. In this contribution we review a self-consistent way with information from quantum chemical different efforts towards combining tools of these two elds into calculations. integrated quantum crystallographic strategies. The term quantum crystallography was rst introduced by Massa, Huang and Karle in 1995 for methods that exploit 2. Quantum crystallography, first “crystallographic information to enhance quantum mechanical definition: enhancing quantum calculations and the information derived from them”.1 The basic idea is to compensate shortcomings and limitations of chemical calculations with quantum mechanical models, e.g. incomplete consideration of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. experimental information electron correlation, with experimental data that are not 2.1 Pioneering “experimental” wavefunction techniques suffering from the same limitations (Fig. 1). In 1999 the same authors also suggested the converse possibility: “. quantum All modern quantum crystallography techniques according to the   “ ” mechanics . can greatly enhance the information available rst de nition originate from the pioneering experimental from a crystallographic experiment” (Fig. 2).2 wavefunction strategies originally proposed in the 1960s by 4 – Mutually subsidiary combinations of quantum chemistry Mukherji and Karplus. They perturbed unconstrained Hartree and X-ray structure determination suggest themselves.3 Fock molecular orbitals until they produced satisfactory agree-  Quantum chemical models are usually based on some approx- ment with experimental dipole moments or electric eld gradi-

This article is licensed under a imations of the true wavefunction. X-ray structure determina- ents at a minimal increase in the of the system. tion aims at the true charge density, which is related to the Agreement improved not only for the constraining experimental square of the true wavefunction, but is affected to a smaller or values, but also for other properties, such as diamagnetic and paramagnetic susceptibilities. Rasiel and Whitman5 introduced

Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. larger extent by vibrational motion and experimental errors. ‡ Here the topic of quantum crystallography is presented in experimental dipole moment constraints into the variational two parts. The rst part summarizes the development of minimization of the energy with Lagrange multipliers. Byers 6 increasingly sophisticated methods to combine information Brown and Chong proposed to implicitly introduce the experi- ff mental constraints by adding proper quantum mechanical from quantum chemical calculations with di raction and other ^ operators Oi (multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier li)tothe experimental data (see Fig. 3 for a summarizing scheme). The ^ second part describes ways of improving structural models starting and unconstrained Hamiltonian H: X ^0 ^ ^ H ¼ H þ liOi (1) i Hans-Beat Burgi¨ is Professor emeritus at the Department of The modied Schrodinger¨ equation can be solved varia- Chemistry and of tionally as shown by Fraga and Birss.7 the University of Berne, Switzer- In 1969 Clinton et al. published a series of groundbreaking land. He happily enjoys his ideas that may be considered the direct precursors of today's retirement at the Universities of – quantum crystallography methods.8 11 Although X-ray diffrac- Zurich,¨ Western Australia and tion data were not considered explicitly, the proposed theoret- Berkeley where he collaborates ical framework forms the basis for the methods developed in with his colleagues and friends in the 1970s and 1980s that combine quantum mechanical areas of common interest: struc- ture determination of disordered ‡ In all reviewed methods according to the rst denition, the authors refer to the materials from diffuse scattering, use of external parameters as “constraints”. Hence, we will use this term quantum crystallography, throughout Chapter 2, although we believe that, in a crystallographic sense, the dynamics and thermodynamics of crystalline polymorphs. term “restraints” would be more appropriate.

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Fig. 3 Scheme summarizing the features (framed in red) of the main methods (framed in light blue) according to the first definition of quantum crystallography. The lower the position of the method is in the scheme, the lower is the quantum chemistry contribution in it. Each family of techniques is associated with the corresponding bibliographical references in the paper. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.

calculations with crystallographic data. In the rst paper of the idempotency condition (i.e., P2 ¼ P) and the normalization to series,8 the authors presented a semi-empirical strategy to the number of (TrP ¼ N) on the one- determine one-electron density matrices§ of small diatomic matrices.9 This goal was achieved by combining the original, . They had both theoretical and practical reasons for iterative McWeeny purication formula13 focusing on one-electron density matrices rather than the more 2 3 usual wavefunctions.8,9 To accomplish their task, they used Pn+1 ¼ 3Pn 2Pn (2) theoretical constraints, such as the Hellmann–Feynman and 9

This article is licensed under a – virial theorems in combination with experimental constraints, with (i) the Hellmann Feynman and virial theorems, (ii) – 10 e.g. potential energy curves obtained from spectroscopic and Parr's integrated Hellmann Feynman theorem, (iii) local 11 15 scattering measurements. However, the density matrices energy constraints and, later, (iv) cusp conditions. This gave rise to another iterative procedure in which the density

Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. initially obtained by Clinton et al. did not conform with the essential quantum mechanical requirement that each density matrix at each iteration is obtained according to the following equation: matrix must correspond to an antisymmetric wavefunction (N- X 12–14 2 3 ðnÞ representability). For single Slater determinant wave- Pnþ1 ¼ 3Pn 2Pn þ lk Ok (3) functions, this drawback can be overcome by imposing the k

where Pn+1 and Pn represent the one-electron density matrix in § x x0 The one-electron density matrix g( ; ) for a pure state of an N-electron system is the adopted nite set of basis functions at the n + 1 and n related to the global wavefunction j(x ,x ,.,x ) for the same pure state of the 1 2 N iterations; O is the matrix representation of the operator O^ system through the following relation: k k ð associated with the property k in the same nite as the 0 0 (n) gðx; x Þ¼ dx2.dxN jðx1; x2;.; xN Þj*ðx 1; x2;.; xN Þ density matrix. The external multipliers {lk } are determined in a separate calculation by solving an auxiliary set of linear 0 where x and x are two sets of independent space and coordinates (i.e., x ¼ inhomogeneous equations{ that constrain the density matrix to {r,s}andx0 ¼ {r0,s0}). Since the numerical value of g changes according to the value 0 0 reproduce the values {o } of the properties considered. of x and x , g(x;x ) can be seen as a matrix of innite dimensions. It intrinsically k contains all the information about the one-electron properties of a system and, if  integrated over the continuous spin coordinates, reduces to the spinless 2.2 The rst quantum crystallographic methods: the original one-electron density matrix: Clinton & Massa approach and its later developments ð ð 0 0 0 0 0 0 An X-ray diffraction experiment provides a large number of rðr; r Þ¼ dsds gðx; x Þ¼ dsds gðr; s; r ; s Þ structure factor amplitudes, from which the elec- whose diagonal part corresponds to the electron density (r(r;r) ¼ r(r)). Working tron density in the crystal can be determined (aer recovering

with a nite set of M basis functions {cm}(i.e. the usual basis-sets of quantum h i chemistry), the spinless one-electron density matrix can be expressed in terms X { P 2 P 3 þ l ðnÞO O ¼ ; ¼ ;.;  P Tr 3 n 2 n k k k ok k 1 next. The unknowns for the of the nite matrix : XM k ðr r0Þ¼ ðrÞ *ðr0Þ (n) r ; cm Pmncn resulting system of inhomogeneous equations are the external multipliers {lk }. m;n¼1

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their phases). Recognizing this fact Clinton and Massa for this family of techniques is probably the one proposed by attempted for the rst time to extract a one-electron density Pecora.30 He devised a simplied steepest-descent algorithm to matrix from X-ray diffraction data.16 Their 1972 technique may determine “experimental” idempotent density matrices. It is be considered as the rst quantum crystallography investiga- mainly based on the gradient of the average squared error tion. It differs from the strategy proposed by Clinton and between calculated and experimental structure factors ampli- coworkers in 1969 (ref. 9) only by using structure factors as tudes (i.e., the well-known c2 statistic). With his approach, he external constraints and basically consists in iteratively solving provided one of the earliest density matrices obtained from real the following matrix equation: experimental data, positron annihilation data for a Cu–Ge alloy X P ¼ 3P 2 2P 3 þ ðnÞI þ ðnÞf in his case. Pecora's algorithm was further improved by Howard nþ1 n n lN lh h (4) 31 h et al. The resulting powerful simulated annealing strategy allowed for the rst time to study molecules as large as P P I where n+1 and n have the same meaning as in eqn (3), is the methylamine and formamide, for which theoretical and exper- f identity matrix, h is the matrix of the Fourier transforms of the imental X-ray diffraction data were used as external constraints, h basis functions products, is a triad of Miller indices labeling respectively. In a follow-up investigation Snyder and Stevens32  (n) (n) the re ection considered, lN and lh are external multipliers determined the density matrix for the azide in potassium determined at each iteration from the auxiliary set of equations azide from experimental structure factors. They found that the that constrain the density matrix to be normalized to the correct electron density associated with the tted density matrix shows number of electrons and to reproduce the given set of structure some features that are common both to the multipole model factors. (see Section 3.2) and to theoretical charge distributions used for Initially Clinton, Massa and others studied very small model comparison. systems at rest (mainly and the hydrogen ) with Among the pioneering quantum crystallography methods, 16–21 structure factors calculated from near-exact wavefunctions. the strategy proposed by Figgis and collaborators has to be In 1973 they generalized their algorithm to take into account 33

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. mentioned. They extracted populations of atomic real experimental data with their errors (but did not test it with orbitals from X-ray or polarized neutron diffraction data, e.g. in 17 actual data). Because of the experimental errors, the structure coordination complexes such as the trans-tetraamminedini- factor constraints cannot be satised exactly but only in a least- 2 tronickel(II) [Ni(ND3)4(NO2)2] compound and the CoCl4 anion square sense.17 Frishberg22 compared in detail the values of in Cs3CoCl5. The X-ray (XAO) method developed some physical properties for the beryllium predicted by by Tanaka and coworkers also belongs to this family of – 23 the near Hartree Fock wavefunction of Clementi on one hand approaches.34–38 It determines atomic orbitals on transition  19 24,25 and by the X-ray tted and Best Density Matrix (BDM) metal by minimizing the usual statistical agreement wavefunctions on the other hand. In most cases the one- between experimental and theoretical structure factors subject

This article is licensed under a electron properties obtained with the quantum crystallog- to orbital orthonormality and constraints. Although raphy strategy agreed best with the results calculated from the the strategy initially aimed at modeling the crystal-eld inu- 26 highly accurate and correlated wavefunction used as refer- ence on the d atomic orbitals,34,35 it was later extended to also ence. As far as momentum-related properties are concerned, the 36–38

Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. treat s, p and f functions. predictions based on the X-ray tted wavefunction were always superior to the near Hartree–Fock ones. However, the BDM technique made the best predictions. The investigations summarized so far established the theoret- 2.3 Beyond the single Slater determinant approximation ical basis for combining quantum chemical calculations with All the methods described so far suffer from an intrinsic limi- ff experimental X-ray di raction data as external constraints, showed tation: since they require the one-electron density matrices to be its potential and its limitations, but used only calculated X-ray idempotent, these matrices are necessarily associated with  structure factors (usually for atoms at rest). The rst density single Slater determinant wavefunctions. The MOON (Molec- matrix determined from experimental X-ray structure factors was ular Orbitals Occupation Numbers) method39 tries to overcome 27 28 that of beryllium in 1985. In a later study by Aleksandrov et al. this problem by re-determining the occupation numbers of pre- one-electron density matrices for silicon and diamond were computed occupied and virtual molecular orbitals, such that  successfully tted to experimental structure factors. Electronic the agreement with the X-ray diffraction data is maximized. The  kinetic and Compton pro les derived from them were in current version of the method offers two options. In the rst the good agreement with corresponding experiments. optimized occupation numbers of the molecular orbitals are  Over the years several modi cations and improvements of constrained to be between 0 and 2, which implies that one- “ ” the Clinton & Massa experimental density matrix method electron density matrices are N-representable. In the other were proposed. Massa and coworkers extended the original option, the upper limit on the occupation numbers is dropped. 19 approach (i) to the case of open-shell systems and (ii) to This introduces more exibility in the tting process, but may 29 extended systems using Bloch and Wannier functions. The lead to results violating the Pauli principle. In both options the latter extension takes into account the interaction among unit coefficients of the pre-determined molecular orbitals are not cells and allows to study insulators, semiconductors and optimized during the tting procedure; the technique thus metals, at least in principle. The most important step forward scales linearly with the size of the basis set. However, the

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necessity to pre-compute the molecular orbitals renders the obtained with this philosophy are almost identical with the application of MOON to very large molecules quite difficult. corresponding Hartree–Fock ones. For this reason the authors More advanced methods to overcome the single-determinant proposed (i) that the Kohn–Sham single Slater determinants limitation replace the basic idempotency constraint with a more obtained by kinetic- could represent general N-representability condition that requires the eigen- physically meaningful wavefunctions and (ii) that their strate- values for the one-electron density matrix to lie between 0 and gies could provide an alternative way towards proper wave- 1.14 Weyrich and collaborators40 introduced this condition into functions from experimental data. Other techniques to extract their pioneering methods for the reconstruction of the wavefunctions and crucial DFT quantities from the electron complete one-electron density matrix (i.e. including diagonal density have previously been introduced by Nyden & Parr52 and and non-diagonal parts) from a combination of X-ray diffraction by March and coworkers.53 Unfortunately, their strategies have and inelastic Compton scattering data. Gillet and coworkers never been tested with real experimental data as external followed the same philosophy in more recent studies.41 Weyr- constraints. ich's technique was extended by Nicholson et al.42 to obtain Dyson orbitals from electron momentum spectroscopic data.  The strategy devised by Cassam-Chena¨ı is included here in the 2.5 Jayatilaka's X-ray constrained wavefunction tting: the same group of techniques;43 a small number of wavefunctions original strategy and recent advances (obtained through preliminary ab initio calculations) are used to Nowadays, the most reliable and practical implementation of expand the ensemble N-representable one-electron density the Henderson & Zimmerman idea is the X-ray constrained matrices of the systems investigated. The expansion coefficients wavefunction (XCW) tting approach devised by Jayatilaka.54–60 are determined through a t to the experimental measure- The method is currently implemented for molecular crystals. It ments. Using this idea Cassam-Chena¨ı et al.44 determined the assumes identical, space group-symmetry related, non- 2 spin density of the CoCl4 anion in the Cs3CoCl5 crystal from interacting molecules. The unit-cell electron density of the ff

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. polarized neutron di raction data. molecular crystal is expressed in terms of the electronic wave- function j of a reference molecule and its symmetry related copies. To guarantee that the unit-cell electron density of the 2.4 Criteria to select the best wavefunction ctitious non-interacting molecular crystal is identical to the The theoretical developments and practical strategies outlined unit-cell electron distribution of the corresponding real inter- above represent an important basis for combining quantum acting system, the Jayatilaka method determines the wave- mechanical calculations with experimental data. However, as function j of the reference molecular unit that minimizes a new Gilbert has pointed out, they suffer from a further ambiguity.45 functional given by the sum of the energy of the molecule and of There is an innite number of N-representable one-electron an additional term measuring the statistical agreement between This article is licensed under a densitymatrices(differing only in their off-diagonal parts) and, the experimental and the calculated structure factor consequently, an innite number of wavefunctions that are amplitudes: compatible with a given electron distribution. Therefore, even  J[j] ¼hj|H^|ji + l(c2[j] D) Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. under strict N-representability constraints, simple tting to density (5) data may lead to an inappropriate density matrix or wavefunction. Henderson & Zimmermann46 proposed that, among all single where l is an external multiplier manually adjusted during the “ ” Slater determinants that reproduce a given electron density, the tting procedure until achieving the desired statistical D bestoneistheonethatminimizestheHartree–Fock energy agreement between the theoretical and the experimental  2 functional. They introduced this criterion into the 1972 approach structure factors (typically xed to 1.0). c is the statistical of Clinton & Massa.16 Their algorithm modies in a quasi- agreement between the calculated and the experimental struc- continuous way a starting Hartree–Fock wavefunction until the ture factor amplitudes: desired X-ray constrained solution is obtained at a minimum X 2 2 1 ðh jFcalcðh; j Þj jFobsðhÞjÞ 46 c ½j¼ penalty in energy. A similar philosophy was followed by Kryachko N N 2 (6) r p h sh and coworkers.47 Their original method of local-scaling trans- 48 ff formations was exploited to modify an initial wavefunction (the with Nr the number of measured X-ray di raction data, Np the promolecule wavefunction) until it reproduces the electron density number of adjustable parameters, h the triads of Miller indices

given by the experimental X-ray diffraction data. In this approach labeling the reections, sh the standard uncertainty of |Fobs(h)|, the energetic criterion of Henderson & Zimmermann was not and h a scale factor properly determined to minimize c2. considered explicitly. From a theoretical point of view, the XCW method is fully Levy & Goldstein49 and later Gritsenko & Zhidomirov50 supported by the Levy–Lieb theorem,61 according to which the proposed an alternative to the Henderson & Zimmermann exact wavefunction of a system not only provides its electron criterion. They select the single Slater determinant with density, but also minimizes the sum of the kinetic and the minimal kinetic energy among the ones compatible with a given electron–electron repulsion energies. For the same reason, the charge distribution. Zhao, Morrison and Parr51 used this idea in Henderson & Zimmerman criterion introduced in the previous the early 1990s to extract Kohn–Sham orbitals from electron subsection is to be preferred to the one based on the minimi- density data generated by ab initio computations. Orbitals zation of only the kinetic energy.

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The XCW tting strategy was originally developed in the In a follow-up study, Cole and Hickstein73 analyzed ZTS in framework of the restricted Hartree–Fock approach, but was more detail. They observed that the refractive index derived later extended to the unrestricted case,62 to the relativistic scalar from the static linear polarizability which in turn was calculated second-order Douglas–Kroll–Hess62 and Innite-Order Two from the XCW (atomic positions and displacement parameters Component (IOTC) methods.63 It is also available in conjunc- from the multipole model) agrees quite well with the experi- tion with the Kohn–Sham formalism.60 Recently the Jayatilaka mental value unlike the corresponding gas phase value calcu- method was coupled with a technique developed by Stoll et al.64 lated ab initio. The authors concluded that XCW tting to determine Extremely Localized Molecular Orbitals implicitly accounts for the solid-state effects present in the (ELMOs).65 The resulting X-ray constrained ELMO method66–69 condensed phase. The same investigation also highlighted the allows the extraction of X-ray constrained molecular orbitals fact that values of optical properties obtained from a multipole strictly localized on small molecular fragments, such as atoms, model differ from the ones resulting from ab initio computa- bonds or functional groups. tions and XCW tting by up to two orders of magnitudes. This conrms the inadequacy of computing properties depending on two-electron contributions from traditional charge density 2.6 Applications of the XCW tting technique models (see Section 3.2) and, consequently, the necessity of The XCW tting method does not only provide reliable electron resorting to X-ray constrained wavefunctions in all those cases. density distributions. From XCWs, physical properties of Another advantage of the XCW approach is its capability to – materials,70 73 such as non-linear optical properties, can be include chemically important effects (e.g., electron correlation determined. These properties cannot be obtained from experi- and crystal effects) that can otherwise only be accounted for with mental electron densities since the crucial many-electron a considerably larger computational effort. These can be studied contributions would be missing.70 In 2013, Hickstein et al.72 by exploiting several functions and descriptors, such as the exploited the Jayatilaka technique to compute dipole moments, Electron Localization Function (ELF),74 the Electron Localiz- molecular polarizabilities, hyper-polarizabilities and 75 76

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. ability Indicator (ELI) andbondindices, which were extracted refractive indices for four compounds: coumarin (1-benzopropan- from XCWs.77–80 The crystal structure of a vinyl sulfone (1-cyano- 2-one), DED ({4-[bis(diethylamino)-methylium]phenyl}dicyano- 1-phenylsulfonyl-2-methylthio-2-methylaminoethylene) serves as methanide), MBADNP (3,5-dinitro-2-[1-phenyl-ethyl]- an example.80 An ELI isosurface plot of the sulfonyl moiety is aminopyridine) and ZTS (zinc [tris]thiourea sulphate), all of shown in Fig. 5a, the most important Lewis structures them displaying interesting non-linear optical properties. The for the sulfonyl group are depicted in Fig. 5b. In closed-shell authors claim72 that the properties calculated from XCWs agree systems the isosurfaces embrace regions of maximum localiza- with those calculated at the Hartree–Fock level with an average tion of electron pairs and can hence be related to bonding and statistical deviation of 20% from each other (see Fig. 4), which is non-bonding valence effects. A topological analysis of the ELI

This article is licensed under a comparable to the statistical deviation between Hartree–Fock provides basins for electron pairs with corresponding attractors and experimental values for molecular polarizabilities. Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM.

Fig. 4 Comparison of optical properties calculated at the Hartree–Fock level with those calculated from XCWs. Two slightly different geom- etries and sets of atomic displacement parameters were used for the XCW fit, one based on a multipole refinement, the other on a Hirshfeld atom refinement model (see Section 3.3). Reprinted from ref. 72 with the permission of AIP Publishing.

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based on atomic positions and anisotropic displacement parameters (ADPs) resulting from a Hirshfeld atom renement rather than from a multipole renement (Fig. 4). In order to minimize the bias on the constrained wavefunction due to inadequate ADPs, the latter could be adapted periodically during the tting process in an iterative version of the tech- nique called X-ray wavefunction renement (see Chapter 4). For a given set of ADPs the XCW will also differ depending on the way the ADPs are used in order to smear the static electron density (Stewart,81 Coppens82 and Tanaka34). The use of the latter three in the XCW tting is compared in ref. 56. There are other open questions: (i) the applications dis- cussed in chapter 2.6 lead to the question to which extent the Jayatilaka-type approaches capture crystal eld effects, electron ff Fig. 5 (a) Isosurface representation of the X-ray constrained ELI for correlation and relativistic e ects on the electron density? Two ˇ 63 83 a sulfonyl group (ELI ¼ 1.445 around the S–O bond attractors and ELI recent papers by Bucinsk´y et al. and by Genoni et al. deal with ¼ 1.550 around the lone-pair attractors) with ELI valence basin elec- relativistic and electron correlation problems, respectively. They tron populations (in e, with associated standard deviations). Black present perspectives for the development of new effective core spheres below the transparent ELI isosurfaces indicate the positions of potentials and density functionals from experimental X-ray the basin attractors. Each basin attractor shown can be interpreted as ff representing a lone pair. The oxygen atom on the right is involved in an di raction data. (ii) Can the XCW approach, which is intramolecular hydrogen bond which induces asymmetry into the currently limited to a single determinant wavefunction ansatz, electronic system of the sulfonyl group. Reproduced from ref. 80 with be extended to multi-determinant wavefunctions? Such an permission of John/Wiley & Sons, Inc. (b) Possible Lewis resonance 84

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. extension has recently been proposed in an attempt to inter- structures of a sulfonyl group. pret the experimentally observed suppression of aromaticity in a bis-carbonyl[14]annulene (BCA) at high-pressure.85 The X-ray constrained wavefunction of BCA is written as a linear combi- (black spheres under the surface in Fig. 5a). Each attractor can nation of two pre-computed ELMO Slater determinants, which be interpreted as representing a bonding or lone electron pair. correspond to the two resonance structures of BCA and are kept For the oxygen atoms there are two and three attractors and frozen during the XCW tting. The relative weights of the two thus two and three lone pairs corresponding to one double and determinants are tted to the experimental structure factors one single bond, respectively. This points towards an asym- (XC-ELMO valence bond approach). Further developments of

This article is licensed under a metric Lewis description with an increased contribution of the technique are currently in progress, by allowing the opti- resonance form 2 (top). The asymmetry is induced by a strong mization of the ELMO Slater determinants during the compu- intramolecular resonance assisted hydrogen bond of one of tations. (iii) What is the meaning of the multiplier l (see eqn (5)) the oxygen atoms with a neighboring amine group. Interest-

Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. and is there a clear and reliable criterion for choosing its value ingly, this asymmetry in the topology is not reproduced in and thus for stopping the “tting” procedure? Although – aHartreeFock calculation where two lone pairs per oxygen different ideas have been proposed,55,56,67,70,72 a satisfactory 80 atom are found, but is reproduced in a highly correlated solution has yet to be presented. CCSD (coupled-cluster with single and double excitations) calculation (unpublished results). It is known that ELI is particularly sensitive to electron correlation. The extraction of 2.8 Tampering with quantum chemistry? electron correlation from single-determinant XCWs will be From a quantum theoretical point of view, one might argue that discussed below in more detail (Sections 2.7 and 2.8). the quantum crystallographic approaches described in this chapter tamper with clearly dened, albeit approximate, quantum mechanical models. The wavefunctions, one-electron  2.7 X-ray constrained wavefunction tting: problems and density matrices and energies resulting from quantum crystal- outlooks lographic procedures are no longer solutions of the model At present, XCW tting appears to be the most promising and Hamiltonian operator chosen for the quantum calculations, but reliable method among the various “experimental” wave- are modied by the experimental data. There seems to be no function strategies. However, the results of the XCW tting rigorous mathematical proof based on the principles of depend on the quality of positional and thermal parameters and quantum theory showing that this modication also represents the model through which these are obtained (i.e., Independent an improved description of the system. The improvement can Atom Model (IAM), multipole model, Hirshfeld Atom Rene- only be tested by comparing the modied description with the ment (HAR), etc., see Chapter 3). In the investigation discussed results of the best possible calculations or with experimental in Section 2.6, Hickstein and coworkers72 observed that the results not used as constraints. This has been done for optical agreement between the results from XCW and fully ab initio properties calculated from XCWs72,73 (see Section 2.6). The XCW computations improves somewhat when the XCW tting is single Slater determinant produces better agreement with

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experimental data than the simple Hartree–Fock single Slater ADPs that compare well with those from determinant.73 In order to test whether the Jayatilaka approach neutron diffraction data. captures effects of electron correlation on the electron density, an XCW has been tted to structure factors obtained from (highly correlated) computations.83 The 3. Quantum crystallography, second comparison between the resulting electron distribution and the definition: enhancing experimental (theoretical) correlated one showed that electron correlation effects are partially captured if large values of the external crystal structure models with multiplier l (see eqn (5)) are used and if mainly low-order information from quantum chemical reections, which contain most of the information about elec- calculations tron correlation, are used as external constraints.83 These studies strongly indicate that XCW tting strategies introduce 3.1 Crystal structure determination by X-ray and electron information into the “experimental” wavefunction that is diffraction has always used quantum-mechanical information missing in the unconstrained wavefunction ansatz. It is oen forgotten that the standard models of crystal structure determination incorporate the experimentally determined structure factor amplitudes on one hand and atomic form factors calculated independently by ab initio 2.9 Towards enhancing models of nuclear motion with methods on the other. Such models depend to a variable experimental information extent on the calculated information introduced into them. To A comprehensive model of a crystal's charge density encom- illustrate this point, it is recalled that the measured X-ray ff h h ¼ passes not only a description of the electron density, but also of di raction intensities Iobs( ) with Miller indices (h,k,l) nuclear motion. With a good quantum mechanical model and are proportional to the square moduli of the structure factors –

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. h assuming the Born Oppenheimer approximation it is possible |Fobs( )|: to calculate not only the static equilibrium electron density, but 2 also the crystal vibrations, i.e. the phonon dispersion spectrum Iobs(h) |Fobs(h)| (7) of the crystal, which can be computed by diagonalizing the dynamical matrix. From the crystal vibrations, the mean square The structure factors F(h), which are the Fourier transforms atomic displacement parameters (ADPs) are obtained. Such of the crystal unit-cell electron density, ð calculations can become extremely intricate depending on the FðhÞ¼ dr ðrÞei2ph$r density of k points used to sample the Brillouin zone and to r (8) model the 3nN vibrations for a crystal containing N unit cells

This article is licensed under a with n atoms each. are modeled as a sum of atomic contributions This not only creates a need for simplied, yet accurate NXatoms F ðhÞ¼ f ðhÞT h; U ei2ph$Rj models, but also raises the question to what extent experi- model j j j (9) j¼1

Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. mental mean square vibrational amplitudes (ADPs) can

compensate for the simplications. Hoser and Madsen have where fj is the scattering or form factor of atom j at position Rj, 86 initiated what they call dynamic quantum crystallography. In and Tj is usually called ‘atomic temperature factor’, which this method, crystal normal modes and corresponding vibra- depends on the mean square static and dynamic atomic U R U R tional frequencies are determined from periodic ab initio displacements j of atom j from its average position j. j and j 87 calculations. The sampling of these modes is usually severely are variables of Fmodel and are rened against the experimental limited, oen to the origin of the Brillouin zone (G-point). In the data by minimizing the mean-square difference between

latter case the dynamical model encompasses only a single unit |Fobs(h)| and |Fmodel(h)|. The atomic electron densities, i.e. the

cell with n atoms and is thus highly oversimplied. The scattering factors fj are not. From the beginning of X-ray crystal frequencies of the lowest crystal vibrations, the acoustic and low structure determination they have been taken as the Fourier optical phonons, are particularly poorly represented in this transforms of calculated spherical electron densities of isolated  approximation. These frequencies are therefore re ned against atoms. In this model the fj are assumed to always be the same, experimental data until the ADPs derived from them, from the irrespective of an atom's chemical environment (Independent unmodied higher frequency phonons and from the rened Atom Model, IAM).91 Early on, the atomic densities have been 92 atomic positions produce model structure factors Fmodel in computed with the classical laws of electrodynamics, while agreement with X-ray or neutron diffraction data (Normal Mode later on they have been determined with increasingly sophisti- Renement, NoMoRe). Rened frequencies and calculated cated quantum mechanical models using, for example, atomic displacement patterns compare well with results ob- Thomas–Fermi–Dirac93 or Hartree–Fock–Slater94 approxima- tained independently from multi-temperature X-ray diffraction tions.95 Most current soware for crystal structure determina- studies.88 Thermodynamic properties from NoMoRe and multi- tion contains libraries with quantum-mechanical form factors temperature X-ray and neutron diffraction investigations89 calculated in the 1960s using relativistic wavefunctions.96 agree – albeit not perfectly – with each other and with calori- Reduced or increased scattering power of ions relative to the metric data (Fig. 6).90 NoMoRe against X-ray data produces neutral atom is taken into consideration by Hartree–Fock

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Fig. 6 (a) Heat capacity (Cp) for a molecular crystal of naphthalene: from thermodynamic measurements (blue curve), calculated from frequencies obtained after NoMoRe (red curve) and estimated by Aree and Burgi¨ from multi-temperature diffraction data89 (green curve). (b) Difference between Cp measured calorimetrically and Cp estimated with NoMoRe (red curve) or from multi-temperature data (green curve) (reprinted from ref. 90 under the general license agreement of IUCr journals).

calculations for lighter atoms,97 or relativistic –Slater 3.2 Aspherical scattering factors and electron-density calculations for heavier atoms.98 research In contrast to X-ray diffraction, conventional electron The crystal eld is never spherically symmetric, especially not if diffraction experiments (for convergent-beam electron diffrac- an atom forms strong directed bonds. Representing the crystal tion see Section 3.3) measure the interaction of the probing electron density as a sum of spherical atomic densities can thus electrons with the electrostatic potential inside the crystal. be a severe approximation. Quantum-chemical calculations on h Intensities I( ) are proportional to the square of the Fourier molecules and polyatomic ions can account for distortions from 4 r transform of the potential distribution ( ). The latter can be spherical symmetry, but require procedures for partitioning the modelled with isolated-atom scattering factors similar to eqn crystal electron density into a sum of atomic ones. The (9). Analytical or polynomial ts to X-ray scattering improved scattering factors are referred to as generalized or factors are used to obtain numerical values of the electron- polarized-atom scattering factors. Stewart et al. suggested such diffraction scattering factors.96a,b,99 Note that the nuclear scat- scattering factors obtained from SCF calculations on diatomic tering lengths and cross sections needed in neutron diffraction and simple organic molecules.100 The treatment of the hydrogen are obtained experimentally. atom is especially problematic, since hydrogen has no core electrons. The distribution of its single 1s-valence electron

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tends to be heavily deformed in covalent bonds. A scattering in crystallographic renements of positional parameters and ADPs

factor based on quantum-mechanical calculations of the H2 improves the accuracy of the structural model. molecule has been especially successful for the treatment of such hydrogen atoms.101 A spherical approximation of the scattering factor of a hydrogen atom in the hydrogen molecule 3.3 Quantum crystallographic methods according to the  is still in use in most modern crystallographic soware (Stew- second de nition art–Davidson–Simpson, SDS, model).102 As discussed above, crystal structure determination using the Adifferent way to represent the crystal electron density in IAM or pseudo-atom models always involves quantum- terms of aspherical atomic electron densities and their scat- mechanical information. Certain aspects of the crystal elec- tering factors is to parameterize pseudo-atom electron densities tron density are not measured, but modeled with the help of with analytical functions. The forms of the latter are based on theory. From this viewpoint, every X-ray structure determined quantum-chemical considerations, whereas their parameters since the appearance of the Schrodinger¨ equation in 1925 are rened against the observed structure factors. Hence, such could be regarded as ‘quantum crystallography’.However, scattering factors are partly based on quantum mechanical spherical atoms or pseudo-atoms in a standard chemical theory and partly on diffraction data. Models in this family are environment never reect the inuence of the actual chem- known as multipole models. An incomplete list of the ical environment and the crystal eld exactly. The quantum- approaches that have been introduced and tested over the past chemical information introduced into the conventional 50 years includes the seminal work by Dawson 1967,103 Kurki- structure modeling and renement process is always Suonio 1968,104 Stewart 1969,81 Hirshfeld 1971,105 Coppens approximate. The use of quantum chemistry in these 1971.82 The most widely used formalism is that of Hansen and methods may be considered as “indirect”, since it relies on Coppens from 1978.106 Its aspherical scattering factor expres- tabulated information for model compounds. sion is shown in eqn (10): In the spirit of Huang, Massa and Karle's denition of 2

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. X4 quantum crystallography in 1999, we consider quantum crys- 0 fjðhÞ¼Pj;corefj;coreðhÞþPj;val fj;valðh; kÞþ fjl h; k l tallography as an interdisciplinary approach that amalgamates l¼0 numerical quantum chemical information into diffraction Xl experiments within single, integrated tools. The use of the P Y jðh=hÞ jlm lm (10) wavefunction is “direct” since it is an integral part of the m¼l renement and modeling process, is tailor-made for the very molecular or extended system under investigation and is The core and valence spherical atomic scattering factors continuously updated during structure renement. – fj,core and fj,val are usually derived from Hartree Fock wave- Quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED)

This article is licensed under a functions expanded over Slater-type basis functions and tabu- depends on such a dynamic model as it does not rely on tabu- 107 – lated in data-bases. Similarly the fjl functions are Fourier lated atomic scattering factors. Each experiment requires its Bessel transforms of radial density functions Rjl based on individual wavefunction to extract scattering amplitudes or single-zeta Slater-type orbitals with energy-optimized exponents 114 Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. Fourier potentials. To describe the multiple scattering 107,108 j taken from valence-orbital wavefunction calculations. Ylm between the incoming electron beam and the crystalline mate- are spherical harmonics. This means that the analytical form of rial a dynamical theory must be adopted. Dynamical Bloch-wave the electron density is signicantly inuenced by quantum- theory is oen applied, which has some computational advan- chemical concepts and results, whereas the multipole pop- tages for subsequent pattern matching procedures, and is – ulation parameters Pjlm, the expansion contraction parameters similar to Pendellosung¨ approaches for X-ray diffraction.115 The 0 k and k for the radial parts of the electron densities, positional Schrodinger¨ equation is solved for the single high-energy elec- parameters and ADPs are rened against the experimental tron as it passes through the crystal and the electrostatic diffraction data. In an effort to increase the exibility of the potential matrix elements are computed. In structure rene- multipole model, bonded-atom radial functions have been ments from quantitative CBED data, simulated intensities are introduced.109 In an extended version of the Hansen–Coppens compared with observed intensity variations within CBED disks formalism, aspherical fj,core account for core deformation and of different incident beam orientation (see Fig. 7). During can be rened against the experimental data in exceptional renement, wavefunction parameters in the dynamical theo- cases.110 retical model have to be updated repeatedly by adjustment of Atomic multipole descriptions derived from experiment and structural parameters and Debye–Waller factors.116 This “direct” pertaining to different chemical environments have been collected combination of a diffraction experiment with theory can hence in libraries of pseudoatoms (ELMAM).111 Multipole and expan- be considered the rst quantum crystallographic technique sion–contraction parameters have also been extracted from according to the second denition. Method development and quantum-chemically computed electron densities of model early applications date back to the 1960s.117 First interpretations compounds and tabulated for many atoms in a large but limited of CBED disks with quantum chemical calculations appeared in number of different chemical environments (invariom database,112 the mid 1980s118 and were followed in the early 1990s by UBDB113). Using aspherical rather than spherical scattering factors improved methods that take advantage of supercomputer facilities.119

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Fig. 7 (a) Sketch of the scattering process leading to CBED disks that can be attributed to individual structure factors with Miller indices hkl. Intensity of the real measured pattern for aluminium in the crystal orientation 220 is shown as an inlay. Reprinted from ref. 120 with permission from AAAS. (b) Final results of the fitting of the 220 Bragg pattern of silicon giving rise to several very accurate structure factors from which the electron density distribution could be modeled. Reprinted from ref. 121 under the general license agreement of IUCr journals.

0 ~ Quantitative CBED leads to very accurate electron density r r Rj w ðrÞ¼ Xj distributions, but only for simple materials with few indepen- j 0 ~ (12) ri r Ri dent atoms in the unit cell. They are much more accurate than i those based on X-ray diffraction because (i) scattering factors for r electrons at low scattering angles are acutely sensitive to wj( ) is the weight function of atom j which carves an aspherical

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. bonding, (ii) dynamic scattering effects are modelled, and (iii) electron density out of the molecular electron density. It is  the amount of data in a single CBED pattern provides orders of de ned as the ratio between the spherically averaged atomic r0 r R~ R~ k magnitude more data points than unknowns. Nakashima et al. electron density j ( j) of atom j at position j and the sum demonstrated in 2011 that the bonding electron-density distri- of the spherical electron densities of all other atoms in the bution of aluminium from quantitative CBED is more reliable molecule. The spherically averaged atomic electron densities r0 r R~ than that from X-ray diffraction or theory (Fig. 8a) and that j ( j) are not taken from tables but calculated with the same r conclusions about anisotropic elastic constants can be quantum chemical model and basis-set as used for mol. drawn.120 Careful quantitative CBED experiments by Zuo et al. Optionally, atomic Hirshfeld charges and dipole moments can revealed bonding features between two copper atoms in be obtained from the calculated molecular electron density and This article is licensed under a 122 placed on atomic sites surrounding the central molecule in Cu2O. The deformation electron density around the copper atoms (Fig. 8b) was interpreted in terms of a shi of electron order to polarize the molecular electron density, thus simu-  ff  density from a 3d orbital into a 4s orbital at the Cu atom. Static lating crystal eld e ects. In the eld of these charges and Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. difference density maps (deformation density maps) between dipoles a new molecular electron density and new charges and models based on aspherical and spherical atomic scattering dipoles are calculated and the process iterated until self- factors (as discussed above) are not unusual in X-ray diffraction. consistency is reached. In preparation for the second step,  However, the accuracy of the result from quantitative CBED is namely the structural least-squares re nement, the static r r remarkable. Palatinus et al. have recently shown that hydrogen Hirshfeld atoms j( ) are Fourier transformed to get the static, atoms can be located with precession electron diffraction aspherical Hirshfeld scattering factors fj. They are included tomography on nanocrystals if dynamical renement is used.123 together with the usual temperature factor Tj for each atom j in k This nding complements the analogous capabilities of the structure factor Fmodel( ):  NXatoms Hirshfeld atom re nement discussed below. ~ F ðkÞ¼ f ðk; Þ T k; U eik$Rj The rst quantum crystallographic method in small-unit cell model j J j j (13) j¼1 X-ray crystallography was introduced in 2008 by Jayatilaka and Dittrich.124 It is a two-step procedure called Hirshfeld Atom where J stresses the dependence of the static Hirshfeld scat- Renement (HAR). In the rst step, a molecular electron density tering factors on the calculated wavefunction. Aer renement ~ is calculated from the atomic coordinates of an input geometry, of the atomic positions Rj and the atomic displacement – typically at the Hartree Fock or DFT level of approximation. The parameters Uj, a new electron density is calculated with the resulting electron density rmol is partitioned into aspherical updated atomic coordinates. In an automated and iterative 126 atomic electron densities rj (Hirshfeld atoms) using the stock- version from 2014, the two-step process is repeated until the holder partitioning,125

(r) ¼ w (r) (r) rj j rmol (11) k HAR operates in the Cartesian crystal coordinate system; it uses the scattering vector k ¼ 2pBh (expressed in terms of the reciprocal cell matrix B) and the ~ h with positional atomic coordinates Rj rather than the dimensionless Miller indices

and the fractional coordinates Rj.

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Fig. 8 (a) Electron density of aluminium from quantitative CBED (left) and a periodic plane-wave calculation using the program Wien2k (right).

Reprinted from ref. 120 with permission from AAAS. (b) Static deformation density map around a copper atom in Cu2O. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.: Nature, ref. 122, copyright 1999.

~ 131 parameter shisinRj and Uj divided by their standard uncer- diffractometers with conventional X-radiation sources. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. tainty are less than 0.01. A somewhat simplied version of HAR Studies in are currently ongoing. has recently become available in the standard Olex2 crystallo- graphic soware.127 3.4 Quantum crystallography in protein structure The HAR procedure has advantages and disadvantages. On determination the one hand it ensures tailor-made aspherical atomic scat-  tering factors. They optimally represent the unit-cell electron Macromolecular crystallographic re nement is another area in density within the limits of the chosen quantum mechanical which quantum mechanical calculations can supplement the ff procedure. This leads to enhanced crystal structure information information provided by X-ray di raction measurements. As is  well known, one of the main obstacles preventing atomic-level

This article is licensed under a in the spirit of the second de nition of quantum crystallog- raphy. On the other hand the computational cost (CPU time) for resolutions of macromolecular crystallographic structures is ff a HAR renement is signicantly higher than for an IAM or the limited resolution and number of di raction data compared multipole model renement. Since the original HAR procedure to the number of parameters needed to model atomic positions Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. is based on a molecular wavefunction, the treatment of periodic and thermal motion. To overcome this drawback, constraints 133  network structures is difficult. A recent variant of HAR based on and restraints are usually introduced in the re nement. periodic wavefunctions renders possible the treatment of While the former reduce the number of structural parameters to network structures,128 and is potentially more accurate, but even be determined, the latter introduce stereochemical information more time-consuming. into the analysis that complements the one provided by the X- First results obtained with HAR procedures are encouraging ray data. Restraints take the form of penalty terms dependent – in two ways. Firstly, as Wall points out:128 “the results indicate on the deviation from reference parameters similar to energy  that HAR can yield not only molecular geometries and ADPs penalties in molecular-mechanics (MM) force elds, although ff that are similar to the neutron crystal structure, but also both with some di erences: (i) the reference parameters are generally 2Fo–Fc maps and static charge densities that are distinct from the multipole model, but that nevertheless agree comparably with the experimental data. Quantum crystallography therefore can yield accurate charge densities that are consistent simul- taneously with theory and experiment”.Che˛cinska´ et al.129 and Dittrich et al.130 have reached similar conclusions in earlier electron-density research involving HAR. Secondly, several groups have shown that for data sets of good quality, hydrogen atomic positions and ADPs can be freely rened and are generally found in quantitative agreement with results from neutron Fig. 9 150 K structures of the dipeptide Gly-L-Ala with anisotropic diffraction,126,131,132 see Fig. 9 and Table 1. This holds for a large displacement parameters (ADPs) at 50% probability from HAR based range of organic molecules and for data sets with resolutions as on X-ray diffraction data (left) and from neutron diffraction data (right). low as 0.8 A,˚ which can routinely be measured at in-house The structures are virtually identical by visual inspection. Reprinted from ref. 126 under the general license agreement of IUCr journals.

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Table 1 Mean absolute differences and their population standard level. The QM/MM calculation for the entire system is part of L deviations for the dipeptide Gly- -Ala in terms of bond distances each step of the renement, in agreement with the quantum d involving hydrogen atoms and ADPs Uij of hydrogen atoms between crystallography idea. Crystallographic structures of several HAR (based on X-ray diffraction) and neutron diffraction results for  four different temperatures126 proteins containing ligands have been re ned with the ComQum-X technique.136,137 h D i ˚ h DU i ˚2 T in K | d| in A | ij| in A A similar QM/MM approach was implemented and applied by Merz and coworkers.138 They successfully assigned proton- 12 0.0085(51) 0.0047(42) ation states of key residues in b-secretase, crucial in the path- 50 0.0093(52) 0.0040(34) 138a 150 0.0087(62) 0.0037(31) ogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (see Fig. 10), and reliably c 295 0.0125(84) 0.0075(58) described the zinc coordination in zinc metalloenzymes.138 The Merz group also proposed to replace the QM/MM computations of the ComQum-X approach by semiempirical obtained from a statistical analysis of a large number of accu- quantum mechanical calculations.139 In order to be able to treat rate protein and polynucleotide crystallographic structures, as large molecular systems, they exploited their linear scaling done by Engh & Huber134 who exploited the Cambridge Struc- “Divide & Conquer” (D&C) semiempirical method140 imple- tural Database (CSD); (ii) electrostatic interactions and van der mented in the program DivCon. The functional to be minimized Waals attractions are neglected.135 With such tailor-made now reads: restraints, accurate structures of proteins have been deter- E ¼ E + E mined. However, when a harbours a small DivConX D&C uXray Xray (15) molecule, e.g. a ligand, an inhibitor, or a cofactor with or E is the semiempirical quantum mechanical energy of the without a metal atom, accurate restraint parameters for the D&C system from the “Divide & Conquer” approach. As in the QM/ molecule are oen not available and an accurate structural MM example, the D&C calculations are performed at each

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. model is difficult to achieve. step of the renement. To alleviate this problem, Ryde and coworkers developed the The method was tested by rening the crystallographic ComQum-X method. It combines information from multi-scale structure of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The QM Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical (QM/MM) calcu- rened structure and the one resulting from an Engh & Huber lations with that from experimental structure factors.136 The (EH) renement were compared to the structure obtained from following functional is minimized: a conventional joint renement of X-ray and neutron diffraction data not applying any restraints (Protein Databank (PDB) code EComQumX ¼ EQM/MM + uXrayEXray. (14) 5PTI).139 The “Divide & Conquer” strategy provided improve-

This article is licensed under a EQM/MM is the QM/MM energy of the investigated system; EXray ments, mainly for hydrogen atom coordinates compared to the is the crystallographic penalty function, which measures the approach based on the EH restraints (see Fig. 11). The main agreement between the observed and the calculated structure reason for this improvement is the direct inclusion in the fully  factors; uXray is a weight that balances the computational and quantum mechanical re nement of electrostatics which is Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. the experimental information. The QM part encompasses the completely missing in the EH-based technique. The D&C active site of proteins, their ligands and the nearby residues. strategy is now included141 in the popular crystallographic The rest of the system is treated at the molecular mechanics package PHENIX.142 The new, slightly different, algorithm was

Fig. 10 Cross-eye stereo view of the 2Fo Fc electron density map (2.7s contour level) around the active site residues of the b-secretase enzyme after QM/MM refinement of the most favoured 32i state. Note the hydrogen bond formed between the hydroxyl group of the inhibitor and the carboxyl group of residue D32. Reprinted with permission from ref. 138a. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society.

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. Fig. 11 Electron density maps of residues Ala40, Lys41 and Arg30 (and two water molecules) of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (2.3s

contour level) after (A) a full QM refinement with uXray ¼ 0.9 (cyan), (B) an EH-restrained refinement with uXray ¼ 0.9 (magenta), (C) a full QM refinement with uXray ¼ 0.2 (cyan), (D) an EH-restrained refinement with uXray ¼ 0.2 (magenta). All the obtained structures are superimposed to the 5PTI structure (green). Note the differences in hydrogen atom positions (aliphatic hydrogen atoms omitted for clarity). Reprinted from ref. 139b with the permission of WILEY.

tested against a set of y protein-ligand structures obtained Quantum crystallography is an active research eld, whose from the PDB.141 It always provided completely plausible ligand potential has not been fully exploited yet. New methods and geometries and low ligand strains, also in cases in which the results appear every year. Here we have presented examples for

This article is licensed under a original, traditional renement showed some difficulties. Modeling of accurate electron-density distributions for bonding analysis in simple materials (quantitative convergent 4. Conclusion and outlook beam electron diffraction); Determination of hydrogen atom positions and hydrogen Open Access Article. Published on 27 March 2017. Downloaded 9/28/2021 4:47:23 PM. Quantum crystallography encompassestwostreamsof ADPs in small molecules from X-ray diffraction experiments research both of which rely on an integrated and self- with an accuracy comparable to that obtainable from the more consistent combination of quantum chemistry and crystal- involved neutron diffraction experiments (Hirshfeld Atom lographic information. One of them pertains to the Renement, HAR); enhancement of quantum chemical information by tting Improved structure determination in protein crystallography wavefunction parameters against diffraction and scattering providing an extra level of insight into modes of action of biolog- data in an integrated way. In the second stream, the infor- ical macromolecules (QM/MM and Divide & Conquer approaches); mation from crystallographic diffraction experiments is Characterization of bonding and recovering traditional enhanced and its accuracy and precision improved by the Lewis pictures of (XC-ELMO valence bond integrated use of quantum-chemical data in the modeling and X-ray constrained localization functions); process. For the two streams, the use of the term ‘integrated’ Development of computational strategies aiming at implies (i) adjusting calculated wavefunction parameters to quantum crystallographic wavefunctions, which account for be consistent with experimentally determined diffraction electron correlation, polarization and relativistic effects, and and/or scattering data (rst denition), or (ii) iteratively may be viewed as complements to those calculated with ab initio adjusting atomic positions and displacement parameters and DFT methods; with the help of quantum-chemically recalculated electron X-ray wavefunction renement (XWR), a sequential densities (second denition). The latter procedure does not combination of HAR and X-ray constrained wavefunction (XCW) rely on pre-calculated and tabulated spherical or aspherical tting:80,143 HAR leads to improved structural parameters, and scattering factors as have been used in traditional crystal subsequent XCW tting yields an improved and enhanced structure determination and electron-density research. Some quantum-chemical wavefunction. Hence, XWR is the only of the new techniques are now part of standard crystallo- quantum crystallographic technique conforming to both graphic soware packages such as Olex2 or PHENIX. aspects of the denition.

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4176 | Chem. Sci.,2017,8,4159–4176 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017