A Service of Continuing Education and Extension l5i1 University of Minnesota, Duluth Vol. 3 Number 7 December 1982 January 1983

Dick Paske and Leif Brush rehearse Leif Brush Work . to be Broadcast on KUMD 1

I\UMU §taff

Station Managtt ...... Tum Livingston Program Ditt<;tor ...... •. John Zi~gltr ,\Ht. Progr~m Dirtt~or .. ... Paul Schmnz •:nginttring .. •...... • .•.. Kirk Kint~n fo the LiJener Producn/Outruch ..••.• . Jran Johnson AIRWAVES is the bi-month! y program guide of KUMD, which is the 100,000 watt public radio station at the ..., By Tom. Uvlngeton, Station Manager University of Minnesota-Duluth, broadcasting at 103.3 fm. KUMD is part of University Media Resources, a· Marathon Holly Near Jottings: department of Continuing Education Our fall fundraiser drive fell short of 'The November I 0th concert in Superior Our satellite dish installation will be and Extension at the University of other fall efforts as 350 people pledged by womens musician Holly Near was a complete some time this month, and we Minnesota. KUMD's program philosophy is to provide the highest just under $13,000. Thanks to everyone tremendous success. A near-sellout, the will be adding Allve and NPR who called! Why did we do less than we concert was a great energy generator for Playhouse at that time. Thanks to quality non-commercial program- hoped? Was it the economy, our new everyone involved, and received rave C.S. Zidek, whose generouse challenge ming, including music, news and programming, or something else? reviews in both Rag Times Magazine match helped the Folk Migrations public affairs, and information Please share your thoughts with us, and and The Duluth News Tribune & program to a total of $1,200 for one programs, K UMD encourages if you didn't renew during the Herald. Jean Johnson of the KUMD show! The combined total for the Folk interested persons to become volunteer marathon, please do so now. The staff, and all of the women of Wise Migrations and Folk & Blues programs programmers, and manuscripts and art quality of KUMD depends on it. Write: Women Radio put literally hundreds of was $2,600. Should we consider work will be considered for publication KUMD, 2400 Oakland Avenue, Duluth, hours of work into making that success increasing the amount of folk in AIRWAVES. KUMD is a member of MN. 55812. possible. The energy that went into programming? We will be sending out National Public Radio, the Association preparation for the show helped a listener survey to everyone on our of Minnesota Public Radio Stations overcome several last-minute problems. mailing list as soon as we can get to it. I (AMPERS) and an associate member of Thanks to everyone involved, and we at hope you'll help us by completing the the National Federation of Community KUMD are honored at the chance to survey and returning it to us. Bmadcasters. KUMD is funded by the have played a part. University of Minnesota, the State Legislature, a student service fee, and listener contributions. Membership in KUMD is as follows: Individual, $25; economic situation precludes a cash Des}gn ads for program guide. Family, $35; Installment, $60; Volunteer Corps Launched donation to KUMD, but who have a Sponsoring, $100; Student/ Fixed little time to spare and the desire to give Record loca\lon materlal for news Income, $L5. Membership includes a by Jean Johnson, their support to KUMD in another reports, features. subscription to AIRWAVES. Outreach Coordinator form. In plain words, those who are Subscription to AIRWAVES alone is $5 unemployed or underemployed. We Here at the station you could: yearly. KUMD is located in 130 know there are lots of you. You didn't Humanities Building, University of. The Fall Marathon was fun, exciting, choose to be unemployed; you don't FIie and catalogue albums. Minnesota-Duluth. Our telephone rewarding, and a lot 0£ work. I want to like it; you look forward fervently to an number is 726-7181. thank all the volunteers who devoted economic upturn; but in the meantime Type correspondence, answer their time and talents unstintingly to you find you have more time to listen to phones, procesa pledges, update make KUMD work. We had many new the radio, more time to enjoy KUMD. malllng 11 st. The University of Minnesota is phone volunteers, some announcers com mi ued to the policy that all persons doing marathon shows for the first We'd like to use your energy and talents Conduct tours of the station. shall have equal access to its programs, time, and other people doing just a little bit of that time. There are facilities, and employment without everything from designing posters for practically limitless. kinds of jobs to be Record promotlonal announce- regard to race, creed, color, sex, national the Book Sale at B. Dalton to picking up done, and many can be done at your ment,. origin, or handicap. food from the Whole Foods Coop. home or in your home town if you live outside Duluth. Just a few ideas: Package and mall tapes. The Fall Marathon was also somewhat frustrating, because of the number of Distribute program guides to Copy program, onto casaettes. people we didn't hear from -- last year's locatlona In your neighborhood. Vroaram members who didn't renew their The list above is partial and is only support this year. There are always lots Set up a KUMD booth at fairs, limited by my imagination. You add to Under-wrlteri of reasons for non-renewals -- some shopping centers, etc., to it your own ideas. We are pleased to announce a new mode people move, some· people alter their Introduce ua to new people. of support for and to recognize listening habits, some people suffer KUMD, Many people have gained a lot of the first participant in that mode. negative changes in their personal Organize a benefit concert, dance, experience, enjoyment, and satisfaction Minnesota Power has agreed to economic situations. I suspect the last bake sale, auction, whatever. by volunteering at KUMD. We'd like to reason is the most common for us this underwrite half of the acquisition costs invite you to join their ranks, and to do of "All Things Considered." We year. But we don't want to give up on Telephone people to remind them what you can in a concrete, tangible appreciate their enthusiastic support, these listeners: we still need their to renew their pledge. way to keep KUMD happening. participation in community radio. and anticipate that their example will be recognized here and on the air, in Design a brochure to promote our Call or write: 726-7181. KUMD, 130 So I'm proposing to start a new accordance with FCC regulations. We program,. Humanities Building, University of hope our listeners will also express their volunteer program here at KUMD. It's Minnesota, Duluth, MN. 55812. We'll especially designed for those whose appreciation to underwriting Write preaa releases about speclal grow; you'll grow--and we'll all have supportes. shows, slmulcasts, etc. fun doing it. Minnesota Power "All Things Considered" Ellery Queen: Next Class for Credit Simulcasts on "Ellery Queen and the American Extension Office for four credits in Detective Story" will be offered winter American Studies (course number KUMD - WDSE-TV quarter as a radio course for credit. This 1920). Those who register for credit will On1anizational Two simulcasts will be presented on series of 20 half-hour programs will be able Lo buy the required texts and Member-s KUMD and WDSE-TVin December. At examine some of the reasons for the study guide at CEE windows numbei: The following are organizational 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, popularity of Ellery Queen, a pen name one and two in the UMD members of KUMD. We gratefully Previn and the· Pittsburgh presents for two cousins who not only wrote a Administration Building. acknowledge their support. "The British Festival." The main work long series of successful novels and The programs will be broadcast on on the program is Elgar's Cello stories but also had careers as scholars, Mondays and Wednesdays at I p .m. Arrowhead Band Instrument Service Concerto with Yo-Yo Ma as soloist. editors and critics. starting December 6. Arrowhead Music Other guests will be prominent British Builders & Laborers Commonwealth composers, including Sir Michael The instructor, J. Randolph Cox, Tippett. Cafe Europa Assistant Professor and Reference CAB Meets Dew Glass Studio Librarian at St. Olaf College in Carter Johnson & Cheryl Larson KUMD's Community Advisory Board On Wednesday, December 22 at 8:00 Northfield, will cover the four periods will hold its annual meeting Monday, p.m. Itzhak Perlman hosts "In Kar Kare of the Ellery Queen canon and will December 13 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 311 Performance at the White House," this Minnesota Power assign reading from Queen and other of Kirby Student Center, UMD. evening devoted entirely to jazz. North Country Images representative American writers of North Shore Jewelry detective stories. The main topic for discussion will be the will broadcast the stereo audio Practical Magic KUMD Tweed Museum Gift Shop Community Needs Assessment Survey, portion of these programs, while The programs will make interesting in which board members advise KUMD WDSE-TV, Channel 8, broadcasts the listening for anyone who enjoys the on the most important needs of our video. detective genre. If you wish to get community and ways KUMD can help college credit, you can register thru the meet those needs. UMD Continuing Education and The meeting is open to the public. LeHel"S' hm Lirlenel"s I don't get a chance to listen to KUMD Dear KUMD, things running. All this is a long way of Dear Tom: ,.,.. saying that we were in a position where as much as I would like, but when I do, I After my rude Awakening this we had to increase our income Thanks for your thoughtful, articulate very much enjoy what I hear. I usually morning, I feel pressed to respond to significantly every year j.ust to survive, letter about the program changes. All listen to part of the Awakening show in recent programatic changes. I have and to move forward it had to be the points you make are valid. By way of the morning and occasionally the Folk listened to KUMD•WDTH almost tremendous. responding I'll tell you WHY we music oriented shows over the weekend. exclusively since moving to this area in changed and WHERE we hope to go I thoroughly enjoy what I hear though 1975 and have supported the station The major area we had to grow in was with it. WHY--NOT because we want and hope that you continue to bring with a membership since your first listener support. That first fund drive to join the mainstream (i.e. clone quality folk music to the air waves ... EXCITING "annual" fund drive. My WAS a tremendous kick both MPR)I whenever possible. wife and I have enjoyed your financially and for morale; however, programming because of the musical listener support hasn't gotten Our audience is too small. Surveys say Would it be possible to occassionally options it offered. We ALWAYS began significantly stronger since. As the l % or about 4,000 people each week arrange a live broadcast from the our day with the 6:00 weekday and 7:00 "soft" dollars from the University have listen which, when you consider that Bullpub when various artists are weekend Awakening program. This been withdrawn, this has ca4sed a gap only 10% of the audience usually playing there? I can't always get over early morning over-coffee music along to creep in again between expenses and become members (although in our case there to hear them, and I would enjoy with a magazine was my favorite s~art income. Two years ago the deficit was it's nearly 20%) there just aren't enough the chance to tune in on my radio and for the day. If you note the past-tense $4,000, last year it grew to $8,600, and by people to support the station. Our listen. which has already slipped i'n, it's the end of this year (July, '83) it could support from students (student fees) is because the one hour delay in weekend reach $20,000. The only way to reverse always questioned, and our University Keep up the good work and good luck programming which you recently the trend is to increase listener support, support has been slipping lately. That with your fall marathon. initiated has negated our use of that and the only way to increase listener just leaves the listeners. I love this radio program. And now you have the support is to increase the number of station, and that love has kept me here Peter Mairs temerity to thrust a one hour news listeners. through times of little or no pay, and Duluth, MN program into this pleasant period of through times of incredible pressure time! Let there be no doubt of the fact I really like our music programs just as when it appeared certain that we would (Editor's note: Did you catch Charlie that these changes will eliminate our you do, but not enough other people be off the air for good at any time. Maguire? There will be others!) only regular use of your station. apparently agree with us. The ratings • service, Arb1trori, esumates our weekly To me what seemed REQUIRED was to Economic situations being what they Having established myself as ashallow audience at about 4,000 people, which make changes that would bring in more are, a lot of previous necessities have soul with no appreciation for the just isn't enough to support the service. listeners WITHOUT DESTROYING become unnecessary luxuries. KUMD is higher level of programming wJtich is This to me mandates a change in THE INTEGRITY OF THE not one of them! Thanks again. manifesting itself, allow me to programming: If we are to survive we PROGRAMMING. All of the comment further on the changes which need more listeners. Starting with that community oriented programming Amy, Andy &: Aaron Livingston are occurring at KUMD. When you first premise we've spent the last year which is unique to our station is still Duluth, MN expressed your desire to join NPR, I working on a design that l) more intact. Wise Women Radio, First admit to being skeptical because you people will listen to, but 2) doesn't Person Radio, The Second Saturday Good Going. NPR &: local news great. I already offered the alternatives that I destroy the integrity of the Show, Third World of Music, and New can NOW get NPR on 3 stations. I and my acquaintances sought. I was, programming. Dimensions Radio are all programs we prefer KUMD. Thanks. A plus for however, convinced when informed of continue to air that aren't and won't be Duluth, the Univ. &: N.E. ·Minn. eligibility for federal monies and the The Morning Edition and A.T.C. have heard on other stations, and in the including Carlton Co.&: Cloquet. Good general assurance of a more sound been successful everywhere they have future we hope to do more of that kind Luck. - financial base. New Dimensions is an been used. What we don't know is the or programming. Right now our major interesting show and a worthwhile effect of Wisconsin Public Radio using development project is a daily talk Sylva & Irv Friedman addition and didn't really interfere much of the same schedule (the "issue" program about energy, appropriate Cloquet, MN much in existing programs. And then of duplication with MPR is a Public technology, self-sufficiency and along comes the morning news (which Relations smokescreen from them). In survival in these hard times. is available in copious and depressing fact, our -replacing Harmony of the I enjoy the new Groovin' High quantities in several media) and worse Spheres means we've actually Another part of the mix is that none of program. I no longer turn the dial at yet--All Things Considered. There is no REDUCED the amount of duplica- these changes will necessarily become 5:00 p.m. I have enjoyed NPR's Public doubt that this is an excellent program, tion). You couldn't find stations more permanent fixtures. I am committed to Affairs programming in the past, but but doesn't this duplicate a station different than ours and either MPR or giving them a chance, which at this did not know their scheduling, and now already broadcasting during the same WPR. I want to build on that point I think ought to be a year at least, it's a no miss on KUMD. From hour? Is THAT an alternative? The uniqueness in the future and make but even that could change. My time Morning Edition to Sign-Off, thank explanation that "some" of your KUMD more and more a quality locally here has been a juggling act--trying to you for bringing a little culture and fine listeners can't pick up these other based service. If we can use M.E. and keep everyone happy whlle entertainment to the North Shore! stations does not seem to me adequate A.T.C. to reach that end. it is a small maintaining the quality and integrity reason for elimination of the fine price to pay. of the programming, hopefully even Jean Lemire alternatives which already existed. I improving it. These programs (NPR) Silver Bay, MN must admit that this new direction has Thanks again for taking the time to are a small part of that process, which I me firmly opposed to NPR write, and we DO appreciate your view as an evolutionary one--of trying membership. I cannot help but think support over the years, and this will be new things and discarding those that Good coverage of UMD faculty and that my dollar and membership included in the decision-making mix. don't work. I don't think we CAN go administration talks; keep up the good contributions to "alternative" radio home, if that means never changing, work Wise Women! had furthered the elimination of that Tom Livingston but changing doesn't mean you have to alternative. Station Manager forget who you are or why you are. I Kathy Heltzer deeply appreciate the support you've Duluth, MN Philip DeVore given us both moral and financial, and I Duluth, MN hope your feelings of being left behind Tom, aren't permanent. It's the last thing I want. I used to look forward to the "classical" music at 5 p.m. and wish you folks Tom Livingston Dear Philip: would consider re-instating that. Station Manager Coming at that time, and in that Thanks for your letter of 10/ 6 about the amount, in the context for otherwise program changes on K UMD. I kpow largely popular-music-oriented • how much effort it can take to get a program schedules, it was a sort of letter written, and I appreciate you lifeline and a spur to an awareness or _BAND'-'W'S.__ making that effort. dimension now apparently lacking (and not compensated for by ''All wood\ wir,d & water Since the University took over WDTH Things Considered"). in 1976, we have walked a perilous economic path. Basically we had Speaking of which, how about, for one funding to operate a 500 watt part-time off-the-wall suggestion, running station with no paid staff, but "A.T.C." as a late-night re-run to play responsibility for a 100,000 watt for the night crowd at midnite or so-- behemouth which could be heard for people who might otherwise simply I 00 miles in every direction. On top of miss it twice-over in its current slot, Route 3. Box 2 that, we became embroiled in a political where it also creates an unneeded and Hay..,ard, WI 54B43,--.=--;s,~:::;;..- ~'!' for a sane future. debate about COMPETING WITH unwanted (near) competition with In remote oower systems. MPR (sound familiar?) so we weren't NPR? allowed to do a listener fund drive. After 3 years our operational deficit had I might add, or amplify, that the reached $25,,000 and University officials affliction with NPR, for all its being a met to decide whether to I) close the heady leap into the surge of the station or 2) something else. What they mainstream (of public radio )--leaves me PRACTICAL MAGIC feeling a bit cold .. .alienated. eventually did was transfer us (an energy company!} administratively to University Media do.. Resources, wipe out our deficit and I used to feel I was a part of; now I made SHORT TERM commitments suspect I'm just affiliated. for funding to beef up the station. This Using methods o f massage. po larity therapy. put us in a position where the I know we can't go home again, but it is centeri ng and creative v1sua l1 za t1 on to ass ist - administration was giving us a boost, never too late to consider revising you in attaining a sense o f ba lance and well-befng but over time we had to replace that things in favor of a participatory,

6.00 Morning Edition 6:00 Morning Edition 8:00 Awakening 8:00 Awakening 8:00 Awakening . 8:00 Awakening 10:30 Album Feature 10.30 Album Feature 12:00 Noon Song 11:00 New Dimensions 11:00 Noonsong 11:00 Noonsong 3:00 Folk Migrations 12:00 Noonsong 1:00 Class for Credit 1:00 On Campus 6:00 Soul Arrival 3:00 Blues N' Things 1:30 Public Affairs 1:30 Public Affairs 9:00 Jazz Expansions 6:00 Wise Women Program 2:00 Workshop 2:00 Folk 'n' Blues 12:00 Moon dance 9:00 Jazz Expansions 4:00 All Things Considered 4:00 All Things Considered 3:00 Sign-Off 12:00 Moon dance 5:30 Groovin' High 5:30 Groovin' High 3:00 Sign-Off 7:00 Public Affairs 7:00 Public Affairs 7:30 Jazz Expansions 7:30 Soul Arrival 11:00 Moon dance 11:00 Moondance 2:00 Sign-Off 3:00 Sign-Off


DECEMBER. ~_H_ighli9..__hts_

Wednesday - 1 SUNDAY- l Wednesday - 8 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance program we feature the sounds of 7:30 - We begin the month here on the 6:00 - Wise Women Radio with host 7:30 - Tonight we present the music of Jazz Expansions program with the Preacher Jack from his 1980 Rounder Gretchen Van Hauer. Album feature is the dynamic from his · L.P. "Rock 'N' Roll Preacher." This is beautiful sounds of George Coleman Rory Block's "High Heeled Blues;" I 976 recording called " Steam." () and Tete Montoliu a full throttle rock n' roller who public affairs program is Sandra Butler Providing rhythmic support for Shepp together with Sleepy LaBeef (guitar), () as they combine talents on the on incest. are Cameron Brown (bass), and Beaver Billy Blough (bass), Jeff Simon L.P. "Meditation." Coleman is a Harris (drums). Recorded live at the veteran of bands led by , (drums), and Sal Spicola (sax) cranks East-West Jazz Festival in Nuernberg Miles Davis, Slide Hampton and others out some hot piano based rock. George this is an excellent example of the and has developed his sound to near Monday- 6 Thorogood is the man who approached brilliance of Mr. Shepp. Tune in Rounder about recording Jack Lincoln perfection. Tonight in this duo format tonight for 's you get a clear picture of the 7:30 - Chick Corea featured tonight Coughlin and that in itself should tell from his brand new release called "Trio "Solitude," Shepp's own "Steam" and you something about this man's talent. communication possible between two Cal Massey's "A Message From Trane." very gifted artists. Music" with bassist Miroslav Vitous and drummer Roy Haynes. This is a Friday - 10 brilliant new 2-record set that has sides 11:00 - Tonight the sounds of Richard 11:00 - Tonight we begin the month Penniman from his L.P. "Cast A Long 5:30 - "Night of the Drones" - on the Moondance program with the A and B "Trio Improvisations" which we will hear tonight and sides: C and D Shadow" on the Epic label. The music Featuring the latest in repetition with classic sounds of the great Chuck Berry of this man who came to be known as Steve Reich, Phil Glass, Cabaret from his greatest hits Volume I with all the music of which we will hear tomorrow night. The trio " Little Richard" was a whirlwind in Voltaire, Ex-Throbbing Gristle, etc. the classic tunes. Listen tonight for the field of popular music as tunes he Bringing music from·the background to "Johnny B. Goode, " " Maybellene," first played together on the album "Now He Sings, Now He Sobs" and wrote while washing dishes in a Macon, the foreground. "Memphis," "Sweet Little Sixteen," Georgiq bus depot have become rock n' "Back in The U.S.A." and much more. here a full I 4 years la ter they are still in tune for this LP. roll staples: "Long Tall Sally," "Good Golly Miss Molly," "Lucille," "Tuttie Second SatuT'day Show . Frutti" and others presented here Sat., Dec. (I 3-6 p.m. Thursday - 2 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance tonight on the Moondance program. program we feature the music of the Wos-ted by Rick Olrnn, 7:30 - T onight music by saxophonist band Alliance from their 1981 recording Steve Douglas from his first recording called "Throw Money." This band led Andy Livingston as a leader called " Hot Sax." Joining by Reynold Philipsek (guitar) and and the ·second SatuT'day Band Douglas on this L.P. are T im Gorman Brandon Lenz (vocals) do a mixture of ( k ey b oa rds), Sc ott Ma th e w s their own material and covers of tunes Live music from LJ MD Bull Pub (synthesizer, percussion), and John by Todd Rundgren and . Kincheole (drums). Together this Listen tonight for "Confidence Man," : Join LJ,! quarter takes a hold of their material 'Tm Alright" and more. and molds it cohesively to an interesting SUNDAY - IA. and distinctive shape. Listen tonight for their version of " Peter Gunn," Tuesday - 7 "Arabian Blues," "Breakout" and 6:00 - Wise Women Radio with host more. Jan Cohen. Album feature is "Ladies 7:30 - Woody Shaw is our featured artist on the Stage" with the Millington tonight from his new L.P. " Lotus 11:00 - Tonight we feature the sounds Sisters. Public affairs program is on Flower," an album that spotlights his local women 's support groups. of Soft Machine from their "Third" new working group. Joining trumpeter album. Mike Ratledge (key boards), Shaw are Steve Turre (trombone), Hugh Hopper (bass), Robert Wyatt Mulgrew Miller (piano), Tony Reedus Monday - 13 (drums), Elton Dean (reeds), and Rab (drums), and ve teran Stafford James Spall (violin) make up the bulk of the (bass). All the compositions tonight are 7:30 - Tonight we fea ture the music of personnel as they present their unique originals by members of the group: Thursday - 9 trumpeter/ writer/ arranger/ band lead- brand of music. Each of the tunes cover "Eastern J oy Da nce," " Game," er and more: Mr. from an entire side: "Facelift," "Slightly All " Rahsaan's Run," "Sing of Songs" and 7:30 - Tonight vibe work of Bobby one of his most recent releases called T he Time," "Moon In June." and more. Hutcherson from his brand new release "The Source ." T his album was "Out-Bloody-Rageous." called "Solo Quartet. " Side I of this recorded in Paris in April of 1973 and 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance album is Hutcherson alone playing showcases several of the many jazz Friday -3 program we feature the sounds of the various pitched percussion instruments artists who have made a home for Stray Cats from their L.P. "Gonna (marimba, xylophone, chimes, etc.) and themselves in Europe: Johnny Griffi n, 5:30 - "Locals Only" - Kicking off , Ball. " T hese three musicians rock n' Side: 2 has him in quartet setting with Kenny Clarke, Kenny Drew, and series of nine weekly interviews witt roll in the classic tradition on tunes like McCoy Tyner (piano), Herbie Lewis Humberto Canto. Ever resourceful, Leif Brush. Each session will b< "Rock This Town" with Brian Setzer's (bass), and Billy Higgins (drums). Some always innovative and a master accompanied by a selection of his audic ·guitar up front leading the way. very nice playing on the old standard musician descri be Mr. G and sculpture: "Teleconstructs Spacework "Old Devil Moon" and also Victor demonstrates all this tonight on I." Also a special airing of works by Young's "My Foolish Heart" and "Manteca," "Alo ne Together," Duluth artist Ann Karakatsol-\lis. Hutcherson's own "La Alhambra." "Brother K," and "Wheatleigh Hall." (continued) 4

DEC. HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY - l(f 11:00 - Tonight on Moondance we 11:00 - Tonight we explore the sounds (continued) feature the sounds of from of a now defunct group which recorded 6:00 - Wise Women Radio winter his 1979 L.P. "Live Rust" with the group for Twin Tone records in the not too solstice special, with host Ellen Wold. Monday - 13 Crazy Horse. Portions of this two record distant past: The Pistons. We'll listen to Album feature: "The Return of the set are performed solo with acoustic the L.P. "Flight 581," a disc that 11:00 - Tonight we put the music of Great Mother," with readings. guitar and parts are with the entire contains "Captain Of The Industry," in the spotlight as group. Listen for classics like "I Am A "Aiq't No Use" and more. we take a look at some of their classic Monday - 20 Child," "Comes A Time," "The material from the 1973 Atco double- . Loner," "Cinnamon Girl," "Tonight's Wednesday - 29 record set of prime material. Neil 1:30 • Tonight music of John Coltrane The Night" and more. Young, Stephen Sills, , from the Pablo Live series that captures 7:30 - Trombonist Jiggs Whigham is , and friends the genius of the late John Coltrane our featured artist tonight from his new and Dewey Martin perform "Bluebird," from three different concerts between Thursday - 23 release called "Hope." Whigham "For What It's Worth," "Expecting To the years 1959 and April of 1962. Tune · brings in friends Grady Tate (drums), Fly," "Broken Arrow" and more. in tonight and hear the tremendous 7:30 • Tonight we feature the music of Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen (bass), depth of expression Coltrane saxophonist Bennie Wallace and his • Rob Fraken (piano), and Ferdinand continually evidenced in recording trio with special guest Chick Corea. Povel (sax) to help out on "The Tuesday - 14 after recording and concert after This album, the first as a leader for Healer," "Sunflower Chant," "Going concert, he seemingly had an endless Wallace, shows him to be a very Home," "Absolutely Knot" and more. 7:30 - "Rollins Plays For Bird" is the reservoir of ideas that would simply interesting improviser who has the title of tonight's album feature on the cascade out his horn to show to all just ability to play inside and outside the 11 :00 - Bonnie Raitt is our featured Jazz Expansions program. Sonny how important this man's work was. jazz mainstream. Listen tonight for artist tonight on the Moondance Rollins recorded this L.P. just a year Tune · in for "Mr. P.C.," "The "My One and Only Love," "Mystic program from her 1975 L.P. "Home and a half after the death of Charlie Inchworm" and more . Bridge," "The Bib Crosby Blues" and Plate." Using her sidemen as well as Parker and you can hear the emotion more. some excellent studio players she comes displayed here almost as if Bird's voice 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance up with a winning effort as you'll hear is present at the session. "The Bird program we feature music by ace 11:00 • Music tonight on the on "Walk Out That Front Door," "Run Medley" begins and comprises the guitarist Ronnie Montrose from his Moon dance program by the group SVT Like A Thief," "Sugar Mama," "Good pnrirP first sila~s tunes Ion~ associated been in demand as both a sideman for Brian Marshall (vocals), Jack Casady with Parker. The interplay between other bands and in the studio as a (bass), and Paul Zahl (drums) form the • Thursday - 30 's and Rollins' session musician. He carries one "hot" nucleus of the band on "Bleeding horn certainly will bring back flashes of guitar as is evidenced on "Good Hearts," "Waiting For You," "Heart of 7:30 - Bassist Cecil McBee is our Parker/ Gillespie without Rockin' Tonight," "Bad Motor Stone," "Love Blind," "North Beach," featured artist tonight from his new imitative. Listen in tonight for our Scooter," "Rock The Nation," "One "Too Late," "You Don't Rock" and album called "Flying Out" on the Jazz featured album and more on the Jazz Thing On My Mind" and more. more. Expansions program. Long a part of Expansions program. Tuesday - 21 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance program we feature the music of Safety 7:30 - Bassist Richard Davis is our Last the new Twin Tone recording that featured artist tonight on Jazz is really more of an E.P. than an L.P. Expansions from his L.P. "Muses for with "Hopped Up Bop," "Rockin' Richard Davis" with special guest star ' > Gall," "Jump Back" and more. Listen Freddie Hubbard. Chicago born, tonight for this red hot bunch of moved to New York in 1954 and has rockers. been an in-demand session player ever since. Davis has been an integral part of Wednesday - 15 groups led by Gene Ammons, Johnny Griffin, and many others 7:30 - was 1/2 of the and he now makes his home in dynamic Toshiko/ Mariano Quartet Madison, Wisc. Our feature tonight back in the mid 50's with then wife showcases him well in an outstanding . Tonight on the Jazz small group performing a series of program we feature a more recent beautiful tunes: "A Child Is Born," release from reed artist Mariano called "Softly As In A Morning s;mrise," "October" that puts him in a small "What Is It?" and more. group setting with keyboardist Rainer Bruninghaus, bassist Barre Phillips, 11:00 • Tonight we feature the sounds drummer Udo Dahmen and of Ian Gomm from his 1980 release percussionist Triolk Gurtu. Listen Friday - 24 many other leaders ensembles, "What A Blow." One of the many fine whenever McBee steps out front tonight for Mariano's saxophone on young rock artists that have come out of interesting music results. Tonight's "Out of the Jungle," "Aszu," "Down 5:30- X-mas special - "Cosmic Stuff." England, Gomm presents "Nobody's album has Billy Hart (drums), David the Kaveri" and more. Music by artists Terry Riley, George Fools," "It Don't Help," "Slow Crumb, and featuring Charles Dodge's Eyges (cello), Olu Dara (coronet), and Dancin'," "Jaguar" and more: beautiful composition "Earth's John Blake (violin) and this group has a - Eric Clapton from his very first 11:00 very high level of communication on recording on the Atco label featured Magnetic Field." "First Impression," "Into A Fantasy," tonight on the Moondance program. "Flying Out," "Blues On The Bottom" Listen for friends like Rita Coolidge, Wednesday - 22 and more. Leon Russell, Bonnie & Delaney and SUNDAY- ~- others to help out on "Blues Power," 7:30 - Tonight on the Jazz Expansions - Barry Reynolds is our featured "Let It Rain," "After Midnight" and program we feature a new release by 6:00 - Wise Women Radio with host 11:00 artist tonight on the Moondance more. pianist Art Hodes together with bassist Kath Anderson. Malvina Reynolds is Milt Hinton called "Just The Two of featured. Public affairs: Ellen Steckert, program from his new L.P. called "I Us." Both of these individuals go back folklorist. Scare Myself." An interesting guitarist Thursday - 16 many, many years and have seen and and vocalist, Reynolds writes the experienced many styles within the jazz majority of the material except for the Monday - 27 7:30 - Drummer Les DeMerle has a new idiom and are able to draw upon their Dan Hicks title tune and shows recording out and tonight we feature it background to produce some very nice remarkable ability to capture his on the Jazz Expansions program. He 7:30 - Tonight we feature the sounds of listeners with some imaginative lyrics. duets on "Willow Weep For Me," "Bye "The Gifted Ones." This is the title of a has some of the West Coast's top & Bye," "Down Home Blues" and Helping out are reggae aces Robbie brilliant L.P. by Dizzy Gillespie, Count musicians on hand to help out; more. Shakespeare (bass), and Sly Dunbar trumpeter Bobby Shew, saxophonist Basie, and ; a (drums) and others on this initial Lanny Morgan, Don Menza, bassist very prestigious quartet that is able to recording by Reynolds. Bob Magnusson, and pianist Jack cover "St. James Infirmary," "Back To Wilson. Tune in tonight for The Land," "You Got It," and more Friday - 31 "Ellingtonia," "Little BeBop with ease. This is one of those magic Drummer Boy," "All Blues," "Little groupings that works out very well and 5:30 - "Wringing Out The Ears" - Chicago Fire" and more. produces an album of lasting quality. Featuring great releases from the past 11:00 - Tonight Roy Campi & his year. Anything is possible! 11:00 - Tonight we go back in time to Rebels are our featured look at the early version of the group artists on the Moondance program from Fleetwood Mac. At this time guitarist a 1979 Rounder recording featuring Peter Green was the central figure in the some cookin' music. "When The group and his blues influence Guitar Gets The Blues," "Gone, Gone, dominated the arrangements as well as Gone," "Don't Turn Me Down," "It the tune selection, things have changed Ain't Me," 'Tm Comin' Home," and considerably over the years in terms of much more from his L.A. based unit. the group's direction and that is apparent in tonight's feature. Tune in Tuesday - 28 for Robert Johnson's "Hellhound On My Trail," "Got To Move," "Shake 7:30 - Tonight we feature drummer Your Moneymaker" and more. Eddie Marshall from his L.P. "Dance Of The Sun." Marshall is a man who has graced many others albums but has Friday - 17 very few to his own credit. Tonight he teams with vibist , 5:30- "Best of the East" - Spotlighting pianist , bassist James music, old and new, from the Orient. Leary, and tenor saxophonist Manny Artists include Mayuzumi and Boyd to perform Dizzy's "," Sakamoto, also various Kabuki pieces Horace Silver's "The Stroll," and Shakuhachi artists. "Dannielle," "Andree" and more. 5 JANUAR H

SUNDAY· :I- Thursday - 6 Tuesday - 11 11:00 • "Isles Of Langerhan" is the title of tonight's album feature on the 6:00 · 'Wise Women Radio with host 7:30 • Tonight the music of trumpeter 7:30 • Tonight on the Jazz Expansions Moondance program by the Late Jan Cohen. Album feature is Joni Freddie Hubbard from one of his most program we feature the late, great Ben Bronze Age. Led by Hampton Coles Mitchell's "Wild Things Run Free." recent recordings called "Ride Like Webster from his 1972 recording (vocals), and Ben "Pops" Thorton Public affairs program is an interview The Wind" which demonstrates the entitled "Did You Call?." Webster was (guitar), we hear "Time ls Free," "Sea with Melinda McCrossen, an Oregon ease with which Hubbard navigates 63 years old when he made this record, Crow," "In The Woods," "Pen Pals," filmmaker. many styles. Parts of this record show but he was blowing like a teenager·on "Yonder Space" and more. off his considerable technique, parts tunes like "The Man I Love," "Sweet Monday - 3 showcase his writing and arranging Georgia Brown," "Ben's Blues" and talents, while parts show the Hubbard more. He has help on this LP. from Friday - 14 7:30 • We begin the month with the that has achieved a fair degree of pianist Tete Montoliu, bassist Eric Peter, and drummer Peer Wyboris .and 5:30 · "The Old Men" - Music from sounds of alto saxophonist Johnny commercial success. Listen tonight for the early 20th century. Edgard Varese, "Hubbard's Cupboard," "Brigitte," they are extremely supportive of this Hodges from his Quintessence series Charles Ives, and Anton Webern. recording called "Things Ain't What "Two Moods For Freddie" and more. important elder statesman in the field of They Used To Be." For years this gentle jazz. 17 man who friends called "Rabbit" was Monday - the lead alto saxophonist in The Duke Ellington Orchestra and one of the 7:30 · Alto saxopho;ist Frank Strozier principle soloists whom Duke wrote and his Sextet are featured tonight on for. Many tunes on tonight's feature the Jazz Expansions program from the have come to be known as Hodges' LP. "Remember Me." Strozier is a features: "Day Dream," "Passion .talented multi-instrumentalist who Flower," " Mood To Be Wooed" and possesses a ferocious swing and more. Tune in tonight for the alto demonstrates it here OJJ "Sidestreet," warmth of Johnny Hodges. "Get Out of Town," "Hit It," "Kram Samba" and others. Howard Johnson 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance on tuba stands out as an interesting program we feature the music of thf sideman. group The Alley Cats from the LP. "Escape From The Planet Earth." This 11:00 - Tonight "Adventures In is a new 1982 release and spotlights the - Utopia" from Todd Rundgren with Cats' brand of rock n' roll on tunes like friends Roger Powell, John Wilcox, "The Hotel," "Just An Alley Cat," and Kasim Sulton. This is a 1980 release "Naked Souls" and more. that contains "The Road To Utopia," Thursday - 6 11 :00 • Tonight music by James White "Second Nature," "You Make Me and The Blacks featured on the Crazy" and more. Tuesday - 4 11:00 - Tonight we hear Detroit based Moondance program from the newest rock n' roll from a man who has been release by that group called "Sax 7:30 - Dexter Gordon is in the spotlight out on the road grinding out a musical Maniac.'' Tune in t9night for Tuesday- 18 tonight on the Jazz Expansions , living for years and years: Bob Seeger. "Irresistible Influence," "Money To prngram frnm his latest L.P. called We go back to an early album called Burn," "Sax Machine," "The Twitch" "American Classic" which puts Dexter 7:30 · "Too Heavy For Words" is the "Smokin' O.P.'s" featuring the and more. title of tonight's album feature with in the company of organist Shirley keyboard work of Skip "Van :Winkle" Scott, something of a new setting for saxophone genius provided by Al Cohn Knape on "Turn On Your Love Light," Wednesday - 12 and James Moody. Thtse two heavies this tenor giant. Tune in for "Jumpin' "Let It Rock," "Bo Diddley" and more. Blues," "Skylark" and more. combining improvisational talent 7:30 • Jackie McLean is our featured makes for an exceptional evening of Friday - 7 11:00-Tonight on Moondancewe hear artist tonight on the Jazz Expansions musical listening. Sam Jones (bass), program from his Blue Note release and Roy Brooks (drums) provide the a new recording by the talented 5:30 • "Ringing In The Ears" - "Hipnosis." He combines talents with rhythmic support on this 1971 singer / songwriter/ guitarist Elvis Showcasing the more original and trumpeter Kenny Dorham, late pianist recording, listen for "East of the Sun," Costello and his LP. "Imperial . experimental punk and hardcore stuff. Bedroom." Always interesting, thought Sonny Clark, bassist Butch Warren, and "Wee Dot" and more. SPK, Birthday Party, Abwarts, etc. drummer Billy Higgins to produce an provoking and exciting, Costello Turn it up! tonight presents a series of original album of exceptional quality. Listen 11:00 · Tonight we feature the new · tunes in his own unique style. tonight for "The Three Minors," "Slow release by The Dire Straits called "Love SUNDAY-Cf Poke," "The Breakout," "Back Home" Over Gold" on the Moondance and more. program. Tune in tonight for Wednesday - 5 6:00 · Wise Women Radio with host "Telegraph Road," "Industrial Kath Anderson. Album feature is by 11:00 · Tonight music from Jimi Disease," "It Never Rains," "Private 7:30 · Tonight we feature the music of Kate Wolf. Hendrix featured on the Moondance Investigations" and more. trumpeter Miles Davis from his classic program from his LP. "Midnight :ollaboration with composer/ arranger Lightning" one of those LP.'s released Wednes~ay - 19 Gil Evans called "Sketches of Spain." Monday - 10 after his tragic death. His ability as a An important achievement for Miles sound creator, literally a sound 7:30 - McCoy Tyner is our featured 7:30 • Stanley Turrentine is our and one of his most listened-to LP.'s sculptor, is phenomenal and is artist tonight from his Milestone release featured artist tonight on the Jazz containing "Concierto de Aranjuez" evidenced tonight on this album. Listen called "Together" with old friends like Expansions program from two sessions and more. Tune in tonight for this for "Hear My Train," "Machine Gun," recorded in the early 60's ('61 and '62) exciting album feature. Jack DeJohnette, Bobby Hutcherson, Blue Suede Shoes," "Beginnings" and .Hubert Laws, Stanley Clarke, Bennie and contains some of his finest more. 11:00 • Tonight music from The Maupin, Bill Summers and others. A blowing. Often accused of "selling out" 1978 recording, check out Tyner's over the last few years, Turrentine Rolling Stones from their "live" LP. Thursday - 13 "Love You Live." Tune in tonight versions of "Shades of Light," "Bayou proves that when he wants to he can Mick and Co. as they perform some of Fever," "One of Another Kind," smoke. Listen tonight for "Stolen 7:30 · Pianist Tommy Flanagan is our Sweets," "Thomasville," "My Ship," their well known tunes ("Brown "Highway One" and more. featured° artist tonight on the Jazz Sugar," "Honky Tonk Woman," etc.}' "Brother Tom," "Cottown Walk" and 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance Expansions program from his 1975 much more. and some blues tunes that the Stones recording called "Trinity" with old actually grew up on ("Mannish Boy," program we feature the music of the Johnny Van Zant Band from a brand friends Ron Carter (bass), and Roy 11:0~ · Tonight on the Moondance "Little Red Rooster," etc.). All in all a Haynes (drums). Flanagan always new release called "The Last Of The program we feature the sounds of Dave fun evening here on KUMD. selects an interesting cross section of Wild Ones." Al Kooper was involved in Edmunds from his 1978 recording material and performs them with a deft the production of this called "Tracks On Wax." Joined by styled band and his influence ii. touch as is the case here on "Passion Nick Lowe (bass), Billy .Hremmer Flower," Monk's "Ruby My . -Dear," noticeable on "Still Hold On," (guitar), Terry Williams (drums), Gerry "Bess, You ls My Woman," "Hustle, " Danger Zone," "Together Forever," Hogan (pedal steel) and more. "The One And Only" and more. Bustle" and more. (continued) .,.------,I ;: Minnesota A Perfecf Gift. .. Order yours from KUMD 1 Homef ires "A Calendar of our People's History" $4.95 + 25¢ tax+ 80¢ postage= $6.00 : Calendar Name______I Address -::::------I 1983 City, State, Zip______I ------~!!"~~------=- =w• --J 6 JAN. HIGHLIGHTS Monday - 24 Wednesday - 26 11:00 - Bill Blue 8c Band featured (continued) tonight on the Moondance program 7:30 - Tonight on the Ja:zz Expansions 7:30 - John Haley "Zoot" Sims has that from his first Adelphi release called Thursday - 20 program we feature the music of vibist subtle swing that grooves just so right, "Sing Like Thunder." Bruce Courson Tom Van Der Geld. " Path" is the title tonight we hear Sims together with (keyboards), Sharon Garland (vocals), 7:30 - Art Tatum is our featured artist of his 1979 E.C.M. recording done with sympathetic rhythm section mates Glenn Pavone (guitar), Dave Carey tonight as we hear the music of one of guitarist and reed artist Jimmy Rowles (piano), George Mraz (bass), and Dave Poole (drums) back up the most talented individuals to ever sit Roger Jannotta with aHcompositions (bass), and Mousie Alexander (drums). the steamin' vocals of leader Bill Blue. down at the piano bench. "Volume: 7" by Van Der Geld except one by Listen to the smooth feel of "It's Alright of Norman Granz' series "The Tatum Connors. An ethereal feel to much of the With Me," "Shadow Waltz," "Where Friday - 28 Solo Masterpieces" recorded in late music here with a solid base even Our Love Has Gone" and more. 1953 and early 1954 and again showing without the typical rhythm section 5:30 - "Avant Top 'O" - Featuring instruments· holding things down. his ability to transform often mundane popular experimental artists; John Tune in tonight for "One," "JouJou," melodies and harmonies into Cage, Laurie Anderson, David Tudor, "Joys and Sorrows" and more. beautiful) y orchestrated musical and various new wavers. arrangeme-nts spontaneously. "Taboo," "Moon Song," "Dancing In 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance The Dark," "Japanese Sandman" and program we feature the music of Jethro more. Tull from the L.P. "" Monday - 31 dating back to the year 1978. is out in front of 7:30- We conclude the month with the (guitar), John Evans (keyboards), music of guitarist Ralph Towner from Barriemore Barlow (drums), John his L.P. "Solstice Sound And Glascock (bass), and David Palmer Shadows." Combining talents with Jan (organ). Listen tonight for Garbarek (reeds), Eberhard Weber "Journeyman," "Rover," "One Brown (bass), and Jon Christensen (drums), we Mouse," "Weathercock," and more. hear "Distant Hills," "Balance Beam," "Along The Way," "Arion" and "Song Of The Shadows." Tuesday- 25

7:30 - Lew Tabackin is our featured artist tonight, from his 1979 L.P. "Black 8c Tan Fantasy." This album 11:00 - Tonight the sounds of Tom showcases Tabackin in a trio setting Verlaine featured on the Moondance .. giving him lots of harmonic freedom of program from his newest L.P. entitle? which he uses every bit. Truly one of "Words From The Front." Verlaine 1s jazz music's finest improvisers possibly best known for his work in the Tabackin turns Monk's "I Mean You" group Television, but has managed a in.side out, performs o'n flute on very fine solo career since Television's "Falling Petal" and "Flute Flite" and demise. Checkout "True Story," "Clear 11:00 - Tonight we hear music by T- takes charge throughout the rest of this It Away," "Days On The Mountain," Bone , Burnett on the Moondance five star al bum. "Coming Apart" and more. program from his 1980 Takoma release called "Truth Decay." Joined by old 11 :00 - "Electricity" is the title of the friends Jerry McGee (guitar) and Billy new release by veteran rockabilly ace Thursday - 27 Swan (guitar) we hear "Driving Sleepy LaBeef and tonight we feature Wheel," 'Tm Coming Home," "Power this LP. on the Moondance program. 7:30 - Thelonious Sphere Monk was Of Love," "Madison Avenue" and Tune in tonight for the good rockin' one of the music world's truly unique others. sounds of LaBeef and band on tunes artists. Not a man blessed with like "Low Down Dog," "Cut It Out," phenomenal technique, Monk Monday - 31 Friday - 21 "Turn Me Loose," and much more. developed a style of playing and composing that had others copying 5:30 - "Das 1st Deutschland" - Con- him right up to this very day. Jagged 11 :00- We conclude the month with the temporary artists of the fatherland with rhythms and tight harmonies, sounds of the Band from DAF, Stockhausen, and other disonances and tonal clusters all were a 1974 release of that band on tour. experimental German groups and commonplace to Monk and tonight on Together with old friends like Chuck individuals. the Jazz Expansions program we hear Leavell, Randal Bramblett (horns), some of his classic compositions played David Brown and others we hear a by one of his very finest ensembles . . cookin' set of tunes like: "Don't Mess Listen tonight for "Round Midnight," Up A Good Thing," "Turn On Your "Ruby My Dear," "Epistrophy," Love Light," "Queen Of Hearts," Women's Coalition "Mysterioso," "Off Minor" and more. "Double Cross" and more. IS YOUR HUSBAND OR BOY- FRIEND ABUSING YOU? You are not alone - it happens a lot. There is a number you can call where women advocates are available to help you. All calls and information kept confidential. Call our shelter for battered women, the Women's Coalition. 24-Hour Hotline Number: 728-3679.

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• HEARTHSTONE •JENSEN• •JOTUL• •GFC •FISHER• KICKAPOO• •LANGE• • BUOERUS• PIONEER •TEMPWOOD• • H.S. TARM• •WATERFORD• •KEROSUN •UPLAND• KEROSENE •GARRISON• HEATERS• CRAFTS CO;.OP • QUAKER• • METALBESTOS • WOODSTOCK • CHIMNEY• • WOLF RIVER • • 24-GA. BtACK December •NASHUA• STOVEPIPE• • MORSO • •CHIMNEY •PETIT-GODIN• . BRUSHES• Fri--Sat--Sun 10 -- 5 January SUPERIOR STOVE WORKS 6125 Tower Avenue in SOUTH SUPERIOR 392-9071 OPEN 10-5 Mon. thru Fri.; 10-3 Sat. Sat--Sun * FINEST WOODSTOVES, FURNACES AND BOILERS IN THE IIORTHLAND * 4 Miles N.E. of TWO HARBORS on HWY. 61 7 Teleconstructs Spacework I On Saturday, October 9, Duluth artist Other instruments used in At this point the natural sounds may be Aspects of the Terrain Instruments Leif Brush's "Teleconstructs Teleconstructs Spacework include multiplexed to two channels for work may be presented in other forms: Spacework" was performed--a electric bass guitar, Water Drums, field transmission to the satellite, and then as specific installations or real-time collaboration in which Minnesota and cultivators (idiophone), Turtle drum, "reassembled" into their parts performances with the artist working New York audio artists were linked by metal detector, bowed psaltery anywhere in the world. "Instructions" on multiple sites; as sound playings satellite. The seven segments of that (acoustic), Casio electric keyboard, used to alter any aspect of a single sound from the existing Instruments carried work will be aired on KUMD's "Avant Yugoslav Gusle, Italian concertina, may be remotely controlled from a via satellite or dial-up telephones to Garden" program during December Irish whistle, and Malagasy Valiha. separate channel. October sounds, for other spaces; through traveling and January. In addition to the example, may be traded with those of documentation by haloid photomurals, Each configuration occupies a portion other months, moved, layered, sketches and tapes; or through a variety performance itself, Leif Brush will of the total considered space, discuss his work with KUMD's Tom eliminated, or differently "colored." of sound tape formats. Some Terrain intercepting the intermittan1 Instruments exist as portable eleClronic Livingston; the series starts December phenomena. Each of the Terrain 3 with a half-hour interview. "Avant The 202 Terrain Instrument works; a single Draft Monitor, for Instruments can produce between nine Garden" is heard every Friday evening microprocessor and signal condition- example, may be fitted to a window and fifteen sounds as passive from 5:30 to 7:00. In the interviews, ing equipment have been developed space, or coupled with others to atmospheric interceptor, or more Brush will survey techniques of getting since 1980 with electronics orchestrate more numerous facets of a numerous sounds with electronic or sound from the Minnesota . collaborator Scott D. McEachron and building. human intercession. An individual can, environment, and he encourages those others. The 202 accepts up to two for example, mirror nature's strong and interested in pursuing similar projects hundred selected sound sources from Techniques and suggestions on how to subtle ))rocesses by striking or stroking to send a stamped self-addressed the environment through sensor/ trans- get sound from the Minnesota blades of grass against the configures envelope to for details on how ducers, either electronically environment will be covered in the KUMD components, or produce controlled to get started. conditioning them or routing them series. If you wish a headstart on the pulsations through moving rubber- directly to a prearranged collection of basic project, visit either Northwest coated rocks over the suspended, epoxy- Here he describes Teleconstructs two hundred speakers. The 202 enables Radio or Radio Shack to get the coated magnesium surface of the Signal Spacework I and his work generally. the identification and analysis of the necessary components for a battery· Disc. Teleconstructs Spacework was unheard portions of visible space, and operated audio amplifier chip and the supported by the Jerome Foundation, importantly, makes possible the required hardware for completing the The Terrain Instruments make possible St. Paul, and by the Duluth Art "transportation" or spatial constructs, project. an unprecedented direct access to Institute. a central artistic concern. nature. These began as prototypes in Phofo: G. 1". 1'31'1A.Sh 1967 and have appeared as more ------..-- - Toward Sound's Image conceptually complex outdoor My work seeks the experience of installations since 1975, enabling nature's lea t tangible sounds and observation of more expansive 01 phenomena, those enchanceable multiple sites through specialized correlations with the otherwise visible sensing involving sound and light wav< world. · phenomena, correlating the internal and external dynamics of the forest. The Minnesota Permanent Forest This actual use of nature either through Terrain Instrument encompasses the amplification or conversion--based acoustic events within four hundred upon differing climatic or geographic square feet of space through a variety of situations--is at the heart of my sensors and types and gauges of brass, intentions. silver, bronze and steel wire strandage suspended between tree clusters. The Towards this goal, microprocessors and Signal Disc configuration senses solar-powered femto-amplifiers, digital raindrops; the Whistlers swallow and synthesis and sound conditioning work variously extend ambient sounds; the their collective way into home spaces or Groundswell Laser detects root and my exhibitions and installations, inside earth movements; the Windribbons or on-site outdoors, connected by transform air movements into rich satellite. These new playings from the rumbles: the Snow Pixel arrests a single Minnesota locale acknowledge the tree flake or raindrop in free fall; The itself as Terrain Instrument. Manual Rainpattern Tree Filters define a and microprocessor control permit the "plane" of rainfall; the Treeharps amended return of sound, via Networking senses the dynamics of weatherproof speakers, in to the trees and the winds that stir their original forest sound envelope. Once a vibrations; and the Modified Treesways natural sound context is established, allow personal access and intervention. selective intervention can contribute to the formulation of the whole.

Production Group gets new 01mens1ons rao,o@; Underway with "The program that wonders what the Jan. 2: Solar Power in the Third World El Salvador Program world would be llke If people really with J.C. Kapur. mattered." KUMD's newly-organized and still- Jan. 9: The Rainbow Warrior with developing group of public affairs Dec. 5: Consciousness and Medicine Brooke Medicine Eagle. producers aired a first effort late last with Larry Dossey, M.D. month. Volunteer Leo Babeu recorded Jan. 16: Men, Women and God with Rep. James Oberstar's talk about El Dec. 12: A Planetary Perspective with Swami Sivananda Radha (Sylvia Salvador, given at the Unitarian Donald Keys. Hellman). Sundays at 11 :00 a.m.; Tuesdays and Church in Duluth. The speech was full Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. of historical detail as well as Oberstar's Dec. 19: My Heart's Song with Rabbi Jan. 23: The Future is Us with Marie views on the current situation in a David Zeller. Spengler. Our thanks to llstener-supporters country Oberstar calls "a land without and Practlcal Magic, and to KAXE- justice." Leo divided the hour-long talk Dec. 26: Joseph Campbell: Man of a Jan. 30: Toward the Peaceable FM, Grand Rapids, tor making New into two segments which were aired on Thousand Myths. Kingdom with Bob Swigart. Dimensions Radio posslble on Thursday, November 18 and Friday, KUMD. November 19. "It was a good chance to combine something I wanted to do anyway with helping to get the messag_e to other people," Leo says. "It was a lot easier than I thought it would be." GINSBURG &.JOHNSON The group consists of individuals with di verse interests and is not committed to producing regularly scheduled shows Personalized Service for a specific time slot, but rather to cover events as they happen and to ATTORNEYS AT LAW work at the pace and on the topics desired by individuals in the group. MINNESOTA &WISCONSIN Most members have had two training sessions--one on basics of sound, equipment, and production; the other SUSAN GINSBURG DOUG JOHNSON on interview and recording techniques. New people are joining the group all 604 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING the time; if you're interested, call me at 726-7181. DULUTH.MN. 726·1788 6LCf)AL ILU6 WJ6HE5 YOU A WARM AND 'wONDERFlJL HOUDA'l 5EA50N AND A NtlCLEAR FREf. NE.W Ye.AR.

J.MPORTfD CLOTHIW6 ,. 6\fT5 l CHR\f>T.MA5 (,ARDS, . . . open Nov . 27 T~fE. ORN'A,',\E.Nrs, . WRAPPINC, PAPER ••• to Dec . 23 in the Studio Gallery at Tweed Museum , LIMO

Tweed•= MUSelllll sAf>i HOUDA'r t10UR5: Tue. 9:30-9; Wed .-Fri. 9:30-4 ; oN-FR\. 10 .. e, Sat.-Sun . 2-5


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KUMD-FM 130 Humanities Bldg. . Non Profit Of9MIUllOn 2400 Oakland Awnue U.S. Postage Unlvenity of Mlnneeota PAID Duluth, 'MN. 55812 P£AMITNo.S7' University Media Reaourcea Duluth.Minnelota