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The Carbon (September 13, 1999)

Marian University - Indianapolis

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Newspaper Collection at MUShare. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Carbon by an authorized administrator of MUShare. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 4 ISSUE 2 A MARIAN COLLEGE STUDENT PUBLICATION SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 Education Department Is We're Changing with the Times s By Kate by Wendy Nine

New faces, they are abso­ In light of the new state pleted prior to student teaching. will notify students if this option lutely everywhere. Maybe you guide lines for licensing in edu- Students will also notice a will continue in the future. are a freshman and every face cation, Marian's Education De­ change in the curriculum. There The department is offering but your roommate is strange. partment has made some is a new protocol for reflective service learning opportunites Maybe you're a senior, and there changes to their handbook. journaling being used in Edu throughtout the year. are just some faces you don't All students must be Project Enhance needs recognize. Maybe you are a staff formally admitted to the de­ students to work with member, and there are unfamil­ partment before they can middle school children iar faces at your staff meeting. register for 300/400 level as mentors. The That's right. Not only are there classes. It is imperative all Danforth Parent & Stu­ new faces among the students current students take the dent Leaders Project but also among the faculty and PPST by the end of the se­ needs student volunteers staff. mester if they have not al­ to assist parents in tar­ Some of the new faculty ready completed these tests. geting and resolving is­ members are Dr. Christine Freshman and new students sues in schools. There Accetturo, Ed.D She is the As­ need to complete testing by Education students at work is an El Salvador Out- sistant Professor of Secondary the beginning of Fall 2000 reach being planned dur­ Education. Dr. Accetturo earned classes. An information meet- 161 , 162, and 163. These exer- ing Spring Break 2000. her B.S. from Illinois State Uni- ing concerning the application cises increase student's aware­ The department has a . versity her M.S. in Education process will be held on Septem­ ness of situations, develop a listserve to keep all students in­ from Butler and her Doctoral ber 16, 1999 at Noon in Room greater personal knowledge, and formed of meetings, new re­ degree from Ball State. 4. The PPST information meet­ apply the course concepts to quirements, and additional op­ Dr. David Benson Ph.D. is ing is October 7,1999 at Noon teaching and learning. The de­ portunities for service. Sign up the Assistant Professor of Biol­ in Room 4. Students in Second­ partment is piloting fa11 student at [email protected]. ogy. Dr. Benson received hi s ary Education Licensing must teaching this semester for Early B.A from Greenville College pass all content courses. All Childhood and Elementary Edu­ and his Ph.D from Washington methods courses will be com- cation Majors. The department State University. continued on page 3 Drawing the boundaries on smoking By Wendy Nine

been designated non-smoking the open window at the end of The college counci 1 has wing in Marian co11ege Resi­ the hall puffing away. now implemented this program dence Halls. But that is no longer. After and resident life will be work­ Residents cannot smoke in the resident life staff recieved ing with the hall council and the their rooms , on the the wings , complaints from residents about RA.s to evaluate this smoking or by the windows if you are liv­ smoking concerns they decided Smokin' in the donn room ... policy and to see how it has ing in a designated non-smok­ last semester to change some of worked. Attention smokers and non­ ing wing. the wings from smoking to non­ The resident life staff is smokers. The lines have been In the past residence halls smoking. "very opened about getting stu­ drawn. have been designated smoking. "This was something that dent feedback, see your RA. Or Two west and three west in As long as your roommate didn't needed to be done. It should RD. Or myself for any sugges­ Clare Hall, second floor south mind and as long as you had have been done prior to students tions on this for next year or how room 200-220 and ground floor your door shut. But every once moving in because they should to better implement this policy," in St. Francis, and first floor in a while you could poke your have a choice. But so far it has Roland Rydstrom, the Assistant North, first floor main, and thrid head out of your room and see a been working," St.Francis RA. Dean for Campus Life, said . floor east in Doyle Hall have a11 few pepole congregated around Samantha Baxter said. The Carbon September 13 1999 FORUM

A Very Unrnerry Holiday by Viviane Seumel

Three years ago the Carbon campus wanted to have been able to do so. published "The Suitcase Col­ use it. I can under­ Lastly, the cafeteria had very lege", an article written by Anita stand that the 1i brary limited hours for these three days Hess, then an RA on my fresh­ was closed on Mon­ and the food became increas­ man floor. The article depicted day, an official na­ ingly less appetizing as he week­ Marian students as constantly tional holiday, but end progressed. Choices were leaving the campus for week­ there was no reason very . limited and with each day ends. Even today the contro­ to deprive students more menu items from previous versy about this issue continues. of this academic re­ meals were resurrected in from Some say that there is nothing source facility for old make new entrees and side to do on campus on weekends the entire weekend. dishes. and that's why they leave, while Because that After this weekend experi­ others, especially administrators, search for my senior seminar. Saturday and Sunday were also ence on campus, I do not blame hold fast to the opinion that if But I never got a chance to very hot, I made my way to the anyone who leaves even if there students only stayed, they would enter the library because it Ruth Lilly Center for some cool are activities scheduled and even see things really do happen on was closed on all three days hours in the air-conditioning. if this was not the way things are weekends. of the weekend. This circum­ Once again I was disappointed be­ usually run on regular two day I stayed on Labor Day stance was completely in­ cause the student center was closed weekends. If regular weekends weekend not because I was ex­ comprehensible to me. Sat­ all Saturday and Sunday without have even a mild taste of this pecting any major scheduled urday and Sunday were just any valid reason. Even if just two Labor Day weekend, then stu­ events, but because I had a lot two normal days and the li­ students who spent that weekend dents pay entirely too much for of homework. One of my goals brary should have been open on campus wanted to come and what this college actually offers was to do a large amount of re- even if only one student on shoot pool for a while, they should them.

Having a Ball October by Ke vin Branigan flag football- men office is located in the auxil- exercise and enjoying yourself 4 on 4 volleyball- women Do you want to meet iary gym and phone exten­ playing intramurals? par 3 golf tournament-everyone people, get exercise, and have sion is 6106. Teams include If anyone has any sugges­ fun? Then participating a minimum of 5 men and 5 tions for more events, call Mike November intramurals is the thing for you. women. Students still look­ with ideas. In addition to racquetball tournament-everyone Oh, did I mention it is free and ing to play should contact intramurals, there is a coed club January and February open to all Marian College stu­ McKenzie as soon as pos­ volleyball tournament Sunday, Oc­ 5 on 5 basketball- men dents? sible. tober 10. Contact Sandra Hester, 3 on 3 basketball-women Coed softball is in the pro­ Mr. McKenzie hopes director of student activities for March students will participate. more information at extension cess of starting soon. Roster Coed volleybal 1 sheets should be obtained from Why wa te an hour of time 6319 or see her in room 201 in the April watching television when Ruth Lilly Center. Mike McKenzie, director of tennis-everyonesoccer Frisbee intramurals. Mr. McKenzie's you can be out getting some or football-everyone

_The Carbon is a publication of the students of Marian College Have something to say ... with assistance from JOU 205 Newswriting and [email protected] JOU 260 Desktop Publishing. Editors We'll be waiting and Angela Hatem and Viviane Seumel waiting Views and opinions expressed are those of the individual writer and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Carbon staff or and waiting of the general Marian College community.

and waiting I The Carbon September 13 1999 Cultural Event Joy of Credit... Got your Pepsi?

attention by Angela Hatem by Denise Stockdale I have a dream. One day I'd so stringent on diversity, but is "You must learn your lines. On September 17 at 8:00pm like to teach the world to sing. unable to maintain diversity in Give me more emotional sup­ Medea will open. You will learn In perfect harmony. I'd like to our vending machines. It is a port. Louder." the story of a crazed woman and buy them all a coke. But I can't. small right, but a right none-the­ If you are near the she will take you through her Not at Marian. less. amp hi theatre between 7 and emotions of love, hate, anger, Breezing through the caf­ Shouldn't I, the consumer, 11pm on a given week night, despair, insanity, and pity. Hu­ eteria one day I was so eager to have been consulted before such these would not be uncommon manities students, be sure to have a nice big swig of my fa­ a decision was made? Maybe I sounds. Medea opens in less mark your calendars! Medea vorite Coca-Cola product, but have an allergy to Pepsi One. than 2 weeks and production is runs September 17, 18, 19, 24, aghast it was no where to be Perhaps the mere sight of the in its final stages. 25, &26. All performances be­ found. There Actors cut their summer va­ gin at 8:00pm at the Clowes were Pepsi prod­ cations short and returned to Amphitheatre and are free to ucts as far as the campus on August 15th to begin Marian faculty, staff, and stu­ eye could see, but rehearsing. With little time left, dents. For reservations or more no sign of my pre­ stress levels are high, and the informations, please contact the cious Coca-Cola. excitement is mounting! box offic at x6387 As of this academic year faces page I CocaCola is pub­ lic enemy number Ms. Jodie Freeland, M.S.N of English. Dr. Norton received one, banished is the Assistant Professor of his B.S. from Asbury College in from our grounds Nursing. Ms. Freeland has History with secondary Educa­ and never to be earned her baccalaureate and tion certification. He received seen again. Pepsi masters in Nursing. She earned his M.A from the University of has bought the her baccalaureate from Marian Kentucky in English and his rights for an ap­ and her Masters from Ball State. Ph.D. from Indiana University. proximate half a Ms. Ann (Klein) Giddings, Ms. Robyn O born, million meesly M.A. Ms. Giddings is the Visit­ M.S. is the Assistant professor dollars, to have ing Professor of Reading and of Food and Nutrition Sciences their product as Language Arts. She received her and is the Program Director of the sole chemi­ B.A. in Psychology from Food and Nutrition Sciences cally addictive Manhattanville College in Pur­ Program. Ms. Osborn earned beverage of force chase, New York and her M.A. her baccalaureate and masters on campus. When Euil Pepsi lurks behind euery from the University of Connecti­ degree in Dietetics from the Uni­ you go to a major bend, euery corner, under cut in Elementary Ed. versity of Cincinnati and a Mas­ sporting event, your bed, behind the toilet Dr. James Norton ters Degree in Educational Psy­ Pepsi will be there. Ph.D. is the Assistant Professor chology. When you attend a school func­ wretched thing sends me into tion, Pepsi will be there. There convulsions. With my luck the is no way to avoid it. ER attendants would pump regu­ Tan Lines I, like you, will be huddled lar Pepsi into my veins in hopes Tanning Center in the shadows clasping my of resuscitating me, but will find Coca-Cola product, hiding my that regular Pepsi sends an ex­ 4933 W. 38th Street, Georgetown Plaza tiny red aluminum desire from cruciating amount of sugar into Indianapolis, IN. 46254 prying eyes. But a deeper mat­ my ystem. Thus, I'm dead. All 317-293-6324 ter fizzes at the top of this cola because of Pepsi. Student Price frenzy. Now that I think about it I Single Unit $5.00 $5.00 At the college level a free might just want to be dead, when 3 Sessions $13.50 $10.00 flow of ideas has supposedly everywhere I turn I will read been an ideal. A place where Pepsi. Now that Pepsi is such a 6 Sessions $26.00 $19.50 people can speak their mind and vast contributor towards Marian 10 Sessions $39.95 $30.00 choose what they want for them­ College how long will it be till 15 Sessions $52.00 $40.00 selves. In this year's student we rename the library, The Pepsi 30 Day Package $59.95 $59.95 handbook one of the descrip­ Memorial-Sr. Theresa tions of the Franciscan Value, Hacklemeir Library. Next we (Ends in 30 days) Dignity of the Individual, is to will erect the Pepsi Fountain, in Student packages available with student ID 's "Promote a community that ap­ which the Pepsi Values of Dig­ preciates the beauty of diver­ nity of Big Business, Reconcil­ Sunday 10:00 a.m - 6:00 p.m. sity." A lovely thought, and it ing the Budget, Responsible Tyr­ Mon - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. looks even prettier on paper. We anny, and Cash Means Justice, Saturday 8:00a.m. - 6:00 p.m. attend an institution that appears will be inscribed. The Carbon September 13 1999 Dynamic Divas Take the Stage by Julie Goodspeed

For those of you who didn't mary instrument was classical this unusual method of expression year. In addition, she also dedi­ attend the Tori Amos and Alanis piano, but she would alternate through the entire concert, only cated "You Live, " to Morisette concert on Sunday, with a synthesized keyboard deviating to in a style remi­ the Indianapolis audience and September 5 at Deer Creek, you and at times, she would liter­ niscent of the "running man" of "" for those who, "think missed a great opportunity to see ally play both at the same time! the early 90's or to remain in place they can' [t dance." For her en­ two great artists live. With the One hand would tickle the keys in front of the microphone for core, she sang "Ironic" and held release ofTori'sfrom the choir­ of the piano and the other songs like "That I Would Be the microphone out for the au­ girl hotel andAlanis's Supposed would reach to her other side Good" because she was playing a dience to sing the first verse. Former Infatuation Junkie, there where the keyboard was stra­ flute. Several songs appeared in was ample material to entertain tegically placed. Changes in Alanis's voice and delivery the line-up from the new album. the non-mainstream listener and mood and tempo could be felt were in top quality. Her live ver­ They consisted of "Baba," the most mainstream pop fan. through the entire stadium. sions were nearly identical to her "," "Are You Still Tori was the first act and did While she was demurely studio ones. But don't think that Mad," "Sympathetic Character, not disappoint her traditional dressed, in jeans, a camisole, Alanis is simply going through ""," and fans. She stayed away from her and a sweater, Tori's stage routine. She does write her own "So Pure." Notable exceptions more pop-oriented material and presence was in no way de­ songs, the instrumental and lyri­ are singles already released, like played relatively unknown mu­ mure. She was physically in­ cal components, and she changes "Front Row," "," "Join­ sic. Only one song, "Crucify," volved in her music. She aspects of song when performing ing You." appeared in the line-up from would shake her head during live to keep variety . For example, To the delight of the true Little Earthquakes, her break­ moments of agitation and con­ Alanis 's first American Alanis fans, Alanis performed a through album to pop stardom. tinually toss her head to em­ single,"," was song un-released on Junkie Only one well-known song ap­ phasize her words and music. slowed way down and other songs called "My Thoughts." The peared from Boys for Pele, and At the end of her performance, showed innovative changes with song was sophisticated in musi­ an un-released "Liquid Dia­ she jumped off the piano delivery and timing of lyrics. cal and lyrical quality and it is a monds" was the sole represen­ bench, squatted down center In contrast to Tori,Alanis is a shame that a version of it is not tative from her latest album, stage, and blew kisses to the people pleaser when it comes to accessible. from the choirgirl hotel. audience before she ran off delivering popular songs that the Overall, Alanis 's perfor­ Acoustics were superbly stage. audience is familiar with. She mance was superb and full of engineered for the entire concert, Alanis was full of energy. belted off all her released singles energy.The concert was a unique and it played an essential role in She opened her act with from , with the experience of original talent, en­ Tori's performance. She purred, "Baba" from Supposed Former exception of "Head over Heels." thusiasm, and insightful song growled, and passionately belted Infatuation Junkie and was in To the apparent delight of the writing of two leading women her way from one song to the constant motion through the audience, she also performed artists. next. Good acoustics allowed entire song. Her choice form of "Uninvited," from the move City her to showcase her piano play­ dancing was a cross between a of Angles, the song that won her ing ability vibrantly. Her pri- run and a stagger. She kept up an award for best rock song last

Sports run down Advertisement by Kevin Branigan It has been an exciting first The men's tennis team Hooters 38th Street _,: few weeks for Marian College opened their season by beating athletics and their more events Goshen 7-2 and later Hunting­ Has Monday •~ - on the horizon. The way our ton 5-4. The Knights host teams performed last year dur­ Depauw September 14 and ing competition, there is no rea­ travel to Taylor and Indiana Nite Football!! /I son to think any other way. Wesleyan. • BUY l0WINGS GET l0FREE 7:00P.MJ J The men's soccer team beat The women's tennis team Rose-Hulman 2-1 in double beat Goshen 7-2 and then beat CLOSE!!! overtime on September 4. Kerry Huntington 7-0. The team is • GUESS THE TOTAL SCORE AND WIN $250.00! ! Williams scored the winning home for a match against St. goal, and Chris Hargis added a Francis on the 14 and then on • PLAY FANTASY FOOTBALL AND WIN COOL goal and the assist on the game to Taylor and Indiana STUFF!!! winner. The Knights then lost a Wesleyan. hard fought game at St. Francis The volleyball team • WIN FREE WING PARTIES FOR UP TO TEN 2-0. The team travels to Grace opened their season in a tour­ PEOPLE EVERY WEEK!!! and Franklin in the next week. nament at Bethel. The Lady The women's soccer team Knights lost to Bethel 14-16, • COMPETE IN RAFFLE DRAWINGS AND CON lost their home opener to a very 6-15, 4-15 and Olivet TESTS FOR PRIZES!!! good Indiana Wesleyan team 7- Nazarene 10-15, 0-15, 15-3, 0. The Lady Knights then lost 10-15. Upcoming matches in­ • TWO HOOTERS GIRLS IN YOUR FAVORITE to St. Mary's, Indiana 2-0 and St. clude traveling to Franklin and TEAM'S HAT AND JERSEY!!! Francis 9-0. This week, the team Rose-Hulman for a tourna­ travels to Grace and then comes ment. The team is back home • NOW TELL US, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME back home to face Defiance on for their home opener Septem­ FOOTBALL AT HOOTERS???? the 17 and Franklin on the 18. ber 21.