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Summary philosophical books, which survived, but remained for long in obscurity, been rediscovered in the late . Two is the most eminent representative of these works on the title, “Adversus Mathematikus”, include of the ancient sceptisism, which is a Post-Classical, Hellenis- large number of strong arguments against the Logicians, the tic based on the criterion of life, the Physicists and the . The third and most important of and the analysis of phenomena, aiming to provide a straight the books on the title “Outlines of ” provides an out- and practical way of life, leading to interior peace and mental line of Pyrrhonian scepticism, incorporating at the same time tranquility, sharply opposed to a purely theoretical pursuit of his own philosophical doctrines. Sextus offers thoroughly a dogmatic philosophy. The term “sceptic” is a derivative of the general overview of scepticism, describing and explaining the noun, skepsis (σκέψις), which means thought, examination, meaning of the sceptical investigation, the of suspen- inquiry, consideration, meditation and investigation. The scep- sion of judgment and the importance of the sceptical dialectics. tical school was connected for a long period of time with the Sextus insists that the does not accept or reject any Empirical school of physicians, who based the medical impression and substantially does not affirm or deny anything. practice on the clinical experience rather than on the theoret- Sextus claims that appearances (φαινόμενα) are the practical ical erudition, dedicating themselves to observation, memory criteria of approaching to the and by the continuous inves- and continuous clinical practice. As a matter of fact they en- tigation the thinker is prevented from mental or psychological deavored to derive from experience what would be beneficial inactivity (ανενεργησία). The only wise way of life is to suspend for the patients, believing that the medical capability consists in judgment, regarding everything, therefore never facing the risk subjective experience. Sextus who lived in Alaxandria, of wrong in anything. The human being has the innate and was an empiricist who adopted sceptisism as - capacity for , thinking, analysis of the phenomena, sophical doctrine and way of life in view that the sceptical way ability to distinguish what is true and what is false and to med- was characterized by persistent commitment to investigate the itate avoiding dogmatism. According to Sextus’ doctrines, truth, based on objective arguments and real evidence. How- is based on phenomena and criteria. Sextus proposed several ever he was mostly known in the as a sceptic thinker practical criteria and ten main ways (modes, τρόποι) that the and not as empirical physician. Although there are many skep- man could follow whenever he would decide to suspend judg- tical elements in the works of many Greek Pre-Socratic philos- ment on absolute truth. The main mode is the “epoché” (εποχή) ophers, the term scepticism was mainly applied to members of or , in order to achieve the deep interior ’s during its late period. The ancient sceptics, peace and serenity of mind, since the attainment of tranquility, avoiding dogmatism, used to search for the truth, posing many psychological equilibrium or imperturbability (αταραξία) must dialectic questions about and beliefs, feeling that all be the supreme target of the human life, leading to permanent arguments could be opposed by other strong arguments of the well-being (ευδαιμονία), in an attempt to be raised above the same persuasive force and validity, underlining the dynamics , which pain and psychological distress impose. Ac- of the philosophical investigation and dialectics. Phenomena cording to Sextus, science is considered as being the main are the only things, which the sceptic thinkers do not deny, source of pure knowledge, underling at the same time the rel- since they constitute the appearance of objects. In a parallel ativity of the scientific data. Science, therefore, could not pre- way, phenomena are the ordering criteria of sceptics daily life sume to provide the authoritative truth and all its issues must and activity. According to Laertius, was be understood from a dialectical perspective, since whatever “the first to argue on both sides of a question”. He insisted that is debatable may concern reality. The scientific methodology for every reasoning there is an equally strong opposite rea- consists of investigation, as starting point, of equipollence, a soning, since the reality of things seems to be inaccessible balancing estimation of all positive and negative aspects, of and definite certitude would be impossible for the human mind. suspension of judgment and of tranquility of mind and imper- Sextus’ writings are the main source of most of our knowledge turbability. Always reality has to be investigated but appear- of ancient scepticism and the other philosophical tendencies ance must be accepted without any debate, since it is clearly of the Hellenistic era. He wrote some medical dissertations, obvious. Every effort to approach the truth is feasible only by which unfortunately have been lost during the times and three assessing the phenomena, since absolute reality could never be known. Sextus, although suspended judgment on absolute *Professor Emeritus, Aristotelian University, Thessaloniki, truth, he endeavored to elaborate various sceptical formulas for proceeding to a statement concerning the truth. He insists that any argument requires definite proof, precisely proven, ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 otherwise it might lead to an ‘infinite regression’ resulting to fall or conflicting reasonings have equal force (ισοσθένεια) then into a vicious circle. The escape from infinite regression might the has to suspend of judgment, in order to es- be based on a hypothesis. Encountering disagreement, when- cape from disturbance and retain his interior serenity of mind ever several points of view and strong arguments seems to be (αταραξια) or tranquility of soul8. The search for the truth is very of equal validity (ισοσθένεια), the thinker being unable to judge difficult and the absolute reality is always inaccessible9. and decide properly and accurately, has to give up, for attain- According to Sextus, scepticism is a powerful attack ing peace of mind (αταραξία). Sextus insists that arriving to a on constructive philosophy insisting that all arguments can be definite conclusion is not merely a matter of high education, opposed by equally strong arguments and no argument exists intellectual integrity, wisdom or experience, since it is mostly a that is incontrovertible. By the intellectual power the philos- matter of the proper of the problem. In the field of moral- opher may place arguments in opposition to each other and ity, Sextus and the other ancient sceptics deny the existence of phenomena in opposition to other phenomena. Many times the absolute good, but most of them admit the potentiality for a due to equipollence (ισοσθενείαν10) in the opposed objects continuous amelioration of the life, based on the proper eval- and arguments the sceptic should come first to suspension uation of the ongoing and research. However to of judgment (εποχή)11 adopting a neutral attitude towards the the sceptics nothing is in itself either good or , since he who value of both views. Τhat attitude leads to tranquility, peace of considers anything as good or evil is always troubled and suf- mind and imperturbability (αταραξίαν)12,13. fers being not at rest. Sextus’ doctrines have exerted a strong There are many and many modes (tropoi) for sus- influence on the course of , from the sev- pending judgment. Tropos or mode is a way of thought, a man- enteenth century and onwards, inspiring Michel de Montaine, ner of reasoning, a standpoint of judgment. Among the ten prin- Rene Descartes, , Hegel and many cipal modes of Pyrro14 for epoche the most important are those, of our Era in their theoretical orientation. The sceptical influx is which are related to the thinker who judges15 as well as to the of substantial importance for the current philosophy of the sci- object16, which is judged or to both of them17. ence, the neurophilosophy, the scientific research, the modern schools of , offering also an essential theoretical The search for the truth background for the evidence based medicine. Many arguments, which try to trace the path of truth are op- Key words: Sextus Empiricus, sceptisism, Hellenistic philos- posing each other, been definite and indefinite, positive and ophy, imperturbability. Peace of mind, Psychotherapy, Medical negative, been in conflict and contradiction. Therefore they are sceptisism. unable to lead to the truth, since they could not be convincing and they induce anxiousness and confusion. On the other hand Introduction there are many intellects and it is expectable that many dis- agreements and disputes may arise, which is going to increase Sextus Empiricus is the most eminent representative thinker’s anxiousness. Those who believe also that things are of the ancient sceptisism in the constellation of the Greek phi- good or evil by nature endeavor to possess the good ones and losophy. Although Sextus’ name is he is Greek according tremble in the probability to lose them. In the contrary, if there to his own clear statements1 and as it is obviously realized by is no certitude for the absolute good or the absolute evil, since the gentle style of the eloquent Greeks of his writings, who absolute conditions and qualities do not exist by nature, the remind Thucydides’ and ’s style. person is not particularly anxious about them and therefore he Little is known about Sextus’ life and his ancestry. In retain the peace of mind, a psychic quietude, which in fact is regard to the time when Sextus lived it is estimated that it may the supreme target of a meaningful life18 and the real source of range between the second and third century. He lived for long . Although the sceptics may live several times under time in of Egypt, teaching philosophy and for some unpleasant conditions, such as cold or warm weather, thirsty, time in Athens, the city where the sceptisism had its birth and hunger or even starvation, they do not characterize them as later on in Rome. Sextus was physician, a disciple of Herodo- evil; they do not blame them and sustain them with courage, tus from Tarsus2, and was a member of the Empirical School3, patience, discretion and mediocrity retaining their tranquility. who believed that the good medical practice should be mainly All the attitude of life and the concept of the truth and based on the experience4, since only by experience the physi- reality put the sceptics in opposition to dogmatic philosophers19, cian could perform beneficially for his patients5. It is known that who believe that the search for the truth is feasible and they Empiricists and Pyrrhonists were closely related each other in possess the truth by an exclusive and unique way20. It is rea- Hellenistic Era and many physicians were members of one of sonable that the sceptics are in contradiction with Aristotelians, the many philosophical schools at that times6. Epicurians and Stoics, who used to thing and meditate dog- Sextus as philosopher was sceptic7. Sceptisism was matically. At the same time the sceptics are in opposition with a Post-Classical, Hellenistic philosophical movement, which the Academics Cletomachos21 and Careades, who claimed in a has endeavored to avoid dogmatism in view that there are two dogmatic way that the truth is unapproachable, whereas scep- different and opposite aspects as a rule on the same theme, tics have the feeling that they might approach the truth by the sometimes being of equal force. The sceptic have to obtain the continuous search for it22. From the point of view of the Scep- ability to find the opposites both of objects of experience and tical School for the human being is enough to live in peace, of objects of thought and whenever the opposed arguments based on his experience and objective observations avoiding ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 dogmatism23. Things which are obvious (phenomena) are the back- ground of reality30. The real knowledge should be based on real Sextus from his writings objects. However the phenomena are perceived by sensations and senses differ from one another, consequently it is hard to The majority of Sextus voluminous philosophical works sur- say what is the real nature of every phenomenon and it is no vived. Unfortunately his medical works mentioned by him, possible to make positive assertions even about thinks, which entitled Medical memories24 and Empirical memoris25, remain seems to be evident31, since it is not certain whether the under- unknown, since they may have been lost in antiquity, since lying object is such as it appears. For all those reasons is wise their author is the only one who mentioned them. The main to suspend judgment about virtually all beliefs, since we could contribution by Sextus is his philosophical writings, which con- not affirm any as true. This concept by Sextus and the sist of three books entitled Pyrrhonian Outlines (Sketches)26. other sceptics is of substantial importance, proved by neurosci- The first book is a general overview of Pyrrhonian scepticism, ences and neuropsychology, which underline the marked dif- the second deals with the meaning of dogmatic logic, the third ference in senso-sensorial perception, mental faculties, emo- is a critique of dogmatic physical theory and . In all his tional background32, desires and perspectives33 among human books Sextus described with a simple, gentle and evocative beings34. style, illustrated with many examples and parabolas the prin- The real knowledge is inaccessible, however Sextus ciples of the Sceptic school, as they have been exposed by did not deny the possibility of knowledge, suspending judg- Pyrron27,28. An other philosophical contribution entitled Pros ment about whether anything is knowable. The human being Mathimaticous or Against the Learned or in a Latinizing title should search for the truth continuously with peaceful mind, Adversus Mathimaticos consists of six books addressed to or- serenity, mediocrity, without competition and empathy35. ators, geometrics, arithmetics, astrologists and musicians. One The suspension of judgment (epoche) is supposed to more contribution is entitled “To Logicians” or agains logicians be brought by modes or tropoi arranged in groups of ten36 , five is divided in two books. Sextus has written two more books or two according to the sceptical period and the representa- against the Physicists and one book against the Ethicists. tive philosopher of the Sceptical School. It is important that the A Sextus’ book “On soul” has been lost during the eighth mode concerns the fact of relativity, a concept induced centuries. Sextus’ writings are precious sources of knowledge by sceptics, been extensively evaluated by the current scienc- of the ancient and and cultural atmo- es, which proved to be of revolutionary and axiomatic value. sphere, due to numerous citations to many other authors and It is reasonable that in case that men might have the to analytical descriptions of ideas, customs and beliefs of his same opinions on everything and share the same emotions Era. Sextus in his writings discussed also epistemological mat- they would have unanimity and they might evaluate anything ters and endeavored to conclude whether there is a definite cri- without contradictions and conflicts37. terion of truth and reality in a world plenty of contradictions and The accuracy of the perception of the phenomena debates, subjecting to scrutinizing the and doctrines is also related to consciousness of the subject. If a person is of dogmatic philosophers. mentally bright the horizons of his sensorial perception are The way of life of a sceptic is an engaging in normal transparent and enlarged. activities attending to what is apparent in his everyday life. It is also well known that there are changeable crite- Most of the phenomena are real since they are based on the ria on the kindness and beauty in various historical periods, pragmatism of the sensations. Phenomana perceived by sen- among various people and civilizations, according to their aes- sations have an existence, not been derived from the world thetic, moral and cultural background. Even the same person of ideas and theoretical subjective speculations29. The ultimate may modify his or her own criteria according to the degree of aim of the philosophical orientation is to come to a state of at- education, the social status, the experience, the age and the araxia, which may be achieved whenever the thought is based ongoing aesthetic, moral and spiritual culture. Consequently on the objective reality, not been wondered in the fields of the the dimensions of are not the same among peo- contradictory and conflicting ideas. ple. It is impressive how the range of the values is large and It is wise to realize that understanding the meaning of sometimes different among the various schools of philosophy a claim, does not imply the approach of the absolute truth of the in antiquity, in modern times and nowadays. claim. For that the sceptics have not to avoid anything The majority of thinkers, as a rule, accept any con- and have not to desire also anything, which is a matter either of cept, which is in accordance with their personal principles and the physical or of the intellectual world. The right path to imper- beliefs and reject or fight against the contradictory concepts. turbability () is the investigation at any subject the pro- That attitude creates a real chain of debates and disputes38, and against arguments, in an attempt to find the equal strength which are recycled constantly and infinitively, without any es- among them (isosthenia). By the investigation of anything the cape from a “vicious circle”39. sceptic comes to the conclusion that absolute knowledge don’t The moderate attitude of the sceptics and their ten- exist and the search for the truth is the real meaning of the life, dency to avoid dogmatism introduced the use of many “motus”, though the dogmatic acceptance of any idea, induces inequity such as “perhaps”, “rather”, “it is probable”, “it is indefinite”, “it is and worry. This is the reason that the sceptics fight against the eventual”, “nothing definite”, nothing stable”, “nothing evident”, dogmatism of the other philosophical schools, criticizing their “I determine nothing”, since all things are incomprehensible40 . principles. It is of fundamental value, that the philosopher for ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 avoiding contradiction, has to suspend judgment (epoche)41, same river”56, because different waters flow perpetually. Thinks whenever he is unable to distinguish the truth in a field of many are whole and not whole, being brought together and been arguments of equal strength, opposing each other, without any separated. Some are consonant and some dissonant. capacity to find the criterion of truth and whenever he worries The universe is a continuous state of dynamic equilib- that accepting one of the potential arguments may face the rium, whereas at the same time “all things are one”. The immo- probability to become dogatic42. bility, even the stability is stagnation. In reality stability does not exist in nature, since everything is in motion, the universe, the Sextus and Heracletus cell, the atom. Motion, transformation, alteration and energy exchange are all under an universal low which dominates on Aenesidamus claimed43 that sceptic pathway leads to everything, in relativity57. Energy is always regenerated since Heracletian philosophy44, which supported the that on the sun is new again all the days58. and oversees everything. every subject there are two contradictory prospectives45. The transformations of fire means that everything may go over Sextus believed that the recognition of the existence into everything in a steered movement59. The fire or light con- of the contradictory and opposing arguments on any matter or verts like an original element over other elements in a precise any thought is the conclusive remark of any thinker and any order. The fire, the light and the truth are always unchanged, philosophical denomination. Sextus mentioned from Heracle- since they are original and genuine in their existence. tus that it is the opposite which is good for us46 and also that The brightness of the sun light, like the truth, sur- if you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is rounds everything. Seeing is a grasping in light and spiritual hard to be sought out and difficult47. In the contrary Sextus is seeing is a grasping in truth60. Spiritual or celestial light never opposed to dogmatic concepts of Heracletus on the potency extinguishes61. Eyes are more accurate witness of the reality and domination of fire48 and on the harmony of the conflicting than are the ears, however both of them are poor witnesses for conditions49. men who possess uncomprehending souls. Human being is The most substantial difference between Heracletus the one who can kindle fire, who understands the power of light and Sextus consists in the continuous search for the self, the and who is able to touch the truth and be illuminated by divine proper self by Heracletus, in association with the search for the light62. interior truth which is the force for the moral and spiritual ele- vation of the human being. The psyche should be purified from Sceptic philosophy and Academy passions, vices and particularly from insolence (hybris) since there is greatest need to extinguish insolence (hybris) than a Sextus distinguish Academy into three periods (a) in blazing fire50, but we must admit that it is always difficult for the ancient period or the Platonic one63, (β) in the middle period humans to fight passions. An excellent man is equivalent of ten or the period of Arcesilaos and (γ) in the new period or the pe- thousand. According to Heracletus learning is not a path of wis- riod of and Cletomachus. Plato the main founder of dom51, but he who desires wisdom and seeks it needs sound the ancient Academy is characterized as being dogmatic con- intelligence. The profound knowledge based on experience cerning the existence of the absolute truth and of Providence. and gained by enquiry in a wide spectrum of things may help in Certainly, Plato was not a sceptic philosopher, since he strong- uncovering the reality and truth, which mostly lie concealed52. ly believed in the world of ideas and he had many theoretical According to -Truth-Nature-Eternity are the elevations64. Platonic idealism and moral theory have nothing crucial existential principles for the Being and the “Wise is one in common with the sceptisism. However, the scholars of new thing, to be acquainted with true judgment, how all things are Academy were in obvious proximity with the sceptics, since steered through all”. they claimed that all are invisible and incomprehensive. The Sometimes Heraclitus expresses an obvious mysti- influence of Pyrrhonian sceptisism was mostly obvious in Arc- cism stating that “nature loves to hide”53 and even more that esilaus, however the sceptical orientation of Academy was not “immortals are mortals, mortals are immortals, living their identical with that of the sceptics. The difference consists in the death, dying their life”. The entire lifetime is confined by death, dogmatic concepts on good and evil by Academy65. In addition but life and death are a continuation and not an opposition. Academian philosophy declare that some ideas are probable The beginning is also the end, like any point of the circle’s cir- and some improbable (τω πιθανώ προσχρώνται), whereas cumference, where beginning and end are common54, depend- sceptics claim that ideas are equal as regards worthiness and ing on the perspectives from which it is viewed. According to unworthiness, without any dogmatism (αδοξάστως)66. Heracletus Logos governs both the phenomena and the ideas. Sceptics in spite the difference with the Academy ex- All human legislations and rules have one celestial source the erted a strong influence upon the neoplatonics, particularly the Logos (the Word). Heraclitus implored that every human being philosophy of , Olympiodoros, Ammonios, Syrianos should listen the Word and know, as real wisdom, that “all is and Philoponos67. one”, but he regrets since some men lack the skill to listen and they don’t know how to speak Sceptic philosophy and Heracletus has in common with Sextus the theory of relativity. Heraclitus claims that relativity dominates on every Sextus mentioned Aristotle the Peripatetic and his fol- phenomenon, since everything is in flux55, like the constant flow lowers quite often and noticed that Aristotelian philosophy was of a river and he insists that “nobody can step twice into the quite different from that of the Stoics. Sextus also mentioned ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 several of by Aristotle. He claimed that endeavored to realize the phenomena from every possible per- rhetoric is an artificial method for convincing people and parts spective, since they have the feeling that the subjective factor of rhetoric must succeed with speeches that are either con- intervenes in the objective perception and interpretation of phe- sistent, inconsistent, or indifferent regarding their respective nomena. ends. However, Sextus’ texts give the impression sometimes Epicureans believed that nature has her own hierarchi- he could not make a sharp distinction between Aristotelian doc- cal system, been distinguished in classes, each one of which is trines and theoretical concepts from that of Stoics68, accepting subdivided in smaller classes, which retain their interior unity. both of them as dogmatist. He considered Aristotle69 as well The sceptics did not share that type of classification,, accepting as Zenon and as dogmatists and he endeavored to a flexible and plastic system in nature, which is changeable and counteract them with the proper arguments. evolutionary. Aristotle claimed that the soul is the form of the living body, the ordering principle of the sum of its functions, faculties Sextus and stoic philosophy and activities70. Every action performed by the human being is an expression of its soul, a manifestation of the orders that Attacking dogmatism Sextus wrote against stoics, who the soul dictates to the body. All the things are in some way claimed that they have had the objective knowledge and the coordinated, but not in the same way71. Soul is the source of path to reality and truth. He mentioned Stoa ninety times in his the mental and spiritual power of the man. Aristotle claimed that writings, Zeno and twenty times and nine the supreme good is health72, but Zeno and Stoics considered times88. It is known that the Logos or word is a crucial principle the as being the most important of the goods73 whereas in stoic philosophy and reasonable thinking is a fundamental Epicurus claimed that the is the main good of the hu- doctrine. The providence, the spiritual power and luck (eimar- man life. Aristotle emphasizes the value of three sorts of lives, mene) dominate on the world89. Sextus accused stoics for cir- underlining the worth of the lives, which are devoted to grati- cular reasoning. Actually, all the reasonable system of values fication, , and philosophical contemplation74.According in stoic philosophy was continuously criticized by Sextus. It is to Aristotle self-sufficiency is invoked as a substantial criteri- known that both of the schools, sceptics and stoics targeted on for the human well-being75, ()76.Sextus empha- on the peace of mind. However stoics tended to achieve it by sizes the difference and the contradictions between Aristotle reasoning, living according to Logos90 as well as by self-control and the other philosophers concerning the good and the soul and self-domination, whereas sceptics use to practice epoche, proving therefore the weakness of the dogmatism77. In many suspending of judgment and achieving a state of quietude of arguments against peripatetics. Sextus uses frequently Helle- mind, imperturbability (ataraxia). nistic doxographies78 instant of the original Aristotelian texts79, The impressive care and selectivity of stoics concern- in which Aristotelian philosophy is interpreted within the spirit of ing their social behavior91, was in contrast with the simplicity the broad Hellenistic philosophical atmospheres. and the lack of discrimination in the social behavior by the On the Aristotelian Sextus highlights sceptics. A common place in stoic and sceptic philosophy is the the importance of criteria80. He poses a large number of ar- of the epistemology from the . Scep- guments against Aristotelian criteria in the hope to counteract tics agree with Stoics that logic is neutral regarding metaphys- and annihilate them. The main criteria according Sextus are ics and that it is self-sufficient, not needing any further justifica- either perception or thinking (noesis) and mostly both of them. tion. Nevertheless the rigid dogmatism of stoic philosophers92 Sometimes it is important to use also imagination (phantasy), was the target of a continuous criticism, since the of which enlarges the horizons of the scientific thought and its everything is frequently invisible, incomprehensible and many perspectives81. times is impossible to detect the principal cause of every phe- Aristotle claims that rhetoric is the art of orator as med- nomenon or event, due to the subjectivity in searching for the icine is the art of physicians. Sextus contradicting claims the truth and in interpreting the phenomena93. Generally speaking, rhetoric is not an art, since it is mostly based on false argu- Sextus criticized all those who maintained that objective knowl- ments82,83. edge of any cause of the phenomena is possible. Sextus would accept only the existence of the phenomena94. Sextus and Epicurean philosophy The Sceptics strongly believed that the search for the truth is very difficult, so they could agree that stoics were Sextus believed that Epicurus did not develop his own in close proximity with the truth or they possessed the truth. philosophical doctrines but was exclusively based on Homer84, Sextus insisted that there are many points of view of the truth in his ideas on death85, particularly. He thought also that Epi- and many pathways leading to the truth. Sceptics rejected the curus could not prove the validity of his doctrines. Many Stoics imagination of the understanding (καταληπτικήν φαντασίαν)95 also, like and claimed that Epicurus incorpo- of the Stoics as a way to the trut96, since imagination (phanta- rated most of Democritean doctrines86 in his philosophy. sia) has always a subjective character and might be confus- According to Epicurus’ atomic theory of the soul, ing, whereas truth as a demonstration of every or every sense-perception is the result of the action of bodies. It is proposition has an objective and concrete character. On the therefore a passive procedure of senso-sensorial analysis of other hand, there is no true phantasia, which may not become the environmental stimuli and the aesthetic experiences87. Al- false and incorrect97. The Stoics by the “imagination of the un- though sceptics believed in the value of the phenomena, they derstanding” tried to fill up the gap between subjectivity and ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 objectivity, approaching therefor the truth par excellence. Sex- quite pessimistic and unstable existentially. tus acknowledges the existence of the objects and the exis- The continuous dispute and the lack of a definite de- tence of phenomena, whenever they appear and are recog- cision and of a stable orientation may relieve the thinker from nized by the perception of the mind. But the perception of the the burden and the worry of an eventual false option and of the objects is different from the knowledge of their , their consequent criticism. We might think that modern sceptisism true nature. In addition, it is reasonable that not everything may be an excuse for escaping from the anxiety of the modern conceived has always a share in existence98. Man is incon- western society105. ceivable and consequently he is inapprehensible99. In addition, man by nature is incapable of discovering the truth100. Sceptics Sextus and the Objectivity in Science recognizing, that is impossible to approach the truth, suspend judgment and try to lead a tranquil, simple and peaceful life101. Although Sextus wrote a substantial number of books, he remained almost unknown for many years. During the medi- Sceptic psychotherapy eval era his philosophical doctrines exerted minimal influence on the thinkers. The Latin translation of Pyrrhonian Hypotypos- Sceptic philosophers proposed to accept the suspend- es (Outlines of Pyrrhonism) by Niccolò da Reggio, remained in ing of judgment (epoche), in cases of isosthenia, as a principal silence. Later on the translations by Henri Éstienne (Henricus way of life, in order to protect their interior peace and tranquility. Stephanus) published in in 1562 and the Latin transla- They believed that since the external reality is unknowable the tion of “Pros Mathematicus” (Against the Professors) by Gen- are practically inconceivable. Only the reality of tian Hervet (Gentianus Hervetus106) in 1569, started gradually experience is indisputable. They insisted that the main aim of to exert an influence on the rising European Philosophy, which the life should be the imperturbability (ataraxia) and the estab- endeavored to search for the truth, avoiding inflexible - lishment of the peace of mind being beyond the contradictions, tism107. However, we would say that sceptisism and Academian the dispute, the futile competitions, the worry, the anxiety and sceptisism particularly. became known in the Latin Bibliogra- the persistence on dogmatic doctrines. phy, rather by Saint Augustin’s works “Contra Academicos”108 By the principle of the equal forces (isosthenia) or than by Sextus’ early Latin translations. Although St. Augustin equal potentiality Sextus treats the thinker from the ambition was not in favor of the principles of scepticism109, nevertheless of the domination and preponderance and from the passion of he was influenced by them, as it is revealed in his Confessions arrogance and authority, suggesting that the best way for re- by the expressions, “sub specie dubitationis”, “Eo ipso tempo- taining the interior clarity, the peace, the tranquility, the serenity re dubitationis meae110” and by his thoughts on death111, which and the self-respect is the suspension of judgment. Man has induce the idea of an Augustinian sceptisism. to rely his affections in order to understand himself and to know In the Greek world, who enjoyed the knowledge of the exterior world. Greek language and had access to the original works of Greek In the philosophy of the ancient sceptisism the con- authors, Photios, the Patriarch of Constantinople included Sex- tradiction, the debate and the opposition were limited only in tus’ writings in his “Library”112 claiming that sceptics become the exterior world, whereas the spiritual values were faced with basically dogmatics, insisting that “nothing could be an object great respect and unanimity by all the thinkers. For the inner of knowledge113”.Theodoros Metochitis114 in his «Outlines» cit- culture it is always important the peace of mind and the seren- ed sceptics, calling them “Efektikoiì, Ephectics, Suspensive” ity of the soul. Ataraxia is the precious fruit of the inner harmo- writing that «Ὅτι οὔκ ἔξω λόγου παντάπασι δόξειειν ἄν εἶναι τὰ ny and the homeostatic equilibrium of the human being, who τῶν Ἐφεκτικῶν ἐναντιουμένων πρὸς πᾶσαν κατάληψιν, καὶ ὅτι avoids empathy and dogmatism102. Πλάτων καὶ Σωκράτης ἀρχὰς εἰς τοῦτ᾽ ἔδωκαν»115 Metochitis In the modern sceptisism the philosophical orientation and his pupil Gregoras condemned Sextus arguments, fearing is turned towards the external world, the world of the senses that they might infiltrate the Church. which must be proved by the scientific investigation, which is The Greek text of Sextus writings was transferred from continuously upgraded by the ongoing technology. Constantinople to Venice in 1427 by Francesco Filelfo, who However, the continuous controversy in everything was acknowledged as the first Italian scholar with serious in- by the sceptics may induce the unsettledness and the inner terest in Sextus. The Greek text was published for the first time instability. The peace of mind and the imperturbability (atarax- in 1621 by Petrus Jacobus Chouet. From that time Sextus ia) have only an exterior and provisional character, protecting started receiving an increasing attention from humanists, been the soul from anxiety and fear, without being able to fulfill the studied in by Savonarola116 and other scholars in Flor- human expectations for existential harmony and truthful life, ence, especially Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (1469- which is offered by the genuine, constant, unalterable eternal 1533), who read Sextus in Greek, contributing greatly in the values103. creation of the philosophical atmosphere of Renascence117 free We could hypothesize that some persons may have from dogmatism and respectful fixation on Aristotle of scholas- a “sceptic personality” either by nature or by the relevant edu- tic philosophers. cation and the environmental factors. That personality is most- During the first half of the sixteenth century, Sextus ly characterized by , criticism, debate and dispute doctrines enjoyed a very favorable reception in , deeply without any conclusion. Jaspers104 underlined the type of that affecting . Michel de Montaigne118, a real hu- specific personality and described its profile, which might be manist, who studied Stephanus’ translation of Pyrronian Hypo- ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 typoses and the Latin translation of Diogenes Laertius “Life discovering new horizons in thinking. of ”, tried to interpret the sceptisism in an ethical and Christian manner119. Montaigne writings induced a strong scep- Sceptisism and Science tic movement in France, represented mainly by Gabriel Naude, Guy Patin, Francois de la Mothe Le Vayer and Pierre Gassen- The contribution of sceptisism in the scientific thought di. Sextus sceptisism was propagated from Italy and France is considerable. The detachment of the epistemological think- to northern exercising remarkable influence on David ing from dogmatic fixations and the orientation towards re- Hume120 and Hegel. search and scientific investigation induced a remarkable prag- During the seventeenth century Rene Descartes121, matism arguing that there are objective ways of approaching in France, wrote his “” deeply impressed by scep- the scientific truth. Scientific scepticism criticizes the veracity tisism. He claimed from a purely epistemological perspective, of assertions, which are not based on empirical evidence or that the thinker may approach the real meaning of the science experimental data. It is reasonable that the acceptance of a only defeating dogmatism and searching for new theories and theory as a standard scientific knowledge requires a ‘critical or their objective verification. According to Descartes, the mental experimental verification’, that must be capable of providing brightness, and the detailed observation are the main ways to evidence that the theory is based on objective data. the scientific knowledge. The deep and focused thought, the The high fever of the research in the last centuries right perception, the detailed and critic analysis of the phenom- was enforced by the anxiety and enthusiasm for approaching ena and the proving procedures compose the pattern of the the scientific reality. In addition, the scientific achievements scientific methodology122. opened the mind of the scientist further showing that the real The statement “Cogito, ergo sum”. (“I think therefore knowledge is not inaccessible. I am) by” Rene Descartes became the symbol of the modern However, the scientist of our times, whereas retains philosophy. According Descartes thinking means doubting, de- always his sceptisism, is not in accordance with suspending of nying, affirming and refusing. The mind is distinct from the body judgment for the sake of tranquility in cases of equipollence of and it exists independently of the body. In the field of Metaphys- the opposed theories (isosthenia), realizing that the happiness ics Descartes in an omnipotent, infinite, omniscient, all from research is more important than tranquility of mind or im- good God and he insists that truth is only in God. All the ideas, perturbability (ataraxia). Therefore, to suspend judgment on which are related with truth are derived from God. He states, the validity of opposed theories is replaced by the proceeding “”I clearly understand that there is more reality in an infinite to an accurate and critical experimentation, in order to reveal substance than there is in a finite one”123. However the role of the validity of the right theory, based on evidence. On the other reason in Descartes’ philosophy is essential. hand Skeptics achieve tranquility, not by finding the truth, but The human being must have the capacity to accept the by suspending judgment about whether the truth can be found. eternal truth and incorporate it in his thoughts, since God offers Many modern scientific theories are based on Sextus the potentiality to to understand all the worth and scepticism. Sextus’ theory of relativity, which revitalized and values, which are determined for the man. Descartes admit- proved, many centuries later, by and mathematics128, ted that the belief that there is a God who is all powerful, and was the supreme concept, which opened new immense hori- who created him, such as he is, has, for a long time, obtained zons in science and philosophy. Sextus’ scepticism exerted steady possession of his mind124. also a strong influence on the evidence based Medicine129 and The ideas according Descartes have a etiological the current Psychology130. background and a point of reference, that gives them their sub- stantiality. Between the various dilemmas that the thinker fre- quently faces he must accept those ideas, which have a meta- physical value, in order to avoid a dogmatism based only on experience. Descartes’ scepticism has frequently an existential character125. Thinking is an attribute of the soul and here he discovered what properly belongs to himself. Thinking alone is inseparable from him126. Although both Sextus and Descartes are against dog- matism and they endeavor to find the truth, the main difference of their doctrine is that Descartes accepts the metaphysical certitude, strongly believing that the truth is only in God127. In addition, sceptisism in Descartes has mostly an epistemologi- cal and not a methodological character. The modern philosophy of education under the influ- ence of scepticism and particularly of Sextus’ concepts endeav- ored to enlarge the dimensions of education and learning and to prove any theory by the objective data of the basic research. At the same time scepticism contributed in deliberating educa- tion from dogmatic standards and introduced the enthusiasm of ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013


1. Adv.Math.A.246, Hyp.I,152, Hyp.III,211,214 doctrines were obviously influenced by Indian philosophy regarding the 2. Diog. Laert. IX. 12, 116. vanity of the human life and the worthless of the earthly . He tried to 3. The fact that Sextus was physician is proved my the numerous refer- deliberate himself from any material and carnal desire, in order to achieve ences to medicine and medical issues in his writings, which advocate his the interior peace and tranquillity and defeat pain and suffering. He was the medical education (Adv. Math Ι, 260,PH II 238,AD V 47, Adv .Math. V 104, founder of the Sceptic School of philosophy in Elis and he has led a peace- PH I 44, 51–52, 71, 80, 93, 101–103, 126–127, 131, 133, II 237–240, III ful, simple and harmonious life, gaining respect by the citizens of Elis and 280–281; AD I 179, II 188, 219–221; AM I 95, 307–308, II 49). the majority of philosophers of his times. described him as a man 4. See also: Edelstein Ludwig: and Scepticism in the Teaching of virtue and honesty, who used to live in equality of spirit and teach the of the Greek Empiricist School. In: Edelstein: Ancient Medicine. Baltimore: “ (De orat.111,62). Pyrrhon respected ’ doc- Johns Hopkins University Press 1967, 195–203 trines (Diog.Laert ΙΧ,11,67) and the meaning of his life is to establishing the 5. Fabricius Testimonia p.2. Pappenheim claims that Sextus was a member interior harmony, avoiding worry and emotional turmoil, reaching eventually of the Methodical School of medicine, based on PH Ι, 236 (Pappenheim to a state of continuous tranquillity, the state of imperturbability (ataraxia), Der Sitz der Schule der Griechischen Skeptiker. Archiv fur Geschichte die which is the ultimate achievement of the spiritual culture. Philosophie,1887,1,I,47). 29. Hyp.I, 14) 6. Baloyannis SJ: The Neurosciences in the Greek World. In KK. Sinha and 30. Hyp.Ι,22 DK. Jha (Eds) Some aspects of history of Neurosciences. Catholic Press , 31. Hyp. Ι,49,54,55-59). Ranchi, 2003, pp.97-117. 32. Hyp. Ι,100. 7. Empiricists and Sceptics were closely related, following a parallel way 33. «άλλος γαρ τ’ άλλοισιν ανήρ επιτρέπεται έργοις» Odes. ξ΄ 228. since they have several features in common. Menodotus from Nicomedia 34. Hyp.1,85. and Theodas from Laodecia were the first sceptic empiricists (Diog. IX. 12, 35. Adv.Math. ΧΙ,140. 115).The most well known sceptics were Pyrron from Ilida (360-270 b.C) 36. Hyp. Ι,36. Diog. Laert. ΙΧ,11,87. and Timon Phliasios (330-240 b.C), who endeavored to avoid dogmatism 37. Hyp. Ι,186. and to base any knowledge on observation of objective phenomena and on 38. Hyp. Ι,186. extensive argumentation. See also Plato Low 720A-C,857C-D. 39. Hyp. Ι,186. 8. Hyp.1,10. 40. Hyp. 1,192. 9. See also the philosophical concepts of (1844–1900) 41. Hyp. Ι,196. on the truth in “The Will to Power” New York: Vintage Books. 1968. 42. « παντί λόγω λόγος ίσος αντίκειται» Hyp. Ι,202 10. “We accept ‘equipollence’ as a kind of equality with regard to being 43. It seems that Aenesidamu as well as have been deeply in- convincing or unconvincing, and: none of the conflicting accounts takes fluenced by Heracletian Philosophy which induced to them the sceptical precedence over any other as being more convincing”. Hyp, I.10. “To every orientation. It is known also that Diogenes Laertius thinks that Heracletus, argument an equal argument is opposed,” Archilochus, Homer, as well as Hippocrates were basically 11. Hyp I.8. sceptics . (Diog.Laert. ΙΧ,11,71-78). 12. Hyp. I,32-35 44. See also Baloyannis SJ Heracletus and our times. Encephalos 2013; 13. “It is enough, I think, to live by experience...in accordance with common 50, 1-21. observations (phenomena) and preconceptions, and to suspend judgment 45. Hyp. 1,210. about what is said with dogmatic superfluity” Hyp. II.246. 46. Frag.80 12. Hyp.1,36 47. Frag.18 15. Hyp.I, 106-111. 48. All things are exchanged for Fire, and Fire for all things, even as wares 16. The sceptic is acutely aware of the fact that in all sorts of ways things for gold, and gold for wares. According to Heracletian Philosophy the Uni- might, in reality, be quite different from the way they appear to be. verse was made of fire, which never extinguishes (πυρ αείζωov), lighting 17. Hyp.I, 38. perpetually contributing to cosmic harmony. The fire is therefore a symbol 18. Hyp.I, 27-28. of life and eternity, the symbol of absolute harmony since it has the capacity 19. Frede M. “The Sceptic’s Beliefs.” Burnyeat and Frede eds The original to purify and regenerate everything.The fire is the ultimate form of ener- Sceptists,1997 pp. 1-24. gy, which has an existential importance (Frag. DK22 B30.Clemes Strom.V 20. Kant claims that sceptisism is the second step towards the pure reason- 105). See also Schuhl PM: Essai sur la formation de la Pensee Grecque: 2d ing, the third one being the analysis of the pure reason. See Kritik der reinen edit: Paris 1949.Acccording to Aristotle the fire is the finest element, which Vernunft (KrV) Α 761, Β 789. might be immaterial, it is in a continuous motion and can also animate other 21. Cletomachus (187-100 π.Χ.) was a pupil of Carneades and his suc- elements.(Aristotle on Anima 405a 5). cessor in Academy. He was a very knowledgeable philosopher and author 49. Heracletus claims that from the strain of binding opposites comes har- of many dissertations. He used to criticize Epicurians and Stoics. His doc- mony and change gives rest. Heraclitus frequently asserts the unity of op- trines survived in the works of Sextus, Plutarch and Cicero. posite (Fragm.DK22 B80. , Against Celcus I 42s), thus “the road up 22. It is important to underline that the main difference between sceptics and down is one and the same road” and “in the circumference of the circle and the other philosophers is based not only on the difference of their beginning and end are the same”. Even good and evil are one. Every day principles but mainly on the different attitude towards their principles. See seems equal to the rest. Cold things become warm and warm become cold also Frede M. “The Sceptic’s Beliefs.” Burnyeat and Frede eds The original (Fragm. DK22 B126). Everything is generated from the opposite, such as Sceptists,1997 pp. 23-24. the dead from the living, the old from the young and the ill from the healthy. 23. Hyp. Β, 246. Thus, in a symbolic way Heracletus states that fire’s death is birth for air 24. Adv.Math.vii,202 and air’s death is birth for water. Death for earth is to become water and 25. Adv.Math.Ι,61. water’s death is birth of air ( IV,46). . The natural reality is a 26. Pyrrhonian Sketches (Pyrrhonian Hypotyposes) are the earliest Sextus’ continuous circle of transformations and energy exchange in life and death. writing, explaining the value of the sceptic principles and doctrines in a very Coming into existence is basically coupled with passing away. Heracletus analytical and detailed way. believes that an unapparent connection links many thinks more firmly than 27. Pyrrhon from Elis, son of Pistokrates, was born in Elis in 365 b.C. he an apparent and concrete one. A hidden and even secret harmony exists, was a pupil of Bryson and . He accompanied Alexander the which is more precious than an obvious one (Fragm.DK22 B54) and an un- Great in his expedition to India, where he came in contact with the Indi- apparent harmony is stronger than an apparent one. A harmony exists even an gymnosophists and acquainted himself with the oriental philosophy. His if there is an apparent competition between the opposites (Fragm..DK22 ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013

B80. Origen, Against Celcus ΩI 42) , since any competition conceals the attraction 88. See also Janasek K: Sextus Empiricus Indices. and attraction induces union. See also: Hegel GWF: Phaenomenologie des Geistes, 89. «τήν εἱμαρμένην κίνησιν ἀΐδιον. συνεχῆ καί τεταγμένην» SVF II 916. Werke II, Berlin 1832-1845. and Hegel GWF: Lectures on the History of Philosophy 90. SVF 1552 ed. Hoffmeister 1940 91. SVF III 631. 50. Diogenes Laertius IΧ 2 92. See also Baloyannis SJ. Suicide and death in stoic philosophy. Volume in memory 51. Frag..DK22 B41 Diog.Laertius.IΧ,1 of metropolitan Panteleimon the 2nd. Thessaloniki 1990,pp.380-391. 52. Frag..DK22 B62 93. Hyp.ΙΙΙ,22 53. Biological sciences revealed the important role that genes play in the determi- 94. “ Sense perception reveals to the percipient, what appears, but what appears nation of many physical and mental characters of the man. At the same time is well could not be used as evidence of what it is”. Hyp.II,4 known that genes have the character of a lasting stock of numerous information, 95. See also F. H. Sandbach, “Phantasia kataleptike”, in: A. A. Long, ed., Problems in which may be hidden during the limited time of human life. (London 1971), 9–21 54. Quaestiones Homericae 24.200 p.190 96. Oberti, Margherita Scepticism versus dogmatism: an internal analysis of Sextus 55. Kirk GS: Natural changes in Heraclitus. Mind 1951; 60:35-42. Empiricus’ Against the mathematicians, book VII Thesis University of British Co- 56. Fragm.DK22 B91.See also Vlastos G: On Heracletos. Am. J. Philosophy lumbia 1978. 1955;76:337-368. 97. The Stoics claimed that it is impossible to find two almost identical in 57. See Kirk GS: Natural changes in Heraclitus. Mind 1951; 60:35-42. all respects, whereas the Academics argued that a false phantasia might be identical 58. Aristotle Meteorología 2,2, 355a13. to a true one. See also Oberti’s Thesis. Cicero says that there are things, which seem 59. Frag.DK22 B90 to be identical, but after a detailed inspection they are pronounced different.(Cicero 60. See also Nussbaum MC: Psyche in Heraclitus. 1972;17:1-16. Acad. pr. II,18). 61. See also Rosetti L; Atti del Heracliteum 1981, Edizioni dell’Ateneo, 98. Against Math.IX.49. Roma 1983, vols. 2 99. Against Math. VIII, 263. Sextus also stated that conception in every case pre- 62. See also Gross J: La divinisation du chrѐtien d’ aprѐs les Péres grecs; contribu- cedes apprehension and man being incapable of knowing himself is inapprehensible. tion historique α la doctrine de la grâce: Paris 1938, page 344. and Ware Kallistos : 100. Against Math. VIII, 343. Through the Creation to the Creator. London: Friends of the Centre,1997. 101. See also Machuga Diego: The Pyrrhonist’s ataraxia and philanthrōpia. In: An- 63. Hyp. Ι,220. cient Philosophy 2006; 26: 111– 139. 64. Hyp. Ι,225. 102. «ὡς χρὴ τοῦ σοφοῦ ἐν τοιαύτῃ καθιστάναι ἀταραξία» (It is important that the 65. Hyp.. Ι,226. wise man should establish ataraxia in his soul) (Diog.Laertius. ΙΧ 69). 66. Hyp.. Ι,231 103. It is very impressive the uncertainty and the contestation which dominate in 67. Seee also Flückiger Hansueli: The ephektikoi in the Commentators. In: Branacci the writings of the modern sceptic philosophers. See also Ingemund Gullvåg. Scep- A. (ed.): Philosophy and Doxography in the Imperial Age. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki ticism and Absurdity. Inquiry 1964;7 (1-4):163-190 and Criteria of Meaning and Editore 2005, 113–129. Analysis of Usage. Synthese 1955; 9 (1):341 – 361. 68. Hyp. 163-166 See also Patzig G. Aristotle’s Theory of the , Reidel 1968, 104. Karl Jaspers. Psychologie der Weltanschauungen Sringer-Verlag Berlin 1954 pp. 4-8. 105. Baloyannis SJ: The psychotherapy in the antiquity. of the School of The- 69. Hyp. I 84 ology. Aristotelian University Press 1992, pp.432-438. 70. De anima II 2, 414a12-14 106. Gentianus Hervetus (1499-1584) was a priest of the . He par- 71. Metaphysica XII 10, 1075a16-19 ticipated in the Council of Trent in 1562-63. He tried to use scepticism in defending 72. See also Lawrence, Gavin. 1993. “Aristotle and the Life.” Philosophical Re- the principles of the Roman Catholic Church. view 102: 1-35. 107. See also Popkin Richard: The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes. 73. Hyp. IΙΙ, 169 Assen: van Gorcum 1960. 74. I 5 108. Sancti Aurelii Augustini: Contra Academicos, in W M Green, (ed.) Corpus 75. Aristotle says “The same thing seems to follow from a consideration of self-suffi- Christianorum, Series Latina, XXIX: Aurelii Augustini , pt. II, 2, 3–61 (Turn- ciency, also, for the complete or final good seems to be self-sufficient. We mean the hout 1970). and St.Augudtine. Against the Academics. Trans, by John J O’Mears. self sufficient not for someone who is alone, living a solitary life, but also in relation Pages vi-f 213.1950. to his parents, children, wife, and, in general, his friends and fellow-citizens, since 109. Isti homines … caducarii sunt ….” (b. vita 2.16) a human being is by nature a political animal. Nicomachean Ethics I, 7 1097b6- 110. conf. 5.14.25 11. See also Politics VII 5 1326b29-30: “the self-sufficient has everything and needs 111. O’Connell, Robert J. (1969): St. Augustine’s Confessions: The of Soul, nothing.” Harvard University Press, 1969 and O’Donnell, James J. (1992): Augustine: Confes- 76. See also Ackrill J L 1974/1980. “Aristotle on Eudaimonia.” in on Aristot- sions. Text and Commentary in 3 volumes, , 1992. le’s Ethics, ed. A. O. Rorty, Berkeley, University of California Press, pp. 15-33. 112. Photios Bibliothèque, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1962. 77. Hyp. ΙΙΙ,181. 113. Bibl.cod.212,169,40ff. 78. See also Runia D., What is doxography?, in: P. van der Eijk (ed), Ancient histories 114. See also Triantaris S. Sceptisism in the writings of Byzantine thinkers of the of medicine, Leiden 1999, 38–39: Mansfeld (n. 11), VIII. Says “The term doxogra- 14th centuary:Theodoros Metochitis, Nikiphoros Gregoras, Byzantina 1999;20: 43- phy… is rather unfortunate because, if only by association. it suggests something as 64. solid, impersonal, and objective as, say, cartography” 115. See also Miscellanea, philosophia et historica (ed) Th. Kiessling, A. Hakkert, 79. See Diels, H., 1879, Doxographi Graeci, Berlin: Weidmann. and Zhmud, L., Amsterdam 1966, pp. 370-377. 2001, ‘Revising Doxography: Hermann Diels and his Critics’, Philologus, 145: 219– 116. Girolamo Savonarola (1452–1498) 243. 117. See also Granada Miguel, Apologetique platonicienne et apologetique scep- 80. See also Taylor C C W. Aristotle’s epistemology, in Epistemology Companions to tique: Ficin, Savonarole, J. F. Pic de la Mirandole, Le scepticisme au XVIe et au XVIIe Ancient Thought, ed. by S. Everson, Cambridge 1990, pp. 116-42. siecle, A. Michel Paris 2001. 81. Albert Einstein insisted that imagination is the basis of creativity and for this 118. See also Montaigne, Les Essais, XII Oeuvres completes, Gallimard (Pleiade) reason it is more precious than the erudition. See also Isaacson, Walter. Einstein: Paris, 1962. and Pierre Villey, Les sources de l’ evolution des Essais de Montaigne, His Life and Universe, Simon & Schuster, 2007. Hachette, Paris 1908 . Montaigne under the influence of Sextus writings became a 82. Hyp.ΙΙ,10. genuine Pyrrhonian Philosopher. See also Schiffman ZS. Montaigne and the Rise of 83. Hyp.ΙΙ,11 Scepticism in Early Modern Europe. A Reappraisal. Journal of the History of Ideas, 84. Iliad Ι, 469 1984;45: 499-516. Montaigne represents modern scepticism, where ancient argu- 85. Iliad, XXIV, 54 mentation are amalgamated with Christian understanding of the world and en- 86. Diog.Laertius. Χ, 4. riched by renaissance scientific experience. His writings exerted a strong influence 87. Epicurus stated that “all ideas are formed from sense- by direct ex- upon the thinkers in France particularly on Gabriel Naude, Guy Patin, Francois de perience or by analogy or by similarity or by compounding, with reasoning also la Mothe Le Vayer, . making a contribution” (Diog. Laertius Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, 10.33) 119. See : Sextus Empiricus The Transmission and Recovery of Pyr- ENCEPHALOS 50, 62-74, 2013 rhonism. Oxford University Press 2002. chance I inconsiderately substitute some other object in room of what is 120. Hume D, Enquiries concerning Human Understanding and concerning properly myself, and thus wander from truth, even in that knowledge (cog- the Principles of Morals, ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge and P. H. Nidditch, Oxford nition ) which I hold to be of all others the most certain and evident. For 1975. this reason, I will now consider anew what I formerly believed myself to be, 121. Descartes was born on March 31, 1596, in La Haye, a small town before I entered on the present train of thought; and of my previous opinion in Touraine, France. In 1616 received his baccalaureate in law. In 1630, I will retrench all that can in the least be invalidated by the grounds of doubt Descartes wrote his Rules for the Direction of the Mind and The World or I have adduced, in order that there may at length remain nothing but what Treatise on Light. In 1637, he published a for Con- is certain and indubitable.” (Meditations II,4) and also “Certainly I did exist, ducting One’s Reason Rightly and for searching for Truth in the Sciences. if I convinced myself of something” (Meditations II, 25). and also “From the In the spring of 1640, Descartes wrote his Meditations on First Philosophy, bare fact that I exist, and that in me there is an idea of a supremely perfect published in 1641. He died in 1650, from pneumonia. being, that is God, it is proved beyond question that God also exists” (Med- 122. Meditation II; PWD ii, p. 24; AT vii, p. 35 Descartes contributed in mak- itations III, 51) ing elaborated and deeper sceptical arguments. Thus he became one of 126. Meditations II,6 important creators of modern scepticism. See also Renata Ziemińska Des- 127.Meditation III, 25; AT vii, p. 36. cartes meditations in the history of scepticism. Studies in logic, grammar 128. Einstein A. Fundamental Ideas and Problems of the Theory of Rela- and rhetoric 2009;15 (28) :47-62. tivity, Nobel Lectures, Physics 1901–1921, Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing 123. Rene Descartes. Meditations on First Philosophy. Translated by Don- Company, archived from the original 2007. ald A. Cress. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1993, 31. 129. Baloyannis S: The philosophy of dementia. Encephalos 2010; 47: 109- 124. Meditations I,9 130. 125. “But I do not yet know with sufficient clearness what I am, though 130. Zilboorg G: A history of medical psychology. Norton, New York 1941. assured that I am; and hence, in the next place, I must take care, lest per-


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