(Sometimes Saprophytic), Shrubs, Provided with a Pair of Glands
1 Polygalaceae R. van der Meijden Leiden) Herbs (sometimes saprophytic), shrubs, lianas or trees. Stipules absent but stem sometimes provided with a pair of glands at the nodes. Leaves simple, entire, usually spirally arranged, sometimes alternate, (semi)decussate or verticillate, sometimes scale-like or absent. Inflorescence usually raceme-like and un- and/or sometimes or fas- branched, (supra- or extra-)axillary terminal, thyrsoid ciculate, rarely flowers solitary. Bracts present; bracteoles basal, rarely (Salo- less monia, Epirixanthes) absent. Flowers bisexual, more or zygomorphous, rarely actinomorphous. Sepals 5, free and quincuncial, or the lower (abaxial) 2 connate, sometimes all connate, subequal or the lateral ones larger and then often wing-like (alae) and petaloid. Petals 3 or 5, free or variously united, occa- sionally also with the calyx, usually adnate to the base of the staminal tube or often with the lower often keel- the filaments, subequal or more unequal petal fila- like and frequently pouched, lobed, or crested. Stamens 2—10, usually 8, often ad- ments usually more or less connate except between the upper stamens, 1- nate to the petals; anthers basifixed, tetra- or bi-, rarely trisporangiate, or 2-locular, opening by a single and often oblique pore or by a longitudinal in- trorse slit. Ovary superior, usually 2-locular but occasionally 1-, 3-, 5-, 7- or but often dilated 8-locular, sessile or sometimes stipitate; style simple variously articulate with the and deciduous or lobed at apex, usually ovary nearly always fruits. Ovules cell and 4—more in a in 1 per subapical, or (in Xanthophyllum ) and 1-locular, bicarpellate ovary with 2 parietal placentas, anatropous, bitegmic crassinucellate.
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