Copyrighted Material
bindex.qxp 7/16/07 9:41 AM Page 271 Index ABC, 251–252 American Salesman, 124 abrazo, 21 American Sign Language, 18 advertising American Society of Travel Agents exporting and, 232–235, 239 (ASTA), 138, 150–152 on Internet, 118–119, 134 applauding, 25–26 language translation for, 162 Arab countries. See Middle East; individ- Africa, 8, 17. See also individual names of ual names of countries countries Argentina, 49–51, 81 agents, export, 225, 241 alcohol, 62 air travel, 67, 176 language, 88, 94 emergency exits, 148 Arizona, language in, 88 hosting international visitors and, Arizona Republic, 88, 91 49–51 Asia jet lag, 140–143, 236 business customs, 52 alcohol, 142 cell phone usage, 120 England, 212, 214 color symbolism, 65, 66 France, gesture, 185 English usage in, 92–93 Italy, 189 food, 92 religious restrictions, 57 gestures, 19, 20, 22 Russia, 202COPYRIGHTEDprotocol, MATERIAL 36–37 social drinking, 60–63 See also individual names of countries women business travelers and, 100 asynchronous online learning, 127 allergies, 140 auctions, Internet, 125–127 American English Australia British English vs., 73–79 gestures, 10, 15, 23 pronunciation and vocabulary in, language, 93 79–84 Austria, 36 271 bindex.qxp 7/16/07 9:41 AM Page 272 272 INDEX Axtell, Roger, 9–10, 13, 47, 79–80, “bloody,” 77–78 205–206 blue, symbolism of, 66 career anecdotes of, 250–255 boat tours, 58 Do’s & Taboos Around the World—A body language, 7 Guide to International Behavior, 46 Body Language (Fast), 12 Do’s & Taboos Around the World for in Brazil, 196–197 Women in Business,
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