Quinag Lochs Project

A Study of Aquatic Invertebrate Communities

Quinag Lochs Project

By Gwenllian M. Richards Field Club

May 2012

Funded by Culag Community Woodland Trust Ltd, John Muir Trust, Assynt Field Club, Substance (Assynt Angling Research), Scottish Wildlife Trust, and the Partnership Environmental Fund, which was supported by Leader and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Cover illustration: Loch Bealach Cornaidh, looking south from Sail Garbh

email: [email protected]



Abstract...... 3

Introduction...... 3

Lochs...... 4

Sample Sites...... 5

Methods Used...... 7

Lochan Feoir...... 9

Lochan an Duibhe...... 17

Loch Coire Riabhach...... 24

Lochan Bealach Cornaidh...... 32

Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West)...... 40

Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle)...... 47

Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East)...... 53

Loch Airigh na Beinne...... 59

Interpretation of Results...... 68

Bibliography...... 75

Acknowledgements...... 76



Eight lochans on the John Muir Trust property at Quinag were sampled for aquatic invertebrates in the summer of 2010. The sites were chosen for their varying geology : one on Cambrian quartzite, six on Torridonian sandstone and one on Lewisian gneiss. Their pH values ranged from 5.3 to 7.2.

Groups identified to species included: Odonata (8 spp.), Trichoptera (21 spp.), Hemiptera (2 spp.), Coleoptera (5 spp.), Ephemeroptera (5 spp.), Plecoptera (4 spp.), Bivalvia (3 spp.), Gastropoda (1 sp.), Hirudinea (1 sp.), Megaloptera (1 sp.). The number of groups and species represented in the samples varied from 12:25 (Loch Bealach Cornaidh) down to 8:10 (Unapool Burn Lochan 3 East).

The relative abundance of particular groups appears to be related to pH, altitude, substrate and the amount of emergent vegetation.


The Quinag Lochs Project was a study of aquatic invertebrates in several lochans around the base of the 808 metre mountain, Quinag, in the parish of Assynt, Sutherland. It was a follow-up to the Little Assynt Lochs Project which also recorded aquatic invertebrates in a group of lochs on the Little Assynt Estate, in the summer of 2010. This latter study was carried out by Caroline Bowes for the Culag Community Woodland Trust who own the estate.

While the Little Assynt lochs all lie on Lewisian Gneiss, the eight lochs sampled around Quinag were chosen because they lie on three different base rocks: Lewisian Gneiss, Torridonian Sandstone and Cambrian Quartzite. The aims of the project were to give an indication as to what species might be present and whether any comparison could be made between the lochs on different rock types. The Unapool Burn lochans were chosen because of their small size and a previous record of Dytiscus lapponicus.

The 3,699 hectare Quinag Estate is owned and managed by the John Muir Trust who partially funded the project which took place in July and August 2010. Other funders were the Culag Community Woodland Trust, the Scottish Wildlife Trust, Sutherland Partnership, Substance (Assynt Angling Research) and the Assynt Field Club.



The lochs chosen were: 1. Lochan Feoir on Cambrian Quartzite. 2. Lochan an Duibhe on Torridonian Sandstone. 3. Loch Coire Riabhach on Torridonian Sandstone. 4. Lochan Bealach Cornaidh on Torridonian Sandstone. 5. Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West) on Torridonian Sandstone. 6. Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle) on Torridonian Sandstone. 7. Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) on Torridonian Sandstone. 8. Loch Airigh na Beinne on Lewisian Gneiss with basic dykes.



5 6

Unapool Burn Lochans


3 2


© Copyright Ordnance Survey


Sample Sites

Samples were taken at 38 different sites altogether.

Loch Grid Ref. Site Lochan Feoir NC 23042522 A Lochan Feoir NC 22822526 B Lochan Feoir NC 22802504 C Lochan Feoir NC 22772523 Inflow Lochan Feoir NC 22802505 Outflow Lochan an Duibhe NC 21762555 A Lochan an Duibhe NC 21942546 B Lochan an Duibhe NC 22072550 C Lochan an Duibhe NC 21892554 Inflow Lochan an Duibhe NC 21712555 Outflow Loch Coire Riabhach NC 21692597 A Loch Coire Riabhach NC 21852592 B Loch Coire Riabhach NC 21942594 C Loch Coire Riabhach NC 21982590 Outflow Lochan Bealach Cornaidh NC 20682811 A Lochan Bealach Cornaidh NC 20912805 B Lochan Bealach Cornaidh NC 21072813 C Lochan Bealach Cornaidh NC 20642824 Inflow Lochan Bealach Cornaidh NC 21112805 Outflow Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West) NC 22972923 A Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West) NC 22952922 Inflow Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West) NC 23032921 Outflow Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West) NC 22982919 B Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West) NC 23012922 C Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle) NC 23052925 Inflow Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle) NC 23072923 A


Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle) NC 23082926 B Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle) NC 23102924 C Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle) NC 23092919 Outflow Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) NC 23322937 A Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) NC 23282935 B Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) NC 23202934 C Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) NC 23232937 D Loch Airigh na Beinne NC 21733116 Outflow Loch Airigh na Beinne NC 22003095 Inflow Loch Airigh na Beinne NC 21833106 A Loch Airigh na Beinne NC 22043096 B Loch Airigh na Beinne NC 21973112 C


Methods Used

As far as possible, the sampling methods followed those of the Little Assynt project, but with some small modifications. A standard 1mm. mesh dip net was used for sweeping underwater and emergent vegetation and for kick sampling. If stones were present in the substrate, they were lifted and hand searched for clinging organisms. A total of 3 minutes sampling was done at each site.

Selection of Sample Sites

Locations were chosen to represent various habitats present in each loch. Inflows and outflows were sampled 10 m. from the loch edge. pH and temperature were measured at each place using a Hanna waterproof pH tester with replaceable electrodes ( Model Hi98127). pH readings were automatically temperature compensated and were accurate to + or - 0.1 pH. Grid references were made with a Garmin e Trex H personal navigator. Plant species in an area 5 m x 2 m next to the sample site were recorded for percentage cover or presence. Names used were as those in the Flora of Assynt (2002).

Sample Collection

Dip Net - Kick Sampling. This method was used on loch bottoms of silt, sand and gravel. The substrate was disturbed with one foot and kicked towards the dip net, for 30 seconds at a time. The contents of the net were then tipped into a collecting tray with water from the area being sampled. Amphibians were returned to the loch. Larger specimens of the Odonata were placed in water in small universal tubes and the rest of the sample was poured into wide-mouthed polypropylene jars.

Dip Net - Sweeping. The net was swept through underwater and/or emergent vegetation or fine sediment too deep to kick. Contents of the net were tipped into a collecting tray (containing water from the site) after every 15 second sweep. Specimens were treated as above.

Hand Searching. As many stones as possible were gathered during the allocated period, placed in collecting trays and then examined for clinging organisms. These were transferred to universal tubes containing water from the sample site.

If a mixture of sediment types occurred at a sampling location, then the 3 minute period would be divided up between the different methods. For example: 1 minute kick sampling, 1 minute netting plants, 1 minute stone searching.


Sorting and Preserving Samples

The jars were stored in a cool place for no longer than 1.5 days and, in most cases, less than 12 hours. Small amounts of sediment and water were placed in a collecting tray and scrutinized with a magnifying glass under a lamp. Invertebrates were removed with forceps or a paintbrush and preserved in tubes of 70% alcohol.


Preliminary sorting of the specimens into groups was done with the aid of the Field Key to the Invertebrate Fauna of a Small Stony Hill-Stream by M. Redfern (1969) and the Reader's Digest Field Guide to the Water Life of Britain (1984). Where possible, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Megaloptera were identified to species level using Freshwater Biological Association keys. The larvae of the Odonata were identified with keys in the following books: The Dragonflies of Great Britain and Ireland by C.O. Hammond (1985), the Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland by S. Brooks (1997) and Britain's Dragonflies by D. Smallshire & A. Swash (2004). Some Sympetrum danae specimens were confirmed by Jonathan Willet.

The Bivalvia samples were identified by Ian Killeen; Ian Evans dealt with the Hemiptera, the Hirudinea and the spider; Dr. Ian Wallace identified the Trichoptera; Dr. Garth Foster identified the Coleoptera: Stephen Moran identified the froghopper.


Lochan Feoir

View of Lochan Feoir from the west

Four sites were sampled on this loch on 12th July 2010, including the inflow burn. The outflow was sampled 20 days later. The pH range was 6.0 - 6.8 and the temperature range was 13° C - 16.1° C in the first four sites. Outflow temperature was 17.6°C. At an altitude of approximately 114m, the loch was the only one sampled that was situated on Cambrian quartzite and the vegetation at all sites was dwarf wet heath dominated by Molinia caerulea, Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum and other moss species. A male tufted duck was disturbed from the loch and several dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies and moths were seen in the vicinity, as well as young frogs and toads. N 0 250m

Inflow B A



Site A Sampled on 12th July 2010

On the north-east shore of the loch, this site had emergent vegetation of Schoenoplectus lacustris and Carex nigra. The substrate consisted of stones and gravel. There were toadlets nearby and two Magpie moths. An Argent & Sable moth pupa was found on Myrica gale. Enallagma cyathigerum and Aeshna juncea adults were perched on vegetation. Brown trout were seen rising.


Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC23042522 6.0 16.1°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P):

Calluna vulgaris 60 Juncus effusus P Molinia caerulea 40 Carex pulicaris P Myrica gale 20 Narthecium ossifragum P Erica tetralix P Cladonia sp. P Eriophorum vaginatum P Polygala serpyllifolia P Succisa pratensis P Sphagnum spp. and other mosses P Potentilla erecta P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 2 Site A Trichoptera Phryganea cf. bipunctata larva 1 Site A Trichoptera Probably Glossomatidae (indet.) 2 Site A Trichoptera Pupal case. (indet.) 1 Site A Trichoptera Psychomyiid (indet.) 1 Site A Hemiptera Gerris sp. 3 Site A Hemiptera Gerris lacustris 2 Site A Plecoptera Brachyptera sp.? 1 Site A Bivalvia Pisidium hibernicum 3 Site A Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 4 Site A Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 3 Site A Cladocera 1 Site A Hydracarina 4 Site A


Site B Sampled on 12th July 2010

This site was on the north-west of the loch near the inflow. The substrate consisted of stones and gravel and a Potamogeton sp. was emergent. A palmate newt tadpole was caught; Aeshna juncea and Enallagma cyathigerum adults were noted, along with a Dark Marbled Carpet moth.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 22822526 6.7 15.0°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Molinia caerulea 85 Sphagnum spp. 60 Eriophorum vaginatum P Myrica gale 5 Carex echinata P Calluna vulgaris 10 Drosera rotundifolia P Carex nigra P Polygala serpyllifolia P Erica tetralix P Juncus effusus P Narthecium ossifragum P Juncus conglomeratus P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 2 (19mm) Site B Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 2 Site B Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 3 Site B Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 1 Site B Trichoptera Holocentropus cf. dubius larva 1 Site B Hemiptera Gerris sp. (indet.) 2 Site B Hemiptera Notonecta sp. (indet.) 1 Site B Ephemeroptera Caenis horaria 2 Site B Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 3 Site B Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 2 Site B Diptera? Pupae 25 Site B Copepoda cf.Diaptomus sp. 4 Site B


Cladocera 5 Site B Hydracarina 7 Site B

Inflow Sampled on 12th July 2010

This flowed into the west side of the loch, having arisen in Lochan an Duibhe. There were no stones or emergent vegetation and so the gravel was sampled for three minutes by kicking. A Large Heath butterfly was seen nearby.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 22772523 6.4 13.0°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Molinia caerulea 100 Narthecium ossifragum P Sphagnum spp. 30 Succisa pratensis P Myrica gale 10 Carex echinata P Erica cinerea P Potentilla erecta P Polygala serpyllifolia P Pedicularis palustris P Carex nigra P Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. Erica tetralix P ericetorum P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Cordulegaster boltonii 2 (+ 1 moulted skin) Inflow

Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 4 Inflow

Trichoptera Chaetopteryx villosa larvae 2 Inflow Trichoptera Psychomyiidae larvae 2 Inflow

Trichoptera Larval case (indet.) 1 Inflow

Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 6 Inflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 5 Inflow


Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 1 Inflow Hydracarina 1 Inflow

Site C Sampled on 12th July 2010

This site was to the east of the outflow, beside a steep bank leading down to the shore. The substrate consisted of stones and gravel, with Lobelia dortmanna, Ranunculus flammula, Eriophorum angustifolium and Potamogeton sp. emerging. Nymphaea alba grew a little further out. An adult Sympetrum striolatum, a Magpie moth and a Large Heath butterfly were recorded.

Magpie moth Sympetrum striolatum Large Heath butterfly (female)

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 22802504 6.8 15.8°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Calluna vulgaris 90 Potentilla erecta P Molinia caerulea 40 Myrica gale P Sphagnum spp. 30 Racomitrium sp. P Erica cinerea 5 Pleurozium schreberi P Succisa pratensis P Vaccinium myrtillus P Cladonia sp. P Melampyrum pratense P Narthecium ossifragum P Drosera rotundifolia P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Sympetrum striolatum 1 (19mm) Site C Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 3 Site C Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 7 Site C Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 5 Site C Trichoptera Tinodes waeneri pupa 1 Site C

Trichoptera Limnephilus cf. marmoratus 1 Site C old case Trichoptera Indet. 2 Site C Hemiptera Notonecta or Corixa juv, (indet.) 4 Site C Bivalvia Pisidium casertanum 2 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 7 Site C

Outflow Sampled on 1st August 2010

This flows out of the south-west end of the loch and into Loch Assynt. It is fast-flowing with large stones and blanket weed. The emergent vegetation was Ranunculus flammula covered in black Simulium larvae. The stones were sampled for three minutes. A Magpie moth, three adults of Enallagma cyathigerum, one adult of Sympetrum striolatum and a Meadow Grasshopper, Chorthippus parallelus, were recorded.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC22802505 6.8 17.6°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 60 Selaginella selaginoides P Calluna vulgaris 40 Potentilla erecta P Molinia caerulea 50 Melampyrum pratense P Myrica gale 15 Juncus conglomeratus P Erica tetralix P Euphrasia sp. P Erica cinerea P Narthecium ossifragum P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1 Outflow Trichoptera Bivalve cases (indet.) 24 Outflow Trichoptera Tube cases. Pupal? (indet.) 10 Outflow Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 11 Outflow 3 cf. P. kingi (I.W) larvae Trichoptera Caseless (indet.) 4 Outflow Trichoptera Rhyacophila dorsalis larva 1 Outflow Trichoptera Hydrosyche siltalai larva 1 Outflow Bivalvia Pisidium hibernicum 137 (includes Outflow empty shells) Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 5 Outflow Diptera Simulium sp. larva 1 Outflow Hydracarina 1 Outflow


Summary Sheet for Lochan Feoir

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group NC NC NC NC NC Grid Ref. 2304 2282 2280 2277 2280 2522 2526 2504 2523 2505

pH 6.0 6.7 6.8 6.4 6.8

Anisoptera 2 1 2 5 Zygoptera 2 6 15 4 1 28 Trichoptera 5 1 4 5 51 66 Hemiptera 5 3 4 12 Coleoptera Ephemeroptera 2 2 Plecoptera 1 1 Bivalvia 3 2 137 142 Gastropoda 6 6 Diptera 7 30 7 6 6 56 Hirudinea Copepoda 4 4 Annelida 1 1 Megaloptera 1 1 Cladocera 1 5 6 Hydracarina 4 7 1 1 13 Nematoda

Total for Site 28 60 35 24 196 Overall Total 343


Lochan an Duibhe

Lochan an Duibhe sits at approximately 162m. on Torridonian sandstone to the south of Quinag. The surrounding vegetation is dominated by Molinia caerulea and Calluna vulgaris.

West end Centre East end

Five sites were sampled including the inflow and outflow. The pH range of the loch sites and the outflow was 6.7 - 6.8 and the temperature ranged between 15.4° and 16.3°C. The pH of the inflow was more acidic at 5.5, while its temperature was only 11.4°C. Its source was a burn to the north of Loch Coire Riabhach. Dragonflies, damselflies, moths, froghoppers and grasshoppers were seen around the loch.

0 100m Inflow N Outflow A


Inflow Sampled on 13th July 2010

This ran into the northern shore of the loch and its substrate consisted of gravel and small stones. There was no emergent vegetation. Nearby, two Wood Tiger moths, an adult Cordulegaster boltonii, froghoppers and adult Pyrrhosoma nymphula and Enallagma cyathigerum were recorded.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21892554 5.5 11.4°C


Vegetation on bank: % cover or presence (P )

Molinia caerulea 70 Polygala serpyllifolia P Calluna vulgaris 40 Carex nigra P Erica cinerea 20 Carex echinata P Succisa pratensis P Blechnum spicant P Narthecium ossifragum P Athyrium filix-femina P Potentilla erecta P Holcus lanatus P Juncus squarrosus P Deschampsia sp. P Vaccinium myrtillus P Galium sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus larvae 2 Inflow Trichoptera Potamophylax sp. pupal case 1 Inflow Trichoptera Athripsodes alterrimus pupal case 1 Inflow

Trichoptera Chaetopteryx villosa larvae 5 Inflow Trichoptera Plectrocnemia conspersa larva 1 Inflow Coleoptera Elmis aenea larva 1 Inflow Ephemeroptera Baetis muticus 20 Inflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 2 Inflow

Outflow Sampled on 13th July 2010

This ran through a very marshy area dominated by Molinia caerulea. It becomes Allt na Doire Cuilinn which flows for a kilometre and a half before entering Loch Assynt. The substrate consisted of small stones with no emergent vegetation, but an Utricularia species grew underwater.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21712555 6.7 15.9°C


Vegetation on bank, % age cover or presence (P)

Molinia caerulea 100 Pedicularis sylvatica P Calluna vulgaris 10 Myrica gale P Eriophorum angustifolium P Erica tetralix P Narthecium ossifragum P Erica cinerea P Sphagnum spp. P Juncus squarrosus P Carex rostrata P Potentilla erecta P Drosera rotundifolia P Polygala serpyllifolia P Carex echinata P Racomitrium sp. P


Taxonomic Species Abundance Location Group Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus larvae 3 Outflow Trichoptera Hydrosyche siltalai larvae 4 Outflow Trichoptera Indet. 7 Outflow Coleoptera Elmis aenea 1 Outflow Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 1 Outflow Bivalvia Pisidium casertanum 17 Outflow Hirudinea Helobdella stagnalis (see photo below) 5 Outflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 4 Outflow Diptera Simulium sp. larva 1 Outflow Annelida 2 Outflow

Helobdella stagnalis X 40


Site A Sampled on 13th July 2010

This site was on the north-east side of the loch at the bottom of a bank. The substrate was of boulders and small stones with emergent vegetation composed of Schoenoplectus lacustris and Ranunculus flammula. Littorella uniflora and Myriophyllum alterniflorum were also present. Emperor Moth caterpillars, froghoppers, a Meadow Grasshopper, adults of Enallagma cyathigerum and a mating pair of Pyrrhosoma nymphula were noted. A spider, Agyneta ramosa, was also found, an unusual record for Vice-County 108.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21762555 6.7 16.3°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Calluna vulgaris 80 Salix aurita P Molinia caerulea 25 Drosera rotundifolia P Pteridium aquilinum P Juncus conglomeratus P Blechnum spicant P Erica cinerea P Oreopteris limbosperma P Sorbus aucuparia (0.3m) P Potentilla erecta P Succisa pratensis P Myrica gale P Racomitrium sp. P Cladonia sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Coleoptera Elmis aenea larva 1 Site A Cladocera 10 Site A Hydracarina 4 Site A

Site B Sampled on 13th July 2010

This site was on the south side of the loch at the bottom of a slope. The substrate was made up of boulders and large stones and shelved steeply. There was no emergent vegetation, so stones were sampled for three minutes. Two adults of Cordulegaster boltonii were seen, one hunting an adult Enallagma cyathigerum. Magpie moths, a Timothy Tortrix micro-moth, Large Heath and Meadow Brown butterflies were recorded as well as a very large common frog. 20

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 21942546 6.8 16.3°C

Vegetation on bank, % age cover or presence (P)

Calluna vulgaris 70 Sorbus aucuparia (seedlings) P Sphagnum spp. 60 Galium sp. P Erica cinerea 5 Succisa pratensis P Festuca sp. 5 Narthecium ossifragum P Vaccinium myrtillus P Carex nigra P Molinia caerulea P Polytricum commune P Potentilla erecta P Carex echinata P Blechnum spicant P Oreopteris limbosperma P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 5 Site B larvae Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 2 Site B Cladocera 1 Site B

Site C Sampled on 13th July 2010

This site was the east end of the loch. The substrate was made of boulders, smaller stones and some gravel. Emergent vegetation consisted of Potamogeton sp. and Juncus sp. Schoenoplectus lacustris grew further out. Adults of Cordulegaster boltonii and Libellula quadrimaculata were flying nearby.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 22072550 6.8 15.4°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Calluna vulgaris 90 Erica cinerea P Molinia caerulea 60 Erica tetralix P Sphagnum spp. 50 Pinguicula vulgaris P Other mosses 30 Festuca sp. P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Vaccinium myrtillus P Narthecium ossifragum P Succisa pratensis P Myrica gale P Polygala serpyllifolia P Carex echinata P Blechnum spicant P Carex nigra P Selaginella selaginoides P Carex pulicaris P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 6 Site C Trichoptera Athripsodes aterrimus larva 1 Site C Gasteropoda Limnaea peregra 1 Site C

Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 2 Site C Cladocera 49 Site C Hydracarina 10 Site C

Annelida 4 Site C


Summary Sheet for Lochan an Duibhe

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group NC NC NC NC NC Grid Ref. 2176 2194 2207 2189 2171 2555 2546 2550 2554 2555

pH 6.7 6.8 6.8 5.5 6.7

Anisoptera Zygoptera 6 6 Trichoptera 5 1 10 14 30 Hemiptera Coleoptera 1 1 1 3 Ephemeroptera 20 20 Plecoptera Bivalvia 17 17 Gastropoda 2 1 1 4 Diptera 2 2 5 9 Hirudinea 5 5 Copepoda Annelida 4 2 6 Megaloptera Cladocera 10 1 49 60 Hydracarina 4 10 2 16 Nematoda

Total for Site 15 8 73 33 47 Overall Total 176


Loch Coire Riabhach

Loch Coire Riabhach from the View of the loch from Site A north-east

This loch is situated at an elevation of approx. 220 m. to the south of Quinag, on Torridonian sandstone. The view above (left) is from the north-east and shows Loch Assynt beyond. The surrounding vegetation is dominated by Sphagnum and other mosses, with varying amounts of Molinia caerulea, Calluna vulgaris, Juncus spp. and Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. A red-throated diver was disturbed from the loch.

Four sites were sampled including the outflow. There was no inflow, water seeping in from the surrounding bog. The pH was 5.4, making this the second most acid loch tested. Temperature ranged between 14.6° and 15.3°C. The water level was high when sampling took place, being over a metre deep at the northern shore.


A C C B 0 100m


Site A Sampled on 1st August 2010

This was at the west end of the loch (see above right). Juncus bulbosus and Eriophorum angustifolium were emergent, with an Utricularia sp. growing underwater. The substrate consisted of rock with some sediment. .

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21692597 5.4 14.6°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 40 Narthecium ossifragum P Calluna vulgaris 20 Drosera rotundifolia P Rock 50 Potentilla erecta P Bare peat 5 Succisa pratensis P Erica cinerea P Pedicularis sylvatica P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Polygala serpyllifolia P Molinia caerulea P Cladonia sp. P Juncus squarrosus P Carex echinata P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Aeshna juncea 2 (15-20mm) Site A + 6 moulted skins Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 4 (10 - 28mm) Site A Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 5 (7 - 16mm) Site A + 23 moulted skins Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1 + 1 moulted skin Site A Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 5 Site A Trichoptera Cases of plant stems 17 Site A (indet.) Trichoptera Limnephilus stigma 3 Site A old pupal cases Hemiptera Corixa sp. (?) juveniles 14 Site A

Hemiptera Gerris sp. (?) juveniles 12 Site A Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 6 Site A Diptera? Pupa 1 Site A ? Un-identified empty pupae 32 Site A 8mm long


Four palmate newts were returned to the loch; an adult Enallagma cyathigerum and a recently emerged Aeshna juncea were noted (see below)

Aeshna juncea, recently emerged

Site B Sampled on 1st August 2010

This site was to the south of the loch where smooth flat sandstone was at the water’s edge. A caddis fly larva (Agrypnia obsoleta), in its case (consisting of spirally arranged plant material), was moving over the rock . There were some small stones and gravel on top of the flat rock. Emergent Lobelia dortmanna and Juncus bulbosus grew sparsely.

Site B Agrypnia obsoleta larva

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21852592 5.4 14.9°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum spp. 80 Carex echinata P Calluna vulgaris 20 Juncus bufonius P Molinia caerulea 20 Erica tetralix P Rock 20 Potentilla erecta P Juncus squarrosus 15 Drosera anglica P Succisa pratensis P Eriophorum angustifolium P Narthecium ossifragum P Erica cinerea P Drosera rotundifolia P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 1 (28mm) Site B Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1 Site B Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 7 Site B

Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 2 Site B

Trichoptera Agrypnia obsoleta 2 Site B

Trichoptera With cases. (indet.) 9 Site B Trichoptera Cyrnus flavidus, 2 Site B larva and pupal case Hemiptera Sigara scotti 1 (male) Site B Hemiptera Corixa sp. (juveniles) 3 Site B Diptera? Pupa 1 Site B Diptera Chironomus sp. 6 Site B Annelida 1 Site B


Other wildlife: an adult Sympetrum striolatum and a caddis fly, a Phryganea species (see below), perched nearby.

Site C Sampled on 1st August 2010

On the north east shore, the water was over a metre deep at this site with sediment too deep to kick. There was no emergent vegetation and so the sediment was netted for three minutes. Two Aeshna juncea adults were seen and disused water vole holes were in the bank nearby.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC219425947 5.4 14.7°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 100 Erica cinerea P Molinia caerulea 60 Drosera rotundifolia P Narthecium ossifragum 10 Potentilla erecta P Calluna vulgaris 40 Polygala serpyllifolia P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 20 Cladonia sp. P Erica tetralix P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location

Trichoptera cf. Limnephilus sp. 1 Site C Trichoptera Without case, indet. 1 Site C

Hemiptera Corixa or Notonecta sp. 14 Site C juv., indet. Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 3 Site C

Copepoda Cyclops sp. 1 Site C

Cyclops sp. X 40

Outflow Sampled on 1st August 2010

The only outflow of this loch (in the south-east) is not shown on the Ordnance Survey map, which suggests it might only flow during rainy periods. However, it was the site that yielded the most invertebrates. The sediment was too deep and soft to kick and so it was netted for three minutes. There were five palmate newt tadpoles in the sample.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21982590 5.4 15.3°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum spp. 50 Narthecium ossifragum P Other mosses 30 Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Molinia caerulea 25 Drosera rotundifolia P Calluna vulgaris 20 Drosera anglica P Potentilla erecta P Carex echinata P Erica cinerea P Cladonia sp. P Erica tetralix P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 16 (9-28mm) Outflow + 10 moulted skins Anisoptera Aeshna juncea 1 (30mm) Outflow + 1 moulted skin Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 2 (10-12mm) Outflow Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 11 Outflow Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 1 Outflow Hemiptera Gerris sp. 1 Outflow Hemiptera Corixa or Notonecta sp. 1 Outflow (juvenile) Coleoptera Agabus bipustulatus 1 (male) Outflow Coleoptera Ilybius aenescens 1 (female) Outflow

Trichoptera Phryganea bipunctata 4 Outflow larvae Trichoptera Phryganeidae cases 17 Outflow Trichoptera Limnephilus borealis larvae 2 Outflow Trichoptera Oxyethira sp. larva 1 Outflow Trichoptera cf.Hydroptilidae larva 1 Outflow (see photo on next page) Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 3 Outflow Diptera? Pupae 2 Outflow ? Pupae (8mm), as site A 3 Outflow (see photo on next page)


Hydroptilidae - larva x 40 Unidentified pupa

Summary Sheet for Loch Coire Riabhach

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group NC NC NC No NC Grid Ref. 2169 2185 2194 inflow 2198 2597 2592 2594 2590

pH 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4

Anisoptera 11 1 19 31 Zygoptera 6 10 12 28 Trichoptera 20 13 2 25 60 Hemiptera 26 4 14 2 46 Coleoptera 2 2 Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Bivalvia Gastropoda Diptera 7 7 3 5 22 Hirudinea Copepoda 1 1 Annelida 1 1 Megaloptera Cladocera Hydracarina Nematoda Unidentified 32 3 35

Total for Site 102 36 20 68 Overall Total 226


Lochan Bealach Cornaidh

View of loch, looking south-east from the slopes of Sail Gharbh (taken July 2011)

This loch lies on Lewisian Gneiss below the saddle of Quinag. It was the largest and the highest loch (422m) sampled and also had the highest pH. Mosses, Juncus spp., and Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. dominated the vegetation. Brown trout were present.

0 100m N



A Outflow B

Inflow Sampled on 13th August 2010

Situated at the west end of the loch, this site yielded the most species. The substrate consisted of stones covered in moss (probably Fontinalis sp.) and some gravel. There was no emergent vegetation.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC20642824 7.2 9.8°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 70 Galium sp. P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 30 Euphrasia sp. P Molinia caerulea 30 Viola palustris P Juncus squarrosus 30 Nardus stricta P Calluna vulgaris 20 Pinguicula vulgaris P Eriophorum angustifolium P Selaginella selaginoides P Polygala serpyllifolia P Leontodon autumnalis P Potentilla erecta P Succisa pratensis P Carex echinata P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Potamophylax cingulatus 6 Inflow pupal cases Trichoptera Chaetopteryx villosa 7 Inflow larvae and pre-pupae Trichoptera Sericostoma personatum larva 1 Inflow Trichoptera Agapetus fuscipes pre-pupa 1 Inflow (see photo on next page) Trichoptera Phryganeidae indet. 1 Inflow Trichoptera Cased larvae (indet). 4 Inflow Coleoptera Elmis aenea larvae (see photo) 2 Inflow Coleoptera Elmis aenea adults 3 Inflow Ephemeroptera Ephemerella ignita 2 Inflow Ephemeroptera Siphlonurus lacustris 1 Inflow Ephemeroptera Baetis muticus 2 Inflow Plecoptera Leuctra fusca 8 Inflow Bivalvia Pisidium casertanum 1 Inflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 11 Inflow Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 5 Inflow Diptera Pedicia sp. larva 1 Inflow Hydracarina 15 Inflow


Elmis aenea larva Agapetus fuscipes pre-pupa

Site A Sampled on 13th August 2010

Two samples were taken from this site on the south-west shore of the loch. The substrate consisted of small stones and sand. There were no emergent plants.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 20682811 7.2 11.7°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 50 Luzula multiflora P Bare peat 40 Nardus stricta P Sphagnum spp. 10 Carex sp. P Juncus squarrosus 5 Pinguicula vulgaris P Calluna vulgaris P Molinia caerulea P Festuca vivipara P Carex echinata P Eriophorum angustifolium P Succisa pratensis P Potentilla erecta P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Chaetopteryx villosa larva 1 Site A Trichoptera Sericostoma personatum larva 1 Site A Trichoptera Mystacides azurea pupal cases 2 Site A


Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 2 Site A larvae Trichoptera Plectrocnemia conspersa larvae 3 Site A Ephemeroptera Siphlonurus lacustris 4 Site A Plecoptera Leuctra fusca 3 Site A Plecoptera Diura bicaudata 2 Site A

Plecoptera cf. Perlodes microcephala 1 Site A Coleoptera Oreodytes davisii 8 Site A Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 7 Site A Diptera? Larva (indet.) 1 Site A

Diptera Emerged adult 1 Site A Annelida 6 Site A Cladocera 2 Site A Hydracarina 12 Site A

Site B Sampled on 13th August 2010

The substrate of this site, which was to the south-east, consisted of large stones (with algae) on top of smaller stones. There was no emergent vegetation. Stones were sampled for three minutes. A Northern Spinach moth was seen nearby.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 20912805 7.0 12.0°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Calluna vulgaris 50 Juncus squarrosus P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 25 Vaccinium myrtillus P Molinia caerulea 25 Cladonia sp. P Bare peat/rock 10 Listera cordata P Mosses P Galium sp. P Potentilla erecta P Narthecium ossifragum P Erica cinerea P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 3 Site B larvae Trichoptera Polycentropus larva 1 Site B (with tendency towards kingi, IW)

Trichoptera Larval case (indet.) 1 Site B Ephemeroptera Siphlonurus lacustris 1 Site B Plecoptera Diura bicaudata 1 Site B Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 2 Site B Diptera Chironomus sp. pupa 1 Site B Hydracarina 11 Site B

Outflow Sampled on 13th August 2010

The outflow was at the eastern end of the loch. There was some gravel and stones covered with algae and a species of Carex was emergent. A shiny dark blue adult caddis fly was noted, which was probably Agapetus fuscipes, the larvae of which are found in running water. An earthworm (5-6 cms. long) was discarded from the sample. This could possibly have been Eiseniella tetrahedra, the only aquatic member of the earthworm family.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 21112805 7.1 12.2°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Stones 60 Pinguicula vulgaris P Mosses 30 Narthecium ossifragum P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 20 Huperzia selago P Bare peat 10 Euphrasia sp. P Molinia caerulea 10 Saxifraga stellaris P Juncus squarrosus P Cladonia sp. P Carex panicea P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 15 Outflow larvae Trichoptera Polycentropodidae (indet.) 1 Outflow pupal case Trichoptera Plectrocnemia conspersa larvae 2 Outflow Trichoptera Rhyacophila dorsalis larva 1 Outflow Trichoptera Chaetopteryx villosa larval case 1 Outflow Trichoptera Cases not sent for identification. 5 Outflow Probably Rhyacophilidae

Plecoptera Leuctra nigra 1 Outflow Plecoptera Indet. 1 Outflow Bivalvia Pisidium casertanum 25 Outflow Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 8 Outflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larva 1 Outflow Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 3 Outflow Diptera cf..Simulium sp. larva 1 Outflow Annelida 1 Outflow Hydracarina 5 Outflow

Site C Sampled on 13th August 2010

This was on the northern shore of the loch. An otter spraint was found nearby. The substrate consisted of large stones, gravel and some underwater vegetation viz. Lobelia dortmanna, Littorella uniflora and Ranunculus flammula. The gravel was too soft to kick, so it was netted. A mayfly was photographed nearby.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 21072814 7.0 12.0°


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 40 Vaccinium myrtillus P Calluna vulgaris 25 Potentilla erecta P Bare peat 25 Eriophorum vaginatum P Stone 20 Narthecium ossifragum P Molinia caerulea P Empetrum nigrum P Mosses P Carex panicea P Juncus squarrosus P Cladonia sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Sympetrum striolatum 1 moulted Site C case only Trichoptera Sericostoma personatum (larvae) 5 Site C Trichoptera Phryganea or Agrypnia sp. 1 Site C case fragment

Trichoptera Empty cases (indet.) 6 Site C Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 4 Site C larvae

Trichoptera Plectrocnemia conspersa larva 1 Site C Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 1 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 5 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 5 Site C Diptera Pupa (indet.) 1 Site C ? Pupae 2 Site C Annelida 4 Site C Hydracarina 5 Site C


Mayfly, possibly Siphlonurus sp.

Summary Sheet for Lochan Bealach Cornaidh

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group NC NC NC NC NC Grid Ref. 2068 2091 2107 2064 2111 2811 2805 2813 2824 2805

pH 7.2 7.0 7.0 7.2 7.1

Anisoptera 1 1 Zygoptera Trichoptera 9 5 17 20 25 76 Hemiptera Coleoptera 8 5 13 Ephemeroptera 4 1 5 10 Plecoptera 6 1 8 2 17 Bivalvia 1 25 26 Gastropoda 2 1 8 11 Diptera 9 1 11 17 5 43 Hirudinea Copepoda Annelida 6 4 1 11 Megaloptera Cladocera 2 2 Hydracarina 12 11 5 15 5 48 Nematoda Unidentified 2 2

Total for Site 56 21 41 71 71 Overall Total 260


The Unapool Burn Lochans

These are a collection of small un-named lochans at an altitude of approximately 208m to the east of Quinag. They lie near the Unapool Burn which is called Allt na Bradhan higher up and flows from Lochan Bealach Cornaidh in a north-easterly direction. The underlying rock is Torridonian sandstone and the surrounding vegetation is dominated by mosses and Molinia caerulea.

View of the three Unapool Burn Lochans, looking east from Sail Garbh. (taken July 2011)

Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West)

View of Lochan 1, looking south-west

Five sites were sampled including the inflow and outflow. The pH ranged from 6.4 to 6.5 and the temperature varied from 11.0° to 11.8°C.


N A C Inflow

Outflow B 0 100m

Site A Sampled on 17th July 2010

The substrate here was of stones and silt with emergent vegetation of Lobelia dortmanna and Eleocharis sp. Further out, there was Menyanthes trifoliata and Ranunculus flammula. A palmate newt tadpole was caught at the site. Due to so much recent rain, the water level was high and a horsefly larva (Tabanidae) which lives in mud was also netted.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC22972923 6.5 11.0°C

Vegetation on bank, % age cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum spp. 10 Erica cinerea P Other mosses 90 Erica tetralix P Molinia caerulea 85 Potentilla erecta P Calluna vulgaris 50 Narthecium ossifragum P Myrica gale 5 Cladonia sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 1 + 1 moulted skin Site A

Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1 Site A

Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 4 Site A


Coleoptera Chrysomelid larva, 1 Site A similar to Donacia sp. Hemiptera Corixa, Notonecta or 3 Site A Sigara sp., juveniles Diptera Tabanidae larva 1 Site A Copepoda 1 Site A Hydracarina 2 Site A Annelida 1 Site A

Inflow Sampled on 17th July 2010

The sediment at this site was too deep to kick and there were no stones or emergent vegetation. The sediment was netted for three minutes. Two palmate newt tadpoles were caught.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC22952922 6.4 11.8°

Vegetation on bank % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 90 Polygala serpyllifolia P Molinia caerulea 80 Carex echinata P Calluna vulgaris 20 Pinguicula vulgaris P Myrica gale 10 Cladonia sp. P Narthecium ossifragum 10 Drosera anglica P Erica tetralix P


Taxonomic Species Abundance Location Group Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 3 (12-24mm) + Inflow 1 moulted case (20mm) Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 10 Inflow


Diptera Chironomus sp. larva 1 Inflow

Diptera Chironomus sp. pupa 1 Inflow

Annelida 1 Inflow

Outflow Sampled on 17th July 2010

This flowed from the south-east corner of the loch. There was no emergent vegetation and the substrate consisted of stones and gravel. A palmate newt tadpole was caught.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC23032921 6.4 11.3°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 80 Erica tetralix 5 Molinia caerulea 50 Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Calluna vulgaris 20 Narthecium ossifragum P Stones 20 Pinguicula vulgaris P Myrica gale 5


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 2 (12-13mm) Outflow Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 1 Outflow Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 2 Outflow

Coleoptera Hydroporus cf. obscurus 1 Outflow Hemiptera Corixa/Notonecta/Sigara sp. 1 Outflow juvenile Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 9 Outflow

Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 2 Outflow Hydracarina 1 Outflow Annelida 2 Outflow


Site B Sampled on 17th July 2010

The substrate of this site, on the south-eastern shore, consisted of sediment which was too deep to kick. Consequently, it was netted, as were the plants which were growing underwater. One palmate newt tadpole was caught.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC22982919 6.4 11.3°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum spp. & other mosses 100 Narthecium ossifragum P Calluna vulgaris 60 Potentilla erecta P Molinia caerulea 50 Erica tetralix P Myrica gale 10 Cladonia sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Enallagma cyathigerum 1 Site B Trichoptera Athripsodes aterrimus 112 Site B failed larval cases Diptera Chironomus sp. larva 1 Site B

Athripsodes aterrimus larval cases (X 40)


Site C Sampled on 17th July 2010

The site was on the rocky eastern shore and the substrate consisted of boulders, smaller stones and gravel. There was no emergent vegetation.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC23012922 6.5 11.2°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Rock 70 Narthecium ossifragum P Mosses 30 Potentilla erecta P Molinia caerulea 30 Erica tetralix P Calluna vulgaris 15 Drosera rotundifolia P Myrica gale 10 Drosera anglica P Erica cinerea 5 Cladonia sp. P Dactylorhiza maculata Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P ssp. ericetorum P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Cyrnus trimaculatus larva 1 Site C Trichoptera Indet. 1 Site C Trichoptera Phryganeidae larval case 1 Site C Coleoptera Hydroporus cf. obscurus 1 Site C

Diptera Chironomus sp. larva 1 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. adult 1 Site C Annelida 1 Site C


Summary Sheet for Unapool Burn Lochan 1 (West)

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group Grid Ref. NC NC NC NC NC 2297 2298 2301 2295 2303 2923 2919 2922 2922 2921

pH 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.4

Anisoptera 3 2 5 Zygoptera 6 1 10 3 20 Trichoptera 112 3 115 Hemiptera 3 1 4 Coleoptera 1 1 1 3 Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Bivalvia Gastropoda Diptera 1 1 2 2 11 17 Hirudinea Copepoda 1 1 Annelida 1 1 1 2 5 Megaloptera Cladocera 2 2 Hydracarina 1 1 Nematoda

Total for Site 15 114 7 16 21 Overall Total 173


Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle)

View from Druim na h-Uamha View looking east Moire, looking north-west

Five sites were sampled at this small lochan, part of the collection of lochans to the east of Quinag lying on Torridonian sandstone. The pH was between 5.7 and 6.3. The temperature range was 16.1° to 16.7°C. Elevation was approximately 210m. Mosses, Molinia caerulea, Calluna vulgaris and Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. dominated the vegetation cover.



B A C 0 100m


Inflow Sampled on 7th August 2010

The inflow was sampled at only 8m from the loch since it was very shallow and made up of small pools further from the loch. The substrate was solid rock with small stones, gravel and green weed. There was no emergent vegetation.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23052925 6.3 16.1°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum and other mosses 95 Menyanthes trifoliata P Molinia caerulea 40 Potentilla erecta P Calluna vulgaris 25 Carex viridula P Narthecium ossifragum 10 Drosera rotundifolia P Erica cinerea 5 Myrica gale P Erica tetralix P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 1 (28mm) Inflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 4 Inflow Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 2 Inflow Cladocera 2 Inflow Hydracarina 1 Inflow

Site A Sampled on 7th August 2010

This site was where a rocky peninsula protruded into the lochan. The substrate consisted of large rocks, stones, fine gravel and silt. Eriophorum angustifolium and Juncus squarrosus were emergent.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23072923 6.1 16.3°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Stones and gravel 70 Pinguicula vulgaris P Mosses 20 Euphrasia sp. P Calluna vulgaris 10 Huperzia selago P Molinia caerulea P Eriophorum angustifolium P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Juncus squarrosus P Myrica gale P Cladonia sp. P Erica cinerea P Narthecium ossifragum P Erica tetralix P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 2 Site A Hemiptera Corixa/Neonecta or Sigara sp 5 Site A juveniles.

Site B Sampled on 7th August 2010

The site was on the north-eastern shore; Menyanthes trifoliata was emergent and deep sediment formed the substrate. It was therefore netted, rather than kicked. Three young palmate newts were caught.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23082926 5.8 16.3°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 70 Eriophorum angustifolium P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 40 Drosera rotundifolia P Calluna vulgaris 30 Potentilla erecta P Myrica gale 30 Narthecium ossifragum P Bare peat 20 Polygala serpyllifolia P Molinia caerulea 10 Cladonia sp. P Erica tetralix P Erica cinerea P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Aeshna juncea 1 moulted skin Site B (10mm) Hemiptera Corixa or Neonecta sp. 2 Site B juveniles Hemiptera Sigara scotti 2 (male & female) Site B Hemiptera Corixa sp. (indet.) 6 Site B

Site C Sampled on 7th August 2010

This site was at the south-east corner of the loch; the substrate consisted of silt and slime and the emergent vegetation was Eriophorum angustifolium. Two palmate newts were caught.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23102924 5.7 16.7°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 90 Narthecium ossifragum P Molinia caerulea 40 Erica tetralix P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 30 Erica cinerea P Calluna vulgaris 20 Potentilla erecta P Myrica gale 20 Cladonia sp. P Bare peat 10


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Libellula quadrimaculata 1 (jaw only) Site C Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 1 Site C Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1 Site C Hemiptera Corixa sp. 18 Site C


Hemiptera Corixa or Neonecta sp. (juv.) 3 Site C Trichoptera Phryganeidae (indet.) 1 empty case Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 2 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. pupa 1 Site C Hydracarina 2 Site C

Outflow Sampled on 7th August 2010

The outflow was very shallow and situated at the south-west corner of the lochan. It flowed between clumps of Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. and Narthecium ossifragum. Here the substrate was made up of large and small stones and gravel.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23092919 5.8 16.3°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 60 Narthecium ossifragum 10 Stones and gravel 50 Erica cinerea P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 30 Erica tetralix P Molinia caerulea 25 Potentilla erecta P Bare peat 10


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 1 Outflow Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 1 Outflow

Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1 Outflow Trichoptera Larval case (indet.) 1 Outflow Hemiptera Corixa or Neonecta sp. 1 Outflow juveniles


Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 2 Outflow Nematomorpha Gordius sp. 1 (50 x 0.56mm.) Outflow

Annelida 1 Outflow Cladocera 3 Outflow Hydracarina 2 Outflow

Summary Sheet for Unapool Burn Lochan 2 (Middle)

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group NC NC NC NC NC Grid Ref. 2307 2308 2310 2305 2309 2923 2926 2924 2925 2919

pH 6.1 5.8 5.7 6.3 5.8

Anisoptera 1 1 1 1 4 Zygoptera 2 2 2 6 Trichoptera 1 1 2 Hemiptera 5 10 21 1 37 Coleoptera Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Bivalvia Gastropoda Diptera 3 6 2 11 Hirudinea Copepoda Annelida 1 1 Megaloptera Cladocera 2 2 3 7 Hydracarina 1 2 3 Nematoda 1 1

Total for Site 7 11 30 10 14 Overall Total 72


Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East)




0 100m

Lochan 3 East is itself a collection of small lochans and four sites were sampled. There were no inflows or outflows. The pH range was 5.3 to 5.5, making it the most acid water tested in the whole survey. The temperature range was 15.8° to 17.4°C. The ground was very rocky and the surrounding vegetation dominated by mosses and Trichophorum cespitosum s.l.. The lochans lie on Torridonian sandstone at approximately 205m. to the east of Quinag. A greenshank was calling nearby for most of the day.

View from Druim na h-Uamha Moire Lochan with Site A looking west looking north

Site A Sampled on 24th July 2010

This site was on the most easterly lochan and here the substrate consisted of large and small stones with small amounts of gravel, silt and weed. Eriophorum angustifolium was emergent and two fully grown palmate newts and two newt tadpoles were netted. A male froghopper, Neophilaenus lineatus had fallen into one of the samples.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC233229372 5.5 15.9°C


Vegetation on bank: % cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum spp. & other mosses 90 Drosera rotundifolia P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 50 Drosera anglica P Bare peat 10 Juncus squarrosus P Molinia caerulea 10 Erica tetralix P Calluna vulgaris 10 Pinguicula vulgaris P Narthecium ossifragum 10 Menyanthes trifoliata P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 2 moulted cases Site A Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 9 Site A Hemiptera Notonecta / Sigara sp. (juv.) 16 Site A

Hemiptera Corixa sp. 4 Site A Diptera Chironomus sp. larva 1 Site A Diptera Pupal cases (indet.) 2 Site A Megaloptera Sialis lutaria larva 1 Site A Cladocera 2 Site A

Sialis lutaria larva

Site B Sampled on 24th July 2010

This site was further west on a channel in the same lochan as above. The silt was too deep to kick and so it was netted. Some slimy underwater vegetation was present and Eriophorum angustifolium was emergent. Again, a fully grown palmate newt and two newt tadpoles were caught. 54

Physical parameters

Grid Ref; pH Temperature NC23282935 5.4 15.8°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 95 Erica tetralix P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 50 Eriophorum angustifolium P Calluna vulgaris 10 Drosera rotundifolia P Bare peat 5 Drosera anglica P Molinia caerulea 5 Menyanthes trifoliata P Narthecium ossifragum 5 Potentilla erecta P Erica cinerea P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Aeshna juncea 3 (2 x 18mm) (1 x 45mm) Site B

Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 1 (13mm) Site B Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 6 Site B Trichoptera Agrypnia obsoleta 4 Site B larvae Trichoptera Cyrnus flavidus larvae 3 Site B

Trichoptera Phryganeidae 2 Site B larval cases Hemiptera Corixa sp. 15 Site B Diptera Larva (indet.) 1 Site B Copepoda 1 Site B Cladocera 1 Site B


Site C Sampled on 24th July 2010

This site was on the most westerly lochan. The bank was very rocky and the substrate consisted of large and smaller stones, some gravel and slimy weed. Eriophorum angustifolium was emergent. Three very young palmate newts were caught.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23202934 5.3 17.4°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Rock 60 Juncus squarrosus P Mosses 50 Potentilla erecta P Calluna vulgaris 40 Drocera anglica P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 20 Drocera rotundifolia P Bare peat 20 Erica tetralix P Narthecium ossifragum 5 Cladonia sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Anisoptera Sympetrum danae 1 (17mm) Site C Zygoptera Lestes sponsa 2 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 2 Site C Diptera cf.Chironomus sp. pupa 1 Site C Diptera Simulium sp. larva 1 Site C Hemiptera Corixa, Notonecta or Sigara sp. 7 Site C (juveniles) Cladocera 4 Site C Hydracarina 3 Site C


Site D Sampled on 24th July 2010

This was a tiny lochan to the north of Site C. It had much sediment over rock, some weed and no emergent vegetation. The water was too deep to kick and so the silt was netted for three minutes. A palmate newt tadpole was caught and a Magpie Moth seen nearby.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC 23232937 5.3 17.7°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Sphagnum, Racomitrium and Eriophorum angustifolium P other mosses 100 Narthecium ossifragum P Calluna vulgaris 60 Pinguicula vulgaris P Molinia caerulea 50 Potentilla erecta P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. 40 Erica tetralix P Polygala serpyllifolia P Erica cinerea P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Larval cases, cf. Phryganeidae 2 Site D


Summary Sheet for Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East)

Total for Site A B C D Group NC NC NC NC Grid Ref. 2332 2328 2320 2323 2937 2935 2934 2937

pH 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.3

Anisoptera 1 4 1 6 Zygoptera 9 6 2 17 Trichoptera 9 2 11 Hemiptera 20 15 7 42 Coleoptera Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Bivalvia Gastropoda Diptera 3 1 4 8 Hirudinea Copepoda Annelida Megaloptera 1 1 Cladocera 2 1 4 7 Hydracarina 3 3 Nematoda

Total for Site 36 36 21 2 Overall Total 95


Loch Airigh na Beinne

View looking South-east

This loch sits on Lewisian Gneiss, at approximately 123m., to the north of Quinag. The vegetation is predominately dwarf wet heath with much Molinia caerulea, Calluna vulgaris and moss species. Five sites were sampled, including the inflow and one of the outflows. The pH ranged from 6.7 to 7.0 and the temperature from 10.8° to 12.3°C.


Basic dyke

0 100 m

Outflow C


Loch Airigh na Beinne B Basic dyke Inflow

Outflow Sampled on 18th July 2010

The outflow was quite wide and deep and contained medium sized stones and sediment. There was no emergent vegetation. The burn becomes Allt a' Ghamhna and further down forms the spectacular waterfall seen from the B869, before flowing into Loch a' Chairn Bhain.


Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21733116 6.7 11.9°C

Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Molinia caerulea 100 Calluna vulgaris 50 Narthecium ossifragum P Sphagnum spp. and other mosses 70 Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Erica tetralix P Polygala serpyllifolia P Erica cinerea P Juncus conglomeratus P Potentilla erecta P Euphrasia sp. P Succisa pratensis P Pinguicula vulgaris P Carex echinata P Selaginella selaginoides P Carex nigra P Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. Carex pulicaris P ericetorum P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Zygoptera Pyrrhosoma nymphula 2 Outflow Trichoptera Ceraclea nigronervosa 3 Outflow 2 old pupal cases, 1 larva Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 4 Outflow 3 larvae (tendencies towards P. kingi) I.W. 1 old pupal case Trichoptera Rhyacophila dorsalis larva 1 Outflow Trichoptera Psychomyiid (indet.) 1 Outflow Ephemeroptera Ephemerella ignita 2 Outflow Plecoptera Leuctra fusca 5 Outflow Bivalvia Pisidium hibernicum 16 Outflow Gastropoda Limnaea peregra 4 Outflow Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 3 Outflow Diptera Simulium sp., 5 larvae, 13 Outflow 8 pupae Diptera Tabanidae (indet.) 1 Outflow Annelida 2 Outflow


Inflow Sampled on 18th July 2010

This was a narrow fast-flowing burn arising from the lower slopes of Sail Gharbh. Its banks were well vegetated (see photo) and there was no emergent vegetation.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC22003095 7.0 10.8°C

Vegetation on bank: % cover or presence (P)

Molinia caerulea 100 Potentilla erecta P Moss spp. 100 Nardus stricta P Calluna vulgaris 25 Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P Erica cinerea P Pedicularis sylvatica P Erica tetralix P Hypochaeris radicata P Myrica gale P Prunella vulgaris P Succisa pratensis P Selaginella selaginoides P Carex echinata P Dactylorhiza maculata Carex pulicaris P ssp. ericetorum P Juncus sp. P



Taxonomic group Species Abundance Location

Ephemeroptera Baetis muticus 8 Inflow larvae

Diptera Simulium sp. 42 Inflow larvae

Hydracarina 1 Inflow

Site A Sampled on 18th July 2010

This was the only site in the whole survey which had a small number of trees (Sorbus aucuparia) and also fallen dead tree trunks nearby. The bank was very steep and consequently, well-drained, with a small amount of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum). There was no emergent vegetation, but Utricularia stygia grew underwater. Two Magpie Moths were seen nearby.

Site A

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref. pH Temperature NC21833106 6.7 12.3°C


Vegetation on bank: % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 80 Succisa pratensis P Calluna vulgaris 50 Erica cinerea P Molinia caerulea 30 Carex echinata P Sorbus aucuparia 20 Juncus conglomeratus P Bare soil 5 Solidago virgaurea Pteridium aquilinum P Viola palustris P Blechnum spicant P Galium sp. P Potentilla erecta P Vaccinium myrtillus P


Taxonomic group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 3 Site A 2 pupal cases, 1 larva

Trichoptera Plectrocnemia conspersa 3 Site A 1 male pupa, 2 old pupal cases Trichoptera Sericostoma personatum 2 Site A 1 larva, 1 old pupal case

Trichoptera Hydroptila sp. 1 old pupal case 1 Site A Trichoptera Phryganea or Agrypnia sp. 1 Site A old pupal case Trichoptera Mystacides azurea larval case 1 Site A Trichoptera Tinodes waeneri larva 1 Site A Coleoptera Dryopid (indet.) 1 Site A Ephemeroptera cf.Cloeon simile 1 Site A Plecoptera Leuctra fusca 1 Site A Bivalvia Pisidium sp. shell only 1 Site A Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 3 Site A Hirudinea Helobdella stagnalis 1 Site A Annelida 9 Site A


Site B Sampled on 18th July 2010

View of loch looking east The beach beside Site B

This sample was taken at the east end of the loch where there was a beach of sand and fine gravel. The substrate was similar with emergent vegetation of Eleocharis sp. and Lobelia dortmanna. Utricularia stygia grew underwater.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref: pH Temperature NC22043096 6.9 13.2°C

Vegetation next to sample site, % age cover or presence (P)

Sand & fine gravel 95 Polytrichum sp. P Molinia caerulea P Hypochaeris radicata P Juncus sp. P Plantago maritima P Nardus stricta P Deschampsia sp. P


Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Bivalvia Pisidium hibernicum & 37 Site B (see photo on next Pisidium lilljeborgii page) Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 14 Site B Cladocera 4 Site B Hydracarina 7 Site B Annelida 3 Site B


Pisidium sp.

Site C Sampled on 18th July 2010

Samples were taken near a sloping bank on the northern shore. Ranunculus flammula and Juncus sp. emerged from the water and an Utricularia species grew underwater.

Physical parameters:

Grid Ref: pH Temperature NC21973112 6.7 12.9°C

Vegetation on bank, % age cover or presence (P)

Mosses 100 Narthecium ossifragum P Calluna vulgaris 50 Succisa pratensis P Molinia caerulea 100 Salix repens P Myrica gale 20 Salix aurita (very small tree) P Erica cinerea 5 Carex echinata P Juncus squarrosus P Dactylorhiza maculata ssp. Potentilla erecta P ericetorum P Trichophorum cespitosum s.l. P



Taxonomic Group Species Abundance Location Trichoptera Larval cases on Utricularia sp. 4 Site C (indet.) Trichoptera Polycentropodidae. Old pupal 1 Site C case, no definite larval remains. Ephemeroptera Indet. 1 Site C Bivalvia Pisidium lilljeborgii 4 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. larvae 2 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. pupae 2 Site C Diptera Chironomus sp. adult 1 Site C Diptera Simulium sp. larva 1 Site C Annelida 1 Site C Cladocera 1 Site C Hydracarina 4 Site C


Summary sheet for Loch Airigh na Beinne

Total for Site A B C Inflow Outflow Group NC NC NC NC NC Grid Ref. 2183 2204 2197 2200 2173 3106 3096 3112 3095 3116

pH 6.7 6.9 6.7 7.0 6.7

Anisoptera Zygoptera 2 2 Trichoptera 12 5 9 26 Hemiptera Coleoptera 1 1 Ephemeroptera 1 1 8 2 12 Plecoptera 1 5 6 Bivalvia 1 37 4 16 58 Gastropoda 4 4 Diptera 3 14 6 42 17 82 Hirudinea 1 1 Copepoda Annelida 9 3 1 2 15 Megaloptera Cladocera 4 1 5 Hydrachrina 7 4 1 12 Nematoda

Total for Site 29 65 22 51 57 Overall total 224


Interpretation of Results

1. Species diversity

Odonata - Species List

Anisoptera Zygoptera Aeshna juncea 7 Enallagma cyathigerum 27 Cordulegaster boltonii 2 Lestes sponsa 39 Libellula 28 Pyrrhosoma nymphula 41 quadrimaculata Sympetrum danae 13 Sympetrum striolatum 2

Eight out of the ten species of Assynt's damselflies and dragonflies were found during the survey. Every loch contained at least one species, although the Lochs Bealach Cornaidh and Airigh na Beinne only yielded one species each and then only one and two specimens of these species respectively. This was probably explained by the lack of plants growing at the edges of the lochs or further out. Most of the larvae of the Odonata need emergent vegetation for climbing out of the water at the end of their metamorphosis.

Loch Coire Riabhach yielded the most species of this order, with large numbers of Libellula quadrimaculata. The larvae of this species live in well-rotted detritus and require marginal emergent vegetation, both of which were evident in this loch.

Enallagma cyathigerum was the only species found in Lochan an Duibhe, but adults of Libellula quadrimaculata, Cordulegaster boltonii and Pyrrhosoma nymphula were seen near the loch margins.

The most abundant species of the Odonata found in the lochs of the Little Assynt Loch Project was Ishnura elegans, which was absent from the Quinag study. Apparently, although it is wide-ranging in distribution, it is not always abundant at sites. It is also said to prefer lowland habitats, and, since the lochs around Quinag are higher than those at Little Assynt, this may explain its absence.


Trichoptera - Species List

Glossomatidae Hydroptilidae Agapetus fuscipes 1 Hydroptila sp. 1 Glossomatidae sp. 2 Oxyethira sp. 1 unidentified Hydropsychidae Hydroptilidae sp. 1 unidentified Hydropsyche siltalai 5 Leptoceridae Polycentropodidae Athripsodes aterrimus 114 Cyrnus flavidus 5 Ceraclea nigronervosa 3 Cyrnus trimaculatus 1 Mystacides azurea 3 Holocentropus dubius 1 Limnephilidae Plectrocnemia conspersa 10 Limnephilus borealis 2 Polycentropus 52 flavomaculatus Limnephilus stigma 3 Polycentropus kingi 1 Limnephilus marmoratus 1 Indet. 6 Limnephilus sp. 1 Psychomyiidae Chaetopteryx villosa 16 Indet. 4 Potamophylax cingulatus 6 Tinodes waeneri 2 Potamophylax sp. 1 Rhyacophilidae Phryganeidae Rhyacophila dorsalis 3 Indet. 42 Indet. 5 Agrypnia obsoleta 6 Sericostomatidae Phryganea bipunctata 5 Sericostoma personatum 9 Unidentified to family 74

The Trichoptera were well-represented in the survey and present in all lochs, although only two specimens were found in the Unapool Burn Lochan 2 ( Middle). The distribution of the Trichoptera depends on many factors including water quality, substrate


and weather. One of the most common families present was the Polycentropodidae. The larvae of these species do not have cases and are found in running water and at loch edges. Other groups present were the Phryganeidae and the Limnephilidae which use plant material for their cases. They were abundant in Loch Coire Riabhach which had much marginal and emergent vegetation. Species from families which use small stones or sand grains for larval cases, such as the Glossomatidae, Leptoceridae and Sericostomatidae, appeared to be plentiful, but most specimens were the failed larval cases of Athripsodes aterrimus in Unapool Burn Lochan 1 West.

The Phryganeidae and Sericostomatidae are two of the highest scoring families in the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) scale which assesses water quality.

Hemiptera - Species List

Gerridae Corixidae Gerris lacustris 2 Corixa sp. 60 Gerris sp. 18 Sigara scotti 3 Notonectidae .Juveniles 57 Notonecta sp. 1

This group was most abundant in the lochs which had the lowest pH: the Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) and Lochan 2 (Middle) and Loch Coire Riabhach. Unfortunately, because many of the specimens were juvenile, most of the time, it was impossible even to identify them to genus. These families only score 5 on the BMWP scale.

Coleoptera - Species List

Dytiscidae Dryopidae Hydroporus obscurus 2 Elmis aenea 9 Agabus bipustulatus 1 Chrysomelidae Ilybius aenescens 1 Donacia sp.? 1 Oreodytes davisii 8

Not many beetle specimens were found, those of the Dytiscidae being present in only three lochs. The most abundant species was Elmis aenea, the adults of which crawl over stones in running water. They were present in the inflows and outflows of three of the lochs. These families have a score of 5 on the BMWP scale of water quality.


Ephemeroptera - Species List

Caenidae Baetidae Caenis horaria 2 Baetis muticus 22 Ephemerellidae Cloeon simile 1 Ephemerella ignita 4 Siphlonuridae 1 Siphlonurus lacustris 6 Indet. 1

The Ephemerellidae and Siphlonuridae each score the maximum of 10 points on the BMWP scale of water quality. Lochs where Ephemeroptera were absent were the most acid: Coire Riabhach, Unapool Burn Lochan 3 (East) and Lochan 2 (Middle). Compared to the Little Assynt Loch Survey, many fewer species were found.

Plecoptera - Species List

Leuctridae Perlodidae Leuctra fusca 17 Perlodes microcephala 1 Leuctra nigra 1 Diura bicaudata 3 Taeniopterygidae cf. Brachyptera sp. 1 Indet. 1

This group is reputed to be more acid-tolerant than the Ephemeroptera (Macan, T.T., 1982). However, specimens were only found in three lochs, which happened to have the highest pH: Lochan Bealach Cornaidh, Loch Airigh na Beinne and Loch Feoir. In the Lake District, the Plecoptera are prominent in the stony substratum of lakes whose waters are fed by rain running over rocks and which consequently contain little in solution. Lakes with flatter land in their catchment have fewer specimens (Macan, T.T., 1982). Lochan Bealach Cornaidh, fed by water straight off the sides of Quinag, contained the most species and specimens found during this study.

All the families above score 10 in the BMWP scale of water quality. Twice as many species and specimens were found in the Little Assynt Project.


Bivalvia - Species List

Sphaeriidae Pisidium casertanum 45 Pisidium sp. 1 Pisidium hibernicum 156 P. hibernicum & lilljeborgii 37 Pisidium lilljeborgii 4

These three species are found in hard or soft water (Ian Killeen, Conchological Society, pers.comm.) and they were present in four of the lochs, those with the highest pH. P. hibernicum is typically found in clean, clear water, P. lilljeborgii is restricted to the highland zone on a wide range of bottom conditions and P. casertianum is found on muddy and silty substrates.

Gastropoda - Species List

Pulmonata Limnaea peregra 40

This species is very common and abundant and found in hard and soft water areas.

Diptera - Species List

Chironomidae Simuliidae Chironomus sp. 175 Simulium sp. 60 Pediciidae Tabanidae 2 Pedicia sp. 1 Indet. 10

Many carnivorous invertebrate larvae feed on this group.

Hirudinea - Species List

Glossiphoniidae Helobdella stagnalis 6

This family scores 3 on the BMWP scale.


Copepoda – Species List

Diaptomidae cf. Diaptomas sp. 4 Cyclopidae Cyclops sp. 1 Indet. 1

Annelida - not identified to species

Annelida 37

Megaloptera - Species List

Sialidae Sialis lutaria 2

This species is the commoner of the two found in Britain. The larvae feed on the larvae of the Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera. The BMWP score is 4.

Cladocera - not identified to species

Cladocera 89

Hydracarina - not identified to species

Hydracarina 96

Nematomorpha - Species List

Gordioidea Gordius sp. 1

The larvae of this group are parasitic on insects. 73

2. Loch Diversity

Given a standardised sampling methodology, some comparisons of the findings may be useful.

Loch Geology No. of No. of No. of Groups Different Specimens Represented Species Loch Bealach Torridonian 12 25 262 Cornaidh Sandstone Loch Airigh na Lewisian 12 24 224 Beinne Gneiss Lochan Feoir Cambrian 14 23 343 Quartzite Loch Coire Riabhach Torridonian 8 19 226 Sandstone Lochan an Duibhe Torridonian 11 14 176 Sandstone Unapool Burn Torridonian 10 12 173 Lochan 1(West) Sandstone Unapool Burn Torridonian 9 10 72 Lochan 2 (Middle) Sandstone Unapool Burn Torridonian 8 10 95 Lochan 3 (East) Sandstone

The lochs which exhibited the greatest diversity were the three with the highest pH: Lochan Bealach Cornaidh (on Torridonian Sandstone); Loch Airigh na Beinne (on Lewisian Gneiss with basic dykes) and Lochan Feoir (on Cambrian Quartzite). These three also happen to be the largest lochs sampled. The highest number of specimens was collected from Lochan Feoir.

It is interesting to compare Loch Coire Riabhach with Lochan an Duibhe which both lie on Torridonian Sandstone. Loch Coire Riabhach has no inflow and the second lowest pH of all the lochs; yet it produced 19 different species and 50 more specimens than Lochan an Duibhe. Apart from its inflow, Lochan an Duibhe had a pH as high as that of Lochan Feoir, but yielded only14 different species. This suggests that there are other factors, apart from underlying geology and pH, which affect biodiversity. The sample points on Lochan an Duibhe had stony substrates, little sediment and emergent vegetation was sparse or absent.



Barnard, P. & Ross, E. (2008). AIDGAP Guide to the Adult Caddisflies or Sedge Flies (Trichoptera). Shrewsbury: Field Studies Council.

Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) scoring system. Retrieved February 2012 from http://www.riverfly.co.uk

Bowes, C. (2011). Little Assynt Lochs Project. Privately published by Culag Community Woodland Trust.

British Geological Survey (2004). Exploring the Landscape of Assynt. A Walker's Guide and Map at 1:50 000 scale. Nottingham: British Geological Survey.

British Geological Survey (2007). Assynt. Scotland Special Sheet. Bedrock 1:50 000 Geology Series. Nottingham: British Geological Survey.

Brooks, S. (1997). Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Hook: British Wildlife Publishing.

Crighton, M.I., Fishes, D. & Wolwood, I.P. (1978). Life Histories and Distribution of British Trichoptera. Holartic Ecology 1, 31-45.

Dipper, F. & Powell, A. (1984). Field Guide to the Water Life of Britain. London: Reader's Digest Association Ltd.

Elliott, J.M. (1977). A Key to the Larvae and Adults of British Freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera. Ambleside: Freshwater Biological Association.

Evans, P.A., & I.M., Rothero, G.P. (2002). Flora of Assynt. Privately published.

Gardner, A.E. (1985). A Key to Larvae. In Hammond, C.O. (1985). The Dragonflies of Great Britain and Ireland. (2nd. Ed.) pp. 72-89.

Hynes, H.B. (1967). A Key to the Adults and Nymphs of British Stoneflies (Plecoptera). Ambleside: Freshwater Biological Association.

Macan, T.T. (1970). A Key to the Nymphs of British Species of Ephemeroptera. Ambleside: Freshwater Biological Association.

Macan, T.T. (1982). The Study of Stoneflies, Mayflies and Caddis Flies. Vol. 17, The Amateur Entomologist. Gen. Editor P.W. Cribb. Feltham: Amateur Entomologists' Society.


Ordnance Survey (2003). Explorer Map 442. Assynt & , & Inchnadamph. 1:25 000 scale. Southhampton: Ordnance Survey.

Ordnance Survey (2008). Landranger Map 15. Loch Assynt, Lochinver & Kylesku. 1:50 000 scale. Southampton: Ordnance Survey.

Pennack, R.W. (1962). Freshwater Invertebrates of the U.S.A. New York: Ronald Press Co.

Redfern, M. (1969). Field Key to the Invertebrate Fauna of a Small Stony Hill-Stream. Field Studies 3:1. Field Studies Council.

Smallshire, D. & Swash, A. (2004). Britain's Dragonflies. Old Basing: WILDGuides Ltd.


Thanks to: Ian Evans for identifications and mentoring the project; Dr. Ian Wallace, Ian Killeen, Dr. Garth Foster, Stephen Moran and Jonathan Willet for identifications; and Caroline Bowes, Don O' Driscoll, George and Robert Farlow for help with sampling.