Hay, John. Inside 's White House: The Complete Civil War Diary of . Edited by Michel Burlingame and John R. Turner Ettlinger. Carbondale: Southern University Press, 1997.

White House besieged, James Lane and Kansas, 1 Threat to Lincoln's life, 1-2 Ward Hill Lamon and Cassius Clay, 2 Guarding White House, 2 , , troops, Scott, Seward, 3 Massachusetts in capitol, 4-5 James Lane, 5, 9, 13 Baltimore secessionists, 5-7 John B. Magruder joining Confederates, 5 Chase and confusing of orders, 6 Cassius Clay, 8 Food shortages in besieged Washington, 8 Delaware, 8-9 Southern newspapers and letters, badly written, 9-10 Jefferson Davis and Lincoln, Confederate constitution, 10 Lincoln and troops and siege of Washington, 11 Dahlgren, 11 Lincoln and strategy, 11 Benjamin F. Butler and Maryland legislature, 12 , , Lincoln, 12-14 William F. Channing, , abolition, martial law, 12-13 Suspension of habeas corpus, 13 Indians, 14 Virginia Unionists, 15 Baltimore, 16 Ellsworth, 16 Fernando Wood, Isham Harris, Lincoln, 17 Lincoln and Maryland secessionists, 17-18 Hannibal Hamlin, 18 Cairo, Kentucky neutrality, 19 Brown, Orville Hickman, abolition, slavery, 19-20 Ellsworth, Zouaves, 20-21 Jefferson Davis, secession, right of revolution, 21 Anderson, Robert, 21 Dahlgren gun, 22 Ellsworth Zouaves, Willard Hotel, fire, 22-23 Carl Schurz, fugitive slaves, 22-23 Secession, habeas corpus, 28 Lincoln and cotton trade, 30-31 Benjamin F. Butler, Fremont, Wool, 31 Seward, 40 Emancipation Proclamation, 40-41 Salmon P. Chase, 40. Charleston, South Carolina coast, 43ff Fort Pulaski, 46-48 Florida, 48ff African American singing, 49, 58-59 Lincoln, Meade, Gettysburg, 61-66, 68 Lincoln and soldier punishment, executions, 64 Salmon P. Chase and reconstruction, 65 Cabinet and 1864 election, 65 Missouri affairs, 66-67 and New York draft riots, 67 Joseph Hooker, 68 Arkansas reconstruction, 68-69 Lorenzo Thomas, conscription, 69 Day of Thanksgiving,70 Louisiana, N. P. Banks, 70 Lincoln optimism about war, diplomacy, Jefferson Davis, Rosecrans, 70-71 Horatio Seymour, 71-72 Lincoln and East , 72 Frederick Douglass, 72 Slavery, Blair, Seward, Horatio Seymour, 73 Lincoln and Salmon P. Chase, 73 Meade and Hooker, 73-74 Conscription in New York, 74 Stephen Hurlbut, emancipation, 74-75 Lincoln and the Spencer repeating rifle, 75 John A. Logan, 75 Quantrill and James Lane, 75 Lincoln and Shakespeare, 76 Chase and Wade, 77 , 77 Lincoln, Chase, presidential election of 1864, 78 Henry J. Raymond and Lincoln, 78 Hooker and Halleck, 78-79 McClellan, 78-79 Hooker and alcohol, 80-81 Lincoln and Rosecrans, 81 Frank Blair, 81 English diplomacy, Fox, Hooker, Robert E. Lee, 81-83 Hooker on James Longstreet, 83 Lincoln, , and Reconstruction in Tennessee, emancipation, 84 Lincoln, Rosecrans, Chickamauga, Burnside, George H. Thomas, 85-86 Benjamin Hardin Helm, 85 Joseph Hooker, 86-87 Lincoln and Missouri radicals, 87-90 Cabinet and election of 1864. 88 John M. Schofield, 88-89 Alcohol, temperance, 89 Chase, treasury, political ambitions, New York Custom House, 92-93 Henry B. Stanton scandal, 92 Lincoln and Missouri affairs, 93-94 Lincoln, Rosecrans, George H. Thomas, Grant, 94 Sickles, Army of the Potomac, Grant, Rosecrans, Meade, 95 William H. French, drunk, 95 Blair and Maryland politics, black troops, 97-98 Reverdy Johnson, Emancipation Proclamation, 98 Rosecrans, 98-99 Lincoln and Chase, 99-100 Schofield, Missouri, 101 Emerson Etheridge, 102 Garfield, Rosecrans, Chickamauga, 103 Chase and Rosecrans, Chase's presidential ambitions, 103 Fort Sumter, 103 New York Republicans, 103-4 Theodore Tilton, 104 Chase, Presidency, New York Customhouse, 104 Seward, Chase, cabinet crisis, 104-5 Maryland politics, Blair, Schenck, 105-8 Blair and Sumner on reconstruction, 105-6 Rosecrans and Missouri, 107-8 Benjamin F. Butler and North Carolina, 108 Lincoln, Stanton, and 1863 elections, 108-9 Presidential photographs, 109 Seward and New York politics, Democrats as antiwar party, 109 , 110 Kate Chase wedding, 110-11 Gettysburg trip, 111-13 , Chase, Blairs, 115 Cassius Clay, Seward, Mexico 116 Emancipation Proclamation, 116-17 Lincoln, slavery in Gulf South, 117-18 Maryland, Kentucky, and slavery, 118 Seward, Loyal League, Union League, 119-20 Montgomery Blair, 120 Colfax and Etheridge, 120-21 Lincoln, annual message, 121-22 Cabinet, Bates, Blair, Chase, Fremont, 122-24 Reconstruction and Lincoln annual message, 124-25 Lincoln and Missouri affairs, 125 Kentucky and emancipation, 125-26 Samuel S. Cox, Seward, 126-27 Lincoln, Schofield, Missouri affairs, B. Gratz Brown, Rosecrans, 127 Kansas, James Lane, Pomeroy, 127 Lincoln and Shakespeare, 127-28 Nathaniel P. Banks and Louisiana affairs, 131. Chase, Greeley, presidential election, Grant, McClellan, 132 Lincoln, Chase, Greeley, banking, 133-34 Lincoln and conscription, 134 Forney on Lincoln, 135 Point Lookout, 137-38 Benjamin F. Butler, 139-40 Salmon Chase on ambition, 140 Simon Cameron and election of 1864, Chase, 141 Florida affairs, 144ff Slaves singing, 148-49 Charleston, 150ff Confederate prisoners, black guards, 161-62 Rape, blacks troops, execution, 167-68 Drugs, morphine, 171 Grant, Halleck, McClellan, Lincoln, 183 Chase and black suffrage, 183 Blair, Missouri affairs, 184 Ulysses S. Grant, 185 Lincoln, newspapers, Jefferson Davis, 188 Grant, Sherman, 191 Meigs, 191 Andrew Johnson, Granville Moody, Buell, religion, 192 James Lane and enemies of Lincoln, 192 Grant—letter from Lincoln, 192 Lincoln's Hodges letter, 193 Lincoln and Grant stategy, 193-94 Red River campaign, Banks, Sherman, Grant Humorous description of Lincoln, 194 Ashey, Fremont, election of 1864, 194-95 Ulysses S. Grant—Lincoln opinion of, 195 James Lane, assassination, Lincoln, 195-96 Dickinson, Anna, 196 Pomeroy, 196 Sedgewick, Wadsworth, deaths, 196 Julia Ward Howe, 196-97 Benjamin F. Butler, 197-98, 209-10, 212 Doolittle, James R. 198 Seward and Wade-Davis bill, 198 Fremont and Cleveland convention, 199 Rebellion, preacher, Lincoln, 199 Baltimore Republican convention, 199-200 Rosecrans, 201-4 Jew, anti-semitism, 203 Order of American Knights, Missouri affairs, Vallandigham, 201-8 Lincoln, War Democrats, 1864 election, 208 Vallandigham, 207-9 Lincoln, visit to the army, Grant, 210 Mexico problems, 211 Carpenter, painter, Seward, Emancipation Proclamation, slavery, 211-12 Salmon P. Chase resignation, David Tod, Treasury appointments, Fessenden, 213-17 Lincoln and colonization, 217 Wade-Davis bill, Lincoln, Boutwell, Zachariah Chandler, 217-19 Picnic, , White House grounds, 220 Seward, Chase resignation, 220-21 Lincoln, Early campaign, Fort Stevens, 221-22 Lincoln and Greeley, peace negotiations, Niagara Falls meeting, 224-29, 238 James Gordon Bennett, 229-30 Montgomery Blair, 230, 233, 238-39 McClellan, 231-32 Presidential election campaign, 1864, 233ff Bates, Missouri, 234-35 Nathaniel P. Banks, New Orleans, 236-37 Pennsylvania politics, 237 McClernand, 240 Chase for chief justice, 241-42 Benjamin F. Butler, 243 Election of 1864, election night, election returns, 243-246 Blair and Henry Winter Davis, 246-47 Lincoln and blind memorandum, 247-48 City Point, Grant, 249-51 Montgomery Blair and Lincoln, Seward, Weed, reconstruction, 252-54