Application Number 34C40Z/EIA/ECON Peboc, Llangefni Biomass Energy Development (consisting of a wood pelleting plant, a biomass combined heat and power plant, a wood storage yard and a debarking and chipping plant. From: Biofuelwatch
[email protected] Ian Lander, 22nd August, 2011 Dear Mr Williams, Biofuelwatch wish to object to EcoPellets Ltd planning application for a Biomass Energy Development (consisting of a wood pelleting plant, a 30MW (17 MW biomass & 14 MW bioliquid) biomass combined heat and power plant, a wood storage yard and a debarking and chipping plant) on the existing industrial lands of the former Eastman Peboc site at the Llangefni Industrial estate on the Isle of Anglesey in North Wales. We object to the application on the following grounds: 1. Health & Safety 2. Air Quality 3. Transport 4. Location 5. Previous use of site/land 6. Noise 7. Sustainability issues of fuel source 8. Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change 9. EcoPellets Planning Application, Volume1, Volume 4 10. EcoPellets Design and Access Statement 11. EcoPellets Energy from Nature, Q & A 12. EcoPellets Sourcing Statement 13. EcoPellets Transport Assessment 1. Health & Safety Public Health Wales, Isle of Anglesey County Council and the Environment Agency commissioned the Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit to undertake a Rapid Health Impact Assessment. This concluded that the development poses no threats to local peoples' health other than imagined o nes and that instead there will be a positive impact of health through providing physical jobs and fostering 'community pride'. We are shocked by these findings. The EIA states: “It is expected that the operation of the proposed Biomass Energy Development is unlikely to pose a significant risk to the health of the local population living in Llangefni and surrounding area.” Biofuelwatch feels that such a review does not constitute an adequate H & S or Health Impact Assessment and feel this is grounds to reject the application until the applicant has produced one.