M I N U T E S O F M E E T I N G Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Ketton Parish Council held on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, Lincolnshire, PE9 3TW, commencing at 7:30 pm.

Present: Cllrs J. Rogers, S. Rogers, Cade, Southern, Eastwood, Couzens, Forster, County Cllrs Karen Payne & Gordon Brown & the Clerk

2019/07/01 To receive and approve Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Wright, Pick, Andrew, Warrington & Payne & approved.

2019/07/02 To receive Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Additions to Registers [Section 27 Localism Act 2011] Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr Forster, who is the Treasurer of Ketton Cricket Club & St Mary’s Church, Ketton; Cllr J. Rogers, who is a KSCC trustee; Councillors Southern, who is a governor at Ketton School & KSCC trustee; Cllr S.Rogers, who is a governor of Edith Weston Academy and a trustee of the Brooke Hill Multi Academy Trust ; Cllr Cade, who is a member of the Ketton & Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group & accepted.

2019/07/03 To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of June 19, 2019 Cllr Cade proposed that the minutes of June 19, 2019 were a true and accurate record, which was seconded by Cllr Couzens, and unanimously agreed by Council. The Minutes were approved and signed.

2019/07/04 To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange [NB Matters Arising may only appertain to the immediately preceding Parish Council Meetings - i.e. June 19, 2019] None

2019/07/05 To receive an update from the Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 2019/07/05.1 To approve a funding application (printing of a public consultation questionnaire) for £350, from the Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Ann Tomlinson gave an update on the Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan steering group, which will next meet on 18 July. Two sub groups have been created to undertake research, & to gather data by engaging with community groups, businesses, residents & other stakeholders. Community engagement events were held in Ketton & Tinwell during March. The events were very successful & well attended by residents, who provided many comments for further analysis. A questionnaire is being drafted & will be issued to all households in Ketton & Tinwell at a later date. This questionnaire, informed by the comments received at the Open Events, is a crucial part of public consultation and will form the hard evidence required by the legal process to shape policies for the neighbourhood. The Steering Group has received a competitive quote of £405 for producing the questionnaire. K&TNPSG had hoped that the funding for this next stage of the Plan process would be funded by a bid to Locality, the central body for Neighbourhood Plans. However the minimum request for funding from Locality is £1,000. K&TNPSG are not yet at a stage to ask for further funding from that body (for example, for consultancy support) which would allow them to produce a bid in excess of this amount. The JNPSG currently has a funding balance with Ketton Parish Council of £234 & requested a further amount of £350 from KPC to cover the cost of the Questionnaire process & allow some contingency. They will also be seeking an additional contribution from Tinwell Parish funds. Motion proposed by Cllr S.Rogers & seconded by Cllr Couzens. Council voted 6-0; Cllr Cade abstained as she is a member of the Ketton & Tinwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

2019/07/06 Police Report No police were present at the meeting, but PC Peter Icke sent an area crime report for the past month, dated 17 July. During the last 31 days there has been reported in the South Beat; one theft of 2 stone garden ornaments from a front garden; one battery left out on the driveway was stolen In Ketton; 5 incidents of thefts from vehicles – 4 were in Ketton; a window was smashed at an empty property; an elderly male scammed out of money in Ketton; one burglary to a business – door forced/ smashed; 2 x attempt thefts of caravans, one of which was in Ketton; a strimmer stolen from stable block; one burglary dwelling; one break-in to a shop within garage & one theft of lawnmowers from a field. The joint Rutland North and Rutland South priority remains as Rural Crime in relation to burglaries, car crime and theft. There have been break-ins to residential properties, business and containers this month so please look at your security measures on any lockups, garages, sheds or outbuilding. If you can make it difficult for anyone to get into the rear garden even better as this is the preferred point of entry for burglars. Preferred items for them to steal are jewellery and cash so please keep these safe. There have been a number of theft from vehicles this month and 2 reports of attempt thefts of caravans overnight. These crimes are believed to be committed by cross boarder criminals so the police 1

continue to work with neighbouring forces to tackle this issue. Please continue to remove all property – remember’ if you leave it on show it will go’. The police are also running a vehicle enforcement campaign throughout Rutland for speed and anti-social driving. They will be out in villages and towns with the speed laser gun and will update Twitter and Face book with the results. The police will continue to work closely with the local residents and will alert you as soon as crime is reported and ask that if anything suspicious is seen to report through either 999 or 101.

2019/07/07 Public Question Time : Members of the Public to Parish Council : Parish Council to County Council There were 3 members of the public present. C.Cllr Brown, who is currently liaising with the Diocese regarding the piece of land behind Ketton Library, updated councillors on the progress recently made towards finding a resolution. RCC Planning has granted permission for the removal of the semi-retaining boundary wall to the west of the library, to re-grade the soft landscaping and make good the tarmac path. Also to repair the section of wall adjacent to the school gates and install a sacrificial concrete bollard in the vehicle access, to protect the wall from further vehicle impacts. Cllr Cade met with C.Cllr Brown & RCC representatives to discuss installing 4 marked parking spaces on Stocks Hill, as part of the current High Street Parking Review, which also includes Church Road & Empingham Road. RCC are currently drafting proposals which will be sent to the parish council for further discussion and public consultation & C.Cllr Payne gave an update on current progress. Following concerns raised about the number and speed of Midland Quarry Products vehicles travelling through Ketton to deliver material for the new road construction being carried out by Hanson, C.Cllrs Brown & Payne discussed the matter with Hanson’s & the vehicles are now being routed to come in from the A1 and Tinwell, thus almost totally avoiding the main part of the village. The councillors expressed their thanks to Clifford Daly and the C.Cllrs for resolving this issue. The new Empingham Road diversion is due to be completed at the end of 2019. C.Cllr Brown gave an update on the Digital Rutland Local Full Fibre Networks Project which will deliver full fibre (1GB capable) connectivity to public sector buildings (including Ketton Library) in Rutland and stimulate additional commercial full fibre coverage to nearby residential and business premises. C.Cllr Brown also gave an update on the RCC Local Plan, which is being reviewed in order to extend the plan period to 2036 and to provide for any additional new housing, employment or other development that may be needed over the extended plan period.

2019/07/08 To Minute and approve the following payments:

To be signed

Millennium Ltd Direct debit Monthly pc back £7.20 101708 KG&SSA Chatterbox delivery £75.00 101809 Biffa Dog bin emptying £273.00 101710 Tracey Green Parish Office cleaning £10.00 Scottish Power Direct debit Office Electricity (May) £70.00 101711 Mrs M Cade School Fete supplies £65.26 101712 Black Velvet Pest Control Moles control £60.00 101713 LRALC Councillors training £80.00 101714 Handyman Handyman's salary £575.20 101715 Parish Clerk Clerk's salary £713.33 101716 HMRC PAYE & NI £375.67 Nest Direct debit Clerk's pension contributions £79.19 101717 Mr D Shaw Grass cutting £630.00

Council resolved that the accounts set out in 2019/07/08 be accepted for payment. Proposed by Cllr Couzens, seconded by Cllr J.Rogers & unanimously approved.

2019/07/09 To receive and approve the Financial Statements and to sign the Reconciliation The Financial information was approved as an accurate record and the Reconciliation signed.

2019/07/10 To receive, approve and adopt Committee Reports for July 2019, viz. 2019/07/10.1 Planning 2 July, 2019 2019/07/10.2 Highways & Open Spaces 3 July, 2019 2019/07/10.3 PR&M 8 July, 2019 2019/06/10.4 Planning 16 July, 2019 ********************************************************************************************************************************************




Minutes of a Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Planning Committee (Under Delegated Powers) held at 7.00pm, Tuesday, 2 July, 2019, in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW

A presentation on a draft planning proposal was made by Guy Longley, Pegasus Group & Matt Smith, Linden Homes before the meeting business commenced.

Present: Cllrs Cade, Couzens, Southern, Forster & Co-opted member Stirling

1. To receive Apologies for Absence Cllr Wright

2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Additions to Registers [Localism Act 2011)] Cllr Forster declared an interest concerning Application Ref: 2019/0598/CAT, as he is the owner of this property. Cllr Forster left the meeting whilst this application was discussed and was not included in the discussion or decision.

3. To approve and sign Minutes of the Planning Meetings held on 18 June, 2019 The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed.

4. To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange and to note the decisions of RCC upon Applications previously submitted to Ketton Parish Council None

5. To consider and comment upon the following Planning Application pertaining to tree works: works to trees subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area:

5.1 Application Ref: 2019/0598/CAT Randolph Cottage, 11, Church Road, Ketton, Rutland, PE9 3RD Proposal: Fell 2 No. Conifers. Application dated 12 June, 2019 No Objections

5.2 Application Ref: 2019/0650/CAT The Vale, 74, High Street, Ketton, Rutland, PE9 3TE Proposal: T1. Fell 1 No. Cuppressus. T2. Fell 1 No. Laurel. Application dated 14 June, 2019 No Objections

6. To consider and comment upon the following Planning Application:

6.1 Application Ref: 2019/0624/RG3 Ketton Library, The Ketton Centre, High Street, Ketton, Rutland, PE9 3TE Proposal: Regulation 3 application: Removal of semi retaining boundary wall, re-grade of soft landscaping and make good to tarmac path. Repair section of wall adjacent school gates and install a sacrificial concrete bollard in the vehicle access to protect the wall from further vehicle impacts. Application dated 17 June, 2019 No Objections - Suggest a physical method of preventing vehicles straddling path & wheels on soft landscaping, eg large, irregular rocks.

7. To agree a procedure for visiting sites subject to a planning application – for submission to Full Council for approval A Planning Committee member is currently allowed to stand on a public highway in order to get a visual impression of property application. In order to improve information detail to make a better, more informed decision a Planning Committee member may need access to the site. In order to achieve this, the Planning Committee, or a member, must obtain a written invitation, eg, text, email etc. to access the property/site at a convenient time, on the understanding that the Ketton Parish Council member does so at their own risk and not at the applicant/owner/occupier’s risk.


8. Ketton School - plans for a proposed new site – update The Committee discussed the proposal put forward at a meeting, at Ketton School on 7th June with Rob Gooding, Executive Head of Rutland Learning Trust and Glenn Fraser Ketton School Head Teacher, Matt Parkinson, part owner of the land at Park Farm and Simon Percival, architect. The Planning Committee will draft a response to the proposal, and the draft document will be presented to the July Full Council meeting, for Full Council to make a decision.

9. To note correspondence received None

10. News items to be included in Council News Page in St Mary’s Church Magazine None

11. Discussions/proposals by Councillors of items to be tabled on future Agendas None

12. Any other Urgent Business - To receive items previously notified to the person presiding None

13 Closure of meeting at 8.26pm and confirmation of date of next scheduled meeting as Tuesday 16 July, 2019


MINUTES Highways and Open Spaces Committee

Minutes of the Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Highways and Open Spaces Committee (Under Delegated Powers) held on Wednesday 3 July, 2019, at 7.00 pm in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW.

1. Election of Chairman Cllr Mike Warrintgon was unanimously elected as chairman.

Present:Cllrs Warrington, S.Rogers, Southern, Couzens, Co-opted members Lynda Naylor, Dave Parry & the Clerk

2. To receive and approve Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllr Wright & approved.

3. To receive Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Additions to Registers (Section 27 Localism Act 2011): None

4. To approve and sign Minutes of the H & OS Meeting from 5 June, 2019 The minutes were approved and signed

5. To receive any Matters Arising from the Minutes:- None

6. Questions from Members of the Public:- None

7. Grass Cutting The Committee thanked Dave Parry for his hard work grass cutting throughout the village and in Hall Close, and maintaining a high standard. Cllr Brian Pick will be trained to use the mowers in Hall Close, as he has volunteered to assist with the grass cutting. Cllr Mike Warrington expressed some concerns regarding the cutting of small grass verges and Dave Parry will meet with the contractor to discuss the specifications and areas to be cut. Cllr Mike Warrington stated that the larger verge on Stamford Road, (up to the 40mph sign) was looking good, with an area of grass being left uncut to encourage wildflowers and improve biodiversity. The steeped sections of grass banks on Empingham Road and Manor green will also be left uncut until the autumn, as part of the council’s experimentation in 4

alternative cutting regimes to benefit wildlife. The Clerk will contact Darren Shaw to arrange a meeting with Dave Parry. Clerk

8. Churchyard/Cemetery To discuss and approve the quote to repair the railings and steps in the South East corner of Ketton Churchyard The Committee agreed that the steps in the South East corner of Ketton churchyard, which lead down to a locked gate into the Old Vicarage, are never used, and therefore do not represent a significant health and safety risk. It was agreed that the repair work would be deferred.

9. Hall Close The Clerk will contact Fen Tiger as there is evidence of increase rabbit activity in Hall Close, The Clerk will also contact Andrew Guinness as a mole hill has appeared near the osier bed. The stone wall in Hall Close has been completed. The Committee thanked Richard Plummer and the volunteers for their hard work in rebuilding the wall. The small gap between the wall and gate post is yet to be closed and the ground on both sides of the wall will be landscaped to complete the project. Clerk Dave Parry was pleased to report that the yellow rattle seeds he planted into the new orchard area have geminated successfully, and yellow rattle flowers can be seen in the long grass sward surrounding the apple saplings.

10. Requests to RCC for Projects ITCP-2018-05 Road, Ketton – to discuss RCC signage proposals & gateway features to incorporate the signs – for approval by Full Council The committee discussed the draft proposals received from RCC, regarding signage and gateway features. The gateways will be installed on Barrowden Road on the approach into the village, after the old quarry and before the first houses. There will be a gateway on each side of the road, one with the ‘30’sign and the other with a sign reading ’30’ & ‘Ketton’. The exact wording and design of the gateways will be discussed and approved by Full Council. The Committee agreed and recommended that the gateways should be in the light oak colour and chose the standard option – ornate model for the ’30’ & ‘Ketton’ sign. The Clerk will pass the committee’s comments onto RCC for further advice regarding design options and pricing. . Clerk The Committee also agreed to ask RCC to consider creating a 40mph transition zone outside the entrance to the Green Burial Site on Luffenham Road, on the approach into Ketton. Clerk

11. Quarterly accounts review The H&OS accounts were reviewed. Expenditure this quarter was well within the budgeted amount, and will be closely monitored to ensure that the annual spend remains within budget.

12. To discuss the proposal to install pedestrian barriers at the pedestrian crossing near the Library Although it was noted that parents & children crossing the road when walking to and from school ‘spread’ onto the road, it was agreed that the pavement is too narrow to accommodate pedestrian barriers, on either side of the road. The Clerk will notify RCC of the Committee’s decision. Clerk

13. Work for handymen in next 4 weeks The handymen have a full programme for the next 4 weeks.

14. News items - for Council News Page in St Mary’s Church Magazine The minutes will be forwarded onto Councillors Cade to decide which items to include in the news page.

Councillors Cade

15. Notices & Correspondence None

16. Agenda items for next meeting None

17. Any other Urgent Business None

18. Meeting closed at 7.50pm and the next meeting date was confirmed as Wednesday, 7 August, 2019



Present: Glenis Southern (chairman) Jenny Rogers, Edis Payne, Andy Bullimore

1. Apologies for absence - Nicola Eastwood, John Collier, Lynn Thacker 2. Declarations & Additions to the Register – none 3. To approve and sign the Minutes of 3 June 2019 – the Minutes were signed as an accurate record 4. Matters arising – none 5. Chatterbox: Andy reported that he was getting articles for Chatterbox but it seemed to be a relatively slow process. The copy date is 1 August 2019 – it was agreed to email prospective contributors and advise the copy date. 6. Village Website & Facebook – Andy was happy that the Website was running smoothly – it was agreed that we should try to include different activities. It was suggested that Andy put a link on to wordpress.com ‘sailing withsarah94.wordpress.com’ – I believe Sarah Bloomer is the only female officer on the Fred Olsen Boudicca ship, which took the veterans over to France for the 75th Anniversary of D-day – he could also put a link to Facebook as well. We also asked for Andy to put a note on the website to confirm that the official website for the village and Parish Council is ketton.org.uk Andy could you test this out for me to make sure it works. Facebook activity had doubled in June and it was agreed that all members of the PR&M Committee should be able to post in Ketton News. It was also agreed to try and uplift the page by regularly changing the background pictures and we should ask people to be more active in letting us have their pictures and comments, and we should regularly post our own pictures so that people get a bit of an example for what we are doing. We should also put a note on to say that people should look for Ketton News to get to know what is going on in the village.

7. Activities & Future Activities: Monty’s Walk on 27 June had been very successful with some 20 people joining the walk. Lots of these had not booked a place on the walk and if the numbers get too large it is difficult for Monty to include everyone. It should be stressed that on future walks people should be encouraged to book a place. The School Fete on 6 July seemed to be a successful afternoon. The Smoothie Bike was provided by the Whitebread Trust & seemed to be popular. However, the table with information about the Parish Council had hardly any visitors. Councillors felt that the fete should have been opened by someone, so that visitors would have known a little more what the form was. L&RWT guided walks 4 & 14 July - Ceilidh 21 September – the band is booked and Andy has been asked to design posters so that we can advertise the event well in advance. He will also do tickets and we should ask the shop, Parish Office and Hub to sell them.

The meeting closed at 20.55 and the next meeting is 7.30pm on Monday 12 August 2019




Minutes of a Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Planning Committee (Under Delegated Powers) held at 7.00pm, Tuesday, 16 July, 2019, in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW

Present: Cllrs S.Rogers, Couzens, Forster & Co-opted member Stirling

1. To receive Apologies for Absence Cllrs Wright & Cade 6

2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Additions to Registers [Localism Act 2011)] Cllr S.Rogers is a Governor at Edith Weston Academy.

3. To approve and sign Minutes of the Planning Meetings held on 2 July, 2019 The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed.

4. To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange and to note the decisions of RCC upon Applications previously submitted to Ketton Parish Council 2019/0534/FUL Noted

5. To consider and comment upon the following Planning Application pertaining to tree works: works to trees subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) and/or notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area:

5.1 Application Ref: 2019/0671/CAT Mallen Spring, 59, High Street, Ketton, Rutland, PE9 3TE Proposal: T1 Willow – Prune off house to give up to 2m clearance. T2 Holly – Reduce height by 3m. Application dated 5 July, 2019 No Objections – Good tree husbandry.

6. To consider and comment upon the following Planning Application:

6.1 Application Ref: 2019/0648/FUL Land Adj to The Gable House, High Street, Ketton, Rutland Proposal: The proposed demolition of existing outbuildings, retention and alteration of an existing wall and construction of 1 no. 2-storey, 4-bedroom detached dwelling, with associated external store, landscaping and alteration to shared access with Gable House. Application dated 28 June, 2019 No Objections – Good use of the land. Use of appropriate materials and good to see gables have been incorporated. The stand-alone wall should be maintained except for gap for access.

7. To note correspondence received None

8. News items to be included in Council News Page in St Mary’s Church Magazine None

9. Discussions/proposals by Councillors of items to be tabled on future Agendas None

10. Any other Urgent Business - To receive items previously notified to the person presiding None

11. Closure of meeting at 7.47pm and confirmation of date of next scheduled meeting as Tuesday 6 August, 2019


The Committee Report for July 2019 were received, approved and adopted Proposed by Cllr Southern, seconded by Cllr J.Rogers & unanimously approved.

2019/07/11 Ketton School - plans for a proposed new site – to approve a response to the proposal The following councillors abstained from voting; Cllr Southern, who is a governor at Ketton School, Cllr S.Rogers, who is a governor of Edith Weston Academy and a trustee of the Brooke Hill Multi Academy Trust & Cllr J. Rogers, whose husband Cllr S.Rogers, is a governor of Edith Weston Academy and a trustee of the Brooke Hill Multi Academy Trust. Therefore, there were insufficient councillors to form a quorum, so the motion was deferred until the next Full Council meeting.

2019/07/12 Ketton School Fete – to receive feedback on parish council’s stall Feedback was received from the councillors who manned the parish council stall at the fete. It was agreed that the parish council would reconsider their participation in future school fetes.

2019/07/13 To approve a procedure for visiting sites subject to a planning application The Clerk outlined the proposed procedure to councillors. It was agreed that a Planning Committee member is currently allowed to stand on a public highway in order to get a visual impression of property application. In order to improve information detail to make a better, more informed decision a Planning 7

Committee member may need access to the site. In order to achieve this, the Planning Committee, or a member, must obtain a written invitation, eg, text, email etc. to access the property/site at a convenient time, on the understanding that the Ketton Parish Council member does so at their own risk and not at the applicant/owner/occupier’s risk. Proposed by Cllr Eastwood, seconded by Cllr S.Rogers & unanimously approved.

2019/07/14 ITCP-2018-05 Barrowden Road, Ketton – to discuss RCC signage proposals & approve the gateway features to incorporate the signs The Council discussed the draft proposals received from RCC, regarding signage and gateway features. One gateway will be installed on Barrowden Road on the approach into the village, after the old quarry and before the first houses. There will be a 30 mph sign on the left hand side as the verge is too narrow for a gateway. On the right hand side of the road, there will be a gateway with a sign reading ’30’ & ‘Ketton Please drive carefully’. The gateway should be in the light oak colour and the standard option – ornate was chosen. The Clerk will notify RCC of the council’s decision. Proposed by Cllr Southern, seconded by Cllr Couzens & unanimously approved.

2019/07/15 A Councillor to attend the next monthly County Councillor’s surgery at Ketton Library Cllr S.Rogers will attend the next monthly County Councillor’s surgery at Ketton Library on Saturday 3rd August, 2019, from 10.15 to 11.15 am.

2019/07/16 News items to be included in Council News Page in St Mary’s Church Magazine The minutes will be forwarded onto Cllr Cade to decide which items to include in the news page.

2019/07/17 External items from outside the parish, including reports from any external meetings attended External items from outside the parish, including reports from any external meetings attended Parish Council Forum Meeting held on Monday 15 July 2019 & St George's Advisory Group Meeting regarding the development of the St George’s Barracks site held on Wednesday 24th July Cllr S.Rogers updated councillors on the Parish Council Forum Meeting, which he attended with the Clerk. The St George's Advisory Group Meeting will be deferred.

2019/07/18 To note correspondence as received and to allocate actions to relevant Committees as appropriate The correspondence was noted as received, and allocated to relevant the Committees as appropriate to action.

In coming

RCC Letter regarding Specific Consultation considering the implications of potential development at St George's within the Local Plan (July 2018)

Out going

Mr Adams Letter regarding Noyles Crossing

2019/07/19 To receive and note future Agenda items from Councillors Ketton School - plans for a proposed new site – to approve a response to the proposal

2019/07/20 Any other Urgent Business To receive items of urgent business which have previously been notified to the person presiding Cllr Forster suggested that Cllrs Southern & Rogers give a monthly KSCC Trustees report to Cllrs.

2019/07/21 The meeting closed at 9.15pm and next meeting date confirmed as Wednesday, August 21, 2019