Proceedings of Bridge Engineering 2 Conference 2007 27 April 2007, University of Bath, Bath, UK


Abstract :ThispaperaimstodevelopacriticalunderstandingofthedesignandconstructionoftheNormandy Bridge.Itwilldemonstrateanunderstandingofmanyaspectsofbridgeengineeringwhilstassessingwhathas beendoneappropriatelyandwhathascouldhavebeenimproveduponwithregardstothecurrentuseofthe bridge.Someoftheaspectsintowhichthispaperwilllookaretheaestheticsofthebridge,theconstructionof thebridge,thematerialsusedinthebridge,theloadingsonthebridge,thestrengthofthebridge,thepotential foranyfuturechangestothebridgeandthemaintenanceofthebridge.Allofthesefactorsareofabsolute importancetotheunderstandinganddeconstructionoftheworkingsofthisbridgeandthelogicbehindit. Keywords: bridge,cablestayed,Normandy,steel,concrete

There were several reasons for choosing to build a 1 Introduction cablestayed bridge here as opposed to a suspension bridgewhichistheothertypeofbridgethatmighthave The Normandy Bridge was officially opened on the beenusedtocrosssuchalargespan.Firstly,itischeaper 20 th ofJanuary1995ascitedinRef.[2]andatthetime toconstructacablestayedbridgeasthespinningofthe wasthelargestspanningcablestayedbridgeintheworld maincablesinasuspensionbridgeisveryexpensiveand withalongestspanof856m,over250mgreaterthanthe far more complicated toget exactly right in comparison previous greatest single span found in a cablestayed with using many more, smaller, cables. The poor soil bridgestructure.Thetotalspanofthebridgeis2143.21m. conditionsinandaroundtherivermouthareawouldnot ItwasdesignedbyMichelVirlogeux,whowouldlatergo havebeenstrongenoughtotakethemassiveanchorages ontodesigntheMillauViaduct,andthearchitectswere required for a suspension bridge, therefore the main François Doyelle and Charles Lavigne. The bridge is structural elements of the entire bridge are the two situated in northern and spans between 20,000t, 214.77m tall, prestressed concrete pylons, and and Le Havre over the River . The bridge rises to arethehighestbridgetowersofthistypeintheworldas 52mabovethehighestwaterlevelinordernottoimpede statedinRef[3].Theyneedtobevery,verystiffinorder the large cargo vessels that use the river. It was built to toallowfortherelativelythinandflexibledeck.Having relieve the older Tancarville Bridge and to open up thedeckthinandflexibleandthepylonsmassiveandstiff western France to traffic. The main live loadings will requires many closelyspaced stays, and this bridge has therefore be traffic loading, though in the location wind 184intotalina‘semiharp’configurationwherethestays loading may also be critical. There was also purely the are not completely parallel but rather they get closer challengeofconstructingthelongestbridgeofitskindin together the nearer they get to the pylons. The most the world especially with the alluvial terrain with no efficientpatternforthestaystobeinistohaveallstays natural anchorage points as cited in Ref. [7]. The convergingattheverytopofthepylon.Thereasonsfor immediatesurroundingareatothebridgeisfairlysparsely notdoingthishoweveraretwofold–firstlytheissueof populated and is predominantly taken up by industrial connecting a large number of stays to the top of each estatessitedonthebanksoftheriver,whilethepartofthe pylon is a very difficult one to deal with as there just riverbeingspannedisextremelyclosetothemouthofthe physically is not enough room for all of the cables to riverandthesea,hencethereissuchalongdistancetobe connect to the pylon, and secondly it would be less spanned.Attheendofconstruction,thebridgeendedup aestheticallypleasing.Thepylonsareinanupsidedown costingatotalof$465million. ‘Y’shapewithallofthestaysconnectingtothepylonsin the straight ‘tail’ section of the pylon. There is a big 2 Why choose a cable-stayed bridge? advantagetohavingapyloninthisshapeasopposedto having two vertical pylons, and this is that this system increasesthetorsionalstiffnessofthebridgebyhavinga thatfromadistancetheyalmostseemnottoexist,though closedsection. thisispartlydowntothecolourwhichwillbereferredto Thereisanargumentthathavingapylondesignlike later on. The issue of order is that when there is poor thisismoresuitedtoasingleplaneofcablestoachievea orderinabridgeitcanmakeitquitedifficulttolookat more aesthetically pleasing effect without having the andspanfromoneendtotheother,withthespanbeing effect of cables crossing when viewing the bridge. This disruptedbybrokenedgesorcrossinglines. wouldnotbehighlypracticalforthisbridgeasthedeckis Withacablestayedbridgesuchasthisonethemain relativelyshallowandthereforedoesnothaveaverylarge issue to do with order is to do with the cables crossing cross section which would be necessary to take the andthestrangeeffectsthiscanhave.Howeverinthecase torsionaleffectsonthebridgeasthesingleplaneofcables of this bridge this is not an issue, the cables are in a wouldnotbeabletodealwiththissufficiently.Ifthiswas configurationthatmeanthatthereisjustafaneffectthat desired in the bridge it would only lead to inefficient one gets when scanning from left to right across the design as with all the closely spaced cables, the deck bridge.Thisispartlyduetothe‘semiharp’layoutofthe wouldonlyneedtobeslendertoresistbending,butwould cables and the fact that all of the cables converge to need to be substantially stiffened to take the torsion. In almostasingleplaneatthepylon.Ifthebridgehadhada aerodynamic analyses of wind loading, both at normal cablelayoutwhereallthecableswereparallel,andifthe windspeedsandatstormwindspeeds,theresultsinterms pylons were two separate columns as opposed to ‘Y’ of deformations of a cablestayed bridge with a ‘Y’ frames,thentherewouldbesomeissuesoforderaswhen shaped pylon, are much better than the results for the thebridgewasviewedfrom variousanglesasallofthe same wind loadings on a suspension bridge or a cable cableswouldappeartocrossandcreateobstacles.Thisis stayedbridgewhichdoesnothavea‘closed’section. whyIbelievethebridgetopossessverygoodorderandis verysuccessful,asitavoidedthesepotentialpitfalls.The only possible criticism is the use of the damping cables 3 Aesthetics of the bridge which cross the cablestays almost perpendicularly, and FamousbridgeengineerFritzLeonhardtusedasetof create and obstacle when panning across the bridge, 10rulesagainstwhichabridgecanbemeasuredtodecide thoughthisisonlyevidentatfairlyclosequarters. whether the bridge is aesthetically pleasing or not and I willbeanalysingthebridgecriticallyusingtheserules. 3.4RefinementofDesign The refinement of the design is important to the 3.1Fulfillmentoffunction aesthetics as is shows that the way the bridge will look Straightforwardly, the functionality of the bridge when finished has been thought about and considered must be taken into account, and it should be carefullyatthedesignstage.Itshowscarehasbeentaken predominantlytoseewhethereverythinginthestructure overtheappearanceofthebridge.Thewaythatthe‘Y’ isofsomepurposeandisnotsuperfluous.Evenfromafar, frame joins the two columns into one gives the itisveryclearhowthestructureworks,thatthedeckis impression of the pylon tapering and looking smaller at supported by the cablestays in the main span and that thetopthanatthebottomsothereisnoillogicalillusion these are supported by the massive pylons, and that ofthestructurebeinglargeratthetopthanatthebottom elsewherethepierssupportthedeckandraiseituptothe ascanhappenwithparalleledgedcolumns.Thepiersalso requiredlevelabovethewaterlevel.Itisintuitivelyvery haveaveryslighttapertothemandarespacedfarenough clear what everything is doing structurally. In these apartsoasnottocreateanopaquebarrierfromoblique respects I feel that the bridge succeeds totally in being angles. Perhaps the only place where this bridge could functional. have been more refined in its design is when getting nearertothebanksoftheriverateitherendofthebridge, 3.2Proportionsofthebridge the piers could perhaps become closer together to Theratiosofdepthsandspansshouldbesothatquite maintain the aspect ratio between the ground, the piers simplythebridgelooksinproportion.Thedeckmustnot andthedeck. seemtoodeepinrelationtothesizeofthepylonsandthe piers.WiththeNormandyBridgehavingextremelylarge 3.5Integrationintotheenvironment pylons, and a relatively shallow deck, it can perhaps at Makingsurethatthebridgefitsintotheenvironment first look slightly out of proportion, but upon closer isveryimportantasthebridgewillfillalargepartofthe inspectionitseemstomethatthethicknessesofthepylon landscapeintheareaandwilllastforaverylongtime, and deck are not so dissimilar as to look totally out of thusitisextremelyundesirableforittolookoutofplace proportion. The ratio of the main span compared to the initssurroundings.TheNormandyBridgeissituatedover spans between the piers may at first seem to be a large expanse of water and is surrounded mostly by completelyoutofproportion,butduetothesymmetryof industrialestatesandissparselypopulated.Thematerials the piers at either end of the bridge, this impression is of prestressed concrete and steel fit in with these successfully avoided. I feel that the dimensions of the surrounding buildings very well and match what is bridgearesuitabletomaketheentirestructureseemvery already there. The style of bridge also fits the pleasing on the eye, and give the impression that the environment perfectly; cablestayed bridges are very structureisactuallyquitelightweight. suited to spanning large bodies of water and can look quitespectacular,especiallyonthescaleoftheNormandy 3.3Orderwithinthestructure Bridge.Withthematerialsandstyleusedhere,thebridge Therelativenarrownessofthecablestayscompared isverysuccessfullyintegratedintotheenvironment. withthedepthofthedeckorthicknessofthepylonmean 3.6Textureofthesurfaces A bridge having character seems outwardly to be a This is probably one of the less crucial factors in fairlyoutlandishconcept,whichisverydifficulttograsp judgingtheaestheticqualitiesofabridgeasitwillmore orputafingeronastoexactlywhatitis.Itisperhapsthe orlessonlybeimportantwhenverymuchupclosetothe ‘wow’factorortheabilitytomakepeoplequestionhowit structure.Itisalsopotentiallyafactorwhenthematerials worksandtomakethemthinkaboutthebridge.Whatever being used are perhaps more uncommon than steel and it is, for a bridge to be truly beautiful and aesthetically concrete. The Normandy Bridge, with its vast concrete pleasing, it needs to possess character. I feel that the pylonsandpiersfromafarwillnotappeartohavemuch NormandyBridgedefinitelypossessescharacter.Itisthe surfacetextureatall,andevenupclosethereisnotagreat wayitrisesupoutofthebanksoftheriver.Itisthesheer deal of texture. The concrete is deliberately smooth scaleofthestructurethathelpstogiveititscharacter;itis surfacedwithamattfinishsoastogivecrispboundaries a monument in the area and is a stunning sight from a tothestructureagainstitssurroundings.Apossiblefailing greatdistance.Thatthebridgeusesa‘Y’framehelpsto with regards to surface texture is that when using giveitcharacterandmakesitmoredistinctivefrommany concrete, no matter how hard one tries it is going to be other cablestayed bridges which have two individual almost impossible to get two lots of concrete 100% towers at each pylon. The cablestayed design is at its identicalsotheremaybeadiscrepancyinthecolourand most iconic across large spans of water such as in this thetextureoftheconcretesurfacesinthebridge. situation so it stands out. I feel that these factors all contributetothebridgehavingalotofcharacter. 3.7Colourofbridgecomponents Theintendedeffectsoftheuseofcolourinabridge 3.9Complexityinvarietyofthebridge can be manyfold. Particular components can be Toomuchcomplexityinthedesignofabridgecan highlighted to seemingly add extra significance to them. lead to chaos when trying to view the bridge. There is Alternatively elements can be ‘hidden’ by using colours thereforeclearlyalimitontheamountofcomplexitythan similar to the background to the element so it seems to can be in a design, as complexity can make a bridge blendinwiththisbackground.AstheNormandyBridgeis visuallystimulatingsoisdesirablebutatthesametimeit apredominantlyconcretestructurewhichalreadyfitsinto isdesirabletosticktotheedictof‘keepitsimple’.With itsenvironmentverywell,thereisnoneedtoaccentuate the Normandy Bridge there is a degree of complexity or hide any of the main structural elements, i.e. the introduced by the cables in the structure. Overall, pylons,piersanddeck.Whatcan,andhas,beendoneis however,thedesignisfairlysimpleandstraightforward, thatthecablescanbepaintedlightcoloursinwhatgivesa with the hierarchy of how things work being clear just dualbenefittothebridge;firstly,paintingthecableshelps fromlookingatthebridge;thedeckissupportedbythe protect the steel in them from the elements and reduces piersandthecables,andthecablesareanchoredinto,and the potential for corrosion due to rain and wind, and supported by the pylons and that the pylons anchor the secondly by painting the cables a light colour, they entirestructure.Atthesametime,thebridgehasenough becomemuchlessconspicuous.Thisgivestheimpression complexity to grab somebody’s attention and make the from afar that the deck is supported only by the two bridgeinterestingviewing.Thefactthatthebridgerises pylons with a spectacular and massive main span. andfallssomuchacrossitsspangivesthebridgemuchof Paintingthecablesalightcolouralsomeansthatthereis its shape, and this is adding to the complexity without lesslikelytobeanissuewiththeorderofthebridgeas introducinganyformofchaosintothedesign.Theclosest anycablescrossingwillbelessvisibleanyway.Thedeck thebridgecomestoanyformofchaosiswherethecable has a blue streak running all along the side of it. This staysgetclosertogethernearthepylon,buteventhisis createstheillusionofthedeckfloatinginthesky. nothugelynoticeable.TheNormandyBridgeiscomplex Anotherwaytoutilisecolouriswiththenighttime enough to visually stimulate, but not so complex as to lighting on the bridge. The scheme on the Normandy causeasenseofdisorderwhenviewingit. Bridge is that the underside of the deck has lots of individualbluelightsrunningallthewayalongthedeck 3.10Incorporationofnature on either side to give the impression of the water Incorporating nature into the design of structures reflecting onto the bottom of the bridge. There are also makes sense in that natural structural systems have bluelightsshiningupfromthebaseofeachsideofeach evolved over millions of years into the most efficient pylon to continue the water effect all the way along the systems possible. Therefore copying these forms and bridge.Theonlyotherlightingonthebridgeisthestreet using them to the benefit of man is a sensible thing to lampsabovethedeck.Thisgivesafantasticeffectofthe attempt.Inrelationtothisbridge,however,thereislittle trafficonthedeckfloatinginbetweenthesetworeamsof incorporation of natural forms, nor is there any great light. The use of colour on this bridge has deliberately attempt to incorporate the bridge into the nature of the been subtle during the daytime use of the bridge and is surroundings, although most of the surroundings are rightly limited to making the cables appear more subtle, industrialestatessothereisnotmuchnatureinoraround whereasthenighttimelightingisdeliberatelyspectacular thesitetofitinwith.Onesimilaritytonaturalstructures in order to show off the bridge and make it a landmark could be argued to be between the cablestays and a during the night. It is aesthetically pleasing whilst also spiderweb.Thespiderwebisofcourseatotallycable being functional. Thus I feel the use of colour on this basedstructurewhereasonlypartofthebridgestructure bridgehasbeenverysuccessful. usescables.Thisshowshownaturehasinfluencedmany structureswiththeuseofcablesforexample.Duringthe 3.8Characterofthebridge design of the Normandy Bridge it was probably not consciouslythoughtaboutasbeinginfluencedbynature. I would say that the bridge does not incorporate nature The extra protection for the foundation consisted of hugelybutasaqualifierthatitisalsodifficulttoseehow thirteen circular cofferdams with a diameter of 8.92m, anynaturalstructuralformscouldbeincorporatedintothe twelveconnectioncofferdams,allofwhichwereraisedto cablestayedbridgedesign. 16mabovetheriverbed.Thecofferdamscreateadryarea in which construction can take place which greatly 3.11Evaluationofthebridgeaesthetics improves potential working conditions for the Having looked at the bridge against all of the ten constructionoffoundations.Thisgavethemostsuitable rules as laid out by Fritz Leonhardt, I feel that the andstableareainwhichtosinkthepilefoundationsfor Normandy Bridge can be said to be a very aesthetically the pylons. In total there are 56 piles, each with a pleasingbridge,perhapsevenbeautiful.Itissuccessfulor diameterof2.1m.Thereare14pilesbeneatheachofthe verysuccessfulwithrespecttoeightoftherules. four pylon ‘feet’, and each of these piles was sunk to a Theruleswhereitperhapswasnotsosuccessfulwere depth of 50.5m and each pile can resist a loading of on the incorporation of nature and the textures of the 3,000t.Usingapilefoundationistheonlyrealsolutionto surfaces.These,Ifeelforthisbridge,itthelocationitis creatingasuitablefootingforsuchanenormousstructure, in, are less important than the other rules. The reason I especiallywheneachpylonaloneweighs20,000tbefore feel that it does not matter that it fails to incorporate theintroductionofthedeck,cables,deadandliveloads. naturemassivelyisthatthesurroundingareaisindustrial Thepylonsarerequiredtobevery,verystifftothepoint estates, so effectively the nature into which it is being wheretheycannotbeallowedtomoveatallinorderto builtisonewhereallthesurroundingsareunnaturalinthe allowfortheshallowdeckwithmanycablestays. classicsenseoftheword.Itmeansthatthebridge,avast Thepylonsaremadefromprestressedconcrete,and massofconcreteandsteel,fitsinwhereitis.Thefactthat Ithinkduetothedifficultiesthatwouldensuetryingto the textures are uninteresting also is less important than posttension the concrete, that the concrete is pre otherthingsIfeelbecausebeingapredominantlyconcrete tensioned concrete where the concrete is cast around structure, there is fairly limited scope for being creative already tensioned tendons. This produces an excellent with surface textures, especially due to the scale of the bondbetweenthesteelandconcreteandmeansthatthere bridgeinquestion. isadirecttransferoftensioninthestructure,aswellas InconclusionIfeelthattheNormandyBridgemeets the concrete providing corrosion protection to the steel. enough of the criteria very strongly to be considered a The way the pylons were constructed was in relatively veryattractivebridgeindeed. small layers that could have been cast on site, or could havebeenprecast.Inthissituation,Ithinkitwouldhave madelesssensetouseprecastconcretesoasitwouldnot 4 Construction and materials of the bridge beabletobeutilizedtocreatepretensionedconcretein TheconstructionoftheNormandyBridgelastedfrom onecontinuousstructure.Castinginsituwouldalsohave 1988to1994,andthesitewasthelargestconstructionsite its benefits in that there would be no transport costs inthewholeofFranceduringthistime.Iwilldiscussthe involvedandalsocastingonsitewouldmakemoresense constructionofeachelementofthebridgeindividually. with regards to creating prestressed concrete. The pre stressinthesteelinthepylonsis150t. 4.1Pylons Oneofthemostdifficultproblemswiththepylonsis The two pylons are identical except that the north howtosuccessfullyconnectthe92cablestays.Theheads pylonisbuiltintheriverchannelwhereasthesouthpylon ofthepylonshavesteelcaissonsenclosedintheconcrete, is built on the bank of the river. This meant that extra andthesearewhatthecablestaysareanchoredinto.This protection was required around the foundations of this makes sense in that it would be almost impossible to pylonasshowninFig.1: successfully connect the cables to a monolithic concrete structure.ThecablesareconnectedasshowninFig.2:

Figure 1: Extraprotectionfornorthpylonfoundation takenfromRef.[4]. Figure 2: Connectionofcablestopylontakenfrom Ref[4]. Havingtwosetsofcablescomingoutofeachsideofeach 7.31m to 43.89m and are constructed from reinforced pylon gives a sense of symmetry and of balance to the concreteinsegments3.40mhigh.Eachpierisbuiltona whole structure. The whole bridge looks like two pile cap that has four piles sunk up to 50.5m into the enormoussetsofscales,perfectlybalanced. ground. With the fairly poor soil conditions, this is the only feasible solution to making foundations secure 4.2Cablestays enoughtocarryalargepierwiththedeckaboveit.The Thecablesaresplitintoeightgroupsof23tomake finalconstructionisshowninFig.4. upthetotalof184cables.Thecablesrangeinlengthfrom 95mattheirshortestto460mattheirlongest.Eachcable is made up of a bundle of wires, with each wire being made up of seven strands of galvanized steel.There are threecablestaymakeups;thereare31,44or53strands inthecable.Thecablesarecladinapolyethylenesheath and then a petroleumbased wax is used to fill in the spacesbetweenthewiresandthesheathofthecable(see Fig.3) as stated in Ref.[3].This is all done inorder to protectthekeystructuralelementsofthebridge,asifthe cables are exposed to the elements and are allowed to corrode,thenthiscouldseriouslyunderminethestructural stabilityoftheentirebridge.Thetheoreticalbreakingload ofeachstrandis27t,thoughthetensioninserviceisjust 10t,thereforethereisclearlyalargesafetyfactorbuiltin. Figure 4: Detailofthebaseofthepierstakenfrom This is of course standard, but evidently a very sensible Ref.[4] thingtodowithsuchanimportantelementofthebridge. 4.4Approachviaductdeck The way that the deck was constructed above the pierstogettothepylonwasbyasystemofincremental launching. As previously mentioned, the north bank approachviaductishasmorepiersandislongerthanthe south bank approach viaduct. The north bank approach viaduct is 650m long as opposed to 460m on the south bank. Both approached rise at the same gradient of 6% however which is partly why the bridge still looks perfectlysymmetricalfromadistance. Thebasicideaoftheincrementallaunchingsystemis to prefabricate segments of the deck under controlled, factoryconditionsbehindthebridgeabutmentandtoslide thenewlyformeddeckoverthealreadyexistingpierson bearings into the final position without the need for massesofscaffolding.Thissystemhasmanyadvantages suchasitisbetterthancastingconcreteinsituasthiscan Figure 3: Cableandsheathatdeckconnectiontaken beofaninferiorqualitywhilstitisbetterthanprecasting fromRef.[4] elements in a factory which are higher quality then transportingthemtothesitewhichisbothexpensiveand Each cable can be removed individually for dangerous. There is only one set of formwork required maintenance. This is very useful as it means more which also saves on costs. No large, heavy cranes are maintenance can be carried out without having to shut necessaryfortheconstruction,andtheconstructionitself down the entire bridge. This also reduced the overall requires a far smaller team of workers. At the very maintenance costs significantly. The cables also have leading edge of the deck being launched is a steel dampers attached to them. They link the cablestays launching nose. The one used on the Normandy Bridge together and limit vibrations, which is desirable under can be seen here in Fig. 5, taken from Ref. [5].This is windloadingoreventheunlikelyeventofanearthquake. introducedinordertoreducehoggingbendingmoments. The most important equipment used during the 4.3Approachviaductpiers launch are the hydraulic jacks, used both vertically and Whilst the massive pylons were being constructed, horizontally to move the whole deck forwards, and the theotherelementofthebridgebeingbuiltwasthepiers Teflon bearings upon the top of each pier to allow the for the approach viaduct. These are needed to raise the decktoslideforwardmoreeasily.Thebearingandjack height of the deck to the necessary level to meet the usedintheconstructionoftheNormandyBridgecanbe pylonsandleaveenoughroombeneathitfortheshipson seenquiteclearlyinFig.6. theriver.Thepiersateitherendofthebridgeareoneof the rare places in the bridge where there is not perfect symmetry. This is as there are more piers on the north bankthanonthesouthbank,15onthenorthbankandjust 11onthesouthbank.Thepiersvaryinheightfromjust i.e. tendons will be added at the top of the deck where thereisahoggingmoment,andatthebottomofthedeck wheretherearesaggingmoments.Finally,itisjustworth pointing out how small the allowable formwork tolerances are– they are in theregion ofjust 2mm, but thisisnecessarysoasthebridgelinesupperfectlywith where it is being aimed. Once in the final position, the temporary bearings are removed and the final ones are installedtofixthedecktothepierspermanently. 4.5Bridgedeckovermainspan The method for constructing the main deck was suspended cantilever construction. This part of the Figure 5: Steellaunchingnoseonthedeck construction was carried out after the approach viaducts hadalreadybeenconstructedandhadhadthecablestays onthosesidesofthepylonsalreadyattached.Thedeckis 23.6mwideintotal,allowingforfourlanesoftrafficand two pedestrian walkways. Suspended cantilever constructiononthisbridgemakesparticularsense.Asthe bridge is a cablestayed bridge, there is no need to pre stress the deck segments as they can immediately be connectedtothecablestaysandthepylon,thisactsasa temporarysolutionduringconstructionbutisalsoclearly the final solution too. This is one of the reasons why cablestayed bridges are so costeffective, especially in comparison to suspension bridges which are often the other physical possibility in the same location. These require fully suspended construction which involves constructing the towers first, then spinning the entire lengthofthemainsuspendingcableswhichisextremely Figure 6: Hydraulic jack and Teflon coated bearing costly. Then the deck segments are hung from hangers asfoundinRef.[5]. attachedtothecables.Asthedeckisnotimmediatelyin itsfinalpositioni.e.itisslightlycurvedwiththeshapeof Thisshotwastakenfrombeneaththedeckatthetop the suspension cables, there are extra stresses in the ofoneofthepiers. segmentswhichhavetobedesignedfor.Allthesefactors There can, however, be a few disadvantages to this increase the cost and the time necessary for the bridge. method of construction. There is the fact that the cross Cablestayedbridgeshavemanymoreadvantagesandare sectionofthedeckmuststayconstantasthereisonlyone lesscostly.Thecablestaysreducewhatwouldotherwise setofformworkbeingused,thefactthatthebridgemust be massive hogging moments acting over the pylon beperfectly straight or have a constantradius if curved, duringcantileverconstructionasshowninFig.7. and also a large amount of space is required behind the abutmenttoprefabricatethesectionsofdeck.Inrelation tothisbridgehowever,thesehaveanegligibleeffect.This is because the deck section is the same all of the way through, though of course this could have been through the necessity of having constructed the bridge this way. Also, the bridge is perfectly straight, making it suitable for this method of construction, though again it could havebeenthatthebridgewasdesignedstraightwiththis methodofconstructioninmind.Thereisplentyofroom behind each abutment, as there is nothing in the immediate surrounding area behind the construction site oneitherbankallowingfortheprefabricationofthedeck under the required factory conditions. In all reality the bridgewasdesignedwiththeconstructioninmind,sowas designed to lend itself to this most efficient way of launchingthedeck.Anotherdisadvantageisthefactthat during the launch, every section will at some point experience both the maximum hogging and sagging moment,requiringheavyprestressingwhichisfargreater Figure 7:Reductioninmomentindeckfromuseof than is necessary for the bridgeonce in service in some suspendedcantileverconstructiontakenfromRef.[1] areas but insufficient in others, so additional curved tendons will have been added and stressed in the This is a very clever feature of this form of appropriateareastotaketheloadsrequiredonceinservice constructionon this type ofbridge.This saves time and moneywhenitcomestomakingthesteelsegments.The 5 Future of the bridge steeldecksegmentswereconstructedinthenearbytown Quite often the main modification that might be of Radicatel, also in the Seine estuary, and then addedtoatrafficbridgewouldbetoaddextralanesfor transportedbybargetothesitewheretheywereliftedinto the traffic as the building of the bridge might in itself place by a mobile lifting derrick situated on top of the encourage more people to go and use the route. Often deck as shown in Fig. 8. Each segment weighs thiscanbedonebyattachingextradecktotheoutsideof approximately 180t and is 19.65m in length and there either side of the existing deck. With the Normandy were 32 segments lifted into place in this fashion. Once Bridgehowever,thereisnowaythatthiscanbedoneand lifted into place the new segment is connected to the thisisduetothefactthatthepylonssupportthedeckare existingdeckcentrallyandthentherestofthesegmentis ontheoutsideofthedeckalreadymeaningthatanynew boltedtotheexistingdeckandthenthecablestaysfrom laneswouldhavetosomehowfitaroundthepylonsand the pylon are connected to the new segment of deck to thenbacktotherestoftheexistingdeck.Thiswouldbe support it fully and transfer the load to the pylon and extremely complicated and costly. This means that the reducethehoggingmomentoverit. bridgeisveryunlikelytobemodifiedinthisway.Asthis This method of construction suits the bridge much is the case, the amount of traffic use and any potential better than a normal cantilever construction. Normally increasetothismusthavebeencarefullyanalysedwhen withthismethodofconstruction,thedeckwouldbebuilt thesizeofthebridgeandnumberofvehiclelaneswere simultaneously from both sides of the pylon in order to beingtakenintoaccounttomakesureanyfutureincrease balancethecantileverout.Thereasonwhythisisnotused in traffic volume had been accounted for. The current here is partly because the deck on the approach viaduct problem of the pylon being outside of the carriageway piersontheriverbanksideofeachpylonhasalreadybeen canbeseenwellinFig.9. constructedandalsobecausethestaysarealreadybeing implemented into the structure so it just makes sense to use this construction method.. Also, the fact that the pylons are so incredibly stiff mean that they take any bending moment caused by the cantilever, and these momentswouldberelativelysmallanywaycomparedto thecapacityofthepylons.

Figure 8: Mobileliftingderrickontopofdecktaken fromRef.[4] Asthecablesaretakingthetension,thecantilevercan stretchallthewaytothemiddleofthemainspantomeet Figure 9: Pylonontheoutsideofthedeck,taken the other cantilever there and complete the deck, even fromRef.[5] though this might appear to defy logic from a distance whenperhapsthecablesarenotfullyvisible.Inthecase of the Normandy Bridge, this was almost certainly the 6 Bridge loading most viable method of construction, as the use of pre Clearly analysis of the loading on the bridge is stressed sections to take the tension caused by the absolutelyparamountasitgivesanideaofhowwellthe cantilevering would have meant overengineering them, bridgewilldealwithdifferentloadcasesandwhetheritis especially when the cablestays are going to be safe or not. All bridges are designed according to limit incorporatedanyway.Also,itwouldnothavebeenviable statephilosophy.ThebridgemustbecheckedatUltimate touseasystemoftemporarysupportsonthecantileverto Limit State (ULS) to prevent collapse, and at the make it simply supported because this would have Serviceability Limit State (SLS) to ensure the bridge is requiredmorecofferdamstogiveasolidsurfaceonwhich serviceable. toplacethefootingsofthetemporarysupport.Thiswould Thereareseveralimportantloadcasesthatneedtobe increasethecostmassivelyandtakeupmanyunnecessary considered.Firstly,thedeadload,thisistheactualbridge manhours. structurewhichmustexistinorderforthebridgenotto falldown.Thenthereissuperimposeddeadloadwhichis things like the blacktop and fill of the road surface, deadload,and1.75forthesuperimposeddeadload.This services within the bridge such as lighting and drainage gives a final combined loading of 73.72 + 90.86 = systems. There is live loading which is the traffic 164.58kN/m.ThiscanbeputintoEq.(1)asthevaluefor travelingacrossthebridge,thoughforaspanaslongas w. the Normandy Bridge it is fairly irrelevant as the load 4 × 3 4 causedbyavehiclewillbeextremelysmallinrelationto δ = 5w 6.0( l) + 3.0 wl 2.0 l + w 2.0( l) (1) the dead load or even the superimposed dead load on a 384EI 3EI 8EI bridge at this scale. Wind loading can be crucial, especiallyonabridgewithsuchalongspanandonethat The value of l is 19m, the value of E is 30,000N/mm 2, issituatedatariverestuarysowillinevitablyexperience andthevalueofIisapproximately2.5x10 13 mm 4.Putting somehighwindspeeds.Theeffectsoftemperatureonthe allofthesenumbersintoEq.1, δ=0.627mm.Thecreep bridgealsoneedtobetakenintoaccount,especiallywith factormustthenbeusedasshowinEq.2togetthelong a bridge such as this with a very long span, as it could termdeflectionasthisisonlyarelativelyshorttermvalue expand or contract enough to create large stresses forthedeflection.Thecreepfactor,f,takesavalueof2 throughout the whole bridge. The effects of creep must forconcrete. alsobetakenintoaccounttomakesurethatthebridgeis notgoingtosagtoomuchovertime. δ = δ + longterm short 1( f ) (2) 6.1Temperatureeffects Thereforethefinalvalueof δ =1.88mmwhichis Theeffectsofatemperatureincreaseofjust20°Cfor long term perfectly acceptable for the structure. The bridge is this concrete bridge are as follows and as is shown in unlikelytosuffermuchatallfromcreep,thisisprobably Table1. mostlyduetotheshorteffectivespans. Table 1: Temperatureeffectsandparameters 6.3Windeffects 1-Temperature effects Wind can have a very serious effect on a bridge, it l = 2143.21m ∆T = 20°C cancausedamagetostructuralelements,causevibrations α = 12 ×10 −6 / °C ε = α ⋅ ∆T through the bridge, or even lead to a bridge collapsing, such as the infamous Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The ε = 240µε δ = ε ⋅ l Tacoma Narrows Bridge was a suspension bridge, and δ = σ c = ε ⋅ 514 4. mm Econc thesearefarmoresusceptibletowinddamagethancable 2 c 2 stayed bridges. The two suspending cables in a E = 30,000N / mm σ = 2.7 N / mm conc suspension bridge can end up moving in opposite directions at the same time creating vast stresses in the Where l is the length of the bridge in meters, T is the rest of the bridge structure which was not necessarily change in temperature in degrees Celsius, α is the designedtotakethesesortsofstresses.Thecablestayed coefficientofthermal expansion perdegree Celsius, ε is bridgesaremuchstifferstructures,especiallythepylons theeffectivestraininmicrostraincausedbytheincrease whichwithadesignsuchastheNormandyBridgewitha in temperature, δ is the potential amount by which the veryshallowdeck,havetobesoastheywillbarelyever bridgecouldexpandin millimeters,Econc istheYoung’s moveorgiveatall–theymustbeincrediblystiff. c modulusofconcreteand σ istheapparentstresscreated The first thing that must be done for the wind by this strain both of which are in Newtons per square analysisistocalculatethemaximumwindgust,v c,which millimeter. isfoundusingEq.3. This shows that there is a need for large expansion jointsateitherabutment,soastokeepthesestressesfrom v = vK S S (3) buildingupandusinguphalfoftheconcrete’sstrengthof c 1 1 2 about 14N/mm 2 on just one load effect. This would be Where v is the mean hourly wind speed, found from a best avoided so as the concrete can take the majority of map showing the speeds at different geographical theotherpotentiallymoreimportantloadeffects. locations. K is a wind coefficient dependent on the 1 lengthofthebridge,S isafunnelingfactorand S isa 6.2Creepeffects 1 2 gust factor dependent on the height of the bridge above Creepeffectsareanissueincontinuousbridgeswith ground level. For the Normandy Bridge v is largeeffectivespans.WiththeNormandyBridgebeinga approximately 32ms 1, K is 1.46, S is 1.00 and S is cablestayedbridgeandeachcableeffectivelyactinglike 1 1 2 1.32.Thismeansthatv hasavalueof61.67ms1.Thisis a support, the distances between supports in what are c then used to calculate the horizontal wind load, P in effectively simply supported beams are in the region of t NewtonsandisgivenbyEq.4. 19m, so this is the length of each individual section susceptibletocreep.Theloadingwillbethefactoreddead P = qA C (4) andsuperimposeddeadloads.Theoveralldeadweightof t 1 D the main span deck is 5600t over a length 856m. Therefore the total dead weight, is 54.9x10 3kN which Whereqisthedynamicheadpressureandisdefinedin 2 becomes64.1kN/m.Thesuperimposeddeadloadwillbe Eq.5,A 1isthesolidhorizontalprojectedareainm ,and 2 takenas2.2kN/m whichistheweightofa100mmthick CDisthedragcoefficientcalculatedasafunctionofthe layerofsurfacing.Thisbecomes51.92kN/m 2.Thesemust b/dratio. boththenbefactoredusingγ fL .Thisfactoris1.15forthe = 2 q .0 613vc (5) create torsional effects, and also simulates where trucks woulddrive–theoutsidelanesofthecarriageway.The position of the KEL will change depending on whether From the table, C D is 1.2, q can be calculated to be 2 you are looking to find the maximum shear or the 2,331.35, and A 1 is 2,568m . This means that P t can be calculated, and a value of 7.18x10 3kN which must be maximum bending. If you are looking to find the resistedbythedeckandpylonsover856m.Thisgivesan maximum shear, then the KEL should be placed over a approximationofaloaddistributionof8.39kN/m.Using planewherethedeckissupportedbythecablestays.For Eq. 6 the maximum moment caused by the horizontal finding the maximum bending, then the KEL should be windforcecaninthedeckcanbecalculated.Thismakes placedpreciselyinthemiddletwosetsofcablestays. theassumptionthatthedeckisbeingsimplysupportedin Thesecondtypeofloading,theHBloading,ismeant thehorizontalplanebythetwopylons. torepresentanunusuallylargetruckloadonthebridge, forexampleatrucktransportingbridgecomponentsthat 2 (6) are extremely large and heavy. These vehicles are = wL M MAX typically oversized and wider than one lane and much 8 longer than a normal truck is. HB loading is far greater thantheHAloadingandthisisclearwhenitisstatedthat This gives a maximum bending moment of 768.5kNm. each wheel will nominally be carrying 112.5kN. The Theotherwindeffectthatneedstobetakenintoaccount vehicle is modelled as having four axles each with four istheupliftordownforcecreated.Thisforce,P isgiven v wheels on them. The front pair and back pair are both nominallybyEq.7. spaced 1.8m apart, but the distance between these two pairscanbeanyof6,11,16,21or26mdepending on P = qA C (7) v 3 L which dimension will give the most critical case on the memberbeinganalysed.SpacingtheTheHBloadcanbe WhereqisasshowninEq.5,A 3istheplanareaofthe applied to any part of thebridge and caneither take up bridge, and C L is another function based upon the ratio one lane, or straddle two. All other lanes must still be 2 betweenbandd.A 3iscalculatedas20,201.6m andC Lis loaded with one third of the HA loading with two still calculated to be 0.38. Therefore the force P v is havingfullHAloadingaswiththeoriginalloadingofthe 6 17.90x10 kN. This can be converted to a uniformly HA case.Anexample of the HB vehicle straddling two distributedload(UDL)of20.91kN/m,whichusingEq.6 notionallanescanbeseeninFig.10. givesamaximumbendingmomentof1.92MNm. 6.4Trafficloading Other than wind loading, the traffic loading will be oneofthemostinfluentialloadsonthestructure.Inorder to analyse the traffic loading, the carriageway has to be splitintoanumberofnotionallaneswhicharedifferent fromthemarkedlanesontheroadway.Eachnotionallane is3.65m.Withthedeckbeing23.6mwide,thiswillgive 6notionallanesforthetraffictotravelon,asopposedto Figure 10: HBloadingstraddlingtwonotionallanes the4actualmarkedlanesonthecarriageway.Thereare takenfromRef.[1] two kinds of live traffic loading that need to be applied separatelytothebridge–HAandHBloading. One of the reasons HB loading is not always used for The HA loading is a UDL acting over one of the analysisisthefactthatthereisa25mlengthofclearance aforementionednotionallanes,togetherwithaknifeedge both in front of and behind the vehicle to simulate a load (KEL) positioned where it would have the most potential police escort along the carriageway. This does adverseeffectwithinthesamenotionallane.Thisloading of course mean that a large area of the carriageway is supposed to represent heavy, fastmoving traffic with actuallyhasnodirectloadingonit. impactfactorsbuiltin.TheunfactoredHAUDLinkN/m is given in a table and is dependent on the span of the 6.5Actualtestcarriedoutonthebridge bridge. As the span of the Normandy Bridge is greater ItisworthnotingfromRef.[6]thatuponcompletion than360m,theUDLis9.0kN/m.Thisvalueisconverted ofthebridge,thecarriagewaywastestedwithaliveload toanintensityinkN/m 2 bydividingbythenotionallane of hundreds of lorries with the total weight coming to width.TheKELisalwaystakenas120kNnomatterwhat 16,000t and the bridge comfortably took this live load typeofbridgeisbeingassessedaslongasitisavehicle whichisgreaterthaneithertheHAorHBloadcasesgive bridge.Togetthedesignloading,thesenotionalloadsare evenasworstcases.ThisisthesameasaUDLof8kN overtheentirebridgesurface. multipliedbythefactorsγ fl andγ f3 . The way in which the HA loading is applied to the bridge is by fully loading two of the notional lanes to 7 Bridge maintenance obtainthemostadverseeffectandtherestofthenotional lanesareloadedwithonethirdofthefullHAUDLand The maintenance and upkeep of the bridge are KELloadingwhichshouldstillbeplacedforworstcase extremely important as otherwise the bridge will scenario.Inthecaseofthisbridge,theworstcaseloading deteriorateandcouldbecomeweakerandnotserviceable. wouldbetoloadtwolanesnexttoeachotherwhereone Concrete can deteriorate for several reasons. These ofthemisontheveryoutsideofthebridge.Thisshould include vehicle impact, frostthaw effects, carbonation, andchlorideorsulphideattackamongstotherthings. Therewillbeseveralvisualfeatureswhichneedto Acknowledgments be monitored closely as initial signs of a more The present guidelines represent a modified version fundamental problem with the bridge. Initially, cracks, ofthehighlysuccessfulguidelines,whichwereoriginally spalling,stainingandtheintegrityofjointsshouldhavea developed,preparedandtransmittedbytheorganisersof close eye kept on them. These factors are particularly the International Conferences onThermal Stresses (TS), relevanttoconcretebridgessuchastheNormandyBridge. particularly by Professor Y. Tanigawa, Chairman of the Ifnoneoftheseissuesseemtobeevidentuponavisual TS2001,Osaka, Japan, andProf. L. Librescu, Chairman inspection,oraredeemedtobeatanacceptablelevelthen of the TS2003, Blacksburg, VA. The Organising no further inspection would be taken. If, however, it Committee of Bridge Engineering 2 Conference 2007 seems as though there may be a problem developing, would like to express its sincere appreciation for this whether major or minor, further action will be taken by pioneeringwork.IwouldalsoliketothankProfessorTim meansofaninspectionwhichmaybeeither‘Intrusive’or Ibell for the lecture series that ran in parallel alongside ‘NonDestructive’. this project and allowed it to be completed with some The intrusive inspection involves inspecting the success.IwouldalsoliketothankphotographersNicolas bridge internally, and taking core samples out of the Janberg (Fig. 9) and Jaques Mossot (Figs. 5,6) for concrete to check for voids, carbonation and chloride allowing the use of their photographs from website attack. Samples of the steel reinforcement may also be removedandtestedtocheckforcorrosionandtotestthe tensile strength. The only question about this method of inspection is that it could potentially do more damage References thanhelpbytakingthesecores.If,asisthecasewiththe [1] Ibell,T.,c.1997. BridgeEngineering . Normandy Bridge, the bridge has prestressed members, then the most important element to check is the tendon, [2] and this can be checked by drilling into the concrete to directlyinspectthetendonductandcheckforvoidsorany [3] http://www.corrosion signsofcorrosion. The nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are usually qualitative as opposed to the purely quantitative [4] resultsobtainedfromanintrusiveinspection,thoughsome quantitative results can be found. The results garnered [5] fromthistypeofinspectionaregivenas‘Pass’,‘Fail’,or ‘Monitor’,whichareprettyselfexplanatory.Someofthe [6] methods used require quite high technology. The htm measurement of cover, using a ‘covermeter’, uses an electromagneticfieldtodeterminethedistancetoasteel [7] bar. This sort of information is useful as it provides the true effective depths of the completed concrete sections. Sonics,radar,andXraytestingareallalsousedtodetect voids, steel rebar or even the whole steel layout respectively. ForthemaintenanceoftheNormandyBridge,Ithink itwouldbemorelikelytouseanintrusiveinspectionifit failedaninitialvisualinspection.Thiswouldbebecause oftheeasyaccesstomostareasofthebridgewhichwould allow for this method of inspection. Clearly the access chamberrunningthroughoutthewholedeckofthebridge was designed predominantly with maintenance in mind. Not just structural maintenance however. The access chamber is to allow maintenance of the many services running through the bridge, in the form of drainage and electricity,bothofwhichareabsolutelynecessarytothe bridge. Without the drainage system being built into the bridgethewatercouldinfiltratetheroadsurfaceintothe accesschamberoftheboxgirderandthencouldstaythere andaddweighttothebridgeaswellaspossibleeroding theconcreteandcausingcorrosiontothesteelrebar.The drainage system eliminates these issues. The electricity cables are important as they provide power to all of the lighting on the bridge. Clearly this is most important at night; else the bridge would be practically invisible and would have to be shut down causing a large amount of chaos.Thisiswhytheseservicesmustbemaintainedvery diligently to help maintain the integrity and use of the bridge.