38417 ACEH PUBLIC Public Disclosure Authorized EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS SPENDING FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND POVERTY REDUCTION Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized THE WORLD BANK OFFICE JAKARTA Jakarta Stock Exchange Building Tower II/12th Fl. Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12910 Tel: (6221) 5299-3000 Fax: (6221) 5299-3111 Website: http://www.worldbank.org/id THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Tel: (202) 458-1876 Fax: (202) 522-1557/1560 Email:
[email protected] Website: http://www.worldbank.org ACEH PUBLIC EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS SPENDING FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND POVERTY REDUCTION ACEH PUBLIC EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS SPENDING FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND POVERTY REDUCTION Acknowledgments This Aceh Public Expenditure Analysis (APEA) is a collaboration between the World Bank and four Acehnese universities: Syiah Kuala University and IAIN Ar-Raniry (Banda Aceh), Malikul Saleh University, and Politeknik University (Lhokseumawe). This report was prepared by a core team led by Oleksiy Ivaschenko, Ahya Ihsan, and Enrique Blanco Armas, together with Cut Dian Rahmi and Eleonora Suk Mei Tan. The core team also included Patrick Barron, Cliff Burkley, John Cameron, Taufi q C. Dawood, Guy Janssen, Rehan Kausar, Harry Masyrafah, Sylvia Njotomihardjo, Peter Rooney, and Chairani Triasdewi. Syamsul Rizal (Syiah Kuala University) coordinated local partners, and Djakfar Ahmad provided outreach to members of provincial and local governments. Wolfgang Fengler supervised the APEA process and production of this report. Andrew Steer (Country Director), together with Victor Bottini (Resident Representative in Aceh), Joel Hellman (Chief Governance Advisor and Aceh Coordinator), and Scott Guggenheim (Lead Social Development Specialist), provided overall guidance throughout the process.