GREENBANK NAA NEWSLETTER GREY FUNNEL DITS Disclaimer: The material contained in this publication is in the nature of entertainment for the members. Contributions are acknowledged, with thanks, from service organisations. The editor expressly Disclaims all and any liability to any person, whether an association member or not. Views expressed may not necessary be those held by the Executive or the members. Editor: Tony Holliday
[email protected] 0403026916 Series No. 3 Date: March 2020 Issue No3. GREENBANK NAVAL ASSOCIATION Sub Section Events: March 2020 - April 2020 March: Tuesday 3 March 2020 1900-2100 Normal Meeting RSL Rooms Wednesday 25 March 2020 1000-1030 Executive Meeti8ng RSL Rooms April: Tuesday 07 April 2020 1900-2100 Normal Meeting RSL Rooms Saturday 25 April 2020 0930 Anzac Day Service Wednesday 29 April 2020 1000-1030 Executive Meeting RSL Rooms Your Sub Section Executive : At the Sub Section AGM held on Sunday 9th February the following Executive Positions were filled; President: Michael Brophy Treasurer: Henk Winkeler Secretary: Tony Holliday Vice President 1 Terry McLean Vice President 2 vacant Social Committee Vacant Council Delegate Vacant Congratulations on those members who have been re-elected to the Executive Editors Request: Articles for the newsletter can be handed in at meetings, or by email: articles may be edited to fit the newsletter. The contents of this edition of the newsletter have been obtained from information provided from Len Kingston-Kerr whom I thank greatly, various publication publications and NAA information emailed in. 1 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY – PERSONALITY CPO C.S. Choules A former Royal Navy World War I and Royal Australian Navy World War II veteran, Claude’s life spanned the existence of the Australian Navy, which came into being on 1 March 1901, only two days before his birth.