Statistical bulletin

Monthly update

2020-11 © National Bank of , Brussels

All rights reserved.

Reproduction for educational and non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged.

ISSN 1373-6868 (print) ISSN 1780-7107 (online)

Closing date 10 December 2020 Table of contents


2. Business and consumer surveys 2.1 Monthly business survey: national results 10 2.1.1 Overall synthetic curve and comment 10 2.1.2 Numerical value of the global synthetic curve and underlying sectors 11 2.2 Monthly business surveys: regional results 13 2.2.1 Overall synthetic curve by region 13 2.3 Monthly consumer survey: national results 14 2.3.1 Consumer confidence indicator survey and comment 14 2.3.2 Consumer confidence indicator and components 15 2.4 Monthly consumer survey: regional results 17 2.4.1 Consumer confidence indicator by region 17

3. Employment, unemployment 3.2 Unemployment 20

4. Industry 4.1 Industrial production (Nace Rev.2) 22

7. Index prices 7.1 Price indices for raw materials 24 7.2 Price indices for production and import and their components 25 7.3 Producer price indices - total market - summary table 26 7.4 Consumer price in Belgium 27

8. Foreign trade of Belgium according to the community concept 8.1 Belgian foreign trade according to the community concept: monthly development 30 8.2 Belgian foreign trade according to the community concept: cumulative development 31 8.3 Belgian foreign trade according to the community concept: percentage changes, cumulative data 32

10. Exchange rates 10.1 Reference exchange rates of the 34 10.2 Nominal effective exchange rate 37 10.3 Irrevocably fixed conversion rates to the euro 38

3 11. Public finances 11.5 Official debt and net financial balance 40 11.5.1 Details of revenue collected by the Treasury 40 11.5.2 Official debt and net balance to be financed of the Treasury 41

13. Monetary financial institutions 13.1 44 13.1.1 Consolidated weekly financial statement of the Eurosystem 44 13.2 46 13.2.1 Monthly financial statement of the National Bank of Belgium 46 13.3 Credit institutions - social data 48 13.3.2 Balance sheets of the credit institutions as a whole, data on corporate basis 48 13.3.3 Off-balance-sheet items of credit institutions as a whole, data on corporate basis 50 13.4 Credit institutions, data on territorial basis 52 13.4.1 Credit institutions’ main balance sheet items 52 13.4.2 Claims originally granted by credit institutions 54 13.4.3 Deposits and other receivables held with credit institutions 60

15. Financial assets held by non-financial companies and households 15.1 Monetary aggregates of the euro area 66 15.2 Belgian contribution to the monetary aggregates of the 67 15.2.2 Belgian contribution to the monetary aggregates of the eurozone (from January 2002 onwards) 67

16. Liabilities of households and non-financial companies 16.2 Households and individuals 70 16.2.3 Consumer and mortgage credit according to the Central individual credit register 70 16.2.4 Results of the survey on the purpose of mortgage credits 72

17. Capital market 17.1 Fixed interest securities 76 17.1.5 Public issues of bonds in national at over one year by the public sector 76 17.1.6 Outstanding amount of linear bonds 78 17.2 Shares and other equity 79 17.2.1 Issues of shares 79 17.2.3 Stock exchange activity 80

18. Money market 18.10 Transactions on the secondary market in dematerialised securities 82

19. Interest rates 19.1 Main interest rates of the monetary policy of the Eurosystem 84 19.2 Reference interest rates on the secondary market for treasury certificates issued by the Belgian Government 85

4 19.4 MFI interest rates (MIR) 86 19.4.1 Interest rates on new business in EUR 86 19.4.2 Interest rates on outstanding amounts in EUR 88 19.5 Long-term yield rates on the Belgian secondary market for bonds issued by the Belgian public sector 89 19.7 Gross yield rates of 10 year Benchmark bond on the secondary market: international comparison 90 19.8 Official interest rates or intervention rates of foreign central banks 91

General remarks 93

Conventional signs 95

List of abbreviations 97




CHART 1 OVERALL SYNTHETIC CURVE (manufacturing industry, building industry, business-related services and trade)








-50 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Seasonally adjusted and smoothed series Seasonally adjusted series

Source: NBB.

Business confidence drops back in November

• After rising for six consecutive months, the business barometer has turned downwards in November. • The business climate has deteriorated in the trade sector in particular, more than wiping out last month’s clear rebound, as well as in business-related services. The building industry also registered a decline. The manufacturing industry is the only sector to – narrowly – escape the prevailing gloom.

After the upturn seen in October, the economic situation has clearly weakened in the trade sector. The pessimism has fed through to all types of trade. Demand forecasts have collapsed, triggering an anticipated reduction in orders placed with suppliers. Job prospects are also shrinking too, albeit to a lesser extent.

In the business-related services sector, it has been expectations regarding general market demand that have fallen the most sharply. Entrepreneurs appear to take a more negative attitude about the future of their own business activity, the current level of which is also being assessed much less favourably given the time of the year.

In the building industry, too, all components of the indicator have fallen back, whether they concern recent developments with order books and use of equipment, appraisal of the current order book situation or demand forecasts.

As for the sixth – although modest – improvement in a row observed in the manufacturing industry, this is largely premised on a slightly more positive appraisal of total order books and on employment prospects that are picking up marginally.

The overall smoothed synthetic curve, which reflects the underlying cyclical trend, continues to rise.

10 2 series and smoothed Seasonally adjusted Trade series Seasonally adjusted 2 series and smoothed Seasonally adjusted Business-related services series Seasonally adjusted 2 Curves by sector of activity series and smoothed Seasonally adjusted series Building industry (structural building work) Seasonally adjusted 2 S series and smoothed Seasonally adjusted Manufacturing industry series Seasonally adjusted d e t s d u e j ing industry, business-related services and trade. h 2 d t a o o y 1 l l m a s n series d o n s a and smoothed a e SeasonallyS adjusted d e t s u j d s a e i Global synthetic curve y r 0.4 -0.6 -3.0 -3.3 6.7 4.8 8.9 6.8 0.2 -6.1 l l -0.9-1.5-1.7-0.7-3.2-3.6 -1.1-4.9 -1.4-5.0 -1.6-5.8 -2.1-5.7 -2.9-4.6 -3.8 -4.0-3.9 -4.6 -3.1-3.4 -5.2 -4.6-2.0 -5.5 -3.1-2.7 -5.4 -6.1 -4.7 -6.6 -3.4 -3.9 -8.5 -3.7 -3.3 -9.1 -4.2 -2.9 -9.6 -4.9 -10.1 -4.8 -5.9 -8.6 -7.0 4.6 -7.6 -7.9-8.5 -6.3 1.9 -8.6 5.5 -4.9 -8.9 -8.7 5.2 -5.5 0.5 -8.2 4.0 5.0 -7.5 2.1 -6.9 4.9 2.6 4.6 -7.1 2.2 -10.6 4.1 3.5 3.5 1.4 3.0 6.6 2.1 2.6 3.8 3.2 -9.0 2.4 5.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 2.3 5.3 5.7 2.2 3.4 2.2 6.4 2.0 2.2 5.8 4.5 2.1 5.4 3.0 0.9 5.1 5.1 4.8 7.6 4.3 0.6 7.2 4.0 3.7 -5.4 4.0 -4.3 -6.8 7.8 4.3 3.2 -5.9 5.0 -3.6 5.8 -8.1 -5.6 6.0 -0.7 -5.5 5.5 -4.4 -5.6 1.7 -7.8 -5.6 -5.5 -8.1 -5.3 -7.8 -5.4 -6.5 -5.9 -8.3 -6.5 -6.3 -7.4 -1.4 -8.7 -7.8 -7.6 -7.3 -7.2 -7.8 -10.3 -14.5 e a -10.9-36.1-34.4-22.9-13.9-12.0 -14.7-10.8 -28.5 -31.5-12.1 -23.5 -15.7 -12.2 -11.2 -11.1 -32.6 -36.0 -30.6 -17.7 -14.0 -16.6 -11.6 -22.7 -26.6 -25.3 -20.9 -8.0 1.7 -23.2 -24.3 -7.3 -1.5 -1.5 -3.9 -5.4 -5.9 -4.0 -6.5 -5.7 -22.0 -12.1 -62.1 -35.1 -5.1 -8.1 -12.5 -17.1 -16.8 -5.8 -13.3 -9.2 -9.9 -11.7 -41.6 -41.8 -24.0 -22.7 -17.9 -14.3 -18.2 -21.6 -23.1 -23.4 -23.1 -26.3 -30.4 s series n o s a e SeasonallyS adjusted NBB December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October November Weighted average of theThe synthetic smoothed curve series of are manufacturing based industry, on build the seasonally adjusted series. 2.1.2 NUMERICAL(balances) VALUE OF THE GLOBAL SYNTHETIC CURVE AND UNDERLYING SECTOR 2018 November 2019 January 2020 January Source: 1 2



20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

-50 -50 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Seasonally adjusted and smoothed series Seasonally adjusted series Seasonally adjusted and smoothed series Seasonally adjusted series

Source: NBB. Source: NBB.


20 20

10 10 0 0 -10

-20 -10

-30 -20 -40 -30 -50

-60 -40

-70 -50 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Seasonally adjusted and smoothed series Seasonally adjusted series Seasonally adjusted and smoothed series Seasonally adjusted series

Source: NBB. Source: NBB.


Regional curves Flemish region Walloon region Brussels-Capital region Seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted series and smoothed series and smoothed series and smoothed series 1 series 1 series 1

2019 November -4.1 -4.0 -5.1 -4.9 -4.8 -1.7 December -4.5 -4.1 -5.0 -5.0 -0.4 -1.4

2020 January -3.2 -4.9 -3.9 -6.2 -1.0 -2.5 February -1.8 -8.2 -3.5 -9.8 -1.5 -7.2 March -9.8 -13.5 -15.1 -14.3 -10.7 -14.1 April -36.9 -18.8 -35.9 -18.8 -51.1 -21.0 May -34.2 -22.4 -32.2 -21.1 -37.4 -26.5 June -25.3 -22.2 -23.1 -20.1 -29.0 -27.9 July -15.7 -19.8 -13.8 -18.0 -27.5 -26.2 August -18.0 -14.7 -15.0 September -13.5 -15.3 -19.7 October -11.4 -14.1 -23.1 November -15.3 -16.9 -21.4

Source: NBB N.B.: For the Brussels-Capital region only the overall synthetic curve is published at present. 1 The smoothed series are based on the seasonally adjusted series.

CHART 6 OVERALL SYNTHETIC CURVE BY REGION (manufacturing industry, building industry, business-related services and trade)










-70 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Flemish Region - Smoothed series Walloon Region - Smoothed series Brussels-Capital Region - Smoothed series Flemish Region - Adjusted series Walloon Region - Adjusted series Brussels-Capital Region - Adjusted series

Source: NBB.








-35 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: NBB.

Consumer confidence picks up a little in November

• The recent measures tightening up the lockdown (which came into force on Monday 2 November, the first day of the survey) initially had a dampening effect on the morale of households, before gradually subsiding over the survey period. • All components of the indicator have improved, even if only modestly, with the exception of prospects regarding consumers’ financial situation, which have remained stable.

Consumers appeared more optimistic about the expected trend in the general economic situation in Belgium, with the indicator back to its pre-pandemic level. The fear of a rise in unemployment over the coming twelve months continues to recede, albeit at a very slow pace and it is still high from a historical perspective.

On the personal front, households’ outlook regarding their financial situation has remained unchanged. A higher proportion of them are expecting to save more. Savings intentions are running at a historically high level, indicating a persistence of the effects of the health crisis in this area.

14 p -4 households Forecasts of saving capacity of p -2 households Forecasts financial situation of Components p 7 Forecasts unemployment in Belgium p -9 Forecasts economic situation in Belgium r o t a c i d n i e c n e p d i f -1-5-6-7-6-7-5 -7-6-9-8 -4 -12-6-8 -13 -12-6 -11-4 -13-9 -16 -15 -20 -16 -1 -14 1 -17 5 -15 6 -17 9 12 -28 8 8 13 12 -2 7 -2 11 -3 8 -3 6 -1 16 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 1 -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 -8 -4 3 -1 1 -2 -1 -1 -4 -1 -5 2 6 8 n -11-26-23-19-20 -22-26-16-17-15 -47 -28 -18 -22 18 -38 -20 -20 -17 60 70 70 70 77 -4 62 59 58 -6 -2 1 1 -1 -1 2 1 1 9 7 13 12 12 17 10 13 o c r e m u s n o ConsumerC confidence indicator NBB December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October November 2.3.2 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE INDICATOR AND COMPONENTS 2018 November 2019 January 2020 January Source:


CHART 8 GENERAL ECONOMIC SITUATION IN BELGIUM CHART 9 UNEMPLOYMENT IN BELGIUM (expectations for the next twelve months) (expectations for the next twelve months)

30 80

20 70

10 60 50 0 40 -10 30 -20 20 -30 10

-40 0

-50 -10

-60 -20 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: NBB. Source: NBB.

CHART 10 FINANCIAL SITUATION OF HOUSEHOLDS CHART 11 SAVING CAPACITY OF HOUSEHOLDS (expectations for the next twelve months) (expectations for the next twelve months)

20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: NBB. Source: NBB.


Flemish region Walloon region Brussels-Capital region

2019 January -1 -12 -10 February -2 -15 -9 March 0-14-11 April -3 -15 -14 May -1 -10 -10 June -3 -12 -8 July -1 -14 -11 August -4 -15 -15 September -8 -15 -15 October -4 -15 -16 November -1 -13 -13 December -4 -14 -14

2020 January -1 -13 -11 February 2-15-7 March 1-23-14 April -20 -36 -31 May -15 -31 -31 June -12 -25 -25 July -12 -27 -21 August -20 -29 -34 September -9 -25 -22 October -10 -28 -23 November -7 -29 -27

Source: NBB








-50 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Flemish Region Walloon Region Brussels-Capital Region

Source: NBB.


3. Employment, unemployment ly ad- l a t o TotalT n e m o Women W justed data tion, the quarterly averages replace these monthly n e Men M Adjusted harmonised unemployment rate (Eurostat definition), seasonal 12 l a t o TotalT r provide monthly data of the harmonized unemployment rate. Pending a solu years and more inactivity duration of 2 12 aged under 25 Unemployed job-seekers riod of which: young workers during the professional insertion pe- gian households (LFS) from the first quarter of 2017, Eurostat can no longe lt the comparison of the series before and after 2006. -of-month data. women NBB men 290,200277,630289,492306,752315,256306,295 276,992292,309 268,843277,628 270,875260,531 277,550252,158 282,518267,626 272,231257,556 41,644 260,584257,618 39,217 247,761242,704 45,430 234,418257,711 46,791 223,988250,598 47,468 250,580256,141 46,261 230,717266,042 116,752 48,721 225,285273,059 108,332 49,623 213,663247,224 113,808 48,782 237,000252,014 118,487 44,385 220,002255,803 114,618 57,067 218,948254,430 106,896 50,350 226,501258,190 196,080 101,871 42,612 244,525270,502 196,890 36,557 217,310 94,972265,246 197,004 51,337 218,219 87,601262,379 198,313 47,035 219,486 82,494273,530 207,624 42,766 217,433 97,701275,392 210,128 43,153 219,924 567,192 88,687270,255 202,894 57,648 228,905 546,473 82,346262,894 193,278 45,712 224,738 560,367 71,805260,648 186,219 45,437 225,861 584,302 90,614 180,730 43,200 244,631 597,774 85,209 187,120 42,419 251,310 578,526 81,334 182,639 42,678 237,634 552,893 81,543 8.1 182,739 42,943 227,901 97,402 7.1 525,389 179,409 42,526 226,198 83,679 7.7 494,949 182,288 43,991 82,875 8.7 476,145 178,482 54,319 82,896 9.0 518,207 180,112 58,445 81,298 9.1 488,274 184,001 60,179 79,808 8.1 482,903 184,828 53,777 83,308 8.5 456,366 7.1 177,507 49,981 80,925 7.2 494,711 6.3 178,802 80,395 7.4 470,600 5.7 179,944 93,764 8.2 475,089 6.2 179,399 99,273 7.9 492,544 6.2 180,992 99,168 7.8 517,584 6.1 185,244 90,117 7.6 464,534 5.7 183,623 86,159 8.3 470,233 5.5 7.1 183,136 7.2 475,289 5.6 5.6 185,085 7.6 471,863 5.4 4.9 185,419 8.4 478,114 5.1 5.3 183,979 8.5 499,407 5.2 183,330 8.5 489,984 5.7 5.0 184,439 7.8 488,240 5.8 5.0 518,161 5.3 5.1 7.1 526,702 5.0 4.6 6.0 507,889 5.0 5.0 5.4 490,795 5.3 4.8 5.8 486,846 5.3 5.8 5.3 4.7 5.6 5.2 4.6 5.4 5.4 4.9 5.3 5.4 5.0 5.1 5.3 4.9 5.2 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.7 5.2 4.7 5.2 4.9 5.1 4.9 5.0 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.1 Calculations: EUROSTAT, NEO IV II III IV II III December February March April May June July August September October November Due to a methodological break in the labor force survey conducted among Bel Annual or quarterly data:The average supression of of end-of-month the data; unemployment monthly control data: at end the end of 2005 makes difficu 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 data. 3.2 UNEMPLOYMENT 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 November 2020 January Sources: N.B.: 1 2

20 4. Industry sumer goods Non-durable con- goods Consumer goods Durable consumer Total s d o o g t n e m t s e v n InvestmentI goods Industrial groupings by destination of goods y g r e n Energy E s d o o g y r a i d e m r e t n IntermediaryI goods n o i t c u r t s n o ConstructionC water supply Electricity, gas and dustry Manufacturing in- Total industry rying Total industry excluding construction Mining and quar- Total l a t o 89.998.6 92.3 100.4 78.4 91.0 89.9 98.6 115.1 116.0 64.6 95.4 83.7 86.7 n. n. 61.9 80.1 114.9 128.6 52.6 79.4 120.1 132.6 TotalT 116.2117.1100.1108.3106.2 115.1115.5 116.8114.5 100.8114.8 111.2118.1 107.7 115.4104.9 117.2 106.3103.4 115.5 78.6115.9 115.6118.7 87.2 118.2109.8 102.1 116.2 107.2111.3 111.8 117.1 107.3 115.0108.7 100.1 119.0 115.7107.7 121.1 108.3 106.4113.6 113.2 106.2 99.8 85.2 114.4 115.5 110.2100.4 94.7 114.5 112.0 107.3 108.4109.4 114.8 110.5 112.3101.3 137.4 118.1 116.1 119.7 95.0 125.0 104.9 131.1 110.7115.8 76.8 103.4 102.9 122.9123.7 115.9 97.9 82.5 110.4 120.8 118.7 99.7 103.7 117.4 95.1 107.1 89.6 109.8 112.4 128.8 111.7 106.1 111.3 116.7 143.3 108.1 98.8 124.1 146.0 108.7 115.7 112.4 91.3 142.2 107.7 106.1 90.4 104.4 100.5 113.6 144.1 102.5 107.5 107.1 71.2 110.7 144.2 106.8 100.4 95.6 110.2 115.4 144.6 109.4 108.2 102.5 121.8 136.8 103.4 101.3 124.0 111.3 139.9 103.2 110.9 118.5 102.7 115.8 96.8 80.8 113.2 125.7 123.7 90.5 107.1 115.4 98.2 113.1 110.7 108.6 103.9 109.4 125.5 100.0 96.9 124.9 88.7 99.6 112.8 142.0 120.1 116.2 89.3 108.8 121.2 92.7 123.3 105.9 113.2 125.6 110.2 105.0 126.0 113.6 99.8 65.8 118.2 120.2 108.9 102.6 124.6 129.4 116.7 93.5 95.2 124.2 130.5 106.5 84.1 89.6 128.3 97.9 n. 113.6 96.7 144.2 n. 89.6 92.6 90.6 126.0 109.5 104.8 n. 103.8 145.5 122.6 115.5 92.6 149.0 135.2 103.1 n. 137.1 105.6 n. 105.9 108.3 95.4 120.0 122.4 124.6 n. 99.6 131.1 n. 92.8 139.8 85.2 133.3 106.5 130.2 81.4 112.7 146.8 119.0 101.4 77.8 n. 123.5 96.6 88.9 144.6 104.9 125.4 108.6 152.2 139.4 138.9 131.7 131.4 97.3 111.4 126.7 96.5 126.4 142.4 89.6 138.9 100.6 120.5 70.3 160.6 125.5 82.3 149.0 104.3 134.0 136.4 104.1 129.8 141.5 165.0 STATBEL Nov. Dec. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Provisional data for the last six months. 4.1(gross INDUSTRIAL indices PRODUCTION year (NACE 2015 REV.2) = 100) NACE-div.2018 Oct. 10 - 412019 Jan. 10 - 14 15 - 372020 40 - 41 Jan. 45 Source: N.B.:

22 7. Index prices ge of three spot Crude oil (petro- prices: UKBrent, West Texas inter- mediate and Dubai leum), simple avera- Energy raw materials Total Metals (includes zinc, lead and ura- nium price indices) copper, aluminium, iron, ore, tin, nickel, price indices) rubber and hides ber, cotton, wool, Agricultural raw ma- terials (includes tim- Industrial raw materials Total coa) coffee, tea and co- Beverages (includes oranges Cereals, vegetable Food and Beverage oils, meat, seafood, sugar, bananas and Total raw materials Excluding energy figure 91.7 108.593.784.091.399.9 95.5 107.6 105.5 108.2 112.0 96.4 96.4 92.4 95.6 98.4 84.5 97.2 92.9 96.5 99.8 114.0 87.5 86.3 85.2 82.1 91.3 113.2 108.4 112.8 120.7 123.0 95.9 91.3 90.6 92.1 67.4 120.1 115.2 121.6 132.1 71.8 73.7 52.8 66.9 82.4 76.2 50.5 72.3 92.8 146.1182.5174.4168.8159.1108.3 122.9100.0 147.3113.5 136.1128.2 128.2117.6 121.1130.2 173.8 105.4123.8 100.0 125.5118.7 106.4 119.8119.8 107.8 118.3115.2 108.7 118.0116.6 104.3 105.4 98.9108.1 104.1 100.0 125.0 106.8 103.1 120.9106.9 108.9 101.3 120.5116.9 109.8 118.6 98.2120.0 109.3 105.5 97.9119.6 98.6 111.0 100.0 131.0 97.3110.9 103.8 107.3 97.8 118.4 102.5 98.6 92.6 108.6 111.2 97.0 99.3 111.4 169.8 99.3 99.1 103.2 114.1 100.2 100.0 195.6103.1 98.3 111.4 159.5 95.3108.9 99.1 98.4 100.0 87.5 153.1108.4 136.1 99.4110.7 98.2 103.0 84.2 129.6 100.2115.1 104.0 104.1 101.2 83.3 100.0 161.0 114.3 100.1 84.9 127.9 117.4 119.7 83.0 123.8 122.3 99.3 82.4 120.8 113.1 100.3 122.7 104.0 83.2 125.5 185.8 88.2 125.4 100.0 105.4 120.1 100.0 209.4 88.4 101.1 119.0 96.5 172.1 105.2 124.0 97.9 107.3 165.4 130.0 100.0 88.2 145.3 89.2 104.3 127.2 101.5 91.5 179.8 120.9 107.0 105.6 106.5 100.0 89.2 233.3 118.7 102.6 88.4 229.8 97.6 122.2 104.2 98.6 130.3 227.5 105.0 100.7 132.1 214.1 119.0 105.9 135.1 122.1 168.0 98.8 108.8 119.7 98.1 125.5 100.0 124.5 213.8 99.0 125.6 118.3 222.5 123.9 83.0 131.9 157.7 222.2 139.9 89.9 91.7 205.0 95.1 99.2 85.4 130.4 138.5 99.1 117.8 86.5 130.0 167.8 100.0 102.2 126.5 152.1 123.6 99.0 125.9 135.9 156.7 135.6 133.8 136.7 146.8 126.9 137.4 144.2 122.9 131.2 127.3 143.5 169.3 133.4 103.8 150.5 126.0 140.9 92.4 152.5 95.7 97.4 90.3 129.1 102.8 141.0 132.4 142.4 106.4 127.4 115.9 110.3 139.2 148.9 152.2 142.6 97.1 151.2 149.2 158.3 145.1 126.5 86.9 93.4 90.5 93.3 100.2 98.1 99.9 93.3 91.6 96.9 materials Including energy raw Price indices for raw materials, general index IMF IV II III IV II III December February March April May June July August September October November 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 7.1 PRICE(indices INDICES year FOR 2016 RAW = MATERIALS 100) (2016=100) Weighting2018 100.0 III 2019 I 59.12020 I 2019 November 2020 30.2 January 27.8 2.3Source: 27.0 4.3 22.7 40.9 28.6

24 import prices Production and ported products Unit value of im- 117.49 Industrial pro- duction prices, domestic market 99.91 102.86 109.5 106.4 99.5896.84 112.10 112.69 n. n. ducts 107.85119.73126.03105.38 108.10 111.90103.52 112.54110.73 107.36115.94 108.4116.36 112.7 100.98123.22 112.6 110.01 117.66 109.9 117.81 112.09 108.2 119.36 121.57 112.7 107.0 118.41 114.19 113.2 123.39 117.57 108.7 120.96 121.48 118.97 130.40 104.4 117.10 109.38 120.43 118.36 118.34 124.97 110.01 119.33 119.93119.84 120.50125.26 120.85112.91 120.26116.21 119.09 n. 161.94 115.66 n. 112.77 n. 107.62 n. 103.71 109.64 n. n. n. 113.26 n. n. n. Production and import index prices and their components (2010=100) ticultural pro- Prices of agri- cultural and hor- NBB s Recalculated: h t n o m r o s e g a r e STATBEL, NBB v a IV II III IV II November December February March April May June July August September October y l h t n o 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 7.2 PRICE(indices INDICES year FOR 2010 PRODUCTION = AND 100) IMPORT AND THEIR COMPONENTS MonthlyM averages or months 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Sources:

25 y 0 6 6 g .0 .7 .3 .4 .6 .6 .2 .2 .8 .9 .2 .4 .5 .6 .2 .6 .1 .7 .9 .2 .9 .6 .1 .0 .1 .5 .3 .8 r e n Energy E t n e s m d t o s o e g goods v n Investment I Total goods consumer Non-durable Consumer goods Indices according to the utilisation of the products Durable con- sumer goods t p e e t c a i d e e s t m c r e energy t d n o IntermediateI r p products except d e t n a a i d s t e c m r d e energy t o r n IntermediateI p products and f s o t c e r u d t o c r a p f l u (25-30) a n t equipment a e machinery and ManufactureM of m metal products, d c n Producer price indices - total market : summary table (2010 = 100) e a l e n f o i o t c l u p d p o tricity, gas, r conditioned steam and air- s supply of elec- ProductionP and g n i r ) u t 3 c 3 a f 0 u 1 ( (10-33) n a ManufacturingM Indices according to type of industry d g n n a i g r r n i a n i (05-09) q quarrying M Mining and t x p e e d c n y i g l e r a e r e n e r e energy n e g i f figure, except GeneralG index x e d n i e r l a r g i e f figure 100.0108.9113.0112.4 100.0108.5 106.0103.1 108.2101.7 108.7110.3 100.0 107.1116.0 101.5 105.4117.2 108.1 105.3116.9 110.7 110.3119.7 100.0 112.0 112.6117.9 108.4 112.6 112.9117.3 112.1 113.0 113.1115.9 111.0 117.6 113.2117.8 100.0 108.1 121.6 112.7115.9 113.5 101.1 125.3 113.5109.1 120.1 122.4 99.3 112.9111.6 124.9 107.3 122.8 112.6 100.0117.6 112.2 112.2 124.0 112.0 103.0117.7 117.0 112.9 125.7 109.2 105.5118.2 113.3 116.9 125.7 110.3 104.7117.7 131.0 113.5 125.7 100.0 112.7 103.2116.5 144.5 112.4 127.7 112.6 112.4 104.0113.4 146.9 113.6 128.2 117.3 112.8110.7 143.0 104.0 112.6 128.8 115.9 112.5 105.2107.2 166.9 112.9 100.0 125.9 110.4 112.3 106.6109.5 158.3 111.4 109.3 125.6 101.7 111.0 106.2111.2 141.0 106.3 110.7 125.7 109.5 106.9111.7 136.5 99.2 109.1 110.5 127.2 111.6 108.6 107.0111.9 152.0 100.0 112.7 108.5 127.8 121.4 109.4 106.4114.3 144.8 103.5 112.6 104.6 128.1 122.1 110.0 106.3 126.5 105.5 113.2 128.2 123.0 110.4 106.0 104.3 124.4 107.3 113.2 112.8 128.2 127.6 110.4 105.9 100.0 150.3 105.4 112.1 118.1 128.2 124.0 110.2 104.5 103.2 152.7 107.1 108.8 116.8 128.0 122.2 104.1 106.5 152.8 106.3 119.4 129.1 119.9 108.2 103.7 109.1 146.8 108.8 104.3 119.2 129.2 122.4 100.0 106.2 108.5 144.9 109.6 108.1 117.4 129.5 119.0 103.3 105.7 108.4 142.7 110.5 109.1 118.1 108.2 106.4 105.8 140.6 110.4 109.3 116.7 108.4 112.7 109.0 104.8 110.7 123.4 110.0 108.9 115.1 100.0 122.2 108.3 104.5 109.4 115.5 110.5 108.8 113.5 102.5 122.3 108.3 104.2 112.7 122.3 110.5 108.5 105.7 122.8 104.5 109.2 123.3 110.5 111.6 108.4 104.9 121.9 110.6 104.1 109.6 127.5 110.4 100 115.7 103.4 120.1 109.5 103.6 110.7 147.7 110.3 117 114.8 103.9 115.1 112.5 103.8 112.6 111.4 127 114.8 110.5 109.3 103.5 112.7 103.9 111.3 122 114.5 105.0 105.1 109.7 103.7 114.6 110.6 113 114.2 106.1 109.0 110.7 104.0 115.6 110.5 111.9 105.7 95. 112.0 112.5 114.4 110.0 108.7 106.3 112.8 112.5 113.6 110.1 104 89.1 107.4 106.5 113.2 114.3 113.8 110.4 119 109.4 106.0 117.3 115.3 114.5 110.4 122 110.9 105.7 114.2 115.4 111.0 120 111.8 105.5 113.4 115.8 111.7 132 112.0 105.4 113.6 115.9 111.6 126 111.7 104.0 114.2 115.1 111.8 120 103.6 115.1 115.0 111.2 116 103.0 115.5 114.1 110.8 125 105.6 115.5 114.0 109.7 119 105.2 114.8 113.5 105.3 99. 114.7 113.6 105 104.3 114.0 113.5 124 104.0 113.8 113.2 125 103.8 113.4 126 104.1 113.4 125 103.6 113.4 120 103.1 113.0 111 103.2 105 102.9 102.8 93. 100 103.3 105 105 106 116 n e G General index NBB r Recalculated: o s e g a r e v STATBEL a IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October y l s h h t t n n o o 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 7.3 PRODUCER PRICE INDICESMonthlyM - averages TOTAL or MARKET:m months SUMMARY TABLE 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source:

26 Other services goods and Hotels, café and restaurant Education leisure Culture and 1,2149 for services and 1,1734 voor rents. For the classification 351 for transport, 0,8968 for communication, 1,1273 for leisure cations Communi- .61.91 97.23 97.55 94.21 95.41 96.55 96.92 92.66 95.11 90.76 93.59 100.42 99.66 98.27 99.24 97.66 97.62 Transport 9.63 100.35 98.54 101.16 101.57 101.89 101.73 penses Health ex- Classification by product group 7 100.23 98.49 98.12 101.54 109.93 104.80 103.01 20 100.46 99.23 102.20 102.86 132.09 108.11 104.33 .00 100.00.62 101.73 100.00.46 102.69.62 103.06 102.43 100.00.71 102.62 105.60.06 102.72 107.30 104.24 100.00.25 103.20 106.84 104.23.30 102.95 106.74 104.11 103.93 100.00.69 103.00 106.00 104.48 105.41.00 103.08 107.58 104.36 108.12 132.64 100.00 .89 103.27 107.76 104.29 105.47 134.74.22 103.42 107.89 104.03 106.62 136.64 111.65.56 101.38 107.93 103.97 107.59 134.28 114.12.78 103.12 105.35 104.17 108.01 136.12 117.45 105.92 .83 103.09 107.36 103.58 107.72 136.12 114.89 107.47 .45 103.11 107.84 102.41 109.16 136.12 115.10 109.82 .20 103.33 108.16 103.58 110.09 136.12 115.25 107.71 .98 103.36 109.06 104.21 110.42 138.21 117.98 107.69 .83 103.43 108.13 104.26 110.28 138.28 118.55 109.47 .91 103.41 106.59 104.37 109.27 138.21 118.02 109.67 .78 103.41 105.13 104.09 109.72 138.21 118.33 110.03 .98 101.33 104.86 102.29 109.42 138.21 118.56 110.10 .79 101.37 106.07 100.82 110.28 138.21 119.99 111.27 .74 101.44 107.59 102.63 110.57 138.32 117.67 111.62 101.29 107.47 103.79 110.07 138.32 117.86 112.09 101.44 107.03 103.74 110.82 138.21 118.33 109.87 107.35 103.46 110.38 138.21 118.72 110.16 107.03 103.55 110.38 138.21 117.94 111.05 103.58 110.14 138.21 119.07 111.24 103.53 110.32 138.21 117.91 111.53 110.30 138.21 118.71 111.62 111.46 138.21 120.07 111.58 139.02 120.68 111.65 139.02 119.21 111.95 119.39 112.28 118.78 112.03 112.07 111.90 house house current mainte- nance of Furnishing, equipment, fuels Housing, and other tricity, gas water, elec- fication: 1,2814 for the food products, 1,2123 for the non-food products, 4 for furniture, household equipment, 1,0428 for health expenditure, 1,2 572 18,661 7,769 2,919 15,864 3,780 9,742 0,630 6,882 8,107 wear Clothing and foot- Tobacco and alco- holic drinks ucts and beverages Food prod- Rents Services ,2240 for general index and 1,2077 for health index. For functional classi 0370 for clothes and shoes, 1,3835 for housing, water, electricity, 1,154 t, 1,2800 for other goods and services. products Non-food Functional classification ducts Food pro- n i 1 l l x a r e e d dex v OverallO in- n NBB i x h t e l d dex a 93.3696.2298.77 92.89 96.17 98.90 91.49 93.71 96.51 93.22 98.12 100.81 92.68 94.74 97.74 96.23 97.26 98.74 91.30 93.78 96.69 92.46 92.71 95.03 100.54 101.64 102.86 89.75 96.99 100.62 95.52 96.74 98.64 98.95 99.06 99.34 92 97 e 100.00100.40101.45 100.00103.58 100.34105.49 100.90 100.00107.35 102.89 99.88108.92 105.08 101.18 100.00107.50 107.24 104.03 98.96108.40 108.78 105.30 100.00 97.83108.77 107.53 107.58 99.17108.96 102.14 108.34 108.41 102.03 100.00 104.42108.91 108.51 107.35 104.56 107.22109.05 108.90 102.09 107.72 105.82 109.39 100.00 103.07109.85 108.78 108.47 104.91 111.28 104.02110.12 108.92 108.84 106.57 113.69 105.11 99.62 100.00 100.82110.05 109.64 108.38 106.00 111.82 106.16 103.08109.00 109.50 107.94 105.97 111.95 107.27 104.38 104.23 100.00 107.67109.18 109.67 110.41 105.44 112.67 106.25 106.63 115.78109.72 108.90 112.97 105.86 113.65 106.40 107.46 118.61 101.19 100.00 101.81109.87 109.04 112.25 105.52 114.18 106.95 106.30 123.07 102.68109.96 109.69 108.00 103.66 114.24 107.13 106.82 125.92 103.28 100 110.22 109.71 98.59 108.00 103.93 114.93 107.32 98.98 107.57 124.29 103.74110.10 101.10 109.53 109.40 105.81 115.11 107.68 107.90 123.43 104.53 104.88110.05 109.53 110.37 101.38 106.02 115.76 109.59 107.36 102.2 124.34 103.46 108.07110.16 109.45 103. 111.45 106.13 114.21 110.08 107.01 126.25 103.71 109.46 103 110.20 109.52 113.34 105.66 114.35 109.91 109.44 127.04 9 104.31 108.24 104 109.78 109.76 113.27 104.77 114.90 107.68 111.94 126.07 104.45 111.50 105 110.11 109.83 112.30 103.56 115.05 107.73 111.24 128.22 104.40 110.69 104 109.91 109.42 112.57 103.49 114.85 109.77 106.93 131.10 104.97 109.45 104 109.64 112.76 103.93 115.11 109.26 107.16 130.56 104.80 108.75 104 109.46 111.42 103.92 114.99 109.73 108.53 127.26 104.58 108.97 105 111.38 103.99 115.22 110.08 109.26 125.38 104.74 108.77 105 110.59 103.87 115.90 110.02 110.52 126.68 104.99 107.17 105 104.20 115.90 110.15 112.25 129.27 105.08 106.54 106 104.10 115.49 109.72 112.06 128.71 105.13 109.03 107 115.65 109.83 111.50 131.83 104.59 108.89 106 115.70 110.17 111.73 132.78 104.67 109.28 105 110.81 111.77 128.70 104.54 108.62 105 110.79 110.21 129.32 104.57 108.40 106 110.52 130.75 104.64 107.45 106 109.43 131.60 104.55 107.03 106 128.66 104.69 107.02 107 130.62 104.98 106.52 106 105.03 106.57 106 105.03 106.53 106 107.53 106 107.38 106 106 106 HealthH in- Recalculated: s e g a r e v STATBEL s a IV II III IV II III December February March April May June July August September October November h t y l n h o t and culture, 1,2030 for education, 1,2898 for hotels, cafés and restauran by groups of products: 1,2814 for the food products, 1,4214 for tobacco, 1, n To convert to indices in base 2004=100, we must use the next coefficients: 1 m o r 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 7.4 CONSUMER(indices PRICE year IN 2013 BELGIUM = 100) MonthlyM averages o or months Weighting 100,000 18,2312018 III 43,7372019 I 30,588 7,4422020 I 16,7132019 November 2,3602020 January 6, Source: 1


8. Foreign trade of Belgium according to the community concept p 1 .3 .0 3.1 9.6 7.5 4.5 53.6 04.7 25.8 034.7 219.2 735.7 956.4 343.9 870.5 397.1 903.8 340.1 154.8 017.8 754.0 611.0 925.5 447.4 765.6 792.4 635.0 036.5 369.8 711.0 668.1 417.1 1,119.2 1,573.5 2,322.5 1,588.8 1,091.8 1,775.3 1,723.4 2,099.0 1,060.0 1,495.1 1,707.0 Extra-EU 1 p Intra-EU Trade balance p Total p Extra-EU 1 p Import Intra-EU p Total ELOPMENT p Extra-EU 1 p Export Intra-EU p Total 29,775.430,717.336,444.629,706.833,452.433,104.9 19,279.330,089.6 19,337.229,728.3 23,243.831,364.0 19,085.432,839.0 21,278.533,368.6 21,086.1 10,496.130,002.9 19,386.9 11,380.133,757.0 19,004.4 13,200.831,670.4 20,155.9 10,621.434,994.2 21,322.7 12,173.931,232.7 21,567.5 12,018.8 29,858.033,332.4 18,888.1 10,702.8 29,371.735,072.8 22,289.3 10,724.0 34,369.033,544.3 20,275.0 11,208.0 28,583.531,190.2 22,657.0 11,516.3 31,781.032,981.6 20,639.8 11,801.1 30,737.3 17,327.235,589.5 21,404.7 11,114.8 27,930.3 17,772.533,665.5 22,868.5 11,467.7 28,501.6 20,432.529,612.4 21,947.3 11,395.4 29,818.4 16,842.933,708.1 19,862.9 12,337.2 31,193.4 18,650.732,289.7 21,407.7 10,592.9 31,010.7 18,374.6 12,530.834,923.0 23,407.7 11,927.7 29,432.7 16,357.0 11,599.334,097.7 22,433.8 12,204.3 32,661.4 16,204.1 13,936.534,752.0 18,853.8 11,597.0 30,241.4 18,213.3 11,740.632,655.9 22,313.3 11,327.2 34,091.4 18,773.3 13,130.334,389.3 21,216.8 11,573.9 30,155.4 18,869.5 12,362.7 -82.629,789.7 22,431.5 12,181.9 31,836.4 18,524.0 11,573.3 1,345.633,542.7 22,294.5 11,231.8 33,049.4 18,871.2 12,297.5 2,075.635,742.9 23,238.5 10,758.6 32,517.5 18,691.2 11,605.1 1,123.332,783.1 21,756.5 11,394.9 30,645.5 20,736.4 12,420.1 1,671.430,466.2 21,946.0 11,072.9 31,497.5 17,973.7 12,141.1 2,367.634,069.7 18,735.8 12,491.5 34,392.1 18,816.9 10,908.7 2,159.3 1,952.1 1,564.833,155.1 21,622.5 11,803.2 33,667.3 20,091.1 13,790.2 1,226.7 2,811.332,922.9 22,973.8 11,513.5 30,397.2 19,145.2 11,550.1 1,545.6 2,242.524,676.4 21,837.2 10,899.3 32,739.3 17,707.2 13,355.0 1,645.6 2,627.825,397.0 19,413.9 12,443.2 30,906.4 18,998.1 12,181.7 2,357.9 2,711.529,826.7 22,586.1 11,054.0 33,757.9 20,486.8 13,019.5 3,029.8 -2, 570.229,287.1 20,968.8 11,920.3 33,646.2 20,481.9 12,958.4 1,095.6 - 2,800.226,749.2 20,795.6 12,769.1 34,128.3 18,926.3 13,372.3 1,429.0 - 1,942.7 - 31,747.1 15,837.9 10,945.9 31,539.0 19,897.0 12,938.2 2,549.5 902.8 16,722.4 11,052.3 31,849.7 19,068.0 12,499.4 1,077.3 - 2,698.0 19,555.7 11,483.6 27,920.1 20,474.0 13,905.3 1,496.0 - 18,706.1 12,186.2 31,399.2 20,208.0 13,185.4 2,023.4 - 3,418.2 364.1 - 17,654.4 12,127.3 33,631.9 20,578.3 11,470.9 1,026.8 1,583.8 19,857.6 31,014.2 18,540.6 12,842.3 8,838.5 - 544.7 29,539.8 19,036.6 11,838.5 1,920.6 1,484.1 8,674.6 - 2,666.1 10,271.1 32,904.5 16,155.2 13,283.9 1,197.4 - 2,587.8 10,581.0 31,312.2 18,418.9 13,438.2 2,777.4 - 31,103.9 20,194.6 13,550.0 -1.8 9,094.9 -784.8 2,802.1 206.1 11,889.5 18,573.2 12,998.4 24,228.5 - 968.8 17,784.4 12,813.0 2,155.7 1,383.3 24,520.3 -1, 2,409.6 - 27,972.1 19,713.9 11,764.9 1,165.1 2,920.9 - 27,017.3 19,165.5 12,980.3 451.5 18,559.5 13,437.3 25,851.4 - 1,951.9 623.7 - 30,415.3 12,441.0 1,116.9 13,785.3 -72.4 11,755.4 2,416.3 2,539.6 14,688.2 -1, 2,148.8 17,675.2 13,190.5 1,869.6 - 1,957.5 - 16,480.8 12,146.6 2,143.5 12,544.4 2,086.5 2,111.0 16,031.4 -1,9 18,870.8 2,660.2 1,768.9 10,443.3 3,216.0 -712 -1, 2,909.4 926.4 9,832.1 10,296.9 1,165.2 - 2,580.6 10,536.5 1,842.9 - 3,203.6 1,819.0 -1, 2,779.2 9,820.0 11,544.5 -2, 3,264.0 - 447.9 1,629.6 1,854.6 876.7 - 2,872.2 2,269.8 - 1,803.3 - 2,236.1 1,331.8 897.8 - - 2,052.6 1,880.5 2,034.2 - -70 2,225.3 3 - 1,622.9 986.8 -1,6 -1,15 - 4 -725. 345 NBB p p p p p p p p p p Calculations: p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p NAI, NBB February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September Adjusted results - see point 6.2 of the methodological note (https://www. 8.1 BELGIAN FOREIGN TRADE ACCORDING TO THE COMMUNITY CONCEPT: MONTHLY DEV 2017 January 2018 January 2019 January 2020 January Source: 1

30 p 034.7 447.4 2,253.9 2,989.6 2,322.5 2,477.3 2,213.0 1,707.0 1,667.4 -3,495.1 -3,005.4 -2,084.5 Extra-EU 1 p 7 -4,108.8 7 -5,083.9 1 -4,640.4 2 -3,689.2 .4 -4,846.7 8.5 -5,065.2 6.5 -6,175.7 10.0 -5,409.1 53.956.0 -6,929.7 -8,705.0 69.385.394.7 -6,676.9 -8,775.9 -9,145.7 78.9 -4,872.5 939.8740.0 -6,279.6 -7,853.1 911.7 -10,316.0 104.2727.1 -4,828.0 -5,553.1 ,975.3 -9,856.7 ,713.9 -5,208.1 1,682.74,232.26,930.27,294.3 -8,250.2 -9,154.0 -9,494.1 -9,288.0 2,321.35,242.27,194.17,121.7 -11,241.5 -12,964.9 -14,918.5 -15,630.8 3,178.95,958.19,222.10,851.7 -10,916.7 -11,584.8 -13,079.9 -13,783.0 Intra-EU Trade balance p Total p Extra-EU 1 p Import Intra-EU p Total DEVELOPMENT p Extra-EU 1 p Export Intra-EU p Total 29,775.460,492.796,937.3 19,279.3 38,616.5 61,860.3 10,496.1 21,876.233,757.0 35,077.065,427.4 29,858.0 59,229.7 22,289.3 93,598.7 42,564.3 17,327.2 35,099.7 11,467.7 55,532.2 22,863.133,708.165,997.8 12,530.8 24,130.1 32,661.4 38,066.6 62,902.8 22,313.3 43,530.1 -82.6 1,263.0 18,871.2 3,338.6 37,562.4 11,394.9 22,467.834,069.7 1,952.1 3,516.967,224.8 13,790.2 6,328.2 25,340.3 32,739.3 63,645.7 22,586.1 -2, - 43,554.9 1,095.6 - 2,524.6 19,897.0 38,965.0 11,483.6 23,669.8 3,418.2 5,002.0 12,842.3 24,680.8 32,904.5 64,216.7 - - 968.8 2,352.1 19,713.9 38,879.4 2,416.3 4,565.1 13,190.5 25,337.1 -1, - 1,165.2 3,008.1 2,872.2 4,675.5 - - 126,644.1160,096.5193,201.4223,291.0253,019.3284,383.3 80,945.7 102,224.2317,222.3 123,310.3350,590.9 142,697.2380,593.8 161,701.6 181,857.5 45,698.4 203,180.2 57,872.3100,421.6 224,747.7 69,891.1131,654.3 243,635.8 80,593.9164,986.7 91,317.9200,059.5 102,525.9 122,182.2233,603.8 114,042.2 153,963.2264,794.0 65,221.3 125,843.3 184,700.5297,775.6 85,861.1 136,958.1 212,630.8 107,265.8333,365.1 241,132.4 130,134.3 270,950.8367,030.6 152,081.6 72,375.1 302,144.2396,643.0 91,025.8 171,944.5 333,154.9 109,400.4 35,200.3 193,352.2 362,587.6 125,757.4 45,793.2 216,759.9 57,720.9 141,961.5100,920.8 160,174.8 239,193.7 69,925.2135,018.5 178,948.1 258,047.5 81,522.2 49,807.2169,770.5 62,937.5 197,817.6 92,849.4202,426.4 75,300.2 96,994.2 104,423.3 216,341.6 127,149.6236,815.7 86,873.5 116,605.2 158,986.0266,605.4 65,961.6 99,171.0 127,837.0 110,776.1 192,035.4300,148.1 88,256.1 138,595.6 123,196.2 224,552.9 111,494.6 4,461.9335,891.0 135,337.3 255,198.4 6,133.3 133,251.1 286,695.9368,674.1 58,298.8 8,500.9 146,246.0 155,197.1 76,272.5 10,660.2 321,088.0399,140.3 95,089.4 173,932.9 11,886.9 354,755.3 115,180.5 34,959.3 13,432.5 195,555.4 385,152.5 134,325.7 46,762.5 15,078.1 218,529.2 58,276.0 152,032.9100,147.7 17,436.0 8,570. 11,19 171,031.0 240,366.4 69,175.3124,824.1 38,695.3 18,006.2 13,9 191,517.8 259,780.3 81,618.5 50,877.0 16, 150,221.1 63,896.5 211,999.7 92,672.5 19, 180,047.8 76,854.9 97,403.6 2 104,592.8 230,926.0 131,049.8209,334.9 90,227.2 2 117,361.9 165,178.1 103,165.4236,084.1 64,350.5 2 128,307.8 115,664.8 196,717.1267,831.2 80,188.4 2 3,427.4 139,360.1 129,570.1 228,566.8 4,504.7 96,910.8 142,755.5 256,486.9 6,000.7 116,466.5 287,886.1 59,439.0 8,024.1 154,226.4 135,172.6 79,647.0 321,518.0 100,225.3 9,050.9 152,827.0 9,595.6 352,532.2 118,765.9 35,797.1 11,079.7 172,684.6 382,072.0 137,802.5 44,635.6 12,277.1 6,922.6 153,957.7 53,310.2 12,275.3 9,588. 12,17 172,376.6 63,581.3 37,964.7 11,490.5 14,9 192,571.2 74,162.3 51,402.9 64,952.9 17,7 211,144.4 83,257.2 19, 77,951.3 95,320.6 2 228,928.8 95,146.7 119,549.1 90,764.3 2 102,529.2 144,069.4 2 115,509.5 172,041.5 2 3,517.2 128,946.8 199,058.8 3,968.7 4,592.4 141,387.8 224,910.2 57,438.9 5,709.3 153,143.2 255,325.5 71,224.2 8,248.9 10,118.5 85,912.4 103,587.6 12,262.0 120,068.4 14,373.0 6,522.6 136,099.8 16,141.9 11,2 8,609. 154,970.6 37,881.5 17,068.3 14,4 48,324.8 17,3 19 58,156.9 68,453.8 2 78,990.3 2 88,810.3 2 100,354.8 3 4,827.1 5,275.0 6,151.7 8,006.3 10,276.1 11,173.9 12,505.7 6,911.6 8,964. 10,998 12,8 15, 16, 17 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Nov. Jan.-Dec. Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Nov. Jan.-Dec. Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Nov. Jan.-Dec. Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Adjusted results - see point 6.2 of the methodological note (https://www. 8.2 BELGIAN FOREIGN TRADE ACCORDING TO THE COMMUNITY CONCEPT: CUMULATIVE 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Jan. 2020 Jan. 1

31 p Importations Valeurs unitaires p Exportations p Importations Quantités p Exportations p CHANGES, CUMULATIVE DATA Importations Valeurs p 12.46.1 7.05.7 10.3 8.08.2 9.43.6 8.14.0 7.53.1 6.33.6 5.84.6 6.1 2.44.7 6.0 -1.24.7 5.8 1.95.1 -0.14.7 6.24.2 1.5 3.6 1.5 4.10.9 1.6 3.30.5 1.8 4.02.6 1.2 5.62.9 1.7 0.8 5.81.2 1.9 -1.9 5.81.4 1.5 0.5 6.30.7 -1.0 6.50.8 4.6 1.2 6.20.8 1.5 1.00.4 1.6 1.1 1.2 -0.10.6 0.8 0.4 -0.51.1 0.7 3.11.9 0.3 3.5 1.2 3.9 -0.2 5.3 1.4 2.4 -0.6 6.2 1.1 1.8 -0.7 6.0 0.5 -1.2 3.9 0.4 5.8 -1.2 1.7 0.1 5.3 -0.6 1.5 5.0 -0.9 -0.3 -0.8 4.6 -2.5 -0.8 0.5 4.6 -0.3 0.0 0.9 11.5 4.4 0.1 -0.4 4.1 -0.5 9.1 -1.0 4.1 -0.5 9.8 -1.0 -0.5 9.2 -1.2 3.4 -0.1 -1.2 8.1 2.0 0.3 7.0 2.4 0.1 -3.3 3.1 6.3 -0.1 -4.2 4.1 5.5 -4.3 -2.2 5.1 4.3 -3.3 4.9 -0.4 4.9 -0.8 5.3 4.5 -1.3 5.9 4.6 -2.1 6.0 -2.0 5.5 2.2 -2.1 1.9 -2.6 1.8 2.5 -2.7 3.6 3.0 4.8 -3.4 2.9 -3.0 5.6 2.9 6.2 1.7 6.9 1.9 7.4 1.2 7.8 0.9 7.5 0.5 0.4 4.7 0.7 4.8 5.6 5.4 5.4 4.3 3.3 3.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.9 4.0 4.0 -0.1 0.2-0.8-7.5 -1.3 -2.1 -8.8 -4.8 -4.8 -11.0 1.1 -5.4 -9.7 5.3 4.2 3.8 3.4 1.0 13.4 9.4 9.4 7.5 3.7 1.8 -11.5-11.0-11.6-11.4-10.8 -12.8 -12.6 -12.9 -12.3 -11.3 -14.0 -13.9 -13.6 -13.0 -11.9 -13.2 -12.8 -12.7 -12.3 -10.8 2.9 3.3 2.4 1.7 1.3 0.4 0.3 -0.3 0.0 -0.6 Exportations p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p NBB Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Nov. Jan.-Dec. Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Nov. Jan.-Dec. Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. Jan.-Oct. Jan.-Nov. Jan.-Dec. Jan.-Feb. Jan.-March Jan.-April Jan.-May Jan.-June Jan.-July Jan.-Aug. Jan.-Sep. 8.3 BELGIAN FOREIGN TRADE ACCORDING TO THE COMMUNITY CONCEPT: PERCENTAGE 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Jan. 2020 Jan. Source:

32 10. Exchange rates Australian dollar 651761842684 1.4423 661 1.3484 186 1.2407 660 1.3777 647 1.4719 1.4777 1.4884 1.4732 5294485552085059 1.5797 5101 1.6109 5036 1.5904 4681 1.5902 1.5944 1.6063 1.6216 4523 1.6189 .4616.4819.5253.5571 1.6205 .4630 1.6791 .4640 1.6758 1.6346 .4485 1.6181 .5417 1.6154 .5287.5219 1.6356 .5254 1.7788 .5481 1.7271 .5654 1.6724 .5586 1.6322 .5559 1.6304 .5472 1.6433 1.6307 1.6521 1.6266 Canadian dollar Swiss Polish zloty Norwegian krone Japanese yen 1.32571.39201.28481.3281 116.241.3285 110.961.1095 102.491.1069 129.661.1297 7.4473 140.311.1810 7.4506 134.311.1195 7.4437 120.221.1629 7.4579 126.711.1414 9.5373 7.4548 130.401.1358 9.0298 7.4587 122.011.1237 8.7041 7.4452 129.611.1119 8.6515 7.4386 128.821.1071 0.8578 9.0985 7.4532 125.081.1027 0.8679 9.3535 7.4661 123.471.1014 0.8109 9.4686 7.4554 119.321.1689 0.8493 9.6351 7.4619 120.321.1051 8.0043 0.8061 10.2583 7.4637 120.101.1113 7.7934 0.7258 10.5891 7.4665 118.411.1100 7.4751 0.8194 10.4055 7.4631 124.051.0905 7.8067 0.8767 10.3204 7.4710 25.284 120.34 0.88471.1063 8.3253 10.4187 7.4715 24.590 121.24 0.87781.0862 8.9496 10.6191 7.4579 25.149 121.36 0.89241.0902 9.2908 10.6622 7.4448 25.980 120.03 0.88671.1255 9.3270 10.6524 275.48 7.4720 27.536 9.5975 118.90 0.87251.1463 10.6689 279.37 7.4720 27.279 9.8511 116.97 0.87481.1828 10.6507 289.25 7.4729 27.034 9.5773 116.87 0.90211.1792 10.3642 296.87 7.4713 26.326 9.6270 121.12 0.86081.1775 10.6497 3.9947 25.647 308.71 7.4703 9.7421 122.38 0.86231.1838 10.4827 4.1206 25.670 310.00 7.4617 9.7184 125.40 0.8874 10.5544 4.1847 25.718 311.45 7.4577 9.8471 124.50 0.9050 10.5679 4.1975 25.864 10.0910 309.19 7.4548 123.89 0.8576 1.3803 10.8751 318.89 4.1843 25.683 10.4652 7.4467 123.61 0.8473 1.2326 10.8845 325.30 4.1841 25.686 11.0082 7.4460 0.8493 1.2053 10.5970 324.11 4.3632 25.734 10.6715 7.4418 0.8409 25.577 1.2311 10.4869 323.00 4.2570 10.1087 7.4424 0.8946 1.3 4.2615 25.631 1.2146 10.3538 317.91 10.0429 7.4459 0.8755 1.3 4.2976 27.058 1.0679 10.3087 322.97 9.9384 0.8869 1.2 4.3032 26.479 1.0901 10.4279 328.10 10.1327 0.8988 331.93 1.3 4.2993 25.531 1.1117 10.3967 11.2943 1.1550 0.9047 339.14 1.4 4.3016 25.497 10.2311 11.3365 1.1124 0.9008 351.58 1.4 4.2823 25.216 10.9862 1.1445 0.9095 353.60 1.4 4.3184 25.050 10.7298 4.2871 1.1365 0.9074 333.62 1.4 26.575 10.6544 1. 4.3241 1.1324 0.8961 330.71 27.262 10.5797 1. 4.5027 1.1265 27.269 334.38 10.7769 1. 4.4413 1.0960 337.17 26.681 10.9220 1.0962 1. 4.2855 345.68 26.514 10.7453 1.0668 1. 4.2726 356.69 26.167 1.0614 1. 350.76 4.2507 26.741 1.0754 1. 4.2766 347.69 27.213 1 1.0978 4.4406 351.16 26.466 1 1.0925 4.5437 348.93 1 4.5251 1.0765 360.61 1 1.0648 4.4450 362.53 1 1.0591 4.4493 359.84 1 1.0545 4.3995 1.0574 1. 4.4727 1 1.0712 4.5414 1 1.0711 4.4949 1 1.0767 1 1.0786 1 1.0739 1 1.0785 1 1 1 1 US dollar NBB Calculations: ECB IV II III IV II III December February March April May June July August September October November 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 10.1(daily REFERENCE averages, EXCHANGE national currency RATES units) OF THE EURO 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 November 2020 January Source:

34 minbi 8.9712 8.1052 6.9733 7.3518 7.6290 7.8081 7.7355 7.9151 7.8953 7.6635 7.6721 7.8000 7.8012 7.6956 7.8080 8.0855 7.7571 7.7974 7.6832 7.6302 7.7675 7.6858 7.7482 7.9734 8.0352 8.1954 8.0333 7.9225 7.8152 Chinese yuan ren- 572 8.9960 8.1646 8.1857 Russian rouble New Turkish lira Singapore dollar New South Korean won Hong Kong dollar South African rand lar 1.83771.76001.58671.62061.5995 9.69851.5930 10.09701.5889 10.55111.5897 12.83301.7065 14.4037 1.95581.6998 14.1723 1.95581.7394 16.2655 1.95581.7038 15.0490 1.95581.6669 15.6186 1.9558 10.29941.6968 16.1757 1.9558 10.83621.7137 16.3625 1.9558 9.96631.7208 16.2947 1.9558 10.30161.7394 15.9206 1.9558 10.3025 1,531.821.7813 1,541.23 16.1683 1.9558 8.60141.7665 16.2996 1.9558 1,447.69 8.59201.7266 1,453.91 16.3062 1.9558 8.80451.6864 1,398.14 16.9479 1.9558 4.2122 9.2559 4.23911.6811 19.7185 1.9558 1,256.54 8.77151.7064 19.7606 1.9558 4.4593 1,284.38 9.1233 4.41901.8276 16.3444 1.9558 1,276.74 8.9371 4.44371.8109 16.0502 1.9558 1,299.07 8.9116 1.80551.7890 16.0091 1.9558 1.7489 4.4454 1,305.32 8.80981.7473 16.3640 1.9558 4.4906 1,304.58 8.7057 1.60551.7406 18.4175 1.9558 1.6619 4.5688 1,286.97 8.66441.7931 20.1822 1.9558 1.6823 4.6540 1,278.59 8.5686 1.99651.7681 19.7453 1.9558 4.7453 1,312.07 2.3378 8.5372 1.52551.7736 19.2726 1.9558 4.6471 1,327.55 9.0597 1.5276 2.31351.7237 19.2174 1.9558 4.6605 1,302.15 2.5335 8.6511 1.5588 20.3836 1.9558 4.7358 1,316.28 2.9065 8.6744 1.5926 7.2891 19.7338 1.9558 4.7480 1,343.21 8.6283 1.5273 7.4390 3.0255 19.3657 1.9558 4.7314 1,388.32 8.4785 1.5904 3.3435 7.5217 18.4019 1.9558 4.7666 1,291.19 8.5907 1.5696 7.5786 4.1199 1.9558 4.7973 1,306.19 8.4194 1.5388 7.6344 5.7077 1.9558 40.263 4.8378 1,296.12 8.4511 1.5324 6.3578 40.88 7.6137 1.9558 4.8454 1,303.58 8.7226 1.5288 6.5823 7.5334 1.9558 39.926 4.7698 1,347.99 8.8854 1.5095 6.2981 42.33 7.4637 4.7779 1,328.89 9.1671 1.5281 6.1102 50.95 7.4182 4.7788 1,340.44 9.1393 1.5545 6.6061 7.4180 68.072 4.7837 1,358.75 9.1262 1.6064 6.3065 7.4173 74.151 4.8282 1,374.16 9.1775 1.5047 6.4137 7.4197 65.938 4.8371 1,403.44 1.5081 6.7428 7.4216 74.042 4.8371 1,388.68 1.5003 7.5688 7.4183 72.455 4.8392 1,347.03 1.5157 8.4580 7.3936 76.239 4.8383 1,319.66 1.5671 6.3420 7.4392 75.907 4.8376 1.5474 6.5022 7.4904 74.909 4.8602 1.5461 6.5808 7.5783 72.561 4.8747 1.5686 6.6195 7.5267 71.837 4.8704 1.5906 7.0170 7.4400 70.575 1.6195 7.4617 7.4416 73.821 1.6104 7.5527 7.4429 79.610 1.6008 7.6807 7.4543 86.242 1.5944 7.8843 7.5706 70.577 8.6144 7.5928 69.987 8.9084 7.5749 68.769 9.3701 7.5682 69.911 9.4522 7.5296 82.426 7.5077 81.745 7.5417 79.233 7.5746 78.010 7.5623 82.017 87.352 89.600 91.432 91.010 New Zealand dol- NBB Calculations: ECB IV II III IV II III December February March April May June July August September October November 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 10.1(daily REFERENCE averages, EXCHANGE national RATES OF currency units) THE EURO (CONTINUED) 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 November 2020 January Source:

35 Israeli shekel Indian rupee Brazilian real Mexican peso Thai baht Philippine peso Malaysian ringgit 12,041.7012,206.5112,045.7313,857.5015,748.9214,870.39 4.266814,721.07 4.255815,118.07 3.967216,803.22 4.185515,835.27 4.344616,986.07 4.337316,889.52 4.583716,057.12 59.739 4.852716,020.80 60.260 4.763415,702.20 54.246 4.637415,574.38 56.428 4.759815,727.68 58.979 4.759816,439.66 50.522 4.646617,173.34 52.558 42.014 4.662515,546.69 56.973 42.429 4.630715,568.87 62.210 39.928 4.611015,236.08 57.985 40.830 4.609415,032.66 62.265 43.147 4.760216,851.13 60.726 38.028 4.909717,178.89 59.493 39.044 16.7373 4.593716,198.23 58.460 38.296 17.2877 4.609315,987.12 57.574 38.164 16.9029 4.527916,659.27 56.464 34.757 16.9641 4.539117,402.53 56.108 38.358 17.6550 4.754917,491.99 55.533 37.467 17.6157 4.730717,348.27 57.158 35.919 20.6674 2.3314 4.733116,824.32 56.062 35.505 21.3286 2.3265 4.8118 56.432 34.150 22.7054 2.5084 4.8878 56.436 33.515 21.5565 2.8687 4.9506 55.369 34.502 22.0656 3.1211 4.8935 56.453 35.156 22.6080 3.7004 4.8891 55.065 36.627 21.8057 3.8570 4.8673 60.5878 55.121 33.422 21.5004 3.6054 64.8859 56.333 33.562 21.5945 4.3085 68.5973 56.619 33.814 21.3265 4.4134 77.9300 57.682 34.163 22.0918 4.5974 81.0406 57.223 35.499 25.6507 4.3439 71.1956 57.107 35.445 25.8217 4.2775 74.3726 57.127 34.953 21.3399 4.4070 73.5324 4.9775 35.077 21.2640 4.4080 80.7332 4.9536 36.014 20.8733 4.5590 78.8361 4.7948 36.911 20.5356 4.9167 81.5478 4.7449 36.997 24.7250 5.9200 82.3529 4.3122 36.796 26.3607 6.2820 80.0720 4.2491 36.041 25.5652 4.5900 78.1607 4.0622 25.0828 4.5700 78.2735 4.2423 25.6999 4.6020 78.8542 3.9901 26.2544 4.7327 79.9096 4.2275 25.5361 5.3986 83.5576 4.2259 25.0613 5.7807 86.9118 4.1389 24.1554 6.1499 78.9799 4.0400 5.8377 79.1092 3.9206 6.0590 79.1342 3.8669 6.4381 77.9818 3.8605 6.3663 82.4374 3.8678 6.6169 82.7869 3.9952 6.4324 82.4983 3.8472 85.2212 3.8630 85.8847 3.8417 88.2309 3.7432 86.7266 3.9860 86.5891 3.8771 87.8553 3.8348 3.8893 3.9331 4.0214 4.0350 3.9966 3.9773 Indonesian rupiah NBB Calculations: ECB IV II III IV II III December February March April May June July August September October November 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 10.1(daily REFERENCE averages, EXCHANGE national RATES OF currency units) THE EURO (CONTINUED) 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 November 2020 January Source:

36 .00 US dollar Swedish krona lar New Zealand dol- Norwegian krone Japanese yen Pound sterling Danish krone Canadian dollar Australian dollar Euro 99.0393.0698.0798.2988.33 106.5990.19 109.7192.75 104.6595.83 98.4893.17 102.46 90.8395.52 102.43 89.5794.52 92.01 99.9393.75 87.9993.54 93.44 84.02 112.4593.31 83.58 87.10 111.9792.13 80.53 86.2491.94 112.16 82.12 85.2792.54 81.60 113.91 84.5895.39 80.34 99.13 123.88 83.2392.52 81.12 96.81 121.82 82.8591.97 80.62 120.80 80.12 98.1791.86 79.97 117.74 80.27 99.0091.65 79.71 120.57 84.66 98.71 96.4190.81 80.93 118.49 103.04 82.64 97.5593.22 80.90 118.75 82.89 100.52 98.6491.89 79.64 118.76 83.17 100.1892.03 77.22 106.61 119.11 82.85 99.6893.67 105.62 79.44 113.56 122.33 81.48 100.23 108.3094.47 81.05 100.73 121.78 76.06 99.7595.83 80.72 125.07 87.75 94.44 77.55 99.6395.88 81.03 94.89 126.03 80.04 80.91 99.7695.47 81.58 101.75 126.25 94.47 83.35 76.50 99.91 103.21 80.63 93.78 121.74 84.12 86.34 99.44 76.77 121.55 93.91 84.82 100.74 99.56 82.51 76.28 122.22 95.25 85.21 100.16 82.32 76.75 94.65 123.93 94.94 102.27 83.76 100.83 85.88 78.67 106.70 85.56 124.81 91.63 82.42 99.78 78.68 83.10 126.72 95.94 112.33 99.38 82.08 79.83 126.47 95.77 83.80 99.14 84.11 79.97 93.06 83.00 126.25 117.10 105.50 99.12 85.08 79.92 92.42 125.65 107.01 111.31 80.63 98.97 87.86 83.37 126.25 94.33 110.65 100.55 109.87 86.33 126.51 96.23 100.23 82.44 111.92 86.47 126.22 97.39 107.84 81.35 88.08 104.88 99.96 94.21 126.60 97.18 100.30 81.87 86.67 106.37 97.34 99.07 97.77 105.51 100.50 80.87 87.12 98.81 92.49 100.05 100.87 78.48 107.07 86.19 94.08 97.87 101.12 76.01 108.68 102.79 85.72 92.92 72.11 92.88 100.98 106.73 85.42 92.28 74.95 117.92 89.37 105.33 85.81 91.41 92.03 118.67 78.54 88.24 104.50 93.16 91.90 78.22 117.61 88.55 104.25 92.17 114.88 90.87 101.72 78.65 88.82 92.25 89.07 104.37 79.42 118.81 87.03 116.40 88.72 77.68 86.97 103.11 70.64 88.59 117.91 86.38 103.96 70.11 88.57 117.80 86.73 106.67 89.08 71.97 118.98 86.62 106.90 92.34 74.16 119.20 105.00 74.79 87.48 100.94 119.02 75.66 88.58 100.38 119.85 74.37 121.08 89.94 100.84 73.16 116.08 89.25 104.08 88.96 105.17 119.37 87.66 103.49 119.22 87.19 104.55 118.65 89.43 104.19 118.38 90.84 120.20 92.22 121.29 93.01 122.37 92.02 121.91 92.25 119.14 117.79 115.24 115.28 114.93 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 NBB Calculations: BIS IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 10.2(indices NOMINAL year EFFECTIVE 2010 = EXCHANGE 100) RATE 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source:

37 2015 1 January 2014 1 January 2011 1 January 2009 1 January 2008 1 January ---- 0.429300 - 0.585274 - - - - - 30.1260 - - - 15.6466 - - 0.702804 - 3.4528 2007 239.640 1 January y r 0 a 5 1 u 7 0 . n ------0 0 a 2 4 J 3 1 4 6 3 7 1 3 y 5 8 5 7 7 9 9 3 r 7 5 9 3 5 9 9 0 6 2 a 9 8 5 5 0 4 7 3 3 6 8 8 u 9 7 9 5 2 9 2 3 3 7 3 4 n ...... 9 ------a 1 6 0 2 5 6 0 0 3 6 0 1 J 3 4 4 1 6 0 9 1 2 1 , 1 EC Conversion rates fixed by the European Commission in accordance with article 109.L4 of the Treaty . 10.3 IRREVOCABLY FIXED CONVERSION RATES TO THE EURO Belgian franc German mark Irish punt Luxemburg franc Austrian shilling Finnish mark Cyprus pound Source: N.B.:

38 11. Public finances p p p 834 ,841 2,299 2020 90,220 91,465 Jan.-Oct. p p p 240326 51,399 37,939 092512 27,687 25,056 650 -1,804 2,929 97,428 98,982 Jan.-Oct. 2019 p p p 601 94,500 87,920 9,657 1,736 year es and the Brussels conglomerate. 8 1 0 2018 2 7 1 0 2017 2 6 1 0 2016 2 5 1 0 2015 2 cluding the additional accruing to the provinces, municipaliti t not yet broken down among the various tax categories. 4 1 0 2014 2 3 1 0 2013 2 2 1 0 2012 2 1 1 0 2011 2 he SDDS of the IMF, disseminated on the website of the Bank ””. Ex utstanding amount of the direct taxes which have already been collected bu 0 820 946689797 614 695867 731 880 703 901 725 843 763 964 811 860 810 1,083 721 866 1,303 848 737 840 1,338 945 721 -716 1,394 941 747 -368 932 1,004 735 58 1,067 1,012 773 -267 1,344 817 642 868 790 630 900 1 0 9,3191,2052,518 9,3801,956 1,4329,579 3,2091,974 9,3376,808 769 3,7874,160 9,2901,960 3,548 2,098 9,459 6,460 3,786 795 4,112 9,589 1,654 4,5803,540 2,088 9,972 6,776 1,713 4,068 788 9,5794,150 2,005 5,133 10,096 3,866 1,9784,368 6,790 4,5991,925 3,9262,443 9,999 241 10,124 4,948 2,102 4,550 3,903 2,114 2,492 7,164 4,305 2,058 4,105 10,664 13,191 434 6,420 2,250 4,196 237 4,005 2,416 7,044 7,511 6,865 2,251 11,287 4,403 15,640 5,970 2,259 4,245 4,793 4,220 2,552 205 8,304 8,014 5,778 11,625 2,848 16,217 4,779 4,411 2,290 5,456 4,069 1,892 2,600 3,546 173 5,194 8,278 12,240 13,063 3,231 5,087 4,100 3,574 2,250 1,956 2,672 315 2,227 12,246 3,981 10 8,833 187 1,300 5,455 3,307 3,818 2,374 2,728 1,987 10,167 1,896 926 1,841 8,746 1,054 187 5,319 2,849 2,414 4,091 2,308 1,979 8, 4,273 7,217 842 1,163 4,399 155 2,001 4,143 1,945 2,109 2,113 6,258 3,111 1,316 3,484 1,984 4,055 0 1,713 2,079 1,062 797 1,731 1,554 1,018 855 1,246 700 938 307 -5,103 -5,418 -5,522 -5,205 -4,893 -4,387 -5,424 -4,630 -2,936 -4,907 -2, 2010 2 93,39289,24248,59637,881 96,685 91,736 49,943 103,337 39,625 96,918 53,699 105,759 41,140 99,789 56,578 104,980 42,290 100,569 106,151 55,793 42,784 102,57731,067 106,780 59,145 43,19026,661 102,962 116,619 32,504 57,540 112,529 43,268 27,737 120,782 33,629 65,184 116,63997,760 44,500 28,762 11 33,632 115, 67,239 99,177 45,217 28,544 34,778 65,365 110,381 44,942 29,254 32,768 55, 114,062 37, 29,539 34,135 108,527 30,785 35,720 108,377 32,800 108,675 37,159 34,114 120,892 37,990 34,537 122,894 29, 26, 12 1 FPS fin, NBB Excise duties on mineral oils Excise duties on tobacco Other excise duties Advance levy on professional income Advance payments Assessment of companies Assessment of natural persons Financial assets Road taxes Other Customs duties Excise duties Other Registration fees VAT Other Data concerning the ”Central government operations” are, as required by t Direct taxes Customs and excise duties VAT, registration fees and royalties Including, the change, compared with the end of the proceding year, in the o Fiscal revenue Non-fiscal revenue Fiscal revenue Non-fiscal revenue 11.511.5.1 OFFICIAL DEBT AND DETAILS NET OF FINANCIAL(cumulative REVENUE data, BALANCE in COLLECTED € BY million) THE TREASURY Current revenue Capital revenue Total revenue Sources: N.B.: 1

40 e 3 c ) n ( a l i d f a e (17) b e c t b n e a o NetN balance t to be fi- nancedn (-) 2 t b e (15) d t 326,324345,583354,405 -11,152 361,413 -18,868 369,150 -7,976 378,926 -5,691 392,320 -10,514 373,416 -9,007 377,645 -12,617 385,270 -4,221 388,742 -3,969 385,270 -7,428 386,650 -11,085 390,664 -7,428 398,865 -1,382 399,701 -5,394 405,912 -13,600 404,400 -14,436 399,367 -20,644 399,937 -19,130 402,826 -14,331 399,678 -14,899 -17,829 -14,644 e NetN debt l 2 a i s c t n e a s (15) (16) = (14) - 9,989 8,371 8,371 n s 14,869 17,879 10,410 11,449 10,652 12,593 12,251 11,212 10,205 12,634 13,597 15,585 23,978 20,880 29,923 31,360 34,816 16,221 18,105 i a assets FinancialF 2 s (13) s t o b r (14) = (9) + e GrossG d debt o IMF are no more included in the official debt of the Treasury. 00 363,462 0 364,815 00 380,599 0 389,578 0 404,913 0 385,668 0 388,857 0 393,641 0 398,947 0 393,641 0 399,283 0 404,261 0 414,450 0 423,679 0 426,791 0 434,323 0 430,727 0 434,753 419,047 417,783 1 l (12) 118 341,193 590 371,401 a t o TotalT 1 4 4 l a t o TotalT Bills Belgian Debt at up to one year Treasury of which: Debt in foreign r 4 e v r o a t e 0118118 000 000 0590590 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 a y t e b n e o one year DebtD at over l a t 341,075 363,462 364,815 370,812 380,599 389,578 404,913 385,668 388,857 393,641 398,947 393,641 399,283 404,261 414,450 423,679 426,791 434,323 430,727 434,753 419,047 417,783 o TotalT up to one year. Since January 2004, the Treasury certificates transfered t 45 l a t o TotalT 45 8 PCO with the dividuals Assets of in- Bills Treasury of which: Debt at up to one year 9-I, p 14. 7 Treasury Debt in euro certificates 45 l a e on the website of the Bank: t o TotalT nisations are included in the debt at over one year rather than in the debt at tions. 45 State notes 6 loans Classic of which: Debt at over one year (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) = (4) + (8) (10) (11) (12) (13) = (10) + bonds Linear 257,804272,350286,551 45300,616 42306,718 40315,054 3,947 0327,107 8,454 0329,810 7,176 0337,935 291,278 0342,776 310,704 4,622 0342,776 325,491 3,397 40,405 0342,776 3,023 35,096 338,732 0348,776 31,704 345,484 1,692 789 0354,213 353,934 24,652 7,381 491 0357,414 26,421 392 367,418 0368,636 361 25,306 159 21 348,236 0372,478 103 461 301 352,458 0376,008 26,456 297 159 354,841 0378,429 25,604 62 49,797 159 354,983 0380,528 24,868 0 52,758 104 158 354,841 0363,487 27,499 1,447 142 16 9 359,562 0365,795 25,470 39,324 142 364,753 0 201 27,499 32,080 14 142 368,032 0 400 24,806 35,116 8,232 126 11 379,255 0 5 28,694 126 384,484 400 26,453 35,643 5,074 4 126 388,000 31,504 1,816 2 115 37,495 37,432 390,812 3 29,382 8,089 115 392,914 34,123 36,400 2,514 2 375,979 5 30,317 38,799 2,815 43,964 378,285 4 32,527 2,369 28 28,958 38,799 1,462 15 39,722 31,619 1,223 39,508 4 46,417 5,657 19 44,424 5 10 0 42,307 46,322 2 39,915 41,839 5 43,068 39,498 Statistical bulletin of the National Bank of Belgium, 1998-IV, p 11 and 199 FPS fin, NBB December February March April May June July August September October The breakdown euro/non-euro, onSituation a at monthly end basis of (sinceCumulative period. 1990), monthly is data. availabl Original maturity. Since 2002, the TreasuryPublic certificates loans transferred issued to by internationalExcept the orga the Treasury Treasury and certificatesIncluding the transferred the Road to shareholder’s Fund. international equity organisa on the Post. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 11.5.2 OFFICIAL DEBT(in AND € NET million) BALANCE TO BE FINANCED OF THE TREASURY 2019 2019 November 2020 January Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bibliographical reference:


13. Monetary financial institutions 56 4Dec. 1,756,042 1,755,746 3,848,816 3,654,374 6,923,120 27 Nov. 20 Nov. 13 Nov. 843 84,847806 84,846263 20,444 84,822263 13,137 20,439 86,183 13,137 13,139 21,153 13,139 13,155 21,957 13,155 12,771 12,771 607 40,000 42,090735 41,563 22,735 41,751 22,735 22,735 22,735 6Nov. 559,281353,444 559,282 353,053 559,282268,584 352,654 559,282 268,210 352,620 559,286 267,807 351,487 559,280 267,774 353,397 266,665 267,214 194,007 192,559304,046 193,232 298,668 193,235 301,580 194,083 302,228 194,443 302,971 306,370 30 Oct. 23 Oct. 2020 16 Oct. 1,754,133 1,754,1491,753,123 1,754,124 1,753,123 1,754,744 1,753,068 1,754,398 1,753,815 1,754,285 1,753,815 1,754,458 1,753,8153,693,550 1,753,865 3,494,890 3,717,492 3,519,144 3,723,943 3,529,936 3,738,749 3,546,1906,743,525 3,769,253 3,576,021 6,781,825 3,800,997 3,607,763 6,775,763 3,816,595 3,622,512 6,796,905 6,833,483 6,867,814 6,883,402 9Oct. 2Oct. 25 Sep. 18 Sep. 11 Sep. 4 Sep. 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 600000001920400041 000000000000000 1,633 1,568 1,666 1,679 1,860 1,221 1,168 1,010 1,007 1,036 925 583 470 593 2 85,823 85,81627,823 85,81611,539 27,548 85,80411,539 13,813 25,528 86,582 13,813 12,011 24,061 84,709 12,011 11,683 24,610 84,709 11,683 12,542 22,241 84,707 12,542 12,391 22,953 84,836 12,391 12,57831,958 21,108 84,860 12,578 13,005 35,205 20,933 84, 13,005 12,092 35,739 20,22822,804 12,092 11,924 37,519 20, 22,804 11,924 12, 36,688 22,804 12, 34,598 22,804 29,201 22,804 33,230 22,735 35,659 22,735 26,038 22,735 36, 22,735 22,735 22, 548,767358,624 548,767 359,531 548,768272,801 359,318 548,769 273,715 360,366 548,772 273,502 360,497 559,278 274,562 351,312 559,278 273,914 350,756 559,279 266,603 351,827 559,281 266,047 352,644 267,120 267,809 203,079 201,759288,523 201,072 286,650 200,815 284,429 200,757 286,701 199,848 288,744 199,715 294,919 198,660 295,550 198,349 294,658 306,839 28 Aug. 1,595,890 1,596,6131,594,252 1,596,711 1,595,045 1,596,724 1,595,045 1,596,905 1,595,045 1,753,336 1,595,045 1,754,292 1,172,1153,554,309 1,753,123 3,351,231 3,567,925 3,366,167 3,589,304 3,388,232 3,613,795 3,412,9806,440,237 3,643,253 3,442,496 6,458,857 3,654,302 3,454,455 6,474,612 3,678,354 3,478,639 6,502,422 6,534,815 6,705,112 6,725,697 under the ility 1 Receivables from the IMF Balances with banks andexternal security loans investments, and other external assets Balances with banks, securityloans investments and Claims arising fromERM-II the credit facility Main refinancing operations Longer-term refinancing operations Fine-tuning reverse operations Structural reverse operations Marginal lending fac Credits related to margin calls Securities held for monetary policyOther purposes securities and gold receivables Claims on non-euro areaforeign residents currency denominated in Claims on euro areaeign residents currency denominated in for- Claims on non-euro areaeuro residents denominated in Lending to euro areamonetary credit policy institutions operations related denominated to in euro Other claims on euroinated area in credit euro institutions denom- Securities of euro areaeuro residents denominated in General government debt denominated inOther euro assets EUROSYSTEM CONSOLIDATED WEEKLY(in FINANCIAL € STATEMENT million) OF THE EUROSYSTEM Assets Total Assets

44 4Dec. 1,410,925 3,559,122 2,962,281 6,923,120 27 Nov. 9756 7,04256 5,227 7,246 5,227 5,028 5,028 ,340 11,518 14,827 20 Nov. 13 Nov. 119 68,614 67,848 68,826 72,789 888 55,888 55,888 55,888 55,888 6Nov. 620,202 441,049 470,876 545,329 567,695787,814721,946 596,651 713,888 645,769 723,446212,033 654,832 788,925 209,664 721,077 753,274 214,769 684,448 674,516 218,307 601,727 231,198 241,419 284,827543,498 290,575108,881 543,498 296,044 108,839 543,498 298,071 108,839 543,498 299,923 108,839 543,498 301,855 108,839 543,498 108,797 30 Oct. 23 Oct. 2020 16 Oct. 1,390,301 1,391,5953,322,898 1,393,9802,788,947 3,360,579 1,396,709 3,242,313 3,370,170 1,397,730 2,749,965 3,456,298 1,399,676 3,015,249 3,470,125 1,403,164 2,999,249 3,429,718 2,884,389 3,463,830 2,896,135 6,743,525 6,781,825 6,775,763 6,796,905 6,833,483 6,867,814 6,883,402 9Oct. etary policy purposes” and ”Other securities”. , denominated in euro”. 2Oct. 25 Sep. NUED) 18 Sep. 11 Sep. 4Sep. her liabilities” and ”Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions esidents denominated in euro” in two sub-series: ”Securities held for mon 000000000000000 000000000000000 00000000230000189 000000000000000 000000000000000 6,095 9,603 6,160 7,4495,416 7,4487,392 5,6727,392 7,398 7,207 5,682 7,207 7,121 7,215 5,800 7,215 7,003 6,910 5,916 6,910 6,051 6,860 5,828 6,860 6,291 6,636 5,785 6,636 9,157 6,411 5,944 6,411 10,943 6,393 6,096 6,393 12 6,253 6,086 6,253 6,295 6,250 6,295 6,139 6,312 6,139 5,889 6,4 5,889 6,0 6,0 58,513 58,510 56,663 51,747 52,29657,110 55,055 57,110 56,592 57,110 60,033 57,110 59,396 57,110 65,869 55,888 68, 55,888 55,888 55,888 55,888 55, 476,236 493,170 500,081 328,774 333,823822,249763,735 495,354 737,757 679,247 550,570 747,097204,183 690,435 533,951 836,114 209,904 784,367 118,264 862,384 209,430 810,089 787,807 206,017 732,752 771,430 216,181 714,839 797,587 219,021277,232 737,554542,941 806,483 220,556 280,195108,963 747,087 542,941 224,409 281,165 108,922 542,941 212,495 284,600 108,922 542,941 284,917 108,922 542,941 279,144 108,922 543,498 277,754 108,880 543,498 280,724 108,880 543,498 284,007 108,880 543,498 108,880 28 Aug. 1,383,065 1,384,4603,025,591 1,385,6652,549,355 3,115,085 1,385,650 2,621,915 3,123,225 1,386,068 2,623,143 3,060,908 1,387,949 2,732,134 3,056,067 1,390,218 2,722,244 3,303,063 2,807,710 3,338,155 2,787,585 6,440,237 6,458,857 6,474,612 6,502,422 6,534,815 6,705,112 6,725,697 under the ilities dents denominated dents denominated in Statistical bulletin of the National Bank of Belgium, 1999-I, p 18-19. 2 2 ility non-euro area residents denominated non-euro area residents denominated ECB, NBB Current accounts Deposit fac Fixed term deposits Fine-tuning reverse operations Deposits related to margin calls General government Other liabilities Deposits, balances and other liab Liabilities arising from the credit facility ERM II From July 2009 onwards:From Subdivision 2001 of onwards the : serie Split ”Securities of of the euro old area serie r ”Other claims” into two series ”Ot Banknotes in circulation in euro Liabilities to euromonetary area policy credit operations institutions denominated related in euro to Other liabilities tonominated euro in area euro credit institutionsDebt de- certificates issued Liabilities to other euro area resi Liabilities to Liabilities to euro area resi Liabilities to Counterpart of special drawingthe rights IMF allocated by Other liabilities Revaluation accounts Capital and reserves in euro foreign currency in foreign currency 13.1.1 CONSOLIDATED WEEKLY(in FINANCIAL € STATEMENT million) OF THE EUROSYSTEM (CONTI Liabilities Total Liabilities Sources: 1 2 Bibliographical reference:

45 65 83 85 70 79 09 065 Nov. 1,766 11,766 Oct. 752 16,022 15,930 693693 77,693 77,693 78,193 78,193 Sep. Aug. 161,005156,522 163,514 159,593 166,045 162,155 168,610 164,727 281,374 286,232 288,869 292,138 July June 2020 May April March Feb. Jan. p Dec. 2019 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 254235050000000000 17 65 14 10 94 33 36 29 125 30 73 7 2 360197 474 170 505 103 433 203 6,100 186 9,188329 211 7,809 329 198 485 329 181 370 336 154 554 336 154 811 336 151 496 336 138 605 336 138 336 336 336 336 336 9,9706,650 9,9009,721 6,595 9,900 9,277 6,595 9,900 9,256 6,584 10,726 9,354 10,726 6,696 10,726 9,726 6,752 11,545 10,013 6,941 11,5455,877 9,8968,130 6,879 11,545 5,786 9,6591,465 7,940 7,0336,336 11,766 5,431 9,634 1,465 7,9547,496 1 7,026 6,146 5,114 9,380 1,465 8,086 7,998 6,867 6,160 4,897 8,885 1,470 8,899 8,119 6,867 6,280 4,759 9,155 1,470 9,285 8,240 6,8 7,093 4,759 9, 1,470 9,076 7,661 7,479 4,658 1,470 8,752 7,751 7,270 4,483 1,470 8,711 7,912 6,946 4,483 1,470 8,867 7,713 6,905 3,921 1,470 8,807 7,908 7,061 3,890 1,470 8,949 8,106 7,001 3,8 1,470 8,9 7,665 7,143 1,4 7,753 7,1 7,9 Nov. 16,371 15,872 15,851 15,93818,841 16,42218,816 19,279 16,765 18,856 18,906 16,837 18,856 18,756 16,538 18,706 29,971 16,667 29,971 35,071 16,406 35,071 37,071 15, 37,071 74,707 74,707 74,707 74,707 74,707 74,707 77, 77, 119,036113,159 119,704 113,918 121,114 115,683 122,688 117,574 126,574 121,677 136,983180,420 132,224 145,515 181,402 140,756 152,389 182,466 147,731 157,470 184,254 152,987 206,633 226,013 235,180 272,339 277,657 2 ter- tions system 1 ility Receivables from the IMF Balances with banks andnal security assets investments, external loans and other ex Main refinancing operations Longer-term refinancing operations Fine-tuning reverse operations Structural reverse operations Marginal lending fac Credits related to margin calls Securities held for monetary policyOther purposes securities Participating interest in ECB Claims equivalent to the transferNet of claims foreign related reserves to theOther allocation claims of within the euro Eurosystem banknotes (net) within the Euro Gold and gold receivables Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency Claims on euro area residentsClaims denominated on in non-euro foreign area currency residentsLending denominated to in euro euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy opera Other claims on euro areaSecurities credit of institutions euro denominated area in residents euro denominated in euro Intra-eurosystem claims Other assets denominated in euro NATIONAL BANK OF BELGIUM MONTHLY FINANCIAL(in STATEMENT € million) OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF BELGIUM Assets Total Assets

46 2 35 98 79 Nov. 87 83,396 Oct. banknote issue”. 459 46,726 47,063 337 48,238337 32,217 973 48,238 11,973 32,217 11,973 Sep. 12,674 86,791 97,209 140,869 160,378 180,838 unterpart of this adjustment is disclosed as are in the ECB’s capital (Capital Share Mechanism Aug. 281,374 286,232 288,869 292,138 claim/liability related to July June 2020 May April o banknotes in circulation is allocated to the ECB on a monthly basis. The co March anknotes put into circulation, is also disclosed as an ”Intra-Eurosystem e sheet a share of the issued corresponding to its paid-up sh etary policy purposes” and ”Other securities”. Feb. , denominated in euro”. Jan. p Dec. NUED) 2019 0000000000000 0000000000000 000000000000233 0000000000000 0000000000000 434841279 301562 613837 81 373 532 644 857 96 334 548 2,125 833 1,572 7,817 333 553 944 7,216 15,389 414 601 14,794 906 12,034 11,394 370 595 18,778 882 18,122 16,467 265 640 814 15,810 20,526 454 656 19,874 4,650 754 4,014 321 657 3,465 1,305 2,818 1,78 323 652 635 1,130 345 636 661 256 647 615 652 652 9,841 8,977 19,432 9,9392,796 3,7261,3365,407 28,272 3,351 655 5,335 2,918 3,184 5,335 822 8,180 2,9251,917 5,335 1,080 9,108 2,4166,167 1,711 5,387 55,468 1,692 1,983 6,167 1,588 28,195 5,387 2,124 1,785 6,167 1,785 73,5 5,387 2,322 1,323 6,167 904 5,309 2,696 1,374 6,579 1,094 5,309 2,644 1,575 6,579 1,146 5,309 2,443 1,666 6,579 969 5,198 2,178 1,906 6,579 1,213 5,198 1,937 2,3 6,579 1,411 5,1 1,508 6,579 1,339 6,579 1,509 6,579 1,737 6,5 Nov. 42,26761,680 43,19151,839 45,443 42,560 36,466 83,252 42,861 63,820 74,417 44,061 64,478 72,617 44,719 68,891 71,134 45,363 42,862 68,631 45,727 65,71346,482 114,920 46,184 106,740 133,345 63,710 46,367 124,237 141,587 46,482 27,640 46, 86,11910,255 63,710 36,213 1 10,068 27,640 52,817 10,068 36,213 65,204 10,068 52,817 79,645 11,104 65,204 63,148 11,104 79,645 50,912 11,104 63,148 42,750 11,871 50,912 64, 11,871 42,750 11,871 64, 11, 180,420 181,402 182,466 184,254 206,633 226,013 235,180 272,339 277,657 2 system stem on the issue of euro banknotes, a share of 8 % of the total value of the eur according to the aforementioned accounting regime, and the value of euro b 3 esidents denominated in euro” in two sub-series: ”Securities held for mon her liabilities” and ”Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions cated to the NCBs on a monthly basis too, whereby each NCB shows in its balanc uance of ECB debt certifi- onetary policy operations banknotes within the Euro denominated in euro dents denominated in euro system (net) dents denominated in foreign currency 2 Statistical bulletin of the National Bank of Belgium, 1999-I, p 18-19. ilities 3 ility non-euro area residents denominated in euro non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency NBB Current accounts Deposit fac Fixed term deposits Fine-tuning reverse operations Deposits related to margin calls General government Other liabilities Liabilities related tocates promissory notes backing theNet iss liabilities related to theOther allocation liabilities of within euro the Euro an ”Intra-Eurosystem liability related to banknoteThe issue”. remaining 92 % of theor value CSM). of the euro banknotesThe in difference circulation between are the allo value of the euro banknotes allocated to the NCB From July 2009 onwards:From Subdivision 2002 of onwards: the According serie to ”Securities the of accounting euro regime area chosen r by the Eurosy From 2001 onwards: Split of the old serie ”Other claims” into two series ”Ot Banknotes in circulation Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to m Other liabilities to euro areaLiabilities credit to other institutions euro area resi Liabilities to Liabilities to euro area resiLiabilities to Counterpart of special drawing rightsIntra-eurosystem liab allocated by the IMF Other liabilities Revaluation accounts Capital and reserves denominated in euro 13.2.1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL(in STATEMENT € OF million) THE NATIONAL BANK OF BELGIUM (CONTI Liabilities Total Liabilities Source: 1 2 3 Bibliographical reference:

47 Oct. Sep. 1,139,251 1,168,249 Aug. July 2020 June May April ATE BASIS March 000000000 59 67 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 151737 131 721 156 622 146 574561 155 667 604 173550 585 534 177 631 508 539 194 633 755 545 232 634 722 530 634 576 634 583 635 522 644 646 2,811 2,8174,4025,9755,4264,062 2,792 4,6591,363 5,704 6,710 5,2581,089 2,909 4,411 1,452 5,441 8,281 6,712 2,861 4,365 848 1,569 6,868 8,8702,815 7,298 2,859 4,4544,146 1,572 918 5,5393,537 8,818 2,820 7,108 2,855 3,867 4,2184,140 1,710 4,530 8921,124 3,520 8,2412,135 2,825 6,391 2,853 3,783 4,205 4,139 1,850 4,273 1,107 851 3,503 8,270 2,059 2,826 6,630 2,848 4,875 4,184 4,143 1,640 5,887 1,099 876 3,479 8,117 2,081 2,799 6,658 4,648 4,168 4,140 1,458 5,324 1,095 985 3,463 8,111 2,087 2,801 6,597 4,130 4,179 1,514 1,093 3,426 2,031 842 2,802 5,647 4,204 1,089 4,942 2,040 2,801 798 5,636 4,204 1,084 4,923 2,085 2,802 5,635 4,203 1,087 4,918 2,075 4,218 1,089 2,075 58,94770,162 54,801 75,693 76,06915,724 58,70419,662 56,687 15,481 71,266 17,938 71,801 16,28310,785 78,52164,128 17,16499,221 85,633 16,173 14,353 79,06237,137 66,339 16,04731,873 98,357 141,192 16,200 10,716 56,114 37,197 67,53524,847 14,240 31,951 106,563 98,766 16,251 76,713 9,637 37,195 68,240 24,847 167,223 14,637 31,953 98,290 16,005 60,359 13,583 37,167 68,381 24,857 14,879 31,931 98,075 15,87363,266 37,069 8,336 68,915 24,856 14,692 31,797 97,110 15,905 57,164 37,068 69,707 9,929 24,766 13,828 31,776 95,817 58,002 38,614 68,535 13,646 24,783 33,327 95,576 57,095 38,583 68,451 24,817 9,719 33,292 96,660 56,272 38,504 24,789 33,198 55,554 24,696 52,496 52,710 52,326 Feb. 297,070238,124 288,478167,962536,050 233,678530,075 306,069 157,985 548,674 230,001 542,970195,771 296,088 171,296290,819 554,019 239,401 548,578 196,522 313,847 168,135 304,700181,209 551,320 242,046 544,452 196,153 333,028 163,525 310,997 187,211 540,931 247,395 535,392 197,315 334,547 168,333 306,923 186,751 538,461 193,355 533,931 198,545 322,831 137,242 298,270 186,469 535,795 216,267 531,522 202,542 354,584 139,554 293,017 190,253 535,753 187,361 529,866 203,559 127,002 289,756 184,008 536,499 531,175 205,146 285,478 185,284 207,223 285,768 187,299 184,261 1,116,867 1,120,783 1,144,116 1,130,225 1,140,403 1,150,159 1,148,822 1 iliated enterprises and enter- 2 Shares Subordonated claims on aff prises linked by a participating interest Other Loans of general government Loans of other issuers Participations in affiliated enterprises Participations in other enterprisesinterest linked by a participating Other financial fixed assets At sight Other claims Commercial bills Own acceptances Leasing claims and similar claims Non-mortgage loans by instalment Mortgage loans Fixed-term loans Current account advances Other credits Eligible for refinancing at central banksOther of which: Cash, credit balances withces central banks and postal chequeClaims offi- on credit institutions Claims originally granted by the institutions Other debtors Public paper Other short-term negotiable instruments Public long-term securities Other long-term loans represented byCompany securities shares and other equity Other securities Financial fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Formation costs and intangible fixed assets Liquid ressources and interbank claims Claims on customers Securities and other negotiable instruments Fixed assets Own shares Unrecoverable and doubtful claims Other assets 13.313.3.2 CREDIT INSTITUTIONS - BALANCE SOCIAL SHEETS DATA OF(in THE € CREDIT million) INSTITUTIONS AS A WHOLE, DATA ON CORPOR Assets Total Assets

48 Oct. Sep. 1,139,251 1,168,249 Aug. July June 2020 May ches. ions governed by foreign law established in Belgium. April ATE BASIS (CONTINUED) March ber 1994. 000000000 000000000 24345454646464749 72 72 72 72 70 70 70 70 70 590 585 583 584506 584573 506 603 743 505 632 1,032 506 645 1,535 505 644 1,385 505 1,864 505 2,297 2,474 505 2,976 505 5,4246,560 5,177 6,810 5,0364,790 6,6492,662 4,930 4,790 6,839 2,662 4,805 4,790 6,607 2,656 4,653 4,790 6,594 2,657 4,565 4,790 6,512 2,656 4,518 4,790 6,558 2,656 4,428 4,790 6,573 2,656 4,790 2,656 4,790 2,656 55,54350,316 57,498 40,04618,14228,05720,493 50,08128,505 44,944 17,309 28,925 20,364 45,00411,818 27,750 44,63295,417 18,17047,413 28,634 19,97542,579 48,279 27,659 9,373 71,286 88,254 15,86859,382 40,537 27,70919,360 19,85370,897 42,540 45,536 27,918 7,637 86,841 85,44938,061 19,677 52,447 37,69538,061 26,643 19,339 19,639 73,265 42,718 41,565 27,937 86,398 79,909 7,087 38,132 16,323 53,790 33,15614,551 38,132 27,065 19,339 19,531 73,640 41,822 44,657 28,029 72,129 85,148 38,138 6,986 16,573 51,86311,311 38,342 14,553 38,138 26,800 19,28212,919 19,298 74,151 42,002 45,732 28,625 89,656 84,369 38,144 16,941 48,674 11,313 5,886 37,776 14,554 38,144 25,891 19,754 15,001 19,163 73,591 41,939 28,543 84,361 38,173 18,675 49,073 11,321 38,178 14,563 5,888 38,173 27,960 19,671 15,079 18,731 73,589 41,617 27,937 84,709 37,721 45,709 11,328 38,032 14,151 37,721 7,894 19,648 15,071 73,998 42,159 87,492 37,695 45,183 10,919 38,716 14,150 37,695 20,391 15,044 6,786 74,191 44,348 37,729 45,035 10,918 14,151 37,729 20,337 15,017 74,702 37,738 10,920 14,151 37,738 15,017 10,919 14,151 14,997 10,919 14,996 Feb. 209,135103,276 217,232656,116644,298264,798 119,688 228,971 663,437 654,064 275,555 133,945283,713 217,139 676,279 668,642 288,411 127,503 283,575 230,401 681,042 673,956 292,559 110,837 285,210 241,760 676,227 669,240 283,184 109,383 289,464 246,132 675,103 669,217 285,735 118,169 291,575 235,797 672,463 666,575 282,547 119,012 291,932 249,587 672,421 664,527 281,492 114,198 292,100 684,524 677,738 291,619 291,853 292,172 1,116,867 1,120,783 1,144,116 1,130,225 1,140,403 1,150,159 1,148,822 elgian law and on the territorial position for branches of credit institut d by the law of another Member State of the European Union or similar for bran NBB Bulletin de la Banque nationale de Belgique, LXIXth year, number 12, Novem debts 2 Calculations: NBB Subscribed capital Uncalled capital Statutory reserve Unavailable reserves Tax-exempt reserves Available reserves Sight deposits At fixed term or atAt notice fixed < term 1 or month atAt notice fixed >= term 1 or month at andSpecial notice <= deposits > 1 1 year year Regulated savings deposits Linked with mortgage loans Deposit guarantee scheme Capital Issue premiums Capital gains on revaluation Reserves Profit brought forward (+) orProfit loss on brought the forward year (-) (+) or loss on the year (-) Reporting on the company’s position for credit institutions governed by b At sight Mobilisation Other debts at fixed term or notice Deposits Other creditors Certificates of deposit and similarNotes debts Bond loans of which: Contains the investment portfolioThe and breakdown the is commercial not portfolio. known for the branches of credit institutions governe Interbank debts Debts to customers Debts represented by a security Write-downs, provisions, provident funds andOther deferred liabilities taxes Subordonated debts Own ressources Bibliographical reference: 13.3.2 BALANCE SHEETS OF THE(in € CREDIT million) INSTITUTIONS AS A WHOLE, DATA ON CORPOR Liabilities Total Liabilities Source: N.B.: 1 2

49 Oct. p Sep. 1,347,659 1,367,488 Aug. July 2020 June May April CORPORATE BASIS March 000010455 000000000 000000000 85 110 72 77 115 216 137 90 105 1,831 8,888 2,634 4,901 2,536 1,446 8,7874,2384,221 1,5093,438 4,2384,201 4,2216,067 2,220 5,971 3,475 4,234 4,229 4,213 6,182 6,477 3,770 4,276 4,343 4,231 6,162 6,470 3,827 4,258 4,808 4,192 6,842 6,628 3,961 4,095 4,563 4,098 6,687 6,382 3,476 3,944 4,425 3,944 6,838 6,496 3,456 3,806 4,363 3,805 6,716 6,356 3,377 3,806 4,371 3,829 6,665 6,209 3,579 4,368 6,820 6,576 47,08140,36835,688 46,38212,675 33,427 25,062 30,020 21,305 29,098 28,35017,174 29,712 11,772 40,330 47,79613,365 17,44213,283 23,768 19,273 42,70846,457 22,411 14,189 17,11340,319 22,832 28,812 15,165 51,157 49,947 20,625 5,436 17,291 41,473 24,586 8,79188,572 8,187 45,76375,836 48,441 17,582 17,828 45,66976,542 9,900 29,27390,376 6,854 85,807 22,964 51,268 75,356 47,037 18,438 17,220 43,746 75,682 13,565 30,312 87,280 9,792 85,036 14,878 61,012 74,389 38,609 18,282 17,549 37,339 74,538 11,778 85,857 84,581 9,517 12,023 72,437 40,704 16,157 37,542 72,198 15,324 84,465 82,732 7,807 70,668 40,922 15,522 39,605 70,540 16,428 83,771 80,681 12,032 68,930 33,768 34,626 69,131 5,995 83,089 80,195 68,454 6,323 34,690 34,647 67,719 82,049 77,551 67,401 65,759 79,132 75,759 66,878 65,141 77,363 Feb. 292,211150,213 317,491 150,260 286,365 155,920 268,226 153,025229,563213,319 251,971 154,344 219,851 204,994 231,667 150,832 225,797 213,402 231,228 150,127 214,603 195,968 234,890 149,237 197,148 195,887 225,087 150,469 184,454 178,639 177,383 168,625 181,040 175,801 179,085 174,854 1,358,756 1,359,649 1,356,970 1,359,351 1,383,078 1,350,979 1,353,256 Notional lendings Values to be received Notional borrowings Notional borrowings Values to be delivered Values to be delivered Notional lendings Values to be received Purchases Notional lendings Options issued To be paid Options issued To be placed Purchases To be entered into Sales Notional borrowings Options acquired To be received Sales Options acquired Forward foreign exchange transactions Amounts to be delivered Amounts to be delivered (purchases) Currency and interest swaps Currency futures transactions Currency options Forward exchange rate contracts Interest rate swaps Interest futures transactions Forward interest rate contracts Interest rate options Other Options Amounts to be received Amounts to be received (sales) Forward deposit contracts Securities Spot foreign exchange transactions Forward transactions in currencies Lendings and borrowings Purchases and sales ofments securities and other negotiable instru- Forward interest rate transactions Other forward transactions 13.3.3 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS OF(in CREDIT € INSTITUTIONS million) AS A WHOLE, DATA ON Spot transactions in course of settlement Forward transactions

50 Oct. p Sep. 3,072,735 3,098,976 857,138 18,977,361580,994 19,002,655 17,721,732 17,726,364 Aug. July 2020 June May utions governed by foreign law established in Belgium. April CORPORATE BASIS (CONTINUED) March ber 1994. 564488 481294 457100110106876262565735 261 289 314 236 276 410 281 252 422 270 223 470 246 216 464 267 218 321 254 219 402 195 5,3655,345 5,451 5,4328,9036,099 4,675 4,658 9,190 7,355 4,670 4,655 12,242 7,2695,683 1,791 1,777 12,3575,683 6,875 4,621 1,780 1,768 11,605 4,621 5,439 4,888 1,756 11,408 1,745 4,888 5,679 5,040 1,753 11,374 1,743 5,040 5,820 5,178 11,174 15 7 5,178 5,573 11,123 5,229 5,229 5,406 5,382 5,382 5,366 5,367 5,238 5,238 84,906 88,02137,333 80,747 37,327 80,18634,220 36,984 76,61923,877 38,873 37,038 74,212 25,976 40,200 36,660 72,950 25,199 39,979 37,011 72,613 27,110 29,509 36,493 71,692 26,248 33,362 35,947 25,550 33,478 36,234 26,692 34,131 26,535 33,836 27,220 283,335189,126 284,285 191,106 286,152 196,084 284,226 199,308 281,472 215,354 278,880 228,325 276,998 223,136 279,491 227,929 278,686 225,290 Feb. 3,102,193 2,980,685 3,010,322 3,034,450 3,080,881 3,076,126 3,046,563 19,663,291 18,171,57018,306,111 18,714,209 17,009,781 18,764,194 17,478,306 19,063,102 17,508,016 18,771,576 17,788,965 18, 17,510,403 17, ed by Belgian law and on territorial position for branches of credit instit NBB Bulletin de la Banque nationale de Belgique, LXIXth year, number 12, Novem Calculations: NBB Purchases Values purchased For disbursement appropriations Sales Values sold For commitment appropriations Reporting based on the company’s position for credit institutions govern Without cover Futures transactions Other To customers On trustee basis Other Other To credit institutions On trustee basis Proceeds receivable Credit lines obtained Assets encumbered by real securities To the institution Expenses payable Credit lines granted Guarantees obtained By the institution 13.3.3 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS OF(in CREDIT € INSTITUTIONS million) AS A WHOLE, DATA ON Proceeds and expenses covered in advance Commitment appropriations used Credit lines granted Guarantees Valuables and claims entrusted Other rights and commitments Source: N.B.: Bibliographical reference:


(in € million)

2020 May June July Aug. Sep. Oct.

Assets Cash 1,863 1,926 2,075 1,900 1,866 1,761 Loans 805,805 833,503 843,404 841,823 835,215 861,692 Belgium 502,806 548,330 563,943 572,348 570,714 592,606 to monetary financial institutions 75,526 121,639 139,871 146,987 146,499 167,575 to institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 427,280 426,691 424,072 425,361 424,215 425,031 of which general government 38,782 37,915 38,311 39,382 38,991 37,881 other residents 388,498 388,776 385,761 385,979 385,224 387,150 Other member states of the Monetary Union 173,225 162,408 156,587 147,322 145,397 148,485 to monetary financial institutions 122,529 113,012 107,069 98,996 98,918 101,240 to institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 50,696 49,396 49,518 48,326 46,479 47,245 of which general government 19 22 22 39 22 22 other residents 50,677 49,374 49,496 48,287 46,457 47,223 Rest of the world 129,774 122,765 122,874 122,153 119,104 120,601 Securities other than shares 187,261 191,049 186,274 187,516 189,543 186,732 Belgium 92,055 92,060 94,379 93,857 92,483 92,369 Euro 92,031 92,037 94,350 93,835 92,448 92,335 of monetary financial institutions 908 838 832 889 843 836 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 91,123 91,199 93,518 92,946 91,605 91,499 of which general government 31,906 32,123 32,396 32,233 31,077 31,212 other residents 59,217 59,076 61,122 60,713 60,528 60,287 Foreign currencies 24 23 29 22 35 34 of monetary financial institutions 000000 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 24 23 29 22 35 34 of which general government 22 21 20 20 30 30 other residents 229254 Other member states of the Monetary Union 56,485 56,070 54,681 54,495 54,151 55,939 Euro 53,013 52,497 51,440 51,178 50,793 52,520 of monetary financial institutions 11,827 11,487 11,737 11,594 11,310 12,747 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 41,186 41,010 39,703 39,584 39,483 39,773 of which general government 29,338 29,186 32,582 32,650 32,639 32,841 other residents 11,848 11,824 7,121 6,934 6,844 6,932 Foreign currencies 3,472 3,573 3,241 3,317 3,358 3,419 of monetary financial institutions 2,066 2,053 1,916 1,994 2,092 2,009 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 1,406 1,520 1,325 1,323 1,266 1,410 of which general government 800 944 737 750 705 889 other residents 606 576 588 573 561 521 Rest of the world 38,721 42,919 37,214 39,164 42,909 38,424 Money market paper 20 20 20 70 70 15 Euro ------Foreign currencies ------Shares and other equity 29,178 29,066 29,093 29,126 29,055 28,955 Fixed assets 5,201 5,243 5,265 5,260 5,264 5,277 Remaining assets 63,629 61,794 60,390 57,263 58,634 57,443 Total assets 1,092,956 1,122,601 1,126,520 1,122,956 1,119,646 1,141,877


(in € million)

2020 May June July Aug. Sep. Oct.

Liabilities Deposits 878,881 906,232 911,436 910,564 905,247 925,699 Belgium 640,377 673,291 670,906 670,113 675,158 679,059 Euro 616,303 655,790 654,037 653,120 658,091 661,852 of monetary financial institutions 43,792 81,196 80,608 80,231 83,896 84,809 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 572,511 574,594 573,429 572,889 574,195 577,043 of which general government 18,842 20,709 20,962 20,384 20,273 21,751 other residents 553,669 553,885 552,467 552,505 553,922 555,292 Foreign currencies 24,074 17,501 16,869 16,993 17,067 17,207 of monetary financial institutions 8,506 1,245 1,062 721 866 1,231 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 15,568 16,256 15,807 16,272 16,201 15,976 of which general government 307 284 284 308 324 328 other residents 15,261 15,972 15,523 15,964 15,877 15,648 Other member states of the Monetary Union 113,184 112,382 127,109 125,583 110,892 130,251 Euro 82,686 82,542 97,218 97,137 82,640 99,787 of monetary financial institutions 58,722 57,530 72,686 73,145 59,043 74,424 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 23,964 25,012 24,532 23,992 23,597 25,363 of which general government 443 451 372 403 429 430 other residents 23,521 24,561 24,160 23,589 23,168 24,933 Foreign currencies 30,498 29,840 29,891 28,446 28,252 30,464 of monetary financial institutions 24,807 23,728 23,951 22,203 22,630 24,305 of institutional units other than monetary financial institutions 5,691 6,112 5,940 6,243 5,622 6,159 of which general government 146 149 80 106 250 77 other residents 5,545 5,963 5,860 6,137 5,372 6,082 Rest of the world 125,320 120,559 113,421 114,868 119,197 116,389 Debt securities issued 78,401 82,927 82,997 83,159 83,806 85,662 Euro 64,936 65,208 65,700 65,974 65,249 67,305 up to 1 year 14,943 15,163 15,806 16,436 15,245 16,233 over 1 and up to 2 years 1,447 1,355 1,298 1,270 1,264 1,455 over 2 years 48,546 48,690 48,596 48,268 48,740 49,617 Foreign currencies 13,465 17,719 17,297 17,185 18,557 18,357 up to 1 year 10,355 14,643 14,295 14,192 15,620 15,435 over 1 and up to 2 years 173 156 146 143 136 133 over 2 years 2,937 2,920 2,856 2,850 2,801 2,789 Capital and reserves 75,655 75,308 75,263 75,576 75,762 76,268 Remaining liabilities 60,015 58,132 56,819 53,658 54,831 54,247 Total liabilities 1,092,956 1,122,601 1,126,520 1,122,956 1,119,646 1,141,877

Source: NBB

53 d e s se i t i r 98 44 67 81 61 27 89 31 44 08 05 28 13 86 36 08 20 82 05 37 82 28 15 67 13 29 u c e s ferred s n a o oans secu l Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- - s n a ans- r t e s se i wi w r ferred e h t o r Loans securitised o e h t f o s so t e s tions s a e asse h t balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in over five years Other lending up to five years over one year and 2 up to one year Outstanding amounts over five years 1 up to five years over one year and Lending for house purchase EHOLDS up to one year over five years up to five years Consumer credit over one year and 390330249489357 4,387271 4,378190 4,606215 5,190188 5,239 4,064197 5,312 4,113172 5,191 4,285152 5,287 5,057140 5,355 5,102182 1,111 5,344 5,035165 1,150 5,377 5,136197 1,165 5,337 5,262195 1,131 5,358 5,330199 1,116 2,733 5,367 5,348172 1,099 2,874 5,347 5,454148 1,115 3,011 5,344 5,514139 1,110 3,143 5,369 5,583152 1,094 138,894 3,262 5,403 5,358155 1,055 143,028 3,344 5,377 5,363146 1,081 145,419 3,451 5,342 5,348140 1,119 149,018 3,559 5,301 5,408145 1,127 152,138 4,658 3,593 5,337 5,447 1,091 155,782 4,467 3,664 5,351 5,454 1,077 154,410 4,217 3,774 5,350 5,427 1,055 158,090 4,337 3,872 5,358 5,477 1,064 162,078 4,473 3,925 5,366 2,287 5,514 1,071 167,863 4,536 3,632 2,465 5,540 1,081 174,532 4,404 3,668 2,424 5,554 1,085 176,365 4,774 3,664 2,507 5,583 1,106 182,001 4,748 3,731 2,447 5,596 6,562 1,119 162,659 4,510 3,737 2,551 6,558 1,129 164,025 4,131 3,774 2,476 6,487 1,122 167,863 4,232 3,782 2,551 6,681 1,127 174,388 4,219 3,837 2,418 165,086 6,658 1,118 173,956 4,575 3,872 2,404 169,363 6,642 174,532 4,603 3,900 2,333 171,863 6,755 174,021 4,510 3,917 2,277 177,553 6,811 175,378 4,384 3,925 2,230 52,712 180,792 6,596 176,365 4,334 3,945 2,387 51,381 184,572 6,574 179,965 4,131 2,391 51,004 183,128 6,609 180,575 4,242 2,404 49,928 187,659 6,904 182,001 4,166 217,7 2,376 49,469 191,400 6,762 183,819 4,232 220,7 2,363 48,855 196,959 6,546 4,256 222,8 2,333 52,361 203,463 6,632 4,264 227,4 2,215 51,572 205,772 6,574 4,219 230,2 2,257 50,744 211,345 6,569 4,111 233,4 2,277 50,749 191,797 6,611 235,4 2,256 44,942 193,271 6,609 239,2 2,252 45,056 196,959 6,614 242,1 2,230 42,068 203,484 6,844 247,7 2,230 51,489 203,121 6,904 248,4 51,265 203,463 6,704 250,8 50,749 202,876 6,727 253,4 44,536 204,505 6,762 243,2 45,161 205,772 6,834 244,5 44,942 209,256 247,7 45,361 209,907 248,0 45,077 211,345 248,2 45,056 213,164 248,4 42,359 248,2 42,260 249,5 42,068 250,8 41,765 251,6 252,1 253,4 254,9 up to one year IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October 13.4.2 CLAIMS13.4.2.1 ORIGINALLY GRANTED LOANS BY ORIGINALLY CREDIT GRANTED INSTITUTIONS BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS(in TO € BELGIAN million) HOUS 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January

54 luded ferredferred loansloans securitised securitised TotalTotal adjusted adjusted for for oror otherwise otherwise trans- trans- ferredferred LoansLoans securitised securitised oror otherwise otherwise trans- trans- tionstions thethe assets assets of of the the balancebalance sheet sheet of of thethe credit credit institu- institu- TotalTotal recorded recorded in in l and interest of the debtors. Note that these transferred loans are not inc over five years Other lending up to five years over one year and up to one year Transactions ring credit institution is still responsible for collecting the principa over five years 1 up to five years over one year and Lending for house purchase EHOLDS (CONTINUED) up to one year over five years nclude loans transferred to euro area credit institutions if the transfer up to five years Consumer credit over one year and 90 37 9 36 13 11 -8 35 19 968 1,819 70 -104 20 0 58 73 1,244 1,821 -21 -303 1,223 1,518 -6 -8-8-3 20 26-3 35 -38 60 15 39 70 8 27 6 5,776 66 9 6 -233 6,512 27 -437 -15 -126 3,603 -50 0 -28 25 -13 5,566 2 -21 43 5 6,512 -177 -374 5,571 -6,213 3,505 625 299 -2,697 251 808 11 9928 129 -2 -6 -14 104 -22 3,638 -4 402 3,840 48 -91 45 12 4,470 -54 -789 3,693 3,681 -516 3,177 -69-90 -6 234-41-45-34 49 173-29-13 71-21 36 -52 38 12 24-34 13 68-31 -19-12 108 7 142 137 71-14 -25 29 -16-12 -34 5 -55 24 4,115 2,414 35 6 9 0 33 -3 -27 -13 9 109 -2 -187 -250 97 50 3,957 10 14 39 4 35 30 6,706 179 20 -41 1,539 5,641 -26 37 -378 581 -8 1,355 7 5 55 -69 -4 108 -11 -131 -171 -70 631 29 16 -508 2,520 1,079 4,257 7 -95 -180 -47 -31 -202 49 -1,331 112 605 4 -377 -74 1,433 117 3,735 -116 -35 -29 2,926 6,539 -118 2,143 8 89 -44 3 1,722 -828 5,589 -5,807 409 4 1,464 3 -22 -4 114 -2,988 56 2,907 732 745 -224 401 -592 1,836 2,601 37 24 1,070 1,154 -219 1,240 419 -284 1,443 641 182 -173 -192 786 -99 1,251 542 232 67 112 -33 134 3,719 119 84 210 4,644 -1,076 3,568 -164-141-118 -23-100 53 32 79 -115 47 -14 50 101 -15 108 16 6 117 1,877 105 163 3,099 274 -1,392 3,537 149 -12 -120 -156 -60 -36 -75 25 -25 2,042 117 -62 3,224 191 -1,463 3,524 -459 3,506 2,233 -614 2,765 2,043 2,910 up to one year NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October Including non-profit institutions serving Belgian households. in the series published by the ECB. Up to December 2002:Outstanding inclusive amounts of lending securitized for or house otherwise purchase transferred up loans to also one i year. 2017 III LOANS ORIGINALLY GRANTED BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS(in TO € BELGIAN million) HOUS 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: 1 2

55 luded 49 92 10 176 359 ,705 ,979 ,173 2,671 ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- 27 -1,763 ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- tions have caused important changes in the outstanding amounts the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in Transactions l and interest of the debtors. Note that these transferred loans are not inc over five years up to five years over one year and up to one year nal units in the government sector following a recommendation by Eurostat ferred ring credit institution is still responsible for collecting the principa loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS 12 tions 010 methodology and reclassifications of institutio the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in ESA2 Outstanding amounts over five years nclude loans transferred to euro area credit institutions if the transfer nce with the new up to five years over one year and 32,20333,52834,00435,92936,114 16,15436,310 16,52336,195 17,24038,320 18,683 59,55137,042 17,151 61,95136,476 17,103 64,15339,497 16,249 66,12538,564 16,823 107,908 67,32535,858 17,110 112,002 64,86837,051 17,378 115,397 67,92836,858 18,369 120,737 69,36736,476 18,448 20,044 120,590 70,54836,901 18,347 19,385 118,281 72,01136,885 17,272 18,626 120,372 73,34339,497 17,089 18,087 124,510 75,29040,864 17,378 127,952 17,570 124,700 71,99039,901 17,703 131,387 21,865 125,865 71,07638,564 17,830 134,023 21,551 131,209 71,37937,416 18,369 138,824 21,235 132,302 72,01136,987 19,121 -1,100 138,160 20,895 126,195 72,33935,858 19,226 140,146 1,378 20,458 125,399 72,64935,260 18,448 141,923 20,209 125,326 73,343 18,554 580 145,745 1,850 19,919 125,865 74,132 18,553 145,595 24,146 126,943 75,685 18,347 168 146,323 23 20,743 127,364 75,290 18,474 498 151,418 331 20,658 131,209 -167 71,303 152,221 2,287 20,458 134,117 1,438 728 71,659 -1,378 150,341 20,424 134,812 71,990 -1,508 146,142 20,295 132,302 1,598 -512 72,695 145,984 2,905 20,209 2,299 127,273 -33 146,323 -853 20,154 127,199 -859 1,956 2,193 -2,627 147,367 579 20,111 126,195 284 147,659 1,273 19,919 126,429 151,418 59 24,338 259 521 -218 1,010 4,008 -2,584 154,271 24,275 2,726 -353 154,923 5,244 24,146 3,501 1,460 -52 -116 393 152,221 1,083 24,025 -19 151,611 -67 2,531 1,402 -709 1,313 149 -2,119 151,474 -185 -659 1,338 1,706 150,341 295 -884 -539 -759 4,326 -3,247 -1,313 150,454 835 331 -11 -980 -517 128 1,149 551 4,295 5,228 -494 -188 3,3 437 -1,153 296 762 -314 -5,990 4 -316 669 2,742 -25 -597 -789 -76 333 -340 138 -584 -437 252 2, -249 728 -48 645 -206 -107 1,3 749 4,2 4,0 611 -377 463 126 1,057 -290 -351 -3,936 4 3,810 361 712 -152 2,849 374 -85 315 -2,479 -200 -446 684 -34 -4,778 -366 -129 -86 -1,044 -168 -55 493 -192 -192 411 4,419 -43 213 1,023 3,724 232 -129 2,794 -63 - -121 - -489 -1 -231 92 up to one year NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October in December 2014. Those reclassifications do notin affect the the series actual published by flows. the ECB. New definitions for non-financial and financial corporationsOutstanding in amounts accorda of securitized or otherwise transferred loans also i LOANS ORIGINALLY GRANTED BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS(in TO € BELGIAN million) NON- 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: 1 2

56 luded 2 7 ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- tions have caused important changes in the outstanding amounts the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in Transactions l and interest of the debtors. Note that these transferred loans are not inc over five years up to five years over one year and up to one year nal units in the government sector following a recommendation by Eurostat ferred ring credit institution is still responsible for collecting the principa loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- N FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES AND TO BELGIAN FINANCIAL AUXILIARIES 12 tions 010 methodology and reclassifications of institutio the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in ESA2 Outstanding amounts over five years nclude loans transferred to euro area credit institutions if the transfer nce with the new up to five years over one year and 23,87924,55224,65323,37221,456 10,82823,420 10,93523,577 11,47922,950 11,653 15,84022,803 11,751 16,29423,462 11,813 16,85315,608 11,494 17,39515,831 11,676 50,547 18,09814,375 10,756 51,781 17,99522,381 10,537 52,985 18,84822,325 11,803 52,420 19,66923,462 11,137 51,305 19,86922,515 10,600 827 53,228 19,24314,864 10,788 799 53,919 19,55615,608 10,499 749 54,295 17,63715,182 10,537 726 53,428 17,47914,513 10,668 716 51,374 53,242 20,22115,831 10,875 1,141 52,580 46,967 18,98614,859 11,803 1,205 53,734 44,605 19,24314,054 11,536 1,238 53,146 42,454 19,30314,375 11,202 1,271 52,021 53,390 19,36614,485 11,137 1,339 54,369 -577 51,810 19,556 11,053 1,448 55,124 686 53,242 19,542 11,146 1,603 55,533 121 52,486 17,605 10,600 1,779 54,699 -207 -1,931 45,105 17,637 10,377 1,299 54,581 1,889 46,967 17,432 1,317 48,415 88 46,260 17,462 1,339 174 46,208 264 -627 43,320 17,479 1,380 44,233 553 -156 44,605 17,522 1,454 149 54,689 147 43,344 1,448 663 53,127 -7,776 50 42,662 1,415 54,581 395 -331 42,454 1,483 236 53,866 460 -1,450 265 42,384 1,603 46,559 570 -943 -412 1,786 496 48,415 1,249 -208 519 1,781 47,675 -72 -118 1,147 1,102 1,779 44,803 -94 -523 1,410 -475 -965 1,788 46,208 -7,658 766 1,244 45,130 180 -1,265 40 438 847 44,443 -629 226 -296 1,821 -433 44,233 48 -653 945 -30 -28 44,172 -131 123 1,322 -218 205 -50 -1,054 404 -919 -10 -23 -6,301 921 -710 362 -1,249 -174 425 -272 314 -260 64 258 -2,143 1,382 -418 108 -124 24 9 1,194 33 -62 59 33 -1,275 109 -1,617 148 68 143 415 -10 2,246 -23 -561 1,453 176 -148 155 1,009 -224 -7,394 -818 -225 40 437 -6,19 18 -886 1,911 28 -106 31 -728 -1,061 22 -24 -1,96 -263 37 -1,341 74 41 1,371 -1,599 -6 -531 -33 68 18 -271 1,475 183 -7,320 -79 120 -777 1,905 -5 -761 -993 -2 -1,158 1,491 9 -536 -273 -70 up to one year NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October in December 2014. Those reclassifications do notin affect the the series actual published by flows. the ECB. New definitions for non-financial and financial corporationsOutstanding in amounts accorda of securitized or otherwise transferred loans also i LOANS ORIGINALLY GRANTED BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS(in € TO million) OTHER BELGIA 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: 1 2

57 ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- 2 ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- Non-euro area countries tions the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in Rest of the world ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- Euro area countries 3 tions the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in ferred Outstanding amounts loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- 1 ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- TORS General government tions the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in Belgium ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- Insurance corporations and pension funds tions 5,7495,2914,7044,9485,6775,903 15,679 15,979 15,560 15,308 05,559 0 5,7506,095 1 5,2925,230 0 4,7055,072 1 4,9495,466 1 5,677 35,5585,308 1 5,903 35,2055,848 2 5,680 35,4646,050 2 5,979 38,5175,559 1 5,561 35,8785,301 980 1 5,309 35,7575,860 956 1 5,560 35,0336,095 910 1 6,097 35,8155,888 907 1 5,232 35,7236,213 905 1 5,073 34,640 36,5385,230 887 1 5,467 35,711 36,1615,174 840 2 5,309 37,915 36,374 839 2 5,849 38,991 39,424 839 2 6,051 35,890 36,783 32,550 825 2 5,560 34,654 36,644 33,537 775 2 5,302 34,640 35,873 34,674 772 2 5,862 35,408 36,654 37,981 871 6,097 34,985 36,562 38,282 839 5,890 35,711 35,465 36 40,475 839 6,215 38,333 36,486 56 45,733 825 5,232 38,782 38,687 60 46,083 812 5,176 37,915 39,862 62 45,419 776 38,311 36,729 64 46,292 775 39,382 32,586 35,493 43 49,878 775 38,991 33,593 35,465 45 49,396 775 37,881 34,734 36,220 45 46,479 772 38,043 35,761 45 44,009 875 38,346 53,473 36,486 49 44,865 874 40,518 51,076 39,108 49 46,292 871 45,778 48,332 39,557 49 46,632 871 46,128 53,365 38,687 40 45,851 45,464 50,899 39,186 45 49,878 46,341 46,585 40,256 45 4 52,756 49,927 53 48,816 39,862 49 50,696 49,445 51 48,046 38,752 43 49,396 46,519 52 47,138 43 49,518 44,054 53 44,846 49 48,326 161 44,910 53,477 46,262 43 46,479 154 51,129 46,341 42,681 41 47,245 151 48,383 46,675 41,668 49 151 53,417 45,894 47 193 50,952 49,927 39 46,746 177 52,799 40 48,970 171 50,737 39 48,197 163 49,445 47,289 49,565 45,039 48,365 46,439 46,519 42,852 47,284 41,831 the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in IV II III IV II III IV II III Nov. Dec. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. LOANS ORIGINALLY GRANTED BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS(in TO € THE million) OTHER SEC 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 Oct. 2020 Jan.

58 luded ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- 2 ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- Non-euro area countries tions have caused important changes in the outstanding amounts the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in Rest of the world l and interest of the debtors. Note that these transferred loans are not inc ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- Euro area countries tions the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in nal units in the government sector following a recommendation by Eurostat Transactions ring credit institution is still responsible for collecting the principa ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- 1 ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- TORS (CONTINUED) General government 010 methodology and reclassifications of institutio tions ESA2 the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in Belgium nclude loans transferred to euro area credit institutions if the transfer nce with the new ferred loans securitised Total adjusted for or otherwise trans- ferred Loans securitised or otherwise trans- Insurance corporations and pension funds -56 0 -56 -1,110 0 -1,110 723 -1 722 569242729226 0300 0 -1251 0 569536 -1 242394 728 0 226 -778540 1202 299 3,053 -2,598 0559 251 -121 -4235 0 537 0 710325 -3 -2 394 1 -18 1,074 0 -782 2,260 540 202 -1 0 3,050 -2,600 -1,236 -50 560 -139 677 -3 235 771 -423 2,985 709 325 279 0 1,024 2,159 449 -1 2,257 -13 -811 -36 2 1,071 575 2 -1,236 3,558 -21 0 -287 -3 676 758 -459 2,987 -1 0 747 281 0 2,138 0 -833 449 -814 212 -793 3,802 1,070 -2,616 575 -4,554 0 3,558 -1,807 -1,222 -3 -287 -6 0 -1,161 1 108 -246 1 1,113 747 -2 -2,998 8 -836 -8 206 3,803 -793 -4,446 -3 -2,615 -16 -1,809 -6 -1,214 -1,169 1,097 -249 -3,004 -456-618-224 0 0-419-252 1 -456-864 -618-488 1 0-158 -223 -353 0 259-491 0 -418-258 -252 0 -24 -724-206 -46 -864 0 -488-983 -71 0 -976 -158 -47 -377 0 1,123 213 -491 274 0 0 -14 -258 -14 1,084 -771 99 -206 1,218 726 0 2,622 -983 -990 -71 -14 20 5,025 1,222 443 4 -1 0 -391 274 931 -942 1,104 -28 2 -2,710 103 1,222 -1,359 725 2,622 -3 4 0 -1,999 1,543 5,027 -9 -2,287 546 4,139 2,742 0 -394 49 -942 935 1,443 4 -2,719 -2 328 -1,359 -6 6 -1,877 -1,976 -1,960 -1,950 -7 1,547 -391 -2,289 -2 2,736 4,145 1 42 0 1,436 -8 326 -1,876 -1,918 -1,976 -399 tions the assets of the balance sheet of the credit institu- Total recorded in NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III Nov. Dec. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. in December 2014. Those reclassifications do not affect the actualin flows. the series published by the ECB. New definitions for non-financial and financial corporationsFigures in only accorda available onOutstanding a amounts of quarterly securitized basis or - otherwise see transferred quarterly loans tables. also i LOANS ORIGINALLY GRANTED BY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS(in TO € THE million) OTHER SEC 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 Oct. 2020 Jan. Source: 1 2 3 2017 III

59 Total Repos 2 at notice Transactions Deposits redeemable maturity Deposits with agreed Sight deposits Total Repos BELGIAN HOUSEHOLDS 1 at notice Deposits redeemable Outstanding amounts ked to mortgage loans. ked to mortgage loans. maturity Deposits with agreed 80,41882,21284,99989,77689,52492,068 9,79696,193 9,459 9,11797,229 8,915 8,696 8,549 256,862 8,058 258,477 260,36197,839 7,614 264,61198,651 264,920 269,17899,983 0 273,816 0 7,477 0 279,074 7,309 0 0 7,248 0 0 347,076 350,148 278,909 0 354,477 279,498 363,302 363,140 283,250 369,795 -1,307 378,067 1,849 0 2,865 0 383,917 4,747 -307 0 2,523 -641 4,031 -323 384,225 -324 -2,432 385,458 -39 -225 390,481 -156 -515 53 1,616 -224 1,886 689 952 4,178 327 -383 3,907 4,617 0 0 -110 0 355 -188 0 -109 0 0 0 -1,895 3,142 -163 0 4,427 415 8,886 785 6,274 -205 8,133 0 -2,301 0 0 416 1,179 293 100,104100,301102,446109,358108,320 7,864 7,336100,301 6,904 6,328101,458 6,105 278,893102,446105,242 282,464110,304 7,336 283,510109,358 291,172109,722 7,134 291,628108,431 6,904 0108,320 6,657109,069 6,487 0 282,464 6,328 0 6,171 0 283,884 6,140 0 283,510 6,105 386,861 285,049 5,984 289,210 0 390,101 291,172 392,860 292,104 0 406,858 292,156 0 406,053 291,628 3,972 0 291,791 0 3,366 0 390,101 2,062 0 7,048 392,476 0 -835 0 392,860 -174 0 396,948 406,001 -405 1,725 406,858 -457 407,997 -557 1,453 406,727 -190 5,081 406,053 992 2,757 406,844 5,209 3,379 -107 -918 1,045 7,665 608 -121 -1,254 -227 457 -189 0 -257 737 -146 3,127 0 -154 0 -118 0 -26 634 -374 -46 1,538 0 8,879 -122 4,164 0 1,963 6,340 2,650 934 14,156 0 53 -530 0 0 -568 163 0 0 4,745 0 0 1,966 0 4,038 391 0 9,227 891 1,424 -1,227 -765 778 Sight deposits NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October Including non-profit institutions serving Belgian households. Including special deposits,Including regulated savings special deposits deposits, and regulated deposits savings lin deposits and deposits lin 13.4.3 DEPOSITS13.4.3.1 AND OTHER DEPOSITS RECEIVABLES AND HELD OTHER WITH RECEIVABLES CREDIT HELD(in INSTITUTIONS WITH € million) CREDIT INSTITUTIONS BY 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: 1 2

60 Total Repos 2 have caused important changes in the outstanding amounts at notice Transactions Deposits redeemable maturity Deposits with agreed Sight deposits nal units in the government sector following a recommendation by Eurostat Total Repos BELGIAN NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS 1 010 methodology and reclassifications of institutio 2 ESA2 at notice Deposits redeemable Outstanding amounts ked to mortgage loans. nce with the new maturity Deposits with agreed 62,62963,21565,32566,68567,96668,350 4,01971,575 3,94972,457 3,63674,709 3,44375,376 3,49882,446 3,340 29,07086,079 3,424 28,02087,332 3,172 28,91075,767 3,495 28,58376,855 3,326 29,36875,376 4,634 28,23476,044 4,438 0 28,66076,783 3,791 29,399 082,446 3,703 30,179 086,417 3,578 0 29,25187,087 3,326 29,261 086,079 3,361 0 29,59785,559 3,714 29,807 086,831 95,718 4,634 0 30,16987,332 95,184 4,046 30,380 087,611 97,871 4,277 29,251 0 98,711 4,438 29,395 0 100,832 4,214 29,381 0 99,924 4,136 0 29,261 103,659 -218 3,791 29,461 105,028 0 590 4,000 2,183 29,814 0 108,383 1,292 29,597 0 107,953 1,176 28,915 0 116,341 29,638 0 120,114 387 2,746 29,807 120,930 0 151 29,630 0 843 109,639 1,501 -59 -396 0 110,813 1,095 -230 0 107,953 6,913 57 0 108,800 3,724 0 109,878 -169 1,365 117 0 116,341 136 1,492 -155 0 119,924 -1,049 1,031 200 890 121,178 -1,428 -140 -468 1,287 120,114 118,688 624 771 -240 120,605 714 -785 -592 5,575 836 120,930 0 3,943 233 121,241 0 736 -144 729 0 726 -229 -927 0 -945 14 -369 0 18 1,296 336 349 0 920 192 0 438 -601 -10 267 0 211 -1,128 0 69 -518 193 0 2,677 168 -159 0 594 0 -70 144 2,004 -20 0 -110 -363 -567 3,699 200 0 205 0 1,424 0 353 2,430 -217 -700 28 8,214 0 723 3,820 0 0 169 0 965 -177 1,715 -2,785 1,098 0 0 0 0 786 1,043 0 6,385 0 3,542 1,272 -994 -1,228 1,949 244 295 Sight deposits NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October in December 2014. Those reclassifications do not affect the actual flows. New definitions for non-financial and financial corporationsIncluding in special accorda deposits, regulated savings deposits and deposits lin DEPOSITS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES HELD(in WITH € CREDIT miljoen) INSTITUTIONS BY 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: 1 2

61 Total Repos 2 have caused important changes in the outstanding amounts at notice RIES Transactions Deposits redeemable maturity Deposits with agreed Sight deposits nal units in the government sector following a recommendation by Eurostat Total Repos OTHER BELGIAN FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES AND BY BELGIAN FINANCIAL AUXILIA 1 010 methodology and reclassifications of institutio 2 ESA2 at notice Deposits redeemable Outstanding amounts ked to mortgage loans nce with the new maturity Deposits with agreed 16,90317,00417,19218,02416,18815,995 10,13016,577 9,75616,090 9,97016,473 10,97816,782 11,11018,405 10,307 4,16217,653 10,39717,320 3,911 10,57916,527 4,381 12,033 3,59216,639 10,732 4,03616,782 11,492 3,91617,162 12,260 3,404 1016,926 12,203 4,19718,405 10 12,165 4,30318,116 10 10,855 4,64617,857 0 10,732 4,19317,653 0 11,325 3,50716,868 0 11,163 3,364 31,20517,124 0 11,492 4,64517,320 0 30,681 11,589 4,56517,130 0 31,553 11,472 4,646 0 32,594 12,260 4,697 0 31,334 11,914 4,593 0 30,218 11,458 4,193 223 0 30,378 12,203 3,674 0 30,866 169 12,190 3,488 0 32,809 237 3,507 0 32,160 700 -1,742 3,445 0 34,090 3,511 -230 0 33,420 3,364 32,887 0 150 352 3,437 -315 0 33,337 -361 0 32,059 334 205 0 32,160 955 67 116 1,706 33,184 0 -812 -745 0 32,682 -318 0 34,090 34 83 -251 -299 0 33,379 179 1,429 32,817 470 201 -789 -1,286 33,420 165 444 750 32,227 361 -120 -226 32,093 856 1,571 32,887 -82 -205 0 644 -304 32,757 149 0 -1,322 106 -200 343 0 -241 -10 -113 -457 -747 0 585 -686 -164 261 0 329 -170 168 342 -191 0 91 407 -80 0 -443 -27 0 792 81 0 912 856 -368 -1,182 0 51 -98 -453 -1,162 -410 0 739 0 -519 -14 0 230 -186 0 508 1,869 19 -89 -876 0 1,999 0 66 0 -575 -147 0 -570 73 0 -1,201 192 0 0 0 133 997 0 -488 1,490 0 0 -732 -413 -1,204 570 -126 760 -132 Sight deposits NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October in December 2014. Those reclassifications do not affect the actual flows. New definitions for non-financial and financial corporationsIncluding in special accorda deposits, regulated savings deposits and deposits lin DEPOSITS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES HELD(in WITH € million) CREDIT INSTITUTIONS BY 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: 1 2

62 2 Non-euro area countries Rest of the world Euro area countries have caused important changes in the outstanding amounts Transactions General government Belgium pension funds Insurance corporations and 2 nal units in the government sector following a recommendation by Eurostat Non-euro area countries Rest of the world THE OTHER SECTORS Euro area countries 010 methodology and reclassifications of institutio ESA2 1 Outstanding amounts nce with the new General government Belgium 9,6489,5109,8129,5989,728 20,640 21,0919,466 19,8439,932 19,8849,728 19,707 35,2669,775 33,932 20,993 35,296 20,5978,934 35,7419,466 19,7079,079 28,2879,037 35,301 20,8449,932 31,107 31,124 28,497 29,219 19,149 25,075 20,993 28,287 21,246 25,307 20,692 -1,257 26,531 20,597 21,824 -141 21,673 299 29,655 -1,081 31,124 30,472 30,235 -428 29,219 -891 -1,011 462 466 -1,276 -77 -1,056 -377 -1,295 1,877 -1,360 -338 1,313 -220 -1,131 -2,427 -5,483 533 -384 -2,399 -3,451 2,573 -41 -4,296 891 -2,782 -1,728 -25 -1,218 -114 -3,487 1,938 -3,503 425 -2,124 -549 -2,081 -96 210 83 1,512 -356 -204 -1,168 10,09710,06410,89710,647 21,649 21,47310,053 21,42310,482 19,87510,142 35,57610,109 35,728 20,764 36,27710,112 19,21310,48210,070 38,509 21,708 42,437 22,107 39,860 33,846 37,939 20,869 28,649 19,21310,098 20,370 25,132 30,371 31,875 326 29,134 -30 28,583 832 24,042 28,649 22,079 29,680 719 300 446 -175 725 58 31,522 31 93 -904 -144 872 225 -364 660 356 707 -413 2,721 -3,111 -2,163 944 399 -2,344 -1,632 1,292 296 165 -1,631 1,157 -3,677 3,465 -3,407 1,427 -2,390 236 1,482 2,141 978 2,280 pension funds Insurance corporations and NBB IV II III IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October in December 2014. Those reclassifications do not affect the actual flows. New definitions for non-financial and financial corporationsFigures in only accorda available on a quarterly basis - see quarterly tables. DEPOSITS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES HELD(in WITH € million) CREDIT INSTITUTIONS BY 2017 III 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: 1 2

63 64 15. Financial assets held by non-financial companies and households M3 excluding cur- rency in circulation M3 Money market pa- rities up to 2 years per and debt secu- shares / units Money market fund agreements Repurchase M2 3months Deposits redeem- able at notice up to non-MFI euro area residents excluding central government. to2years Deposits with agreed maturity up M1 he Repurchase agreements with Central counterparties (CCPs). Overnight deposits ilities of MFIs and central government (Post Office,Treasury) vis-à-vis 809858877921981 3,946 4,009 4,275 4,505 4,987 4,754 4,867 5,151 5,426 5,968 1,807 1,845 1,800 1,685 1,589 1,911 1,959 2,094 2,136 2,139 8,472 8,671 9,045 9,247 9,695 173 137 115 111 109 552 520 468 405 421 123 207 180 88 103 9,321 9,535 9,808 9,850 10,328 8,512 8,678 8,931 8,928 9,348 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) lation 1,0491,0881,1231,1751,232 5,5831,150 6,1071,175 6,6631,172 7,1261,192 7,7441,205 6,632 7,0021,232 7,194 7,1261,253 7,786 7,2701,307 8,302 7,4771,330 8,975 7,584 1,4461,208 8,153 7,744 1,3291,215 8,302 8,060 1,1961,232 8,442 8,462 1,1241,224 8,669 8,593 1,0681,229 2,151 8,789 7,638 1,1301,253 2,213 8,975 7,757 1,1241,274 2,252 9,313 7,744 1,1231,294 2,289 9,769 7,703 1,0991,307 2,353 9,924 7,783 10,228 1,1081,321 2,284 8,846 8,060 10,736 1,0681,327 2,289 8,972 8,217 11,234 1,0851,330 2,322 8,975 8,388 11,715 1,0651,338 2,346 8,927 8,462 12,396 1,079 2,355 9,013 8,492 67 11,567 1,096 2,353 9,313 8,529 63 11,715 1,080 2,365 9,491 8,593 68 11,887 1,068 2,410 9,682 8,686 68 12,115 1,070 2,426 9,769 71 12,251 1,069 2,352 9,813 70 12,396 1,085 477 2,350 9,856 68 12,762 1,071 511 2,353 9,924 74 13,243 1,086 501 10,024 2,360 75 13,428 1,065 513 2,360 73 12,293 1,080 520 2,365 71 12,402 1,061 486 66 2,379 110 12,396 1,079 513 82 2,399 1,062 96 12,358 520 69 2,410 98 12,442 511 68 2,415 77 12,762 537 2,424 8 73 12,941 520 10,838 63 2,426 531 71 13,166 2,428 11,393 68 72 13,243 570 11,872 39 85 13,308 608 12,364 42 110 13,341 539 22 101 12,996 9,789 13,428 542 12,185 10,305 101 13,514 8 520 54 12,364 10,748 96 555 12,519 22 11,188 110 551 12,741 531 1 11,764 97 12,883 27 11,035 555 98 26 11,188 94 12,996 555 13,456 11,348 8 570 13,930 22 11,550 599 27 11,678 14,135 600 54 12,937 11,764 608 35 12,203 13,042 622 27 12,623 12,996 13,007 22 12,805 13,105 8 11,728 13,456 11,827 4 13,633 1 11,764 13,849 18 11,783 13,930 11,876 12,203 14,025 12,359 14,041 12,556 14,135 14,250 12,623 12,704 12,714 12,805 12,911 Currency in circu- Statistical bulletin of the National Bank of Belgium, 1999-I, p28. p ECB IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October Monetary aggregates comprise monetary liab 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 From June 2010, the Repurchase agreements, and consequently M3, exclude t Bibliographical reference: 15.1(end MONETARY of period, AGGREGATES in € OF billion) THE EURO AREA 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.:

66 n e r r ) u n c o i e t h a l t u g c r n i i c d u n l i c y x c cy in circulation) e ( 3 M3M (excluding the curren- Total CCPs), might cause breaks in the time series. years debt securities up to 2 Money market paper and Other M3 components / units Money market fund shares lassifications that have an impact on the list of Central counterparties ( Repurchase agreements t a s h e t l n b o a m m e 3 e o d t e r p u s ROM JANUARY 2002 ONWARDS) t i e s c i o t p o e n noticeupto3months DepositsD redeemable at a m s r d a e e e r y g 2 a o h t t i p w u s y t t i i s r o u t turity up to 2 years gates of the eurozone excludes currency in circulation. p e he Repurchase agreements with Central counterparties (CCPs). Hence, rec DepositsD with agreed ma- s t i s o p e d t h g i 114.9111.5124.5131.8150.4166.8187.8 43.3200.5 44.2215.3 34.0229.1 26.8211.0 25.4215.3 22.3224.8 11.7228.5 227.0 12.2227.6 230.4 13.3229.1 256.5 11.0240.5 270.7 13.4254.0 281.7 13.3252.3 293.0 14.7230.1 299.3 13.2232.7 301.6 1.0 12.9229.1 311.5 2.2 11.0230.5 327.6 1.3 12.1230.9 309.5 5.5 13.6240.5 311.5 1.8 12.1248.3 316.5 0.7 11.9251.9 323.4 0.0 11.9254.0 325.2 0.0 11.0251.0 1.5 327.6 0.0 11.3250.3 3.5 328.2 0.3 10.2252.3 0.7 334.4 0.2 12.1254.1 0.6 334.9 0.0 12.8 0.8 325.4 0.0 12.7 12.1 325.8 0.0 13.6 1.9 327.6 0.0 13.7 2.5 15.1 328.8 0.3 13.2 11.2 -6.4 329.5 0.5 12.1 2.2 13.0 328.2 0.9 14.3 4.2 -1.6 329.1 1.0 11.2 4.7 333.1 0.0 15.3 7.3 334.4 0.3 6.6 25.0 334.7 0.3 5.3 26.5 17.6 335.7 0.3 16.1 2.2 -0.7 334.9 0.5 9.1 18.5 15.0 335.0 0.5 7.2 14.1 0.7 4.5 16.1 4.8 0.9 28.1 7.3 3.8 20.2 0.9 1.6 19.8 26.9 0.9 402.7 2.2 19.3 29.0 0.8 27.3 1.1 18.5 385.4 1.0 429.9 1.4 21.3 21.0 0.9 9.1 24.7 18.5 433.9 27.3 9.3 23.0 510.2 464.7 8.0 19.0 27.5 525.7 7.2 19.4 26.4 543.3 6.0 18.5 24.6 567.4 4.6 20.3 21.0 588.6 4.8 23.7 30.9 552.4 4.1 21.3 32.8 567.4 22.4 28.8 583.5 22.3 22.8 591.5 24.7 21.3 590.4 23.6 21.0 588.6 23.7 21.7 611.8 23.0 25.6 634.7 24.4 30.9 628.1 32.4 590.2 31.2 591.7 32.8 588.6 30.5 592.3 29.1 596.3 28.8 611.8 29.4 622.5 629.0 634.7 629.9 628.3 628.1 632.8 n r e v OvernightO deposits NBB p Calculations: NBB IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October From january 2002 onwards, the Belgian contribution to the monetary aggre 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 From June 2010, the Repurchase agreements, and consequently M3, exclude t BELGIAN CONTRIBUTION BELGIAN TO CONTRIBUTION THE(end MONETARY TO of AGGREGATES period, THE in OF € MONETARY billion) THE AGGREGATES EUROZONE OF THE EUROZONE (F 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.:


16. Liabilities of households and non-financial companies e u d r 1 e v o t i g d 409 070 772 945 298 109 131 110 n e i r 3,932 5,431 3,250 1,353 d c credit 15,321 n a t s t u OutstandingO overdue t i d e r C Credit Number of borrowers with at least one r. e u d r e v o s w t i e d ase is thus mainly a consequence of n e f r c credits o r e b m u NumberN of new overdue t n u o m a t i d e r CreditC amount New credits 2 r e b m u NumberN s of loan is counted in each of the categories but only once in the total numbe ounts to be recorded in the Central Register by the end of the year. The incre s r a e r r ArrearsA ilities on acc REDIT REGISTER of which outstanding Outstanding overdue credits Number rs per type of credit. A borrower who has contracted several different type Total be considered as a rise in the number of ”new” loans. g 2011 results from a legislative change requiring overdraft fac n i d n a t s t s t i u d o e f r o c credits r 7,605,8727,589,3947,604,7237,618,5917,589,703 556,9167,556,011 556,2077,524,651 554,9687,504,064 552,9137,496,303 549,1737,485,280 548,6187,480,645 461,069 544,0127,464,628 458,874 538,3977,436,151 457,320 535,595 454,552 532,625 452,287 530,355 453,374 1,540,149 527,098 449,222 1,536,526 523,100 443,305 1,531,145 440,525 1,522,998 438,316 1,517,631 436,545 1,523,750 75,632 433,514 1,507,271 67,919 101,046 431,659 1,488,431 1,478,424 93,296 1,474,579 62,987 1,465,523 28,726 845,476 1,456,149 47,375 835,527 1,338,531 1,448,260 72,897 78,577 1,342,610 66,114 900,165 74,820 432,265 9,752 74,937 618,642 9,083 9,537 48,702 994,065 1,058,369 8,290 846,036 8,444 1,032,394 9,719 1,034,388 5,329,341 8,423 5,326,348 5,332,076 692,871 6,898 6,653 5,339,237 5,738 5,325,327 6,761 317, 5,313,685 7,029 316, 3 5,303,221 6,589 5,290,348 31 5,287,387 312, 5,284,277 5,283,090 313, 5,271,098 311, 307, 5,260,038 30 304, 30 30 300, e b m u NumberN of outstanding NBB, Central Consumer Credit Office December February March April May June July August September October November the widening of the Central Register’s scope of application and should not The total number ofThe borrowers growth is in not the number equal of to loans/revolving credit the facilities sum in of the number of borrowe HOUSEHOLDS AND INDIVIDUALS CONSUMER AND MORTGAGE CREDIT ACCORDING TO THE CENTRAL INDIVIDUAL(in C € thousand) 2019 November 2020 January Sources: 1 2 CONSUMER CREDIT

70 e r c e u d r e v t 93 09 77 64 58 35 65 o i d dit g n i d n a t s t u OutstandingO overdue cre- t i d e r C Credit Number of borrowers with at least one e u d r e v o s w t i e d n e f r c credits o r e b m u NumberN of new overdue t n u o m a t i d e r CreditC amount New credits r e b m u Number N s r a e r r Arrears A of which outstanding Outstanding overdue credits Number Total g n i d n a t s t s t i u d o e f r o c credits r 3,224,2653,223,9693,218,8223,218,9623,219,7803,224,655 42,1603,225,366 43,0683,226,340 43,5293,230,935 43,5363,235,727 43,7543,241,688 44,1733,249,033 44,497 29,1453,251,869 44,521 29,897 44,396 30,170 43,921 29,918 43,654 29,985 43,387 30,212 1,155,148 43,036 29,879 1,148,699 29,289 1,139,596 28,814 1,132,368 28,404 1,127,548 28,158 1,127,022 27,716 55,911 1,100,000 27,405 49,948 1,084,264 31,851 1,062,980 31,243 1,048,895 32,142 1,035,596 30,371 1,033,050 7,184,081 28,326 1,028,615 6,030,178 33,154 4,020,442 36,338 3,976,015 31,701 4,216,094 37,081 4,185,549 43,187 3,726,693 913 35,607 1,798 4,467,273 1,395 4,956,672 1,159 4,401,889 1,098 5,128,583 1,086 5,917,842 1,345 5,032,389 3,055,954 3,056,801 1,270 3,054,545 893 3,053,291 628 3,051,358 700 3,052,128 773 3,050,538 38,356 39,5 776 3,048,518 40,0 39,6 3,047,399 39,7 3,049,819 39,9 3,051,682 39,4 3,053,337 38,5 3,054,782 37,874 37,269 36,984 36,340 35,847 e b m u NumberN of outstanding NBB, Central Consumer Credit Office December February March April May June July August September October November MORTGAGE CREDITS (in € thousand) 2019 November 2020 January Sources:

71 ,704 ,152 ,315 ,564 ,819 ,327 dit 4,838 3,814 2,409 0,202 Refinancing of an existing cre- (13) (14) purpose Other financial Total (10) + (11) gage credit, and excludes all mortgage credit contracted conversion Purchase and Amount of applications (millions of euro) Conversion Building Purchase pt of ”mortgage credit” refers to the Law of 4th August 1992 concerning mort dit Refinancing of an existing cre- (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) = (8) + (9) + purpose Other financial Total (3) + (4) ber 1994. conversion Purchase and panies and mortgage companies. Number of applications (thousands) redit or the outstanding amount of these loans. From 1995 onwards the conce Conversion Building 8.8 2.7 4.3 0.9 16.7 1.3 3.5 1,607 545 266 180 2,598 112 472 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = (1) + (2) + 47.950.351.353.7 9.252.3 10.260.7 11.242.3 11.640.4 10.8 14.057.6 14.4 15.928.4 17.5 9.319.2 18.7 9.413.1 17.9 11.2 4.113.5 4.5 26.6 8.214.4 4.7 15.7 4.914.4 4.7 16.0 2.8 4.5 18.6 75.2 2.710.8 79.4 4.9 10.0 3.120.8 84.7 4.4 3.520.1 9.0 88.7 4.117.6 7.6 85.5 5.8 5.2 2.719.9 108.1 4.8 6.0 2.1 4.020.9 5.4 6.0 71.7 3.9 1.6 5.5 6.8 69.9 3.3 1.2 5.9 93.2 8.8 4.0 6.4 1.4 4.6 8.7 48.7 4.3 1.5 7.1 9.7 4.8 34.7 12.8 1.5 6.3 5.1 24.7 12.8 5.4 6.2 14.6 8,037 22.4 1.2 6.9 8,464 2.8 24.4 2.0 7.1 8,669 12.0 2.0 24.9 9,218 1.7 12.6 1.6 1,598 8,975 16.3 1.6 10,574 1,826 1.4 19.3 2.5 2,032 6.9 1.5 33.9 2.6 2,113 7,634 1.9 32.0 4.3 1,958 7,632 2,926 11,027 808 27.9 3.4 831 1.5 33.3 3.4 999 1,904 1,011 4,881 2.3 34.9 4.1 1,954 1,012 2,367 2.0 1,439 3,363 4.5 784 2.1 2,330 880 2.1 1,489 2,400 3.4 869 965 888 2.3 2,601 5.7 1,195 963 871 895 961 2,633 5.9 11,227 12,001 542 4.8 12,569 542 13,230561 2,062 5.6 847 1,217 644 12,816 3,963 6.0 15,900 842 485 718 400 3,819 495 393 3,381 475 529 294 11,350 558 418 15,806 3,827 418 335 11,391 851 458 4,060 1,107 321 336 818 1,113 222 712 1,259 1,599 7,349 383 273 281 527 837 1,610 400 1,859 283 416 933 5,064 291 382 3,487 352 1,553 204 3,509 2,105 250 461 1,671 3,863 412 490 142 3,978 362 112 342 115 3,151 860 513 123 5,642 523 145 548 5,381 451 4,787 110 440 5,638 178 527 6,006 160 586 192 175 471 189 728 747 636 722 810 158.1163.9152.4170.3 47.1180.3 44.1180.4 30.0189.9 34.9188.7 108.3 37.8196.8 149.2 34.1218.0 68.2 45.0 66.6 41.0 18.5 75.3 41.8 19.4 82.0 49.5 17.4 85.0 15.9 332.0 61.9 15.2 376.6 62.6 14.8 80.7 268.0 17.2 287.7 19.9 16.8 308.6 19.9 17.1 311.3 18.8 17.4 337.1 14.8 308.4 35.7 17.3 318.3 30.2 23.0 367.0 38.0 24.8 33.0 17.6 21,263 79.0 20.8 22,321 98.5 25.1 21,498 81.0 5,541 23,972 36.2 4,817 26,087 37.8 26,902 4,080 49.9 29,257 5,062 3,444 30,128 5,549 4,152 32,518 5,225 2,687 37,436 7,273 2,812 2,797 6,947 3,199 2,942 7,299 3,418 2,774 9,029 3,621 33,045 2,601 3,235 34,232 2,481 3,528 2,444 31,039 4,461 2,818 1,556 34,447 3,021 1,535 37,316 3,206 37,989 1,369 3,589 42,969 1,414 43,331 1,335 46,551 1,700 4 54,515 1,836 4 1,600 9 1,733 1 1,880 1 4 4 6 Purchase Bulletin de la Banque nationale de Belgique, LXIXth year, number 9, Septem NBB IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October According to a survey conducted among credit institutions, insurance com 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 16.2.4 RESULTS OF16.2.4.1 THE SURVEY MORTGAGE ON CREDIT: THE PURPOSE APPLICATIONS OF SUBMITTED MORTGAGE CREDITS 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: The data indicate a trend and do not reflect all applications for mortgage c for commercial purposes. Bibliographical reference:

72 2 98 06 38 600 771 384 ,168 ,688 ,742 dit Refinancing of an existing cre- (13) (14) purpose Other financial Total (10) + (11) conversion Purchase and Amount of applications (millions of euro) Conversion Building Purchase poses. dit Refinancing of an existing cre- (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) = (8) + (9) + purpose Other financial Total (3) + (4) . conversion Purchase and panies and mortgage companies. ning mortgage credit, and excludes all mortgage credit for commercial pur Number of applications (thousands) Conversion Building 2.19.7 1.6 1.79.3 1.28.2 2.4 4.4 4.1 2.5 4.3 1.8 3.2 0.5 4.5 0.6 0.6 4.8 0.5 4.0 14.7 0.8 13.2 14.1 0.7 10.5 0.6 1.1 17.4 1.1 1.2 17.3 1.0 14.6 1.4 2.3 2.4 1.5 2.1 1.2 1.7 1,270 3.1 1,136 1,282 3.3 2.6 963 369 1,705 285 309 1,623 1,464 222 220 473 215 232 481 347 174 105 254 104 118 265 225 1,964 97 165 1,740 1,941 148 135 1,456 2,597 72 75 2,517 82 2,171 61 93 280 306 91 260 73 210 386 433 330 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = (1) + (2) + 8.236.3 8.454.3 7.922.1 9.025.7 12.0 8.628.7 16.6 12.213.9 12.8 5.412.5 15.3 6.327.9 2.6 14.7 6.9 25.0 2.6 3.4 2.5 12.8 3.7 2.6 12.8 9.5 56.8 2.5 13.5 3.6 59.410.4 6.3 55.5 1.7 6.4 62.0 2.2 12.3 4.0 62.1 2.311.2 99.5 4.6 2.713.4 1.0 4.3 42.0 0.8 4.9 47.0 1.8 4.6 51.4 5.3 2.6 5.6 6.1 3.0 24.6 5.1 3.4 5.6 23.4 4.0 51.5 7.0 4.2 5,422 7.7 11.4 4.7 5,796 1.8 0.9 5.4 5,167 6.8 1.5 2.3 5,660 8.1 1,387 5,924 8.9 1,443 8,935 1.0 1,330 19.1 1.2 3.3 3,688 1,574 3.1 4,475 5.0 657 1,500 2,913 5,120 646 19.5 665 1.6 23.0 2,228 963 791 1,216 2,019 1,284 4,688 500 764 1,347 513 1.5 608 500 1.7 3.3 667 628 507 718 1,677 7,966 742 509 764 8,398 3.0 7,662 310 1,807 3.6 327 8,532 324 451 650 13,874 280 8,697 488 344 2,033 313 189 521 5,645 2,416 350 6,860 348 166 387 290 642 7,719 721 519 3,335 656 290 229 596 259 1,315 3,137 849 7,402 267 922 274 104 189 302 1,012 846 153 91 1,124 205 382 2,807 242 571 362 3,031 105 3,556 103 115 416 361 436 113.2117.1111.1108.4 36.7120.5 36.0115.6 24.2127.7 25.0126.9 88.9 28.5134.0 136.6 24.0158.0 58.0 32.0 53.9 32.3 13.6 58.0 33.4 13.6 70.4 42.1 12.2 68.4 10.7 53.5 252.4 10.8 303.3 51.1 9.5 67.8 205.5 9.9 198.0 13.9 9.7 217.8 13.8 10.1 219.5 11.2 12.5 238.0 9.9 222.4 19.7 12.0 228.6 21.7 17.0 279.1 27.8 19.8 23.5 15.7 14,544 34.8 17.1 15,286 19.4 83.4 14,818 55.6 4,173 14,493 27.8 3,634 16,708 22.5 3,130 16,625 31.7 19,070 3,402 2,699 3,982 3,559 19,476 21,216 3,538 2,178 25,686 4,900 2,167 2,009 5,280 2,433 2,070 5,652 2,968 1,952 7,317 2,913 23,425 1,695 2,603 24,549 1,783 2,650 22,078 1,573 3,504 1,722 21,757 945 24,906 1,713 925 1,875 24,704 2,258 810 28,605 778 29,072 2,3 797 31,393 2, 1,040 38,765 3,1 1,181 1,113 2,54 1,204 3,7 10 1,301 6, 3, 2 3 Purchase Bulletin statistique de la Banque nationale de Belgique, 1996-I, p. 27-30 NBB IV II III IV II III November December February March April May June July August September October According to a survey conducted among credit institutions, insurance com 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 MORTGAGE CREDIT: MORTGAGE CONTRACTS DRAWN UP 2018 III 2019 I 2020 I 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: The concept of ”mortgage credit” refers to the Law of 4th August 1992Bibliographical concer reference:


17. Capital market 3 At final maturity date Yield for bearer (p.c.) date At interim maturity l i m 2 ( ) d o e r u u s e s f i o s t s n n u o i o l lions of euro) m AmountsA issued (mil- Months Duration of loan Years ) . c . p ( e c i r p e u s s IssueI price (p.c.) e t a r t s e r ) e t c n i p ( (p.c.) l a n i m o NominalN interest rate YEAR BY THE PUBLIC SECTOR Maturity Period Issue 201020102010201020102010 20152010 20182010 20152011 20182011 20152011 2018 2.502011 2015 3.252011 2018 2.202011 2014 3.002011 2016 2.052011 2019 2.752011 2014 2.352011 2016 3.002011 100.00 2019 2.452011 100.00 2014 3.202012 101.00 2016 3.752012 101.50 5 2019 2.502012 100.75 8 2014 3.252012 100.75 5 2016 3.752012 100.00 8 2019 2.352012 5 2017 99.75 3.002012 100.00 8 2020 3.502013 100.00 5 2017 3.502013 100.00 2020 8 4.002013 100.00 3 2020 4.202013 100.00 5 2017 2.352013 8 2020 99.75 3.102013 100.25 3 2018 2.252013 100.25 5 2021 3.002013 100.25 2018 8 2.102014 100.00 3 2021 1.002014 100.00 5 2018 1.802014 100.00 8 33.5 2021 1.002014 100.00 53.7 3 2018 1.852014 100.00 16.0 5 2021 0.752014 100.00 29.5 8 2019 1.502015 100.00 5 17.0 2022 1.352015 100.00 8 19.0 2019 2.15 -2015 100.00 5 23.3 2022 1.00 -2015 100.00 8 2022 27.5 1.90 -2015 100.00 8 19.5 2024 0.90 -2016 100.00 62.7 5 2023 1.75 -2016 100.00 8 59.2 2025 0.60 -2016 100.00 12.8 5 2025 1.40 - 2.50 100.00 27.8 8 2025 1.00 3.25 100.00 - 5 2025 46.4 1.10 - 1.99 100.00 8 2026 9.5 0.3 - 2.79 100.00 31.3 5 2026 0.6 - 1.89 100.00 8 36.3 2026 0.8 - 710.2 2.64 100.00 5 4,714.6 0.9 - 2.35 100.00 8 0.75 304.5 100.00 - 5 3.04 0.60 2.45 100.00 - 8 29.9 0.50 - 3.20 100.00 29.4 5 0.60 - 3.75 17.5 8 - 100.00 2.50 - 28.5 8 100.00 3.25 22.3 10 - 100.00 3.79 100.00 4.3 8 - 100.00 10.1 2.26 10 - 2.95 100.00 4.0 10 - 3.46 100.00 3.50 8.7 10 - 4.00 100.00 10 3.6 - 10 4.20 5.7 - 10 8.1 - 2.35 15.7 10 3.10 - 5.9 2.25 - 14.6 3.00 - 3.8 2.10 - 11.8 - 1.00 6.0 - 1.80 7.7 - 1.00 9.8 - 10.3 1.85 - 0.75 - 0.6 1.50 2.8 - 1.35 3.0 2.15 - 7.1 - 9.6 1.00 - 1.90 8.6 8.9 0.90 - 19.0 1.75 - - 0.60 - 1.40 - 1.00 1.10 - - - 0.30 0.60 0.80 0.90 0.75 0.60 0.50 0.60 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 s r e u s s IssuersI EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES 24 February 26 May 27 May 26 August 27 August 25 November 26 November 24 February 25 February 24 May 25 May 26 May 25 August 26 August 27 August 24 November 25 November 26 November 24 February 23 May 24 May 24 August 23 November 24 November 22 February 24 May 25 May 26 August 27 August 25 November 26 November 22 February 22 May 23 May 26 August 25 November 24 February 26 May 26 August 25 November 26 May 24 November FIXED INTEREST SECURITIES PUBLIC ISSUES OF BONDS IN NATIONAL CURRENCY AT OVER ONE 2010 23 February 2011 23 February 2012 23 February 2013 21 February 2014 21 February 2015 23 February 2016 24 February

76 3 At final maturity date Yield for bearer (p.c.) date At interim maturity 2 lionslions of of euro) euro) AmountsAmounts issued issued (mil- (mil- Months Duration of loan Years ecovery of Municipalities) Issue price (p.c.) Issue price (p.c.) (p.c.) (p.c.) Nominal interest rate Nominal interest rate YEAR BY THE PUBLIC SECTOR (CONTINUED) Maturity Period elge”, excluding tap issues. t financieel herstel van de gemeenten (Assistance Fund for the Financial R Issue 201720172017201720182018 20272018 20272019 2027 2027 2028 2028 0.75 2028 0.70 2029 0.65 0.50 0.90 0.75 0.65 0.55 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10 100.00 10 100.00 10 100.00 10 100.00 10 10 10 10 8.6 4.0 4.2 2.7 5.7 2.4 - 2.3 - 4.0 - - - - - 0.75 - 0.70 0.65 0.50 0.90 0.75 0.65 0.55 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Issuers Issuers EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES EB/BES NBB 23 May 24 August 23 November 24 May 24 August Loans which are subject to a Decree in the ”Belgisch Staatsblad/Moniteur b EB/BES: Etat belge/Belgische StaatFR/WF: (Belgian State) Fonds des Routes/WegenfondsFARFC: (Road Fonds Fund) d’aide au redressement financier des communes/HulpfondsNominal values. to Yields calculated before retentionsState of note. tax at source. RW/WG: Région wallonne/Waals Gewest (Walloon region) 17.1.5 PUBLIC ISSUES OF BONDS IN NATIONAL CURRENCY AT OVER ONE 2017 23 February 2018 22 February 2019 21 February Source: N.B.: 1 2 3 4

77 Nov. Oct. 2020 Sep. 5,0008,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 11,584 11,584 12,738 12,738 Aug. 9 1 6,069 7,411 7,411 7,411 7,411 0 13,807 16,835 16,835 16,835 16,835 2019 2 8 1 4,500 6,886 7,481 8,219 8,219 8,916 0 14,724 14,724 14,724 14,724 14,724 14,724 2018 2 7 1 5,2553,0003,000 7,814 4,878 4,904 10,810 4,878 4,904 12,875 6,196 4,904 12,875 6,196 4,904 12,875 6,196 5,553 12,875 6,196 5,553 0 13,728 13,728 13,728 13,728 13,728 13,728 13,728 2017 2 6 1 5,7053,0003,000 8,858 6,116 3,000 11,064 9,502 4,217 11,064 9,502 5,313 11,064 9,502 6,649 11,064 9,502 6,649 11,064 9,502 6,829 11,064 9,502 6,829 0 14,388 14,388 14,388 15,096 15,404 15,404 15,404 15,404 2016 2 5 1 8,438 8,438 9,594 3,000 9,0408,204 9,7232,500 8,2048,435 10,7086,147 2,500 8,2044,000 9,7374,000 10,708 6,147 2,500 10,193 8,204 9,737 5,377 10,708 7,250 10,193 8,204 9,737 11,009 6,627 7,784 11,228 8,404 11,009 9,737 6,627 7,784 11,946 8,404 11,334 9,737 8,587 7,784 13,607 11,334 8,404 9,737 8,587 14,647 7,784 8,404 9,737 8,587 14,647 7,784 9,737 8,587 14,647 7,784 8,587 0 19,34519,16512,984 19,34514,08411,176 19,63511,42812,237 19,345 14,08419,486 11,176 19,635 11,42815,791 12,237 19,34515,980 14,084 19,486 19,63513,234 11,428 16,339 12,237 19,34516,246 16,945 14,084 19,486 19,63512,662 13,234 19,34513,652 12,237 17,29911,890 16,246 16,945 14,084 19,635 19,486 12,662 19,34515,885 13,652 17,299 14,084 11,890 16,246 16,945 19,63516,452 19,486 12,662 19,345 15,885 13,652 17,299 14,084 11,890 16,246 16,945 19,486 19,635 16,452 12,662 17,299 19,345 15,885 13,652 16,945 14,084 16,246 19,635 16,452 0 17,299 15,885 13,652 0 16,246 16,945 14,084 16,452 13,652 17,299 15,885 16,246 16,945 0 16,452 0 15,885 13,652 17,299 16,246 16,945 17,466 0 0 15,885 13,652 16,246 18,133 15,885 13,652 0 18,133 15,885 18,930 0 2015 2 315,054 327,107 329,810 337,935 342,776 380,528 382,973 365,795 367,289 NBB Calculations: NBB 17.1.6 OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF(end LINEAR of BONDS period, in € million) Issue1995 Maturity date1998 28/03/15 Code2002 28/03/28 Nominal interest2004 rate (p.c.) 282 28/09/172005 291 28/03/352006 300 28/09/152006 304 28/09/16 8.00 2007 306 28/03/22 5.50 2008 307 28/03/17 5.50 2009 308 28/03/18 5.00 2009 309 28/03/19 3.75 2010 312 28/03/15 3.25 2010 315 28/09/20 4.00 2010 316 28/03/16 4.00 2011 318 28/03/41 4.00 2011 319 28/09/21 4.00 2011 320 15/02/16 3.50 2011 321 28/06/17 3.75 2012 322 28/03/26 2.75 2012 323 28/09/22 4.25 2012 324 28/03/32 4.25 2012 325 28/09/19 VAR 2013 326 22/06/23 3.50 2013 327 22/06/18 4.50 2013 328 02/05/18 4.25 2014 329 22/06/45 4.00 2014 330 22/06/24 3.00 2015 331 22/06/34 2.25 2015 332 22/06/25 1.25 2015 333 22/06/31 VAR 2016 334 22/06/38 3.75 2016 335 22/06/26 2.60 2016 336 22/06/47 3.00 2016 337 22/10/23 0.80 2017 338 22/06/66 1.00 2017 339 22/06/27 1.90 2017 340 22/10/24 1.00 2017 341 22/06/57 1.60 2018 342 22/06/37 0.20 2018 343 22/06/28 2.15 2019 344 22/04/33 0.80 2019 345 22/06/29 0.50 2020 346 22/06/50 2.25 2020 347 1.45 22/06/302020 348 0.80 22/06/40TOTAL 349 1.25 27/10/27 350 0.90 Source: 351 1.70 0,1 0,4 0,0

78 e s r n l 74 o a i 045 t t ,046 i c p u a d ductions CapitalC re- n s i e l s a t a i e p r a c creases CapitalC in- s y n n o a i t p a Number of companies (in units) m m o r o Company C f formations 986 3,912 1,035 3,032 Total 2 Other 8 33,686 89,624 23,744 5,429 15,185 1 478 33,098 64,191 21,444 8,887 14,969 ,975 51,445 101,252,921 20,560 23,332 21,008 67,046 9,241 26,500 4,905 17,246 Capital reductions 3,076 169,804 216,397 24,051 6,422 7,974 ses Incorpora- tion of los- 5 13,856 27,957 89,8788 26,837 3,495 7,244 31,311 6,950 54,654 30,167 4,344 11,126 20 4,757 30,906 68,384 21,949 6,148 7,515 825 10,677 16,412 79,914 26,263 6,772 6,079 ,780 27,137 40,702 188,619 21,419 6,927 7,986 ders Repay- ments to sharehol- Total miums Issue pre- l. debts Conver- sions of uity Conver- sions of eq- Capital increases Amount to be paid up Amount of the financial transactions (in millions of euro) kind tions in Contribu- cash tions in Contribu- idations, mergers by acquisition and demergers. es other restructuring operations of the own funds which reduce the capita Total Amount to be paid up kind Company formations tions in Contribu- 2 0 0 2 350 947 271 21 173 1,183 2,945 3,835 156 923 4,913 24 187 506 8846 41 127 8568 599 21518 29 17863 1,110 65 33 1,325 39 869 232 60 1 261 284 136 13 224 53 191 235 26 308 479 244 299 160 2,462 254 261 1,055 1,129 162 68 631 57 4,241 415 53 948 2 45 828 409 3,013 57 107 388 134 893 512 125 1,321 2,033 51 141 763 201 2,551 2,995 623 6,070 401 2,451 842 134 66 437 1,054 1,142 422 149 1,872 271 30 1 4,728 3 176 1,421 99 5,011 330 2,128 387 2,162 194 1,475 1,700 3,003 341 523 452 195 980 1, 152 335 371 962 6,996 266 8,224132142 25,779107 395108 18,751263 26 142185 610 1,029 95 1,089 3 6,035 669 103 37 229 250 6,491 1,731 171 754 6 1,602 432 12,844 1,690 1,288 577 1,972 294 70,928 1,615 161 489 38,833 5,179 327 893 111 10 66 36 371 21 212 53 241 592 74 128 576 36 1,309 459 3,752 167 221 137 4,348 252 921 96 812 2,836 745 9,674 2,151 2,534 83 2,698 307 7,543 1,851 5,988 566 1,955 272 868 77 420 43 5,487 4,012 90 14, 3,325 2,871 48 891 443 5,254 1,501 389 528 3,125 806 2,606 7 997 2,462 293 323 3,758 299 708 873 179 664 271 cash 1,6701,6651,071 15,442 3,6893,825 4,8682,155 3381,265 427 5,6691,382 17,449 527 3,3791,459 7,963 5,7801,668 43,856 453 1,178 3,099 6,466 2,178 30,497 597 64,406 2,898 9,946 44,349 550 8,632 76,608 417 7,484 1,040 9,825 16,802 21,497 17,283 3,109 1,773 4,054 16,871 3,003 3,194 9,744 5,607 15,770 8,855 7,987 8,392 25,970 12,905 27,247 8,360 1,242 985 9,541 7,294 21,175 11,735 13,129 11,495 13,174 671 9,926 626 14,736 138,604 1,456 1,173 12,890 89,006 5,928 8,449 138,896 122,306 52, 18,004 4,426 2,024 7,654 11,829 8,288 120 48,06 4,364 3,976 130,679 4,632 64,499 62,048 263,724 5,018 11,318 32,7 23,615 7,956 43,517 46,408 50,743 40,426 7, 50,780 35,793 19,84 5,15 7 tions in Contribu- NBB July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Feb. March April May June Including shares issued by the financial intermediaries. This item essentially comprises incorporation ofThis losses. item It essentially also comprises compris the capital reductions as a result of liqu 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SHARES AND OTHER EQUITY ISSUES OF SHARES(in € miljoen) 2019 2019 June 2020 Jan. Source: N.B.: 1 2

79 s e t i 1 r u c e s n g i e r o ForeignF securites s e t i r u c e s n a i g Capital traded: average per session (thousands of ) l e BelgianB securites t a s e r ) a s h o s r f o e f n o o i t s a n s o i i l l l i a t i m p ( a d c o i e r g e n p a f h o c d x n e e end of period (millions of euros) k c o t StockS exchange capitalisation of shares at 2 Euronext Brussels Return index (reinvested dividends) Prices of shares (indices January 1st, 1980=1000) 8,301.58,002.58,245.69,559.4 23,379.7 23,141.9 24,659.3 29,450.8 200,309.0 176,646.0 227,183.8 271,648.18,799.48,797.78,871.29,767.79,743.99,765.3 313,697.19,648.8 312,159.79,368.6 310,655.1 331,559.7 32,464.5 32,575.1 32,969.0 36,399.7 36,418.8 36,543.7 36,138.3 2,186.0 35,183.7 1,710.8 1,130.3 3,359.5 238,967.8 254,772.4 257,747.1 266,121.3 266,708.8 274,852.9 268,710.4 254,316.1 726,179.4 373,860.6 388,793.3 490,253.6 333,972.9 299,833.0 334,291.4 293,443.4 23,511.3 9,544.8 20,787.2 21,902.0 21,607.6 45,267.9 31,179.2 19,297.4 11,246.412,852.712,233.513,046.512,412.411,906.811,468.110,893.711,068.711,571.811,850.1 35,748.712,259.7 41,767.711,670.3 40,900.411,675.6 44,871.812,142.5 43,877.011,722.4 43,316.012,202.0 40,960.112,170.6 39,027.612,263.5 39,716.612,284.5 41,526.412,364.4 42,564.512,064.5 312,813.7 44,145.8 379,402.0 42,370.0 351,634.0 42,611.6 365,424.5 44,358.5 280,539.4 42,899.2 335,063.5 44,681.9 309,109.0 44,659.9 280,539.4 45,053.9 306,098.0 45,203.410,154.8 314,267.8 45,588.7 327,641.4 44,495.9 354,404.4 340,211.0 507,519.7 309,042.3 466,694.7 320,372.7 419,445.9 345,687.8 477,380.6 335,448.1 415,722.1 345,649.0 415,181.0 325,781.6 430,209.8 331,751.3 393,218.5 335,063.5 38,173.4 412,323.9 328,371.5 438,510.8 280,069.0 2,513.5 426,578.2 1,765.1 406,477.3 1,309.6 415,299.3 1,786.3 432,090.3 7,378.0 392,785.3 14,337.9 428,963.3 14,212.2 431,472.9 11,588.3 443,479.5 11,195.4 364,927.7 302,396.1 14,685.4 377,383.8 20,118.4 537,180.5 12,435.3 11,902.6 13,707.2 11,217.6 14,570.1 16,099.9 12,307.7 18,687.0 15,085.9 438,505.3 16,623.1 19,029.5 19,507.4 Price index (dividends not reinvested) EURONEXT December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October November Debentures and shares. Belgian All Shares, average index number for the period. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 17.2.3 STOCK EXCHANGE ACTIVITY 2018 November 2019 January 2020 January Source: 1 2

80 18. Money market illions of euro) Amount (m Total Number of transactions Amount (millions of euro) Treasury bills and certificates of credit Number of transactions the NBB’s security clearing system (period averages of the daily data) it linear bonds. Amount (millions of euro) Linear bonds Number of transactions Secondary market transactions in dematerialized securities recorded by Amount (millions of euro) uding, from 19 October 1992, transactions in ”scrips” and ”coupons” of spl Treasury certificates 9690778591 3,6709293 2,8318374 2,63388 3,5986298 3,639 738 3,282 3,581 731 3,525 2,587 685 3,880 677 2,659 28,043 5,043 769 664 770 25,345 762 24,546 684 21,191 770 673 26 32,503 739 24,890 28,499 32 32,979 27 29,409 25 35,346 27,768 30 30,868 593 28 23 24 796 20 920 21 593 22 24 1,143 860 672 490 853 626 517 789 595 788 444 890 32,306 538 785 885 28,971 869 28,100 778 25,382 880 37,285 758 861 28,844 32,571 37,130 32,513 39,821 30,870 36,449 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) = (1) + (3) + (5) (8) = (2) + (4) + (6) 168211246280221 3,974328 6,213286 5,369146 5,926135 4,351 595 7,067117 843 5,959 862 5,555 738 6,627103 776 14,658 1,276 5,130 25,804 1,288 17,979 718 13,637 676 4,024 15,524 25,463 39 680 25,915 45 39 27,798 39 34,593 839 37 51 21,318 588 45 420 33 429 27 32,169 386 366 917 23 801 1,100 749 1,147 881 1,057 19 713 1,033 1,655 19,221 613 32,437 1,487 23,777 897 19,950 838 379 20,568 33,447 32,623 820 34,233 41,933 960 27,061 36,572 Number of transactions NBB December February March April May June July August September October November Excluding the National Bank of Belgium’s open-market transactions, Incl 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 18.10 TRANSACTIONS ON THE SECUNDARY MARKET IN DEMATERIALISED SECURITIES 2019 2019 November 2020 January Source: N.B.:

82 19. Interest rates ilities deposit fac Interest rate of the cilities Interest rate of the marginal lending fa- 2 ble tender rate it is the weighted average rate. The dates mentioned e dates mentioned correspond to the dates of the allocations. cing operations Interest rate of the longer-term refinan- 1 ---0.30-0.30 --0.25-0.40 --0.25-0.50 0.05 0.30 -0.20 0.000.00 - 0.00 0.30 0.25 -0.30 -0.40 operations main refinancing Interest rate of the Statistical bulletin of the National Bank of Belgium, 1999-I, p. 29. ECB 9 December 16 March 18 September 2015 2 May correspond to the dates of the allocations. It is the rate of the weeklyIt tender is with the a rate maturity of the of monthly two tender weeks. with For a the maturity varia of three or six months.Th Bibliographical reference: 19.1(dates MAIN of INTEREST change, yearly RATES percentages) OF THE MONETARY POLICY OF THE EUROSYSTEM p.m. 2016 15 March 2019 17 September Source: 1 2

84 12 months 6 months 3months ICATES ISSUED BY THE BELGIAN GOVERNMENT 2months 1. - -0.67 -0.67 -0.62 -0.58 0.320.780.070.020.02 0.37 0.90 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.43 1.01 0.13 0.05 0.05 0.53 1.16 0.17 0.07 0.05 0.81 1.55 0.37 0.15 0.07 -0.24-0.60-0.69-0.64-0.57-0.75-0.60-0.58-0.61 -0.23-0.48 -0.59-0.54-0.55 -0.69-0.64 -0.63-0.57 -0.58-0.55-0.61-0.57 -0.72 -0.59 -0.57 -0.54 -0.22 -0.46 -0.58 -0.52 -0.51 -0.68 -0.56 -0.62 -0.57 -0.59 -0.61 -0.62 -0.72 -0.64 -0.60 -0.58 -0.67 -0.22 -0.43 -0.58 -0.49 -0.53 -0.65 -0.54 -0.60 -0.56 -0.59 -0.58 -0.69 -0.71 -0.63 -0.60 -0.60 -0.62 -0.20 -0.50 -0.55 -0.52 -0.51 -0.59 -0.57 -0.56 -0.61 -0.57 -0.59 -0.63 -0.63 -0.59 -0.57 -0.58 -0.58 -0.48 -0.50 -0.49 -0.56 -0.56 -0.58 -0.60 -0.61 1 month NBB Bulletin de la Banque nationale de Belgique, LXVIth year, number 5, May 199 Calculations: NBB December February March April May June July August September October November 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 19.2(daily REFERENCE averages, INTEREST yearly RATES percentages) ON THE SECONDARY MARKET FOR TREASURY CERTIF 2019 2019 November 2020 January Source: Bibliographical reference:

85 3 o t 1 p e u c i t t ulfill the conditions a o n e l s b h a t n m o e e m months notice d e RedeemableR at up to 3 NS - NEW BUSINESS Over 2 years maturity up to 1 year years maturity Over 1 and up to 2 With agreed maturity With agreed maturity , it also includes premia (like fidelity or growth premia) if the deposits f up to 1 month Up to 1 year maturity With agreed maturity t h g i n r e -0.09 -0.150.00 -0.070.00 -0.15 -0.09 0.00 -0.09 -0.15 -0.14 -0.08 -0.12 -0.14 -0.09 -0.03 -0.18 -0.15 0.110.01 0.120.01 0.100.01 0.070.01 0.090.00 0.090.00 0.20 0.080.00 0.22 0.08 0.26 0.08 0.01 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.26 0.49 0.19 0.11 0.39 0.16 0.60 0.21 0.35 0.17 0.37 0.19 0.33 0.17 0.10 0.30 0.56 0.10 0.57 0.10 0.47 0.09 0.56 0.09 0.69 0.09 0.79 0.09 0.36 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 -0.01-0.01-0.02-0.03 -0.17-0.03 -0.14 -0.01 -0.08 -0.19 -0.15 -0.21 -0.15 -0.13 -0.27 v Overnight O Overnight NBB NBB Recalculated: Recalculated: NBB NBB November December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October - ”up to” means ”up to and including”. - ”up to” means ”up to and including”. to have them. Before 01/07/2016, the rate only included the basis rate. From 01/07/2016 19.419.4.1 MFI INTEREST RATES (MIR) INTEREST19.4.1.1 RATES ON INTEREST NEW RATES BUSINESS ON IN DEPOSITS EUR IN EUR FROM HOUSEHOLDS - NEW BUSINESS 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: - More detailed data are available1 at INTEREST RATES ON DEPOSITS IN EUR FROM NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIO 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: - More detailed data are available at

86 October October September September August August July July June June 2020 2020 May May April April March March February February January January December December 2019 2019 November November W BUSINESS 5.913.08 5.703.665.41 3.584.43 5.82 3.56 5.251.86 3.03 4.28 5.832.00 3.431.56 5.00 1.92 3.611.64 4.09 5.65 2.05 2.96 1.60 4.681.53 1.94 3.18 1.61 3.661.53 5.73 2.17 2.881.46 1.66 4.57 1.47 1.69 3.46 1.56 3.57 1.66 5.46 1.88 3.00 1.52 1.59 4.46 1.46 1.95 2.23 1.69 3.65 1.48 5.13 2.07 3.11 1.40 1.59 4.52 1.43 1.87 3.49 1.67 3.73 1.17 5.36 2.09 2.76 1.41 1.57 3.75 1.53 1.70 2.91 1.66 3.18 1.63 5.35 2.06 2.81 1.54 1.60 4.18 1.47 1.86 3.45 1.604.19 3.35 1.40 5.48 2.06 3.09 1.40 1.56 4.62 1.681.57 1.79 3.50 1.52 4.63 3.73 1.56 5.561.39 2.03 3.26 1.271.46 1.61 4.96 1.41 1.56 1.92 2.81 1.48 4.15 3.97 1.92 5.35 1.42 1.93 3.371.29 1.65 1.47 1.52 5.10 1.48 1.55 1.84 3.33 1.45 4.25 4.11 1.75 1.25 1.94 3.28 1.31 1.36 1.48 1.57 5.24 1.53 1.57 1.92 1.42 4.02 4.08 1.73 1.39 1.91 1.36 1.39 1.49 1.46 1.54 1.56 1.91 1.40 4.20 1.84 1.44 1.97 1.33 1.55 1.49 1.41 1.51 1.58 1.40 4.33 1.74 1.37 1.42 1.73 1.53 1.56 1.56 4.04 1.84 1.32 1.32 1.61 1.66 1.58 4.29 1.58 1.36 1.60 1.59 3.78 1.53 1.35 1.55 1.57 3.75 1.55 1.38 1.47 1.57 3.92 1.57 1.34 1.55 1.59 4.18 1.52 1.38 1.50 1.58 1.55 1.34 1.54 1.38 October October illion illion NBB NBB Recalculated: Recalculated: NBB NBB - ”up to” means ”up to and including”. - ”up to” means ”up to and including”. Floating rate and up to 1 year initial rate fixation Floating rate and up to 1 year initial rate fixation Floating rate and up to 1 year initial rate fixation Floating rate and up to 1 year initial rate fixation Floating rate and up to 1 year initial rate fixation Over 1 and up toOver 5 years 5 years initial rate initial rate fixation Annual fixation percent rate of charge Over 1 and up toOver 5 years 5 and initial up rate to fixation Over 10 years 10 years initial rate initial rate fixation fixation Over 1 and up toOver 5 years 5 years initial rate initial rate fixation fixation Over 1 and up toOver 5 years 5 years initial rate initial rate fixation fixation INTEREST RATES ON LOANS IN EUR TO HOUSEHOLDS - NEW BUSINESS Advances on current account For consumption For house purchases For other purposes Source: N.B.: - More detailed data are available at INTEREST RATES ON LOANS IN EUR TO NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS - NE Advances on current account Other loans up to an amount of EUR 1 m Other loans over an amount of EUR 1 m Source: N.B.: - More detailed data are available at

87 s r a e y 5 r e v OverO 5 years s r a e y 5 o t p u d n a 1 r e v OverO 1 and up to 5 years Loans to non-financial corporations r a e y 1 o t p Upto1year U Over 5 years Over 1 and up to 5 years Consumer credit and other loans Upto1year TO HOUSEHOLDS AND NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS EUR WITH AGREED MATURITY FROM HOUSEHOLDS AND NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS Over 2 years Loans to households Over 5 years Upto2years Deposits from non-financial corporations For house purchases Over 1 and up to 5 years Over 2 years 1.682.03 1.682.01 1.682.03 1.632.01 1.622.00 1.621.98 1.62 2.03 1.62 2.01 1.62 2.00 1.61 2.00 1.60 1.99 1.58 1.98 1.57 1.96 4.27 1.95 4.24 1.94 4.23 1.94 4.24 1.93 4.32 1.91 4.52 1.90 4.25 2.62 4.07 2.62 4.11 2.58 4.05 2.56 4.22 2.57 4.27 2.56 4.23 2.55 3.55 2.54 3.53 2.49 3.50 2.48 3.47 2.48 3.45 2.48 3.42 2.47 3.40 1.74 3.37 1.79 3.34 1.68 3.34 1.69 3.32 1.68 3.32 1.69 3.30 1.67 1.16 1.70 1.13 1.75 1.12 1.69 1.13 1.70 1.11 1.73 1.09 1.75 1.06 1.98 1.07 1.96 1.08 1.90 1.08 1.89 1.08 1.88 1.09 1.86 1.09 1.87 1.85 1.82 1.81 1.80 1.80 1.78 Deposits from households Upto1year 0.340.340.320.290.260.25 1.480.23 1.460.21 1.490.20 1.470.22 1.470.25 1.460.28 -0.16 1.460.27 -0.23 1.45 -0.13 1.44 -0.19 1.44 -0.11 1.43 -0.14 1.43 0.65 -0.22 1.42 0.63 -0.21 0.62 -0.25 0.61 -0.28 0.59 -0.26 0.59 -0.28 0.61 -0.33 0.60 0.60 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.54 Upto2years NBB NBB Recalculated: NBB November December February March April May June July August September October November December February March April May June July August September October - ”up to” means ”up to and including”. - ”up to” means ”up to and including”. N.B.: - More detailed data are available at 19.4.2 INTEREST19.4.2.1 RATES ON OUTSTANDING AVERAGE AMOUNTS INTEREST IN RATES EUR ON THE OUTSTANDING AMOUNTS OF DEPOSITS IN 2019 October 2020 January Source: N.B.: - More detailed data are available at AVERAGE INTEREST RATES ON THE OUTSTANDING AMOUNTS OF LOANS IN EUR 2019 October 2020 January Calculations:

88 r e f e r f o 1 e t n a a r o t l s e e r c e n t e ence loan n i s s o r GrossG interest rate of refer- 20 years 10 years 5 years 4years Reference rates by maturity D BY THE BELGIAN PUBLIC SECTOR 3years 2 years 0.07 0.13 0.24 0.42 0.63 1.72 2.47 1.71 1 year -0.20-0.55-0.59-0.56-0.59-0.59 -0.18-0.59 -0.51-0.58 -0.56-0.58-0.61 -0.48-0.44 -0.60-0.49 -0.61-0.51 -0.12 -0.62-0.56 -0.46-0.56 -0.60-0.58 -0.50 -0.62-0.63 -0.59 -0.37-0.61 -0.44 -0.56 -0.52 -0.58 -0.54 -0.03 -0.58 -0.60 -0.39 -0.61 -0.56 -0.63 -0.39 -0.61 -0.69 -0.54 -0.22 -0.69 -0.41 -0.47 -0.52 -0.49 -0.54 0.10 -0.48 -0.61 -0.29 -0.62 -0.47 -0.66 -0.22 -0.56 -0.72 -0.46 -0.02 -0.73 -0.33 -0.35 -0.45 -0.39 -0.49 0.86 -0.38 -0.57 0.49 -0.59 -0.38 -0.64 0.74 -0.49 -0.69 -0.35 0.81 -0.70 -0.23 0.19 -0.34 -0.01 -0.41 1.52 -0.51 0.03 1.14 -0.54 0.01 -0.58 1.36 -0.14 -0.64 -0.03 1.42 -0.65 0.12 0.80 0.03 0.50 -0.05 0.84 -0.16 0.54 -0.20 0.48 0.53 -0.23 0.35 0.72 -0.32 0.41 -0.35 0.79 0.60 0.19 0.58 0.49 -0.04 0.35 0.01 0.29 -0.03 0.24 -0.13 0.15 -0.02 0.12 0.14 0.04 -0.04 -0.17 -0.21 -0.25 -0.34 -0.38 NBB Calculations: NBB December February March April May June July August September October November Benchmarks: OLO 9,00 % 1991/2003 OLO 7,25 % 1993/2004 OLO 7,75 % 1994/2004 OLO 6,50 % 1994/2005 OLO 7,00 % 1995/2006 OLO 6,25 % 1996/2007 OLO 5,75 % 1997/2008 OLO 3,75 % 1999/2008 OLO 5,75 % 2000/2010 OLO 5,00 % 2001/2011 OLO 5,00 % 2002/2012 OLO 4,25 % 2003/2013 OLO 4,25 % 2004/2014 OLO 3,75 % 2005/2015 OLO 3,25 % 2006/2016 OLO 4,00 % 2007/2017 OLO 4,00 % 2008/2018 OLO 4,00 % 2009/2019 OLO 3,75 % 2010/2020 OLO 4,25 % 2011/2021 OLO 4,25 % 2012/2022 OLO 2,25 % 2013/2023 OLO 2,60 % 2014/2024 OLO 0,80 % 2015/2025 OLO 1,00 % 2016/2026 OLO 0,80 % 2017/2027 OLO 0,80 % 2018/2028 OLO 0,90 % 2019/2029 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 19.5(daily LONG-TERM averages, yearly YIELD percentages) RATES ON THE BELGIAN SECONDARY MARKET FOR BONDS ISSUE 2019 2019 November 2020 January Source: 1

89 Japan United States Italy Netherlands 029, France NCHMARK BOND ON THE SECONDARY MARKET: INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON 3.464.233.002.421.710.85 3.110.47 3.310.72 2.520.79 2.200.19 1.66 0.84 3.000.01 0.46 2.97 0.81 1.95 0.74 1.970.14 0.110.04 1.45 0.69 2.77 0.03 0.28 2.65 0.51 1.57 0.58 1.63 0.06 -0.06 -0.03 1.24 0.53 4.03 -0.14 0.12 5.33 0.37 5.47 0.46 4.30 -0.16 -0.23 -0.25 2.87 1.70 -0.32 3.55 1.45 3.03 2.08 1.87 2.60 2.35 -0.44 1.92 -0.51 2.53 1.83 1.38 3.22 1.22 2.79 1.21 1.79 1.37 1.76 2.35 0.84 1.73 2.55 2.14 0.77 1.17 1.84 1.11 2.34 0.84 2.93 0.31 0.71 2.15 0.22 0.55 0.36 1.86 -0.05 0.05 0.07 0.64 -0.10 0.67 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.04-0.03-0.13-0.02 -0.03-0.04-0.17-0.21 0.00-0.25 -0.18-0.34 -0.06-0.38 -0.20 -0.05 -0.15 -0.18 -0.17 -0.21 -0.34 -0.30 -0.29 -0.34 -0.37 -0.22 -0.33 -0.36 -0.29 -0.38 -0.43 -0.47 -0.52 -0.49 1.26 -0.40 -0.47 -0.48 1.28 -0.49 0.96 -0.57 1.51 -0.58 1.40 0.72 1.14 0.97 0.66 0.96 0.56 0.74 0.41 0.65 0.23 1.82 0.15 0.20 1.77 0.21 1.52 0.24 0.86 0.30 0.73 -0.09 0.62 0.63 -0.02 0.67 -0.06 0.76 -0.03 0.85 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 Belgium NBB Calculations: NBB December February March April May June July August September October November Today’s bonds of reference: Belgium: 0.90 % OLOFrance: - 0.50 22/06/2029, % OATNetherlands: - 0.25 25/05/2029, % Nederland - 15/07/2029, Danemark: 0,50% DGB- 15/11/2 Germany: 0.25 % BundItaly: - 3.00 15/02/2029, % BTPUnited - Kingdom: 01/08/2029, 1,63 %United Treasury States: stock 1.75 - % 22/10/2027, Japan: Treasury 0.10 note % - JGB 15/11/2029, - 20/06/2029. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 19.7(daily GROSS averages, YIELD yearly RATES percentages) OF 10 YEAR BE 2019 2019 November 2020 January Source: N.B.:

90 r e v o e t d a r e l z l i l a a c r t e Japan t h a g l i l n night call rate o c n UncollateralizedU over- Upper limit United States FED Funds rate 1.251.501.752.002.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.751.501.00 2.25 0.00 2.00 1.75 1.25 0.25 Lower limit e t a r g n i d n e l 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.10 m u m i United Kingdom n i MinimumM lending rate 1 e t a r y c i l -0.75 o Switzerland PolicyP rate y t i l i c a f t i s 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.00 0.25 0.00 o Norway p e DepositD facility s k KS e e w 2 r o 0.00 f -0.25 Sweden o p e RepoR for 2 weeks f o s e t a c t i i f i s t o r p e c e -0.75 -0.60 d deposit n o e t a RateR on certificates of Denmark c a s t t i n s e o r r p u e c d t n 0.00 -0.65 -0.50 0.50 -0.10 0.25 1.00 1.25 -0.10 n o u e o t c count deposits a RateR on current ac- SNB Bulletin statistique de la Banque Nationale de Belgique, 1996-I. Calculations: NBB 2 November 14 December 14 June 2 August 21 September 27 September 20 December 22 March 13 June 20 June 1 August 13 September 19 September 20 September 31 October 4March 11 March 16 March 19 March 20 March 23 March 8May 2017 12 August From 13-06-2019 19.8(dates OFFICIAL of change, INTEREST yearly RATES percentages) OR INTERVENTION RATES OF FOREIGN CENTRAL BAN p.m. 2018 22 March 2019 9 January 2020 8 January Source: 1 Bibliographical reference:


General remarks

In the various tables, the totals shown can differ from the sum of the items as a result of roundings.

The publication schedule for the most important economic statistics compiled by the Bank and the NAI is given on the Bank’s website.

In order to meet the obligations imposed by the SDDS (the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard), this schedule also covers all the statistics included in the SDDS. Publication date are those given by the institution responsible for compiling the statistics; some of these institutions publish via their own media more detailed schedules for statistics than those given on the Bank’s website.


Conventional signs

e estimation p provisional - the data does not exist or is meaningless n. not available p.m. pro memoria 0 or 0,0 zero or less than the half of the last chosen unit


List of abbreviations

BIS Bank for International Settlements

CEC Centre for Exchange and Clearing

EC European Community ECB European ELLIPS Electronic Large-value Interbank Payment System Euro Overnight Index Average ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism EU European Union EUR Euro Euro Interbank Offered Rate EURONEXT Federation of European stock exchange EUROSTAT European Communities Office of Statistics

FPS Fin Federal Public Service Finance

GDS Directorate General Statistics

HWWI The Hamburg Institute of International Economics

IMF International Monetary Fund

MFI Monetary Financial Institution

NACE Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community

NAI National Accounts Institute NBB National Bank of Belgium NEO National employment office NSI National Statistical Institute

OLO Linear Bond

VAT Value Added Tax


Orders On the website of the National Bank of Belgium, via the ”e-service”, you can take a free e-mail subscription to this publication. It will be sent by e-mail on the date of publication. Via the ”Print-on-demand”, which is only available for quarterly and yearly publications, it is possible to order a paper version of this publication for a fee

More informations We suggest people wanting more information on the contents, the methodology, the methods of calculation and the sources to get in touch with the Statistical Information Systems of the National Bank of Belgium. Tel. +32 2 221 21 37 [email protected]

Editor Rudi Acx Head of the General Statistics Department

National Bank of Belgium Limited Liability company RLP Brussels — Company’s number: 0203.201.340 Registered office: boulevard de Berlaimont 14 — BE-1000 Brussels

© Illustrations: National Bank of Belgium Layout: NBB General Statistics Cover: NBB AG — Prepress & Image

Published in December 2020