A distinctive persistent World for Introduction n a far distant time when the multiverse was new formed the various planes and dimensions were linked. Minions from each were free to travel at will between them through gateways that formed where the physical manifestations of the planes intersected with each other.

One such gateway existed in a place that shall forever be known as Shadow Mountain where a prime material plane intersected with the Plane of Shadow. It was here that many ancient wars were fought and the gods themselves were almost deposed. Heroes of both light and darkness battled the minions of the shadow realms and their allies until Brodram, a messenger of the gods, stepped into the breach sealing both sides and trapping himself for all eternity in the void between worlds.

Such events have passed into myth and legend in the world where lives are measured in brief years but not so in the Realms of Shadow. Their defeat at the hands of mortal servants of petulant deities has festered like a sore, oozing with hatred and the lust for revenge.

While in the world of mortals great heroes continue to battle with allies of the shadow realm, trapped here during those events many millennia past and not subject to mortal law. Malevolent and undying, in defeat they are banished only until their essence reforms...


Neverwinter Nights v.1.69

Shadows of Undrentide

Hordes of the Underdark (These 3 are available as a boxed set)

The latest version of C.E.P.

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Forums - SMNWN.com NWVault Page 2 Index

Introduction 2 Character Building 4 Rebirth System 5 Socket System 8 Other Equipment Information 10 A Brief Mention of Magic 11 The Plane of Mobility 12 Castle Maelis 14 New Haven 16 Rules 17 Player vs. Player Rules 18 SIMTool emotes 20 SIMTool Commands 21 Other Useful Stuff 23

Dedication This tome is dedicated to the memory of E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson without whom none of us would be playing here today. Thank you.

Shadow Mountain Credits Builders and Scripters Mohobie, Dean Michael, Anniqua, Maelis Zenefain, obsidian_tower, Chrono, Baragg, Tyndrel, AtriumXP, Deor and many many more.

Dungeon Masters Morripa (aka. Maddison), Idida Cheektawaga (aka. Ged) many of the builders (above) who have got their hands dirty from time to time, Tarna, Zed, Sharyl, Torin and all the others who have given freely of their time over the years. Game Credits Bioware for giving us the greatest computer game ever.

Wizards of the coast for ensuring that the Dungeons and Dragons game continues to go from strength to strength and also for making so much wonderful artwork available on their web site to we humble players of their game, this manual would be a modest affair without it. The Neverwinter Nights community for continuing to support and develop this wonderful game. 3 Character Building Character The Basics of Character Building on Shadow Mountain

Characters on Shadow Mountain can live 3 lives of 40 levels each.

After each of the first 2 lives you receive a rebirth power that you will keep in your future incarnations, even if that power is associated with a class that you no longer follow. Each of the basic classes has a rebirth power as do good/evil according to the statue taken at character creation. (See Rebirth System for details)

After rebirth you return to level 1 in the class that you chose when you created the character, and are awarded enough experience to raise you to level 2.

Do not take or in your first 2 lives, these classes can corrupt your entire character file on rebirth and you will lose it. If you wish to use these classes and you intend to rebirth only take them during your final (third) build.

Shadow Mountain uses a custom system of socketed equipment that allows players to create gear to their own specifications. (See Socket System for details)

The Neverwinter Grimoire is an essential reference, it combines all the information from the 3 manuals, corrects errors and expands the details.

There is a searchable database of character builds put together on the Bioware forums by The Guild of Epic Character Builders.

Use a builder module (such as “Pretty Good Character Creator”) to test your build in minutes.

Descriptions of all things NwN can be found in the NWNWiki.

If the standard portrait selection fails to provide enough variety for you we recommend you download the Newcastle Portrait Pack.

If you use Microsoft Excel then check out Kamiryn’s Character Build Calculator (CBC). This worksheet covers every aspect of character creation.

4 Rebirth System Rebirth The Rebirth System Upon reaching level 40 you may select a by speaking to the Dragon in the .

On rebirth your character is returned to the Plane of Mobility at first level and with enough experience points to reach second level.

It is recommended that you remove any equipped items that your character has learned to use since first level. These will be unequipped during the rebirth process and transferred to your inventory but if it is full they are dropped. It is also best not to have any active spells during the rebirth process.

Characters that have the Pale Master or Red Dragon Disciple prestige classes can be fatally corrupted by the rebirth system. Do not take these classes until your final build.

Each character may only rebirth twice.

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Positive Energy Damage Shield = Character Level + 1d10 Immunity to Death Magic and the Implosion spell

Good Alignment (If you received a Good Statue from the trials this applies to you)

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Positive Energy Damage Shield = Character Level + 1d10 Immunity to Death Magic and the Implosion spell

Evil Alignment (If you received an Evil Statue from the trials this applies to you)

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level / 2 + 1d20 Epic Mage Armor = Extended (Cast Level = Character Level ) Immunity to Magic Damage % = ((Character Level / 10) + 1) * 20 Epic Spell 1/Day: Mummy Dust

10 or more levels in Wizard

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Epic Mage Armor = Extended (Cast Level = Character Level ) Immunity to Magic Damage % = ((Character Level / 10) + 1) * 20 Epic Spell 1/Day: Dragon Knight 10 or more levels in Sorcerer 5 Rebirth System Rebirth

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = (Character Level * 2) + 1d20 Attack Bonus = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Immunity to Knockdown Immunity to Movement Speed Decrease Immunity to Positive Energy = (Character Level / 8) * 6%

10 or more levels in Paladin

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = (Character Level * 3) + 1d20 Attack Bonus = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Immunity to Blindness Immunity to Physical Damage = (Character Level / 8) * 10%

10 or more levels in Barbarian

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = (Character Level * 2) + 1d20 Attack Bonus = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Immunity to Critical Hits

10 or more levels in Fighter

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Regenerate = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Sonic Damage Shield = (Character Level + 1) Skill Increase - Taunt = +80 Increased Magical Damage = 1d10

10 or more levels in Bard

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Concealment % = ((Character Level / 10) * 15) Immunity to Critical Hits

10 or more levels in Rogue

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Regenerate = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Immunity to Elemental Damage = (Character Level / 8) * 6% 10 or more levels in Druid 6 Rebirth System Rebirth

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Regenerate = (Character Level / 15) + 1d6+1 See Invisibility Concentration bonus +20 Discipline bonus +20 Increased Magical Damage = 1d6

10 or more levels in Monk

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Regenerate = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Immunity to Paralyze Immunity to Sneak Attack Immunity to Knockdown Epic Summons - Elder Dire Wolf[/b]

10 or more levels in Ranger

Power: 300 seconds x 2 per day Bonus Hit Points = Character Level + 1d20 Attack Bonus = (Character Level / 10) + 1 Immunity to Ability Drain Immunity to Level Drain Immunity to Disease and Poison Immunity to Negative Energy AC Dodge Bonus: 4

10 or more levels in Cleric

7 Socket System Socket The Socket System Shadow Mountain uses a “Socket System” to allow players to build their own custom equipment.

The system consists of socketable equipment and the magical gems that give the properties.

Lower level equipment and gems can be combined to make higher level items by using the chest of transmutation in the hall of chests. You must put 3 identical items into the chest to obtain one item of the next level.

The Maximum number of sockets in equipment are...

: Maximum sockets (6) : Maximum sockets (6) : Maximum sockets (6) : Maximum sockets (6) : Maximum sockets (4) : Maximum sockets (4) : Maximum sockets (4) : Maximum sockets (4) : Maximum sockets (5) : Maximum sockets (5) : Maximum sockets (5)

The Values for gems are...

gems: Maximum +5 per gem (e.g. Discipline, Taunt, Spellcraft, etc.). These stack as long as you do not put TWO of the same gem on a single item.

gems: Maximum +6 per gem (e.g. Intelligence, Wisdom, Strength, etc.). There is a +12 Maximum limit on any ability. This is a NwN hardcoded limit.

gems: Maximum +5 for an individual gem (Will, Fortitude, and Universal are available). These stack as long as you do not put TWO of the same gem on a single item and also DO NOT put a universal save on the same piece of equipment as a will or fort save gems as they will not stack on the same piece of gear. You can utilize a mix of universal and individual save gems as long as they are on separate pieces of equipment. You CAN use a will and fort save gems on the same piece of gear with no problem. There is a hard-coded Maximum of +20 to any one save type.

gems: Maximum 2d10 (increments of 1d4, 1d6, 5, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6, 2d8, 2d10)

gem: Maximum 2d10. This adds damage to your critical rolls when you make a critical hit on something.

gem: Maximum +10 gem: Applies a permanent keen spell to the weapon 8 Socket System Socket

feather: Applies a permanent haste spell to the character

: Maximum +10

: Maximum +9 (Adds to attack roll only.)

: Maximum +8 (Adds to attack AND damage.)

Gem: Maximum SR24 (Multiple smaller SR gems on different pieces of equipment DO NOT stack, so the largest SR gem you have slotted will be your SR so it is recommended to just have an SR 24 gem slotted only for your final gear).

gem: Maximum +6 (Careful of the stacking issues, don't put AC gems on two items that give the same AC type, they won't stack).

The 5 armour class types are... Armour (AC in Armour (including Robes) OR Bracers) Shield Dodge (AC in boots) Natural (AC in Amulet) Deflection (AC in Ring, OR Helm, OR Cloak, OR Weapon(s), OR Gloves)

gem: Maximum +8. These stack as long as you only put ONE in each piece of socketable equipment.

: Maximum Level 9 (can only be socketed into a weapon). You can put as many spell slots as the weapon has sockets so dual wielding will allow a Maximum of 12 extra spells total.

: Maximum casting level of 6 (These can only be socketed into a weapon).

9 Equipment Recovering Socket Item Components

To recover a lower level to make a higher level one just combine them in the Chest of Transmutation as normal but the gems will be lost in the process.

To recover the from a lower level item you can visit the Ronus Dotian, a blacksmith of renown. He has a forge out in Va’rune Valley. However, in the process of recovering the gems the item will be destroyed.

Finally, should you wish to recover gems and the item intact or recover the components from a maximum level item there is but one way, a re-gem stone. They can only be found in one place, the dread castle of Ravenholm.

Renaming Your Equipment

There are 2 methods for naming your equipment...

1. Type into the chat bar !setname NEWNAME replace NEWNAME with the name you want the object to have. Then use the command targeting widget to select the item. This method works for many items in the game but it does not work on socket equipment. The command targetting widget is part of the “SimTools” system and it will appear in your inventory the first time you use a SimTools command that requires it.

2. In Tarna’s Fashion Boutique is a halfling craftsman named Zippi who will rename any item for a small fee.

10 Magic A Brief Mention of Magic.

Arcane and Divine Spells. Timestop - It is only area of effect. Bigby's Forceful Hand - The duration has been reduced on this spell. Bigby's Crushing Hand - The duration has been reduced on this spell. Most damage spells have had their upper limits removed so a level 40 wizard will cast a fireball that inflicts 40d6 hit points of damage. Keen - affects all weapons.

Epic Spells. Hellball and greater ruin inflict an increased amount of damage. Epic summons are upgraded to meet the challenges of the mountain.

Magic and Shadow Bosses. Shadow creatures and their allies are not from this plane of existence and do not always respond to magic in the expected manner. In particular the response to positive and negative energy can be unpredictable at best.

Buffing Rods. Shadow Mountain has two buffing rods. The “Gnobis’ rod of infinite buffing” can be used on the caster or on others but cannot be used in combat. “Gnobis’ rod of self buffing” can only be used on the caster but can be used at any time. The method of charging them is the same, just cast spells onto them and they are committed to the wand’s memory. When you activate the wand all of the spells are cast in one round and in the order that they were put onto the wand. The wand uses spells that you have memorised so if the wand has a spell on it that you have chosen not to memorise then that spell will not be cast.

Druids and Shifters Many of the properties from a druid’s equipment now carries over into his/her shifted form including the main weapon.

11 Maps and Guides and Maps The Plane of Mobility

Mo’s Tavern Castle Maelis

The Tourney Field

The Hall of Lore

Rodoc the Tent Maker

Amir’s Market

The “Amusements”

Birag’s Forge

The Landing Tarna’s Fashion Boutique

Faric’s Stables

12 Maps and Guides and Maps The Plane of Mobility Amir’s Market Amir’s is a good source of most equipment for the newer adventurer and also stocks some of the staple products needed by all. He has a selection of armour and weapons, most potions, and even a few magical trinkets. He also keeps tokens that allow entrance to the “Rune” areas and Bind-rods to secure your own personal teleport location.

Amusements In the amusement hall you will find the entrance to such places as the arena, the realm of chess and a number of DM activated event portals.

Birag's Arms and Armour Birag sells a few pieces of low level armour and magical trinkets but his main use is as supplier of fine crafted weapons that can be upgraded for free at a few blacksmiths across the realm. If you buy a crafted weapon be sure to speak to Rollane before you leave the shop. You will also find the Omega Forge, a halfway house between Birag’s crafted weapons and the socket system.

Castle Maelis Contains many facilities for the adventurer. These are detailed on the following pages.

Faric's Stables Fine horses and ponies from across the land. Please use horses responsibly they can slow the whole world!

Mo's Tavern The social hub of the mountain.

Rodoc the Tent Maker When resting outdoors be sure to have the latest in camping gear.

Tarna’s Fashion Boutique If you want to dress to kill then look no further than Tarna’s.

The Hall of Lore Learn that hard to find spell at the Hall of Lore.

The Tourney Field An assortment of frivolities to keep you amused for a while but also the gem exchange where some unused socket gems may be exchanged for one of your choice.

13 Maps and Guides and Maps Castle Maelis

Frost Mountain City Embassy (Good)

Diviran Embassy (Evil)

The Temple of The Pantheon

The Guild of Adventurers

The Plane of Mobility (PoM)

The Halls of Chests

The Vault of Heroes

14 Maps and Guides and Maps Castle Maelis Diviran Embassy

If you chose the path of evil when you joined the module the portal within these bleak walls will take you everywhere you wish to travel. Further destinations will be added as you progress down your dark path.

Frost Mountain City Embassy

If you chose the good path when you joined the module the portal within these walls will take you everywhere you wish to travel. Further destinations will be added as you progress down the path of light

The Guild of Adventurers

Open to all who adventure upon the mountain irrespective of alignment, class or player guild affiliations. In the foyer you will find Anskel who is an expert on all things related to Shadow Mountain though you may notice a certain similarity between what he has to say and the information contained on the pages of this tome. It is worth paying a visit to the small rooms just up the first flight of stairs as you may find yourself a quest or two. Finally there are two bank clerks on the top floor who can offer services both to individual clients and guild accounts.

The Hall of Chests

Here you will find The Chest of Treasures and the Shadow Chests that accept the keys that you will find as you spend time adventuring upon the mountain. At the western end of the great hall are the Chests of Transmutation where socket items or gems may be merged to create items or gems of the next level and the donation chest where you may find the occasional surprise. To the north is the main portal for incoming travellers together with a small room where you will find further information about the various player-run guilds. Any item cast into the flames of the fires within the hall will be consumed.

The Temple of The Pantheon

This is a truly interdenominational temple where praises may be offered to any deity and Tyrnea Fis administers healing to all. Please have due consideration for those of other faiths while within the temple, human sacrifice may seem perfectly acceptable to your god but others are not impressed by such acts.

The Vault of Heroes

Each player (not character) has access to a persistent storage chest where they may store almost any item found upon the mountain with the two notable exceptions of gold and containers (bags etc.) Players may exchange equipment freely between their characters. The chest is limited to ten pages and attempting to put more in will result in the surplus falling out onto the floor when you close it. Once closed the chest locks and cannot be opened again for one minute. 15 Maps and Guides and Maps New Haven

Mirr’s Potions Rashan

Hundar River Trail



Chan Hundar Pass

16 Rules The Shadow Mountain staff believes our player base is our most important resource. Our goal is to provide the best possible play environment for our player base. We try to provide a well rounded play environment that any player can enjoy. Whether you enjoy roleplay, player versus player, exploring a new vast world, or just gaming with friendly people we try to accommodate you. This is a tough mandate but we believe we have been mostly successful because the vast majority of our players are friendly and accommodating to each other. This tolerance of other play styles has created a unique experience on Shadow Mountain.

Shadow Mountain Cardinal Rules:

1. Platinum Rule: What the DM says goes. If a DM instructs a player to cease an activity, that player will do so. Failing to obey a DM is at a minimum a 3rd level offence.

2. Gold Rule: Player’s are expected to be respectful and courteous to each other. This is a game. It is a family orientated server. There is Zero tolerance for slurs, foul language, and other disruptive behaviour. Breaking this rule can be immediate grounds for banning from the server.

3. Silver Rule: Rules lawyers will find that the DM’s enforce the INTENT of any rule not the letter. Revise your thinking or be frustrated.

4. Copper Rule: The DM staff has a finite amount of time to devote to maintaining the server, run events, add/or fix content and technical problems for players. Players who do not observe our rules only steal time away from things that are more important to our general player base. Empower us to provide you the best possible play environment by setting the example rather than being made an example.

Examples of possible punishments for rules infractions: •Warning - Minor or innocent rule breaking, borderline harassment •Loss of five levels and/or temporary ban (until next reset) - Known exploits, disrespect/harassment of players or DM's, PVP rule breaking •Loss of 20+ levels, loss of a socket item, and/or weeklong ban - Severe harassment, blatant or mean-spirited rule breaking (griefing), disobeying a DM •Permaban - Repeat offences, major exploit abuse, ethnic/racial/sexual slurs Penalties can be combined or improvised as DM's see fit. Temporary bans for harassment may be lifted if the player publicly apologizes on the forums to the other person(s) for his/her behaviour, because let's face it, we're all human and everybody can lose their temper, and an apology can really help hurt feelings. Repeat offenders can expect no such leniency.

General Rules of Play on Shadow Mountain: 1. Logging off to reset spells or to avoid being killed by a player or monster is forbidden. 2. No camping in an area to farm a boss or prevent another player or group from encountering the boss. 3. No boss jumping. Do not race ahead of another player to engage a boss. This includes using a binding rod port to jump ahead. 4. Parties are responsible for establishing loot sharing rules. If a loot dispute is brought to attention of a DM, and the party had no loot agreement, the DM will simply take the loot in question and no one will get it. 5. Continual harassment of any player (as deemed by a DM) is forbidden. 6. Our DMs frequently play here too please allow them to do so in peace. They already give freely of their time while Dm-ing, they should not have to spend their playing time solving problems too. If you have a problem and there is not a DM available please post it on the forum, it is what they are for.

A note from the game host - It is a testament to the standard of the players on the mountain that these rules have not needed to be enforced in all the time I’ve played here. 17 Player vs. Player Rules Player vs. Player Shadow Mountain permits Player vs Player (PvP) combat however there are rules of conduct for PvP and they will be strictly enforced.

PvP is an expected by product of guild activities, DM events, and role-play. All players involved should recognize that when PvP is not mutual fun there will be a negative result and likely time wasted by players and DM staff alike addressing the issue. Do not abuse PvP; if done with context and good sportsmanship it can be a very enjoyable aspect of game play on Shadow Mountain.

Rules: 1. Players engaging in PvP will ensure that the player of any possible opponent is a willing participant.

2. Disarm. a. If you disarm someone and pick up their weapon(s), you are to hand it back immediately after the fight. b. If you disarm someone and then you kill them you MUST pick up their weapon if you do not resurrect them so that the clean up script does not destroy the weapon when they respawn and you leave the area. Send the player a tell and immediately meet them on the Plane of Mobility and return their weapon(s)

3. Pick Pocket - Do not spam pick pocketing on a single target. Pick pocket a target no more than three times per battle. It is not possible to steal the following items: · All weapons · All armour · All worn equipment other than rings and amulets · All high-end socket gems and items (5-6 socket weapons, 2d* damages etc.) · All items weighing over 3 pounds (it just doesn't make sense!)

4. Do not kill someone, then resurrect them and kill them again.

5. Do not leave your corpse in a territory. If you or your group is all dead, respawn to your temple. You are defeated. Note: You can leave corpse in the territory if the battle is still going and comrades may be able to resurrect you to continue the fight.

5. Raiding Guildhalls: Do not take more than ONE item out of the guild chest per member of the raiding party. If you did not participate in breeching the raid door, you are NOT a member of the raiding party. 18 Player vs. Player Rules Player vs. Player 6. Do not attack a player engaged with a boss.

7. Player harassment will not be tolerated. You’ll notice this rule has been mentioned twice. Pay attention to that because DM’s will not tolerate harassment of any of its players. Re-read the opening paragraph for a reminder of what we feel is most important.

8. Plane of Mobility and other areas tagged as no PvP are a NO PvP, NO COMBAT area. You are not to cast spells on other players, set traps, or perform ANY hostile action (note this includes Picking Pockets etc). If a DM runs an event in PoM this rule is still in effect. Combat is Player vs Enemy (PvE) only.

9. Bully Rule: Do not PvP characters that cannot possible defeat you. (Use 10 or more levels below your character level). DM Events and Guild Play can be exceptions to this rule if the circumstances are logical and reasonable in the opinion of the DM.

10. If you die during the fight you must be resurrected by member of your party in order to continue to fight. If you respawn or log off (exception: a crash) then you may not rejoin the battle nor can you log off then bring on another character to enter the battle. Do not port away from the battle to reset spells/abilities, you may try to run to a zone or two away to attempt this though. Note: Run-on PvP battles between mutually agreeing players are fine. This rule is intended to enforce a declarative end to PvP so that player’s know when to quit and know when they are defeated.

11. Once a PvP battle has ended decisively, players must wait 1/2 hour to resume the battle. (Long version for those who need it spelled out:) Following a PvP battle in which one side is defeated, said battle may not be resumed for a minimum of 30 minutes after the last member of the losing party has left the battle, either by retreating, being raised, or respawning. Resumption of battle is defined as any violent PvP interaction occurring in either the same area as the battle or any area directly adjacent (i.e. through one area transition). PvP between between any 2 players, both of whom were both involved in said battle, is considered illegal and punishable according to DM discretion. If both parties explicitly agree in the talk channel to resume battle before the 30 minutes are up, PvP of this type shall not be punishable for violating the resumption rule.

19 SimTools Emotes SimTools Emotes These are the emotes you can use via chat. They can be typed into any chat channel (party, talk, shout, etc.) and have the same effect in all of them. They are case insensitive. Most emotes also have a two-letter shortcut which may be used instead, in parentheses to the right of the emote. *agree (*ag) *no *beg (*bg) *nod (*nd) *bend (*bn) *peer (*pe) *bored (*bo) *plead (*pl) *bow (*bw) *pray (*pr) *cantrip (*ca) *prone (*pn) *cast (*cs) *puke (*pu) *celebrate (*cl) *read (*re) *chat (*ct) *salute (*sa) *cheer (*ch) *scan (*sn) *chuckle (*ck) *scratch (*sc) *curtsy (*cy) *shift (*sh) *dance (*da) *sing (*sg) *dead (*dd) *sip *demand (*dm) *sit (*si) *die (*di) *sleep (*sl) *dodge (*dg) *smoke (*sm) *drink (*dr) *snore *drunk (*dn) *spasm (*sp) *duck (*dk) *steal (*st) *exhausted (*ex) *stretch (*sr) *fall (*fl) *stoop (*so) *fatigue (*fa) *swipe (*sw) *fiddle (*fi) *talk (*tl) *fidget (*fg) *taunt (*ta) *flop (*fp) *threaten (*th) *giggle (*gi) (female only) *tired (*ti) *greet (*gr) *vomit (*vm) *hooray (*hy) *wave (*wa) *hum (*hm) *whistle (*wh) *laugh (*la) *woozy (*wz) *meditate (*md) *worship (*wo) *mock (*mo) *yawn (*yw) *nap (*np)

20 SimTools Commands SimTools Commands These are the commands you can use via chat. They can be typed into any chat channel (party, talk, shout, etc.) and have the same effect in all of them. They are case insensitive. Commands shown in green must either be sent via tell or targeted with the command targeter. You will be prompted to use the command targeter if you do not target via tell. !d4 = Rolls a d4. !d6 = Rolls a d6. !d8 = Rolls a d8. !d10 = Rolls a d10. !d12 = Rolls a d12. !d20 = Rolls a d20. !d100 = Rolls a d100. !partyroll = Does an arranged party loot split roll, if the command giver is the party leader. !skillcheck = Allows players to roll checks against a specific skill and DC. The command for- mat is !skillcheck (skill#) (DC#) . Example: A DC 20 Discipline Check would be spoken as follows: !skillcheck 3 20 . The result will be displayed in floating text above the player. A list of skill numbers can be called up using the !skillslist command. !Skillslist = Sends a list of the skills and matching skill numbers to the players combat log, for easy reference when using the !skillcheck command to do skill checks. !wpac = Changes weapon visual to acid. !wpco = Changes weapon visual to cold. !wpel = Changes weapon visual to electric. !wpev = Changes weapon visual to evil. !wpfi = Changes weapon visual to fire. !wpho = Changes weapon visual to holy. !wpnone = Removes weapon visual. !setname = Allows the speaker to rename one of their items. The com- mand format is !setname (new name). The command is case-sensitive. Example: To rename item Longsword to Sam's Sword: !setname Sam's Sword. This command must be targeted at an item, using the Com- mand Targeter. !setnameall = This command is identical in function and format to !setname, but will rename all items in the targeted item's possessor's inventory of the same name as the targeted item. !help = Lists the useable chat commands plus explanations. !list emotes = Lists the useable chat emotes. !list commands = Lists the useable chat commands. !list ignored = Lists the players you have chosen to ignore. !list languages = Lists all the languages a player can speak, and ex- plains the /l (oneliner) and !speak command uses. !list alllanguages = Lists all the languages available in SIMTools. /l = Speak a single line in the specified language. The command for- mat is /l (name of language) (message). You can get a list of the lan- guages your character is able to speak with the !list languages command. !speak = Using this command makes you speak the language specified until you !speak another language or !speak common to speak normal- ly again. You can get a list of the languages your character is able to speak with the !list languages command. !metaaccept = Accepts an invitation to a metachannel. !metadecline = Declines an invitation to a metachannel. 21 !metadisband = Removes every member of the metachannel. Only the leader of the metachan- Commands SimTools nel can disband it. !metainvite (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Invites the target of the tell to your current metachannel. If you are not in a meta chanel, a new channel will be created if that person accepts. !metakick (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Kicks the target of the tell from your metachannel. Only the leader of the metachannel can kick people from it. !metaleave = Removes you from your current metachannel. !metalist = Lists the people in your metachannel. /m = Sends the text entered after the channel designation to the player's metachannel. !delete (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Deletes the target character. The character can be recovered in the case of a mistake. !playerinfo - DISABLED FOR SM USE. !anon = Hides your class, experience, area, and partymember information from other players using the !playerinfo command. !unanon = Removes your anonymous staus, allowing other players to see your class, experi- ence, area, and partymember information. !settail (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = DISABLED CURRENTLY - Changes the character's tail to the specified number, or removes it if 0 entered. The command format is !settail (tail number). May not be used on other DMs. !setwings (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = DISABLED CURRENTLY - Changes the character's wings to the specified number, or removes them if 0 entered. The command format is !setwing (wing number). May not be used on other DMs. !ignore (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = You will not receive tells from the player you send this command to. !unignore (must be targeted by tell or command targeter) = Removes ignore status. !lfg = Announces that you are looking for a group in shout.

22 S.M., NwN, D+D, And other links other And D+D, NwN, S.M., Shadow Mountain Forums Shadow Mountain Vault Page

Bioware’s NwN Forums Neverwinter Vault NwN Podcast Community Expansion Pack - Forum

Wizards of the Coast - D+D home page Forgotten Realms Wiki D+D Wiki

Samuel Stoddard’s Fantasy name generator Chinaroad name generators Chris Pounds name generators Seventh Sanctum name generators

Grey Company - Elven dictionary An Analysis of Dwarvish (Khuzdul) Khuzdul

23 Shadow Mountain Build Record Build Mountain Shadow

haracter Name......

Class Class Level Class Feat Ability + Feat Feat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 25 36 37 38 39 40 24 Shadow Mountain Inventory Record Inventory Mountain Shadow

haracter Name......

Socket Equipment

1 2 3 4 5 6









Ring 1

Ring 2

Socket Weapons 1 2 3 4 5 6

25 This is the first Shadow Mountain manual and may therefore contain errors or omissions. Please post any of these that you may notice along with any other suggestions on our forum at SMNWN.com.