20 Language Worlds
20 Language Worlds Language World 1990 was the Association for Language Learning’s 1st national conference. ALL was formed in 1990, from seven founder associations, with Brian Page as its president. At the University of Exeter, 24-26 March 1990, delegates discussed the National Curriculum & Language Entitlement, Task-based Language Learning, and Languages Throughout Life. Elsewhere, the first democratic elections took place in East Germany, and British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) made its debut. Language World 1991 took place at UMIST in Manchester, 22-25 March 1991. Talks included National Language Policies in the UK, European Industry’s Language Needs and the Secondary Curriculum. President Brian Page observed that ‘constant moving of the goalposts means that we really do not know from one day to the next what the National Curriculum might be’... Elsewhere, Chesney Hawkes was number 1 in the charts, and the US completed removal of all cruise missiles from Greenham Common. Language World 1992 ventured north of the border, to Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, 10-13 April 1992. Bob Powell was ALL President, and talks included Method & Mythology, The Tao of Language Teaching, and Age, Imagination & Logic in Learning Languages. Elsewhere... in Europe, the Maastricht Treaty was signed, establishing the European Union, and in the UK, Betty Boothroyd was elected as Speaker of the House of Commons by 372 to 238 votes. Language World 1993 returned to UMIST in Manchester, 2-5 April 1993. ALL President Bob Powell was ‘sure you will return home invigorated and refreshed by the experience!’ Talks included Using Drama Techniques in Language Learning, Authoring CALL, and Bringing Life to the HE, AE & FE Classroom.
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