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Vol. 27 Issue 87 fiusm.com Wednesday, April 20 , 2016 Candidates STARS AND STRIPES face-off in final SGA debate STEPHANIE ESPAILLAT the ability to impact the Asst. News Director daily lives of our fellows [email protected] around us, and Student Government is the best FIU’s elections platform to do that at began this week with a university setting. I the presidential debate want to run for student on Monday, April 18. government president The two presidential because I believe in the candidates Jose Sirven idea of selflessness.” and Alian Collazo, with Juarez addressed the their respective running idea of providing more mates Devondra Shaw opportunity at FIU in and Michelle Juarez, went order to help students. Erica Santiago/The Beacon head to head discussing “It comes down to At FIU’s first Reproductive Justice Summit, Megan Shade (right), senior women’s studies major, speaks with their different platforms helping people first,” she local artist Barbie Lazaro about her art piece depicting abortion rights across the country. and solutions to issues said. “When I decided that concern students. to run for this [position], Elections end today, I was presented with and we started out with a opportunity we present our be done. [Same for] an transportation, all of the and the results will be an opportunity, and an mission of incorporating students. We want to give on-campus job fair - things on our platform are announced Thursday April opportunity to help give and reaching out to those access to the system that we’ve spoken with career feasible. 21, outside GC in the back to the institution that organizations who we felt is student government, fairs, and it can be done. “There is a plan that Betty Chapman Plaza at has meant so much to me,” weren’t represented to the we want to give access The expansion of the we have had, and with noon. she said. fullest extent.” to the opportunities that panther mover so that different avenues we were Collazo, the current Sirven from Access Shaw, his running mate, FIU has because they are it includes every single able to accomplish each speaker of the senate and FIU, is advocating for also wants to incorporate numerous.” parking garage, that way and every single one of presidential candidate for more student input and more diversity initiatives On FIUYou’s platform, our students have access those things that we put in the FIYOU party said, “I involvement within and more involvement Collazo stated that to park anywhere, [and] our platform.” have a deep passion of SGC-MMC. with SGC-MMC. “there’s not one thing in the expansion of the “We are here first and what the idea of public “I’ve learned the “I want to talk to the our platform that we have food pantry, is something foremost to test the limits service is.” importance of having freshmen like me that not analyzed to see how that can be done if we of student government. We “I think that there is your own identity and didn’t have a place at achievable it is. vigorously work together.” want to break the ceiling nothing in this world your own diversity here FIU, and didn’t know “When we look at Sirven responded student government has that can have a bigger and expressing that where [they] fit and [they] a mental health kiosk, by saying “aside from had, [and] has done in the and greater impact on diversity,” said Sirven. belonged. we have spoken with the two conversations past. We want to make sure our society then public “We started Access FIU “When I think of the mental health and and meetings we’ve that student government service,” he said. “I have about six months ago, Access FIU, I think of the FIU health, and it could had with parking and SEE DEBATE, PAGE 2 Florida Senator Marco Rubio seeks to end special refugee status for Cuban immigrants

JAMES ROSEN And yet I stand here today to say that this upon entering the United States. Rubio’s Rubio told a gripping tale of alleged McClatchy Washington Bureau provision of law, this distinction, is no legislation would not affect their status. abuse of the privileged status, noting TNS Staff longer justified.” Thanks to a major welfare overhaul that many Cubans who are granted the Rubio’s proposal would end automatic two decades ago by President Bill Clinton status arrive in the United States via refugee status for Cubans and place them working with congressional Republicans, Central America, working their way north Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who based in the same category as other immigrants. other immigrants are ineligible for through Mexico before crossing into the his presidential bid this year in part on He offered it as an amendment to a bill welfare benefits for their first five years United States. his personal story as the son of poor authorizing funding for the Federal in the United States. “A significant number of people are Cuban immigrants, on Wednesday urged Aviation Administration, which is before Some immigrants can get aid earlier, drawn to this country from Cuba because Congress to end a decades-old program the Senate this week. but they must prove that they are political they know when they arrive they can step that’s enabled immigrants from the island Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Florida refugees who were persecuted in their foot on dry land, they will immediately to get welfare benefits from the moment Republican and fellow Cuban-American, homelands; Cubans don’t have to prove receive status and they immediately they set foot on American soil. is sponsoring a similar measure in the persecution and receive refugee status qualify for a package of federal benefits In an impassioned speech on the Senate House of Representatives. immediately. that no other immigrant group would floor, Rubio, who ended his White House “As the Senate works through their Support for the provision has faded as qualify for unless they can prove they’re bid last month after badly losing Florida’s amendment process, I will continue to tales of abuses of the benefits have been refugees,” Rubio said. GOP primary, said Cuban immigrants no build bipartisan support amongst House revealed, even as some Cuban-Americans “This current policy is not just longer deserved special treatment. colleagues for this critical legislation have asserted that the Cuban government being abused, it’s hurting the American “As many of you know, I am the son and explore all paths forward in getting has cracked down on dissidents since taxpayers,” said Rubio, who is not of Cuban immigrants,” the Miamian told the bill signed into law,” Curbelo told President Barack Obama re-established seeking re-election to the Senate. “There his colleagues. “I live in a community McClatchy on Wednesday. diplomatic relations with Havana last are reports that indicate that financial where Cuban exiles have had an indelible Haitians are the only other immigrant year. Obama made a historic visit to Cuba imprint in our country, on the state of group that gets automatic refugee status last month. Florida and in South Florida in particular. SEE REFUGEE, PAGE 2 2 The Beacon – Wednesday, April 20, 2016 NEWS fiusm.com NATION & WORLD SGA hosts final BRIEFS elections debate Congressman attempts to close gun show DEBATE, PAGE 1 “the fixed budget rate about making the bus free, loophole provides for all of our that [Collazo] says about you’re not talking about students.” every three years is called benefiting the student that As lawmakers are filtering into start reading these names,” he “Unfortunately, there base budgeting. We don’t doesn’t want to spend $5 the House chamber to get ready said. So far, there have been 278 is a budget, and you change that.” on the bus trip. You are for legislative business, some names, over 13 readings. “It’s cannot fund everything “Once base budgeting talking about benefiting will turn to California Democrat not the typical, ‘I rise today to that comes your way. We is taken out of the $19 the student who can’t Scott Peters and ask, “What are talk about this or that’ or you cannot cut needed services million, you are left afford to.” you doing?” Once a week, Peters know, school championships to students,” said Collazo. with $4 million for both “A free BBC to delivers a one-minute speech or Obamacare. It’s just reading “There are certain things campuses. When you MMC bus, yes is very to read names he does not want names,” he said. The names began that are essential to our come down to campus expensive,” said Shaw. forgotten: the victims of gun with Sandy Hook Elementary students that we cannot specific, you are left with “When you think about the violence. “We thought the one School’s massacre victims and as cut.” $2 million,” she said. 1,300 students that ride way to remind people about the he proceeds, they are read from Sirven responded by “You think $2 million is that bus a day compared to human cost of inaction was to every shooting since. saying “I’ve dealt with great, it’s perfect, no it’s the attendance at an Uproar California plans to unleash fly to crush ivy invasion A&S fees for the past two not. Out of that comes concert, it is much more years, at the Resident Hall SPC, homecoming, all far reaching and provides Coastal Californians battling like growth known as a gall to Association. I know that these other organizations a better service than a pervasive Cape ivy have been form on the plant’s stem and stunt Alian keeps reiterating that need funding like one concert a year… I waiting years for a helpful its growth. For San Luis Obispo that we cannot be cutting CSO, more than 200 am really encouraging for fly with a regal name. Now, County resident David Chipping, important services, but organization that are you all to really evaluate Agriculture Department officials it’s about time. “Invasion of that’s not what Access FIU relying on them for that your priorities, and what are finally getting ready to pull both upland and riparian habitat intends to do.” money. So when you are the priorities of FIU the trigger, turning the fly loose by Cape ivy long ago reached “What we intend to do say $650,000, you are students.” on the vine that has infested crisis proportions in our county,” is prioritize,” said Sirven. literally saying that you Even though the parties shady parts of the Pacific Coast. Chipping told the Animal and “We want to work with have to zero fund SPC may have their differences, The fly deposits its eggs on the Plant Health Inspection Service. our students, and sit down or homecoming, and that they both acknowledged Cape ivy, causing a huge boil- and say ‘hey student, how is something university that FIU student’s voices do we improve you FIU wide.” need to be heard within Germany lets prosecutor consider charge for experience?’ So by using Shaw commented “what student government. The poem about Turkey’s Erdogan the limited budget that I understand is that FIU few individuals that are we have, we are meant to has the highest population running for SGC-MMC Late-night comedy sketches midst of negotiations to stanch tailor it best to all of the of homeless students have provided their featuring a German song and the flow of refugees from Syria students, and include them than any other institution platforms. a follow-up poem making fun and elsewhere. It began March in their own governance.” in the state of Florida. of Turkish President Recep 17 with a late-night skit that Juarez also said that So when we are talking Tayyip Erdogan have created a featured a song with the refrain diplomatic rift, and left German of “Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan.” Chancellor Angela Merkel in The song, played in front of a the position of angering her own background of news footage, Rubio addresses Cuban nation but not quite appeasing notes among other things, “He Turkey. It’s another example hates the Kurds like the plague, of a clash in values between and bombs them rather than the immigrants’ refugee status NATO allies that roils Turkey’s brothers of the Islamic State.” relationship with Europe in the REFUGEE, PAGE 1 homeland permanently, he said, are coming to South Florida dozens of times support for Cuban immigrants exceeds a year, filing for benefits in different locations and then having relatives wire TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE $680 million in the year 2014 alone, and those numbers, by the way, have quite them the money back in Cuba. frankly gone up since then.” “It is difficult to justify refugee Among the 43,000 Cubans who benefits for people who are arriving in entered the United States last year, about the United States and are immediately 10,000 came directly to Miami, with most traveling repeatedly back to the nation of the rest crossing the Mexican border, they claim to be fleeing,” Rubio said. according to U.S. Customs and Border Under the measures by Rubio and E-BOARD AND PRODUCTION STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Protection data assembled by the Pew Curbelo, Cuban immigrants would be able to obtain welfare benefits without waiting Modesto Maidique Campus: Research Center in Washington. Editor in Chief Asst. Entertainment GC 210, Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-5 p.m. Rubio described a still-worse form of five years, but like other new arrivals Cayla Bush Directors (305) 348-2709 abuse. With travel restrictions loosened they would have to provide evidence that Production Manager Emily Afre [email protected] between the two countries, some Cubans they were personally persecuted in their Sarah Medina Guethshina Altena homelands to get the aid. Biscayne Bay Campus: with no intention of leaving their ews irector N D Opinion Director WUC 124, Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-5 p.m. rica antiago E S Nicole Stone (305) 919-4722 [email protected] sst ews irector A . N D Asst. Opinion Director Fax: tephanie spaillat S E Michelle Marchante (305) 348-2712 Aliana Zamorano Editor-in-Chief: Director of Student (305) 348-1580 Sports Director Media [email protected] lejandro guirre A A Robert Jaross Advertising: sst irector of (305) 348-6994 Asst. Sports Directors A . D Laura Gonzalez Student Media [email protected] Jacob Spiwak Alfred Soto The Beacon is published on Mondays, Wednesdays Entertainment and Thursdays during the Fall and Spring semesters and once a week during Summer B. One copy per Director person. Additional copies are 25 cents. The Beacon Darius Dupins is not responsible for the content of ads. Ad content is the sole responsibility of the company or vendor. The Beacon is an editorially independent newspaper partially funded by student and services fees that are appropriated by student government. Contact Us Nicole Stone Opinion Director [email protected] OPINION The Beacon – 3 fiusm.com Wednesday, April 20, 2016 “All-nighter” culture is counterintuitive CAPS does a PANTHER HEALTH As final exams week looms Most students would never cut out drinking, machines,” Huffington said during an interview nearer, sleep-deprived students eating, or other necessities to their daily routine, so with The Guardian. disservice to LGBTQA are dozing off in library cubicles, why is sacrificing sleep acceptable? “The need for eight hours’ sleep is evolutionary napping on the benches or grass While pop culture likes to claim otherwise, - it’s not negotiable. If we ignore that need, we students outside and even catching a there is more to college life than going out to pay a huge price in every aspect of our health and few z’s in their cars. Leading parties, Netflix and Chill and cramming school cognitive performance.” It seems as if gay or experimenting up to final exams, Panthers will work. Research shows that the “all-nighter” culture is with your sexuality has been a trend MAYTINEE be pulling night after night of However, college students will remain counterintuitive. By exploiting health for grades, for quite some time. More women — KRAMER studying into the early hours of unwilling to change their habits to better suit their college students have inhibited their capability particularly those in their late teens and the morning, living off endless health and happiness as long as the cultural norms to develop memory, attentiveness, physical 20s are experimenting with bisexuality coffee, energy drinks and power that maintain this pressure continues. coordination, stress management and emotional or at least feel more comfortable naps. A 2014 report by the American Psychological stability. College students are ambitious, drunk on reporting same-sex encounters, All-nighters are nothing short of ordinary, but Association found that millennials, ages 18 to 33, determination and strive for near perfection. That’s according to a report from the Centers the college experience is fueling a burnout culture were the most stressed generation, with more than great and all, but blurring the lines of day and night for Disease Control. where it’s normal and sometimes even celebrated 52 percent lying awake at night due to stress. causes us to relinquish our health, something that It shouldn’t be a surprise that men to forego sleep. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington shouldn’t be considered a badge of honor. are less likely to experiment with As reported in a study by the University of Post, Arianna Huffington, is currently doing a Granted, students are all wired differently. bisexuality or even talk about it. There’s , approximately 60 percent of students book tour to promote her new book, “The Sleep Some may enjoy staying busy and being involved a certain level of discrimination for men receive insufficient sleep and worse, 30 percent of Revolution.” Huffington is traveling to over 50 on campus, but everyone needs to recognize when and it’s a lot easier for women to have college students confess that sleep difficulties have college campuses across America to help students they need a break. It can be difficult to get a full these types of experiences and be open been “traumatic” or “very difficult to handle,” create better sleep habits and improve many night’s rest in college but it’s not impossible. By about it because it’s more acceptable. shows the American College Health Association. aspects of their lives. making sleep a priority, Panthers will feel happier, Where do students who identify as There is a mantra that exists between sleep, The goal of the The Sleep Revolution College healthier and enjoy a fuller and richer college life. LGBTQA go to feel accepted and are grades and maintaining a social life, but many Tour is to start a cultural conversation around the those services enough? college students feel compelled to cut one out. importance and power of sleep and its benefits. Panther Health is a commentary on college CAPS, the counseling and It’s not necessarily a matter of being inefficient Huffington hopes to change cultural norms. health in nutrition. Maytinee Kramer is a psychological services at FIU is a center or procrastinating the day away, but some students “It started with the industrial revolution, staff writer for FIU Student Media. For more that provides mental health services for really do have a lot on their plate. If sleeping more when we began to think human beings could be commentary, please contact Maytinee at maytinee. students that will facilitate and enhance means doing less, then it’s only natural that sleep treated like machines. The goal of a machine is kramer@com. their personal learning, emotional well- feels like the most dispensable of the three. to minimise downtime, but human beings are not being and academic skills development. When visiting the website for CAPS, services that cater to LGBT students We are living in a copy cat social sphere aren’t readily available. There are workshops that leaders of organizations IN TRUTH As much a bad thing, it’s something that are built over the years from Then, there’s another group can request regarding LGBT issues but as society should be acknowledged. interactions and experiences. chat featuring texts that are less most leaders of student organizations likes to flaunt This doesn’t mean that after a Some may argue that if you’re like a battlefield where every bullet will only request these services out of how unique while someone is going to suddenly friends with somebody, it’s not shot is friendly-fire and more like obligation - not out of general interest of everyone is, like the garbage band their buddy a surprise that you may share a party where everyone is eager to for the betterment of their organizations. personality is adores because that’s Stockholm similarities or like a lot of the same talk with each other. Also, as a member of the editorial still held up syndrome. The bleeding of traits things. This isn’t entirely true; not I am able to spit venom in one board of student media who identifies DAMIAN GORDON as the number is comparable to a vase collecting all the folk mesh well, despite and be silly in the other; both sides as gay, I have gone to CAPS for general one separator, dust in a room after extended having the same interests. have become regular parts of me counseling and I felt as if my issues were except that it’s made up of bits and periods time; a person does the We also tend to act differently because of the people I associate belittled and made to seem made-up pieces, making us more the same. same with qualities from friends. depending on whether we with. or exaggerated. I wanted to join the Our parents are the ones who Even hipsters who champion are with our work, school or We mold ourselves in LGBTQA group but the counselor told we typically spend the most time not liking things that are “too childhood friends. This is where relationships as well, whether it’s me I’d have to go through consultations with, so it’s only natural that we mainstream,” put themselves in we accommodate to the range done intentionally or not. Maybe to join the group. pick up traits from them. Everyone the very box they seek to avoid. of personalities we are around. it’s simply something people do This kind of treatment isn’t has woken up to realize they’ve They become alike. You will adjust your behavior to ease any dissonance that may uncommon among students at FIU and turned into their parents. A group is a collective of depending on who you’re with. arise. the editorial board. Yet, not as many have a similar individuals that may share similar I’m currently in a group chat, Nothing can be gained without I’m not sure why these different moment of clarity when it comes values. What many don’t realize receiving and sending savage texts being lost. The law of equivalent consultations are necessary but if a to seeing that they’ve also become is that we are constantly adapting that would appear to be meant for exchange is very real and it also student wants to join group counseling their friends. We become the our personality traits. People the worst of enemies if read by applies to personalities. With that they might feel comfortable with - company we surround ourselves will remain whoever they are at the uninitiated, even though it’s every new piece we pick up, a little why is it necessary to drag them through with and while this isn’t necessarily their core, but one’s outer layers among the best of friends. of ourselves is lost as an influential the rigamarole just for them to join a figure in our life is added. LGBTQA counseling group? OH HEY, CUZ When you start spending Justin Santoli, the program assistant more time around someone, ask of CAPS explained to student media yourselves if you’re ok with that not only is there a LGBTQA group picking up traits from this person. that is offered, but also a couples and If the answer is no, then perhaps 1-on-1 counseling services, but if your it’s best to cut down the amount sexual identity is on the LGBTQA of time you spend with them spectrum you’d have to make special because every little thing affects request regarding your issue. our development as an individual. What CAPS has to offer is not only inadequate but the process to join In Truth is a commentary on a group of individuals, with which issues that everyone has thoughts you may feel comfortable, is full of about, but doesn’t discuss. Damian obstacles. Sure, the consultations may Gordon is a staff writer for FIU be viable to secure the other students student media. For suggestions, confidentially but why have the groups email Damian at damian.gordon@ in the first place? fiusm.com

Sam Pritchard-Torres/The Beacon

SEND US YOUR LETTERS DISCLAIMER EDITORIAL POLICY Have something on your mind? Send your thoughts (400 words maximum) The opinions presented within this page do not represent the Editorials are the unified voice of the editorial board, which is composed to [email protected] or drop by our offices at either GC 210 or WUC 124. views of The FIUSM Editorial Board. These views are separate from of the editor in chief, management, and the editors of each of the five With your letter, be sure to include your name, major, year, and copy of your editorials and reflect individual perspectives of contributing writers sections. The Beacon welcomes any letters regarding or in response to its student ID. The Beacon will only run one letter a month from any individual. and/or members of the University community. editorials. Send them to [email protected]. Contact Us Darius Dupins Entertainment Director [email protected] LIFE! The Beacon – 4 fiusm.com Wednesday, April 20, 2016 ‘Jungle Book’ director keeps Kipling tone, updates classic for modern times

REBECCA KEEGAN with a complex legacy addition of some female wolf is the pack, and the City-born Indian American Armstrong. Academics Los Angeles Times rooted in antiquated ideas characters and an updated strength of the pack is the Neel Sethi. A newcomer have interpreted his song TNS Staff about race, nature and view of the jungle itself. wolf.” But the story also to the screen, Sethi is “I Wan’na Be Like You” identity. “This was an pulls from a broad range surrounded by photo- as a prejudiced metaphor Jon Favreau has a Like many people, opportunity to tell a story of cinematic inspirations, real digital characters, for some black people’s strategy for adapting a Favreau first experienced for now,” Favreau said. including the child-mentor including Bagheera the efforts to be more like classic remember what Kipling’s stories of “Things have shifted. In relationship in the 1953 protective panther voiced whites during the racially you liked about it in the Mowgli, a boy raised by Kipling’s time, nature was western “Shane,” the by Ben Kingsley, Baloo the charged civil rights era. first place. wolves in the Indian jungle, something to be overcome. establishment of rules in lazy bear (Bill Murray), That Louie was voiced That’s the approach the as a child himself through Now nature is something a dangerous world from Raksha the loving mother by Prima, a white jazz “Iron Man” and “Chef” Walt Disney’s whimsical to be protected.” 1990’s “Goodfellas” and wolf (Lupita Nyong’o), musician known for director took when Walt 1967 animated musical. Tonally Favreau had the use of a shadowy Shere Khan the fearsome performing a black style Disney Studios Chairman Favreau remembered to strike a balancing act, jungle figure in 1979’s tiger (Idris Elba) and Kaa of music, added another Alan Horn charged him the catchy song “Bear retaining the buoyant “Apocalypse Now.” the hypnotizing snake layer to King Louie’s with updating Rudyard Necessities,” the spooky spirit of the 1967 film, Shot with much of (Scarlett Johansson). knotty history. Kipling’s 19th century snake hypnotizing Mowgli including some of its the same motion-capture King Louie is perhaps In the new film, Louie “Jungle Book” tales and the character of King memorable songs, while technology used on the most changed of the key is no longer an orangutan using contemporary Louie, a comical giant ape crafting a movie with “Avatar,” and executed by “Jungle Book” characters, a species that never digital filmmaking tools. voiced by Louis Prima. more realism and peril. the visual effects houses and the one with the most actually lived in the Modernizing the “Jungle All appear in the new The script by Justin MPC and Weta Digital, problematic legacy. In Indian jungle but is now Book” meant more than “Jungle Book,” with some Marks draws heavily on “The Jungle Book” has 1967, the singing ape was a geographically correct, rendering its animal cast key changes, including Kipling’s lyrical language only one live-action a comedic, jive talking and extinct species of ape in zeros and ones; it also a tweak to King Louie’s including a key verse character: Mowgli, played some felt racist character required refreshing a story species and mien, the that “the strength of the by 10-year-old New York inspired by Louis SEE JUNGLE, PAGE 5 New ‘Star Wars’ Coachella festival defined by director speaks drop-ins at the cost of music MIKAEL WOOD Social media have only increased that sense. Los Angeles Times Now, popping up on someone else’s stage for out about film TNS Staff three minutes means scoring countless posts on Instagram and Twitter that will live forever (or “Hey, Coachella, it’s time for another special at least until Justin Bieber crashes some kid’s bar JOSH ROTTENBERG reprise the role in the series’ guest.” mitzvah). Los Angeles Times next installment, is confirming That was Guy Lawrence, half of the British Yet the obsession with Coachella’s digital TNS Staff that Johnson will indeed shake dance duo Disclosure, on the main stage Saturday afterburn is beginning to come at the expense of things up in “Episode VIII.” night at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts the music itself. And this was a lineup with strong From the moment it was “I would agree with Festival. Specifically, Lawrence was referring to music. announced that Rian Johnson (Kasdan),” said Isaac. “Rian is singer of the duo , who On the festival’s outdoor stage, the Kills would be directing “Star Wars: definitely going to places and was about to join the group to perform their slinky successfully battled high winds to stomp out their Episode VIII,” fans have been investigating things that haven’t electro-house track “Hourglass” for a crowd hard-edged punk-blues jams. The Last Shadow excitedly wondering what kind really been done in the ‘Star numbering in the tens of thousands. Puppets, a side project of the Arctic Monkeys’ of special sauce the director Wars’ universe. For me, it’s so But the little snicker with which he said it Alex Turner, summoned suave Bryan Ferry vibes of genre-bending films like fun getting to explore different let you know that Lawrence understood a larger with help from a string quartet. Seventy-six- “Looper” and “Brick” (not things that I wouldn’t have truth: More than at any point since the festival year-old Mavis Staples offered a stirring lesson to mention a few of the best expected in this universe. was founded in 1999, this year’s Coachella has in soul and gospel history that climaxed with episodes of “Breaking Bad”) “In some ways it feels like seemed defined, and not always in a good way, by “Freedom Highway,” which she said her father, will bring to the universe George we’re making an independent the surprise cameo. the late Pops Staples, had written for “the big Lucas created. film,” added the actor, who has In addition to Hervey, Disclosure hosted march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.” Speaking with The Times starred in critically acclaimed appearances by Lorde and Sam Smith. Guns N’ With a grinning Lorde on vocals, Disclosure last year, Lawrence Kasdan -- indies such as “Ex Machina,” “A Roses brought out Angus Young of AC/DC. Ice made the thumping “Magnets” sound sultry, an the co-writer of “The Empire Most Violent Year” and “Inside Cube welcomed Snoop Dogg and two of his old impressive trick similar to the one Ice Cube (and Strikes Back,” “Return of the Llewyn Davis.” “Certain things bandmates from N.W.A. ASAP Rocky had Kanye his DJ) managed when he gave a hypnotic edge Jedi,” “The Force Awakens” and we get to play with, this kind of West. Zedd was joined by Kesha. to the willfully menacing “Check Yo Self.” And one of the key keepers of the intimacy that we get to find, it’s Even Joe Walsh, a guy whose band, the Eagles, though Axl Rose’s broken foot meant that Guns “Star Wars” flame -- suggested special. It’s been really fun.” is unlikely ever to play Coachella, turned up for an N’ Roses’ set lacked his prowling stage moves, the that Johnson would be taking With production on “Episode unannounced appearance with the Arcs. band played as well as I’ve ever heard it, moving the franchise into heretofore VIII” currently underway in Along with the rock-group reunion, the pop-star easily from hard-rock aggression to power-ballad uncharted creative territory. England, virtually nothing, not drop-in is a longtime fixture of this closely pomp. “Rian Johnson is a friend of even so much as a title, has watched event, which completed the first half of Credit for some of this should go to Coachella’s mine he’s going to make some been revealed at this point about its 2016 edition on Sunday at Indio’s Empire Polo powerful sound system, which boosted a set by weird thing,” Kasdan said. “If the film. About the only thing Club. (The three-day show, with an audience of Jack U, Diplo and Skrillex’s festival-staple you’ve seen Rian’s work, you Johnson himself has said, in an approximately 90,000, will repeat next weekend.) electronic dance music duo, to a thrilling, almost know it’s not going be like answer to a fan on Twitter, is that The onstage cameos began organically as a punishing level of intensity. But the system was anything that’s ever been in BB-8 will be back in the film. product of Coachella’s always-stacked lineup, equally suited to emphasizing the fine details ‘Star Wars.’ “ (“Man, you’d have to admire my it’s generally regarded as the most prestigious of Rhye’s slow-mo R&B, even as it played only Now, in an interview with cojones if he wasn’t,” he joked.) American music festival, and the celebrities that one stage over from Run the Jewels, the raucous, The Times to promote the For now, if “Star Wars” flock here every April. Over the past few years, politically inclined rap outfit that opened its set upcoming superhero epic fans want a better idea of what though, these appearances have felt more like a with a video message from presidential hopeful “X-Men: Apocalyse,” opening Kasdan and Isaac mean by a branding effort, both for artists eager to be where Bernie Sanders. (Typically a bastion of good-times May 27, actor Oscar Isaac, weirder, more intimate and the cool kids are and for a hugely profitable escapism, Coachella acknowledged this election who played ace Resistance indie-flavored “Star Wars,” festival determined to maintain its competitive year with several works of visual art scattered starfighter pilot Poe Dameron in patience they must have. advantage over similar events such as Bonnaroo “The Force Awakens” and will and Lollapalooza. SEE COACHELLA, PAGE 5 fiusm.com LIFE! The Beacon – Wednesday, April 20, 2016 5 ‘Kimmy Schmidt’ premieres on Netflix

VERNE GAY now going by her American more packed and slightly less development, too. At least in the Connecticut and the challenges Newsday Indian name (“White”), while dependent on sight gags. Over early episodes, “Unbreakable of finding a good dentist. They TNS Staff her social and maternal anxieties the six episodes screened, there Kimmy Schmidt” feels like a also get better and better. are heightened. are references to ducks, Vape, show that doesn’t want to repeat Meanwhile, what worked THE SHOW: “Unbreakable This Netflix comedy was Nazis, silverfish, Mentos, the the dazzling first season but isn’t especially well last season also Kimmy Schmidt,” on Netflix created (and is produced) by the Galapagos, Chuck Lorre, the quite yet sure where the second gets better in the second. Kane WHAT IT’S ABOUT: “30 Rock” team of Tina Fey and “war on Christmas,” sweat should go either. Kimmy’s still continues to offer a master class Kimmy (Ellie Kemper), who Robert Carlock. lodges, bunnies, kitties, Pop Kimmy (of course), only slightly in comic timing. Krakowski last season found her way into MY SAY: Like the first Rocks, the 2nd Avenue Subway, more worldly, slightly less remains one of the funniest the wilds of New York after season, “Kimmy’s” second is the Mets, Billy Joel, Arcade gullible. She’s also absorbed people on this show (and there spending 15 years in a doomsday mostly about the words, and Fire, Amtrak and also ancient New York and come to the are many). Burgess, a stand-out cult’s bunker, manages to find there’s a vast, surging, restless Greek statesman, Alcibiades, realization that she’s not the only in the first, gets almost all a new job, or jobs, and is still crowd of those. There are who, you’ll note, hasn’t been fish out of water here, everyone the best lines this season, and struggling over her feelings for possibly more words packed into getting a lot of publicity lately. else is flopping around. squanders not a one. Dong Nguyen (Ki Hong Lee). any half-hour “Kimmy” episode Each are stitched into perfect Each of the first six And Kemper ... well, Kemper Roommate Titus Andromedon than in four episodes of “NCIS” quips, flawlessly delivered, that episodes are bound loosely has officially and indefatigably (Tituss Burgess) is about to find -- and almost all of them funnier. would make even a Pop Rock (or accidentally) by an arc, become one of the finest comic romance, too. They whiz by, subverting logic laugh. Kimmy’s ongoing employment actors on TV. Their landlady Lillian and meaning, but also demand But here’s at least one challenges, and are otherwise Who needs “plot” anyway? Kaushtupper (Carol Kane) is attention because the punchline challenge with a series so stand-alones that launch BOTTOM LINE: A punchy concerned about “hipsters” usually arrives before the dependent on verbal invention: priceless comic assaults on uneven start to the second, but lurking around. Jacqueline ear can catch up. It’s the “30 Plot can tend to be a secondary gentrification, romance in the it does get better, and the cast is Voorhees (Jane Krakowski) is Rock” model, only (if possible) concern, and character big city, overstuffed closets, still priceless. ‘Jungle Book’ Coachella guest performances receives facelift, detract from the music, vibes COACHELLA, PAGE 4 pioneering West Coast rap outfit whose early days were chronicled in last year’s hit biopic “Straight across the grounds, including one piece seemingly Outta Compton.” At Coachella, MC Ren and DJ stays true to protesting Donald Trump’s idea of a wall between Yella indeed made it to perform the movie’s still the United States and Mexico.) potent title song, along with N.W.A’s unprintably Yet none of this seemed to make half the impact titled song about the police. did when he showed up during Jack But Dr. Dre opted to sit out the festival, which former tone U’s set, not to rap but merely to stand onstage with is likely what led Ice Cube to arrange lower- his arms folded, a zillion camera phones flashing impact cameos by Common, with whom he did a JUNGLE, PAGE 4 John Debney, as more than 100 in the crowd, as Jack U’s Diplo and Skrillex song from his new “Barbershop” movie, and his musicians playing instruments blasted his song “Power.” son O’Shea Jackson Jr., who portrayed Ice Cube like Indian tablas and woodwinds As an isolated moment, West’s appearance in “Straight Outta Compton.” called a gigantopithecus. boost long, dialogue-free action carried a weird electricity. The problem is that As Jackson rapped the group’s song “Dopeman,” Voiced by Christopher Walken, sequences. stunts like that help reset the focus at Coachella video screens showed behind-the-scenes footage the character’s scenes are Early on, Favreau made the from sound to sight, from the experience to the from the movie, which basically meant we’d come still comedic, but instead of a decision to retain some of the record of the experience. And they pressure other all the way to the desert to watch a special guest minstrel show, they’re inspired key songs from the ‘67 film, acts to get in on the surprise action, whether act out a DVD extra. by Marlon Brando’s Col. Kurtz including “Bear Necessities,” they’ve got a stunt sufficient to the task or not. Hey, Coachella, it’s time to remember the in “Apocalypse Now.” which is sung by Murray Take Ice Cube, whose main-stage set was widely artists on the bill. They’re what make that trip “Jon called me and said, and Sethi, and “I Wan’na Be expected to feature a full reunion of N.W.A, the worth taking. ‘We have Walken, so we have Like You,” which has Walken to write something worthy of delivering new lyrics written Walken,’” Marks said. “We by Richard Sherman. Sherman, liked the notion of Louie as a now 87, who wrote the original pretender to the throne making with his brother, Robert, as part a power play by summoning this of their distinguished Disney boy to him. What if he could musical legacy, had to find a play it seriously and yet he was way to incorporate the word completely preposterous?” “gigantopithecus,” among other The 1967 film is also changes. noteworthy for its lack of female “We’re sitting there in Jon’s characters, which Favreau and office, and he’s talking to Marks addressed by reviving Dick about this creature, King a character that had been Louie,” said Debney, who had prominent in Kipling’s tales but met the Sherman brothers during was omitted from the animated his first job out of college, in film, the female alpha wolf the Disney musical department. Raksha, who raises Mowgli and “Dick was writing the word takes on a heroic role when the down, and we saw the wheels wolf pack is in peril. Favreau also turning. He immediately started cast Johannsson (who previously coming up with a lyric in the appeared in the director’s “Iron meeting. I looked at Jon and Man 2” and “Chef”) as the snake said, ‘Wow, this is cool.’ “ Kaa, seizing the opportunity Without spoiling the movie’s to use her distinctive, throaty third act, it’s worth noting one voice for a mysterious character more major difference between who delivers key backstory. the 2016 “Jungle Book” and (Johansson also sings “Trust in its predecessors, which treated Me” in a steamy track produced returning to human civilization by over the closing as Mowgli’s inescapable destiny. credits.) “This movie makes a choice “This was an opportunity to that identity is not necessarily balance the gender of the cast something you are born into,” and update it for our moment in Marks said. “We see that as an history,” Favreau said. evolved version from where Musically, the film relies Kipling started all the way to on a robust orchestral score by today.” longtime Favreau collaborator Contact Us Alejandro Aguirre Sports Director [email protected] SPORTS The Beacon – 6 fiusm.com Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SAND VOLLEYBALL Panthers conclude rollercoaster regular season with four out of five match win

STEF’S SPIKES If there strong coaching staff, I knew Los Angeles, 1-4 to No. 2 Panther’s confidence rose at their record is as spectacular was a perfect the Panthers could make some Florida State University, 2-3 a staggeringly high rate. The as Davis and Giron’s, but it’s way to surprises here and there. to No. 9 Stetson University team kept climbing to the top the fact that they are both describe how The Panthers got off to a and 1-4 to No. 5 University of as the regular season ended, rookies. the beach 5-2 mark after the first two Hawaii was the result of that going 6-1 down the stretch. They have gained the trust volleyball events of the season. A good dreadful event. The Panther’s work isn’t and confidence from Head team’s start, but nothing to brag At this point, the players done though. They still Coach Rita Buck-Crockett. STEFANO season has about. on the team had two options: need to compete in the first I think that’s due to the fact RIVERA gone so far I thought to myself after keep their heads down and ever CCSA Conference that they are also her indoor that would these first seven games, “Is give up on the season or Tournament which takes place volleyball players. be a rollercoaster ride. the team this good or is it just forget about the results and Friday, April 22, to Sunday, Regardless, they too will Granted anything the taking advantage of its soft learn from their mistakes. April 24. be keys for the team’s success Panthers did this year would schedule?” The Panthers chose to The most important factor in the postseason. have been tough to match the Unfortunately, it was the learn from their mistakes and in this tournament will be the The Panthers are on the AVCA semi-finalist squad latter. When the Stetson Beach they continued where they Panther’s best duo: redshirt rise, but will they continue to from a year ago, but the ups Invitational came along in late left off. The season’s turning sophomore, Savannah Davis, climb or fall back down? and downs have been far too March, the Panthers hit their point was at their final home and sophomore, Natalia common. Are the Panthers downward spiral. All these event: the FIU Surf and Turf Giron. Together, they have Stef’s Spikes is a monthly riding the rollercoaster up at games were against top-10 Invitational. the most wins of any pair column about FIU sand the right time? teams. The Panthers were also The team I saw compete this season and unmatched volleyball. For commentary After losing six seniors ranked inside the top 10, so here did not look like a team chemistry. and suggestions, email Stefan from last year’s team, my they should’ve had a decent that got swept just a week The most surprising pair Rivera at [email protected]. expectations for this season shot, right? Sadly, no. before in Stetson. of the season is freshman, were not extremely high. Losing 0-5 to No. 4 Winning four of the five Dominique Dodd, and junior, However, by maintaining a University of California at matches that weekend, the Katie Hogan. It’s not like

HOCKEY NOTHING BUT NET Panthers fight to keep up with Islanders

ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ game of the series. Contributing Writer Tavares also had a huge impact [email protected] in the game as he scored a goal and had two assists in the win. The Florida Panthers ended Panthers’ defense and the season winning the Atlantic goaltending stepped up in game Division and played the New York two as they tie the series. Islanders in the first round of the The Panthers knew this was an 2016 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs on important game of the series as Thursday, April 14, Friday, April their goaltender Roberto Luongo 15, and Sunday, April 17. had a fantastic game. He had 41 In front of over 17,000 fans in saves and helped the Panthers win attendance the Panthers got off to 3-1 which tied the series at one. an early start by scoring the first After their defensive outrage, goal. the Panthers defense stepped up Teddy Purcell notched the and had a solid game. first goal of the playoffs for the The Panthers once again got an Panthers. early lead in game two as Smith The Islanders and the Panthers scord a goal, his third goal of kept trading goals until the third the series during the first period. period when Kyle Okposo scored They extended the lead when Nick to make it 4-3, which gave the Bjugstad’s snapshot got passed to Islanders their first lead of the Greiss to give the Panthers a 2-0 game, assisted by captain John lead at the end of two periods. Tavares. The score remained the same The Islanders ended up scoring until Tavares scored his second goal another goal four minutes later to of the series with three minutes left give them a two-goal lead late in in the third period. the third period. With the final seconds looming, The Panthers had one late push Luongo made some huge saves at in them when Reilly Smith cut the end to solidify the Panthers win. the lead down to one goal with 13 The series then headed to minutes left in the third period. The Brooklyn for game three and four. Photo courtesy of Matias J. Ocner/ TNS Staff Panthers peppered the Islanders The Panthers lost the third game to Josh Richardson (0) takes a jump shot against the Charlotte Hornets during the fourth goaltender Thomas Greiss with 46 the Islanders. quarter on Sunday, April 17, 2016, at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. shots in the whole game. The Panthers for the third Greiss was the main factor of game one as he made 42 saves to SEE PUCK, PAGE 7 help the Islanders take the first fiusm.com SPORTS The Beacon – Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7

MEN’S BASKETBALL BASEBALL Hornet defeat in game one Mallex’s 10th-inning hit is a JASON LIESER April 17, Luol Deng it, but once we come an abbreviated The Palmer Beach scorched Charlotte here tomorrow to run of 26 minutes. winner, Braves sweep Marlins Post for one of the best prepare for the next Joe Johnson and DAVID O’BRIEN as his regular between- one base runner before the TNS Staff playoff games game, you forget Amar’e Stoudemire The Atlanta Journal- starts side session. sixth inning and finished of his career and about it.” each added 11 Constitution The Braves scored four with 88 pitches. There was no Miami exploded for Nobody was points. TNS Staff runs in the first inning, Of the three runs charged way this could a 123-91 victory at ready to move on Heat rookies including a Peterson bases- to Chacin, two scored after have gone better AmericanAirlines quite that quickly, Justise Winslow and The Braves arrived in loaded double and led 5-0 he left the game in the sixth. for the Heat, and Arena. though. This was an Josh Richardson Miami saddled with an 0-9 before blowing the lead on Dee Gordon had the they delivered It was a exhilarating return were solid in record and manager Fredi three runs in the sixth, one third hit in the inning to a stomping so surprisingly to the postseason their first playoff Gonzalez’s job security in the seventh and Ichiro drive in the Marlins’ first emphatic that comfortable win for a building that appearances. appearing tenuous, at best. Suzuki’s two-out, game- run, and Chacin as pulled Charlotte must in the playoffs sat empty this Winslow had They left Sunday, April tying single in the ninth after striking out the next question how much and Miami’s stars time last year, eight points and 17, after a 10-inning, 6-5 inning off Jason Grilli. batter. of a shot it has in spent the end of and the volume four rebounds, this series. it laughing and surged every and Richardson This was dancing on the time Whiteside overcame a rough everything the team sideline as the final hammered the rim shooting night to believed it could minutes ran out for another dunk. He add eight points, be, lighting it up as the team set a had overwhelmed five rebounds and offensively and franchise record Charlotte in the three assists. heading off nearly for most points in a paint as he lifted The total damage everything the playoff game. the Heat with 21 for the Miami Hornets tried to get “It’s very rare,” points, 11 rebounds offense was a 57.6 going at the other Dwyane Wade said. and three blocked percent shooting end. “I don’t know how shots in his playoff performance, 56 Hassan many more we’re debut. Wade was points in the paint Whiteside was the gonna get. You excellentl, putting and a mere six most dominant enjoy it during the in an efficient turnovers, player on the court moment and tonight 16 points and much of Sunday, you feel good about seven assists in HOCKEY

Panthers down two to Photo courtesy of Patrick Farrell/ TNS Staff Adeiny Hechavarria tags out Atlanta Braves Nick Markakis at second base on Sunday, April 17, 2016, at Marlins Park in Miami. one in seven game series win, buoyed by a three- Grilli might’ve had The bullpen that game sweep of the Marlins, a clean inning if Chris produced 8 1/3 scoreless the wins against his former Johnson’s bloop hadn’t innings in the first two against the Islanders team likely providing a fallen between second games of the series couldn’t temporary reprieve for baseman Peterson and right hold down the Marlins this Gonzalez. fielder Nick Markakis for a time. Left-hander Hunter Rookie center fielder leadoff single. Cervenka replaced Chacin Mallex Smith’s two-out Gonzalez went with and walked Christian single in the 10th inning Grilli to close instead of Yelich, the only batter he drove in the go-ahead run, Arodys Vizcaino to give faced. after the Braves blew a 5-0 Vizcaino a second day off With bases loaded, lead and the Marlins tied the following his 35-pitch, Alex Ogando entered the score on a run in the ninth. four-out save Friday, April, game and got ahead 0-2 Drew Stubbs walked 15. against struggling slugger with two out to start the Gonzalez will be Giancarlo Stanton before 10th-inning rally against questioned by some about hitting him in the hip with Edwin Jackson and Jace that decision and taking out a pitch that brought in the Peterson followed with a starter Jhoulys Chacin with second run of the inning. single before Smith’s first- one out in the sixth inning, Stanton had struck out in pitch hit up the middle after he’d given up a run on seven of his previous eight drove in the winning run. three singles in the inning, plate appearances going Matt Wisler, pitched a none of which were hard-hit back to the ninth inning perfect 10th inning for the balls. Friday. save, using the appearance Chacin had allowed just

Photo courtesy of Charles Trainor Jr./ TNS Staff

The Florida Panther Brian Campbell (51) watches the rebound after Panthers goalie Roberto Luongo makes a save in the first period against the New York Islanders in Game 2 of the Eastern Conference quarterfinals at the BB&T Center in Sunrise, Fla., on Friday, April 15, 2016. The Panthers won, 3-1, to tie the series.

PUCK, PAGE 6 The Islanders would not give up. Each time the Panthers had a two-goal lead straight game scored the early first goal. they would fight their way back into the Smith continued at a hot pace as he scored hockey game. The game ended up going to his fourth goal of the series to give the overtime -- the first in the series. Panthers an early lead. The two goaltenders fought to keep The Panthers kept the scoring going the game alive until the Islanders Thomas as they got to an early 2-0 lead. Yas, Hickey scored the winning goal for the Aleksander Barkov notched his first career Islanders in overtime. goal in the playoffs. After having many opportunities in the The turning point of the game came game, the Panthers walked out down two when Aaron Ekblad scored a goal that games to one in the best of seven series. ended up being disallowed after the Game four will be Wednesday, April 20, Islanders challenged the play. in Brooklyn. THE The Beacon – 8 t ay Wednesday, April 20, 2016 A fiusm.com B A string of kayaking events brings student life to BBC, shows resources Oleta State Park and around the everybody had a great time,” events are a good way to get utilize it and create events for GARRETT EPPERSON open waters of the Biscayne Bay said Michael Vasconez, graduate involved on campus. our students to feel like their Contributing Writer Campus. student and lifeguard for the “The reason the BBC rec puts school has so much more to [email protected] Lifeguards are on duty during Kayak After Dark event. this event is not only to show offer.” “The majority of the time The Outdoor Adventure X everyone comes out just because Programs and Biscayne Bay it’s such fun, out of the norm, Recreation put on a few events you don’t have to worry about every month, the most recent studying or tests,” Ramos said. being Kayak After Dark at 7 “There was flyers on campus p.m. on Thursday, April 14. The reason the BBC rec puts this event is not only to show the students and that were promoting it on the This event allowed people to MMC campus and we just rent kayaks from the University community members a good time, it’s also to show our support for them checked it out and they brought and take them out as a group and that they have other resources that they can use here in the school. us out here. We thought it was around the bay. a great opportunity for FIU The program and campus Iris Ramos students, because we don’t provide everything in order to really come out to BBC. It was participate including, paddles, Program Representative a nice adventure, it was very kayaks, life vests and a safe area Campus Recreation BBC relaxing and then it was really for belongings. good it was only five dollars and These events are beginner- it was so much to do and I got friendly. The groups are always the events as a safety precaution. After the trip on the water, the students and community free S’mores after.” together and kayaks are tandem, “It was great. We had a fast the provided complimentary members a good time, it’s To register for Kayak After so no one is lost. group, so we went through the marshmallows, chocolate and also to show our support for Dark or any of the events, go to All the kayaks come equipped trail like a breeze. Everyone graham crackers for S’mores them and that they have other Active.com and sign up. with neon lights to light up the seemed to enjoy it. We hung around a campfire. resources that they can use here Space is limited. The next path and prevent straggling out on the Sand Spur Island and Senior psychology major in the school. I mean, compared kayaking event is Kayak Day behind during nighttime trips. everyone seemed to enjoy that and program representative to the other campus we have the On The Bay which takes place The kayaking route goes as well. Same trip as always, Iris Ramos said these kayaking bay right here why wouldn’t we at BBC May 7. through the mangrove trails of