SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 1


id someone say “Let the trips, had a lot of fun with the f u n d s f o r games begin.”? We‘ve Cruising Regatta and will head up our major D been playing all year long the Rappahannock to the Tides Inn. s o c i a l or was all this just practice We conclude the month with FBYC’s e v e n t s for the real challenges? Racing in 14th Annual Stingray Point Regatta and the our 69th Annual One Design Re- chaired by our Off Shore Division four divi- gatta, which hosted 86 boats from Commander, Mike Dale. This too s i o n s o f 10 different fleets in 2 days of light promises to be a solid gold event. pro- air was one of those challenges. The The completion of all these grams develop- event chair, Vice Commodore, Noel events signals September is here ment and expansion. This planning Clinard put together a gold medal and the beginning of “Fall Series” skill is why we can enjoy the exten- team of volunteers like our race racing events plus the notoriously sive racing programs and the most committee team lead by PRO, Rick challenging Wolf Trap race. This beautiful facilities of all the yacht Klein and David Hazlehurst, the also signals the beginning of the clubs around the bay. boat launching managed by Doug Club’s administrative tasks planning The summer may be over as Anderson, dinner provided by Art for our 70th year of activities. As our youth head back to school, but I and Betsy McCray, and the Pool noted last Log, our Past Commo- hope they will still come down to the Pavilion (aka tiki bar ) beverage dore and Member at Large Allan club with their parents on week- servers featuring skippers from all Heyward is the Chairman of the ends. I present a challenge to our the fleets organized by Mike Miller Nominating Committee, which con- young sailors; I would like to see and “Big John” Hubbard with the sists of the current Flag and 3 of the them get involved with our Race Margarita machine. Our thanks go past Commodores. They are Committee Teams. There are inter- out to all the 50+ volunteers who charged with nominating the slate esting and fun days to be had on Mr. earned a perfect score. The Off- of Flag Officers, the 16 members of Roberts learning about the different shore Long Distance Smith Point the Board of Trustees and the 19 jobs on the team, the rules of race race offered a few challenges as well, other Board Chairs that manage the management, and decision making but was blessed with a beautiful full affairs of the Club for the coming process that our good race officers moon and a wonderful sail back to year. We are blessed to have a deep use. This experience, like sailing “F” with a good breeze and calm field of metal winners to work with. itself, is a leadership building op- seas. Our Junior racers have earned If you are interested in being an ac- portunity and a chance to also learn their share of medals this season. tive member of this leadership team about volunteerism. Please contact We can be proud of all of our club please let us know. our Fleet Captain Alex Alvis or Vice Juniors who took full advantage of The Finance Committee, Commodore Noel Clinard to get in- the extended Junior sailing pro- lead by Mason Chapman, begin the volved. gram. The 14 members of the ex- process of developing next year’s Summer may be over, but tended race team racer each ex- budget. Their sound, conservative, the sailing season is far from over. I celled in their performances. Check strategies for the Club’s financial hope to see all of you at the club and out Eric’s Log entry to get all the planning are underpinned with the on the water. details. We hosted the fifth Mid- curtailment of our land debt, maxi- dlesex YMCA learn to sail program mization of the value of each dollar with 16 youth learning about sailing. spent on club maintenance and im- Our Cruisers have enjoyed many provements, plus the allocation of SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 2

FBYC BOARD HIGHLIGHTS AUGUST 2008 Meeting called to or- Scott reported that in a continuing CRUISING DIVISION – Ed O’Con- der at 6:05 p.m. by effort to reduce the web site’s SPAM nor reported that there were three problem, he and Mary Spencer have boats on the Grog Cruise and that 10 Commodore Ric spent time cleaning up data and elimi- boats participated in the Cruise Re- Bauer. nating stale user accounts. Several of gatta. The Leonard Creek Cruise was REAR COMMODORE the “” web mailing lists that do cancelled. Upcoming cruises include Ric Bauer – C. MAYO TABB, JR. not work with moderation have also the Tides Inn Rendezvous, Captain’s been eliminated. Marketing to non- Choice Cruise and a 2-week cruise be- Commodore LOG – Jim Morrison will ask the publisher to members who have signed up for club ginning September 14 organized by send copies of the Log to events was discussed at last month’s Sam Stoakley. The final September the club each month. Board meeting. Strother has prepared cruise is a Race to the Crab Feast in DOCKS – D a v i d a link to that list of people for Ric Reedville. Hinckle reported that the Bauer and George Burke. He asked for JUNIOR DIVISION – Eric Powers dry sail hoist has now feedback from Board members about reported that 16 Juniors have partici- been repaired and that possible changes to the home page of pated in the extended program in Noel Clinnard the club also obtained a the web site. Using a printed sheet of about 12 traveling events. All nine of Vice back-up part. The dry the home page layout, he discussed the Juniors who went to the Opti Na- Commodore sail lot is full unless the each section and got a hand vote on tionals qualified for Spring Trials next club’s trailers are moved whether to keep, move or delete each year. The YMCA Sailing Camp was held elsewhere on the prop- section. By making the changes, the this week at the club. One Junior coach erty. When one of the posted articles will appear higher up on will leave on August 24 and the other larger slips was recently the home page and some of the lists leaves on August 28, bringing an end vacated, David was able now at the top of the page will be ac- to a very busy and very successful sea- to assign the slip to a cessed by a link. son. boat that has been on the OPERATIONS MANAGER – Dixon TROPHIES – A notice requesting Cole has completed the second pump- perpetual trophy nominations will be Mayo Tabb slip waiting list since De- cember 2005. David out for Mr. Roberts. in the September and October Logs. Rear plans to meet with our VICE COMMODORE – R. NOEL Nominations should be sent to Black- Commodore contractor to discuss the CLINARD well Nottingham. extension of the final The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society CBYRA – Tom Roberts reported that one-third of the sea wall. presented a plaque to Fishing Bay CBYRA is now helping clubs promote MEMBER-AT-LARGE Yacht Club for hosting the 10th Leu- and plan their regattas by offering on- – Ric Bauer appointed kemia Cup Regatta. Jere Dennison will line registration through their website. Member-at-Large Allan be asked to find an appropriate place This could become the standard way to Heyward to serve as for the plaque in the clubhouse. Ric register for a regatta. Our club could Chair of the Nominating Bauer advised that there were over 75 use it as a supplement to our own for Committee for the 2009 volunteers for the regatta, including regatta registration for events. U.S. Chip Hall Board. Jay Buhl, Lud many from the cruising and Wednes- Sailing sent a representative to the last Treasurer Kimbrough and Ric day Night groups and even some non- CBYRA Board meeting and reported Bauer will serve on the members. they have applied for a grant from committee with him. Al- OFFSHORE DIVISION – The final Homeland Security to fund a program lan asked that Board major event for 2008 is the Stingray to assist with education of the DHS members who are not Point Regatta. Mike Dale reported he Waterways Watch program that will interested in serving on has lined up a number of sponsors and teach those on the water to recognize next year’s Board relay predictably that he needs volunteers. problems and how to contact authori- that information to him ONE DESIGN DIVISION – Tom ties. This is especially important in the George and he would also appre- O’Connell reported that 73 One Design Hampton Roads area. Burke ciate receiving recom- boats and 13 Optis participated in the PARTICIPATION – David Hazle- Annual One Design Regatta. Total hurst recommended that we look for Secretary mendations for Board positions. revenue exceeded the total expenses ways to improve recruitment of mem- L O N G R A N G E for the regatta. Ric Bauer said he is bers to build fences, paint barns or PLANNING – L u d seeing a new trend in our larger regat- whatever needs doing to supplement Kimbrough will discuss tas in that we either break even or the efforts of those who regularly at- some sections of the make money and attributes this to do- tend the Spring and Fall clean-ups. Long Range Plan that ing a better marketing job. David David advised that the names of all of need updating with Hazlehurst thinks event management the volunteers at the 69th Annual One Board members. The Fall also has a lot to do with it. Matt Braun Design Regatta have been recorded meeting of the Commu- is Event Chair for the Indian Summer/ online and that these include more Sail Against SIDS Regatta on October than the usual number of new mem- Jim Morrison nity Advisory Board will be held in September 4. His goal is to have at least 35 One bers. He has found a volunteer to help Log and Lud will attend that Design boats plus Juniors in 420’s and him with our annual participation re- Streamer meeting. Optis participating. cords. WEBMASTER – Strother Continued on page 3 SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 3

FBYC Business Board meeting Highights continued from page 2... In addition, Strother’s program has the potential for further reducing this onerous task. Because VCU is a relatively untapped resource Celebrating 60 Years for crew candidates and possibly new members, David has been working with two crew candi- dates from their Education Department and has developed leads with their Student ecause of our many Development/Sports Clubs Director. B OLD BUSINESS – Alex Alvis was asked last years of experience, our year to keep up with the status of the dredging of customers can expect no the Jackson Creek channel. He reported that pressure. A knowledgeable shoaling hasn’t increased too much this year but the depth and width of the channel is well below sales staff. Competitive prices. what it should be. He talked with the newly- And incomparable service appointed project manager and learned that before, during and after a nothing is scheduled for the Jackson Creek pro- sale. From our on-site service ject. Alex will write a letter to the Corps of Engi- neers Division in an attempt to get the survey and yard maintenance to our made because that will help us know where ASA-sanctioned sailing school. dredging needs to be done. The Corps of Engi- No one offers a better neers and Middlesex County together are re- sponsible for the channel. selection of new and used NEW BUSINESS – Ric Bauer presented to the . We’re Virginia’s Board a new perpetual trophy entitled the “Becca exclusive full-line Hunter dealer. Boat Trophy.” By motion duly made and sec- onded, the Board accepted this trophy to be awarded beginning in 2008. (See related article elsewhere in Log.). Tom Roberts thanked the club for allowing the Mobjack Nationals to be held in connection with the Annual One Design Regatta and requested permission to hold the 50th anniversary meeting at the club on the weekend following the 2009 AOD. Ric Bauer was not sure the Board could commit to that date this soon but that the Sailing Events Committee could certainly try to allow that date when the schedule is made for next year’s events. There being no additional business, the meeting Norfolk In-Water Boat Show ~ Sept. 12-14, 2008 was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Membership APPLIED FOR MEMBERSHIP: The Membership Committee recommended that these applicants be placed into circulation: Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Brooks, 30 Rio Vista Lane, Richmond, VA 23226. Philip and Susan have sailing backgrounds and are partners in a Sa- bre 34 with Pen Shiflett. They purchased a second home on Fishing Bay Road near the club and are mainly interested in cruising. Both recently attended an accelerated 8-day program at the Colgate Offshore Sailing School in the Florida Keys and are U.S. Sailing certified. Philip sailed with Pen in the Leukemia Regatta in July. Philip and Susan have two children, Sarah (21) and William (20). Sponsors: C. Mayo Tabb, Jr.; Pendleton M. Shiflett, III. Mr. Thomas C. Chiffriller, 7607 Bryn Mawr Road, Richmond, VA 23229. Tommy is a 15-year old rising sophomore at D. S. Freeman High School in Richmond. He has been attending sailing camps since he was 6 years old and attended the FBYC Junior Week this summer. He saved his lawn-cutting money until he had enough to buy a Chrysler Mutineer at age 14. He later bought a Laser and fixed it up. Both boats were sold at a profit leading up to the purchase of a Columbia Contender 24 at the Deltaville Maritime Museum’s “Field of Dreams” sale. With the help of his grandfather, he built a boom for the boat and made many other repairs. He spent the summer at his grandparents’ home on Mosquito Creek off the Rappahannock River. Since getting the boat in shipshape condition, Tommy has been sailing solo from White Stone to Carter’s Creek, Ur- banna, Tappahannock and Reedville. Tommy dreams of sailing to Bermuda between the time he graduates from high school and goes to college and maybe someday even sailing around the world. He is very excited about being able to apply for an Associate Junior membership with FBYC. Sponsors: Harry and Jane Wells; Douglas H. Ludeman, Jr. FINAL APPROVAL: Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Conklin; Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus W. Grandy, V; Ms. Susan Harris; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Watkins, III. Mr. Benjamin J. Parrott, 1206 West Valley Drive, Richmond, VA 23229, also attended the August membership meeting. Ben was a junior member in the family membership of FBYC member Charles T. Parrott from 1997 through 2002. He has sailed on his father’s NY40, raced J- 24’s; crewed on Eric Powers’ Tartan 40 and owns a Laser. He expects to continue racing in FBYC events and requested that he be allowed to move up to a single adult membership from the prior family membership.

SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 4



The Trophy Committee will receive nomina- THE HUBARD TROPHY – Awarded to the out- tions until October 8th for the following perpetual standing woman sailor of FBYC in recognition of dedi- trophies to be awarded at the Annual Awards Party in cation, participation, and performance and sports- November. manship while sailing. SPORTSMANSHIP TROPHY – Recognizes the PIANKATANK TROPHY – Recognizes the FBYC Offshore Division skipper who displays the best skipper who most exemplifies the principle that “all is sportsmanship during the regular season. not lost until the boat sinks.” ANNUAL RACE COMMITTEE TROPHY – MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY BOWL – Rec- Awarded to the club member who has made the great- ognizes a member of FBYC for an outstanding contri- est contribution to race committee work and race bution to sailing at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. management at FBYC. COMPETITION TROPHY – Recognizes a member of FBYC who is the skipper of an enrolled offshore or Please contact the Trophy Chairman, Blackwell Not- one-design boat and who most successfully repre- tingham, with your nominations. Mail nominations to sented FBYC in racing events conducted by Blackwell at 5807 Polard Drive, Richmond, VA 23226 other yacht clubs or associations during the past year. or e-mail to [email protected]. Important: If nomina- Nominations should consider the character (local, re- tions are sent by e-mail to [email protected], please gional, national) of events entered and the quality of type the nomination in the body of the e-mail rather competition as well as the member’s performance. than sending an attachment. ALLEN B. FINE TROPHY – Recognizes the out- standing crewperson of an FBYC enrolled yacht. Any skipper who is a club member may nominate anyone who has crewed on a FBYC boat (offshore or one- design) during the regular club season.


Presented in 2008 in memory of Rebecca “Becca” Clary Harris, a former FBYC junior, by her parents, Richard and Kay Clary. The presentation of this trophy was accompanied by the donation of a new powerboat for the Junior Program, to be known as Becca Boat, predominantly by the Clarys with con- tributions by other club members and a local dealer. Becca Boat bears its name on the and a brass plaque reading “In Loving Memory of Rebecca Clary Harris, an FBYC Junior, 2008” on the center console. The perpetual trophy bears a likeness of Becca’s beloved red from her childhood, which she called the “Becca Boat.” This award shall be given each year to the fe- male FBYC junior who most exemplifies Becca’s de- votion to FBYC. SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 5 FBYC Web Report ous of receiving calls from people ents, their own or parents of who want to crew” just like crews other sailors, who put in untold hours pam Problem - We are still can list themselves as available. In helping their offspring compete working on our spam prob- that regard, we have eliminated the against the best young sailors they can lem and the results are still iwanttosail email list – which find. It's interesting also to see how Snot where we want them. For many younger siblings join their elders hasn’t been used and seems to be example, we learned one of our in this activity. A cynic could say the dated. "youngers" have to go along be- forwards was forwarding about 20 spam messages per day to a mem- cause the parents can't be in two places Please keep the good ideas at once but I've yet to see any evidence ber, but because he had a good coming. whatsoever of younger juniors express- spam filter, it was not a big deal for Strother Scott – ing displeasure at being on the water him. But for us, it causes us to be [email protected] or at any time. It's even hard to keep rated as a terrible sender of spam. Of~804-780-3271 some of them off. As suggested last month, I have Aside from sailing single now deleted all email forwards at handed on Optimists and Lasers some except for a couple The best start we can of our young sailors move on to race who have asked to keep them. double handed on 420's or other Hopefully that will eliminate a ma- give our young sailors classes, sometimes with their parents, jor problem. and some few race on off-shore boats Good sailing genes and com- while continuing to compete with other juniors in their chosen One De- On-line Entry - minor change - mitted parents have to rank high on the list. Couple that with a Junior pro- sign class. I don't know what happens In response to people inadvertently gram that continuously improves and to the family that sails together but entering a quantity of items far in there is no stopping some of our young they certainly have an interesting time. excess of what they want - the most sailors. It's easy to recognize good boat I vividly remember going to the US recent being 100 Leukemia Cup handling and an aggressive attitude on Sailing One Design Sailing Symposium entries @ $100 each - the number the race course and I've had the privi- in Annapolis in November, 2006 of items you can enter on the On- lege of seeing this close up on the non- where the discussion on the final day line entry form is now restricted to spinnaker course at our Annual One was how to get more sailors on the wa- single digit, so it is now impossible Design Regatta for most of the last 10 ter. One question we were asked was to enter a number larger than 9. If years. Kyle Swenson was obviously a "how do you compete with soccer and you must have 20 tee-shirts, or 12 comer based on what I saw last year other sports"? One mother answered "that's easy, my family know what they dinner tickets, you can increase the when he edged out two ladies, one his mother, sailing a Laser Radial. This are going to do each summer, that's number using Change Quantities year he went on to beat all but three sail". It may not always be as easy as feature on the payment page. Peo- adults in the Laser District 11 champi- that for some families particularly if ple who mistakenly pay for more onships; compete results for this event they are already going in different di- than they intended to buy will have have been posted on the club web site. rections. But if you pay for a member- the 5% credit card charge that Anthony Kupersmith was our last Jun- ship in a club with great facilities and a FBYC has to pay deducted from ior to place so well in this event when good Junior program it makes no any refund!! (Wondering why? Just it was sailed at Hampton YC sense not to use it. Come join in, you ask us how much the most recent some seven years ago; unhappily he will be get a warm welcome, all the customer error cost FBYC!) sails on the northern Bay but was with help you could possibly want, and I us for the first Summer Seabreeze Re- doubt you'll ever regret it. By David Hazelhurst Home Page redesign – the gatta in June. F o r t u- board approved the concept of re- nately for our Jun- Just chillian moving all but the latest results iors we start them from the home page and putting off as Opti Kids themon a More Results and Photos with their parents on Chilcoot page – which has now been done. alongside them in Hopefully it will be easier for read- the water for two ers to see the latest news postings days; what better and the links to register for the start?As they next 10 events. move on to our extended race pro- Crew Finder – Next is a rework gram and travel to other clubs, both of the Crew Finder – to make it on the Bay and fur- more useful to both skippers and ther afield, they are crew. We plan to offer skippers to supported by a ability to add themselves as “Desir- cadre of par- SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 6 Junior Program FBYC Juniors Round Out Another Great Season High Points standings are not yet zards Bay. In the Optimist, we’ve he last of the dog days of calculated, it’s clear we have a seen Alex Jacob, Ben Buhl and Aus- summer give us the oppor- strong group of both Optimist and tin Powers consistently break the tunity to reflect back on a Laser Radial sailors that consis- top five at Bay events and the top T great junior sailing season. tently finish above the tenth and 100 at Nationals. Up and coming Already it seems just like yesterday often the fifth positions in Bay re- sailors Kendall Swenson, Erin Ja- that we were breaking the boats out gattas. We’re also seeing some of cob, Graeme Alderman and Alex- for spring practice and making our Optimist sailors graduate up ander Hanna are also making their preparations for Optimist Team into the Laser Radial class includ- forays into the top ten at many Bay Trials and high school sailing. ing Madeleine Alderman and Mary events as well. This year we fielded Since then, we’ve covered a lot of Catherine Buhl. Already, Made- two Team Racing Teams at the ground – and water and the fruits leine has turned in a 2nd in the USODA Nationals in New York. of our efforts are evident in the Junior Olympics held in Hampton, The Gold Team Team, consisting of FBYC junior team’s race results and VA. Returning Radial sailors Kyle Alex Jacob, Ben Buhl, Austin Pow- fond memories of summer days Swenson, Michael Keene and Cori ers and Kendall Swenson qualified spent on the water. With three Radtke continue to turn in strong from a larger field of teams early in teams active, the achievements of performances in Bay regattas and the series and finished sixth over- these kids are almost too numerous in large regional events in the all. The Silver Team, consisting of to list individually but there are northeast. This season Kyle turned Graeme Alderman, Erin Jacob, some key highlights that are exem- in a 6th at the Junior Olympics in Conrad Roos, Eric Roos and Alex- plary. Although this year’s CBYRA Island Heights and an 8th at Buz- ander Hanna, wound up in second

FBYC Juniors “making a meeting” at Nationals

FBYC 2008 Optimist Race Team – USODA Nationals Front (L-R) Alex Jacob, Alexander Hanna, Graeme Alderman, Kendall Swenson, Eric Roos. Rear (L-R) Austin Powers, Ben Buhl, Conrad Roos, Erin Jacob, Damian Saponara (coach).

FBYC Juniors Team Racing in NY John C. Riley, Ben Buhl, Austin Powers, Will Ferrell SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 7 Junior Program side of our team . We hope to have them continue with us in the Spring.

Ricky Bobby and Cal Naugh- ton, Jr. Meet Austin Powers and Ben Buhl Yep, those aren’t cardboard – they’re the real item! After a couple of hard days of team rac- ing at the USODA National Team Racing Regatta in Westhampton, NY, FBYC junior Optimist team members Austin Powers and Ben Buhl went for a day’s so- journ in the Big Apple to take in the sights when by happenstance they bumped into two of their favorite denizens of the big screen Will Ferrell and John C. Riley. Will and John were lounging in front of a hotel on FBYC sailors Ben Buhl and Austin Powers present Broadway after screening an in- the FBYC Burgee to Cabrillo Beach YC, CA at terview for the Today Show USODA National Development Team Practice about their new film Stepbroth- ers. Ben and Austin found them- selves face to face and chatting with these guys like old lost bud- in their division after a hard fought their first USODA National Devel- dies and even got invited for this im- series. However, the Optimist opment Team practices held at promptu photo shoot. It goes to show team’s greatest accomplishment Cabrillo Beach, CA. These young you never know what you’ll find on the this season was that all nine sailors men spent four days practicing streets of the big City. Austin, Ben as that competed in the championship hard with great coaches and excel- well as parents Eric Powers and Mary division at Nationals qualified for lent sailing conditions to build their Buhl floated on through the City after- USODA Team Trials which will be skills to a higher level. We hope to wards to taking the usual favorites in- held in the Spring of 2009. Of see them continue sailing into the cluding Central Park, FAO Schwartz, these, three made the top 100 in- winter and spring at other National the subway, the Empire State Building and of course the Big Green Lady. Is cluding Alex Jacob (40), Austin Team events. One of our other this sailing too? Powers (57) and Ben Buhl (63). great accomplishments at Nationals This is a Fishing Bay first and gives this season was that we fielded a our team the opportunity to go the Green Fleet team consisting of next level in the spring. Austin Hanna Steadman and Claire and Ben have just returned from Lennarz. This was the first Na- Austin and Ben meet tionals THE BIG GREEN f o r t h e s e LADY young ladies a n d w e w e r e proud t o h a v e t h e m repre- s e n t the up a n d com- i n g SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 8 Racers Edge One Design… some don’t realize. When you see sail. The only problem was that tables set up, coffee made, a deco- after almost two hours, the race design ration on a wall – someone committee could still see the planned it and did it. We had 80 boats. he 69th Annual One De- people volunteering, and making As the sun was setting, the sign is now behind us. new friends, for 86 boats to race. full moon was rising, and with the T Kudos to our Event Chair, I’m a numbers guy but I’m not clear skies, visibility was excep- Noel Clinard. I was going to say sure exactly what that ratio means. tional. It was a perfect evening for “hats off to Noel” but I know Noel But I do know it looks like a lot of a sail, except for the wind. A cou- would try to figure out how to re- spirit. ple of skippers considered drop- sell those hats. We had 86 boats, We have the Fall Series ping their anchors as the effects of 10 different types, participating. and Indian Summer/Sail Against current negated any gains being On Saturday we had fluky winds. SIDS coming up. Please especially made with the wind. But, perse- The lack of or shifty little wind on try to make it to the latter. It’s a verance paid off as they were re- Sunday forced some classes to good cause and I’m sure Matt and warded with a nice 8 knots of spend 2 ½ hours floundering A.L. Braun will make it a great day breeze a little after dark bringing around before races were can- of racing and onshore events. all boats home before 0430 hrs., celed. A good call. See you on the water. Sunday morning. The race standings are Tom O’Connell Brad Davis, Blade Runner, posted online. One Design Division Commander was the first boat to finish and I would like to take this took the A fleet honors. In the time to thank all of the volunteers ONLY ONE RACE combined B/C fleet, David who made this possible. Thank Hinckle, Elancer, took the first, you. LEFT IN DISTANCE with Eric Powers, Nereid, and Special thanks go out to Brad Miller, Schiehallion, taking the leaders who assumed respon- SERIES second and third respectively. sibility for a share of the event. Commodore Ric Bauer, Desper- Our race chairmen were Rick ado, won the Non-Spin race, with Klein, David Hazlehurst and Joe t 1400 hrs., August 16, 11 George Burke, Reveille, taking Roos. Patricia Montague and brave Offshore skippers second and Doug Anderson, Red A and crews set off into an Cathy and David Clark headed up Sky, third. almost breathless afternoon, hop- the registration. Saturday night’s The Wolf Trap Race, the ing to beat the time limit and dinner was led by Arthur and final race in the 2008 Long Dis- Betsy McCray and Meg Clinard, claim honors in this year’s Smith tance Series, will be held on Sat- the Event Chairman’s wife, took Point Race, the fourth race in the urday, September 13. five-race Distance Series. As the care of Saturday and Sunday’s -Mike Dale breakfast. Durwood and Deborah seven Spinnaker boats headed Usry did the apparel sales while North on the “B” course and the Mike and Amy Miller organized N o n - S p i n the bar. Under a subsection of the b o a t s bar, John and Maury Hubbard headed East made Margaritas. We couldn’t on the “C” have gotten our boats in the water course, the without Doug Anderson’s logistical race com- talent with the tractors. And of mittee sat course someone has to clean up for almost after everybody. Ed O’Connor’s two hours, crew took care of this. Sunday e n j o y i n g night you wouldn’t have known the beauti- there was a major regatta that f u l a f t e r- weekend. n o o n a n d It’s amazing how much be- w a t c h i n g hind the scenes work is done that t h e b o a t s SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 9 Cruzen Corner call 804- 754-1407. See that at- Chaired by Jane and Vic DeNunzio. September 6 - 7: tached draft cruise schedule Please register at or CAPTAIN’S CHOICE CRUISE [email protected] September 27-28: or call 804-512-0110(C). ime for another “gone-with- RACE TO THE CRAB FEAST the-wind” cruise. We will T rendezvous off the entrance Grog Cruise of July 19/20 to Jackson Creek to parts meeting For the last 4 years, we have By John Koedel, III the general approval of all partici- had a Crab Feast at the end pants. Be sure your boats are F of our Fall Cruise at the Depending on when you stocked for a weekend of fun, frolic, Fairport Marina and Restaurant in left, you either motored from Jack- and camaraderie. Join us Friday Reedville. This year several boats son Creek to Little Bay or you had a evening at our home in the Coves at will make this the last port on the nice sail with building wind and Wilton (207 Oyster Cove Landing) Northern Bay Fall Cruise, so we rollers. Either way, we got there for a discussion of possible destina- should have a good turnout. And, and found a nice anchorage. Pha- tions over coffee, desert, and we hope that several more boats ros (Ted & Myra Bennett) and drinks. Contact Don and Ann will join in the fun for this week- W i c k w i r e a t Wrinkled Sheets (Ed & Diane [email protected] or end. The Crab Feast will be on O’Connor) rafted together while 804-512-3232. Saturday evening beginning at Ishky Baha (John & Kara Koedel) 1830. Cocktails will be on the anchored separately. In total, there September 13-23: docks prior to dinner. were an additional 5 kids along. NORTHERN BAY CRUISE Fairport’s owner, Roy We played on shore and Headley, is a local crabber. This some of the newbies did some qual- e’re off to the northern may be the reason the crabs served ity exploring. All the while, gather- Chesapeake Bay with are the best and biggest and cooked ing wood for the bon fire later that W Rockhall, MD, as our to perfection. In any case, if you night. After a good day on the final destination. We’ll have a great are not a “picker,” you can eat off of beach, we retired to the designated combination of sailing, motoring, the menu or the seafood buffet. happy hour vessel, Pharos, where anchoring and rafting for cocktails Docking at the marina is easy and we “spliced the main brace” with and dinners on-board. Likely ports relatively inexpensive ($0.80/ft. some Pusser’s Pain Killers. At the of call will include Solomons, An- last year). It is an easy 20 nm trip same time the kids et al enjoyed the napolis and possibly a trolleyor bus when the wind is not howling out of community appetizers. ride to Chestertown, MD. Addi- the north going or the south return- Back to our vessels for din- tional cruise details will be pub- ing. So plan to sail to this event ner on our own, ranging from hot lished in the Log and at the website and enjoy a fun afternoon and eve- dogs to steak. As the sun was about in advance of this event. Register ning to set, we once again took the beach for this event at or Details including the cost head and organized a grand bon contact [email protected] or for the dinner will be sent via email fire. Many s’mores were had, some soon. with sand. Still, none were bad. As ! the flames dwindled down from the last remaining scraps of wood we found during the day, we enjoyed the full moon as it rose in the east blazing the waters for our safe re- turn to our bunks for the night. It turned out to be a great weekend. Sorry you missed it. SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 10 SPECIAL EVENTS Annual One Design Regatta Success By: Noel Clinard, Event Chair cro fiber designs had not been cured fully by the manufacturing process so the black ink in the de- signs bled, resulting in a “partial regatta wear re- call” by the Event Chair. If you have found that your regatta wear ink bled, you may return it to Noel Clinard at his address in the Year Book and obtain a full replacement. Please be sure to attach your name and address to the returned garment. Despite the light and shifty winds, awards were made across all the classes, including each and every Opti sailor who participated. The full results are available on the club website, but class winners were: Flying Scot - David Neff, Front Runner - Bobby Phillips, Mobjack - Len Guenther, Hampton One Design - Latane Montague, Alba- core - Robert Bear, San Juan 21 - Hans Lassen, 420 - Tony Protogyrou, Laser - Erich Hesse, Laser Radial, Laser Radial Junior, Laser Radial Junior On August 9-10, FBYC held its 69th Annual Girl’s - Madeleine Alderman, Opti Blue and Opti One Design Regatta. Over 80 boats attended includ- Overall - Graeme Alderman, Opti Red - Conrad Roos, ing four 420s, six Albacores, twenty-three Flying Opti White - Stephen McCray, Opti Green - Luke Scots, nine Front Runners, seven Mobjacks, four Hayes. Hampton One Designs, twelve Lasers, five Laser Ra- This regatta was made possible by a massive dials (including four Juniors of which three were club member volunteer effort other than that men- Girls) and thirteen Optis (of Fleets, two were Red, tioned above. Registration was led by Cathy and seven were Blue, four were White and one was Green). David Clark and Patricia Montague. Breakfast was Joining the regatta for the first time were four San provided by Meg Clinard. Bar ticket sales and bar Juan 21s, led from afar by FBYC’s Mike Chesser. The tenders were organized by Mike and Amy Miller. The Mobjacks combined the Event with their 2008 Na- boats were smoothly launched byfour shiny new John tional Regatta, beginning early on Friday for a three Deere and MasseyFerguson Tractors driven by a crew day championship regatta for that class. of volunteers under the direction of Doug Anderson The regatta was sailed on three courses with and clean-up was handled by a group of Cruisers led separate Race Committees chaired by Rick Klein, by Ed O’Connor, Cruising Division Commander. David Hazlehurst and Joe Roos. The Albacores, 420s, Thanks to them and the other volunteers filling over Lasers, Radials, and the Optis, sailed in the Pianka- 104 volunteer positions with over 80 persons serving tank River and in Fishing Bay both days, with Sunday multiple roles for making the regatta a success.. having a light thermal breeze. The Flying Scots, Front Runners, Hamptons, Mobjacks, and San Juan 21s were able to race only on Saturday in light and radi- cally shifty winds in Hills Bay, but were becalmed throughout the day Sunday, precluding a single start. Right on its own perverse schedule, a thunderstorm passed to the South and a massive sea breeze kicked in just as the boats were recovered and blew through the porch with a vengeance throughout the awards. The socializing on Saturday night was en- hanced by the “Brain Freeze” Margarita machine op- erated by John and Maury Hubbard and the splendid Shish-ka-bob chicken dinner purveyed by Arthur and Betsy McCray and their volunteer catering crew. Dis- tinctive regatta apparel was sold by Durwood and Deborah Usry and their crew of volunteers. Later, it was learned that some of the regatta tee shirt and mi- SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 11 FBYC pic-

Opti overall Opti Green Fleet Graeme Alderman, Aiden Toms Luke Hayes

Laser Full Rig Opti White Fleet Brad Squires, Tim Elfenbein, Jon Deutsch, Erich Stephen McCray, Ellie Whitmore, Hannah Hesse, David Hazlehurst (PRO) Steadman

Opti Red Fleet Opti Blue Fleet Conrad Ross

Graeme Alderman, Will Whitmore, Aidan Toms, Eric Roos, Alexander Hanna IV, Demetra Protogy- rou, Hanna Richardson

Front Runner Flying Scott Bobby Philips, Chris Rouzie, Mike Karn, Lori Moyer David Neff, Harry Carpenter, Hans Noordanus, Mike Miller, Andrea Latell SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 12

FBYC Events

September 2008

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capt. Choice Laser Msters

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Capt. Choice Wolftrap Laser Msters Norther Bay Pumpkin Patch

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Northern Bay Cruise Fall Series 1 Falls Series 2

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Northern Bay Cruise Fall Series 1 Fall Series 2

Race 4 Crabs

28 29 30 1 2 3 4 Northern Bay Key Cruzen One-design Offshore Race 4 Crabs FBYC Events Junior Falls Series 3

San Juan 21 420 US/Eastern Time Zone Page 1/1 Hans Lassen, Michael Chesser, Don Olive, Mike Robinson

Albacore Bob Bear, Daphne Byron, Ernest Ayukawa, Marty Minot SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 13

FBYC Tradewinds For Sale (2 boats): 18ft. Hobie nished and equipped, ready for turn- Cat. Trailer included. $2,650.00. For key occupancy; HVAC and CATV; long Sale: Byte Sailboat. Great shape! term rentals only; $13,000 per year, Burgees For $1,750.00. Call Arthur Wilton 776-7211 plus utilities; available November 15. cell 804-815-9233. Noel Clinard 804 788 8594, For Sale: J24. Completely race [email protected] Sale ready. Full job including hard ep- For Sale: 1982 Columbia 8.3 Prices include shipping & oxy bottom, template keel and rudder "Free Enterprise" owner seeks a mem- handling. job and top deck restored in 2002, dy- ber to buy 1/2 share in partnership in form wire shrouds with calibrated turn- the boat. 27 ft. on the W. Pier. SIZE COST buckles with quick adjust wrench, Max Roomiest 27 ft. boat around. Asking J headstay, thru bar spreader, mini- $5,000. Call Ric Anderson 804 814- XSmall 8”x 12” $20 mum length mast, Carl’s custom , 5866 or Eliot Norman 804 721-7851. Small 10” x 15” $23 8:1 outhaul system, 8:1 cascade vang, For Sale: J24. 1984. new running rigging, stereo, new bat- Racing and cruising sails. $6,500. Medium 12” x 18” $26 tery, sail comp with remote countdown Contact Corell Moore, 804-282-5916 Large 16” x 24” $32 timer, new , all other sail in aver- or [email protected]. age condition. Asking $12,999 Contact For Sale: 9’- Boat U.S. In- X-Large 24” x 36” $70 Jason Angus at [email protected] flatable. Marine plywood transom, seat or 804-363-2102. and floorboards, oars and bow bag. For Sale: "Queen Mary," 36 ft. Inflatable keel. All wood bright and Make checks payable to Alden Trawler, traditional all wood recently varnished. Tows very well. FBYC. cabin,teak decks, berths and baths fore Asking $300. Call Don Wickwire, P.O. Box 29186 and aft, wonderful, comfortable, hand- 804-512-3232 or some yacht for cruising down the river e-mail, [email protected]. Richmond, VA 23242 in style. See at Urbanna Harbor, slip 34, For Sale: LIFESLING 2 man or call Chip and Mary Buxton @ (804) overboard system. Brand New. Box For Rent: Chesapeake Watch 758-3287. never opened. Sells for $109.99 at Townhouse. Two/three BR, 2 Bath, For Sale: $10k worth of J24 sails West Marine. Yours for $95.00. Con- Kitchen. Decks off Kitchen and MBR. for only $5k, plus receive a free tact: Larry Cohen 804-694-7746 Three miles from club. $1000/WEEK, boat! Sails and boat are in great condi- For Sale: Opti. Light use for No pets. Tom Ministri. tion. Contact Keith at 804-514-4397 or two seasons. Asking $950. Call Jim [email protected]. [email protected] Morrison @ 804-304-8801. For Sale: J24 US3208. Race For Sale: 1981 Beneteau First 33 For Sale: 1 slightly used ready. New running rigging. Two suits “Sur Le Vent” Racer/Cruiser. 13 HP Henri Lloyd dinghy suit, size women’s of sails. Includes new 2006 Triad trailer Yanmar diesel. New Navman Instru- small. $20 1 used Force 10 marine with torflex suspension, free backing ments. Propane stove. New batteries stove, 3 burner oven with broiler. brakes, and other premium upgrades. and overhauled electrical system. New Stove has new burners and new broiler $9900.00. Contact Brad Squires 757- portlights. Interior renovated over last element, works great. Needs cosmetic 229-6939 5 years. New prop, prop shaft, and spiffing up! $500 obo. Call/email Nica [email protected]. strut. New Awlgrip on hull. Set of 6 or Jeremy Waters, 434 295-1016 or For Sale: Honda 5 HP 4-stroke sails plus spinnaker and pole. Many email [email protected] . Practically brand new extras. Call Paul 804-683-9647 or with Less than 25 running hours. email [email protected]. $1125.00. Contact For Sale: 1996 Freedom 24 Bill Brad Squires 757-229-693 Tripp design racer (est. phrf 170)/thin Do you want to adver- [email protected]. water cruiser (1'9"-6'). Ramp launch, For Charter: Lion's Whelp, Clas- Triad trailer, electric retractable keel, tise your business with sic 83' Elridge McInnis motor yacht. kick-up rudder. Carbon fiber mast and Staterooms for 6 people. Captain, mate, bowsprit, UK large roach main and us? Give me a call or and chef provided. July/Aug. in New self-tacking jib, roller furling, asym- Eng., Sept./Oct. in the Chesapeake, metric spinnaker. 2005 Honda 9.9, send me an email: Apr./May in the Bahamas. electric start/trim w/under 20 hrs. See for de- Deltaville, VA. Major refurbish tails. FBYC members get a 25% dis- ‘05. Bargain at $29,500. Contact count. Contact Jeff Thomas (804-288- Yachtworld for details or Norman [email protected] 2858). Camp, 804-285-0931. For Rent: Waterfront townhouse For Rent: Prime Waterfront H - 739-6062 condo w/3 BR in Jackson Creek Har- Condo overlooking Jackson Creek bor, fully equipped, sleeps 8, $800 per Channel in Jackson Creek Harbor; two month plus utilities and $75 cleaning bedroom, 2 bath, LR, DR with addi- fee, September to May. Contact: 804 tional Murphy Bed, sleeps 6; fully fur- 788 8594 or [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 14

Optimist Girls Demetra Protogyrou, Ellie Whitmore

Laser Radial Madelaine Alderman, Cori Radtke, Thomas Stokes III

J A S B.

888-WMILLPT Sales Gallery and Marina Now Open liveatwindmillpoint.com888-WMILLPT · Equal Housing Opportunity. The Fleete’s Harbor at Windmill Point condominiums have not been registered by the Virginia Real Estate Board. A condominium unit may be reserved on a nonbinding reservation agreement, but no contract of sale or lease may be entered into prior to registration. SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 15 FBYC Showcase Chesapeake Yacht Sales

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