FROM the QUARTERDECK September 2008
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SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 1 FROM THE QUARTERDECK September 2008 id someone say “Let the trips, had a lot of fun with the f u n d s f o r games begin.”? We‘ve Cruising Regatta and will head up our major D been playing all year long the Rappahannock to the Tides Inn. s o c i a l or was all this just practice We conclude the month with FBYC’s e v e n t s for the real challenges? Racing in 14th Annual Stingray Point Regatta and the our 69th Annual One Design Re- chaired by our Off Shore Division four divi- gatta, which hosted 86 boats from Commander, Mike Dale. This too s i o n s o f 10 different fleets in 2 days of light promises to be a solid gold event. sailing pro- air was one of those challenges. The The completion of all these grams develop- event chair, Vice Commodore, Noel events signals September is here ment and expansion. This planning Clinard put together a gold medal and the beginning of “Fall Series” skill is why we can enjoy the exten- team of volunteers like our race racing events plus the notoriously sive racing programs and the most committee team lead by PRO, Rick challenging Wolf Trap race. This beautiful facilities of all the yacht Klein and David Hazlehurst, the also signals the beginning of the clubs around the bay. boat launching managed by Doug Club’s administrative tasks planning The summer may be over as Anderson, dinner provided by Art for our 70th year of activities. As our youth head back to school, but I and Betsy McCray, and the Pool noted last Log, our Past Commo- hope they will still come down to the Pavilion (aka tiki bar ) beverage dore and Member at Large Allan club with their parents on week- servers featuring skippers from all Heyward is the Chairman of the ends. I present a challenge to our the fleets organized by Mike Miller Nominating Committee, which con- young sailors; I would like to see and “Big John” Hubbard with the sists of the current Flag and 3 of the them get involved with our Race Margarita machine. Our thanks go past Commodores. They are Committee Teams. There are inter- out to all the 50+ volunteers who charged with nominating the slate esting and fun days to be had on Mr. earned a perfect score. The Off- of Flag Officers, the 16 members of Roberts learning about the different shore Long Distance Smith Point the Board of Trustees and the 19 jobs on the team, the rules of race race offered a few challenges as well, other Board Chairs that manage the management, and decision making but was blessed with a beautiful full affairs of the Club for the coming process that our good race officers moon and a wonderful sail back to year. We are blessed to have a deep use. This experience, like sailing “F” with a good breeze and calm field of metal winners to work with. itself, is a leadership building op- seas. Our Junior racers have earned If you are interested in being an ac- portunity and a chance to also learn their share of medals this season. tive member of this leadership team about volunteerism. Please contact We can be proud of all of our club please let us know. our Fleet Captain Alex Alvis or Vice Juniors who took full advantage of The Finance Committee, Commodore Noel Clinard to get in- the extended Junior sailing pro- lead by Mason Chapman, begin the volved. gram. The 14 members of the ex- process of developing next year’s Summer may be over, but tended race team racer each ex- budget. Their sound, conservative, the sailing season is far from over. I celled in their performances. Check strategies for the Club’s financial hope to see all of you at the club and out Eric’s Log entry to get all the planning are underpinned with the on the water. details. We hosted the fifth Mid- curtailment of our land debt, maxi- dlesex YMCA learn to sail program mization of the value of each dollar with 16 youth learning about sailing. spent on club maintenance and im- Our Cruisers have enjoyed many provements, plus the allocation of SEPTEMBER 2008• • page 2 FBYC BOARD HIGHLIGHTS AUGUST 2008 Meeting called to or- Scott reported that in a continuing CRUISING DIVISION – Ed O’Con- der at 6:05 p.m. by effort to reduce the web site’s SPAM nor reported that there were three problem, he and Mary Spencer have boats on the Grog Cruise and that 10 Commodore Ric spent time cleaning up data and elimi- boats participated in the Cruise Re- Bauer. nating stale user accounts. Several of gatta. The Leonard Creek Cruise was REAR COMMODORE the “” web mailing lists that do cancelled. Upcoming cruises include Ric Bauer – C. MAYO TABB, JR. not work with moderation have also the Tides Inn Rendezvous, Captain’s been eliminated. Marketing to non- Choice Cruise and a 2-week cruise be- Commodore LOG – Jim Morrison will ask the publisher to members who have signed up for club ginning September 14 organized by send copies of the Log to events was discussed at last month’s Sam Stoakley. The final September the club each month. Board meeting. Strother has prepared cruise is a Race to the Crab Feast in DOCKS – D a v i d a link to that list of people for Ric Reedville. Hinckle reported that the Bauer and George Burke. He asked for JUNIOR DIVISION – Eric Powers dry sail hoist has now feedback from Board members about reported that 16 Juniors have partici- been repaired and that possible changes to the home page of pated in the extended program in Noel Clinnard the club also obtained a the web site. Using a printed sheet of about 12 traveling events. All nine of Vice back-up part. The dry the home page layout, he discussed the Juniors who went to the Opti Na- Commodore sail lot is full unless the each section and got a hand vote on tionals qualified for Spring Trials next club’s trailers are moved whether to keep, move or delete each year. The YMCA Sailing Camp was held elsewhere on the prop- section. By making the changes, the this week at the club. One Junior coach erty. When one of the posted articles will appear higher up on will leave on August 24 and the other larger slips was recently the home page and some of the lists leaves on August 28, bringing an end vacated, David was able now at the top of the page will be ac- to a very busy and very successful sea- to assign the slip to a cessed by a link. son. boat that has been on the OPERATIONS MANAGER – Dixon TROPHIES – A notice requesting Cole has completed the second pump- perpetual trophy nominations will be Mayo Tabb slip waiting list since De- cember 2005. David out for Mr. Roberts. in the September and October Logs. Rear plans to meet with our VICE COMMODORE – R. NOEL Nominations should be sent to Black- Commodore contractor to discuss the CLINARD well Nottingham. extension of the final The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society CBYRA – Tom Roberts reported that one-third of the sea wall. presented a plaque to Fishing Bay CBYRA is now helping clubs promote MEMBER-AT-LARGE Yacht Club for hosting the 10th Leu- and plan their regattas by offering on- – Ric Bauer appointed kemia Cup Regatta. Jere Dennison will line registration through their website. Member-at-Large Allan be asked to find an appropriate place This could become the standard way to Heyward to serve as for the plaque in the clubhouse. Ric register for a regatta. Our club could Chair of the Nominating Bauer advised that there were over 75 use it as a supplement to our own for Committee for the 2009 volunteers for the regatta, including regatta registration for events. U.S. Chip Hall Board. Jay Buhl, Lud many from the cruising and Wednes- Sailing sent a representative to the last Treasurer Kimbrough and Ric day Night groups and even some non- CBYRA Board meeting and reported Bauer will serve on the members. they have applied for a grant from committee with him. Al- OFFSHORE DIVISION – The final Homeland Security to fund a program lan asked that Board major event for 2008 is the Stingray to assist with education of the DHS members who are not Point Regatta. Mike Dale reported he Waterways Watch program that will interested in serving on has lined up a number of sponsors and teach those on the water to recognize next year’s Board relay predictably that he needs volunteers. problems and how to contact authori- that information to him ONE DESIGN DIVISION – Tom ties. This is especially important in the George and he would also appre- O’Connell reported that 73 One Design Hampton Roads area. Burke ciate receiving recom- boats and 13 Optis participated in the PARTICIPATION – David Hazle- Annual One Design Regatta. Total hurst recommended that we look for Secretary mendations for Board positions. revenue exceeded the total expenses ways to improve recruitment of mem- L O N G R A N G E for the regatta. Ric Bauer said he is bers to build fences, paint barns or PLANNING – L u d seeing a new trend in our larger regat- whatever needs doing to supplement Kimbrough will discuss tas in that we either break even or the efforts of those who regularly at- some sections of the make money and attributes this to do- tend the Spring and Fall clean-ups.